Summary: | Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1940.~lCU n \:} COlv.!l',II 'l'T:Q.l'J
J em1b r y 19, 1940
hesolut i on No.1 - Ac c ept1 g ContrH ct ,No . ~ , Pnys icel trai ning Building
Docket tvo . A18bam 'U ,71-F
Ee soluti on 10 . ;;; - Acce,bltine: vontre< ct 1.0 . 1, V,Oillen ' 5 .l.ionr i tory uroup >
Locke.t i.o • .hl tlbcJil/-; 1 ~, 7 ,- - ~
Re.solt:t i on No.3 - AcceJ:.t i yg Contrr,ct l~o . 3, V.o-r-u-€-n-f ~- -C-e. -nter , ."- '--''''---' 1I0Cl{et 1,0 . AlbbCilll& 1:::'7::'- .I!
Hesoluti on No . 4 - .hccept ing ContY-Fct Jw. 1 , Libr E<ry .hduit i ons ,
Docket 10 . Alabf,rr:.a U 76-F
Hf's01ution T:l.o . b - Accel>tir , Con'tr8ct t\o . 1, Inl'i:r!Il::ry bui lo i ng ,
Loci,(E-t 1\0 . J,labf<DlCi 1~ 77 - .lt'
Resoh,t i on No . 6 - :Extension of Ti llie on l.iOCK t J'.J.fl08ffiE. l ~' ?;- -F
\I"omen ' s J.)oI'IlIi 0 y Gr oup
.h.esolu t i OD No . 7 - Lxt~n,ion of Tinl€' on LocKet I~ ' b@hE.l 1~,?3-F'
veterinary Clbs::>r oohl
1es01ution No . 8 - ~~tension of ~ime on Locket hlFbEJa~ 1~75 -F
lreneI'81 Duil(l i IJg
h~sol~tion ~o . 9 - l'~ten~ion of r i mA on ~ocKet 15b£m~ 1~76 - 1 '
Librc-.I-· .Muui t i on
Resol1.:.t i on 1":0 . 10- J->.ccepting the Jmeubtor) urfer on LOCKet hlE-,bhIllE. l}'ni- F
GenerE'l C1as::-room Bui1dil'g
h.eso1uUon .f\Jo . 11 - Accep t ir.g th Amenoctorj 01'fer OIl LOCK.t iilc,u!:iL18 U .. 76-F
Librbr) Adait i on
bE-solut i on No . li:.- Cancelling Cuntl'clct for 'l'ickt:-t :l!ile , ~ocket Alhb&II.'.8 1<:71-li
l' i e1d Hau &6
Hesolution 10. 13- Conf rrine-: AutLori ty on .PrE si~ en t .JUIlCc.n to J! E~ign
8 Registereu oem1rity
Resolut i on ho& 14- Conf'6rriIJg ..huthori t) on .2resic.ent; .J.IunCtll1 to lH;siglJ or
Request PaYll'f:··nt on b ~pecit'ieu l'egibter€Q 0ecu1'i ty
heso1ution ho . 1::)- H.CCFl't.2Ece 01' lLjlliI,ment, Librfcry AUC1ition , i~O. 1::-:76- 1'
.n:esolu tion concerning Jui S~ Orr ' c' el~U st
~~- -------
January 19 , 1940
'I'he meeti ng W1:W celled to order by the .J:'resident Pro Telll.t?ore of 'I'he Alabama
Polytechni c Institute anci on roll c1:l.11 the follouJing answered present :
Messrs . T . D. Samford , C. S. Culver, Jno. V. Denson, H. D. Merrill.
Absent: Governor :Brank M. Dixon, Messrs . Victor H. Hanson, F . W. Hare.
The members named cons titute all of the members of the Executive Comrmbttee
of the Board 01' Trustees of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute anci those present
constitute a QUorum.
The following resolution was proposed by C. S. Culver and read in full:
-vVl{Eill~:'iili , on February 16, 1939, the ];xecutive Co:m.mi ttee of the Board of Trustees
of '1'he Alabama Polytechnic Institute em;ered into an agreement with Murphy Pouhd
Construction Company, General Contr~::tct or, Columbus, Georgia, for the construction
of a Physical rrraining Building, Contract No.2, Docket No. Ala., 1271-F, for 'the
j:.~abama .?olytechnic Institute, Auburn, A.l&bama , and
vVFlE.IiB.Jl.,3 , all work under thi s contra ct haS been completed by the contra ctors
according to the terms of said contract, and,
iVHE1-ill1.,.;.3 , the Architects have accepted. the Physical Training Building, Contract
No.2, as completed according to the plans , s:pecificaticlll.E, contr,-' ct, 2,nd 8.l/p_oved
change orders,
NOW, TlIEREFOhE , BE IT llliSOLVED, that the Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees of The JUabama Polytechnic Institute, does he::.:eb acce:pt the Physical
Tr8ining Building, Contract No.2, end acknowledge the completion bnd b.cceptance
of the work described in the af ore::~aid contract.
]'ollowing the readine; of the foregoing resoluti on, whic[J. WciS duly discussed, salCl
resolution Wt...S seconded by H. D. Merrill 8nd was adopted with tbe following voting
aye: T. D. Samford, C. S. Culver, Jno. V. Denson, H. D. Merrill .
And the following voting nay: NONE
The President Pro 'Iempore declared said resolution cEo.rriea..
The follow'ing resolution was then introduced and f}rorosed by C. S . Culver and
reCld in full:
WOMEN' C; DOIWIl'l:OhY Cil.OlT.c, DOCKE'I' NO . J..lA. 1272-F
Page 2
Executive Committee
January 19, 1940
VtiBEHEA..S , on Decemoer 20 , 1938, the l!;xecuti ve Commi t-tee of the BOC'.l'd of Trustee.:;
of The Alabama Polytechnic Institute ent81·ed into an agreement with Foster' &
Creighton, Generhl Contractors, Nashville f 'l'ennessee, for the construction of' C'.
Women's Dormitory Groul' kno·wn as Contrcct No.1, Docket JUabt,m::; No. 127:::;- F, fo:c
rrhe Alabama Polytechnic Institute , A.uburn , A1.auC:llv3. , ana
Wlill':L" , all work underdlis con1,r'C1ct h;s been completuu by ·Lhe contrflcto .1.5 acco.l. &ine;
to the terms of said contr[~(;t, and
V'I'FlEIIEFS , the ArchitlB'cts have accepted the Women' s Dormitory Group, Contri:<ct No . 1,
::3..3 completiOd according to the plans, specifications, contract, and approved change
NOVi, TREIU!..FO.HE, BE IT hESOLVED" that the Executive COIrh"1li ttee of -cpe Board of
Tru ~teeG of rrhe Al abc.m8 Polytechni c Insti tute, does hereby accept the Women' s
Dormitory Groul_, Con-cract No. 1 c~nd c'(;l(noT.lecCf- tbe cornl)letion f;nQ accept<'lnce
of' the work descviued in the eforesaid contrae"'.; .
Follo\'.'ing the l'eacanv of the foreeoing resolution, which was du13' discussed , said
resolution V!U" seconded by H. D. Merrill and \,!,,'8,ci. VJi tt ·Lhe voting
aye: T. D. Samford, C. S . Culv8J.·, Jno . V$ Densorl , H. D. lVler~~ill .
And the following votine; nay: NONE
The President Pro Temyol·e declc red said resolution carrieo. .
The following resolution Vle;.,s then pro1)08eo by C. S . Culver BIll} reed in full:
l{!:l;SOLU'TION NO. 3
WQi:,IEN' S GEN'l':;"l~ - DOGl;"::,T NO . PlA. 1272-11'
I'vEE1-J!J-,S , on October 12, 19:)9 , the Executive Committee of the B08ro. of TrusteeG of
The AICl.b8Iilf-l Polytechnic Institute entered into an aKreeme n"u with Batson-Cook
Company, Genel'B.l Contro ctOl·S, west POint, Geor;::i&, for the construction of reI,sirs
and al tP.rations of Socit'l Center , Women' s Donni tory G.r'OU.<I, Docket Ala . , No .
1 2 7 ~ -Ji' , for The JUab. ,ma Pol~rtechnic Institute, Auburn , AlauU.TI1Ci,
In-lliREJ S , all work under thi s contrCl ct has been cOl1l.}lleted by the contractors
according to the tel'IllS of ,:::aici contr:-,.ct, end,
WHElill.hd , the ArchitectG have acce1-,ted the viomen' s Center Building, Contrl:lct
No.3, as completed according to the plans, specific&tions, contract, and
al))roved change orden;.
NOV; , TEEr.LT'CL.c;, DE 1'1' IlliSOI..Y£D , that the Executive Cornmi ttee of the Boare. of
Trustees of The Alabanl":; £lolytecnnic Institute, does heL'eby ac(;e~t the Women' s
Center Building, ContrL ct No.3, and acknmlIedge the completion and acceptance
of the work described in t he aforesaid contrHct .
Following the I'ee.ding of the foregoing resolution , which was duly discussed,
said resolution Wa[l seconded by H. D. Merrill and \,.8S buopteu. v;i tll the follov'iing
voting aye: 'I' . D. Samford , C. S . Cuh~er, Jno. V. Dens('111, H. D. Merrill.
And the follov, ing voting nay: NONE
'rhe President Pro Tem}Jore cieclAred sa i d reeolution carried .
Pa[e 3
Execut i ve Corm,Ii ttee
Janu8.ry 19, 1940
'1'he following r8soJution Vias then .!Jro90sed by C. s . GUlVC:ll' ClIj(J recH.! in full :
A .rillSOLU'HON ACCE.!.YJ.'IN(~ CON'l'Rf.CT NO . -L
i·.HE1~Ji:J..S , on December 20 , 1938, the Executive COnll[li ttee of' the Botu'd of'
Trustees of The JUubi::l.lTl8 Polytechnic Institute e ntered into an hf, r eement wi th
B!t.'ice Building Company, General Contract.or, Birming ham, AlA~)mlla , for the
construction of Library Addition s , Contr8ct No.1, Docket No . Ala., l276-F,
f or' The Alao8ma Polytechnic Im,titute, Au tJUrn , AlatK1me. , and
1iv1iEJJ!Ji.0 , all work under this contrll (;t hUB been completed uy the contractOl's
a ccorQing to the terms of' said c:ontrEtct t
aTIli ,
V{HEriEh') J the Architects have accept eo the Li brb,ry Ad.di tions , Gontr~ c..:t No . 1 ,
as completed according to the ~l Fi n8 , specifications , contract , and aFproveCl
change order's ,
NOI'" THEliliFOM, BE I'l' lill:::OLVL:D , tlwt the Executive Gorruni ttee of the BoarQ of
'';:rustees of 'lihe Alab8ma Polytechnic Ins ti tute , does hereby a ccelJl, the i..ibrc1ry
Addi tions , Contract No.1, and acknowlede e '{;he completion r:t nd. Cl ccept a nce of
the work descri ·oe ci. in tbe afo r esaid contra ct .
Following the r eading of the foregoing r8soltct.i on, 'which Waf; duly di8cu8sed,
said resolution Vias s econded by H. D. Merrill and was ado.tlt ed wi t h the f ollowing
voting aye : '1' . D. Samford , C. S . Culver, Jno. V. Denson, H. D. MerrilJ .
A.nd the following votin€,; nay: NONE.
'lhe President Pro 'llemllo}'e declar-ed saie. .l'esolution carri en.
'I'he following resolution was then proposed by C. S . Culvel' e.nd rec;d in full :
t_ .tlliSOLTYl'ION .1,-CChP'l)Il~G GON.LiI\.r' C'l' NO . 1
INFI.r11w·S £lUILDING, VOCICJ;~ii. NO. J~Jii. 12.'17-F
v,r:::LcL,:" on December 22 , 1938 , the Board 01' 'l'rus tees of 'rhe Al1'lbama
Polytechnic Institute entered into an bgreement with Batson-Cook Company,
General Contractors , West .point, Georgia, 1'01' the construction ot an InJirmar;y
Builciing , Conl.r E.ct No.1, Docket No . Ala . l277-F , for The j:.~abElma Polytechnic
Inst i tute , Auburn , illaouma, and
v'v1-llirtk~o , all work under t.his contract hc .. i.:i been compl eted by the contre:.dol's
ac cording to the t erms of saia. contract , and
Vi~nl<AB , the Archite cts have acc8,fH d the IntirmoJ'y Building, Contra ct No . 1,
Page 4
Executive Cownittee
January 19, 194U
as completed according to the plans , specifica tions, contrbct , and approved
change order s,
NOW , TFJEhJ!..IOli..rc" L.1 I'l' kESOLv.ri:D , that the Exec:uti ve Connui ttee of the Board of
'Trustees of The Alabama Polytechnic Institut e, does hereby accep'L the Infirm.81'Y
Building , vontra\..,t No.1, and a cknowled,:;:,e t he completion and acceptance 01' the
work escribed in t he afol'esaid contrbct .
}<'ollowing the reading of' the fOl'egoing resolution, which was duly discus sed,
said resolution was seconded by H. D. Iferrill and. was adopted Vii th tbe followine;
voting aye : T. D. Sami', C. s . Culver, J·no . V. Denson, H. D. Merrill.
And the i'o110wing voting nay!. NOlI)},
The Presiuent Pro Tempol'e decla l'ed said resolution carried .
'l'he following r e solution was then pro.J:.losed by C. S . Culver and reud in full:
F~SOLlfrI ON NO . 6
DOCICl£T ALAB111..,. 1272- :F'
WI1Eill!.:'.:;s , The :Federal Emergency Administration of Public Wor'ks ha<.; fixed
Octo uer 28 , 1939, for the completion date of the Women' s DOl"lni tOl'Y Group,
Docket Alabama l272- F , on the camyus of the Alaoemr-:.. Polytechnic Institute , and
Wr.llil~~0 , it i s apvarent tha t the above named 'project could not be com~let e d
on the date specif'ie'd in the Offer for t he f'ollowing reasons :
1. The original offer gave only ten months for the completion
of the pro ject.
2 . The maBni ~ ud e of the project was such that when actual
construction began it became apparent to the architect",
and the contractor that t lJe construction woulu re 'iuire more
time than they haa estimhted .
3 . The work was delayed when cylinders taken from pours did
not meet the tests l'e\;uil'ed by specifications . 'J'he cons'Cruction
of walls w[..s held U l) for a cons i dera ble period
pending laboratory tes1,s of concrete specimeru; from the
footil16s, and
wllEln::fhS , it i R the opinion of t he architects and the contrl:1ctoI' that
December 27, 1939, was a reasonalil.e comllletion date for the project .
