1879 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama

Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1879Auburn. ilibal:;a Jun.2J.l.EI'79 At.th .... gul.arJ.nnua.l.!.""t.1.n£Oftt:"~;.uOt· .. ru.t.noft.h.A~rlcultur&land i.ltc hap.1c&l CDlhg.oCilibema. hel<.i in th.";oll.g.building. th .... vere pl"f!lIent , hl...

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Main Author: Auburn University Board of Trustees
Format: Electronic
Published: Auburn University Libraries
Online Access:http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7342
Summary:Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1879Auburn. ilibal:;a Jun.2J.l.EI'79 At.th .... gul.arJ.nnua.l.!.""t.1.n£Oftt:"~;.uOt· .. ru.t.noft.h.A~rlcultur&land i.ltc hap.1c&l CDlhg.oCilibema. hel<.i in th.";oll.g.building. th .... vere pl"f!lIent , hl • ....>tellll.ncy . .uru •. , . Cobb. GOv.,.llorofttle"t,.t.and .•.• " .. r . !i&m.II. B .. thea., Dowd..n. i.Qngdon. Ligon .ml Kalona , Abunt, Lessen tlox. :.a ra1.011 ~ La"ler, &::d 3t..,,,l. Onl!<>tionoci.r. l..ant;<lon. U.a frellidant. oCth.Coll".:" """ relUntO<i to raad hill ... portlth1ch "'a5don • • and$ut.itted with&cc~papeMland ... port8 , .;r . lreaidentand.OenUmen of the lk>aro of T"ru8tees , Re.,;ort. ofth.I-MlIIWent A &HCoU·Z· J""el879 The pan year I,." in s.at; .. r "pectsbeen on. of the .slllt lIu~c""~M 111 the history ottheCo1l8fl;e •. n-.enUlllbe,.oCltudent ll.~.been4"g4I,.thaneverb .. C..,reandlOOre oCthamhavebeC11nth"lliFjlercl&uea, 'illlol" 11=b"r 'em-a 1878- 9 '" "" 187'{-8 8 ""8-, " lIrn_8 1818- 9 " ,L ThlrdClas lI 1877_8 "" ..., "" 1877-8 66 IB7t-9 78 l"lfthCl&se 1817-8 1670..9 " '" The \0/11010 nu,nber in ~oll"ll. cluses !'TOiler 17S . A 21_ 1'01' ~" larGe a body of students, their general [;000. conduct has been re!:1!l.rkab1e., :ami their progres~ ';,Wtl it has not been all we desired, has been at least satis_ factory . The I'r<>f"s~<.lrs have been dilliaw,t in the <Jisch:irge of their duties , and untiring in their erforts to p:.;:omot., the interests of the College . j,o faculty in any col­lc, e in the country is doirl£ tr,ore work and fe"o< are doing better work, than tne Faculty of thisColle[;c . Colonel (;hao:-.ber~ , the profe~sor of Agriculture, did not beein the discharge of his.c!uties until about th61nidtile of f'ebruary , since thton he haa been engaged not only in the duties of his own depart::l00l , but has re:1dered valuabl\; service in the aeaprt _l.:ont of !.4I£lishLihraturc where his ho:1pw:.s greatly needed . The att ention of the !3ca!'d is respectfully caned to the re ~o rts of the Professors herewith submitted . These Nports snO>l that ttl/! projects of the st",dents a9 a whole, of the college, hilS uecn v"ry satisfactory in every depart;.ent . "'Lttont10ni .. invitedtothejletiticnofl"rore~sors . "lland ~thforappropria_ tions in aid of their respectiv" departt~ .. ntG and it i!> recommended tr.at the su.":15 aSked for be grantea by the board.. The attention of the Board is reo.;pectfully but ear:lc~ny inviLed to the fact , with increased stuuents, coces illcl'ease of wori< in every depar t.r..ent. <of the Collere , and that there is a point where the quantity of work required=st of necessity i:r.pair Us quality . An exa.-oi.'lation of t.he cat.alof;uewil.i s .. owthat two teacilers in the rreparato ryDe­PIIrt. o:ent have nad cnarge of 1(.4 students , hile they have never had this n=ber at any one time 1Itld nave be~n as~.i..st..<! to 90"''' c:d.ent by other teachers, the facts still ~hm,' that they h~ve erfornled an arnoW'lt of work raroly done in the school rooCl; nor1.'1thecol1 .. ge roper is the work leGs artiuou5 . Thei:ourthClasshasnw..bereU7aandthe l'hird t:lalls, 56 , TheproperinstructiOll of these clas"es required their division illto two sect ion/) each • .. 1th the Jecond Classes our colle£e courses divide and we have &JlS1oo'ering to these courses of study I'our s"cond classes and f our fi.r~':. classes . .nese with the divi­sion of the fourth and third clas~es inot secti<on:3 ~ke the e<;uivalent of twelv .. college clallsez . -<lch of these t we1v<1 ::lasses ria" an avera!;e of 17 recltatio,1S p .. r ""ek 110 that the redLaticns of ten of the col lege cl asse~ proper =ount t o 2V4 . III addition to this , the classes 1n 500kkeeping ha.ve lOr .. citations per week , ;nsking a total of 214 recitations per wek for B teachers or an average of 28 to each Instnlctor . In addition to all this theN! is Ul!~ time of the professor of A .. r i culture dL"18J)ded for out sid" work . There are co,lpositions and dec11l.!:l<Ltions of 175 s~udents to re_ ceiveattention . 1'he correction of these cor:;positions aile proper instructicn in deda..:tation .... il1re.,\uir .. no s::Jallpartofthet1n:eofther..anwhoundertakesthis work, a1)d:j.tisa>lork £reatly neadedin thiscollelle . InviewoftheHefacts, I respectfully sug est to the tloard t he a:lclit ion of an other [".e",ber to the Faculty . The l"ast "l<P"nsive way of doL'l1\ this woo.:.ld be by transfer­r inG rrQfes~or ;:axson to other Qutin in connection with the Collee;e, putting 1'<22- Lr . T,...ch is char e;Q of the Pre;JII.rs~ory Oep"rl",ent . for which he is ~"'ll qualified and eh ct in.gOM 8IIsbtant to BUpply Lhe pl:lc ewhich foe would vacate . lithis pl.&n be adopted the salary of ~ r . ihacr. *,ow.d be 1ncreS5~d to t'iOC anu the new aSbistant ,",ould have t he =.,e cOllpensation no��~ allow&d • .1" . Thllch . Under this a rrllnllement allowi.""lg ;>'900 to Kr . !livers and to ~:r . Thach the whole <>Xl'E'nBe of the Faculty wow.d be .. 