1879 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama

Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1879Auburn. ilibal:;a Jun.2J.l.EI'79 At.th .... gul.arJ.nnua.l.!.""t.1.n£Oftt:"~;.uOt· .. ru.t.noft.h.A~rlcultur&land i.ltc hap.1c&l CDlhg.oCilibema. hel<.i in th.";oll.g.building. th .... vere pl"f!lIent , hl...

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Main Author: Auburn University Board of Trustees
Format: Electronic
Published: Auburn University Libraries
Online Access:http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7342
format Electronic
collection Auburn University Board of Trustees Minutes Collection
building Auburn University Digital Library
publisher Auburn University Libraries
topic AU Board of Trustees Minutes
spellingShingle AU Board of Trustees Minutes
1879 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama
Auburn University Board of Trustees
fulltopic AU Board of Trustees Minutes
Auburn University (formerly Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama); Board of Trustees
Education -- Higher Education; History -- 1875-1929: The New South Era
description Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1879Auburn. ilibal:;a Jun.2J.l.EI'79 At.th .... gul.arJ.nnua.l.!.""t.1.n£Oftt:"~;.uOt· .. ru.t.noft.h.A~rlcultur&land i.ltc hap.1c&l CDlhg.oCilibema. hel<.i in th.";oll.g.building. th .... vere pl"f!lIent , hl • ....>tellll.ncy . .uru •. , . Cobb. GOv.,.llorofttle"t,.t.and .•.• " .. r . !i&m.II. B .. thea., Dowd..n. i.Qngdon. Ligon .ml Kalona , Abunt, Lessen tlox. :.a ra1.011 ~ La"ler, &::d 3t..,,,l. Onl!<>tionoci.r. l..ant;<lon. U.a frellidant. oCth.Coll".:" """ relUntO<i to raad hill ... portlth1ch "'a5don • • and$ut.itted with&cc~papeMland ... port8 , .;r . lreaidentand.OenUmen of the lk>aro of T"ru8tees , Re.,;ort. ofth.I-MlIIWent A &HCoU·Z· J""el879 The pan year I,." in s.at; .. r "pectsbeen on. of the .slllt lIu~c""~M 111 the history ottheCo1l8fl;e •. n-.enUlllbe,.oCltudent ll.~.been4"g4I,.thaneverb .. C..,reandlOOre oCthamhavebeC11nth"lliFjlercl&uea, 'illlol" 11=b"r 'em-a 1878- 9 '" "" 187'{-8 8 ""8-, " lIrn_8 1818- 9 " ,L ThlrdClas lI 1877_8 "" ..., "" 1877-8 66 IB7t-9 78 l"lfthCl&se 1817-8 1670..9 " '" The \0/11010 nu,nber in ~oll"ll. cluses !'TOiler 17S . A 21_ 1'01' ~" larGe a body of students, their general [;000. conduct has been re!:1!l.rkab1e., :ami their progres~ ';,Wtl it has not been all we desired, has been at least satis_ factory . The I'r<>f"s~<.lrs have been dilliaw,t in the <Jisch:irge of their duties , and untiring in their erforts to p:.;:omot., the interests of the College . j,o faculty in any col­lc, e in the country is doirl£ tr,ore work and fe"o< are doing better work, than tne Faculty of thisColle[;c . Colonel (;hao:-.ber~ , the profe~sor of Agriculture, did not beein the discharge of his.c!uties until about th61nidtile of f'ebruary , since thton he haa been engaged not only in the duties of his own depart::l00l , but has re:1dered valuabl\; service in the aeaprt _l.:ont of !.4I£lishLihraturc where his ho:1pw:.s greatly needed . The att ention of the !3ca!'d is respectfully caned to the re ~o rts of the Professors herewith submitted . These Nports snO>l that ttl/! projects of the st",dents a9 a whole, of the college, hilS uecn v"ry satisfactory in every depart;.ent . "'Lttont10ni .. invitedtothejletiticnofl"rore~sors . "lland ~thforappropria_ tions in aid of their respectiv" departt~ .. ntG and it i!> recommended tr.at the su.":15 aSked for be grantea by the board.. The attention of the Board is reo.;pectfully but ear:lc~ny inviLed to the fact , with increased stuuents, coces illcl'ease of wori< in every depar t.r..ent. <of the Collere , and that there is a point where the quantity of work required=st of necessity i:r.pair Us quality . An exa.-oi.'lation of t.he cat.alof;uewil.i s .. owthat two teacilers in the rreparato ryDe­PIIrt. o:ent have nad cnarge of 1(.4 students , hile they have never had this n=ber at any one time 1Itld nave be~n as~.i..st..<! to 90"''' c:d.ent by other teachers, the facts still ~hm,' that they h~ve erfornled an arnoW'lt of work raroly done in the school rooCl; nor1.'1thecol1 .. ge roper is the work leGs artiuou5 . Thei:ourthClasshasnw..bereU7aandthe l'hird t:lalls, 56 , TheproperinstructiOll of these clas"es required their division illto two sect ion/) each • .. 1th the Jecond Classes our colle£e courses divide and we have &JlS1oo'ering to these courses of study I'our s"cond classes and f our fi.r~':. classes . .nese with the divi­sion of the fourth and third clas~es inot secti<on:3 ~ke the e<;uivalent of twelv .. college clallsez . -<lch of these t we1v<1 ::lasses ria" an avera!;e of 17 recltatio,1S p .. r ""ek 110 that the redLaticns of ten of the col lege cl asse~ proper =ount t o 2V4 . III addition to this , the classes 1n 500kkeeping ha.ve lOr .. citations per week , ;nsking a total of 214 recitations per wek for B teachers or an average of 28 to each Instnlctor . In addition to all this theN! is Ul!~ time of the professor of A .. r i culture dL"18J)ded for out sid" work . There are co,lpositions and dec11l.!:l<Ltions of 175 s~udents to re_ ceiveattention . 1'he correction of these cor:;positions aile proper instructicn in deda..:tation .... il1re.,\uir .. no s::Jallpartofthet1n:eofther..anwhoundertakesthis work, a1)d:j.tisa>lork £reatly neadedin thiscollelle . InviewoftheHefacts, I respectfully sug est to the tloard t he a:lclit ion of an other [".e",ber to the Faculty . The l"ast "l<P"nsive way of doL'l1\ this woo.:.ld be by transfer­r inG rrQfes~or ;:axson to other Qutin in connection with the Collee;e, putting 1'<22- Lr . T,...ch is char e;Q of the Pre;JII.rs~ory Oep"rl",ent . for which he is ~"'ll qualified and eh ct in.gOM 8IIsbtant to BUpply Lhe pl:lc ewhich foe would vacate . lithis pl.&n be adopted the salary of ~ r . ihacr. *,ow.d be 1ncreS5~d to t'iOC anu the new aSbistant ,",ould have t he =.,e cOllpensation no��~ allow&d • .1" . Thllch . Under this a rrllnllement allowi.""lg ;>'900 to Kr . !livers and to ~:r . Thach the whole <>Xl'E'nBe of the Faculty wow.d be .. 17. 550 &lmuall,y . Th:!. ~ should l eave aboul. $5, 500 for other ..,...."..nses . a SUlllwhich it Se8:1S torr.e ought to be 5uffieient for this I'Ur pos e . Anxious as 1 know t~e .i>oard t o be to ""'. 1i1 thll rlabts of the ~on .. ~e , 3M stcong1y as 1 s)"!'pathize with tnat feeling, I reeard provision for the proper and II.doquate instruction of our stUi.!ents as the fi r~t duty oj" the in.stitution . Fully sa.tisfied Ula.t the board will in v:l.ew of all the facts; the work to be <>'0;"), th~ de::-=ds in other directiOlls ond the t.eM~ aT. the disposal of the Col _ Ieee do th:l.t "Heh ia wis~st and best for the institution, I cheerfully ~ubruJ.t the whole:o.atterto theirdiMjX>u.l . The expense of fun: ahiny. 1n~truetion to a studomt is less at thh I.:olle,e than eny oth ~r iTstitut10n of ~q\lal e rade Oll the COllt1nent . In 1875 it cost th~ Ar:rieult.ural ~oEeee or Lassachuaetts 271. per ca ,ita t o fu r­nish instructioo to its st.udents . lIewYorkCJa6 . Pennsylvania n9J . 11l1."ois ~J25 . An ave rage of thesa f our in8titutions of nearly ~J.w . There is no r eason to believe thst it costs the.:\ les~ today. t h&n 15 shown by these fif:ll r e8, while t his collee;ehas t he past year turn h hed inat rucU"" to her 5tudents at a coat of ·S5per ellpit ... . ~'h i s diffe r enc e is due to the Cact thst the r aculty here do <iouble ~he wo r k or<il.na rily dO:le by colhee profeuors on ...,-.aller salaries t han a r e giv .... usually . i'r easuN!r ' sltel-0r1. The reporl ot the Tree..suN!rwillsr.owthat the ex!:end.1 t ureof theCollur,ethis year has bee.,, &2J . 627 .95 ag&inst , 2k, !l05 . 87 lllst year . In ll note ... dd r essed t o me the ~'rea.surer ~ayS J "It will be obs erved t hat we dr ..... f r Ol'l the :,tate s t housanddollsr slessttUsj·ear, thMOUr &llllUalinteresth ... vin!': &llticipated thia Suo: l ... styesr-that is pa1d out of the f Wld this Y"IIr soove $2COO of the claLI:s belonging t.o last year, hence there is an s clua.l deficit ofabove')OOO in what should hsve been our a.nnual incoTae ." It ae,,",stor..e . that our e>qJend1tures for pur poses ot her thlln instruction a re lsr:er tha.n they should be . certainl,y , lar &erthMldesire and every effort w1llbeOlll<ie t o r e<iucether:1stillfurlhe ... . 1"hefaet tlu!.tdur ing t he"ast.year withllll1ncreaaed r·IIcultyandwithextnoro.linaryeXp<lllSes .emountinllto=re tha.n a thousand dolla r s , "8 ha ve been able to run t he College at II cost of $J :;.t(I less thM the year befor e , proof that we have been trying to exercise proper ecOllo.-,y in our expenditures . I n th1~ connection I "ould r espectfully invoke the attention of the Board to the policy of 1nc reasir.p the. collegafees toUOpe ... tenninsteedof ,7 . ,a . This increase whUe it would be a ::Iere rit t a.nce t o ellen stu.,en t , ~.."uld add several nundNlddollars t oour mcOoT.e . A e<>lmdttee f,.."., tbe Legis13ture paid the College II visit ini'ebr-uary l.o.st . The)' expressed t hc.,selves M not only rr;;.ti!ied .nth w!ut~ t;,e:- saw of the Coller,e, butsurlirtscdattheext;elltNld erfectionof1tssppl1ances, Mrlthe g~nen1 toed oroar and COtlduct of its corps of carlets . 11 2)- Had t.hat. connitteebeen lIO;l,poweredtom.s.keap"ropriations fl"O::l t.he :.tate Treasury .... e could have procured any reasonable aIJOUllt. for t.he purpose~ of the College . 'L'heCollege a" it standa before us totiayisnot. w1thout its defect.s ar.d .... ant.s . No suCCesa in any direction ouCht to blind any one coooect.edlrlt h it either u a C".ember of the Boaro or of the Facult? to t.his fact . Elut .... ewr.ybe perm tted tor"joicein t hefact .thatit.rn.sat.t.aine<iac:easure ofauccessof .... hichall itsfriendsrr.aybejust-ly proud . . 'e8.l1t.icipate f or it. a·full realizaticn of all t he brirht.pr or:tiaes of the p resent and confidently expect. -that day ... hen Alaba.r:la will recor,nise it as one of the c reate~t blessings t o !leI" people . Res pectrully submitted , ( !l.er;ular proceedinlls) On '.otion of '.1". Lalone the repor t cf t.he Pr esident of the ..;ol1ey,e "'3.5 laid on t.h a t.able , en Eot-ion of ~.r . ]:lames. the standinr, c OlILuttees be reorr.ani~ed ami On Lotion of Lr . Langdon t hat the co=dttetfl on Finance , Revision of Laws and Cours(I of Study becor.po "edoffiv~I:leI:'Ib erseacl,andt.heothe rc =.itteesoft.hreer.e:rnberseaoh • .ldopted . On ;·.ot.ion of!"r . Lan;;d~. , the 'l'reaS\lre:,w8s requested to ""ad his r eport .... hich WaS aone and subll'.1tted . :"lso the r tlport of the .. uditL'"le co.' cltt .... on the re1:orl oft.heTreasurer . 'l'reasur"r ' s Heport 1'0 the iionorable lJOaro oJ' Trustees of the A & 11 ColleSe of Alaha!La T"easu rer ' ~ Office:' &: M ColleGe Aubum , AlabsmaJunel6,l$79 1 herewit.h submit t o you a stateOl""t of tile finanCial t.ransactions of thie offictl for the year 'mding June 15, 1879. ~;:; e Treasurer ar,c. F.= Balance Rtlceipt.