BE 11' RESOLViW BY 'l'fIE Ex-J;;CUrIVE COM1\1I'l'T~E O}<' TIill BOAr,]) OF T'rtU::'TEES OF
TEE ALABlJ.vW. POLYT.l!:CHNIC INSTITTYl'L ; that Luthel' Noble Duncan, President
of said Institute, be , and he i s hereby authorized to request the }l'eder~l
Administration of Public'Works f or all extension of time for the completion
of Docket Jllabama l272- t until Decemoer 27, 1939.
Following the rea ding of the foregoing resolution, which was duly discussed ,
said resolution was seconded by H. D. Merrill and was adollted with tbe f'oll owing
voting aye : '1' . D. Samford, C. S . Culver , Jno. V. Denson, H. D. lJ1e.crill.
And the following voting nay: NONE
.Page 5
Executive ,COIfUlli ttee
J anuary 19, '194U
The Pres i dent Pro'rempore declered sai d resolution carried .
The following resolutian was then praposed by C. S . Culver anQ recid in Full :
DOCKET Al.J.wAMA l27" -F
j'dfr.'1lli.kS , The Federal Emergency Administratian 0.1' Public Viio r.l\.s has fixed
December 30 , 1939, for the comJ,lletion date 0.1' the Veterinary ClE:.ssroom and
Labaratary BUiluing , Docket Alaobma li:"~ 7 3 -1! ' , on the campus 0.1' the Alabama
Polytechnic Insti tu'te , and
Mllir.EHS , it i s aJ,lpal'ent that the abave n1:lJlled proj ect cannat be campleted
on the uate speci fied f a r the fallowing reasons :
1. The constructian wah divided into' t wa contracts, the first
of which was f or the baseillent and f oot in' 8 and the second
far the suyerstl'Ucture .
2 . 'l'he contract far construction of basement and faotings was
campleted an M.ay 25 , 1939 , whereas the apPl'oval of the contract
for the superstruct ure did na.t occur until August 2 , 1939 .
3 . Any cons tI'Uction Vriar to' final a.tJlJroval by the PWA would
have been upon the respansibility of the institutian and
thel'e w,--,s s ome dou'u'G tiS to when the final approval wauld.
occut, thus delaying the beginning of canstruction of the
superstructure , and
WHI!.;RBJhS , the cam)letion date of the contract of' the superstructure was
of nece ssity fixed beyand the project completian date alS set ouL in the
Offer , a nd
\JHEE.£..i,B , the p.L'esent state of constructian due to the abave Ctiut;es is
such t hat although the comyletion dat e is past the building ca nnot be
completed for s ome time to came, and
WlillRLJ3 , it is the opinian of the archit e cts and the cont r a ctor t ha't
April 1 , 1940, i s a reasonable completian date for the proj e ct.
BE IT riliSOLVlill BY T:H:h hlJ .. c.:U'l'IVE LOMMIT'l'E:b: OF' THE BOiu . D OF 'l'HUST.1l!:S 0]
TH1~ ALA&IMH. POLYT1,CHlIJIC INSTlTU'1'1!: ; that Luther Noble Duncan, President
0. 1' the said Insti tute , be , and he i s hel'eby autharized to' re 'iuest the llederal
Administratian of Public Vjorks tor an extension of tlme for the completion
0.1' Docket Alabama 1 273-F unt il April 1, 1940 .
Follawing the reading of the f oregoi ng resolutian, which was duly discussed ,
said resolution was secanded by H. D. Merrill a nd was adopted Viii th the fallowing
voting aye : T. D. S1::l1Hi'ord , C. S. Culver, Jno. V. Deneen, H. D. Merrill.
And tbe f ollowi ng voting nayl> NONE
The Presi dent Pro Tem}1ore declared sai d resolutian carri e d .
Page 6
Executive Oommittee
January 19, 194u
'rhe following resolution was then IJro]Josed by C. S . Culver and read in full:
RES01U'J.'ION NO . 8
DOCKET Al.JIJ:W..ivIA 1275-Y
W"l:llil®;.s , 'l'he federal Emergency Administration of Public Works hal:l fixed
December 30 , 1939, for the comf,letion date of the General C18ssroom Building,
Docket Alabam<i 1275- ] ', on the campus of t he AlabG1Tl.a Polytechnic
Institute, and
V~llif~S , it is apparent that the above named project cannot be com]Jleted
on the date specified for the following reasons which have caused unavoidable
(' 1.. 'rhe construction was let in two contracts, the first
of which was for the footings and the se cond for the
sU9srstructure .
2 . In order that construction might begin prior to
January 1, 1940, there was unavoidable deley in the
~re para tion of' the plilans and specifications for a
structure of this siL:e.
3. A delay in the preparation of plans and specifications
caused a delay in the awarding of contract No . 2,
delaying the beginning of actual construction until
May 19, 1939, and
Wml-iliAB, the present state of construction due to the above causes is
such that although the completion date has passed, the building cannot
oe completed for some time to corns, and
WHEh:J!J,S , it is the opinion of the architects and the contractor that
April 1, 1940, is a reasonable completion dat.e for the building , if
it is to become a useful project,
BE IT ~.:r..;SOL\-.bD By 'L'HE J:!:XEGlJTIVl!. COMr,u'l''l'EE OE 'IflE.t30.,.,lcD OE' 'l'.i:tUSfI'~ES
OF THE iJ~J3AMA POLY'l'}'CHNIC INSTITUTE; th&t Luther Noble Duncan, President
of said Institute, be, and he is hereby authorized to re ~uest
the Federal Administration of Public Works for an extension of time for
the completion, of Docket JUaburna 12'7:::>- F utltil April 1, 1940.
Following the reading of the f OJ.'egoing resolution, which was duly
discussed, said resolution was seconded by H. D. Merrill and was adopted
with the following voting aye: H • . D. Merrill, T. D. ,samford, G. S. Culver,
, Jno. V. Denson.
And the following voting nay: Ne~
The President Pro Tempore declared said r esolution carl'ied.
The following resolution was then proposed by C. S. Culver and read in full:
Page 7
l!;xecutive Co~ittee
J a nuary 19, 194U
DO ("1Q;l' .ALAW-liViF_ 1276-F
WHEfu--.:J.:uS , The Federal l!:mergency Ad:Qj.inistration of' Publi c Works h s fixed
J~ne 20 , 19;)9, f or the completion date of the Library Addition, Docket
Alabtillla 1276-]', on the campus of the AlabWlla Polytechnic Institute, and
WI-lli...RiJ.,S, it i s apparent that the above named project could not )e completed
on the date specified in the Offer for' the 1'ollo'wing reasons :
1. Vlhen the 1'00tings 1'or this s tructure were poured , cylina.el:s
taken from various pours did not meet "Ghe t est re y'uil""ed by
specifivations .
2 . Constrll ction was stopped for a considerable period until
further test s were made and e chan; e order was pproved
lOVlerine the t est required by "the specif'ications .
3 . The work ViaS further de.layed by reason of three chanr;es
by the contractor in s uperintendents a i' construction.
4 . Work was further delayed by numerous rey'uests f or cham:e
order's .
5. The problem of tying the new construction to tha t 01' an
old building re,-!uireQ more time than haa. been conte:mplated
in the Offer, and
WHERr..n0 , for the above r easons it i :::. the opinion of' the ar(;hi l.ects and
the contractor that the project could not have been completed and mude
u sefu l prior to Decem er 12, 1939,
Bl:!: 1'1' .[1.ESOLV~D BY THE .KXECU'l'IvD COl'iIi:;llT'I'l~E OF TI::iE BOAI:W O:F THUS'I'i!;f,S OF
THE P.Lpw_4J:ftA POLYT~~CHNIC INbTI'I'U'l'.J!. ; that Luther Noble Duncan, President
of said Institute, be, a nd ~e i s hereby authorized to re~u est the Federal
Administration of .Public Works f or an extens ion of time f or "the COml)letion
of Docket Alaoama 1276- ]"' until December 1 2 , 1939 .
Folloviing the reading of the foregoing resolution, which was duly discussed,
said resolution was secona.ed by H. D. Merrill and ado.,lJ"t ed with the following
voting aye: T. D. Samfo l-d , C. S . Culver, Jno . V. Denson, R. D. Merrill.
hnd the following voting nay: NONE
r1'he Presi dent Pro 'rempore decl ared said resolution carri8d .
'I'he f ollowing resolution was then proposed by C. S . Culver' and read in full :
Ol!}'Iili OF' 'l'HE UNI'1'.c;D S'I'L'l'l!;S TO THE A1Jw.AlVU-\..
POL~ 'l' .i:,CHl.'nC IN,3'I'ITUTE TO hID BY WAY OF· GRtI.Nl;
Page 8
Executive Committee
J a nuary 19, 1940
BE 1'1' llliSOLVED BY 'l'HE, ~c.;lj"TlilVE WMIvII'l"fM OJ!' 'I'1lli BOJ,J;D 01> 'l'HU;.:/llo.LS OF T~.E
Section 1. That the .Arnendator~ Offer of the Uni -Led St ates of lUnerica to
the Alabama Polytechnic Institute to a i d by way of g r ant cLnd loan in financing
the construction of a Classroom Building , a copy of which OffeL' reads as
follows , be and the is hereby in all resJ.-lects accept e Ci:
. Public Works Administration
"The Alabama Pol;yt e chni c Ins tit u- e ,
Auburn, Lee County, Alabama .
"Washi ngton, D. C. ,
Dated : Dec. 4, 1939
Docket Ala . 1275-F
"I. Subject to the Terms end Conditions (PWA Form No . 230 , as
amended to the date of this Of1'er) , which are made a part hereof, the
United StLtes of lUnerica (herein called the ' Goverrunent ' ) hereby offel's
to aiCi in financing the construction o f a buildi ng including necessary
e ,~uipment (hel'ein called the ' Project ' ) , by maki ng a gr ant to The Alabama
Pol}~echnic Institute , Lee County, Alabmna (herein called the ' Applicant '),
in the amount of 45 percent of the cost of the Project upon completion, as
determined by t he Commissioner of Public Works (he rein called the ' Commissioner'
), but not to exceed , in any event , the sum of " 79, 200 .
" 2 . By acce1:)tance of this Offe r the Applica nt covenants to complete
the Project with all practicable dispatch , and in any event .by December 129,
.~- 1939 . "\
113 . This Offer i s maCie subject to the express condition that, if
t he Commissioner shall determine at any time thG.t the Applicant h1::l.s paid
or agr eed to pay , whethel' directly or indire ctly , a bonus , commission or
fee to any person, f irm or coryoration f or attempting to procure an approval
of the Applicant ' s appli cation, or f or alleged services in procuring or
in attempting to procure such ayproval , or f or a ctivities of the nature
commonly k nown as lobbying performed in 'connection wi t h the application,
then the Commissioner shall have the right , in his discretion, t o rescind
this Oft'e!' and any agreements resulting herefrom, and. , in t he event of such
reSCission , the United St5t es of America shall be under no i'urthei' obligation
he reunder .
"4. The a ccept a nce of this Offer by the J:.pJ:!li cant shall effectuate
a cancellat ion of the cont r ct created by the a (;ceptance of the Offer dated
December 17 19:35 , made by the United St2.tes of America to the Apylicant :
Provided , that the cancellation of such contract sball not impail' or
vi tiate any a cts performed or proceedings taKen thereunder prior to such
ce.ncellation, but such a cts or proceedings Hl.ay be continued under the contra
ct cre8ted by the a cceptance of t his Off'e,,' .
" UNI'.1.'ion 0'1'. _,~ 0} l-il\/ill_,IC,;'.
"]ede.L'allorks AdLlinis!'rator
"By E. Vi . Clark
Acting Commissioner of
Public Vvorks"
Pa ~e 9
Exe cut ive Committee
J a nuary 19 , ~940
Section 2 . Th t said Alebama Polytechnic Ins titute agrees to abi ue by a l l
the Terms and Conditions of said of'1'e.1' , includiI1.g the Terms a nd Conditions
annexed thereto and made a part the r eof .
Section 3 . That the Secretary of' the Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees of the J\.lab<.:t11l - Polyte chnic I notitute be and he is her eby authori zed
and direct ed forthwith to send to the Federal Works Agency of Publi c Vv or ks
Administr ation three certi fied cop i es 0 1' thi s Resoluti.on and three certified
cop i es of the proceedings of this Execut ive Conimittee of the Board of Trustees
of the Alab2ID6. Polyte chni c Insti tute in connection \ii t.h t __ e C'c,·e .. ,ti. :C.C8 of
sai d offer as may be re.,uested by the Red,enF.0~dmini "tration.
I '. D .- f ord , PI' si ent
Pro Tem~)ore of t he Board of
Trustees of the Alab· Polytechnic
In,sti tute
Followi ng the reudinG of the f'oreooin,; resolution, which Wi:il'5 duly discudded ,
said resolution wa,:> seconded by H. D. Merrill a nd was a dopt ") cl wi th the following
voting a ye : T. D. Sam:ford , C. S . Culver , Jno . V. Denson, H. D. Merrill.
And the foll owin:;s voti ng nay: NONE
The President Pro Teltl ;.,lOre decl:-,recl said r esolution carri ed
The followill6 resolution wa - t hen proposed by C. S . Culver i:J.nd reed in full :
O:F T& lJNIT.~D S'rh.1ES TO 'l'RE jili!iliJ:',M[:,. POLYT'SCHNIC
DOCKt!,'1' ALA. l276-F
BE IT .RI!;SOLVJ:l..D BY Tflli .EX:ECiffIVE COi.Vl1II'l1frJ:t~.J:l~ OF THE BOJiJill Q}l T.8.usrl'.i:.'.,E~'; Q] 'I'm
Section 1. That t he lilllendatory Offer 0 1' the United St e 't8s of 11111eri C:i t o
the Ju a-Jtilll.8. Polytechnic Ins titute to aid by way of gr a nt a nd. l o&n in fina ncing
the construction of a Library Addition, a copy of' which Offer reads as
follows , be and the same i s hereby in &11 resjJ8cts accepted :
"The Alabama Polytechnic Institute ,
huburn , Lee Gounty, _41abame
"Washi ngton, D. C.
Dat6d : Jan . ~ , 1940
Docket No . Al a . 1"=2-=776--=:2- -
"The United States of America hereby offers to amend the contra ct c,real..ed by
Page 10
Executive Eommittee
January 19, 1940
the acceptance by The Alabama Polytechnic Instii tutie, Lee County, Alabama, on
September 29, 1939, of' the Offer by the United States of America and
dated September 16, 1939, oy striking out, in lines 3 and 4 of Paragraph 1
of said Offer, the words tf construction of an addition to a libr:~ry building '
and insertin-6 in lieu thereof the words 'construction ot an addition to and
improvements of a library bUiluing.'