17. 550 &lmuall,y . Th:!. ~ should l eave aboul. $5, 500 for other ..,...."..nses . a SUlllwhich it Se8:1S torr.e ought to be 5uffieient for this I'Ur pos e . Anxious as 1 know t~e .i>oard t o be to ""'. 1i1 thll rlabts of the ~on .. ~e , 3M stcong1y as 1 s)"!'pathize with tnat feeling, I reeard provision for the proper and II.doquate instruction of our stUi.!ents as the fi r~t duty oj" the in.stitution . Fully sa.tisfied Ula.t the board will in v:l.ew of all the facts; the work to be <>'0;"), th~ de::-=ds in other directiOlls ond the t.eM~ aT. the disposal of the Col _ Ieee do th:l.t "Heh ia wis~st and best for the institution, I cheerfully ~ubruJ.t the whole:o.atterto theirdiMjX>u.l . The expense of fun: ahiny. 1n~truetion to a studomt is less at thh I.:olle,e than eny oth ~r iTstitut10n of ~q\lal e rade Oll the COllt1nent . In 1875 it cost th~ Ar:rieult.ural ~oEeee or Lassachuaetts 271. per ca ,ita t o fu r­nish instructioo to its st.udents . lIewYorkCJa6 . Pennsylvania n9J . 11l1."ois ~J25 . An ave rage of thesa f our in8titutions of nearly ~J.w . There is no r eason to believe thst it costs the.:\ les~ today. t h&n 15 shown by these fif:ll r e8, while t his collee;ehas t he past year turn h hed inat rucU"" to her 5tudents at a coat of ·S5per ellpit ... . ~'h i s diffe r enc e is due to the Cact thst the r aculty here do <iouble ~he wo r k or<il.na rily dO:le by colhee profeuors on ...,-.aller salaries t han a r e giv .... usually . i'r easuN!r ' sltel-0r1. The reporl ot the Tree..suN!rwillsr.owthat the ex!:end.1 t ureof theCollur,ethis year has bee.,, &2J . 627 .95 ag&inst , 2k, !l05 . 87 lllst year . In ll note ... dd r essed t o me the ~'rea.surer ~ayS J "It will be obs erved t hat we dr ..... f r Ol'l the :,tate s t housanddollsr slessttUsj·ear, thMOUr &llllUalinteresth ... vin!': &llticipated thia Suo: l ... styesr-that is pa1d out of the f Wld this Y"IIr soove $2COO of the claLI:s belonging t.o last year, hence there is an s clua.l deficit ofabove')OOO in what should hsve been our a.nnual incoTae ." It ae,,",stor..e . that our e>qJend1tures for pur poses ot her thlln instruction a re lsr:er tha.n they should be . certainl,y , lar &erthMldesire and every effort w1llbeOlll<ie t o r e<iucether:1stillfurlhe ... . 1"hefaet tlu!.tdur ing t he"ast.year withllll1ncreaaed r·IIcultyandwithextnoro.linaryeXp<lllSes .emountinllto=re tha.n a thousand dolla r s , "8 ha ve been able to run t he College at II cost of $J :;.t(I less thM the year befor e , proof that we have been trying to exercise proper ecOllo.-,y in our expenditures . I n th1~ connection I "ould r espectfully invoke the attention of the Board to the policy of 1nc reasir.p the. collegafees toUOpe ... tenninsteedof ,7 . ,a . This increase whUe it would be a ::Iere rit t a.nce t o ellen stu.,en t , ~.."uld add several nundNlddollars t oour mcOoT.e . A e<>lmdttee f,.."., tbe Legis13ture paid the College II visit ini'ebr-uary l.o.st . The)' expressed t hc.,selves M not only rr;;.ti!ied .nth w!ut~ t;,e:- saw of the Coller,e, butsurlirtscdattheext;elltNld erfectionof1tssppl1ances, Mrlthe g~nen1 toed oroar and COtlduct of its corps of carlets . 11 2)- Had t.hat. connitteebeen lIO;l,poweredtom.s.keap"ropriations fl"O::l t.he :.tate Treasury .... e could have procured any reasonable aIJOUllt. for t.he purpose~ of the College . 'L'heCollege a" it standa before us totiayisnot. w1thout its defect.s ar.d .... ant.s . No suCCesa in any direction ouCht to blind any one coooect.edlrlt h it either u a C".ember of the Boaro or of the Facult? to t.his fact . Elut .... ewr.ybe perm tted tor"joicein t hefact .thatit.rn.sat.t.aine<iac:easure ofauccessof .... hichall itsfriendsrr.aybejust-ly proud . . 'e8.l1t.icipate f or it. a·full realizaticn of all t he brirht.pr or:tiaes of the p resent and confidently expect. -that day ... hen Alaba.r:la will recor,nise it as one of the c reate~t blessings t o !leI" people . Res pectrully submitted , ( !l.er;ular proceedinlls) On '.otion of '.1". Lalone the repor t cf t.he Pr esident of the ..;ol1ey,e "'3.5 laid on t.h a t.able , en Eot-ion of ~.r . ]:lames. the standinr, c OlILuttees be reorr.ani~ed ami On Lotion of Lr . Langdon t hat the co=dttetfl on Finance , Revision of Laws and Cours(I of Study becor.po "edoffiv~I:leI:'Ib erseacl,andt.heothe rc =.itteesoft.hreer.e:rnberseaoh • .ldopted . On ;·.ot.ion of!"r . Lan;;d~. , the 'l'reaS\lre:,w8s requested to ""ad his r eport .... hich WaS aone and subll'.1tted . :"lso the r tlport of the .. uditL'"le co.' cltt .... on the re1:orl oft.heTreasurer . 'l'reasur"r ' s Heport 1'0 the iionorable lJOaro oJ' Trustees of the A & 11 ColleSe of Alaha!La T"easu rer ' ~ Office:' &: M ColleGe Aubum , AlabsmaJunel6,l$79 1 herewit.h submit t o you a stateOl""t of tile finanCial t.ransactions of thie offictl for the year 'mding June 15, 1879. ~;:; e Treasurer ar,c. F.= Balance Rtlceipt.$ $l9 ,)5C.CO 2, 965 .00 )05 . 81 ~2L~ : ~J ... lawr .. c:ents Bya"IOWltpG.1dtollalanea 1.J(pClnSaapc . lIa" . & In . ape i1xt.\U"'CI.a~ trint1.n&apc a~cord& and "ta~icnery ape ~'rd~ht ape ;"I'I'I-ral.u& ape I.uaicape TMl~te'l at'" SUary apc ra .... apc: lnauranca.pc .. ho-.J."als ... pe Illt . &""",ch . apc .... rgeoo apc: Adverth~apc Tolio&lar1eadUeeoo1N;A\I€L'"t. lsl • b&l.ancldua . .1u.