$ $l9 ,)5C.CO 2, 965 .00 )05 . 81 ~2L~ : ~J ... lawr .. c:ents Bya"IOWltpG.1dtollalanea 1.J(pClnSaapc . lIa" . & In . ape i1xt.\U"'CI.a~ trint1.n&apc a~cord& and "ta~icnery ape ~'rd~ht ape ;"I'I'I-ral.u& ape I.uaicape TMl~te'l at'" SUary apc ra .... apc: lnauranca.pc .. ho-.J."als ... pe Illt . &""",ch . apc .... rgeoo apc: Adverth~apc Tolio&lar1eadUeeoo1N;A\I€L'"t. lsl • b&l.ancldua . .1u.(Qu -.bllanclapc LOUlIt. of (iiacount. dua t.o the r·cult~ "ot. incl'""oc1inUioabove .. t1:atc . $ 60'9 .47 l , l2V. (,6 l , 22J .72 1o~9 . 17 JAJ .27 lSO. '15 92 .)8 618.5'1 391 .42 2)6 .90 15 ,~ : ~ 412 . 51 1J4 . 2~ 196 .51 165 .00 ~3.i~$:~ 4, 767 . 5() 1050 .00 t.~:~ L~ .61o ';. 1 . :aenn, " Nlasur er To the lJoal"do(Trustcnof thuA", l.CollaCcof Alabama Autn:rc , ~.a JlII1e16, 1879 Your Co......ittH to...tJ<IIII h assiq.ed the .:ut7 of eitaa1n1n~ t!le bool<a , :>c:ounte ",d annll&l f1n&ncl8l trar. ... ct.i.uns of t.ue j', ... asu .... r or 1.1, .. ';olJe -. <IU d1",,~.arl'ed UI3t dut;)'; anJ be[ 10l0ve too ra,ort too tha . card , thal they tina. t.ne boo;,e oC t.I.at cHice fl~at1i •• e;..t and h1a vo"c.~er ~ aI', rov~<1 IUld ~u,-,or~.d by tlla ,'re;s1dent &Il<l Acl ine ' .... "i _ dent of the College, for ali-- !DOnl ... <dabursed. , and t~. . t the ~cd~te of .:.on1 .. froe all 90,,"rec .. on acc. ...... ,t or t!le Colle:' .~~ l·roP~rly and corr ectly accolllltad 1'or . !'. .. ~ ... ICH'I.Illy BUb..J.tttod, r . I, . lleac.and . . ;; . Jow"eU,Cac. On r.ot i on of br . Uames t h6 r epor t of th .. Treasul'er and the Auditing COQ:littee on the s lLf.le "aB referred to til" C040ittee on I'man;:e , -"he report. of the " Beall)! of the College w., 01L motion of b · , Bames referr«! to t he o,;=ittee Oll ll.evisi on orr...ws . . . Gn i.otion t he iIoard adjourned. unt.il t gmorro'ol' I'O'.>minp, 9 o ' clock . J . I , iceeee, .>ecretsry /";26- Auburn, ;'lab.u:a June 21" 187'1 'Ill" Board e:et. at. 9 O' <;lC.<;K • • ~ .• v .. rsua.nt. t.o adjoumment. utd t.here lNrfI present. : t.h. rreaicent., t.heGovomorof the~t.&t.o utd i.es"erl' Barn .. " , S .. t.h .... IJoItdd1, l.anedcn , Litonl\lldl.alone . Absent, ;.." .... er~ liaral"0I1 . Lawl or ..... t.&lso1 and ux. Tho ,"resident announced t.hafollowingst.andlllgco::Tdneell : I'inanco : Lanr.dan . bam ... . Ileth..a , l.alone . Lawl e r . -.ev1$lan of Law., ~rne8 • .:itansel, I.ir:o.. ... . IiaralSQII. Ilox. "ourseot.;,tud),: ,.alune,->t.an"ol . Ligon . lJet.r.ea . li.1.ralson . \.:ol.u60 Lands and f-r<li'ert.)' : !lowdell, lkIx. Lan;:don . \.:la~,,: harllleon, Dowdoll, ""t.hea Asr i<;cit.l..re : Lan&Qoo , !SOX. Li£oo . Gn 1.oUon of I r . l.alone ~he t"<I;<:l r t. of t he f r<l~ident. ot t.he l;olle.~~ b" ta:en fran tile t aole and referred to the';o;:rnlt.t.ee on jiil\a...,ce . •. r . ~. rnes introduced t.ho Collowing, .t....:>(..;.V .... , 'lh.t the .;lro:na Alpha .. pIUOII '·raterr.1t~· bo ond are here""; aut hc ri~ed to elltablbh a chapter &:::.OIl8 the ot ticers and lIt.udent.~ ot t.he:" &). ":oUo"o upon condition tl\.:l.t a list o! the cnarter t:e~ bers (&::oQII!' whO'll at. le8ll~ shall lJe one mlll:.ber of the ,'scult)') shllll be f 11ed ... i t h t.he f""ident ot the Goller;e betoN t.he p"r't"".ana..t ori:nniz~ t1on ot u.ald c!1epter; andsna.ll ,rovid. [urtherth3tincallethbper::du1onbewlt!'KIrn','llet.an;·!"Utur" t1:;.e . ~aid cllapter her"ln :1.1,:thorized ~,1all be pro;lIptly disbanded . 1'11" coolidern.t.ioo ot the rnolutio!"l WaS deterred Wlt11 the next ~eeUn~ of tho ;loar.:l . Lr . uerne~ r e:W. .. ps.per froM th .. ""creta"l of the oirt .. oc1ety asniI1 r t.he per­r.. 1sst·n or the Loard for t.he U:;Ie of U," Colleee i;hs:,,' for:;l m.1l.iLllq hop . On w!11cn paper.l Cor.-i~tu8 ccnsi .. tin;t of .. e:;l:;lers "ame:;l ~!'" Uron ',J nar<ad t.o con(erwiththe rreslcllntof theCoUer:o l'acw. t )' . Lt' . . h;~ a ppeared and t ook hls seat with th. ;""ard • .. essersi)ameland1.igon J'<f;:<lrtedthe1r con(o:-encew1lh th".·ll.c:.].tjand tn!.oU on "r hr . Jet h"", th .. r .. qu"~l of the ,1:1. _oo:1ety wu t rant.ed, and . r • .Jo\«I"ll W88 -eluntod to 3g0 that the proposition '.ad" by the .. oe,:,oty te tait.hrull~· ob"erv'1'" (,r.'oUonof r . J.i<:on. t.he:xmrda<ijour"oo Wltil) o ' clock p. c.. F. : . . ,ta~c. , .. , eretary '!be Board _t..t. 4 o'clock I . }.. ami th.r. were pr9soot: the ?realdent. . and ;.'!UllI.ers ila.rnes. Bet.hea. )ox. ;x,well. I..e.ntdon. L:Lo!oc; and }.alone. }<r. Lengdon t)"QII 1.h" Ca=itt.ee on Financ. IIUbc:dt.1.ed the follo"illg repc.rt.: 'lb •• inanc. Coa:r.dt.t.ee to ",hoc!. vas referred the annual report ot t.h. l-NaWent 'of 'the College. vith accompe.n,y1.ng report. ot Lhe lIeveral ~e,:,.berll ot the facult.y . I .. ve had WlCierconllid'r .. :t.lonthevariol..arecU'!ltle.ru...t.ionsoftheFresiaente.ndhauinetruct.ed u to report the following resolutione aoc. rl;\c<::l?BJld t.heir adoption, 151. R-;()LVdJ . That. a Chair ot utglhh Lit.erature be and t.he aaua h hereby cst.ablished and t.hat. RtlVe1'8nd C. ri . ,.axson at. preeent. ,)'(If'essor and f rincipal Qj' t.hD rrepnrat.ory JD:.artII:ent. bD and h hereby .t.re.nsferr4d t.o t.he .... hair ot "ht:!ish Literature . 2nd UJ·LVw. 'i'll.t. C. \:. 'Ib/lCh be IIUld 1.s b,ereby appoint.e(!. " rinci~ ot the hepara.­t. or,' iJep .. r~ent. at. a salary or ... 9CO per f.IlnUl'. . Jrd ...;(LV ..... ·lbat an assist.&nt. in WI. t-~parat.or;y ;;',:art08nt ba 'lected by this Bo«,rdl'ot .. Al.ry ot i75v parf.llnu::l. 4th R;....iOL'I.~ , That t.he lIalary' ot~ . '.iurl,n instn.;ctor be.tUed.t"9I;.O par anmUllfor Ul,t ... t.uro . 5t.h <...;.>(,LV ..... . That. t.t'\.e sUllot i.5VOba and t.h, a&IlD ie hereb;YlLp$Jropria,t.od to the DepartUlentot "atu.ral History to be 'X?D!Ided undar thDdirect.ionotth.headot that lJepal"tment. . 6t.h IL.,,(,LILll , ·lb.t t.he SlI:II ot .uoo Pa olppropr1at<Kl t.o the Department. ot EathllC\&tics to be exp!lnded at the discretion ot the hesd ot sait;l lJepart.ment. . 7th rt .. ...cL'r.Jl, Thattheincidentalh.otllt.u.Je:ltahereafters~llbet7 . SOpe r hl'lllPlQ'll,bl'aaheretotore . C. C. Langdon,Chain:.an The report. was t.aken up seri.ative and adopt.ed and t.hen &dopt.ed as a whole . The President of the Collega .ubc1t.ted a cQl.;.un1cation in writ.ing : Uonorablc lI . '" !,;obb i'resident. , IlOll.rdof1'1'ustee. A & II College June2.4,1879 The Facult.y in.tru-:t.ed lI'.e to ree<'U!lend t.o t.he Board t.t...t the following d'fre •• be conferred upon the gt"II.Ctuatlng cla,s . t .• .s . Andrews J . o> . Oowd.eU J . ~ . Il . ..>hipp • . H. B4lce O. C. t~c::;hee Bachelor of :.cia nee , . B. DUlaN A. a.O' lIara J . t. !'Uu:k.lrd Bachalorof.lllinear1ng I . ! . 'N.chlnor Fruldent On ~ot1on of I,r . Langdon the .evera! dasnul •• r~oru".IIlded.by .the Pnllldellt ba conterr.odOllthegraduatinecl.a"lofl87s:..9 . Adopt ed. On Motion DC hr . Bantee the deer" of D. D. , Ooctor DC D1v;1nity, h, (;()nterr~ on 1leverorndJohnl ... thewsoCthaMethodiat."piacopa.l.Chul"ChSouthoC thecityoC" ... Orl8UIeandS"teotLou.1.IWlna. . Adopt.cl . OnoUanot).r. I.eJ.onethedegreaot:JoctoroC.Ph..Ilo,o\lh7haconCerracl()flC . Lozo ~thotAt.h ...... LineatoneCount.y.Al.&ba;a . Adopted . en ~ot1on DC l.r . Bethea tha .;acretary wae requeated to invite 8IIc1'l .-bar of t.ha '.cult.:rto_t.t.heBoardt.<E.Drrow"'r~inl1nretereno e to.resolut1on1nt.ro­duc. clbyhr . &ntu, 1tth.,.thinkpro~:'t.odoao . Adopted . The lloanl adjourned untll 9 o ' clock A. r . M. Reace :lecret.&ry Auburn, A.l&bam June 21:0 , lB7~ -r\- 29- The DOard I118l at 9 o ' cl~k A. I'i . and the" _re Jll"" .... l : the Pres1d. .... t, o..vlllmor ~obb . and l!easer8 banles . Jathea, ~, uowdsll, La.ngdon. l.ifon and x.J.one . hr . Bamee, Chairman otC<n!d.ttee onttevilion ot Lan, reported that turther t ime be Cr.:mted untU the next c:eeling ot the 1J0ard and that they then report . On i_oUon orb' . l.an~m the report or lhe Tt-aasurm-and the r eport ot the Au.d1ting Comr-..itteeCf'lthosa.meber&eeivedan!.isdopted. Protessor Chau:pen >l3S called on IIIld ... d.e e verbal report on hi. depo.t'tlnent t.olhe ""'ro. On . ,otion ot kr . Box the 5.al&ry ot the Treasurer be increaalJd traJ! '7LO to $8t() per annum vu adopt.ed . ~.r . Bames vas , r antvd leave to v:1t.hdrav the resolut.ion in reterence to the or .. 3ni­u, t.1onotthe .. ip.llpha_l-silon..xx:iet.y . :il.ecUona be1nF. in order, hr . tlOX noninalod ... T. Glenn tor Tr"'lI\U'er and en ".olion ot •. r . SanIes, J\r . OleM vas elected b;r accla.r;;at.ion • • :1" . Lanedon at. t.he r&q\lellt ot the ?resilient of the i;olleeo presented th. name of } ... . O. C. ~.cGh •• as &3shtant tcocher . loll' . Betholl thoreupon I"'t in nooninat.ion }"' . IcCheo and he VaS ellilcted by acelaation . On l.otion of ~;r . Baron the Treasurer b, ~1red to give a bon!.i ot $20,000 .00 to be approv&<1 by the f'ru1c\ent. of the Leard of f'ruetee$ . The~s1dentoft.he ... olllllgerecOo1.en<1e"t.hat.t.heCl.lIIl!reeof}:,sterof.xiencebe conferred on Oeor-e il . n'ice . Atiopted . The report ot the Coccan..ia.'lt vas rltCehed and o,-,;S,ered tiled with the 1 resident ' s refiOrt I-rKl those of the othlllrProtusors. },r . Beth .. intr04uCtIIC the following r"solution, ~LVUl , That the Board ot Trost.ellls of the A &. M Colleglll of Alabama have the pleallUre to congratw.ate the Faculty tlilachers and otticerson thll rosperouscond1t.ionottheColleceandit..pro!l.isingtuture, and teolthat it hdue t o ofrorthe1raasuranc .. that theyhaVII raithC'ully and earnestl,y petorc:llldt.h.irduU"andlabors . Ar.d the,valso eXPNlsa to the cadets t.heir eongrstulat.ions, nl't. only on tlle1r ordtlrl,y an!.i 1II8lll¥ conduct, but thtlir .,roric1encT in their atuiies and 1Ilil1t~ry evolutions of which they had abundant and satitltactory evidence durin8 their cOIIIDoIIIlca ent. exercises . Allopted . On J..otlon ot hr . ~.alone the i:loard of Truet. .. return their thluM. to hill ::XCellencT the ~ov.mor ot the ;>tate for the COlorteoUS and digniIilld ::wultlr in which h. has d1acnarEedhisctuUesast.htliri'residinll!:otticer . en J(otlon ot J~r . aamn the 3o.ard "tllrtl to }.r . f . ~ . 'teeCII tneir th3nlo<s tor the prOOlpt andcorrect.-.annerinwhichhehaadischarFedh.iSl.lutillsa.sSecretarytotheBoard . The So&l"'d haviu,g been called t.o~.ther at the in.tan". of the ~o.::anda.'1t . useo:bled.t the Ho~el of F . O. ~.,4111&Z1ey , where it wu Rt..>CLV;J;l, That th. C(X!mI&Z1<:iant i~_ powered and inBtnlcted Lo let out the "ontr-act forcac:et uniforns and turnishings annu&ll�� and to in • ..,.ct and r«eive all "uch clot.lling. 'The Ca&1ndant .r....u ap­;; Oint a c:.adet ~r1.er talter who under hi, cirKtim Bhal.l keep acc<lWlte I.Ild !lU7)­erintendtheclothlnro! thlcaciets . ror this duty uCedet..uarter ... "ter, the pq"hallnotbe.,,..,thanOr'\elrunC!redandrittydol.l&rsaa.~b;rtheC.,.., lIlalldant. • B;r • ..:- . 