"Ul\J""I'.L'ED S'1\"..'I!'-,':; OF )lVLhi-{I CA
"Fi!.DEPJ\L wORKS .iillMnaS'.L'RA'1'OR
"By E. W. Clark
Acting COimnissioner-of pUblic
Section 2 . 'I'hat said Alabama l)olytechnic Institute agrees to abide by all
the Terms and Conditions oit; said on'e:c , includinG the Terms and Concli tions
annexed thereto and made a part 1:;hereof.
Section 3 . ThA.t the Secretary of the .l:!:xecutive Committee of' the Board of
'l'rustees of the AlaDffiua Polytechnic Institute be and he is .hereby authorized
and directed forthwith to send to the Federal Viorks Agency of Publi c
Works AdministrA.tion three certified cO}lies of thiB Resolution and three
certified copies of the proceediI16s of this Executive Co:mrnittee of the
Board of Trustees of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute in connection with
the a cceptance of' said ofter as may be reQuested by the Federal Works
Administration. 7.""'lJ, r~
T . D. Samford, President
r'ro Telnpore of the Board of
Trustees oi' the Alaoam ?olytechnic
Insti tute
Following the reaalllg of the foregoing resolution, which VI"6..3 d.uly discusseci,
said resolution was seconded by H. D. Merrill and adopted with the follow-:ing
voting aye: '1' . D. Sa.'lli'ord, C. S . Culver, Jno . V. Denson, H. D. Merrill.
And the 1'olloifJing voting nay: NONE
The President Pro Tern ore declared said resolution carried .
The following resolution was then pro20sed by C. S. Culver and r~ad in full:
}!ViA DOCKET ALAbillvlA 1271-F
WHERElhS, on July 14, 19~~9, The Alabama PolytechniC Institute entered into
a contract with the .American Seating COlllpany, Dirmingham Alabama , for a
ticket file to be used in the Physical Training Building, Docket 1271-F.
Wl{KREAS , after the contract agreements haJ been executed , the Athletic
Department realized that it was necessary to have a type of file which the
American Seating COID}any was not i.:!ble to furnish
[ ,
Page 11
Executi ve ,CorrL."'7l.i ttee
J a nua ry 19, 1940
NO~,' , THEllEJ:t'Olhl , BE IT H,ESOLV~D by the BOd,rd of Trustee::> of The Al abama
Polytechnic In·stHute tha t Luther Noble Duncan, Presi dent , be dnd he i s
hereby authorized t o requ e s t of the Federa l Emergency Admini stration of
Public Works that he be allowed to cancel this Contra ct No . 4- 4 , in the
amount of iJ;28G . GG , Docket Alabama l 271- F , complete , Sa,1l8 oeinG agreeabie
"\,i th both parties to '('he contrG.ct .
]'olloNin.iS the redding of the foregoing resolution, which w'as duly di s cussed ,
said resolution was se conded by H. D. Merrill a nd adopted with the following
voting aye: T . D. Samford, C. S . Culver, Jno . V. Denson, H. D. Merrill.
And the followin.s voting nay: NO}E
The President Pro Tempore said r esolution carried .
The followine x'esolution was then pro posed by c. S . Culver and r ec.d in full :
RESOLU'rIOl'l" NO . 13
BO.h.ttD OF ThUi:3TEE~") 0 'l'J-fu ALAi31-llilh . .20Lyr b.,CliNIC
INS'llI'l'lfl.'.c.; CON}.l!;t{h:ING AU'l'HORI'l'"Y: ON DOC'I'On L. N.
DUN CAl'if , PRl!.t3IDEN1' , '10 .n..o0IGN A J:iliGlb'.L' e:ltbD SECURI'l'-y'
BE 1'1.' REbOLv.h.D, by the executive cornmi ttee of the Board of Trustees 01' the
Alab'-:>.f1l8 Polytechnic Inst itute that .1 . N. Duncan, President, 01' such person
as may be d cting as such, i s h ereby authol 'ized ana empowered to sell a nd
assign a certa in United S"tat es security , such security beint,; a gold bond
of a ~p50 . 1j1j denomination, bearing 4:4 percent int el'tJst issued under the
Fourth Liberty Loan a nd beuring the seri a l No. 67 , 760, now or herea'fter
regi stered on the books of the 'llrea:3ury Depart ment and with respect to
which the Treasury Department a cts as the transfer agent , in the name of
t he Alabama Polytechnic Institute , Auburn, Alabama , or which may now or
here ~ft~r be aSS i gned to it .
AND BE 1'1' FURTHE:.a .tlliSO.1VED, tha t any and all ass i g rrments of the above
des cribed security reg i stered in the name of , or aSSigned to, thi s corporation
hereto:tore or here' ft er made by the above - na111ed offi cer , are hereby
rat ified and confirmed .
Following the reading of the l 'oregoing resolution, whi ch was duly discussed ,
said. r e solution vms seconded by H. D. Merrill and. aaollted wi th the i'ollowing
voting a ye : T. D. Samford , C. S . Culv'3r, Jno . V. Denson, H. D. LVlerrill.
And the following voting nay: NOm.:
The President Pro 'llempol.'e declared said resolution carried .
The following resolution was then proposed by C. S. Culver and read in full :
A RESOLUTION BY 'I'BE EXE'<.;lfnVE COivIMI'J:'.l'bL 0}1 T:Hi£
BOJJill 0 THUS'l'~l!;.s m '.l'Illi ALABA.tVLA ?OL·Y'I'.!:..CHNI C
INS'l'I'l'[),l'.b: CUI\J"}'~RHING AU'I'HO~-tIIY ON .1... . N. DUNGAN
.t>RE 'IDlGN'l', TO i-uSSI GN Oh ~.E,NJ£.sT .t"AYi1JENr OF .-J. u; CIFIJ.r.:D
rtEGIS'l..!.l,J.',D .s~CU.tlITY .
Page 12
Execut ive Committee
J anuury 19, 1940
I3E rr RESOLv.lW , liY the Executive COlluni ttee of the Boa:r.'u of Trustees of the
Alablillla .Polytechnic Institute that L. N. Duncan, President , or such person
as may be acting as such, be and he is hereby authorized and empowered to
sell and ass i gn or to re ~uest payment or" the f ollowing described United St ates
security regi stered on the books 01' the Treasury Department , with respect IDO
which the Trea;3ury Department a cts as the trdn.s1·er agency , in the mUlle of,
or assigned to 'llhe Alabama Polyo:.echnic Institute , Auburn, _LUa.bama
Title of Loan Seri al Number Denominb.tion Form of Registr ati on
Jfourth Liberty Loan 62,760 "50 . 00 Ralph F. Boyd 4t % bond of 193 - 38
AND BE IT IURI'BER RESOLVl!;D , that any and all assignments and re \d.U88ts for
payment of the above- described security, heretofore or hereaft er made by
the above-named officers , are hereby ratified and contirmed .
Following the reading of the f oregoing resolution, which wa~ duly dis cussed ,
said resolution was seconded by H. D. Merrill and ado~ted with the following
voting aye : T. D. Samford , C. S. Culver, J no . V. Denl:lon, H. D. Merrill.
An.c1 the following voting nay: NONE
The President Pro Tempore declared said resolution carri ed .
The f ollowing resolution was 'Ghen proposed by C. S. Culver and read i n full :
VVBEREAS , on May l~ t 1939, the Execu"t;ive Committee 01' the Board of
Trustees of The JUabaml:J Polytechnic Inst itute entered into the following
contracts for the delivery and instdllation of e'luipment fot iBhe Library
Additions , Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auklurn, Alabama , under PWA Docket
JU 0."'1'''' 1276- ]'.
James A Head ••. .•• • ••• .••• • • COliJT~i..:-~C'I' NO. 3
Lovemen, J oseph &. Loeb ! •• ••• CONTRACT NO. 2
.j;;1 , 595. 46
194. 61
WHE?..EAS, all work under these contracts has been cOlupleted by the contractors
according to the terms of' said contracts and
WIDJREA..3 , W. T. Ingram, Accountant &. J?urcha.3ing Agent , Alabama Polytechnic
Institute, has accepted the equipment as complet ed accor ding t o the speci fi cations
, contra cts, and approved change orders .
NOR, TEEHEFOKE , BE IT R.l!.;SOLVED , that the Board of Trustees of The A.laballlet
Polytechnic Institute , does he eby accept the equipment f or the Library
Additions and acknowledge the comgletion and acceptance of e ~uipment
described in the aforesaid contracts .
l I
Page Ul
~xecutive Co@ni ttee
January 19 , 1940
Following the reading of the foregoing resolution, 7,-hich was duly discussed ,
said resolution was seconded by H. D. Merrill and adopt ed with the following
voting aye: 'I'. D. ,Samford , C. S. Culver, Jno . V. Denson, H. D. Merrill.
And the following vot i ng nay: NOr~
The president Pro Temvor e declared said resolution Garried .
The Secretary r ead. the i'ollowing relluest from Miss Orr:
til should like to appear bef ore you Friday morning . I had
mentioned thi s previously to Judge Samford and lr. Draughon.
You may call me at telephone 165 after 9 : §O Friday morning .
'rhanking you f or this cons ide r ation, I am
Your~' very sincerely,
Edna J . Orr"
Upon the reading of Miss Orr' s rec,uest the Committee entered into a
discussion in which it was t he opinion of each of the members present that
the Committee was entirely willing "to oive Mi ss Orr a hearing but that it
was Deyond the powers oi' the Committee to take any action ul)Ol1 Mi ss Orr' s
ca8e by reason of the previous hearing , wi th investi gation and the unanimous
action of the Board of Trustees upon that matter.
Mr. Culver reque;:,.t; ed permi ssion 01' the Chainnan to leave the meeljlng in
order to keep an important business appointment in Montgomery at noon. He
further relluested th&t his o.fJinion t o the effect that the E:re cutive
Committee had no authority in view of "the previous a ction of the Board of
Trust ees to r eopen Miss Orr' s ca'3e be lll':ide a part of' t he minutes of this
meeti ng . Both of Mr. Culver' s re '-.!.uests wei'S grant ed and he ret i red .
The retirement of Mr. Culver again left the COIluni ttee without a '-.!.uorum
until the arrival of ] '. W. Hare who was delayed by m01ior trouble .
In the absence of a lluorum the committee \.Arent into informal r e cess until
J Hare arrived at 11: 45 A.M. it lluorum being present, Cha ir'men Samford
asked IvIiss Orr what she would like to say to the Committee . Miss Orr
asked the Committee members and Doctor Duncan if' they had any questions
or suggestions . There were no Cluestions or suggestions . Miss Orr t hen
re quested t hat she be reinstated in her position by reason of the circumstances
of her dismissal. It was the unanimous opinion of' the Committee
that in view of the previous action by the Board of Trustees upon the same
rellue st that it had no power or authority to grant Mi ss Orr' s request .
Miss Orr t hen restated her re lluest that the Coramittee reopen her case on
the grounds th&t she was submitting new and Lo ~, jecti ve evidence to refute
what , in her opinion, had been purely sU0j ective evidence upon which the
BOCtI'd of' Trustees haa reached its decision.
After a very lengthy hearing in whi ch various members of the Co@nittee
explained to Miss Orr that the Committee had no authority to reopen a
lluestion ul)on which the Bottrd had unanimously a cted , the f ollowi ng r esolution
was proposed by Judge Merrill and se conded by Judge HaTe, a net adop"ted
by unanimous vote :
Page 14
Executive Committee
January 19, 1940
WHE.r'Ji:AS , the Board oi' Trustees has acted ,u'pon the re'iuest of Miss l!;dna Orx'
for reinstateD~ent,
AND , WRE.l:U!J;.5 , the Executive Committee is a sub- division of that body whose
actions must be confirmed by the Board,
BE IT RESOLV@ BY 'I'm ,©CEWTIVE COMldI'rrr.;:';.E. OF' 'I'HE BO.rlI-ID OF rl'RUS'l'EES that it
has no authority to reopen a matter ulJon which the whole Board of' rrrustees
has acted.
Miss Orr then rey'uested that she be furnished with a copy of the action of'
the Committee . Judge Hare then moved that Miss Orr be furnished with a
copy of the action of the Committee.
This motion was seconded by Judge Merrill and voted unanimousmy.
Judge Merrill then made a Qj.otion to adjourn , seconded by Mr. Denson ,
unanim.ous vot e by the Committee, and so ordered by the Chairman.
H. B. Draughon
FEBRIT .ARY 16, 1940
Resolution No . 1 - Accepting the P...mendatory Offer for
the Women ' s Dormi tory Group - 1272-F
Resol ution No. 2 - A cce~ tance of Equi pment for t he St adium
and Fiel d House - l 27l-F
Resolution No . 3 - Accept ance of Equipment fo r t ile Dormitory
Group - l :::72-F
Resolution No . 4 - Accept ance of Equipment for t he Far.m
Engi neering Bui lQing - l 274-F
Resolution No.5 - Accept ance of Equipment for the I nfirmary
Building - l 277-F
ebruary 16, 1940
The meeting wa called to order by the PreSident Pro Tempore of The -
Alabama Polytechnic Institute and on roll call the following answered
Messrs . T. D. Sa~ord , C. S . Culver, Jno. V. Denson, H. D. Merrill,
F . W. Hare
Absent : Governor Frank • Dixon, Dr. Victor H. Hanbon
The members named constitute all of t he member s of the Executive Committee
of the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Polyt echnic I nstitute, and those
present constitute a quo~~ .
The following r esolution was propo sed by F . ~ . Hare an- rebd in full:
Be it Resolved by the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the
Alabama Polytechnic I nstitute .
Section 1. That the Amendatory Offer of the United St at es of A.m.erica to
The Polytechnic Institute to aid b way of grant and loan in financing
the construction of a Women's Donui to r y Group , a copy of which Offer reads a s
follows , be and the same i s h ereby in all respects a ccepted:
"Po w. 93719-1
"'l'hc lUabama Polytechnic Inst i tute,
Auburn, Lee County, Alabama
"Wa shington , D. C.
Dated: J anuary 25 , 1940
Do ket No . Ala. 1 272-F
"1. .sub ject t o the Terms and Conditions (PWA Form No . 230, a s
amended t o the dat e of t his Offer) J which are made a par t hereof , the
Uni ted St ates of America hereb:>" offer s to a i d in fi nancing t he constrllction
of five buildi nt!,; s , and alterations to one building, i ncluding
necessary eQuipment and landscapi ng (herein called t he "Project" ), by
making a gr ant to The Alabama Polytechnic I nsti tut e , Lee County,
Alabama (Herein called the "Applicant"), i n the amount of 45 p ercent of
the cost of' t he Proj ect ,upon completion, as determi ned by the Connni ssioner
of Public Works (herein called the "Commi s s ioner"), but not t o exceed,
i n any event, the sum of ~256,500 .