(Qu -.bllanclapc LOUlIt. of (iiacount. dua t.o the r·cult~ "ot. incl'""oc1inUioabove .. t1:atc . $ 60'9 .47 l , l2V. (,6 l , 22J .72 1o~9 . 17 JAJ .27 lSO. '15 92 .)8 618.5'1 391 .42 2)6 .90 15 ,~ : ~ 412 . 51 1J4 . 2~ 196 .51 165 .00 ~3.i~$:~ 4, 767 . 5() 1050 .00 t.~:~ L~ .61o ';. 1 . :aenn, " Nlasur er To the lJoal"do(Trustcnof thuA", l.CollaCcof Alabama Autn:rc , ~.a JlII1e16, 1879 Your Co......ittH to...tJ<IIII h assiq.ed the .:ut7 of eitaa1n1n~ t!le bool<a , :>c:ounte ",d annll&l f1n&ncl8l trar. ... ct.i.uns of t.ue j', ... asu .... r or 1.1, .. ';olJe -. <IU d1",,~.arl'ed UI3t dut;)'; anJ be[ 10l0ve too ra,ort too tha . card , thal they tina. t.ne boo;,e oC t.I.at cHice fl~at1i •• e;..t and h1a vo"c.~er ~ aI', rov~<1 IUld ~u,-,or~.d by tlla ,'re;s1dent &Il<l Acl ine ' .... "i _ dent of the College, for ali-- !DOnl ... <dabursed. , and t~. . t the ~cd~te of .:.on1 .. froe all 90,,"rec .. on acc. ...... ,t or t!le Colle:' .~~ l·roP~rly and corr ectly accolllltad 1'or . !'. .. ~ ... ICH'I.Illy BUb..J.tttod, r . I, . lleac.and . . ;; . Jow"eU,Cac. On r.ot i on of br . Uames t h6 r epor t of th .. Treasul'er and the Auditing COQ:littee on the s lLf.le "aB referred to til" C040ittee on I'man;:e , -"he report. of the " Beall)! of the College w., 01L motion of b · , Bames referr«! to t he o,;=ittee Oll ll.evisi on orr...ws . . . Gn i.otion t he iIoard adjourned. unt.il t gmorro'ol' I'O'.>minp, 9 o ' clock . J . I , iceeee, .>ecretsry /";26- Auburn, ;'lab.u:a June 21" 187'1 'Ill" Board e:et. at. 9 O' <;lC.<;K • • ~ .• v .. rsua.nt. t.o adjoumment. utd t.here lNrfI present. : t.h. rreaicent., t.heGovomorof the~t.&t.o utd i.es"erl' Barn .. " , S .. t.h .... IJoItdd1, l.anedcn , Litonl\lldl.alone . Absent, ;.." .... er~ liaral"0I1 . Lawl or ..... t.&lso1 and ux. Tho ,"resident announced t.hafollowingst.andlllgco::Tdneell : I'inanco : Lanr.dan . bam ... . Ileth..a , l.alone . Lawl e r . -.ev1$lan of Law., ~rne8 • .:itansel, I.ir:o.. ... . IiaralSQII. Ilox. "ourseot.;,tud),: ,.alune,->t.an"ol . Ligon . lJet.r.ea . li.1.ralson . \.:ol.u60 Lands and f-r<li'ert.)' : !lowdell, lkIx. Lan;:don . \.:la~,,: harllleon, Dowdoll, ""t.hea Asr i<;cit.l..re : Lan&Qoo , !SOX. Li£oo . Gn 1.oUon of I r . l.alone ~he t"<I;<:l r t. of t he f r<l~ident. ot t.he l;olle.~~ b" ta:en fran tile t aole and referred to the';o;:rnlt.t.ee on jiil\a...,ce . •. r . ~. rnes introduced t.ho Collowing, .t....:>(..;.V .... , 'lh.t the .;lro:na Alpha .. pIUOII '·raterr.1t~· bo ond are here""; aut hc ri~ed to elltablbh a chapter &:::.OIl8 the ot ticers and lIt.udent.~ ot t.he:" &). ":oUo"o upon condition tl\.:l.t a list o! the cnarter t:e~ bers (&::oQII!' whO'll at. le8ll~ shall lJe one mlll:.ber of the ,'scult)') shllll be f 11ed ... i t h t.he f""ident ot the Goller;e betoN t.he p"r't"".ana..t ori:nniz~ t1on ot u.ald c!1epter; andsna.ll ,rovid. [urtherth3tincallethbper::du1onbewlt!'KIrn','llet.an;·!"Utur" t1:;.e . ~aid cllapter her"ln :1.1,:thorized ~,1all be pro;lIptly disbanded . 1'11" coolidern.t.ioo ot the rnolutio!"l WaS deterred Wlt11 the next ~eeUn~ of tho ;loar.:l . Lr . uerne~ r e:W. .. ps.per froM th .. ""creta"l of the oirt .. oc1ety asniI1 r t.he per­r.. 1sst·n or the Loard for t.he U:;Ie of U," Colleee i;hs:,,' for:;l m.1l.iLllq hop . On w!11cn paper.l Cor.-i~tu8 ccnsi .. tin;t of .. e:;l:;lers "ame:;l ~!'" Uron ',J nar<ad t.o con(erwiththe rreslcllntof theCoUer:o l'acw. t )' . Lt' . . h;~ a ppeared and t ook hls seat with th. ;""ard • .. essersi)ameland1.igon J'<f;:<lrtedthe1r con(o:-encew1lh th".·ll.c:.].tjand tn!.oU on "r hr . Jet h"", th .. r .. qu"~l of the ,1:1. _oo:1ety wu t rant.ed, and . r • .Jo\«I"ll W88 -eluntod to 3g0 that the proposition '.ad" by the .. oe,:,oty te tait.hrull~· ob"erv'1'" (,r.'oUonof r . J.i<:on. t.he:xmrda<ijour"oo Wltil) o ' clock p. c.. F. : . . ,ta~c. , .. , eretary '!be Board _t..t. 4 o'clock I . }.. ami th.r. were pr9soot: the ?realdent. . and ;.'!UllI.ers ila.rnes. Bet.hea. )ox. ;x,well. I..e.ntdon. L:Lo!oc; and }.alone. }<r. Lengdon t)"QII 1.h" Ca=itt.ee on Financ. IIUbc:dt.1.ed the follo"illg repc.rt.: 'lb •• inanc. Coa:r.dt.t.ee to ",hoc!. vas referred the annual report ot t.h. l-NaWent 'of 'the College. vith accompe.n,y1.ng report. ot Lhe lIeveral ~e,:,.berll ot the facult.y . I .. ve had WlCierconllid'r .. :t.lonthevariol..arecU'!ltle.ru...t.ionsoftheFresiaente.ndhauinetruct.ed u to report the following resolutione aoc. rl;\c<::l?BJld t.heir adoption, 151. R-;()LVdJ . That. a Chair ot utglhh Lit.erature be and t.he aaua h hereby cst.ablished and t.hat. RtlVe1'8nd C. ri . ,.axson at. preeent. ,)'(If'essor and f rincipal Qj' t.hD rrepnrat.ory JD:.artII:ent. bD and h hereby .t.re.nsferr4d t.o t.he .... hair ot "ht:!ish Literature . 2nd UJ·LVw. 'i'll.t. C. \:. 'Ib/lCh be IIUld 1.s b,ereby appoint.e(!. " rinci~ ot the hepara.­t. or,' iJep .. r~ent. at. a salary or ... 9CO per f.IlnUl'. . Jrd ...;(LV ..... ·lbat an assist.&nt. in WI. t-~parat.or;y ;;',:art08nt ba 'lected by this Bo«,rdl'ot .. Al.ry ot i75v parf.llnu::l. 4th R;....iOL'I.~ , That t.he lIalary' ot~ . '.iurl,n instn.;ctor be.tUed.t"9I;.O par anmUllfor Ul,t ... t.uro . 5t.h <...;.>(,LV ..... . That. t.t'\.e sUllot i.5VOba and t.h, a&IlD ie hereb;YlLp$Jropria,t.od to the DepartUlentot "atu.ral History to be 'X?D!Ided undar thDdirect.ionotth.headot that lJepal"tment. . 