8arnes , RWCLV.:.O),tbatjtllhaliblthed\lt,.oft.he~l!ottheColllS­to ",ceivl 8llddi"blll"Se all thlmmOJtth&t I!IaYbe oaidin!v't.he':e!lIt8forcloth­ing, luitl, -nd Wl.ito=s , which IIhal..l. be kept "I~arate Dr h1Jh al a CadIt_fund and paid out by hill on oroer ot theC<DrI8ll~t , Be~"'t. andd.1at1z1ct frc. the general ':;olllrl 1\ind and hi lIhal.lbtl liablco on his bond tor the 8!l!:11 . Adopted . o:n...,Uon the Board adjourned . F • . Reece ,,(;c"tary to Ilo..rd of Tniatees ReiX'rt of Profesllors and Teachers accClllpanying the report. of t.he President of the Colle~e and which forn a part. of the record for t.he colle(;i.at.'" y"'ar, 1878-9. \)r . I . r. 'I.'ichenor, l'rasident Auburn , Ala"ba,¥ JW1e 13, .187.9 Depart.r::ent. of Languages, La.tin II,Ild Greek A &~; College Aubum, Alaba,:;a I sublrd.t the folicwi11i as my annual report. . The Jrd, 2nd, and 1st classes 1.11 Let.in cont.s:1ning 48 r.l8I!Ibers have been instructed by pe, reciting in accordance wi th the requirements of the catalogue, both all to !!lIltter and t1l:les ot: recitation . The 4th cla .. s , Latin , containing 26 ",embers , hes been t.au/::ht t.hitl ytmr by Instruct.or Riverll . Al.l. t.he Coliege classes have been taught by me in Greek . The number taking GNe\( durin/! the year he .. been 52. 1." cla .. ses have been very punctual in at.tendance , quite attentive to instruction, and t::Ora devot",d to study t.han usual, and conlltlfluent.ly t.heir progess has been ver-y good . This stat.tIrltlnt eppl1es t.o "" clessee all a Whole 8JJ I have had several persons in thWl. not at. ill pwlcl.J,lal, att.entive , or st.udious . The increase of nUmber in the Collese auglllenh lhe m.aber in classes and brings in so...e oetter material, thus enabli.n.& me to advance t.he.€:rade of scholarr>hip in t he severaJ.de.,art.ments . "I'hestandardofscholarshipshouldnotbeeleVlltedabovet.he capacity of the great. ~ of students , who properly' apply the-...selve~ , but should. be \Il1attainabli! by the indolMt and. inattentive . Our aegre t:! will' not be wort.h full value unlese .... " ..,quire full- scholarship .for their purchase . The Dla'9 s pendini". of four years at college does not" entitlo:! the student to a degree unless t.he full work a1lot.t.ed to ~o$e years h!l.s been per­fOl'l:! ed . ..hen a stueent N!.S done the full work required for a degree and his exami­nations t.elltify t.o that f act , let him pass otherwise , let him wait over another year . But one s~a you have s.dm1tted t.he young IGafl into ,our graduating class and permitted him to approach 'lohs threshold of graduation ; it is unjust to reject him at. this stags . .. e feel the sa:;;e disinclination of checking the student at. t.he end of each year and the result is he arrive8 at t.he end of his joumey \Il1prepa.red for his f.Ositicn . ..... should fix so:,~e point in the progr .. ss where th .. otudent. ought to expect to be halted , unless "repared t.o go forwar d . 1 feel that the t.ime haa coc:e when ",e <met take a IlION! decided coursij , and require iii U.'lifol'l:! deo;ree of SCholar­ship for graduation, whilst in the Clse of ot.he"s we do entertain the same senti­nents , Indeed we often feel .... e have gra.:!\lOI.ted a man without tho necessary quali­ficat. ionsforthedegree . I have only fIIention&d 1.;118 ma.tter now from th" fact , that I thini{ it ought to be cor"ectijdif possible , &!ldto L,,~c3.te to you as the chief oUicero! theColiege I l!\Y,willinQless to aid in ;;ver-y way, to br~ about a change that allmuet desire . Respectfully submitted , J . T • .JUlIklin i'rofeseor Il.ns:·endl. ... Tichenor, D. D. ~'ru1ctent A "")~ College De~rtaent of ChOllllistry Ald)llm,Als~ Junell,1879 lhaTsth"honorofllu~tt1ngt.h"fol .. ow1ngnopor~for,essiOl\Ju.t.nd1ng. 1 hay. taur,ht the follcw1ng: 3rd.cl&8111l1~erslCh-s.lJt.ry&ndC.l'III&JI 2nd class llI.lu'icultursl/.nalyds let. claseinChalcal Analyah, ';'r;riclOltursl';hll:lbtl'7and htroncq'. 4':la)rdcIau:l.nC .... ralCheIII1.stl'7conUuhoflixt.;-l'Iftber9tllno. t,weea .... eek . oJ.evm ~-.J>eT3 .;,f tI'e ;ret cIa.., studied i1sr--&n , rec1tlnt; rOUT thou. \<1Iok . Ths2nd clsaabotl!: in Agriculturtl and S<:1encepurlued the study ot Agricult.ural An&lraiat.'lroughtheenUN9.Nioo , davot1ngnine hours a week to re<:itatlon. and work in the laboratory . 'nIe latter con.bted of Analy.ell, of m:anur •• , sells, ued3 , fead stuffll, ate . 1'btr Ural. clan in ::>cience '"l:.rSued ch8l;dcal. analrsh , the en tiresession , l~tentlOW".a .... sli:inr8Cit.;l.tionaanQwork . The latter conaistea of an&1¥'" of minerals, cree , .tals , c.,.J.·, .... t.r, and gases, and.lI~otlMtalllcorea . :11e first clan in Al'ricultura , 8tud1ltd and cemplahd KHcwCropa GrCIWn &tid "HowCr<>p.<'ecd" and l"fIcittd three t 1:ale •• waek . 1'lIelatcl.anofallthe courSe8 prullutd the It.u<ly of Aotronoc;y, l"fIclt1n&thr<l.t.il:lssllwolll< . In .ddlt.l"nto.boVfl , ~.r . G.or.!:.H . Pric. , .~lO&t.otluty .... r , ha.:,ur_ lJUed.th ...... tgraC\liI.t.lcoura.1nSClmc., .pllI<Jint;t.hI_tothi.tinoin ."alJt,icl.lworl<1nlabonatory . 1 can r.,.ort. cond.l!nabl. "rogreu on part of all q cl .... s, e~1al.l.7 or h1&hered.ucat.1.on . Th.facllitiCllcUered.bynawlabor"toryhavillgproven vorysatiafact,cryfcr U.'proHcllticnctanalJt,icalwork . Ita::.,roatploS:lllniinintor lllingyouandthrouehycuthaBC/{I.rd , t.hatJolr . a.or,eli . fric .. , thel-clt gr.duate st.ud.nt abCVI ,..terred to, was rece>ltly u.cted tcthet.halr or I\.turu ~cl""c. in th. St.at. Ncn:al. .;ehcolat f1.crenc e . Alahll:llonrlll!llQ'cl>I:lpetl t.or • • Itwill60ugthubagratify1nptot,ha-..rlJ' friendlloftheColht;.tok!lovtha.tiualu::.nilr.beingc.UedtofWsllch >OIitlon. or trait and. honor . lhav.lI&debutllttll&aditioncr~v8Dlf\t.to~lsbot'lt.ory~lIr1nlthe Plllt .;>euion . The O<::&l.l a.count tc thadabit of u.a.,;n..ucal J.,.rtment.llavins beanljlflnt.1nthepurchaUQtneCIBBarycha-1cal • • 3cme....,rinbhedwonc, hov_ ever, r-u..tcbedcne, which it i.hcpedw1l1bo cCUllIeted ea.rlynextsessiOll . lal,chopati:st.at..".arlydaylca.ybtonbll to have tr.ote..porllrydlBkeand s •• tlluppl&ntedbynovC>nuof.lahrandbettort)'pe • .lllofwblcbis ..... pectfullylJUbl:dtted, • • O': . ... tubb. ~rotlBJ.()r ct ";"C!.1stl")' Reverend I. T. Tichenor, D.O. President , A &. ~I College R.eport of COm::l8l'ldant 1 have the honor 1.0 submit t.he following report. of the c=ndanl ' s Depart.lllent for the put. year . The large accession t.o t.he corps, has necessarily devolved a lI'.uch arger amount. of work on this office . This induced m,e ast. year t.o appoint. a bat.t.alion adju_ tant in addition to the post adjuillllt. 'Who had. theret.ofore the duties . 'fne at.tent.ion to drill has been better this year than 18111. . The order and disci_ pline of the corp5 has been co..l..endable . • lith thE! increase 'in nwiliers diecipline must be administered more strick.J.¥, :mel the DU::Iber Gubjected. to the penalty of the law =t be greater even than the increase of student/! . But whUe this is true , the cases at flagrant vi a lations of la'W have been rare • . I am with respect, R. A. Hardaway, COIlIlI&llciant. Report. of Professor of Eneineering Tichenor, D. D. I herewitb respectfully subr..in a report of the 'WOrk in the Department ot J::ogineering and Drawing . The 'WOrk ofdra'Wing inth8 tourthand third c18sses h8S been a ssigned to l nstruc tor .:. . R. Rivers . I am satisfied from personal eM.roin&tion that his classes heve b.urn 'Weli taught and have I!\&de considerable pr0 r. reS9 . '!'his a cti on hss reiieved me of four recitations per 'Week . The increase in tield 'Work. in surveYinil . in the third class alone has =:lICh ~ore th!lfl counterbalanced this decrease of the duties of the De;J8rtment . Thil t ollowing table exilibita the number at recitations and otfice exercises, but not the exerciaes in field 'Work . Subject tlo . of Tot&! Class T,= . No . Studenh :':xerciaea n:r-- ,- o>ur:eying ~ l<l~lg . -,,-- - 40- 2 " 40 80 III Tactics " 40 II Engineering 1'1 80 II Drawing 17 175 II Scienceot lo'ar 31 80 1 Uig1n..ering , 200 1 Drawing , 200 1 Tactics 13 40 11 Tactics -'l ---'2 1)8 '" The progrus 1nall respecu ha. been Nti,f sct.ory . .:n ..... 1on.dd1t1on.ha .. bflm lIIade to the BUpply of inBt".,...,U for :lIg1n~er1ng purpose. and the a:IOWlt of fhld wcrkinlurvey!n&and.ra1lwoot!wtlrkha.b • ..,lIUch!"l.t.el'thaninanyprev10us ,~ . th. cu .... in .... e:1nHr1nll:hav.ude the usual I.o\Ir of in'pe<:t1ou and. UULi.ns­t10n of m.t.ch1n~ry , and ..ng;1neerlztg \fOrk ......... lllade by til. ,,1.61 and ".:11011" preeenttd Cl'OIIIoot.e, t aken 01'1 viaite to .. or;'. of interest. In t.hh st.ateand Gaorj!u . Cfthe.evencradUl.tnin~.er1nginthecu,eoCl878 ,twohlVe toodpo·i_ UOl'l.onr&1lroed.1nthe'teteoCCeo~1a ,t\fO ..... I!Cpl.~ .. t.eache ... 1nth. public .chool .. oC )~oblle cit ,., one hal b."", elected I pr<>Ceuor in a coUege in lliba::la , one1Ipurlu1ng.polt_.;:reduat.ecourse1nthiecollee:e , and the oth ... 1 • .ngagedin Car=dng. · Th.et'lt.lreCUlSa,..,ut.lliz1na'ihe1rkn""'l~ , b<ner1tinJ!th.irra>:.lIIdhonorln& the in.Utution 0,. which th.,. ....... trBil'led for pr.etical wor!t: . In .. decad.th • .,1nee , mUle, r .. U roads Md work shop. of the South"nt >rlll b. -inl.T direct.ed byaont.ra1nedin theA&: KCoU.geoC.u..b&::>a . Chane'" ha", be<'n MO. .. in the curr1eu1\E1. the paat ,. ... , which hereo.ft ... wUl urgel:rben'fitt.heclassn~..:lin"l'II.ctlcal\fO .. k., without1ne ..... ingthe ubo ... ofpupUo .. tQacher . 'Rupec:tf'ul.l,:;rsuba1tt-.;l, R. A. Hardaway hores.o .. of ,l,Ein .... 1ng lJ.""rt.aentofl'.at.h ..... tlcs A"'EGoll~e June2CJ,1S79 Reverencll.'I'. 1'l.cheno .. , D. D. tre.ldent IrnP'lct.ful.ly5Ubw.tt.h'foll~N>port.ofll;Ydepart.lllentfortheYNr187S-9 . Cuss ;iubject 110 . 111 1.0. Class Recitation" r-~. . ----,-- ----w---- I "pheric"l Tri&. '" Astron . 3 ..lS S2 II kn&lyt.lcalCeo.utry 31 5a I1 hchan1c, 29)2 II Clculwo IS 41 III ;,;gl1dC~17 4~ 34 III Trlgono,,,,,try '" ~:eneurat1on 4~ IJ. HI AnalyticaIC<KICltttry 34 21 III Analy". a_et.ry (Sec . 21 IV Usebra(let..-::t.1on) IV a_t.ry gre£Ul.B.rI '" J4 )l ,," " 14 31 TotalnU::lb.rorreclt&tlonsfur1nn &theye.&" l" 1)1 99 "", -- -- - ----- - - Theabovet.ableF.1v ... athel!Ct.,.].nUrAberofclauu:ercillese:u:lusiveofe~t1ons andholide,ys . It will " traa. the above atatetllellt aeen there haG been increaQ or 2!i" in nw:ber inDeparl.J:tentotMathe;"..tics,.inthecolle<;eproperovert.henUOlberlntbeaatne Deparw.ent last year . There has been an equal inc}'Mse in ths progr .. s of t.he atudent.s end t.he a:;!ount of work don. in the various subject.. pursued . nte course ha" bem gradualq ext.ended With COM'esponding iJ:lprovOI:'.ent in thorou/:hnen and sound "chourship. The reBult of the yea.:-strork is truly tratifying . AttendAnce haa been reo;ular a.nddepor1.l;:entincla",,~&ood. The e.iJa in thh dep&rtinent ill to codllne • thorour;h knowledge of prindples with extensive and varied application in sucb a way as tc secure the greateat &-.