And t he followi ng voting nay: NONE
page 3
Execuljive Committee
February 16, 1940
The President Pro Tam~ore declared oaid resolution carried
The following resolution was pro osed by H. D.errill and read i n full:
DOCKET ALllBliNiA 1271-F
VJHEREAS , on July 14, 1 939 , the Execu t i ve Comrni ttee of the Board of Trustees
of The Alabama Polytechnic I ns titute entered i nt o t he f ollovv-ing contracts
for t he delivery and i nst allation of equi pment for the At lletic Stadi um and
Field House, Alabama Polytechnic lnsti t ute , Auburn, Alabama , under PWA
P' Docket .~ab ama 1271- F .
J ames A. Head , Inc .
Bi rmi ngham, Alabama
Contract No . 4- 2
ViHEREAS , all the work these contra cts has been completed by the contractors to the terms of s aid contracts and
WHEREAS , W. T. Ingram, Account ant and Purchasing Agent, Alaberna Polytechnic
I nsti tute , has accepted t he e quip''Uent as completed according to the specifications
, contra cts , and approved change orders .
NO'll , THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, tha t the Board of Trustees of The Alabama
Polyte chnic I nstitut e , does hereby a ccept t he equipment for the At hletic
St adium. and Fi eld House and acknowl edge t he completion and a ccept ance of
e quipment described in the a f oresaid contra ct .
Following the reading of the fo regoing resolution, which was duly discu s sed,
s a i d resolution was seconded by Jno . V. Denson and was adopted vlJi th the
following voting aye: T. D. Sarnford , C. S . Culver, Jno. V. Denson, H. D.
Merrill, F . W. Hare .
And the following voting nay: NONE
The PreSident Pro Tempore decl~ ;red sai d resolution carried
The following r esolution waS proposed by F . W. Hare and read in full:
ALAB.MlA 1272-F
'page 4
Executive COIIDIlittee
February 16, 1940
Vfr~ , on July 14, 1939, the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees
of The Alabama Pol ytechnic Institute entered i nto the following contracts for
t he deli very and installation of' eQuipment for the Vomen' s Dormitory Group t
Docket Alabama l272-F, Alabama Polytechnic Institute , Auburn, Al bama.
Loveman, Jo seph & Loeb, Binningham, Alabama
Louis Pi zitz Dry Goods Company, Birmingham, Ala.
E. E. Forbes & Sons Piano Company
Bi, Alabama
Benson Plumbing & Heating Com mny , Auburn, Ala.
R. D. King, Atlanta, Georgia
(Contract assigned to R. D. King from
Max Wright Company, Atl anta, Georgia ,
No. 2-5
10 . 2-&
No . 2- '7
No. 2-8
December 2, 1939) . Contract No. 2- 9
James A. Jiead , Inc., Birmingham, Alaoama Contract No . 2-10
VlliEREAS , all the work under these contracts has been completed by the
contractors according to the t erms of said contra cts and
VlliE..'li.EA.S , W. T. I ngr am, Account ant and Purchasing Agent, Alab8lUa Polytechnic
Institute , has accepted the equipment as completed ac cordi ng to the specifications,
contra cts, and a~p roved Change orders .
NOW , THJ:!J:mFORE, BE I'r RESOLVED, that t he Board of Trustees of The Alabama
Polytechnic Institute , does hereby accept t he equipu ent for the Women's
Dormitory Group and acknowledge the completion and acceptance of equi pment
described i n the afuresaid contract.
Following the re&ding of the foregoing resolution , which was duly discussed,
s aid resol tion was seconded by C. S. Culver and was adopted with the
following voting aye: T. D. Samford , C. S. ~ulver , Jno. V. Denson, H. D.
r errill, F. W. Hare .
And the following voting nay: NONE
The President Pro Terrwore declared said resolution carried
The following r esolution was proposed by F. W. Hare and read i n full:
~1IEREAS , on July 14, 1939, the Executive Comaittee of the Board of Trustees
of The Alabama Polytechnic Institute entered into the following contracts
for the delivery and installation of eQuipment for the Farm Engineering
Building, Polytechnic Institute, .Auburn , Al ab8l11a , under PYlA Docket
Alabama l274-F.
page 5
Executive Corilluittee
February 16, 1 9 ~O
Lovffinan , Joseph & Loeb , Birmingham, Alabama - Contr6ct No . 3-1
~1iEREAS , all t he work un er these contracts hes been completed by the contr~
ctors accJrding to the terms of said contracts and
1,:HIEREAS, w. 'r. I ngram., Accountant and. Purchasing Agent, Alabama Polytechnic
Institute, has accepted the equipment as completed according to the specifications
, contracts, and approved change orders .
NOV" THEREFORE, BE I'l' Rb.SOLVED , that the Board of 'llrustees of 'l'he Alabp.JIl8
Polytechnic Institute, does hereby accept t he equi pment fo r the Farm
Engineering Building and acknowledge the completion and acceptance of
equipment described i n the afores id contract.
Following the reading 01' t he foregoing resolution, which was duly discussed,
said resolution was seconded by C. S. Culver and was adopted with the
follol<lJlng voting aye: T. D. Samford , C. S. Culver, J no . V. Denson, H. D.
Merrill , F. . • Hare .
And the follo Jing voting nay: NONE
The President Pro Tempore declared said resoluti on carried
The following resolution waS proposed by F. W. Hare and read i n full
WHEREAS , on July 14, 1939, the :E~xecutive Cormnittee of the Board of Trustees
of The Al abama Polytechnic l nsti tute entered into the follo'!'li ng contra ct s
for the delivery and installation of equipment for the Infirmary Building,
Alabama PolytechniC Institute , Auburn, Alabama , PWA Docket Alabama 1277-F.
Loveman, Joseph &. Loeb, Birmingham, Alabama
Louis Pizi tz Dry Goods Comflany, Birmingham, .Ala .
Benson Plumbing & Heating Company, Auburn, Ala.
R. D. King, Atl anta, Georgia
(Contract assigned t o R. D. Ki ng from
Max Wright Company, Atlanta, Georgia ,
December 2, 1939) .
McKesson & Robbins, Inc . , Binuingham, Alabama
Westinghouse X-Ray Corporation, Atlanta , Georgia
James A. Head , Inc. , Binningham, Alabama
Contract No. 2-1
Contract No. 2-5
Contract No. 2- 6
Contract No . 2-7
Contract No . 2-8
ContrGct No._ 2- 9
Contract No . 2-10
WHEREAS, all the work under these contracts has been completed by the contractors
according t o the terms of said contracts and
page 6
Executive Committee
Februar 16 , 1940
WHEREAS, W. T. Ingram, Accountant and Purchasi ng Agent, Alabama Polytechnic
Institute, has accepted the equipment as completed according t o the specifications,
contI' cts, and a proved change orders.
NOW, THER.t!.-l!·'ORE t BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of The Alabama
Polytechnic Institute, does hereby accept the equipment for the Infirmary
Building and acknowledge the completion ruld accept ance of equipment described
i n the aforesaid contract.
Follo\Aiing the re- ding of the foregoing resolution, which was duly discussed,
said. resolution was seconded by C. S. Culver and waS aaopted ith the
following voting aye: T. D. Samford , C. S . Culver, Jno. V. Dells��on, H. D.
Merrill, F. W. Hare .
And t e following voting nay: NONE
The President Pro Tempore declared said resolution carried
Upon motion by Jno. V. Dens-:>n , seconded by C. S. Culver, and unanimous vote of
t hose resent, the meeting adjourned .
? A, d-----
t ___ __
R. B. lJraughon
Per: ~~
Berta Dunn
Acting Secretary
- ~- - '---- -
:arch 16 , 1940
Resolution No. 1 - Acceptance of Equipn.ent for the
....,tadiUIll and Fi 6ld Hous€. - Lovket .Habama l271-F
No . 2 - Acceptance of Equipment for the
VIO en ' s Dormitory Group - Locket Al bama l 272-F
No . 3 - Acceptance of Equipn1ent for the
Farm Engineering Buil ' ing - Lo kat A.labama l2.'74- F
No . 4 - Acce~ tance of Equipment for the
General Classroom - Docket Alabama 12'75- l'1
No . 5 - Acceptence of Gener&l Cla ssroom Building -
Contract 1 0 . II - Docket Alabama l2'7o-F
No . 6 - Acceptance of Equipment for the
Infimary Building - . Docket Alabama l277-F
Marcil 16, 1940
The meting was cal l ed t o oraer by the ~res i ent Pro Tern ore of The
Al abama Polytechnic I nstitute and on roll call the follo\ving answered
pres ent:
Messrs . T. D. Samford, C. Culver , J no . V. Denson, } . W. Hare .
Absent: Fr ank M. Di xon, V. H. Hanson , H. D. Merrill.
The members named constitute all of t he members of t he Executive Committ ee
of the Board of Trustees of t he Al8.bama Polytechnic Institute , and t hose
present cons titute a quorum.
The f ollowing r esolution was pr oposed by C. S. Culver and read in full:
WiEREAS, on Jul y 14, 1939, the Executive Comnuttee of the 0 r d of Trustees
of The Alabama Polytechnic Institute entered into t he following contracts for
the deli very and installati:m of equipment for t he Athletic St adium and Field
House, Docket Alabama 1271-F, Alabama Polytechnic Institute , Auburn , Al abama.
Loveman, Jo seph nd Loeb
Bi n uingham, Alabama . • • • • • • • . • • . Contract No . 4-1
Roberts nd bon
BiYillingham, P~abama . • • • • • • • • . • • • .Contract No. 4-3
Sou t hern Desk Com~any
Hickory, North Car olina . • •• Contract No. 4- 5
WEiliREAS, all t ne lAork under t hese c:mtracts has been completed by the contractors
according to the terms of said c(' ntra cts and
VvEERF;AS , W. T. I ngram, Business IVlanager, Alabcu'Tla Polytechnic I nstitute , has
accepted the equipment as completed accor ding t 'J t he specifications, contracts ,
and a pproved change or ders .
NOV;, THER ()Ill, Bl, IT SvLVIill, thClt the BOE, rd of Trustees of The Alabama
Polytechnic I nstitute, does hereby accej,.t t he equi pment f or the Athletic
St adium and Fi eld House and a cknowledge t he com letion and acce-ptance of
equipment described in the aforesaid cJntr acts .
FollovJ i ng the reading of t he f oregoing resolution, ~';h ich was dul y '€ii s cu ased ,
said resol ution was seconaed by J" . V. (! en~o n and was adopted \"i th the f'ollov;ing
voting aye: T ... D. Sami'ord, C. 8 . Culver , Jno . V. Denson, F • . ~ • .. are .
And t he following vuting nay: N01(E,
The President Pro Tbmpore declared said esol uti on carried •
... - - - -. --.- ~-- - - - - - . -~ .. £ ............. - - ......... _- ._------- -- - -
page 2
Execu tive i ttee
.1arch 16 , 1940
The follovnng resolution was then pr020sed by C. S . Culver and read i n full :
OOCKl!,T AL.ABftl'lA 127 ~ -F
WREREAS , on July 14, 1939, the Executive COlmnittee of the board of Trust ees
of The Alabama Polytechnic Institute entered into the follo¥,-ing contra cts for
the delivery a nd installation of e Qui pment for t he Viomen' s 10rmitory Group ,
Docket Alabama 1272- F, .Alabama Polytechnic Ins titute , Auburn, Alabama •
Loveman , Joseph and Loeb .
Birmingham, Alabama
• Contr~ct No . 2-1
Contract o . 2- 2
Contr Cict No. 2- 3
Contract No . 2- 4
~~, all the work under t hese contracts has been completed by the contractors
according to. the tenms af said contr acts , and
Vl- EREAS , W. fr. Ingram, Business tanager, Alabama Polytechn i c Institute , has
accepted t he e quipment as completed according to. the specifications , contra cts,
and approved chenJe orders .
NOVl , 'Y.d:BREFOHE, BE I T RESOLVED , that t he Board of Trust es af The Alabama
Polytechnic I nstitute , does hereby a ccept the equipment for the Women ' s
Dormi tory Group and acknowledge t he completian and acceptance of equi pment
described i n t he afaresaid con tracts .
Follo'wing the reading of the foregoing resalution , wh i ch was Quly discussed,
sa i d resolution wes seconC:ied by F. 'L Hare ane. was ad.opted v;i th the fol J01dng
voting aye: T. D. Samford , C. S . Culver , J no . V. Densan , ' . V, . .
And the fallowing vating nay: NONE
The President Pro TelLpore declared sai d. r€solut.iorl c2.rried .
The fa l lol',.ring r esolutior_ 1',88 tlen propo sed by C. S . Culver and. read in f ull :
BUIUiI NG, roCKET j'LIJJfJ.;.h. U '74-F
l.HEREAS , on July 14, 1939 , the Executive COllIDJi ttee of the board of Tru stees
of The .Alabrillla PolytechniC Inst itute entered into the following cantract s for
the deli V8ry and installation of e 4,uipment for the IfpI'lli En~ir'pering Building,
Docket J~abbma 1274- F, Alabamc Palytechnic Institute, Auburn, P..lab8llla
Southern Desk COllipany • •
Hi ckory, No rth Caroline
._ ........ - - --- -. .~ .. ~ -..... __ ___ _ ~. ___ . _. *h __ ... _ .... ________ .
Contre ct fO . 3- 4
Contrc-.ct No . 3-5
page 3
Executi ve Corurui t.tee
iVi.arch 16, 1940
lIH:ERl'.AS , all th \'lork under these contrc:cts has been completed by the contractors
sccorciug to the t erms of said contrc cts , a.nd
YH£REJ-LS , VI. T. Ingram , Business f '~anager , JUa b 5lltE' Polytechni c In;::;ti tute , has
accep t ed the equipment as completed according to the specifications, contrl:lcts ,
f:lnd bpproved change orders .
'OW, TIIhRLFOrtE, BE; IT F..ESuLVED, th t the Board of Trustees of The Alabama
Polytecbnic Institute, does hereby accept tt:e equipment for the F'arm
Engineering Building and ackno,hJle -ge the completion and acce~ tance of
equipment described in the aforesaid contrBcts .
Follo"\\:ine the r eading of the foregoing resolution , which was duly discussed,
said resolution Vi6S seconded by ' . W. Hare and was aaopted VIii. th the
voting aye: T. D. Samf ord , C. S. Culver, Jno . V. Denson, F . W. Hare.