6t.h IL.,,(,LILll , ·lb.t t.he SlI:II ot .uoo Pa olppropr1at<Kl t.o the Department. ot EathllC\&tics to be exp!lnded at the discretion ot the hesd ot sait;l lJepart.ment. . 7th rt .. ...cL'r.Jl, Thattheincidentalh.otllt.u.Je:ltahereafters~llbet7 . SOpe r hl'lllPlQ'll,bl'aaheretotore . C. C. Langdon,Chain:.an The report. was t.aken up seri.ative and adopt.ed and t.hen &dopt.ed as a whole . The President of the Collega .ubc1t.ted a cQl.;.un1cation in writ.ing : Uonorablc lI . '" !,;obb i'resident. , IlOll.rdof1'1'ustee. A & II College June2.4,1879 The Facult.y in.tru-:t.ed lI'.e to ree<'U!lend t.o t.he Board t.t...t the following d'fre •• be conferred upon the gt"II.Ctuatlng cla,s . t .• .s . Andrews J . o> . Oowd.eU J . ~ . Il . ..>hipp • . H. B4lce O. C. t~c::;hee Bachelor of :.cia nee , . B. DUlaN A. a.O' lIara J . t. !'Uu:k.lrd Bachalorof.lllinear1ng I . ! . 'N.chlnor Fruldent On ~ot1on of I,r . Langdon the .evera! dasnul •• r~oru".IIlded.by .the Pnllldellt ba conterr.odOllthegraduatinecl.a"lofl87s:..9 . Adopt ed. On Motion DC hr . Bantee the deer" of D. D. , Ooctor DC D1v;1nity, h, (;()nterr~ on 1leverorndJohnl ... thewsoCthaMethodiat."piacopa.l.Chul"ChSouthoC thecityoC" ... Orl8UIeandS"teotLou.1.IWlna. . Adopt.cl . OnoUanot).r. I.eJ.onethedegreaot:JoctoroC.Ph..Ilo,o\lh7haconCerracl()flC . Lozo ~thotAt.h ...... LineatoneCount.y.Al.&ba;a . Adopted . en ~ot1on DC l.r . Bethea tha .;acretary wae requeated to invite 8IIc1'l .-bar of t.ha '.cult.:rto_t.t.heBoardt.<E.Drrow"'r~inl1nretereno e to.resolut1on1nt.ro­duc. clbyhr . &ntu, 1tth.,.thinkpro~:'t.odoao . Adopted . The lloanl adjourned untll 9 o ' clock A. r . M. Reace :lecret.&ry Auburn, A.l&bam June 21:0 , lB7~ -r\- 29- The DOard I118l at 9 o ' cl~k A. I'i . and the" _re Jll"" .... l : the Pres1d. .... t, o..vlllmor ~obb . and l!easer8 banles . Jathea, ~, uowdsll, La.ngdon. l.ifon and x.J.one . hr . Bamee, Chairman otC<n!d.ttee onttevilion ot Lan, reported that turther t ime be Cr.:mted untU the next c:eeling ot the 1J0ard and that they then report . On i_oUon orb' . l.an~m the report or lhe Tt-aasurm-and the r eport ot the Au.d1ting Comr-..itteeCf'lthosa.meber&eeivedan!.isdopted. Protessor Chau:pen >l3S called on IIIld ... d.e e verbal report on hi. depo.t'tlnent t.olhe ""'ro. On . ,otion ot kr . Box the 5.al&ry ot the Treasurer be increaalJd traJ! '7LO to $8t() per annum vu adopt.ed . ~.r . Bames vas , r antvd leave to v:1t.hdrav the resolut.ion in reterence to the or .. 3ni­u, t.1onotthe .. ip.llpha_l-silon..xx:iet.y . :il.ecUona be1nF. in order, hr . tlOX noninalod ... T. Glenn tor Tr"'lI\U'er and en ".olion ot •. r . SanIes, J\r . OleM vas elected b;r accla.r;;at.ion • • :1" . Lanedon at. t.he r&q\lellt ot the ?resilient of the i;olleeo presented th. name of } ... . O. C. ~.cGh •• as &3shtant tcocher . loll' . Betholl thoreupon I"'t in nooninat.ion }"' . IcCheo and he VaS ellilcted by acelaation . On l.otion of ~;r . Baron the Treasurer b, ~1red to give a bon!.i ot $20,000 .00 to be approv&<1 by the f'ru1c\ent. of the Leard of f'ruetee$ . The~s1dentoft.he ... olllllgerecOo1.en<1e"t.hat.t.heCl.lIIl!reeof}:,sterof.xiencebe conferred on Oeor-e il . n'ice . Atiopted . The report ot the Coccan..ia.'lt vas rltCehed and o,-,;S,ered tiled with the 1 resident ' s refiOrt I-rKl those of the othlllrProtusors. },r . Beth .. intr04uCtIIC the following r"solution, ~LVUl , That the Board ot Trost.ellls of the A &. M Colleglll of Alabama have the pleallUre to congratw.ate the Faculty tlilachers and otticerson thll rosperouscond1t.ionottheColleceandit..pro!l.isingtuture, and teolthat it hdue t o ofrorthe1raasuranc .. that theyhaVII raithC'ully and earnestl,y petorc:llldt.h.irduU"andlabors . Ar.d the,valso eXPNlsa to the cadets t.heir eongrstulat.ions, nl't. only on tlle1r ordtlrl,y an!.i 1II8lll¥ conduct, but thtlir .,roric1encT in their atuiies and 1Ilil1t~ry evolutions of which they had abundant and satitltactory evidence durin8 their cOIIIDoIIIlca ent. exercises . Allopted . On J..otlon ot hr . ~.alone the i:loard of Truet. .. return their thluM. to hill ::XCellencT the ~ov.mor ot the ;>tate for the COlorteoUS and digniIilld ::wultlr in which h. has d1acnarEedhisctuUesast.htliri'residinll!:otticer . en J(otlon ot J~r . aamn the 3o.ard "tllrtl to }.r . f . ~ . 'teeCII tneir th3nlo<s tor the prOOlpt andcorrect.-.annerinwhichhehaadischarFedh.iSl.lutillsa.sSecretarytotheBoard . The So&l"'d haviu,g been called t.o~.ther at the in.tan". of the ~o.::anda.'1t . useo:bled.t the Ho~el of F . O. ~.,4111&Z1ey , where it wu Rt..>CLV;J;l, That th. C(X!mI&Z1<:iant i~_ powered and inBtnlcted Lo let out the "ontr-act forcac:et uniforns and turnishings annu&ll�� and to in • ..,.ct and r«eive all "uch clot.lling. 'The Ca&1ndant .r....u ap­;; Oint a c:.adet ~r1.er talter who under hi, cirKtim Bhal.l keep acc<lWlte I.Ild !lU7)­erintendtheclothlnro! thlcaciets . ror this duty uCedet..uarter ... "ter, the pq"hallnotbe.,,..,thanOr'\elrunC!redandrittydol.l&rsaa.~b;rtheC.,.., lIlalldant. • B;r • ..:- . 8arnes , RWCLV.:.O),tbatjtllhaliblthed\lt,.oft.he~l!ottheColllS­to ",ceivl 8llddi"blll"Se all thlmmOJtth&t I!IaYbe oaidin!v't.he':e!lIt8forcloth­ing, luitl, -nd Wl.ito=s , which IIhal..l. be kept "I~arate Dr h1Jh al a CadIt_fund and paid out by hill on oroer ot theC<DrI8ll~t , Be~"'t. andd.1at1z1ct frc. the general ':;olllrl 1\ind and hi lIhal.lbtl liablco on his bond tor the 8!l!:11 . Adopted . o:n...,Uon the Board adjourned . F • . Reece ,,(;c"tary to Ilo..rd of Tniatees ReiX'rt of Profesllors and Teachers accClllpanying the report. of t.he President of the Colle~e and which forn a part. of the record for t.he colle(;i.at.'" y"'ar, 1878-9. \)r . I . r. 