(lWIt of ment.Al. disciplin. and the largeet rllCtiCal knovled~. of _th_tica .. applied. to the 1'arioua pursuit.s of pract1callU •• A allUat.cl.ory degree of aucc .. " haa alread,yb.en.tta,1ned . The third. and fourth clan hae been d1Vided into t.WO lIectionll of the aturle grade and pursuing ttle 8eme "ubjecta . Thi ...... rendered neCe988ry on account of their ahe, to atcure thorough drill in thetundamentAl. atudies in the c(lur"e1n l.athernat.ic II . Th. second aection ot the tourth clan h .. been in charse ot Instruetcr l . R. Rivera who hea den. hia wor, well . With thia lIubtancs , the work in thia de­partment can be accomplished in an entirely satisfactory manner . 1 would "lI4!8eat in conclu.ion that in the appropriation for the Phya1c&l Labor a­t017 which is 110 much needed, a -n a:r.ount b.- included for a .. t ot _t.h_t.ieal ~el. ano;! for llluatrat.ioo in I{echanice which ia attaehed to thia depe.rt.:r.ent . O. O. Smith Pror.• •o r, r.aU",..... .. tic. Note-The l'e:J(lrt ot the 2nd aaction of the fourt.h class v11l be incluO;!ed in InetructorRiver ' srepor t . Depart.l:lent. ot I,a~u ralliistory and GeolOU Aubum, Aleba. ... Jun14 , 1879 Re .. er8lld I , T, l'1cher.or. D. D. ~relident. ot A &t I, CoDeg' I nerew1t.h Nlspoettullysut.1t U-.e report.otl\Yvork1nthedlpartlllntunell'r lliY clut.f'(lldur~thll .. t.cnol .. t1cJ'8&rju..t.clo.1ng . fro=thlb'g1nningotr:qdutllauntilth'pr es.nt lotm.1 ha ... had th.ditt.rent c1annblto"" .. 1n r llcit.aUons846t1ll1' , w1th an aver&j)e of 27 reoit.ations per weak t.hr<>U£bolit the ;year . ~:~i~~~ I.lIbular rt .... w1.ll .xIdblt the number in each clan and the Rlbj.cu ~bj.cU fhydc .. hOt any Nat . Phil . Zooloty htn.ralogy G.oloty F..hys . Geo . BotlUU' • f rench 'I'el.c:r .p/I1' Geology f-. Grad . Fhy • • ;;la". 1.0 . lstt.nII :a:dte..". Ho . llecitations :itud.,tl Rec1t.tiDnB ilecit..tionl lat.ter:> xv- - ,,- Fer ;"ek ~ _,,_ "I I 6341 I 1 1 2 I 12 1 , I 1 IV )5 47 1 1 m 2 ' ~ ,J.2, J2 ., '4"8 48 J2 'e"o '" TIle ", •• rsof t.l' .• cla ........ gltllllral tI;1ngha", laen Vlry Nlgul&rin.ttendan~. of ""cit.ation" and tnur c!, .. !)Ort.aent hu been unusuallJ' good . I am pleased to &*3' that the progresa :I,n ~hll different st .. wi.~ lias been encoul'll':_ 1ngj.larg.proport.1oooft.h.,tudent.<.\i'p1ayins.d.siretoll<4st.rth.subjectl pl.acod latore them. Tr .• planof1mlt""ct.ioniallla1nlJ'b]"l.ctureslXc.ptin.~4thcla .. , v.,6reth. object hl& be.n to 1n~ul cate the tund'''"lf1tal principles or the schnc. by ... ans otaclolllltwlyotthetextbookB . Ul.'lou&n 1 1la"eatl..-ptedtotl!leacht.n .. &t.lldent,by.lle&llsoflect.llresand'xperi_ mentsl.h.f.cllitin.ho ...... r.j.J..c«l.t""d1lpo-.linth·.hap.of apparatus are ,olll6&g.r andinadequat ... t.o rend.r it exe.edinglyd1tficult. t.o lucidly 8l<pla1narulillu.t.rat.eth.113 .. ofac1enc • • 'lberei.sad n .. dofr.pleniahment in tnl whole d.partlr.ent., bu~ r-rt.icularlJ' 1. loh1a t.h. oa.e in t.1l. pIiy.1c&.l Beet1on . 1b • ...auntof.pperat.u.onIl&no:l1.1n.u1'Cieiel\t.~ •• etl.h.dtc\&l"ld.ofanordina..,. cla .. expera.,t . 1 hue theretoNl be~ c...,.,llod to t.uch IIIjj' clausa tI&inl¥ bT black board 1llultrlUDn . Thh1sun!ortuna.t.e tcrl.hestudmtbecaueenoth1ng &OforciblyiJ.,pruu.andf1x ... la .. ont.hem1ndua.tull,xr·riolentwit.h suitable apparatu8 making before t.he eye a practical apl1cat.ion of the law . It would take but a s:r';U outlay at first to purcha5e the apparatus that 1a now nacassary, and by additional approprietions at. each annual "leetinr of the Board of Trustees , a physical department Could be soon fi.tt.ed up .nth all .the lIIOdem improved appar at.us . I would s .ellt therefore that the au .. of five hundred dollars be a ppropriat.ed at the be-rinning of the next term, for the purchase of a pparatus that. is nOW absolutely need~, this would be but a s:nall dr aW' on the 'i'uasury of the ColleGe and the ="7 could not be Ildre wisely invested . 1 would also furthe r sugeest t.hat an edditional a=unt of C2000 be at. an early dey a ppr opriated for the p..lrpose of opening e phys:l:callaborator.r in cOllIsction with t ilis department . 1t is unnecessary to "lention how llaport.ant sueh a Labontory would be to our students in I' atural f hilo50phy. At all the first. clasa colleges in t.lle l'nited ~tates expoerb.ental laborat.ories in P\'.:"sics have been opened and are now in s'tcc es aful operation . These are arranged in the s&J:Ie plan of a cher.ical 1I'Ioorntory . The student is required t o anter this physical work shop and make a practieal a pplicstion ot the lat:s and principles expounded in t.he lecture room . 't. is method is calculated tco t llorough1;y illIpress t he subject upon the clind of the student and he ill r.aturl\lly led to take an interest in t.he stud,}' of !latur&! Rhilosophy . .1 at! endeavoring by exchange and otheMse t.o thoroughly equip the /latur&! IJUtory De"artment . 1J.rll&dJ.- we have on hand a very eoW ..beginning for bullding up a first class I!:USell."l _lII'ld if pr ivat.e individuals thf'Ol18hout th" state wolUd take an interest in t.his matter and send us specimens or minarals , i nsects , aniJnals, ete . that _ y be found in their neia;hborhood, we would soon hsve all our avalleule apa ce eCCllr1e1 . The museum consist.e at present of 4697 specilllens, 426 of which have been added to this nMber within t.he past :rear . Add to this number the 2.soo specimens in my privat.e collection, that the C1l'lS9 has free use of, and our mIlsell::l makes a very good disi>1a¥ for a colleee 90 young. Kuch c!"8<lit is.aue t o the cadets tor the interest they have tak8ll in t.he 1lIU8e= and.m.any of the specimens have been added by their lsbors . It is wit.h pleasure sir that. I aclatowbd,ge the many kind fains received fror.l you durinS lIlY connectiOfl ..nth the c.ollege, and your hearty cooper:ltion in all lIlY du.t1es . P. h . l;ell, J r . To R"v"r .... d I. T. T1e""nor Pr ... ide:nt A "HCoU.S. Auburn. , .u~ Jun,,21 , 1879 1 n.pecttw.l:r.u1.ai.tth.tollow1n&Nlpor1.otwol'kandatt endaneaintheFre­"" ... tory o.,."'-1t ot the Coll .. tor the CUl"MDt .cholaetic y_r. IntlleHr.t_tionllllder.::fOtOTlpersonaJ.euperv18i<mtll.CollONingclu<I .. havabo"" t."lllt: ,,~ ~ t.o . catioh R"c . !l!r .. "ek ~ ~ ~I1. 47 160 J4 ~~:-;"* H. GI'aI:l. 12 theoth.r 6 160 d ••• eloC Arithlll.tic 40 Coll·sehave J4 reeeivedin_ l.atinCaeaar 12 .trucUonin Soli"" 11 160 "IY cl ••••• . O .... elo: , !hhwUl..c_ J 160 countCort.he Us:b ... (~) " appar .... t d.1_ J4 c re~c,.be- '''1 1) t ... " .. th18 COIIpleto 4 r "por tan<.l , ... "'" J7 160 th.Labl .. hl"wr;y J4 =- '" "" C.talogue . In.dd1tiontotbowori: e:xtolbltedin the to"'so1ng table 1 hoave £iven daily in­. truction inpom.r.Mhlpandhavehad .... eklyex.rch".1nor.toryandeompo.ltlon . ~ .. pdraw1 ghubun taught in conne<:tlO11with the .tudy oC H.1atory . 'n\o cad.t. havotb""neullad .. 1veto ... t r ing .. t ey.t .,..oCdhclplin"sni ..... en ... r ),yell ... d. Zoodprogreesintlleirstud18s . lhavsende.vo!'O<ltoArOuueckar.cteroCpr ld. intlle claesinlllo.md..oCth.caclat.vh1chltN.t.lluandwil.l.slillturt.har elevst. their It&nd..lni or MOralit1 and , eho1.&rahip. 11l.reby.ppendandllalc.p ... tofthl.paper tll .... portoC C. C. Thacll . C. E. in cllars.oCth. second lI<Ietlon . 1 Lak.pl. ... urelncc.nend1nghhdlliB"ncein tll.dlscharg.oChilduUeeandcapacit.yboWltol.partinetrucUonand<=aintain dllell,lin • • G . W . }~ Fror..lIOr"'Prlnclpa!oCf>rfI,.ratory Depart.cent Profenor G. "d . Jo.:axson f riJ'lcipal f reparaLory tl ePflrt. .. ent 5ir : A &. H College Auburn, Alabama June 21, 1879 IrnpectfullyS1Jbadttheacc~repo rLOflll,Ysectionofthel'rePfiratory Oeparbumt of the A ol M Collete of AL!.baa!a, the subjeeb pUrsu8(!l, the n=ber of studenta and munber of recitations ere .. t forth- iJ'I t.he following table : Ari th:::letic '"" 100 &n o Gram . 40 42 108 ~ta.ra ;;~llin& ,. 51 100 LoU" ,2 " lSO '.ding 21 Hhtory, U. S. 43 100 Ceor-aphy 29 28 J 108 Algebra -»- -.i 10> 'total 8) )l ill6 Beddat the ~rk: inMcetad iJ'I this exhibit, I ha,.. giv"n dail3 inetMlction in pelllll&llihip to the antireclsss . The stlld..,ta 1n thea .. cL!.asas l!aftbeen with . faw exc.ptionsre,o:ul&riJ'ltheira tt~ce , «XaI~1nt.he1rdeporl.::!entand dUllgant 111 their appliCAtion to stu~ . b a conaequence the r reo-en _d. in th. v, rbal classea h .'ry conHi!nilable, as la . ahO'lln by their .. adonal. end ",xa:d.natioc gradea . I have IUde th .. e exa:a1nationa tho¥'OllC!:h .end have takllTl them on corrupond- 1ng th«r:u from tb", exas1n&t1on to tbe 0 . 8 . tieval Aced"""," . Rnerend 1. T. 1'1<:h8ll0r, D. D. President , A." II . Colle,. OeuSir: Stah 1. focll. Coll.,. lubum, llabuIa JlIIl.20,l.87<J 111& ... the hOIlOr t.o IRIhmit \h. tolloor1ng r.pon ot Lb. work .... trut.tId to rq ur. tor t~. 1&1't .c.h01&.t1<: TMr. Th. tabl. vUl uh1bU the c1& .... , .ubjech puraw.tId, mI!IIP.r ot .tud .... t. in each lubject, number ot ,..cU.t1on' per .... It IIldT"r of thil"tT_four .. eekl. n 118.1":2 hru " , n G_·t.I72nd 34 " , Cool . Coml .ArUhII.t.1c '" 2 V BooItk:.p1na!P~11I1p 19 '" , IV 24 " , IV Latil1 .. lfTthologr 26 " , IV DraviD, lin. ... trHiIand " " 2 . 34 1II 2 106 56 68 170 170 1.7.0 ProjecUoo. .. Mod.lIldr.v1.rIf...JQ ..Jio 68 Total. 2~7 ~ '" -.ro It vUl be ob"rv.d Lb.t I had (26) tvantT- IiJt HC1t.at.10111 per w .. k b.iDg .... , . ,-' in.cad-.1c <il>t.1 ....... l7hou.rottb. da,y, for thr .. da,y. of th ... e.k. O:nth. otb'r two da.;r' w.ra hour. 11ft open tor th. parfo..-nc. of Po.t Adjutant dut1 .. , V1tbvh1ch 70\larafu.ll.1.l.r. Ot tb. total DUIIb.r ot .t.ud ... t. II uhib1ttld b7 tb. 1..1011 (251) _ v.roo count-' IIOratblllOllc., •• tb._.t.Ud.Dh .... cUl.dindittar ... t INhject •• but I 11& ... in.tmcted. during tb. pa.t Te.r on. hWldrad and thil"t7ditt.raot .tlldlOt. il1tb • • enral dittarlllt d' pa.rt.ent . Ottb1.IlWIIb,r th,nwINi ottb.)rdc1& .. )6 . . . " • 4th' 75 •• ,tb' --.!2 130. ttl, 'ICtioa of the 4tb Math_tiee ofvh1ch Ibid charg. parlDd Lb. MIa cOW' .. .. thatlD1d.erth.ProLe .. orofMat.b_t1ee.Ii.axam1ntldbotbcll .... to'.tber andgradedlll_to,.tber, .l.nd1t.llA7not.b.-.1 .. to.tlhtbltoacc:.Jl&!'inith, ~t.1on.plptlr.ott.b.two.lCt1oa.,1t. ..... fOWldthltth' .tud .... t.ofrq 'ect1ondidnot.utflrb:rthecOIIpAr1loo. Th. Prob.lOr ot ing1neer1n& hi. tor .... en.l Tllra ottered. . bide' to the b .. t clnft. .... ottb.)rd.c1& ... M.bubldt.h.d .. 1radlft.ctot.t1aul.&t.1.oJ;t.b. Itw:l.aa.t.I to b1&h.r.ttort and I raport I '""terD\aberotco.petUorl tortb. bad,e:.t.hlnh .... t.ofora. Iendeavoradto,iY.the.tlldlllt.otLat.inlthorouchdr1llil1t!onthepr1.r:>c1pl. .. ofth.~,clratul.l:7cc:apar1ne:tll.1d1 ... ottll.Lat1nlanguag.w1th tho .. of our Otalv1tb the twofold purpouot tllchin, th. tne Latin andbr1n&ing 1..11_ to lao" tborovghkn_l"",. of t.b. paCul.1arlt111l111dbllut1l1ot OW' £ingUlh tOP8l'e. 'ftl •• xemplary d.port..lt or ,th •• tudentl in Jq cla .. rooa d .... rnl 'peelal IlelltiOl'l and it afford. III. ple"uNI ,to report a coamen<l&bb progNl" 01'1 the p&rt or rq cla .... aener&1l:7 . ThueillalackoC'pplianceifortQewcc .. ,f'ulpro'tlC\ltiOlloCtheCoamtlrei&l Cour... The expenditure of a -:u. IIlIIOlIllt would , rendtlr thh .. -uch &or' 1,lB.f'ul branchorinetru.ctiOll. E. R. Riven . . Inetructor . " Po.t Adj\ltant
title 1879 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama
titleStr 1879 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama
author Auburn University Board of Trustees
author_facet Auburn University Board of Trustees
id AUbot7342
url http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7342
thumbnail https://cdm17353.contentdm.oclc.org/utils/getthumbnail/collection/bot/id/7342
_version_ 1782466961903452160
spelling 1879 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of AlabamaAuburn University (formerly Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama); Board of TrusteesMinutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1879Auburn. ilibal:;a Jun.2J.l.EI'79 At.th .... gul.arJ.nnua.l.!.""t.1.n£Oftt:"~;.uOt· .. ru.t.noft.h.A~rlcultur&land i.ltc hap.1c&l CDlhg.oCilibema. hel<.i in th.";oll.g.building. th .... vere pl"f!lIent , hl • ....>tellll.ncy . .uru •. , . Cobb. GOv.,.llorofttle"t,.t.and .•.• " .. r . !i&m.II. B .. thea., Dowd..n. i.Qngdon. Ligon .ml Kalona , Abunt, Lessen tlox. :.a ra1.011 ~ La"ler, &::d 3t..,,,l. Onl!<>tionoci.r. l..ant;<lon. U.a frellidant. oCth.Coll".:" """ relUntO<i to raad hill ... portlth1ch "'a5don • • and$ut.itted with&cc~papeMland ... port8 , .;r . lreaidentand.OenUmen of the lk>aro of T"ru8tees , Re.,;ort. ofth.I-MlIIWent A &HCoU·Z· J""el879 The pan year I,." in s.at; .. r "pectsbeen on. of the .slllt lIu~c""~M 111 the history ottheCo1l8fl;e •. n-.enUlllbe,.oCltudent ll.~.been4"g4I,.thaneverb .. C..,reandlOOre oCthamhavebeC11nth"lliFjlercl&uea, 'illlol" 11=b"r 'em-a 1878- 9 '" "" 187'{-8 8 ""8-, " lIrn_8 1818- 9 " ,L ThlrdClas lI 1877_8 "" ..., "" 1877-8 66 IB7t-9 78 l"lfthCl&se 1817-8 1670..9 " '" The \0/11010 nu,nber in ~oll"ll. cluses !'TOiler 17S . A 21_ 1'01' ~" larGe a body of students, their general [;000. conduct has been re!:1!l.rkab1e., :ami their progres~ ';,Wtl it has not been all we desired, has been at least satis_ factory . The I'r<>f"s~<.lrs have been dilliaw,t in the <Jisch:irge of their duties , and untiring in their erforts to p:.;:omot., the interests of the College . j,o faculty in any col­lc, e in the country is doirl£ tr,ore work and fe"o< are doing better work, than tne Faculty of thisColle[;c . Colonel (;hao:-.ber~ , the profe~sor of Agriculture, did not beein the discharge of his.c!uties until about th61nidtile of f'ebruary , since thton he haa been engaged not only in the duties of his own depart::l00l , but has re:1dered valuabl\; service in the aeaprt _l.:ont of !.4I£lishLihraturc where his ho:1pw:.s greatly needed . The att ention of the !3ca!'d is respectfully caned to the re ~o rts of the Professors herewith submitted . These Nports snO>l that ttl/! projects of the st",dents a9 a whole, of the college, hilS uecn v"ry satisfactory in every depart;.ent . "'Lttont10ni .. invitedtothejletiticnofl"rore~sors . "lland ~thforappropria_ tions in aid of their respectiv" departt~ .. ntG and it i!> recommended tr.at the su.":15 aSked for be grantea by the board.. The attention of the Board is reo.;pectfully but ear:lc~ny inviLed to the fact , with increased stuuents, coces illcl'ease of wori< in every depar t.r..ent. <of the Collere , and that there is a point where the quantity of work required=st of necessity i:r.pair Us quality . An exa.-oi.'lation of t.he cat.alof;uewil.i s .. owthat two teacilers in the rreparato ryDe­PIIrt. o:ent have nad cnarge of 1(.4 students , hile they have never had this n=ber at any one time 1Itld nave be~n as~.i..st..<! to 90"''' c:d.ent by other teachers, the facts still ~hm,' that they h~ve erfornled an arnoW'lt of work raroly done in the school rooCl; nor1.'1thecol1 .. ge roper is the work leGs artiuou5 . Thei:ourthClasshasnw..bereU7aandthe l'hird t:lalls, 56 , TheproperinstructiOll of these clas"es required their division illto two sect ion/) each • .. 1th the Jecond Classes our colle£e courses divide and we have &JlS1oo'ering to these courses of study I'our s"cond classes and f our fi.r~':. classes . .nese with the divi­sion of the fourth and third clas~es inot secti<on:3 ~ke the e<;uivalent of twelv .. college clallsez . -<lch of these t we1v<1 ::lasses ria" an avera!;e of 17 recltatio,1S p .. r ""ek 110 that the redLaticns of ten of the col lege cl asse~ proper =ount t o 2V4 . III addition to this , the classes 1n 500kkeeping ha.ve lOr .. citations per week , ;nsking a total of 214 recitations per wek for B teachers or an average of 28 to each Instnlctor . In addition to all this theN! is Ul!~ time of the professor of A .. r i culture dL"18J)ded for out sid" work . There are co,lpositions and dec11l.!:l<Ltions of 175 s~udents to re_ ceiveattention . 1'he correction of these cor:;positions aile proper instructicn in deda..:tation .... il1re.,\uir .. no s::Jallpartofthet1n:eofther..anwhoundertakesthis work, a1)d:j.tisa>lork £reatly neadedin thiscollelle . InviewoftheHefacts, I respectfully sug est to the tloard t he a:lclit ion of an other [".e",ber to the Faculty . The l"ast "l<P"nsive way of doL'l1\ this woo.:.ld be by transfer­r inG rrQfes~or ;:axson to other Qutin in connection with the Collee;e, putting 1'<22- Lr . T,...ch is char e;Q of the Pre;JII.rs~ory Oep"rl",ent . for which he is ~"'ll qualified and eh ct in.gOM 8IIsbtant to BUpply Lhe pl:lc ewhich foe would vacate . lithis pl.&n be adopted the salary of ~ r . ihacr. *,ow.d be 1ncreS5~d to t'iOC anu the new aSbistant ,",ould have t he =.,e cOllpensation no��~ allow&d • .1" . Thllch . Under this a rrllnllement allowi.""lg ;>'900 to Kr . !livers and to ~:r . Thach the whole <>Xl'E'nBe of the Faculty wow.d be .. 17. 550 &lmuall,y . Th:!. ~ should l eave aboul. $5, 500 for other ..,...."..nses . a SUlllwhich it Se8:1S torr.e ought to be 5uffieient for this I'Ur pos e . Anxious as 1 know t~e .i>oard t o be to ""'. 1i1 thll rlabts of the ~on .. ~e , 3M stcong1y as 1 s)"!'pathize with tnat feeling, I reeard provision for the proper and II.doquate instruction of our stUi.!ents as the fi r~t duty oj" the in.stitution . Fully sa.tisfied Ula.t the board will in v:l.ew of all the facts; the work to be <>'0;"), th~ de::-=ds in other directiOlls ond the t.eM~ aT. the disposal of the Col _ Ieee do th:l.t "Heh ia wis~st and best for the institution, I cheerfully ~ubruJ.t the whole:o.atterto theirdiMjX>u.l . The expense of fun: ahiny. 1n~truetion to a studomt is less at thh I.:olle,e than eny oth ~r iTstitut10n of ~q\lal e rade Oll the COllt1nent . In 1875 it cost th~ Ar:rieult.ural ~oEeee or Lassachuaetts 271. per ca ,ita t o fu r­nish instructioo to its st.udents . lIewYorkCJa6 . Pennsylvania n9J . 11l1."ois ~J25 . An ave rage of thesa f our in8titutions of nearly ~J.w . There is no r eason to believe thst it costs the.:\ les~ today. t h&n 15 shown by these fif:ll r e8, while t his collee;ehas t he past year turn h hed inat rucU"" to her 5tudents at a coat of ·S5per ellpit ... . ~'h i s diffe r enc e is due to the Cact thst the r aculty here do <iouble ~he wo r k or<il.na rily dO:le by colhee profeuors on ...,-.aller salaries t han a r e giv .... usually . i'r easuN!r ' sltel-0r1. The reporl ot the Tree..suN!rwillsr.owthat the ex!:end.1 t ureof theCollur,ethis year has bee.,, &2J . 627 .95 ag&inst , 2k, !l05 . 87 lllst year . In ll note ... dd r essed t o me the ~'rea.surer ~ayS J "It will be obs erved t hat we dr ..... f r Ol'l the :,tate s t housanddollsr slessttUsj·ear, thMOUr &llllUalinteresth ... vin!': &llticipated thia Suo: l ... styesr-that is pa1d out of the f Wld this Y"IIr soove $2COO of the claLI:s belonging t.o last year, hence there is an s clua.l deficit ofabove')OOO in what should hsve been our a.nnual incoTae ." It ae,,",stor..e . that our e>qJend1tures for pur poses ot her thlln instruction a re lsr:er tha.n they should be . certainl,y , lar &erthMldesire and every effort w1llbeOlll<ie t o r e<iucether:1stillfurlhe ... . 1"hefaet tlu!.tdur ing t he"ast.year withllll1ncreaaed r·IIcultyandwithextnoro.linaryeXp<lllSes .emountinllto=re tha.n a thousand dolla r s , "8 ha ve been able to run t he College at II cost of $J :;.t(I less thM the year befor e , proof that we have been trying to exercise proper ecOllo.-,y in our expenditures . I n th1~ connection I "ould r espectfully invoke the attention of the Board to the policy of 1nc reasir.p the. collegafees toUOpe ... tenninsteedof ,7 . ,a . This increase whUe it would be a ::Iere rit t a.nce t o ellen stu.,en t , ~.."uld add several nundNlddollars t oour mcOoT.e . A e<>lmdttee f,.."., tbe Legis13ture paid the College II visit ini'ebr-uary l.o.st . The)' expressed t hc.,selves M not only rr;;.ti!ied .nth w!ut~ t;,e:- saw of the Coller,e, butsurlirtscdattheext;elltNld erfectionof1tssppl1ances, Mrlthe g~nen1 toed oroar and COtlduct of its corps of carlets . 11 2)- Had t.hat. connitteebeen lIO;l,poweredtom.s.keap"ropriations fl"O::l t.he :.tate Treasury .... e could have procured any reasonable aIJOUllt. for t.he purpose~ of the College . 'L'heCollege a" it standa before us totiayisnot. w1thout its defect.s ar.d .... ant.s . No suCCesa in any direction ouCht to blind any one coooect.edlrlt h it either u a C".ember of the Boaro or of the Facult? to t.his fact . Elut .... ewr.ybe perm tted tor"joicein t hefact .thatit.rn.sat.t.aine<iac:easure ofauccessof .... hichall itsfriendsrr.aybejust-ly proud . . 'e8.l1t.icipate f or it. a·full realizaticn of all t he brirht.pr or:tiaes of the p resent and confidently expect. -that day ... hen Alaba.r:la will recor,nise it as one of the c reate~t blessings t o !leI" people . Res pectrully submitted , ( !l.er;ular proceedinlls) On '.otion of '.1". Lalone the repor t cf t.he Pr esident of the ..;ol1ey,e "'3.5 laid on t.h a t.able , en Eot-ion of ~.r . ]:lames. the standinr, c OlILuttees be reorr.ani~ed ami On Lotion of Lr . Langdon t hat the co=dttetfl on Finance , Revision of Laws and Cours(I of Study becor.po "edoffiv~I:leI:'Ib erseacl,andt.heothe rc =.itteesoft.hreer.e:rnberseaoh • .ldopted . On ;·.ot.ion of!"r . Lan;;d~. , the 'l'reaS\lre:,w8s requested to ""ad his r eport .... hich WaS aone and subll'.1tted . :"lso the r tlport of the .. uditL'"le co.' cltt .... on the re1:orl oft.heTreasurer . 'l'reasur"r ' s Heport 1'0 the iionorable lJOaro oJ' Trustees of the A & 11 ColleSe of Alaha!La T"easu rer ' ~ Office:' &: M ColleGe Aubum , AlabsmaJunel6,l$79 1 herewit.h submit t o you a stateOl""t of tile finanCial t.ransactions of thie offictl for the year 'mding June 15, 1879. ~;:; e Treasurer ar,c. F.= Balance Rtlceipt.$ $l9 ,)5C.CO 2, 965 .00 )05 . 81 ~2L~ : ~J ... lawr .. c:ents Bya"IOWltpG.1dtollalanea 1.J(pClnSaapc . lIa" . & In . ape i1xt.\U"'CI.a~ trint1.n&apc a~cord& and "ta~icnery ape ~'rd~ht ape ;"I'I'I-ral.u& ape I.uaicape TMl~te'l at'" SUary apc ra .... apc: lnauranca.pc .. ho-.J."als ... pe Illt . &""",ch . apc .... rgeoo apc: Adverth~apc Tolio&lar1eadUeeoo1N;A\I€L'"t. lsl • b&l.ancldua . .1u.(Qu -.bllanclapc LOUlIt. of (iiacount. dua t.o the r·cult~ "ot. incl'""oc1inUioabove .. t1:atc . $ 60'9 .47 l , l2V. (,6 l , 22J .72 1o~9 . 17 JAJ .27 lSO. '15 92 .)8 618.5'1 391 .42 2)6 .90 15 ,~ : ~ 412 . 51 1J4 . 