An.O the fo l lov, ill e.: voting nay: NONE
ThE Presid.ent Pro Tempore declared said resolution carried .
'l'be follo1fo:ing resolution waS then propo s ed by C. S . Culver and read. in full ;
BUI LDING, WCKE'r PL BPl'vi);. 1 275-F
tiiHEEEAS, on July 14, 1939 , the Executive Committ be of the board of Trust ees
of The Alab8ma Polytechnic In3ti tute entered into the foll01i,ing contracts
for the delivery and install a tion of e Qui pment for General Cla s sroom BuilCl ing,
Docket P~6bmlla L :,75-F, Alabama PolJ'technic In~ ti tute, uburn, Alabama .
Loveman, Jo s eph and Loeb . 0 ••• 0 0 •• Contra ct o . 3- 1
Birrningham, Alabama
Sou thern Desk Company • • 0 • • • 0 • • • Contre' ct No . 3- 3
Hickory, :North Carolina
l/;,HEREAS , all the v.ork under these contracts has been completed by the contractors
according to the terms of said contracts and
V,HEREP.8 , W. T. Ingram, BUSines s Manager, Alab rna Polytechnic Institute , has
accepted tbe eQuipment as completed according to the speCifications , contracts,
and approved Change orders .
NOW, TI-JJ!:RILFORE, BE IT RLSOLVFJ) , thi.<t the Boa r d of Trustees of The Alab rna
Polyt.echnic Ins titute, does hereby accept the equipment for the General
Classroom Builning and acknovrledge the completion and acceptance of e (~.u ip ment
described in the aforesaid contre cts . ·
Follo\l>ing the re6.ding of the foregoing resolution, which 'was Ciuly Ciiscu bed ,
said resolution was seconded by F . Vi . Hare and was a dopted 'wi th the i'ollo\'!ing
voting aye; T. D. Samford , C. • Culver, Jnoo V. Lenson , F. IV . Hare .
And the following -voti ng nay: NONE
page 4
Executi -v€ Conmti ttee
March 16, 1940
The Pre ident Pro rl'elilpore aecl/::red said resolution carried .
The fo1lowin~ r esolution was then proposed by C. 5 . Culver and read in full :
BUILDIKG eOl';TRi.CT 1\0 . II . :COCK:E,T ALABJ;WlA l~ 7 5 -F
\\EERMS, on lvlay 5 , 19~;9 , the Executi vE: Committee f the Board of Trustees of
The hlabamCl Polytechnic I:n :::ti tute entered into an agreement wi th B tsonCook
Company, I n c . , Vlest Point , Georgi a , fo r t he c .mstruction of 8 General
Classroom BuilCling, ContrEct o . II, for The Alabama Pol ytechni c I nstitute ,
Auburn, Alabama , and
V,liEREJ;S , al l Vliork under t h i s contrl::1ct hab b een completed by the contractor
according to the terms of said Cuntrl: ct , and
-\IDREfJ , Til], Architects heve accepte the G neral Classroom Building as
completed according to the plans , speci fi cat i on s , contract , and approved
change orders ,
NOW, WERLFO E, BE IT REE:OLV J) , that the Board of Trust ees of The Alabama
Polytechni c Institute does hereby accept the General Classroom u i l -i ng
and acknowl Fdge t he completion and acceptance of the work des cribed i n the
aforesai d contract . the reauing of tbe foregoing r esol ution, v"hich was duly discussed ,
said resolution was seconded by F . • Hare and was adopte wi th the fo l loVlJing
voting aye: T. D. Samford , C. S . Culver , J no . V. Denson, F . I'j . Hare
And the foJ.l oviinE voting nay: NONE
The President Pro Tempore declared said resoluti oI] carri ed .
The following r esolution was then propo sed by C. S . Culver and r ead i n full :
ViliEREAS , on July 14, 1939 , the Executive Conrrnittee of the board of Trustees
of The Alabama Polytechnic I nstitute entered into the 1'01) o'l.'. ing contra cts
for the del i ver and i nstallation of e Quipment for the Infi rmary uilding,
Docket P~ab8ma If77-li', JllabbTIla Polytechnic Ins titute , Auburn, Al a bEJIla
Loveman, J o seph and Loeb .
BiJ'lIlingham, J\labama
. Cont ra.ct No . 2- 2
Contract No . 2- 3
Contract No . 2- 4
page 5
Executive Committee
flilarch 16, 1940
WH:i!.REAS, a.ll the vork unQer these contracts has been completed by the contractors
according t o the terms of said contracts , end
V'lH1IREAS, W. T. Ingram, Business lY1aIJsger, Alab8Ill8 Polytechnic I nsti tute , has
accepted the equipment as completed according to the specifications, contracts ,
and approved change orders,
NOf" 'IliJ]Jill}TOR1., BE IT RIbOLVEIJ , that the Board of Trustees of The Alabama
Polytechnic In t-;ti tu-te, doe ' hereby accept the equipment for the Infirmary
Bui lding and. acknowledge the completion and acceptance of equipment Qescribed
in the aforesaid cont ~ cts. .
Following the re8 ciing of the foregoing resolution, which \/Yas duly discussed ,
sald resolution wa& secondeQ by F . W. Hare and Vias adoptea with the f'ollo1t\ring
. voting aye: T. D. Samford , C. S. Culver, Jno . V. Denson, F·. W. liare.
And the follov"ing voting n y: NO E
The President Pro Tempore declared ~aid resolutio carried.
Upon motion by Jno . V. Denson, seconded by F . ' . Har , 8.nd unanimous vote of
those present, the meeting adjourned .
~~r~n l-t ---"1
June 3, 1940
Resolution No . 1 - Minutes of Previous Heetings Ap roved
It No. 2 - Acceptance of completion of Contract No . 2
and Equipment on Veterinary Laborator~ Building
" No. 3 - Purchase of Land '
B~adley - Lee County
~uke - Lee County
Evans - Lee County
Barbour County- Donation
Ne~man - Coosa County
No. 4 - Budgets for 1940-41
No. 5 - Approval of 1939-40 Catalog
" No. 6 Degrees Awarded Approved
" No . 7 - Approva.l Honora.ry Degree- Grover C. Ha.ll
" No . 8 - Naming Infirmary - John Hodges Drake Infirmary
" No. 9 - Memorial to Doctor Drake for Inf'rmary
" No . 10 - Pi Kap Phi Fr aternity Lease
" No .. 11 - Orr Case
II No. 12 - Oil Lease
l I
June 3, 1940
The Board of Trustees of the AlabarnE. Polytechnic Institute met in its
annual meeting in the President I s Home on the campus of the Alabama Polytechnic
Institute on June 3, 1940, with the following members present :
A. H. Collins, C. S. Culver, John V. Denson, Ro~ert K. Greene, Victor
H. Hanson, Fr ancis W. Hare, Paul Se Haley, T. D. Samford.
and the following members absent:
George Blue, Frank M. Dixon, H. D. Merrill, Edward A. O'Neal .
The members n ,ed constitute all of the members of the Board of Trustees of
the Alabama Polytechnic Institute and those present constitute a quorum.
A quorum being present, Paul S. Haley moved that Colonel T. D. Samford
serve as President Pro-Tempore in the absence of Governor Dixon. The
motion was seconded and adopted by acclamation.
The President Pro-Tempore call ed for order and opened the meeting for the
consideration of the business at hand.
r"t- ' Y.../{''( -A (G.S~ J~-~ ,'
UpOI'l motion of C. S. Culver, seGendeEi-by P. So. l;iaJey, the following resolution
..was ll:t:lardmously a.dopted :...... ., iJJ.>-~ :~~ ___ ~
HESOLVED: 1. 'rhat the minutes ~~e Board of Trustees on September 29, 1939,
V I"- • and October 12, 1939, be approved as recorded.
' v r<-
I>0 (""'l J r 2 .
That all acts of the Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees as recorded in the minutes of the f oll owing meetings:
Noverrber 30, 1939
January 19, 1940
February 16, 1940
be ratified, affirmed, and ~cc epted by the Board of Trustees
of the Ala.bama Polytechnic lnstitute.
t.hen irrtLroduced and proposed by C. S~
page 2
Board W..inutes
June 3, 1940
WHEREAS, on May 5, 1939, the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees
of the Al abama Polytechnic Institute entered into a contract with Batson-Cook
Company, Contractors , covering the construction of the superstructure of
the Veterinary Laboratory BuiJding, and on July 14, 1939, entered into the
foll owing contracts for the delivery and installation of equipment f or the
Veterinary Laboratory Building, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Alabama:
Contract No . 3-1, Loveman Joseph & Loeb
Contract No . 3- 2, McKesson & Robbins , Inc .
Contract No . 3- 3, McKesson & Robbins , Inc.
Contract No. 3-4, McKessoh & Robbins , Inc .
Contract No. 3- 3, J ames A. Head, Inc .
Contra.ct No. 3-6, Roberts & Sons
Contract No. 3-7, Southern Desk Comp2illY
WHEREAS , all the work under these contracts has been completed by the contractors
according to the terms of said contra.cts, and
vVHEREAS , the ,Architects have accepted' ,the Veterinary Lahoratory Building as
completed according to the plans , specifications , contract , and approved change
orders , and
WHEREAS , W. T. Ingram, Business Manager, Alabama Polytechnic I nstitute, has
accepted the delivery and installation of equipment as completed accor ding to
the specifications, contracts , and approved change orders ,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of The Alabama
Polytechnic I nstitute , does hereby accept the Veterinary Laboratory Building
and acknowledge the completion and acceptance of the work described in the
aforesaid contI" ct, and the equipment f or the Veterinary Laboratory Buil ding
and acknowledge the completion and acceptance of the delivery and installation
of equipment on the aforesaid contracts.
Foll owing the reading of the fore oing resolution, ,which was duly discussed,
said resolution was seconded by P. S. Haley and as adopted with the f oll owing
voting aye: A. H. Collins , C. S. Culver, John V. Denson, Robert K. Greene,
Victor H. Hanson, F. W. Hare, P. S. Haley, T. D. Samford.
And the f ollowing voting nay: NOl-J~
The President Pro-Tempore declared said resolution carried.
Upon motion by P. S. Haley the folloting r esolution was then proposed and r ead
in full : .
WHEREAS , it is necess8,ry for the Alabama Polytechnic Institute to acquire
additional property more particularly described as follows, to-vat:
w. W. Bradley - Fannie M. Bradley
Lee County, Alabama
All that part of the South half of the North h If of
Section 7, Township 19, Range 26 , that lies West
of the Auburn-Farmville road; and all of th t
part of the North half of the South half of
Section 7, Township 18, Range 26, that lies
West of the Auburn-Farmville publ ic road, and North of
Loachapoka Creek; all being in Lee County, Alabama,
and containing 200 acres, more or less .
Lum Duke - Inez Duke
Lee County, Alabama
Sixty acres of land off the north end of the east
half of t he west half of secti on 12, township 19,
range 25 , bounded north by the J esse Talbot land,
south by the J:iJn Tom Walker land, east by the
Frank Walker l and, an west by the 'rs . Nettie
Bedell l and, and being the land conveyed by King
Smllford and wife to Ed Williams , recorded in
Volume 98, page 390, in the Probate Office of
Lee County, Alabama.
Alice R. Evcms
Lee County, Alabama
The south one-half of Section 1, tovmship 19 Noth,
Range 25 East of the St . Stephens Meridian in
Alabam , except 40 acres off of the West and thereof ,
~aid 40 acres being one- half mile in length and of
sufficient width to include said 40 acr es ; and Iso
except 2 acres in the shape of a tri angle in the SW
corner of the land herein descrjbed which said 2
acre tract being the same as that conveyed by deed
of Martha A. Talbot, et als t J . I . Bedell and
recorded in the of fice of the Judge of Probate,
Lee County, Alabama, in record of Deeds, Vol. 00,
page 155 ; tract described contining 278 acres , more
or less, and bei~ in Lee County, Alabama.
Also 60 acres of land being all of the northwest
quarter, of northwest quarter of Section 7, lying
on the west side of the old Auburn-Oak Bowery Road,
and 11 of the southwest quarter of Section 6, lying on
the west side of said road , all 60 acre tract being in
township 19, range 26, in Lee County, Alabama.
On all of the above land together with all and singular
the tenements , hereditarc,ents and appurtenances thereof
belonging or anywise appertaIning.
page 3
Board Minutes
June 3, 1940
$3,000 .00
450. 00
4, 725 .00
_________ . _____ ._ ~ .... ~ __ 0.----------- j .*---_. ---
Bo I'd of Revenue - (Donation)
Barbour County, Alabama
(Poor House Farm)
That certain tract of land situated in Barbour
County, .Alabama, about two miles north of
Clayton, known as part of the Poor House Farm,
conta · ning 180 acres more or less , and )eing
further described as southeast quarter of
southwest quarter,' north five acres of south-west
qUB.rter of southwest quar ter, the south
fifty acres of north half of southwest quarter,
section twenty-seven; also the north f ive acres
of southeast quarter of southeast quar ter,
northeast quarter oJ' southe st quarter, southeast
quarter of northeast quarter, section twenty- eight;
all in Township eleven, Range twenty- s i.x, and being
bounded on north by l ands of W. M. Fenn and Britt,
on east by lands of W. M. Penn ani Winn, on south
by the Wi nn lands and the sixty acres of the original
Poor Farm retained by Barbour County, a.1'ld on west by
the public road and lands of Ma~e Herring, Phi l
Green and the Winn lands .
John T. Newman - Mamie C. Newman
Coosa County, Alabama 160
Southwest f ourth of section thirty- six (36), township
t wenty- two (22) , range twenty (20), containing one
hundred sixty acres more or less .
page 4
Board ~ linute s
June 3, 1940
Follmving the re;q,din of the foregoing resolution, ~vhi ch was duly discussed,
s id resolution was seconded by V. H. Hanson and was adopted vlith the f ol l owing
voting aye : A. H. Collins , C. S. Culver, John V. Denson, Robert K. Gr eene ,
Victor H. Hanson , F. W. Hare , P. S. Haley, T. D. S31Uford.
And the following voting nay: NONE
'1'he President Pro- 'T'empore declared said resolution carried.