'I.'ichenor, l'rasident Auburn , Ala"ba,¥ JW1e 13, .187.9 Depart.r::ent. of Languages, La.tin II,Ild Greek A &~; College Aubum, Alaba,:;a I sublrd.t the folicwi11i as my annual report. . The Jrd, 2nd, and 1st classes 1.11 Let.in cont.s:1ning 48 r.l8I!Ibers have been instructed by pe, reciting in accordance wi th the requirements of the catalogue, both all to !!lIltter and t1l:les ot: recitation . The 4th cla .. s , Latin , containing 26 ",embers , hes been t.au/::ht t.hitl ytmr by Instruct.or Riverll . Al.l. t.he Coliege classes have been taught by me in Greek . The number taking GNe\( durin/! the year he .. been 52. 1." cla .. ses have been very punctual in at.tendance , quite attentive to instruction, and t::Ora devot",d to study t.han usual, and conlltlfluent.ly t.heir progess has been ver-y good . This stat.tIrltlnt eppl1es t.o "" clessee all a Whole 8JJ I have had several persons in thWl. not at. ill pwlcl.J,lal, att.entive , or st.udious . The increase of nUmber in the Collese auglllenh lhe m.aber in classes and brings in so...e oetter material, thus enabli.n.& me to advance t.he.€:rade of scholarr>hip in t he severaJ.de.,art.ments . "I'hestandardofscholarshipshouldnotbeeleVlltedabovet.he capacity of the great. ~ of students , who properly' apply the-...selve~ , but should. be \Il1attainabli! by the indolMt and. inattentive . Our aegre t:! will' not be wort.h full value unlese .... " ..,quire full- scholarship .for their purchase . The Dla'9 s pendini". of four years at college does not" entitlo:! the student to a degree unless t.he full work a1lot.t.ed to ~o$e years h!l.s been per­fOl'l:! ed . ..hen a stueent N!.S done the full work required for a degree and his exami­nations t.elltify t.o that f act , let him pass otherwise , let him wait over another year . But one s~a you have s.dm1tted t.he young IGafl into ,our graduating class and permitted him to approach 'lohs threshold of graduation ; it is unjust to reject him at. this stags . .. e feel the sa:;;e disinclination of checking the student at. t.he end of each year and the result is he arrive8 at t.he end of his joumey \Il1prepa.red for his f.Ositicn . ..... should fix so:,~e point in the progr .. ss where th .. otudent. ought to expect to be halted , unless "repared t.o go forwar d . 1 feel that the t.ime haa coc:e when ",e <met take a IlION! decided coursij , and require iii U.'lifol'l:! deo;ree of SCholar­ship for graduation, whilst in the Clse of ot.he"s we do entertain the same senti­nents , Indeed we often feel .... e have gra.:!\lOI.ted a man without tho necessary quali­ficat. ionsforthedegree . I have only fIIention&d 1.;118 ma.tter now from th" fact , that I thini{ it ought to be cor"ectijdif possible , &!ldto L,,~c3.te to you as the chief oUicero! theColiege I l!\Y,willinQless to aid in ;;ver-y way, to br~ about a change that allmuet desire . Respectfully submitted , J . T • .JUlIklin i'rofeseor Il.ns:·endl. ... Tichenor, D. D. ~'ru1ctent A "")~ College De~rtaent of ChOllllistry Ald)llm,Als~ Junell,1879 lhaTsth"honorofllu~tt1ngt.h"fol .. ow1ngnopor~for,essiOl\Ju.t.nd1ng. 1 hay. taur,ht the follcw1ng: 3rd.cl&8111l1~erslCh-s.lJt.ry&ndC.l'III&JI 2nd class llI.lu'icultursl/.nalyds let. claseinChalcal Analyah, ';'r;riclOltursl';hll:lbtl'7and htroncq'. 4':la)rdcIau:l.nC .... ralCheIII1.stl'7conUuhoflixt.;-l'Iftber9tllno. t,weea .... eek . oJ.evm ~-.J>eT3 .;,f tI'e ;ret cIa.., studied i1sr--&n , rec1tlnt; rOUT thou. \<1Iok . Ths2nd clsaabotl!: in Agriculturtl and S<:1encepurlued the study ot Agricult.ural An&lraiat.'lroughtheenUN9.Nioo , davot1ngnine hours a week to re<:itatlon. and work in the laboratory . 'nIe latter con.bted of Analy.ell, of m:anur •• , sells, ued3 , fead stuffll, ate . 1'btr Ural. clan in ::>cience '"l:.rSued ch8l;dcal. analrsh , the en tiresession , l~tentlOW".a .... sli:inr8Cit.;l.tionaanQwork . The latter conaistea of an&1¥'" of minerals, cree , .tals , c.,.J.·, .... t.r, and gases, and.lI~otlMtalllcorea . :11e first clan in Al'ricultura , 8tud1ltd and cemplahd KHcwCropa GrCIWn &tid "HowCr<>p.<'ecd" and l"fIcittd three t 1:ale •• waek . 1'lIelatcl.anofallthe courSe8 prullutd the It.u<ly of Aotronoc;y, l"fIclt1n&thr<l.t.il:lssllwolll< . In .ddlt.l"nto.boVfl , ~.r . G.or.!:.H . Pric. , .~lO&t.otluty .... r , ha.:,ur_ lJUed.th ...... tgraC\liI.t.lcoura.1nSClmc., .pllI<Jint;t.hI_tothi.tinoin ."alJt,icl.lworl<1nlabonatory . 1 can r.,.ort. cond.l!nabl. "rogreu on part of all q cl .... s, e~1al.l.7 or h1&hered.ucat.1.on . Th.facllitiCllcUered.bynawlabor"toryhavillgproven vorysatiafact,cryfcr U.'proHcllticnctanalJt,icalwork . Ita::.,roatploS:lllniinintor lllingyouandthrouehycuthaBC/{I.rd , t.hatJolr . a.or,eli . fric .. , thel-clt gr.duate st.ud.nt abCVI ,..terred to, was rece>ltly u.cted tcthet.halr or I\.turu ~cl""c. in th. St.at. Ncn:al. .;ehcolat f1.crenc e . Alahll:llonrlll!llQ'cl>I:lpetl t.or • • Itwill60ugthubagratify1nptot,ha-..rlJ' friendlloftheColht;.tok!lovtha.tiualu::.nilr.beingc.UedtofWsllch >OIitlon. or trait and. honor . lhav.lI&debutllttll&aditioncr~v8Dlf\t.to~lsbot'lt.ory~lIr1nlthe Plllt .;>euion . The O<::&l.l a.count tc thadabit of u.a.,;n..ucal J.,.rtment.llavins beanljlflnt.1nthepurchaUQtneCIBBarycha-1cal • • 3cme....,rinbhedwonc, hov_ ever, r-u..tcbedcne, which it i.hcpedw1l1bo cCUllIeted ea.rlynextsessiOll . lal,chopati:st.at..".arlydaylca.ybtonbll to have tr.ote..porllrydlBkeand s •• tlluppl&ntedbynovC>nuof.lahrandbettort)'pe • .lllofwblcbis ..... pectfullylJUbl:dtted, • • O': . ... tubb. ~rotlBJ.