Join AlabamaMosaic

Joining AlabamaMosaic doesn't cost money, but it does require your time and commitment.

To get started, we’ll need your contact information, a brief description of the Alabama-related materials you’d like to contribute to AlabamaMosaic, some indication of the copyright status of those materials, and your commitment to index (that is, tag) the materials, using client software that we provide to you at no charge.

Please fill out and submit this form. Fields in red are required.

  1. Your name: Please enter your name!

  2. Your institution/organization (if personal collection, put "self"): Please enter your Institution or Organization.

  3. Address 1:

  4. Address 2:

  5. City:    State:    Zip:

  6. Phone:

  7. Please enter your email.

  8. Please provide a brief description of the materials you'd like to make available through AlabamaMosaic, including the approximate number of items or the total size of the digital files (if available):

  9. Do you or your institution own the copyright to these materials?
     Don't know

  10. If no, do you or your institution have permission from the owner to copy and publish them?

  11. AlabamaMosaic requires that contributors assume the responsibility for indexing their digitized materials, using client software that we provide to you at no charge. Is your institution in a position to take on this responsibility?
     Yes, but we may need some help getting started

  12. Please answer the captcha question.

  13. Thank you for providing this information. We'll be in touch with you soon.