2~ 196 .51 165 .00 ~3.i~$:~ 4, 767 . 5() 1050 .00 t.~:~ L~ .61o ';. 1 . :aenn, " Nlasur er To the lJoal"do(Trustcnof thuA", l.CollaCcof Alabama Autn:rc , ~.a JlII1e16, 1879 Your Co......ittH to...tJ<IIII h assiq.ed the .:ut7 of eitaa1n1n~ t!le bool<a , :>c:ounte ",d annll&l f1n&ncl8l trar. ... ct.i.uns of t.ue j', ... asu .... r or 1.1, .. ';olJe -. <IU d1",,~.arl'ed UI3t dut;)'; anJ be[ 10l0ve too ra,ort too tha . card , thal they tina. t.ne boo;,e oC t.I.at cHice fl~at1i •• e;..t and h1a vo"c.~er ~ aI', rov~<1 IUld ~u,-,or~.d by tlla ,'re;s1dent &Il<l Acl ine ' .... "i _ dent of the College, for ali-- !DOnl ... <dabursed. , and t~. . t the ~cd~te of .:.on1 .. froe all 90,,"rec .. on acc. ...... ,t or t!le Colle:' .~~ l·roP~rly and corr ectly accolllltad 1'or . !'. .. ~ ... ICH'I.Illy BUb..J.tttod, r . I, . lleac.and . . ;; . Jow"eU,Cac. On r.ot i on of br . Uames t h6 r epor t of th .. Treasul'er and the Auditing COQ:littee on the s lLf.le "aB referred to til" C040ittee on I'man;:e , -"he report. of the " Beall)! of the College w., 01L motion of b · , Bames referr«! to t he o,;=ittee Oll ll.evisi on orr...ws . . . Gn i.otion t he iIoard adjourned. unt.il t gmorro'ol' I'O'.>minp, 9 o ' clock . J . I , iceeee, .>ecretsry /";26- Auburn, ;'lab.u:a June 21" 187'1 'Ill" Board e:et. at. 9 O' <;lC.<;K • • ~ .• v .. rsua.nt. t.o adjoumment. utd t.here lNrfI present. : t.h. rreaicent., t.heGovomorof the~t.&t.o utd i.es"erl' Barn .. " , S .. t.h .... IJoItdd1, l.anedcn , Litonl\lldl.alone . Absent, ;.." .... er~ liaral"0I1 . Lawl or ..... t.&lso1 and ux. Tho ,"resident announced t.hafollowingst.andlllgco::Tdneell : I'inanco : Lanr.dan . bam ... . Ileth..a , l.alone . Lawl e r . -.ev1$lan of Law., ~rne8 • .:itansel, I.ir:o.. ... . IiaralSQII. Ilox. "ourseot.;,tud),: ,.alune,->t.an"ol . Ligon . lJet.r.ea . li.1.ralson . \.:ol.u60 Lands and f-r<li'ert.)' : !lowdell, lkIx. Lan;:don . \.:la~,,: harllleon, Dowdoll, ""t.hea Asr i<;cit.l..re : Lan&Qoo , !SOX. Li£oo . Gn 1.oUon of I r . l.alone ~he t"<I;<:l r t. of t he f r<l~ident. ot t.he l;olle.~~ b" ta:en fran tile t aole and referred to the';o;:rnlt.t.ee on jiil\a...,ce . •. r . ~. rnes introduced t.ho Collowing, .t....:>(..;.V .... , 'lh.t the .;lro:na Alpha .. pIUOII '·raterr.1t~· bo ond are here""; aut hc ri~ed to elltablbh a chapter &:::.OIl8 the ot ticers and lIt.udent.~ ot t.he:" &). ":oUo"o upon condition tl\.:l.t a list o! the cnarter t:e~ bers (&::oQII!' whO'll at. le8ll~ shall lJe one mlll:.ber of the ,'scult)') shllll be f 11ed ... i t h t.he f""ident ot the Goller;e betoN t.he p"r't"".ana..t ori:nniz~ t1on ot u.ald c!1epter; andsna.ll ,rovid. [urtherth3tincallethbper::du1onbewlt!'KIrn','llet.an;·!"Utur" t1:;.e . ~aid cllapter her"ln :1.1,:thorized ~,1all be pro;lIptly disbanded . 1'11" coolidern.t.ioo ot the rnolutio!"l WaS deterred Wlt11 the next ~eeUn~ of tho ;loar.:l . Lr . uerne~ r e:W. .. ps.per froM th .. ""creta"l of the oirt .. oc1ety asniI1 r t.he per­r.. 1sst·n or the Loard for t.he U:;Ie of U," Colleee i;hs:,,' for:;l m.1l.iLllq hop . On w!11cn paper.l Cor.-i~tu8 ccnsi .. tin;t of .. e:;l:;lers "ame:;l ~!'" Uron ',J nar<ad t.o con(erwiththe rreslcllntof theCoUer:o l'acw. t )' . Lt' . . h;~ a ppeared and t ook hls seat with th. ;""ard • .. essersi)ameland1.igon J'<f;:<lrtedthe1r con(o:-encew1lh th".·ll.c:.].tjand tn!.oU on "r hr . Jet h"", th .. r .. qu"~l of the ,1:1. _oo:1ety wu t rant.ed, and . r • .Jo\«I"ll W88 -eluntod to 3g0 that the proposition '.ad" by the .. oe,:,oty te tait.hrull~· ob"erv'1'" (,r.'oUonof r . J.i<:on. t.he:xmrda<ijour"oo Wltil) o ' clock p. c.. F. : . . ,ta~c. , .. , eretary '!be Board _t..t. 4 o'clock I . }.. ami th.r. were pr9soot: the ?realdent. . and ;.'!UllI.ers ila.rnes. Bet.hea. )ox. ;x,well. I..e.ntdon. L:Lo!oc; and }.alone. }<r. Lengdon t)"QII 1.h" Ca=itt.ee on Financ. IIUbc:dt.1.ed the follo"illg repc.rt.: 'lb •• inanc. Coa:r.dt.t.ee to ",hoc!. vas referred the annual report ot t.h. l-NaWent 'of 'the College. vith accompe.n,y1.ng report. ot Lhe lIeveral ~e,:,.berll ot the facult.y . I .. ve had WlCierconllid'r .. :t.lonthevariol..arecU'!ltle.ru...t.ionsoftheFresiaente.ndhauinetruct.ed u to report the following resolutione aoc. rl;\c<::l?BJld t.heir adoption, 151. R-;()LVdJ . That. a Chair ot utglhh Lit.erature be and t.he aaua h hereby cst.ablished and t.hat. RtlVe1'8nd C. ri . ,.axson at. preeent. ,)'(If'essor and f rincipal Qj' t.hD rrepnrat.ory JD:.artII:ent. bD and h hereby .t.re.nsferr4d t.o t.he .... hair ot "ht:!ish Literature . 2nd UJ·LVw. 'i'll.t. C. \:. 'Ib/lCh be IIUld 1.s b,ereby appoint.e(!. " rinci~ ot the hepara.­t. or,' iJep .. r~ent. at. a salary or ... 9CO per f.IlnUl'. . Jrd ...;(LV ..... ·lbat an assist.&nt. in WI. t-~parat.or;y ;;',:art08nt ba 'lected by this Bo«,rdl'ot .. Al.ry ot i75v parf.llnu::l. 4th R;....iOL'I.~ , That t.he lIalary' ot~ . '.iurl,n instn.;ctor be.tUed.t"9I;.O par anmUllfor Ul,t ... t.uro . 5t.h <...;.>(,LV ..... . That. t.t'\.e sUllot i.5VOba and t.h, a&IlD ie hereb;YlLp$Jropria,t.od to the DepartUlentot "atu.ral History to be 'X?D!Ided undar thDdirect.ionotth.headot that lJepal"tment. . 6t.h IL.,,(,LILll , ·lb.t t.he SlI:II ot .uoo Pa olppropr1at<Kl t.o the Department. ot EathllC\&tics to be exp!lnded at the discretion ot the hesd ot sait;l lJepart.ment. . 7th rt .. ...cL'r.Jl, Thattheincidentalh.otllt.u.Je:ltahereafters~llbet7 . SOpe r hl'lllPlQ'll,bl'aaheretotore . C. C. Langdon,Chain:.an The report. was t.aken up seri.ative and adopt.ed and t.hen &dopt.ed as a whole . The President of the Collega .ubc1t.ted a cQl.;.un1cation in writ.ing : Uonorablc lI . '" !,;obb i'resident. , IlOll.rdof1'1'ustee. A & II College June2.4,1879 The Facult.y in.tru-:t.ed lI'.e to ree<'U!lend t.o t.he Board t.t...t the following d'fre •• be conferred upon the gt"II.Ctuatlng cla,s . t .• .s . Andrews J . o> . Oowd.eU J . ~ . Il . ..>hipp • . H. B4lce O. C. t~c::;hee Bachelor of :.cia nee , . B. DUlaN A. a.O' lIara J . t. !'Uu:k.lrd Bachalorof.lllinear1ng I . ! . 'N.chlnor Fruldent On ~ot1on of I,r . Langdon the .evera! dasnul •• r~oru".IIlded.by .the Pnllldellt ba conterr.odOllthegraduatinecl.a"lofl87s:..9 . Adopt ed. On Motion DC hr . Bantee the deer" of D. D. , Ooctor DC D1v;1nity, h, (;()nterr~ on 1leverorndJohnl ... thewsoCthaMethodiat."piacopa.l.Chul"ChSouthoC thecityoC" ... Orl8UIeandS"teotLou.1.IWlna. . Adopt.cl . OnoUanot).r. I.eJ.onethedegreaot:JoctoroC.Ph..Ilo,o\lh7haconCerracl()flC . Lozo ~thotAt.h ...... LineatoneCount.y.Al.&ba;a . Adopted . en ~ot1on DC l.r . Bethea tha .;acretary wae requeated to invite 8IIc1'l .-bar of t.ha '.cult.:rto_t.t.heBoardt.<E.Drrow"'r~inl1nretereno e to.resolut1on1nt.ro­duc. clbyhr . &ntu, 1tth.,.thinkpro~:'t.odoao . Adopted . The lloanl adjourned untll 9 o ' clock A. r . M. Reace :lecret.&ry Auburn, A.l&bam June 21:0 , lB7~ -r\- 29- The DOard I118l at 9 o ' cl~k A. I'i . and the" _re Jll"" .... l : the Pres1d. .... t, o..vlllmor ~obb . and l!easer8 banles . Jathea, ~, uowdsll, La.ngdon. l.ifon and x.J.one . hr . Bamee, Chairman otC<n!d.ttee onttevilion ot Lan, reported that turther t ime be Cr.:mted untU the next c:eeling ot the 1J0ard and that they then report . On i_oUon orb' . l.an~m the report or lhe Tt-aasurm-and the r eport ot the Au.d1ting Comr-..itteeCf'lthosa.meber&eeivedan!.isdopted. Protessor Chau:pen >l3S called on IIIld ... d.e e verbal report on hi. depo.t'tlnent t.olhe ""'ro. On . ,otion ot kr . Box the 5.al&ry ot the Treasurer be increaalJd traJ! '7LO to $8t() per annum vu adopt.ed . ~.r . Bames vas , r antvd leave to v:1t.hdrav the resolut.ion in reterence to the or .. 3ni­u, t.1onotthe .. ip.llpha_l-silon..xx:iet.y . :il.ecUona be1nF. in order, hr . tlOX noninalod ... T. Glenn tor Tr"'lI\U'er and en ".olion ot •. r . SanIes, J\r . OleM vas elected b;r accla.r;;at.ion • • :1" . Lanedon at. t.he r&q\lellt ot the ?resilient of the i;olleeo presented th. name of } ... . O. C. ~.cGh •• as &3shtant tcocher . loll' . Betholl thoreupon I"'t in nooninat.ion }"' . IcCheo and he VaS ellilcted by acelaation . On l.otion of ~;r . Baron the Treasurer b, ~1red to give a bon!.i ot $20,000 .00 to be approv&<1 by the f'ru1c\ent. of the Leard of f'ruetee$ . The~s1dentoft.he ... olllllgerecOo1.en<1e"t.hat.t.heCl.lIIl!reeof}:,sterof.xiencebe conferred on Oeor-e il . n'ice . Atiopted . The report ot the Coccan..ia.'lt vas rltCehed and o,-,;S,ered tiled with the 1 resident ' s refiOrt I-rKl those of the othlllrProtusors. },r . Beth .. intr04uCtIIC the following r"solution, ~LVUl , That the Board ot Trost.ellls of the A &. M Colleglll of Alabama have the pleallUre to congratw.ate the Faculty tlilachers and otticerson thll rosperouscond1t.ionottheColleceandit..pro!l.isingtuture, and teolthat it hdue t o ofrorthe1raasuranc .. that theyhaVII raithC'ully and earnestl,y petorc:llldt.h.irduU"andlabors . Ar.d the,valso eXPNlsa to the cadets t.heir eongrstulat.ions, nl't. only on tlle1r ordtlrl,y an!.i 1II8lll¥ conduct, but thtlir .,roric1encT in their atuiies and 1Ilil1t~ry evolutions of which they had abundant and satitltactory evidence durin8 their cOIIIDoIIIlca ent. exercises . Allopted . On J..otlon ot hr . ~.alone the i:loard of Truet. .. return their thluM. to hill ::XCellencT the ~ov.mor ot the ;>tate for the COlorteoUS and digniIilld ::wultlr in which h. has d1acnarEedhisctuUesast.htliri'residinll!:otticer . en J(otlon ot J~r . aamn the 3o.ard "tllrtl to }.r . f . ~ . 'teeCII tneir th3nlo<s tor the prOOlpt andcorrect.-.annerinwhichhehaadischarFedh.iSl.lutillsa.sSecretarytotheBoard . The So&l"'d haviu,g been called t.o~.ther at the in.tan". of the ~o.::anda.'1t . useo:bled.t the Ho~el of F . O. ~.,4111&Z1ey , where it wu Rt..>CLV;J;l, That th. C(X!mI&Z1<:iant i~_ powered and inBtnlcted Lo let out the "ontr-act forcac:et uniforns and turnishings annu&ll�� and to in • ..,.ct and r«eive all "uch clot.lling. 'The Ca&1ndant .r....u ap­;; Oint a c:.adet ~r1.er talter who under hi, cirKtim Bhal.l keep acc<lWlte I.Ild !lU7)­erintendtheclothlnro! thlcaciets . ror this duty uCedet..uarter ... "ter, the pq"hallnotbe.,,..,thanOr'\elrunC!redandrittydol.l&rsaa.~b;rtheC.,.., lIlalldant. • B;r • ..:- . 8arnes , RWCLV.:.O),tbatjtllhaliblthed\lt,.oft.he~l!ottheColllS­to ",ceivl 8llddi"blll"Se all thlmmOJtth&t I!IaYbe oaidin!v't.he':e!lIt8forcloth­ing, luitl, -nd Wl.ito=s , which IIhal..l. be kept "I~arate Dr h1Jh al a CadIt_fund and paid out by hill on oroer ot theC<DrI8ll~t , Be~"'t. andd.1at1z1ct frc. the general ':;olllrl 1\ind and hi lIhal.lbtl liablco on his bond tor the 8!l!:11 . Adopted . o:n...,Uon the Board adjourned . F • . Reece ,,(;c"tary to Ilo..rd of Tniatees ReiX'rt of Profesllors and Teachers accClllpanying the report. of t.he President of the Colle~e and which forn a part. of the record for t.he colle(;i.at.'" y"'ar, 1878-9. \)r . I . r. 