()r ct ";"C!.1stl")' Reverend I. T. Tichenor, D.O. President , A &. ~I College R.eport of COm::l8l'ldant 1 have the honor 1.0 submit t.he following report. of the c=ndanl ' s Depart.lllent for the put. year . The large accession t.o t.he corps, has necessarily devolved a lI'.uch arger amount. of work on this office . This induced m,e ast. year t.o appoint. a bat.t.alion adju_ tant in addition to the post adjuillllt. 'Who had. theret.ofore the duties . 'fne at.tent.ion to drill has been better this year than 18111. . The order and disci_ pline of the corp5 has been co..l..endable . • lith thE! increase 'in nwiliers diecipline must be administered more strick.J.¥, :mel the DU::Iber Gubjected. to the penalty of the law =t be greater even than the increase of student/! . But whUe this is true , the cases at flagrant vi a lations of la'W have been rare • . I am with respect, R. A. Hardaway, COIlIlI&llciant. Report. of Professor of Eneineering Tichenor, D. D. I herewitb respectfully subr..in a report of the 'WOrk in the Department ot J::ogineering and Drawing . The 'WOrk ofdra'Wing inth8 tourthand third c18sses h8S been a ssigned to l nstruc tor .:. . R. Rivers . I am satisfied from personal eM.roin&tion that his classes heve b.urn 'Weli taught and have I!\&de considerable pr0 r. reS9 . '!'his a cti on hss reiieved me of four recitations per 'Week . The increase in tield 'Work. in surveYinil . in the third class alone has =:lICh ~ore th!lfl counterbalanced this decrease of the duties of the De;J8rtment . Thil t ollowing table exilibita the number at recitations and otfice exercises, but not the exerciaes in field 'Work . Subject tlo . of Tot&! Class T,= . No . Studenh :':xerciaea n:r-- ,- o>ur:eying ~ l<l~lg . -,,-- - 40- 2 " 40 80 III Tactics " 40 II Engineering 1'1 80 II Drawing 17 175 II Scienceot lo'ar 31 80 1 Uig1n..ering , 200 1 Drawing , 200 1 Tactics 13 40 11 Tactics -'l ---'2 1)8 '" The progrus 1nall respecu ha. been Nti,f sct.ory . .:n ..... 1on.dd1t1on.ha .. bflm lIIade to the BUpply of inBt".,...,U for :lIg1n~er1ng purpose. and the a:IOWlt of fhld wcrkinlurvey!n&and.ra1lwoot!wtlrkha.b • ..,lIUch!"l.t.el'thaninanyprev10us ,~ . th. cu .... in .... e:1nHr1nll:hav.ude the usual I.o\Ir of in'pe<:t1ou and. UULi.ns­t10n of m.t.ch1n~ry , and ..ng;1neerlztg \fOrk ......... lllade by til. ,,1.61 and ".:11011" preeenttd Cl'OIIIoot.e, t aken 01'1 viaite to .. or;'. of interest. In t.hh st.ateand Gaorj!u . Cfthe.evencradUl.tnin~.er1nginthecu,eoCl878 ,twohlVe toodpo·i_ UOl'l.onr&1lroed.1nthe'teteoCCeo~1a ,t\fO ..... I!Cpl.~ .. t.eache ... 1nth. public .chool .. oC )~oblle cit ,., one hal b."", elected I pr<>Ceuor in a coUege in lliba::la , one1Ipurlu1ng.polt_.;:reduat.ecourse1nthiecollee:e , and the oth ... 1 • .ngagedin Car=dng. · Th.et'lt.lreCUlSa,..,ut.lliz1na'ihe1rkn""'l~ , b<ner1tinJ!th.irra>:.lIIdhonorln& the in.Utution 0,. which th.,. ....... trBil'led for pr.etical wor!t: . In .. decad.th • .,1nee , mUle, r .. U roads Md work shop. of the South"nt >rlll b. -inl.T direct.ed byaont.ra1nedin theA&: KCoU.geoC.u..b&::>a . Chane'" ha", be<'n MO. .. in the curr1eu1\E1. the paat ,. ... , which hereo.ft ... wUl urgel:rben'fitt.heclassn~..:lin"l'II.ctlcal\fO .. k., without1ne ..... ingthe ubo ... ofpupUo .. tQacher . 'Rupec:tf'ul.l,:;rsuba1tt-.;l, R. A. Hardaway hores.o .. of ,l,Ein .... 1ng lJ.""rt.aentofl'.at.h ..... tlcs A"'EGoll~e June2CJ,1S79 Reverencll.'I'. 1'l.cheno .. , D. D. tre.ldent IrnP'lct.ful.ly5Ubw.tt.h'foll~N>port.ofll;Ydepart.lllentfortheYNr187S-9 . Cuss ;iubject 110 . 111 1.0. Class Recitation" r-~. . ----,-- ----w---- I "pheric"l Tri&. '" Astron . 3 ..lS S2 II kn&lyt.lcalCeo.utry 31 5a I1 hchan1c, 29)2 II Clculwo IS 41 III ;,;gl1dC~17 4~ 34 III Trlgono,,,,,try '" ~:eneurat1on 4~ IJ. HI AnalyticaIC<KICltttry 34 21 III Analy". a_et.ry (Sec . 21 IV Usebra(let..-::t.1on) IV a_t.ry gre£Ul.B.rI '" J4 )l ,," " 14 31 TotalnU::lb.rorreclt&tlonsfur1nn &theye.&" l" 1)1 99 "", -- -- - ----- - - Theabovet.ableF.1v ... athel!Ct.,.].nUrAberofclauu:ercillese:u:lusiveofe~t1ons andholide,ys . It will " traa. the above atatetllellt aeen there haG been increaQ or 2!i" in nw:ber inDeparl.J:tentotMathe;"..tics,.inthecolle<;eproperovert.henUOlberlntbeaatne Deparw.ent last year . There has been an equal inc}'Mse in ths progr .. s of t.he atudent.s end t.he a:;!ount of work don. in the various subject.. pursued . nte course ha" bem gradualq ext.ended With COM'esponding iJ:lprovOI:'.ent in thorou/:hnen and sound "chourship. The reBult of the yea.:-strork is truly tratifying . AttendAnce haa been reo;ular a.nddepor1.l;:entincla",,~&ood. The e.iJa in thh dep&rtinent ill to codllne • thorour;h knowledge of prindples with extensive and varied application in sucb a way as tc secure the greateat &-.(lWIt of ment.Al. disciplin. and the largeet rllCtiCal knovled~. of _th_tica .. applied. to the 1'arioua pursuit.s of pract1callU •• A allUat.cl.ory degree of aucc .. " haa alread,yb.en.tta,1ned . The third. and fourth clan hae been d1Vided into t.WO lIectionll of the aturle grade and pursuing ttle 8eme "ubjecta . Thi ...... rendered neCe988ry on account of their ahe, to atcure thorough drill in thetundamentAl. atudies in the c(lur"e1n l.athernat.ic II . Th. second aection ot the tourth clan h .. been in charse ot Instruetcr l . R. Rivera who hea den. hia wor, well . With thia lIubtancs , the work in thia de­partment can be accomplished in an entirely satisfactory manner . 