The f ollo'V'Ting res01\tion was presented by C. S. Cul.ver of the Budget Committee
of the Board of Trustees :
WHEREAS , President L. N. Duncan has presented to the Budget Committee of the
Board of Trustees the proposed budget for 1940- 41 f or the Agricultural
Experiment Station; for the Agricultura~ Extension Service; and for the
College, with the recommendCltion that the President and the Executive
Commi ttee of the Bo rd of Trustees be given full authority and power t o
act in making such adjustments in the budget for the f iscal year begi nning
July 1, 1940 and ending June 30, 191,1, as may be necessary and for making
such rearrangements and selection of an adequ te personnel as may be necessary
for the School of Veter inary, ' edicine, and
page 5
Board Minutes
June 3, 1940
WHEREAS , the Budget Co~~ittee of the Board of Trustees has exanrined
the propos ed budget and recommends its adoption .vi th the exceT tion of
t he budget for the School of Veter inary Medicine,
THEREFORE, BE IT "IBSOLVED, th3.t t he President an~ the Executive Committee
of the Board of Trustees of the Institution are hereby given full authority
and power to act in making such adjustments in the budget for the fiscal
year beginning July 1, 1940 and ending June 30, 194~ , ~~d such rearrangement
Cl..nd selection of an adeqm'1.te pars nnel as ma.y be necessary for the
School of Veterinary Medicine.
Following the re ~ding of the foregoing r esolution, mlich was duly discQssed,
said resolution was seconded by P. ,S. Haley and was adopted by the unanimous
vote of the meDbers present .
Upon recommendation by V. H. Hanson, seconded by P. S. Haley, and unanimous
vot e of the members present , the follo"\l'Jing r esolution w s adopted:
RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of the Alabp..m.a Polytechnic Institute approves
the 1939-40 cat alog as printed with changes in cours es , titles , and
r~Dks , as printed therein.
Upon re c OlTh~endation of V. H. H&lson , seconded by R. K. Greene, a.Tld unanimous
vote of the members present , the follovdng r esolution was adopted:
RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute
approves the degrees awar ded by t he f aculty and the Executive Counci l of the
1940 graduates as per i st f iled with the minutes as a par t of the officic.'l
Upon motion by V. H. Hanson, seconded by A. H. Collins, the board unanimously
confirmed the award of the degr ee of Doctor of La s, honoris causa, ' pon
Grover Cleveland Hall, distinguished editor of the Montgomery Advertiser with
the follolving citation:
IIUpon Grover Cleveland Hall, n3.tive Alabamian, public servant , and pub1_icspirited
citizen l~ose genius is recognized throu~hout the at ion , distinguished
editor, champion of democracy, unrelenting foe of bigotry and intolerance
whose logic",l mind and fluent pen have brought honors upon himself, his state
and his bel oved southlcnd; the Alabama Polytechnic IYloStitute confers the
degree of DOCTOR OF LAWS, honoris c ~usa.n
page 6
Bo rd Minutes
June 3, 1940
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all acts of President L. N. Duncan and the
individual ::nembers of he Boar d of Trustees in connection with the a ard
of the above mentioned degree be am they are hereby ratified and confirmed .
Upon motion by John V. Denson, seconded by V. H. Hanson, the following
resolution was unanimously passed:
In recognl~lon and appreciat ' on of his 53 years of faithful , efficient ,
untiring, un elfish and remarkably successful service as surgeon and physician
of this College from January 2, 1873, up to the day of his sudden death on
Feb ary 5, 1926, the Bo rd of Trustees 0 the AlabAlll8. Polytechnic Institute
does hereby designate and name the recently constructed and completed college
hospital The John Hodges Drake Hospit al; and does hereby ded ' cate the same
to his memory, that the thousands of young men and young women who have in
the past , knO\YJ1 and l oved Dr . Drru(e, may have thei desire gratified and
their requests complied with; and that the youth of this State nd this
Country who in the years to come Cl.ttend here as students may learn of this
great and gooe mom and receive inspiration from thp, life he lived and the
good he did.
The President of t he College is directed to h"'ve made a suitable bronze
or marble tablet with appropriate inscription consonant with these resol utions
and attach same in a conspicuous and suitable place on the wall of said
building in token and testimony of this dedication.
This Board bel ieves the 53 years of Dr . Drake ' s service as surgeon of this
College without missing a morning ~oll call and ,vithout being tardy in attendance
upon his duties is a record unm tched in the entire Country.
Besides discharging his duties in the most faithful, efficient and remarkably
successful manner, during these long years of intimate contact 1Nith the students
of this institution, Dr. Drake, by his regnant character and Christian conduct
and example and his f riendly intercourse, has builded in the hearts and lives
of thousands of men an . wonlen, who t rough the years have gone out from this
institution, living monuments more lasting than bronze or m rble , the farreaching
effects of which are not meAsured in m terial values, ~~d not bound
by the linut ~tions of time.
Moved by C. S. Culver, seconded by V. H. Hanson, and unanimously a.dopted by
the Board that this resolution be referred to the officers and members of
the Alumni Association with the recommendation that that Association be urged
to t ake suitable steps to erect a memorial plaque or p8~~ting in the John
Hodges Dr··ke Infirmary commemorating the outstanding services of Doctor
Drake to the students of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute for 53 years.
____ .l. • __
page 7
Board Minutes
June 3, 1940
Upon motion of P. S. H ley, seconded by V. H. Hanson, and unanimous vote
of the members present, the following resolution was adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of Alabama Polytechhic Institute
as f ollows:
Th ~t the Alabama Polytechnic Institute lease , let ~nd de ·se unto Alpha
Iota Club , a corporation org,.nized in Lee County, Alabama, under the laws
of Alabama, the following described reBl property, which is a part of the
Institute Campus, to-wit:
A trC:'.ct of land articularly described as follows :
From the point 'where the Northerly margin f Miller
Avenue is intersected by the Easterly margin of
South College Street, run North 42 minutes East ,
along s aid margin of s [!,id College Str eet , 216.2 feet
to the beginning point ; f rom said beginnin point run
North 11 minutes East, along said margin of College
Street, 223 feet ; thence South 89 degrees and 49
minutes East 248.2 feet; thence south 11 . "nutes
West 223 feet ; thence North 89 degrees and 49 minutes
West, 248 .2 feet to the beginning point; in the City
of Auburn, in Lee Cou ty, Alabama.
on the terms ~nd for the l ength of time set forth in a contract, in the
foP_owing form, to- dt:
The State of Alabama, Lee County:
~~iEREAS , Alph Iota Club, a cor oration, which is social club whose
membership is confined to active members and alumni of Alpha Iota Club
of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraterni ty, which s aid Chapter of said Fraternity
is located at. Auburn, Alabama, is desirous of constructing upon the
property of The Alabama Polytechnic Institute hereinafter described,
a house or building for use as a Fr at ernity Chapter House by the members
of Pi Kappa Phi Fr at er nity, and has appJied to The Alabama Polytechnic
Institute for a le<-1se of said property, and The Alab ;~ma Polytechnic
Institute has agreed to lease said roperty to the said Alpha Iota Club upon
the terms hereinafter set forth, and Alpha Iota Cl ub has agreed t o said t er 'TIs:
NOW, THEREFORE, THIS AGREEMENT made this day of 1940,
by and between The Alabama Polytechnic Institute, a corporation, hereinafter
referred to as Party of the First Part, and Alpha Iota Cl ub, a corporation,
hereinafter referred to as Party of the Second Part, WITNESSETH;
For the considerations and upon an.d subject to the terms , conditions and
covenants hereinafter set forth and expressed, the pa,rty of the first part
hereby lets, leases and demises unto the party of the second part , for and
during the terms of fifty years beginning on the ______ day of 1940,
page B
Board Minutes
June 3, 1940
and ending on the, _ _ _ d,ay of_' _____ , 1990, the f oll owing described
real estate, to-wit :
A tract of l andparticul rly described as follows :
From the point where the Northerly margin of Miller
Avenue is intersected by the Easterly margin of
South College Street , run North L,2 minutes East ,
along s aid mar gi n of s ai d Oollege Street , 216.2 feet
to the , beginning point ; from said beginning point run
North 11 minutes East, along s ai d mar gin of College
Street , 223 feet; thence South 89 degrees and 42 minutes
East 248 .2 feet; thence South 11 minu~ es West 223 feet ;
thence North 89 degrees and '49 mi nutes West , 248. 2' feet
to' the beginning point; in the. City of Auburn, in Lee
County, Alabama.
The ter;ms, conditions and covenants hereinabove referred t o, the acceptance
of, anda.ssent t o which , shall be evidenced by the execution of t his instrument
by the party of the second part are:
1 . Within t hree months from the date hereof the party of the second part
shall begin, or cause to be be~un , c nstruction on s ai d lot of a house
or buil ding suitable f or use as a FraternityCh pter House to be built
according to plans , specifications and proposed cost which, ' prior to
the beginning of such construction, shall have been approved by the
President of The Al abama Polytechnic I nstitute, and shall within t welve
, months from the date hereof have caused said build L~g to be f ul ly constructed
and completed in conformity 1vith said plans and specifications
and cost, all at the expense or the party of the second part; and if
the party ' of the second part shall in any wise f til herein this agreement
and th~ terms of this lease shil bllinediately tenninate and any and all of
any bui lding material or structure then on said property shall at
once become the property of the party of the, f;irst par t , ,but subject
to the rights of any mortgagee of the party of the second part to
the extent hereinaft er provided .
2., Except as provided hereinafter in par gr aph 8, with respect to temporary
room rentals , the party of the second part shall have no r ight to sub- let
the property or to convey its interest thereOn by deed or othervrise, or
to transfer t o another the right of possession or occupancy, or t o transfer
or assign its equity or stA,tut ory right of r edempti on arising out of any
mort gage such as is hereinafter r eferred t o or the foreclosure ther eof,
un l_ess prior to any such actio 1 or tr sact ion the President of the party
of the first part shall have specifically and expressly consented thereto
in v'v"ri ting, and such writing sh,qll have been f i led f or record in the
office of the Judge of Probate of Lee County, A.labama, and have been
indexed as a deed would be indexed; and if the party of the second
part shall , contrary to the provisions hereof sub- let the property,
or by deed or otherwise convey its interest therein, or assign or transfer
t o another the right of possession or occupancy, or transferor assign
to another its said equity or statutory r ight or redeption, this contract
and the term of t hi s lease shall immediately ternun t e, and all of the
page 9
Board ',linutes
June 3, 1940
rights of the party of the second part shall immediat.ely cease and the tit.le
to the property, including all improvements , shall vest in the pa,rty of the
first part, subject only t.o the lien of any mortgage then outstanding,
executed for the purpose referred to in paragr aph numbered 4 hereof; there
being no intention that any provision O.l this paragraph numbered 2 shall
require the written consent of the President of the party of the first part
to the mru<ing of a mortgage such s is referred to in paragraph numbered 4
3. The party of the second p~rt shall have no right or authority to convey
by mortgage to any person its interest in the aforesaid p operty or the
building to be constructed thereon unless such mortgage shall embody
within its terms the provisions hereof relating to such mortgage and
the ob~i gl'ttions of the mortgagee, and making a copy of this contract a
part of such mortgage shall be compliance herewith . Nor sh,.ll any such
mortgage be made except for the nurDose of obtaining part of t he funds
wherev 'th to p y for the construction of the house or building hereinabove
referred t and to secure a debt which shall not exceed d 7,5~O, OO
principal , to be repayable over a period of not exceeding 20 years from
the date of the mortgage, and except for the purpose, within said
period, of refinancing any unpaid balance of sa' d inclebtedness .
4. In the event thckt the Alpha. lot Club, for the purpose of securing
funds ,vith which to make part payment of the cost of construction
and furnishing of the house of bui Lding hereinabove referred to, shall
convey, by mortgage, its interest in the pro erty hereinabove described,
and the holder of such mortgage sh"ll at any time , pursunnt 0 the
prOVlSlons of the mortgage and ptlrsuant to the provisions of paragraph
numbered 5 hereinafter, foreclosure or cause to be f oreclosed , by
sale uncler a power in the mortgage , or under a court decree, the lien
of said mortgage, the purchaser at such sale, and persons holding under
him, shall and will hold the interest in said property, given to Alpha
lot Club by th ' s i..l1strument , free from any r estrictions UpOE. the use
of the property or the house or buil ding or ether improvements thereon .
5. In the event that default shall be m"'de in the payment of any debt
secured by mortgage upon the interest of Alpha Iota Club in the
property hereinabove des'cribed, the holder of the debt shall, at le?st
sixty days prio to the taking of any steps l ooking to a f oreclosure
of the mortgage lien by sale under the no fer that may be granted by
the mortgage or otherwise, give notice , in vTriting, to The President
of The Alabama Polytechnic Institute stating the true and actual amount
of the debt, secured by the mortgage , th t remains unpaid, nd she,ll
be bound to ccept from The AlabillW. Polytechnic Institute, at any time
within forty-five days after such writteYl notice sh"'ll have been
delivered, the true and ctual amount of Vle debt that is unpaid
and thereupon to assign, transfer and convey to The Al_ bama Polytechnic
Institute, wi.thout recourse, the said debt , the evidence
thereof, the said mortgage and v-mptever interest he may have in the
real estate and all property subject to the lien of the mortgage; but ,
if the amount of such debt so unpaid exceed the sum of $17,500.00
then the holder of the mortgage shall offer to accept said sum of
$17, 500 .00 and upon payment thereof vr.i.thin said forty- five day neriod
sh,ll m~ke the same transfer, assignment and conveyance of the debt,
the evidence thereof, the mortgage and his interest in said r eal estpte.
page 10
Bo I'd Minutes
June 3, 191+0
If the party of the first part fail to malee such payment within
said forty- five day period, the holder of such mortgage shall be
authorized t o proceed as he may see fit , and i f such procedure
results in a sale of the inter est in the property conveyed by the
mortgage , the purchaser at such sale , ann those holding under him
shall, as hereinabove provided , hold the interest in the nroperty
so purchased free of any r estrictions upon the use of the l ot or
any house or other improvements there6n ~
6e In the event that the party of the first part shall make any such
payment as is provided in p ragraph nunme ed 5, above, this contrAct
and the term of this lease shall ii11rnedi.qtely termim,.te, and all
rights of the Alpha Iota Club hereunder sha.ll immedi tely cease and
the title to the SAid lot , together vIith the building and all other
improvements thereon, shall immediately vest in the party of the
first part, and it sh. 1 thereupon be entitled t o the iwnedi; te and
continuing possession of the said property, and neither the Alpha
Iota Club nor any erson holding under it shall thereafter have any
right in or to any part of the property; but this p ovision sh 1
not deprive the Darty of the first part of a.ny right it may have
as the holder of the mortgage and the debt thereby secured .