'I.'ichenor, l'rasident Auburn , Ala"ba,¥ JW1e 13, .187.9 Depart.r::ent. of Languages, La.tin II,Ild Greek A &~; College Aubum, Alaba,:;a I sublrd.t the folicwi11i as my annual report. . The Jrd, 2nd, and 1st classes 1.11 Let.in cont.s:1ning 48 r.l8I!Ibers have been instructed by pe, reciting in accordance wi th the requirements of the catalogue, both all to !!lIltter and t1l:les ot: recitation . The 4th cla .. s , Latin , containing 26 ",embers , hes been t.au/::ht t.hitl ytmr by Instruct.or Riverll . Al.l. t.he Coliege classes have been taught by me in Greek . The number taking GNe\( durin/! the year he .. been 52. 1." cla .. ses have been very punctual in at.tendance , quite attentive to instruction, and t::Ora devot",d to study t.han usual, and conlltlfluent.ly t.heir progess has been ver-y good . This stat.tIrltlnt eppl1es t.o "" clessee all a Whole 8JJ I have had several persons in thWl. not at. ill pwlcl.J,lal, att.entive , or st.udious . The increase of nUmber in the Collese auglllenh lhe m.aber in classes and brings in so...e oetter material, thus enabli.n.& me to advance t.he.€:rade of scholarr>hip in t he severaJ.de.,art.ments . "I'hestandardofscholarshipshouldnotbeeleVlltedabovet.he capacity of the great. ~ of students , who properly' apply the-...selve~ , but should. be \Il1attainabli! by the indolMt and. inattentive . Our aegre t:! will' not be wort.h full value unlese .... " ..,quire full- scholarship .for their purchase . The Dla'9 s pendini". of four years at college does not" entitlo:! the student to a degree unless t.he full work a1lot.t.ed to ~o$e years h!l.s been per­fOl'l:! ed . ..hen a stueent N!.S done the full work required for a degree and his exami­nations t.elltify t.o that f act , let him pass otherwise , let him wait over another year . But one s~a you have s.dm1tted t.he young IGafl into ,our graduating class and permitted him to approach 'lohs threshold of graduation ; it is unjust to reject him at. this stags . .. e feel the sa:;;e disinclination of checking the student at. t.he end of each year and the result is he arrive8 at t.he end of his joumey \Il1prepa.red for his f.Ositicn . ..... should fix so:,~e point in the progr .. ss where th .. otudent. ought to expect to be halted , unless "repared t.o go forwar d . 1 feel that the t.ime haa coc:e when ",e <met take a IlION! decided coursij , and require iii U.'lifol'l:! deo;ree of SCholar­ship for graduation, whilst in the Clse of ot.he"s we do entertain the same senti­nents , Indeed we often feel .... e have gra.:!\lOI.ted a man without tho necessary quali­ficat. ionsforthedegree . I have only fIIention&d 1.;118 ma.tter now from th" fact , that I thini{ it ought to be cor"ectijdif possible , &!ldto L,,~c3.te to you as the chief oUicero! theColiege I l!\Y,willinQless to aid in ;;ver-y way, to br~ about a change that allmuet desire . Respectfully submitted , J . T • .JUlIklin i'rofeseor Il.ns:·endl. ... Tichenor, D. D. ~'ru1ctent A "")~ College De~rtaent of ChOllllistry Ald)llm,Als~ Junell,1879 lhaTsth"honorofllu~tt1ngt.h"fol .. ow1ngnopor~for,essiOl\Ju.t.nd1ng. 1 hay. taur,ht the follcw1ng: 3rd.cl&8111l1~erslCh-s.lJt.ry&ndC.l'III&JI 2nd class llI.lu'icultursl/.nalyds let. claseinChalcal Analyah, ';'r;riclOltursl';hll:lbtl'7and htroncq'. 4':la)rdcIau:l.nC .... ralCheIII1.stl'7conUuhoflixt.;-l'Iftber9tllno. t,weea .... eek . oJ.evm ~-.J>eT3 .;,f tI'e ;ret cIa.., studied i1sr--&n , rec1tlnt; rOUT thou. \<1Iok . Ths2nd clsaabotl!: in Agriculturtl and S<:1encepurlued the study ot Agricult.ural An&lraiat.'lroughtheenUN9.Nioo , davot1ngnine hours a week to re<:itatlon. and work in the laboratory . 'nIe latter con.bted of Analy.ell, of m:anur •• , sells, ued3 , fead stuffll, ate . 1'btr Ural. clan in ::>cience '"l:.rSued ch8l;dcal. analrsh , the en tiresession , l~tentlOW".a .... sli:inr8Cit.;l.tionaanQwork . The latter conaistea of an&1¥'" of minerals, cree , .tals , c.,.J.·, .... t.r, and gases, and.lI~otlMtalllcorea . :11e first clan in Al'ricultura , 8tud1ltd and cemplahd KHcwCropa GrCIWn &tid "HowCr<>p.<'ecd" and l"fIcittd three t 1:ale •• waek . 1'lIelatcl.anofallthe courSe8 prullutd the It.u<ly of Aotronoc;y, l"fIclt1n&thr<l.t.il:lssllwolll< . In .ddlt.l"nto.boVfl , ~.r . G.or.!:.H . Pric. , .~lO&t.otluty .... r , ha.:,ur_ lJUed.th ...... tgraC\liI.t.lcoura.1nSClmc., .pllI<Jint;t.hI_tothi.tinoin ."alJt,icl.lworl<1nlabonatory . 1 can r.,.ort. cond.l!nabl. "rogreu on part of all q cl .... s, e~1al.l.7 or h1&hered.ucat.1.on . Th.facllitiCllcUered.bynawlabor"toryhavillgproven vorysatiafact,cryfcr U.'proHcllticnctanalJt,icalwork . Ita::.,roatploS:lllniinintor lllingyouandthrouehycuthaBC/{I.rd , t.hatJolr . a.or,eli . fric .. , thel-clt gr.duate st.ud.nt abCVI ,..terred to, was rece>ltly u.cted tcthet.halr or I\.turu ~cl""c. in th. St.at. Ncn:al. .;ehcolat f1.crenc e . Alahll:llonrlll!llQ'cl>I:lpetl t.or • • Itwill60ugthubagratify1nptot,ha-..rlJ' friendlloftheColht;.tok!lovtha.tiualu::.nilr.beingc.UedtofWsllch >OIitlon. or trait and. honor . lhav.lI&debutllttll&aditioncr~v8Dlf\t.to~lsbot'lt.ory~lIr1nlthe Plllt .;>euion . The O<::&l.l a.count tc thadabit of u.a.,;n..ucal J.,.rtment.llavins beanljlflnt.1nthepurchaUQtneCIBBarycha-1cal • • 3cme....,rinbhedwonc, hov_ ever, r-u..tcbedcne, which it i.hcpedw1l1bo cCUllIeted ea.rlynextsessiOll . lal,chopati:st.at..".arlydaylca.ybtonbll to have tr.ote..porllrydlBkeand s •• tlluppl&ntedbynovC>nuof.lahrandbettort)'pe • .lllofwblcbis ..... pectfullylJUbl:dtted, • • O': . ... tubb. ~rotlBJ.()r ct ";"C!.1stl")' Reverend I. T. Tichenor, D.O. President , A &. ~I College R.eport of COm::l8l'ldant 1 have the honor 1.0 submit t.he following report. of the c=ndanl ' s Depart.lllent for the put. year . The large accession t.o t.he corps, has necessarily devolved a lI'.uch arger amount. of work on this office . This induced m,e ast. year t.o appoint. a bat.t.alion adju_ tant in addition to the post adjuillllt. 'Who had. theret.ofore the duties . 'fne at.tent.ion to drill has been better this year than 18111. . The order and disci_ pline of the corp5 has been co..l..endable . • lith thE! increase 'in nwiliers diecipline must be administered more strick.J.¥, :mel the DU::Iber Gubjected. to the penalty of the law =t be greater even than the increase of student/! . But whUe this is true , the cases at flagrant vi a lations of la'W have been rare • . I am with respect, R. A. Hardaway, COIlIlI&llciant. Report. of Professor of Eneineering Tichenor, D. D. I herewitb respectfully subr..in a report of the 'WOrk in the Department ot J::ogineering and Drawing . The 'WOrk ofdra'Wing inth8 tourthand third c18sses h8S been a ssigned to l nstruc tor .:. . R. Rivers . I am satisfied from personal eM.roin&tion that his classes heve b.urn 'Weli taught and have I!\&de considerable pr0 r. reS9 . '!'his a cti on hss reiieved me of four recitations per 'Week . The increase in tield 'Work. in surveYinil . in the third class alone has =:lICh ~ore th!lfl counterbalanced this decrease of the duties of the De;J8rtment . Thil t ollowing table exilibita the number at recitations and otfice exercises, but not the exerciaes in field 'Work . Subject tlo . of Tot&! Class T,= . No . Studenh :':xerciaea n:r-- ,- o>ur:eying ~ l<l~lg . -,,-- - 40- 2 " 40 80 III Tactics " 40 II Engineering 1'1 80 II Drawing 17 175 II Scienceot lo'ar 31 80 1 Uig1n..ering , 200 1 Drawing , 200 1 Tactics 13 40 11 Tactics -'l ---'2 1)8 '" The progrus 1nall respecu ha. been Nti,f sct.ory . .:n ..... 1on.dd1t1on.ha .. bflm lIIade to the BUpply of inBt".,...,U for :lIg1n~er1ng purpose. and the a:IOWlt of fhld wcrkinlurvey!n&and.ra1lwoot!wtlrkha.b • ..,lIUch!"l.t.el'thaninanyprev10us ,~ . th. cu .... in .... e:1nHr1nll:hav.ude the usual I.o\Ir of in'pe<:t1ou and. UULi.ns­t10n of m.t.ch1n~ry , and ..ng;1neerlztg \fOrk ......... lllade by til. ,,1.61 and ".:11011" preeenttd Cl'OIIIoot.e, t aken 01'1 viaite to .. or;'. of interest. In t.hh st.ateand Gaorj!u . Cfthe.evencradUl.tnin~.er1nginthecu,eoCl878 ,twohlVe toodpo·i_ UOl'l.onr&1lroed.1nthe'teteoCCeo~1a ,t\fO ..... I!Cpl.~ .. t.eache ... 1nth. public .chool .. oC )~oblle cit ,., one hal b."", elected I pr<>Ceuor in a coUege in lliba::la , one1Ipurlu1ng.polt_.;:reduat.ecourse1nthiecollee:e , and the oth ... 1 • .ngagedin Car=dng. · Th.et'lt.lreCUlSa,..,ut.lliz1na'ihe1rkn""'l~ , b<ner1tinJ!th.irra>:.lIIdhonorln& the in.Utution 0,. which th.,. ....... trBil'led for pr.etical wor!t: . In .. decad.th • .,1nee , mUle, r .. U roads Md work shop. of the South"nt >rlll b. -inl.T direct.ed byaont.ra1nedin theA&: KCoU.geoC.u..b&::>a . Chane'" ha", be<'n MO. .. in the curr1eu1\E1. the paat ,. ... , which hereo.ft ... wUl urgel:rben'fitt.heclassn~..:lin"l'II.ctlcal\fO .. k., without1ne ..... ingthe ubo ... ofpupUo .. tQacher . 'Rupec:tf'ul.l,:;rsuba1tt-.;l, R. A. Hardaway hores.o .. of ,l,Ein .... 1ng lJ.""rt.aentofl'.at.h ..... tlcs A"'EGoll~e June2CJ,1S79 Reverencll.'I'. 1'l.cheno .. , D. D. tre.ldent IrnP'lct.ful.ly5Ubw.tt.h'foll~N>port.ofll;Ydepart.lllentfortheYNr187S-9 . Cuss ;iubject 110 . 111 1.0. Class Recitation" r-~. . ----,-- ----w---- I "pheric"l Tri&. '" Astron . 3 ..lS S2 II kn&lyt.lcalCeo.utry 31 5a I1 hchan1c, 29)2 II Clculwo IS 41 III ;,;gl1dC~17 4~ 34 III Trlgono,,,,,try '" ~:eneurat1on 4~ IJ. HI AnalyticaIC<KICltttry 34 21 III Analy". a_et.ry (Sec . 21 IV Usebra(let..-::t.1on) IV a_t.ry gre£Ul.B.rI '" J4 )l ,," " 14 31 TotalnU::lb.rorreclt&tlonsfur1nn &theye.&" l" 1)1 99 "", -- -- - ----- - - Theabovet.ableF.1v ... athel!Ct.,.].nUrAberofclauu:ercillese:u:lusiveofe~t1ons andholide,ys . It will " traa. the above atatetllellt aeen there haG been increaQ or 2!i" in nw:ber inDeparl.J:tentotMathe;"..tics,.inthecolle<;eproperovert.henUOlberlntbeaatne Deparw.ent last year . There has been an equal inc}'Mse in ths progr .. s of t.he atudent.s end t.he a:;!ount of work don. in the various subject.. pursued . nte course ha" bem gradualq ext.ended With COM'esponding iJ:lprovOI:'.ent in thorou/:hnen and sound "chourship. The reBult of the yea.:-strork is truly tratifying . AttendAnce haa been reo;ular a.nddepor1.l;:entincla",,~&ood. The e.iJa in thh dep&rtinent ill to codllne • thorour;h knowledge of prindples with extensive and varied application in sucb a way as tc secure the greateat &-.(lWIt of ment.Al. disciplin. and the largeet rllCtiCal knovled~. of _th_tica .. applied. to the 1'arioua pursuit.s of pract1callU •• A allUat.cl.ory degree of aucc .. " haa alread,yb.en.tta,1ned . The third. and fourth clan hae been d1Vided into t.WO lIectionll of the aturle grade and pursuing ttle 8eme "ubjecta . Thi ...... rendered neCe988ry on account of their ahe, to atcure thorough drill in thetundamentAl. atudies in the c(lur"e1n l.athernat.ic II . Th. second aection ot the tourth clan h .. been in charse ot Instruetcr l . R. Rivera who hea den. hia wor, well . With thia lIubtancs , the work in thia de­partment can be accomplished in an entirely satisfactory manner . 1 would "lI4!8eat in conclu.ion that in the appropriation for the Phya1c&l Labor a­t017 which is 110 much needed, a -n a:r.ount b.- included for a .. t ot _t.h_t.ieal ~el. ano;! for llluatrat.ioo in I{echanice which ia attaehed to thia depe.rt.:r.ent . O. O. Smith Pror.