1 would "lI4!8eat in conclu.ion that in the appropriation for the Phya1c&l Labor a­t017 which is 110 much needed, a -n a:r.ount b.- included for a .. t ot _t.h_t.ieal ~el. ano;! for llluatrat.ioo in I{echanice which ia attaehed to thia depe.rt.:r.ent . O. O. Smith Pror.• •o r, r.aU",..... .. tic. Note-The l'e:J(lrt ot the 2nd aaction of the fourt.h class v11l be incluO;!ed in InetructorRiver ' srepor t . Depart.l:lent. ot I,a~u ralliistory and GeolOU Aubum, Aleba. ... Jun14 , 1879 Re .. er8lld I , T, l'1cher.or. D. D. ~relident. ot A &t I, CoDeg' I nerew1t.h Nlspoettullysut.1t U-.e report.otl\Yvork1nthedlpartlllntunell'r lliY clut.f'(lldur~thll .. t.cnol .. t1cJ'8&rju..t.clo.1ng . fro=thlb'g1nningotr:qdutllauntilth'pr es.nt lotm.1 ha ... had th.ditt.rent c1annblto"" .. 1n r llcit.aUons846t1ll1' , w1th an aver&j)e of 27 reoit.ations per weak t.hr<>U£bolit the ;year . ~:~i~~~ I.lIbular rt .... w1.ll .xIdblt the number in each clan and the Rlbj.cu ~bj.cU fhydc .. hOt any Nat . Phil . Zooloty htn.ralogy G.oloty F..hys . Geo . BotlUU' • f rench 'I'el.c:r .p/I1' Geology f-. Grad . Fhy • • ;;la". 1.0 . lstt.nII :a:dte..". Ho . llecitations :itud.,tl Rec1t.tiDnB ilecit..tionl lat.ter:> xv- - ,,- Fer ;"ek ~ _,,_ "I I 6341 I 1 1 2 I 12 1 , I 1 IV )5 47 1 1 m 2 ' ~ ,J.2, J2 ., '4"8 48 J2 'e"o '" TIle ", •• rsof t.l' .• cla ........ gltllllral tI;1ngha", laen Vlry Nlgul&rin.ttendan~. of ""cit.ation" and tnur c!, .. !)Ort.aent hu been unusuallJ' good . I am pleased to &*3' that the progresa :I,n ~hll different st .. wi.~ lias been encoul'll':_ 1ngj.larg.proport.1oooft.h.,tudent.<.\i'p1ayins.d.siretoll<4st.rth.subjectl pl.acod latore them. Tr .• planof1mlt""ct.ioniallla1nlJ'b]"l.ctureslXc.ptin.~4thcla .. , v.,6reth. object hl& be.n to 1n~ul cate the tund'''"lf1tal principles or the schnc. by ... ans otaclolllltwlyotthetextbookB . Ul.'lou&n 1 1la"eatl..-ptedtotl!leacht.n .. &t.lldent,by.lle&llsoflect.llresand'xperi_ mentsl.h.f.cllitin.ho ...... r.j.J..c«l.t""d1lpo-.linth·.hap.of apparatus are ,olll6&g.r andinadequat ... t.o rend.r it exe.edinglyd1tficult. t.o lucidly 8l<pla1narulillu.t.rat.eth.113 .. ofac1enc • • 'lberei.sad n .. dofr.pleniahment in tnl whole d.partlr.ent., bu~ r-rt.icularlJ' 1. loh1a t.h. oa.e in t.1l. pIiy.1c&.l Beet1on . 1b • ...auntof.pperat.u.onIl&no:l1.1n.u1'Cieiel\t.~ •• etl.h.dtc\&l"ld.ofanordina..,. cla .. expera.,t . 1 hue theretoNl be~ c...,.,llod to t.uch IIIjj' clausa tI&inl¥ bT black board 1llultrlUDn . Thh1sun!ortuna.t.e tcrl.hestudmtbecaueenoth1ng &OforciblyiJ.,pruu.andf1x ... la .. ont.hem1ndua.tull,xr·riolentwit.h suitable apparatu8 making before t.he eye a practical apl1cat.ion of the law . It would take but a s:r';U outlay at first to purcha5e the apparatus that 1a now nacassary, and by additional approprietions at. each annual "leetinr of the Board of Trustees , a physical department Could be soon fi.tt.ed up .nth all .the lIIOdem improved appar at.us . I would s .ellt therefore that the au .. of five hundred dollars be a ppropriat.ed at the be-rinning of the next term, for the purchase of a pparatus that. is nOW absolutely need~, this would be but a s:nall dr aW' on the 'i'uasury of the ColleGe and the ="7 could not be Ildre wisely invested . 1 would also furthe r sugeest t.hat an edditional a=unt of C2000 be at. an early dey a ppr opriated for the p..lrpose of opening e phys:l:callaborator.r in cOllIsction with t ilis department . 1t is unnecessary to "lention how llaport.ant sueh a Labontory would be to our students in I' atural f hilo50phy. At all the first. clasa colleges in t.lle l'nited ~tates expoerb.ental laborat.ories in P\'.:"sics have been opened and are now in s'tcc es aful operation . These are arranged in the s&J:Ie plan of a cher.ical 1I'Ioorntory . The student is required t o anter this physical work shop and make a practieal a pplicstion ot the lat:s and principles expounded in t.he lecture room . 't. is method is calculated tco t llorough1;y illIpress t he subject upon the clind of the student and he ill r.aturl\lly led to take an interest in t.he stud,}' of !latur&! Rhilosophy . .1 at! endeavoring by exchange and otheMse t.o thoroughly equip the /latur&! IJUtory De"artment . 1J.rll&dJ.- we have on hand a very eoW ..beginning for bullding up a first class I!:USell."l _lII'ld if pr ivat.e individuals thf'Ol18hout th" state wolUd take an interest in t.his matter and send us specimens or minarals , i nsects , aniJnals, ete . that _ y be found in their neia;hborhood, we would soon hsve all our avalleule apa ce eCCllr1e1 . The museum consist.e at present of 4697 specilllens, 426 of which have been added to this nMber within t.he past :rear . Add to this number the 2.soo specimens in my privat.e collection, that the C1l'lS9 has free use of, and our mIlsell::l makes a very good disi>1a¥ for a colleee 90 young. Kuch c!"8<lit is.aue t o the cadets tor the interest they have tak8ll in t.he 1lIU8e= and.m.any of the specimens have been added by their lsbors . It is wit.h pleasure sir that. I aclatowbd,ge the many kind fains received fror.l you durinS lIlY connectiOfl ..nth the c.ollege, and your hearty cooper:ltion in all lIlY du.t1es . P. h . l;ell, J r . To R"v"r .... d I. T. T1e""nor Pr ... ide:nt A "HCoU.S. Auburn. , .u~ Jun,,21 , 1879 1 n.pecttw.l:r.u1.ai.tth.tollow1n&Nlpor1.otwol'kandatt endaneaintheFre­"" ... tory o.,."'