7. In the event tha.t the building to be const ructed on sai d lot be
damaged by fire , windstorm or other casualty, so .that it i s uninl1abitable
, and it be not within 12 months thereafter restored,
at the expense of Alpha Iota Club , to a eondi tioh substantially
equ 1 to or better than the condition in which it was prior to
such, this contract and the rights of the Alpha Iota Club
and of any mortg gee of the property shall cease nd determine at
the expiration of such 12 months period, and the title to the
property shall irrnnedi ately in The Alabama Polytechnic I nstitute,
subject to no lien of any mortgage , and thereafter t he Alpha
Iota Club nOl' I any pa.rty holding under it shall have any right in
or to said property, and any part or portion of any improvement
that may h ve been put upon the property shall at once become the
property of The Alabama Polytechnic Inst ' tute , freed of any mortgage
or other lien; .nd rio morteagethat may be outstanding at the' time
such damage is .d'ne shell be thereafter foreclosed until and unless
there be a restoration such as is herein contemplated.
8. Until and unless the interest of the 9arty of the second part in
the property hereinabove described shA.ll have been sold or conveyed
in the foreclosure of B. mortgage lien as hereinabove provided, the
property hereinabove described, and the improvements thereon, shall
not be used for any purpose other than th.qt of a. Fraterni ty Chapter
House for the use of meJ"lbers, active and alumni of the existing
Alph Iota Chapter of Pi KapDC' Phi Fraternity, and shall not be
occupied by- others except thFt guests of the members of said Chapter
of said f raternity may -"rom time to time, and t",mpor rily, be
permitted to occupy the prernises , and except tnat during thp Summer
months intervening bet- een the enc1ing and beginning of the
main terl1S of the College Year, the party of the second peat may
page 11
Bo I'd Ivanutes
June 3, 1940
l et or rent rooms in the bui16ing to be constructed on said property
to any nerson 1'iho shall be , for the time being, in ttend,mce ,
in eood faith , as a bona f i de stucient of the S mer School conducted
by Alabama Polytechnic Institute at Auburn; ann until end unless
there she'll be a sale of the interest of t he u?rty of the second
p .rt in the foreclosure of a mortp'age as hereinabove urmriried, the
house to be constructed on the l ot hereinabove described shC111 at
al'.. tirnes be concucted in strict keeT)ing 'lath all the rules and
regulations relR.t;n.2" to Frf.'ternity house in gener"l , or to this
Fraternity House in n .rticular, t hat h[ beE;n heretofore or may be
hereafte adonted by the Fa.culty, or any comlnittee t her eof , of
Alabama Polytechnic Institute , or by the Bo .rd of Trustees , or any
cOmIT~ttee thereof, of Alab ~ma Polytechnic Institute ; and if at any
time the party of the first part , acting by and through its President ,
after notice to the party of the second part , or to the chief off icer
of the Alpha Iota Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fr ater ni.. t .y , 8.nc1 after the
party of the s econd part or the said chief offi cer shall have had an
opport unity to be heard, adjudged and deterrr One thCJt t here h""1s been a
violation of the foregoing provision as to the use pno occup .ncy
of V.s house , or a violation of 'iny such rule or r egulation , or
that the conduct of th e: occupants of the building on t he l ot has
been or "rill becoftle ~oral , i llegal or i n 0 _ oosi t ion ~, o the rules
Q....'1.d r egulati ons hereinabove referred to , or h s or vall become
prejudicial to the interests of' the p rty 0"' th) first part , or
that the building has been abandoned for use as a Chapter House by
the Fraternity , then in either of. s i c1 events t.he p rty of the
firs t p rt m~y at its option, to be exercised by its President :
( 0. ) suspend the right 0'" the party of the second part to use nd
occupy said premises 1'0 such time as the Presiclent may deterr-:ine;
or (b) terminde this c ontr ~' ct anc~ the term of thi s lease, in which
event the resident of the pa.rty of the f irst po. t 5h ~ II "I:d thin
sixty days thereafter deterrline anrl f ix the v alue of the improvements
, incluciing the house, then on the l ot herein bove descdbed,
and rithin sixty days after such detern>jnBtion sh 11 h~ve been
made either (1) pay to the party of the secone1 oc.rt the allJount so
fixed or , i f there be an unsatisf ieo mortgu{e on the property then
outsta.nding, the excess of the AJi10unt so fixed over and above the
mortgage debt , whereupon the title of thE> party of the second part
in and to said lot pnd imm'ovements sh"l.ll irrunedi:-tely v est in entiret.
y completely in the pC'rty of the f irst Dart'; or ( 2) take
possession o.~ the pro~erty a.nd make such use ot" it as it l'1f.y deem
proy->er , payinp to th narty of the secone' Pb.rt an aIY!Olmt month1y,
to be deter! Jil1f~d by th..., President of The AlAbr1flr3. Polytechnic In-s
t,j t.ute , which li'ill over c perior not exceeding ?O years resl11 t
in thl? pryment to thp party of the second Dart of the v:;:lue of the
iL-nprovements as deternlined by the Presic'ent of A1A.b::-me. Polytechnic
Inctjtute, !,lus interest thereon at the r ate of 4% per annum, except
that i:[ there be then outstanding an unsatisfied mort gage all of
such payments sh&ll be mE,C:e to the holder of the mortgage debt
until the same sh2.11 h,qye been fully pAid and satisfied and when,
uncier such arrangement , the. full Dayment of the v&lue of the improvement
as so determined , with interest , 5h;.11 been paid
either to th, ])crty of the second oart or to the mortgageS', t.he
cOIn.nlete title in sai d property ('IUd ;ill improvements shall t once
vest in the pp.rty of the first part .
page 12
Board Li "nutes
JUne 3, 1940
The Darty of the:second part shall pay to the p~rty of the first
ppr'(, as rental, the sum of One Dollar ($1.00), payable each year,
in advance , on the 1st day of October.
10. The party of the second part shall h ve the right , provided this
contract and the tern of this lien sh _ll not have theretofore been
tern " nated under some provision of this gr eement , to e2..-tend the
term of this lease for an additionR.l period of f orty- nine years
from the ene' of the fifty year period hereinabove fixed , provirled r
the right to so extend she'll be exercised not more than twelve
!:tonths and not less th.:Jn six months prior to thl-' eno of the a£'oresaid
fifty year tern, the right to be exercised by the giving of
a written notice to the party of the n st part .
11. U!>on the ·expiration of the term of this lease a1] im rovements of
'IIhatever kind then upon the lot hereinabove desc1'ibed sh;:tll be and
become the property of the party of the first part .
12. 'Wherever in this contract it is proviced thpt action shall be taken
or any thing be done by the P esil'ent of the party of the first part ,
such action mBy be taken or thinp" be done by the pe sons who may t
the time be considered and be actinp as the Executive heBd of The
Alabama Polytechni'c Institute; or by Us Board of Trustees 0 the Executive
Committee of the Boa.rd of Trustees .
IN ViITN.vSS V\IH:.:ill.EOF The Alabama Polytechnic Institute, a cornoration,
pursuant to resolution ado!>ted by its BOR.rd of Trustees at a meeting held
on the 3rd day of June, 1940, hnsca sed this instrument to be exec te for
it and in its name by L. N. Dunc::1n , its Presic~ent , ahd Alpha Iota Club, a
corporat; on, ecting herein l)UrSuant to a resolution of its :ao .rd of Governors
adopted at a meeting held on the 16th d'-',y of May, 1940, has caused this
instrument to be execu ed f r it 8nd in it name by Paul Irvine, its
Presir1ent , ::mel the parties have c used their respective seals to be hereunto
affixed and to be duly attested, :3.11 in Cluplicate , on this day of
___ , 1940.
By _ __ .......,......-_
As President
Attest :
By----~_rr"--~------------- As President
The State of Al bcuna'l
~ ee County
page 13
Bo , d Minute
J ne 3, 1940
I, , a Notary Public in and for said County
in said State, hereby certify that L. N. Duncan, whose ncur.e as President
of The Alabsma Polytechnic Institute, a corporation, is signed to the
foregoing instrument , and who is known to me, acknowledged before me on
this day that , being informed of the contents of the instrument , he s
such officer and "lit.h full authority, volunt arily executed the same for
and as the act of sajd corporation.
Given under my harld this __ day of ___________ , 19/,0.
The State of Alab ma,
~ee County
Notrl,ry Public , Lee County, Alabp,ma.
I , , a, Notary Pub1ic in and for sai d County
in said State, he eby cert ' fy th t Paul Irvine, whose n e as Presirlent
of Alph IotFi Club , a corporation, is signed to the foregoing instrument,
,nd who is kno~ to me , acknowledged before me on this d y th t , being
info med of the contents of the "nstrument , he a such officer and vdth -
full uthority, voluntarily executed the same for and as the act of said
Given under my hand this _ _ day of ___________ , 1940 ~
Notary Public, Lee County, Alab-ma.
And thc-.t the Presi('ent of the Alabama Polytechni Inst· tute be and he is
hereby authorized ,md empowered to execute f or and in the name of A1C1b8ma
Polytechnic Institute a cont Act in the form herejnabove setout.
Chairman Samford then called to the attention of the Bo rd the recommen ation
of the Commission on Institutions of igher Educction of the Southern Association
of Colleges and Secondary Schools vlith reference to the ppeal of
Miss Edna J . Orr to that Commission fo ' reinstatement as Professor of l!;ducc'tion
at the Alabam Polytechnic Institute.
pAge 14
Board . nutes
June 3, 1940
The Commission held a hearing on Miss Orr's case at the Biltmore Hotel
in Atlanta, Geor gi a, on April 9, 1940, and based its action upon the
technicality that whereas Miss Orr h d received verbal notice she had
in effect not received written notice within the proper time and adopted
a recommendation in the case in the followin~ words :
"That the Commission urge upon the administration of Alabama
Polytechnic Institute the reinstatement of Mi ss Edna J. Orr
on l eave of absence ;ith pyas of Febru ry 1 for six. months
thereafter, with the definite understanding that her connection
with AlabAma Polytechnic Insti tute will be severed as of
Aubust 1, 1940."
Upon the reading of the recommendation of the Commission it was moved by
A. H. Collins , seconded by P. S. Haley, that no action be t aken. In the
gener~l discussion which foll owed, the opinion of the group s eemed to be
that the Commission in its hearing had overlooked many f qcts in Ulss Orr ' s
case which h d been broUR'ht out by the Speci:'l Com11littee of the Board of
Trustees composed of Messrs . Collins , Greene and H .ley, and especially a
fact thrl.t Mi ss Orr had admitted that she had received verbal notice and that
as a matter or f act Dean Judd had read to her in February 1939 the writijen
notice which he finally deli"ITered to her on i u,gust 18, 1939.
The opinion was unanimous that there was no justOce in the f indings of the
Commission but that since we 'lere members in good st nding of the Southern
Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools end since f ai l ure to comply
with the recommendation of the Commi sion on Institutions of HOgher
Education, however unjust its judgment nu ght be, prob~bly would result in
placing this institution on probation, and since the experience of the
college during its ecent period of robat ~ on under the rules of the
Association for reasons over which it had no control, had been th t other
institutions in the state had used the f act to circulat e among prospective
students the statement th&.t the work of this institution wa.s not creditable,
that it would nerhaps be the best pol icy to acquiesce in the findings of the
Co, . ° ssion.
After a lengthy discussion of this aspect 0 the question, Mr. Coll ins
withdrew his motion and the f ollowing motion was p oposed by John V. Denson
and was seconded by V. q . Hanson:
~~, heretofore Miss Edna J . Orr, who was Professor of Education of the
Alabmaa Polytechnic Institute was dischar ged for good and sufficient reasons
by the Board of Tl~ste e s, and she , feeling aggrieved, thereafter complai ned
to the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools; and,
VlliEREAS, the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education of that Associat ion
made some investigation of her complaint and had a hearing thereon on the 9th
day of April, 1940; and
WHEREAS, by letter dated April 22, 1940, o. C. Carmichael, Cha.irman of said
Co~~ ss ion advised the President of Alabama Polytechnic Institute that the
s aid Commission had adopted a recoJ11ffiend_ tion in the case in the following
wor ds :
---.- .. .. .. - - ... - -- ---... - - - ~ - -.. ---~- -. -- -
page 15
Board Minutes
June 3, 1940
"That the Commission ur e upon the adn'.iJ:'1i str ation of
Alabama Polytechnic I nstitute the rei nstatement of
Mi ss Edna J . Orr on l eave of absence with pay as of
February 1 for six months thereafter , with the Aefini t e
understanding that her con..rlection "I'd th Alabcuna ~olytechni
c Institute vnll be severed as of August 1, 1940; fI
WHEREAS , Al abama Polytechnic Institute is a member of s aid Southern Associ at ion
of Colleges end Secondary Schools; and,
ViliEREAS , this Board of Trustees feels t hat the fact of such membership carries
vnth it some desire to recognize and comply with recomlllendati ons made by the
s aid Commission:
1 . That in acquiescence with the recommendation made by the Commission of
Insti tutions of Higher Education of Southern Association of Colleges and
Secondary Schools , Mi ss Edn J . Orr be, and she is hereby, considered
as having been reinstated as Professo of Education of Alabruna Polytechnic
Insti tute as of February 1, 1940, and as on leave of bsence for six
months from that date, at the expiration of which time her connection
with the Alabama Polytechnic Institute sha.ll be completely severed.
2 . That the President of the I nstitution is authorized and instructed to
pay Miss Edna J. Orr the f oll owing sums for the period indicated:
February 1-29, 1940 ~ ••••••••••••••• $291 . 66
March 1- 31, 1940 •• ••••••••••••••••• 291. 67
April 1-30, 1940 ••••••••••••••••••• 291. 67
May 1-31, 1940 ••••••••��••••••••��••• 291 . 66
June 1-30, 1940 •••••••••••••••••••• 291 .67
Jul y 1- 31, 1940 •••••• •••���•••••••••• 291 .62
said sum being equivalent to one- half of the annual salary which was being paid t o
her as Professor of Education at the Al bama Polytechnic I nstitute .
Upon rol l_ call the follovnng voted aye : C. S. Cul ver, John V. Denson, Robt .
K. Greene, Victor H. Hanson, F. W. Hare, T. D. Samford.
And the f oll owing voted nay: A. H. Collins , Paul S. Haley
The President Pro-~empore declared said resolution carried.
.... -. . -- ....... - ---. ---- -- - ..... ..-.-""'- -- - _... --. . _ _ _ ._ ~ ~ ...oI .. ~ • ..... ~ __ A
page 16
Board Minutes
June 3, 1940
Upon motion of V. H. Hanson, seconded by C. S. Culver and unanimous vote of
the members present , the proposal to execute an oil lease upon certain lands
of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute was referred to President L. N. Duncan
and the Executive Committee of the Boe.rd of Trustees with pOYler to investigate
and to act.