• •o r, r.aU",..... .. tic. Note-The l'e:J(lrt ot the 2nd aaction of the fourt.h class v11l be incluO;!ed in InetructorRiver ' srepor t . Depart.l:lent. ot I,a~u ralliistory and GeolOU Aubum, Aleba. ... Jun14 , 1879 Re .. er8lld I , T, l'1cher.or. D. D. ~relident. ot A &t I, CoDeg' I nerew1t.h Nlspoettullysut.1t U-.e report.otl\Yvork1nthedlpartlllntunell'r lliY clut.f'(lldur~thll .. t.cnol .. t1cJ'8&rju..t.clo.1ng . fro=thlb'g1nningotr:qdutllauntilth'pr es.nt lotm.1 ha ... had th.ditt.rent c1annblto"" .. 1n r llcit.aUons846t1ll1' , w1th an aver&j)e of 27 reoit.ations per weak t.hr<>U£bolit the ;year . ~:~i~~~ I.lIbular rt .... w1.ll .xIdblt the number in each clan and the Rlbj.cu ~bj.cU fhydc .. hOt any Nat . Phil . Zooloty htn.ralogy G.oloty F..hys . Geo . BotlUU' • f rench 'I'el.c:r .p/I1' Geology f-. Grad . Fhy • • ;;la". 1.0 . lstt.nII :a:dte..". Ho . llecitations :itud.,tl Rec1t.tiDnB ilecit..tionl lat.ter:> xv- - ,,- Fer ;"ek ~ _,,_ "I I 6341 I 1 1 2 I 12 1 , I 1 IV )5 47 1 1 m 2 ' ~ ,J.2, J2 ., '4"8 48 J2 'e"o '" TIle ", •• rsof t.l' .• cla ........ gltllllral tI;1ngha", laen Vlry Nlgul&rin.ttendan~. of ""cit.ation" and tnur c!, .. !)Ort.aent hu been unusuallJ' good . I am pleased to &*3' that the progresa :I,n ~hll different st .. wi.~ lias been encoul'll':_ 1ngj.larg.proport.1oooft.h.,tudent.<.\i'p1ayins.d.siretoll<4st.rth.subjectl pl.acod latore them. Tr .• planof1mlt""ct.ioniallla1nlJ'b]"l.ctureslXc.ptin.~4thcla .. , v.,6reth. object hl& be.n to 1n~ul cate the tund'''"lf1tal principles or the schnc. by ... ans otaclolllltwlyotthetextbookB . Ul.'lou&n 1 1la"eatl..-ptedtotl!leacht.n .. &t.lldent,by.lle&llsoflect.llresand'xperi_ mentsl.h.f.cllitin.ho ...... r.j.J..c«l.t""d1lpo-.linth·.hap.of apparatus are ,olll6&g.r andinadequat ... t.o rend.r it exe.edinglyd1tficult. t.o lucidly 8l<pla1narulillu.t.rat.eth.113 .. ofac1enc • • 'lberei.sad n .. dofr.pleniahment in tnl whole d.partlr.ent., bu~ r-rt.icularlJ' 1. loh1a t.h. oa.e in t.1l. pIiy.1c&.l Beet1on . 1b • ...auntof.pperat.u.onIl&no:l1.1n.u1'Cieiel\t.~ •• etl.h.dtc\&l"ld.ofanordina..,. cla .. expera.,t . 1 hue theretoNl be~ c...,.,llod to t.uch IIIjj' clausa tI&inl¥ bT black board 1llultrlUDn . Thh1sun!ortuna.t.e tcrl.hestudmtbecaueenoth1ng &OforciblyiJ.,pruu.andf1x ... la .. ont.hem1ndua.tull,xr·riolentwit.h suitable apparatu8 making before t.he eye a practical apl1cat.ion of the law . It would take but a s:r';U outlay at first to purcha5e the apparatus that 1a now nacassary, and by additional approprietions at. each annual "leetinr of the Board of Trustees , a physical department Could be soon fi.tt.ed up .nth all .the lIIOdem improved appar at.us . I would s .ellt therefore that the au .. of five hundred dollars be a ppropriat.ed at the be-rinning of the next term, for the purchase of a pparatus that. is nOW absolutely need~, this would be but a s:nall dr aW' on the 'i'uasury of the ColleGe and the ="7 could not be Ildre wisely invested . 1 would also furthe r sugeest t.hat an edditional a=unt of C2000 be at. an early dey a ppr opriated for the p..lrpose of opening e phys:l:callaborator.r in cOllIsction with t ilis department . 1t is unnecessary to "lention how llaport.ant sueh a Labontory would be to our students in I' atural f hilo50phy. At all the first. clasa colleges in t.lle l'nited ~tates expoerb.ental laborat.ories in P\'.:"sics have been opened and are now in s'tcc es aful operation . These are arranged in the s&J:Ie plan of a cher.ical 1I'Ioorntory . The student is required t o anter this physical work shop and make a practieal a pplicstion ot the lat:s and principles expounded in t.he lecture room . 't. is method is calculated tco t llorough1;y illIpress t he subject upon the clind of the student and he ill r.aturl\lly led to take an interest in t.he stud,}' of !latur&! Rhilosophy . .1 at! endeavoring by exchange and otheMse t.o thoroughly equip the /latur&! IJUtory De"artment . 1J.rll&dJ.- we have on hand a very eoW ..beginning for bullding up a first class I!:USell."l _lII'ld if pr ivat.e individuals thf'Ol18hout th" state wolUd take an interest in t.his matter and send us specimens or minarals , i nsects , aniJnals, ete . that _ y be found in their neia;hborhood, we would soon hsve all our avalleule apa ce eCCllr1e1 . The museum consist.e at present of 4697 specilllens, 426 of which have been added to this nMber within t.he past :rear . Add to this number the 2.soo specimens in my privat.e collection, that the C1l'lS9 has free use of, and our mIlsell::l makes a very good disi>1a¥ for a colleee 90 young. Kuch c!"8<lit is.aue t o the cadets tor the interest they have tak8ll in t.he 1lIU8e= and.m.any of the specimens have been added by their lsbors . It is wit.h pleasure sir that. I aclatowbd,ge the many kind fains received fror.l you durinS lIlY connectiOfl ..nth the c.ollege, and your hearty cooper:ltion in all lIlY du.t1es . P. h . l;ell, J r . To R"v"r .... d I. T. T1e""nor Pr ... ide:nt A "HCoU.S. Auburn. , .u~ Jun,,21 , 1879 1 n.pecttw.l:r.u1.ai.tth.tollow1n&Nlpor1.otwol'kandatt endaneaintheFre­"" ... tory o.,."'-1t ot the Coll .. tor the CUl"MDt .cholaetic y_r. IntlleHr.t_tionllllder.::fOtOTlpersonaJ.euperv18i<mtll.CollONingclu<I .. havabo"" t."lllt: ,,~ ~ t.o . catioh R"c . !l!r .. "ek ~ ~ ~I1. 47 160 J4 ~~:-;"* H. GI'aI:l. 12 theoth.r 6 160 d ••• eloC Arithlll.tic 40 Coll·sehave J4 reeeivedin_ l.atinCaeaar 12 .trucUonin Soli"" 11 160 "IY cl ••••• . O .... elo: , !hhwUl..c_ J 160 countCort.he Us:b ... (~) " appar .... t d.1_ J4 c re~c,.be- '''1 1) t ... " .. th18 COIIpleto 4 r "por tan<.l , ... "'" J7 160 th.Labl .. hl"wr;y J4 =- '" "" C.talogue . In.dd1tiontotbowori: e:xtolbltedin the to"'so1ng table 1 hoave £iven daily in­. truction inpom.r.Mhlpandhavehad .... eklyex.rch".1nor.toryandeompo.ltlon . ~ .. pdraw1 ghubun taught in conne<:tlO11with the .tudy oC H.1atory . 'n\o cad.t. havotb""neullad .. 1veto ... t r ing .. t ey.t .,..oCdhclplin"sni ..... en ... r ),yell ... d. Zoodprogreesintlleirstud18s . lhavsende.vo!'O<ltoArOuueckar.cteroCpr ld. intlle claesinlllo.md..oCth.caclat.vh1chltN.t.lluandwil.l.slillturt.har elevst. their It&nd..lni or MOralit1 and , eho1.&rahip. 11l.reby.ppendandllalc.p ... tofthl.paper tll .... portoC C. C. Thacll . C. E. in cllars.oCth. second lI<Ietlon . 1 Lak.pl. ... urelncc.nend1nghhdlliB"ncein tll.dlscharg.oChilduUeeandcapacit.yboWltol.partinetrucUonand<=aintain dllell,lin • • G . W . }~ Fror..lIOr"'Prlnclpa!oCf>rfI,.ratory Depart.cent Profenor G. "d . Jo.:axson f riJ'lcipal f reparaLory tl ePflrt. .. ent 5ir : A &. H College Auburn, Alabama June 21, 1879 IrnpectfullyS1Jbadttheacc~repo rLOflll,Ysectionofthel'rePfiratory Oeparbumt of the A ol M Collete of AL!.baa!a, the subjeeb pUrsu8(!l, the n=ber of studenta and munber of recitations ere .. t forth- iJ'I t.he following table : Ari th:::letic '"" 100 &n o Gram . 40 42 108 ~ta.ra ;;~llin& ,. 51 100 LoU" ,2 " lSO '.ding 21 Hhtory, U. S. 43 100 Ceor-aphy 29 28 J 108 Algebra -»- -.i 10> 'total 8) )l ill6 Beddat the ~rk: inMcetad iJ'I this exhibit, I ha,.. giv"n dail3 inetMlction in pelllll&llihip to the antireclsss . The stlld..,ta 1n thea .. cL!.asas l!aftbeen with . faw exc.ptionsre,o:ul&riJ'ltheira tt~ce , «XaI~1nt.he1rdeporl.::!entand dUllgant 111 their appliCAtion to stu~ . b a conaequence the r reo-en _d. in th. v, rbal classea h .'ry conHi!nilable, as la . ahO'lln by their .. adonal. end ",xa:d.natioc gradea . I have IUde th .. e exa:a1nationa tho¥'OllC!:h .end have takllTl them on corrupond- 1ng th«r:u from tb", exas1n&t1on to tbe 0 . 8 . tieval Aced"""," . Rnerend 1. T. 1'1<:h8ll0r, D. D. President , A." II . Colle,. OeuSir: Stah 1. focll. Coll.,. lubum, llabuIa JlIIl.20,l.87<J 111& ... the hOIlOr t.o IRIhmit \h. tolloor1ng r.pon ot Lb. work .... trut.tId to rq ur. tor t~. 1&1't .c.h01&.t1<: TMr. Th. tabl. vUl uh1bU the c1& .... , .ubjech puraw.tId, mI!IIP.r ot .tud .... t. in each lubject, number ot ,..cU.t1on' per .... It IIldT"r of thil"tT_four .. eekl. n 118.1":2 hru " , n G_·t.I72nd 34 " , Cool . Coml .ArUhII.t.1c '" 2 V BooItk:.p1na!P~11I1p 19 '" , IV 24 " , IV Latil1 .. lfTthologr 26 " , IV DraviD, lin. ... trHiIand " " 2 . 34 1II 2 106 56 68 170 170 1.7.0 ProjecUoo. .. Mod.lIldr.v1.rIf...JQ ..Jio 68 Total. 2~7 ~ '" -.ro It vUl be ob"rv.d Lb.t I had (26) tvantT- IiJt HC1t.at.10111 per w .. k b.iDg .... , . ,-' in.cad-.1c <il>t.1 ....... l7hou.rottb. da,y, for thr .. da,y. of th ... e.k. O:nth. otb'r two da.;r' w.ra hour. 11ft open tor th. parfo..-nc. of Po.t Adjutant dut1 .. , V1tbvh1ch 70\larafu.ll.1.l.r. Ot tb. total DUIIb.r ot .t.ud ... t. II uhib1ttld b7 tb. 1..1011 (251) _ v.roo count-' IIOratblllOllc., •• tb._.t.Ud.Dh .... cUl.dindittar ... t INhject •• but I 11& ... in.tmcted. during tb. pa.t Te.r on. hWldrad and thil"t7ditt.raot .tlldlOt. il1tb • • enral dittarlllt d' pa.rt.ent . Ottb1.IlWIIb,r th,nwINi ottb.)rdc1& .. )6 . . . " • 4th' 75 •• ,tb' --.!2 130. ttl, 'ICtioa of the 4tb Math_tiee ofvh1ch Ibid charg. parlDd Lb. MIa cOW' .. .. thatlD1d.erth.ProLe .. orofMat.b_t1ee.Ii.axam1ntldbotbcll .... to'.tber andgradedlll_to,.tber, .l.nd1t.llA7not.b.-.1 .. to.tlhtbltoacc:.Jl&!'inith, ~t.1on.plptlr.ott.b.two.lCt1oa.,1t. ..... fOWldthltth' .tud .... t.ofrq 'ect1ondidnot.utflrb:rthecOIIpAr1loo. Th. Prob.lOr ot ing1neer1n& hi. tor .... en.l Tllra ottered. . bide' to the b .. t clnft. .... ottb.)rd.c1& ... M.bubldt.h.d .. 1radlft.ctot.t1aul.&t.1.oJ;t.b. Itw:l.aa.t.I to b1&h.r.ttort and I raport I '""terD\aberotco.petUorl tortb. bad,e:.t.hlnh .... t.ofora. Iendeavoradto,iY.the.tlldlllt.otLat.inlthorouchdr1llil1t!onthepr1.r:>c1pl. .. ofth.~,clratul.l:7cc:apar1ne:tll.1d1 ... ottll.Lat1nlanguag.w1th tho .. of our Otalv1tb the twofold purpouot tllchin, th. tne Latin andbr1n&ing 1..11_ to lao" tborovghkn_l"",. of t.b. paCul.1arlt111l111dbllut1l1ot OW' £ingUlh tOP8l'e. 'ftl •• xemplary d.port..lt or ,th •• tudentl in Jq cla .. rooa d .... rnl 'peelal IlelltiOl'l and it afford. III. ple"uNI ,to report a coamen<l&bb progNl" 01'1 the p&rt or rq cla .... aener&1l:7 . ThueillalackoC'pplianceifortQewcc .. ,f'ulpro'tlC\ltiOlloCtheCoamtlrei&l Cour... The expenditure of a -:u. IIlIIOlIllt would , rendtlr thh .. -uch &or' 1,lB.f'ul branchorinetru.ctiOll. E. R. Riven . . Inetructor . " Po.t Adj\ltantAuburn University Board of Trustees18791870sAuburn University LibrariesEducation -- Higher Education; History -- 1875-1929: The New South EratextpdfBOT_1879.pdfAuburn University Libraries. Special Collections and Archiveseng1879This image is the property of the Auburn University Libraries and is intended for non-commercial use. Users of the image are asked to acknowledge the Auburn University Libraries. For information about obtaining high-resolution copies of this and other images in this collection, please contact the Auburn University Libraries Special Collections & Archives Department at archives@auburn.edu or (334) 844-1732.http://cdm17353.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/bot/id/7342