-1t ot the Coll .. tor the CUl"MDt .cholaetic y_r. IntlleHr.t_tionllllder.::fOtOTlpersonaJ.euperv18i<mtll.CollONingclu<I .. havabo"" t."lllt: ,,~ ~ t.o . catioh R"c . !l!r .. "ek ~ ~ ~I1. 47 160 J4 ~~:-;"* H. GI'aI:l. 12 theoth.r 6 160 d ••• eloC Arithlll.tic 40 Coll·sehave J4 reeeivedin_ l.atinCaeaar 12 .trucUonin Soli"" 11 160 "IY cl ••••• . O .... elo: , !hhwUl..c_ J 160 countCort.he Us:b ... (~) " appar .... t d.1_ J4 c re~c,.be- '''1 1) t ... " .. th18 COIIpleto 4 r "por tan<.l , ... "'" J7 160 th.Labl .. hl"wr;y J4 =- '" "" C.talogue . In.dd1tiontotbowori: e:xtolbltedin the to"'so1ng table 1 hoave £iven daily in­. truction inpom.r.Mhlpandhavehad .... eklyex.rch".1nor.toryandeompo.ltlon . ~ .. pdraw1 ghubun taught in conne<:tlO11with the .tudy oC H.1atory . 'n\o cad.t. havotb""neullad .. 1veto ... t r ing .. t ey.t .,..oCdhclplin"sni ..... en ... r ),yell ... d. Zoodprogreesintlleirstud18s . lhavsende.vo!'O<ltoArOuueckar.cteroCpr ld. intlle claesinlllo.md..oCth.caclat.vh1chltN.t.lluandwil.l.slillturt.har elevst. their It&nd..lni or MOralit1 and , eho1.&rahip. 11l.reby.ppendandllalc.p ... tofthl.paper tll .... portoC C. C. Thacll . C. E. in cllars.oCth. second lI<Ietlon . 1 Lak.pl. ... urelncc.nend1nghhdlliB"ncein tll.dlscharg.oChilduUeeandcapacit.yboWltol.partinetrucUonand<=aintain dllell,lin • • G . W . }~ Fror..lIOr"'Prlnclpa!oCf>rfI,.ratory Depart.cent Profenor G. "d . Jo.:axson f riJ'lcipal f reparaLory tl ePflrt. .. ent 5ir : A &. H College Auburn, Alabama June 21, 1879 IrnpectfullyS1Jbadttheacc~repo rLOflll,Ysectionofthel'rePfiratory Oeparbumt of the A ol M Collete of AL!.baa!a, the subjeeb pUrsu8(!l, the n=ber of studenta and munber of recitations ere .. t forth- iJ'I t.he following table : Ari th:::letic '"" 100 &n o Gram . 40 42 108 ~ta.ra ;;~llin& ,. 51 100 LoU" ,2 " lSO '.ding 21 Hhtory, U. S. 43 100 Ceor-aphy 29 28 J 108 Algebra -»- -.i 10> 'total 8) )l ill6 Beddat the ~rk: inMcetad iJ'I this exhibit, I ha,.. giv"n dail3 inetMlction in pelllll&llihip to the antireclsss . The stlld..,ta 1n thea .. cL!.asas l!aftbeen with . faw exc.ptionsre,o:ul&riJ'ltheira tt~ce , «XaI~1nt.he1rdeporl.::!entand dUllgant 111 their appliCAtion to stu~ . b a conaequence the r reo-en _d. in th. v, rbal classea h .'ry conHi!nilable, as la . ahO'lln by their .. adonal. end ",xa:d.natioc gradea . I have IUde th .. e exa:a1nationa tho¥'OllC!:h .end have takllTl them on corrupond- 1ng th«r:u from tb", exas1n&t1on to tbe 0 . 8 . tieval Aced"""," . Rnerend 1. T. 1'1<:h8ll0r, D. D. President , A." II . Colle,. OeuSir: Stah 1. focll. Coll.,. lubum, llabuIa JlIIl.20,l.87<J 111& ... the hOIlOr t.o IRIhmit \h. tolloor1ng r.pon ot Lb. work .... trut.tId to rq ur. tor t~. 1&1't .c.h01&.t1<: TMr. Th. tabl. vUl uh1bU the c1& .... , .ubjech puraw.tId, mI!IIP.r ot .tud .... t. in each lubject, number ot ,..cU.t1on' per .... It IIldT"r of thil"tT_four .. eekl. n 118.1":2 hru " , n G_·t.I72nd 34 " , Cool . Coml .ArUhII.t.1c '" 2 V BooItk:.p1na!P~11I1p 19 '" , IV 24 " , IV Latil1 .. lfTthologr 26 " , IV DraviD, lin. ... trHiIand " " 2 . 34 1II 2 106 56 68 170 170 1.7.0 ProjecUoo. .. Mod.lIldr.v1.rIf...JQ ..Jio 68 Total. 2~7 ~ '" -.ro It vUl be ob"rv.d Lb.t I had (26) tvantT- IiJt HC1t.at.10111 per w .. k b.iDg .... , . ,-' in.cad-.1c <il>t.1 ....... l7hou.rottb. da,y, for thr .. da,y. of th ... e.k. O:nth. otb'r two da.;r' w.ra hour. 11ft open tor th. parfo..-nc. of Po.t Adjutant dut1 .. , V1tbvh1ch 70\larafu.ll.1.l.r. Ot tb. total DUIIb.r ot .t.ud ... t. II uhib1ttld b7 tb. 1..1011 (251) _ v.roo count-' IIOratblllOllc., •• tb._.t.Ud.Dh .... cUl.dindittar ... t INhject •• but I 11& ... in.tmcted. during tb. pa.t Te.r on. hWldrad and thil"t7ditt.raot .tlldlOt. il1tb • • enral dittarlllt d' pa.rt.ent . Ottb1.IlWIIb,r th,nwINi ottb.)rdc1& .. )6 . . . " • 4th' 75 •• ,tb' --.!2 130. ttl, 'ICtioa of the 4tb Math_tiee ofvh1ch Ibid charg. parlDd Lb. MIa cOW' .. .. thatlD1d.erth.ProLe .. orofMat.b_t1ee.Ii.axam1ntldbotbcll .... to'.tber andgradedlll_to,.tber, .l.nd1t.llA7not.b.-.1 .. to.tlhtbltoacc:.Jl&!'inith, ~t.1on.plptlr.ott.b.two.lCt1oa.,1t. ..... fOWldthltth' .tud .... t.ofrq 'ect1ondidnot.utflrb:rthecOIIpAr1loo. Th. Prob.lOr ot ing1neer1n& hi. tor .... en.l Tllra ottered. . bide' to the b .. t clnft. .... ottb.)rd.c1& ... M.bubldt.h.d .. 1radlft.ctot.t1aul.&t.1.oJ;t.b. Itw:l.aa.t.I to b1&h.r.ttort and I raport I '""terD\aberotco.petUorl tortb. bad,e:.t.hlnh .... t.ofora. Iendeavoradto,iY.the.tlldlllt.otLat.inlthorouchdr1llil1t!onthepr1.r:>c1pl. .. ofth.~,clratul.l:7cc:apar1ne:tll.1d1 ... ottll.Lat1nlanguag.w1th tho .. of our Otalv1tb the twofold purpouot tllchin, th. tne Latin andbr1n&ing 1..11_ to lao" tborovghkn_l"",. of t.b. paCul.1arlt111l111dbllut1l1ot OW' £ingUlh tOP8l'e. 'ftl •• xemplary d.port..lt or ,th •• tudentl in Jq cla .. rooa d .... rnl 'peelal IlelltiOl'l and it afford. III. ple"uNI ,to report a coamen<l&bb progNl" 01'1 the p&rt or rq cla .... aener&1l:7 . ThueillalackoC'pplianceifortQewcc .. ,f'ulpro'tlC\ltiOlloCtheCoamtlrei&l Cour... The expenditure of a -:u. IIlIIOlIllt would , rendtlr thh .. -uch &or' 1,lB.f'ul branchorinetru.ctiOll. E. R. Riven . . Inetructor . " Po.t Adj\ltant