Upon motion by C. S. Cul ver, seconded by P. S. Haley, and unanimous vote of
those present, the meeting adjourned.
R. B. Draughon
AUGUst 1, 1940
Resolution .No. 1 - Revised Veterinary Budget
No. 2 - Revised Agricultural Extension Service Budget
(Copy attached)
No. 3 - Authorization for Signing Checks
No. 4 - Authorit y for President to ~xecute Lease
of Auburn Development Society, Inc.
(Copy attached)
AUfUst 1 , 1940
The meeting was called to order by the Presi(1ent Pro Tempore of The
Al bama Polytechnic Institute and on roll call the folloliring answered
present :
Messrs . T. D. Samford, C. S. Gulver, Jno . V. 1enson, 1". W. H:lre ,
H. M. Merrill.
Absent : Governor t'ank Iv- . Djxon, V. H. 1-Ianson
The members named constitute all of the members of the Ncecutive Committee
of the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute , and those
present constitute a quorum.
The f ollmving resolution was proposed by C. S. Gul ver end re'd i n full :
in line wi th resolution No . 4 adopted by the rloard of Trustees on June 3,
1940 , the budget of the School of Veterinary medicine , and the members of
the staff of said School, for the f iscal year beginning July 1 , 10 40 ,
and enoin[, June 30, 1941, sh011 be as follows :
H. S. Sugg, Dean and State
Veterin"rian $1260 ~~3 780 $5040 12
I. S. McAdory, Asso . St8te
Veterinaria.n and Prof . 2400 1200 3600 12
L. E. Starr, Professor $330 3270 3600 12
M. O. llooinson, Professor 2700 2700 9
·R. L. >iunchenk , Professor 2700 2700 12
(Resigned- Vacant)
E. S. Winters , Asso . Prof . 2520 2520 9
,--. l' • P. Woolf , Asst . Professor 2160 2160 9
J . L. West , Asst . Prof . 2160 2160 9
J. E. Green, Instructor 1980 1980 9 w. M. Howell , Part- Time Instr.- 1680 1680 9 w. E. Cotton, Lecturer 1320 660 1980 12
Milo red [bore , Instructor 1200 1200 9
Instructor 1350 1350 9
Secretary and Librarian ~10 1:20 1260 12
Proposed ~4980 840 $28,110 ~33 , 930
Present _~80_ 840 20 ,620 25 ,440
Increase 7,490 7,490
L-_...-:._~ _ "'_~ _____ ."-__ ~ _____________ ~"_~ _ __ L' .... ___ _ _ ___ ,, _ __ ........... __ ."' __ ~ __
pap"e 2
Execut ive Committee
Aw,ust 1 , 1940
Following the readinp of the f ore'""oing r psolution, rhich was cluly discussed ,
s~dci r eso]ution was seconded by Jno . V. Denson , an' ",ras ac10pted bJ un"lnimous
vote of those pres ent.
Upon motion by Jno . V. iJenson, seconded by F. V •• Hare , a.nd unanimolls vote of
those nresent the following r esolution Nas ao()oted :
BE IT R~S()LV=_D J'L THD .c.u'illCLJTI 'r~ ("0,,· l'.l'l'.u~, '.,~ :H J JO,..RJ O~ THU3'1':B:F:S : Thi t the
burE"et or the Ao-ricul tural Extensi on Service f or the fis cAl yee.r be~inning
July 1 , lQ40, end endiw June 30 , lQ1:.1 , ~s revised by th Li.rector of said
Service in coonerati on wi th oi"fi ::!ic1f' Of' the United States Depe.rtment of
Agriculture, Bnd as oresented by the Presi dent Oi' the \jolle~e , be no t he
s&~e 18 hereby ad09ted .
AND , 3i IT r Llh.TH ... Jt Rl!.SOLVED: That the saJ ari es. herein included include the
sums pai-l by the sev er'<l counties , the Ale,b:illl"1 Polytechnic Institute and the
Dederal Government . ( Adcii tj ons and chant es attAched to cony of budget and
f i led as Jart of the minutes of June 3, lQ40 . )
Upon l'otion by H. lJ • . erril. , secondefl. by Jno . i/ . Venson, Bnd ullftrli molls vote'
of those , r esent the "01' 0' 'in€:, resolution !J s adopted:
all checks sir;ned by M. A. Ulenn, Tr easurer, or under her direction, sh~ll
be honored by all 8uthoriz d deposita ies .
Upon motion by Jno . V. Dens;i(on, seconded by C. S. l,iulver, and unpnimous vote
of those present the follo'~ ng resolution was aoopt ed :
L. N. Duncan , President, of the Alabama Polytechnic In~titute , is herEh;y-' -nd emp o~re re d to execute the attached l ease f rom t he Auburn
Dev elol>T!lent Society, Inc . , for cert ain property described therein, upon the
t erms Dnd conditions sta.ted i n c11d" 2ee .
UrJon motion by C. S. Culver , seconded by H. D. Merrill , and unanimous vote
of those r esent , the meetinf> ac journed.
R. B. Draughon
Secret ry
- - -- ---- - - ... . - -- - - ---.
Extension Service
Dr. L. N. Duncan, President
Alabama Polytechnic Institute
Auburn, Alabama
My dear Dr. Dunca.n:
Auburn, Alabama
July 30, 1940
Before me is your memorandum of July 27, concerning our budget
for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1940. The changes proposed are
itemized as follows:
Supervisor (men)
Supervisor (women)
ProQosed Salary
Specialist (child care e~d family life)
Accountant's office
Name ....,....~ Prese.m Salau Proposed Salary Increas~_ .
T. W. Lumpkin $3300.00 $3450.00 $150.00
D. I.. Robertson 2700.00 3000.00 300.00
Harwood Hull 2700.00 3000.00 300.00
H. w. Dearing 2700.00 2850.00 150.00
w. H. Gregory 3300.00 3450.00 150.00
J. c. Frink 2400.00 2700.00 300.00
J. I.. Liles, Jr. 3000.00 3300.00 300.00
R. H. Page 2700.00 3000~OO 300.00
P. G • .Millsaps 1800.00 2100.00 300.00
Eleanor Fryer 1200.00 1320.00 120.00
Maxine Payne 1080.00 1200.00 120.00
Sara Smith 1320.00 1380.00 60.00
R. B. Jeter 1500.00 1560.00 60.00
Mary Carmicha.e1 900.00 1020.00 120.00
Myrtle Good 1500.00 1560.00 60.00
Dorothy Parker 1200.00 1260.00 60.00
Alma Newton 1500.00 1560.00 60.00
Lettie McKay 1080.00 1200.00 120.00
Lucile Coston 360.00 400.00 40.00
Helen Jacob 1200.00 1260.00 60.00
Sarah Howle 1080.00 1200.00 120.00
--- ---. - ---_._ .- -_. _ ..... _ .. -.-- .. ~ . ... - .. -- - - >- -- ....... ~.-- .---- - .-. -...-..-~
D. D. Vickrey
R. E. Martin
Leola K. Samford
J. R. Parrish
T. W. Athey
J. M. Bolling
M. M. Woodham
A. D. Curlee
Willie Lou Terrell
Marion Cotney
Lucille Mallette
Josephine Mann
Bobbie N. Robbins
Elizabeth Tamplin
Fay Jones
Flora Carroll
Evel yn Blake
Katherine McCrory
Birdie T. Pompey
Elliott Robbins
John P. Powell
Walter C. Odom
Lawrence C. Johnson
Perley F. Thomas
Present S~ Proposed Salaty
4000.00 ( 2700.00
The above changes are explained as follows:
Two additonal supervisors were approved, upon your recommendations,
by the board of trustees on March 1, 1937. These account for an addition of
$6900.00 in salary and $2200.00 in travel, a total of $9100.00. Our Washington
office is advocating it. The item of $3000.00 (plus $1000.00 for travel) for
a specialist in child and family life was included after much thought
and consideration of the importance of it and also in line with our policy' of
strengthening and improving our work with women.
Practically all salary increases are for young people. During recent
years we have made substru1tial additions to our staff, which means that
many young people were employed at low s alaries. We are now trying to raise
them on their metits and as funds permit. Doubtl ess t his is wise administrative
W. H. Gregory, who was recoIT@ended for an increase from $3300.00
to $3450.00, is replacing Dr. R. S. Sugg, ~~ose salary was $3800.00. The
change, therefore, is a reduction of $350.00. J. C. Frink is taking Mr.
Gregory's place and is being r aised from $2400.00 to $2700.00, or a figure
,$600.00 less than Mr. Gregory was geing paid in the same position. There is
a vB.cancy in this particular unit t o be filled l ater by a young man at about
J. L. Liles, Jr., came to us l ast year and has a splendid
record. He has his master's degree and almost has his doctorate. His work
certainly justified an increase from $3000.00 to $3300.00.
Mr. Rufus Page crone to us with the understanding that his salary
would be raised at this time to $3000.00. We made him this promise to get
him and his work has amply justified our promise.
Paul G. Millsaps came at a salary of $1800.00 and certainly is entitled
to a promotion to $2100.00. This is true of Donald Robertson from
$2700.00 to $3000.00 and of Harwood Hull from $2700.00 to $3000.00.
There is no change in our total budget, except in county funds.
Federal and State appropriations are the sa~me for this fiscal year as they
were last. It is therefore only a shift, or change, in our use of money.
More than three years ago we inaugurated a plan for fully equipping
the county offices to increase effectiveness and efficiency of county and
home agents and assistants, and to reduce drudgery. With uncertainty as to
our funds we made a "lean" budget each year and have used our balance at the
end of each year for equipment and supplies. We now have this equipment up
to about what it should be and are, therefore, increasing the personnel. Incidentally,
we have made similar or even greater salary increases in forme.r
Perhaps I should explain that our budget which was sent to you in
May was tentative because there was then doubt in Washington as to the amount
of Federal money that would be available this fiscal year. There was a threat
of a ten per cent reduction. With this pending we were not in position to do
more than present a tentative budget. After this threat was removed we LmIT£diately
presented our final budget which is now under consideration.
Trusting this explanation is clear and convincing, I am
- - - -- - -- ~ -.- - ... ---
Sincerely yours
sl P. O. Davis
P. O. Davis
I The State of Alabama
Lee County
THIS AGRE~mNT made by and between Auburn Development Society, a corporation,
hereinafter ca.lled Lessor, and Alabama Polytechnic Institute, hereinafter
ca.ll ed Lessee, WITNESSETH:
For the consi 'erat i on and upon the t erms and conditions her einafter set out,
Lessor does hereby lease, let and demise unto Lessee, for the t erm of fifteen
years beginning July 15, 1940, the fol10~~ng property:
A tract of land described as foll ows: To ascertain
the beginning point run from the point where the West
property line of College Street is intersected by the
South property line of Magnolia Avenue, West erly along
said South margin of MagnoHa Avenue as f ollows: South,
88 degrees and 59 minutes West, 604.1 feet; thence South,
88 degrees ~~d 41 minutes West, 615.2 feet; thence South,
88 degrees and 35 minutes West, 472 feet, the point so
reached being the beginning point of the property; from
s ai d beginning point run South, 6 minutes East, 429.6
feet, along the line of property of Alabama Polytechnic
Institute; thence South, 88 degrees and 36 minutes West,
386.5 feet, along line of property of Alabama Polytechnic
Insti tute; thence South 114 feet, along l ine of property
of Alabama Polytechnic Insti tute; thence South, 88 degrees
and 29 minutes West, 505 feet, along line of property of
Alabama Polytechnic Insti t ute, to the East margin of Cary
Street; thence North, 3 degrees West, along said Cary
Street, 416 feet to the mar gin of the Highway known as
the Wire Road; thence North, 43 degrees and 40 minutes
East, along sa.i d Wi re Road, 177.6 feet, to the South margin
of the aforesaid Magnol ia Avenue; thence North, 88 degrees
and 35 minutes East, 78$.8 feet, al ong the Southerly margin
of said Magnolia Avenue, to the beginning point; bei ng in
the City of Auburn, in Lee County, Alab&ma.
The annual rental shall be $5,500.00 and it shall be payable as foL _ows,
On August 1, 1940 ••.••••••••••••••••••• $700.00
On January 15, 1941 ••••••���•���•••••••.••• 600.00
On July 15, 1941 •••••••••••••••.••••••• 4200.00
On Ja .uary 15, 1942 •••••••••••••••••••• 600.00
On July 15, 1942 •••••••••• ••••••••••• •• 4900.00
On January 15, 1943 •••••••••••••••••••• 600.00
On July 15, 1943 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4900.00
On August 1, 1943 ��••••••••••••••••••••• 700.00
On Janu2ry 15, 1944 •••••••••••••••••••• 600.00
On July 15, 1944 •• ••••••••••••••••••••• 4200.00
On January 15, 1945 •••••••••••••••••••• 600.00
On July 15, 1945 ••.•••••••••••••••••••• 4900.00
On Janu~ ry 15, 1946 ••••���••���•••���•••••••• 600.00
On July 15, 1946 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4900.00
On August 1, 1946 •••••••••••••••••••••• 700.00
On January 15, 1947 ••••••••���•••••���••••• 600.00
On July 15, 1947 ••••••••••••••••••••••• $4200.00
On J anuary 15, 1948 •••••••••••••••••••• 600.00
On Jul y 15, 1948 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4900.00
On J , TIuary 15, 1949 •••••••••••••••••••• 500.00
On July 15, 1949 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5000.00
On August 1, 1949 •••••••••••••••••••••• 700.00
On Janu ~ ry 1, 1950..................... 500.00
On July 15, 1950 •••••••••••••••••••���••• 4300.00
On January 15, 1951.................... 500.00
On July 15, 1951 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5000.00
On J anuary 15, 1952 •••••••••••••••••••• 500.00
On July 15, 1952 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5000.00
On August 1, 1952...................... 700.00
On J anuary 15, 1953.................... 500.00
On July 15, 1953 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4300.00
It is understood and agreed between the parties hereto that the L e ~ sor shall
not be required to make any rep. irs to or improvements upon the said property;
that t he Lessee will at a.l l times keep all of the buil dings and improvements
thereon in as good condition and repair as they now are; and that any default
in the payment of any installment of rent, continuing for thirty days,
shall authorize the Lessor to t erminate the said lease and the rights
of the Lessee thereunder.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instrmnent to be
executed by their officers who are hereunto duly authorized, in duplicate,
on t his 15th day of July, 1940.
s/ ~. T. Ingram
Witness as to Auburn
Development Society:
s/ Emil Wright
Witness as to Alabama
Polytechnic Institute:
s/ G. w. Wright
By' xl R. B. Draughon
Vice~Presid ent
By' s/ L. N. Duncan