1857 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the East Alabama Male College

Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1857A"rill , 1t:57 !! o 'clcck I . L. ,- r eslll'1t. : .; . :1. . Fluellen , '1 . ! . , F . .. . i)illard, t... I'~a-;;er, J . N. J ennings, D~ rb"i , II .. U , U"vis , :"1lJ. , '!;lat.ree , l.eJoveU , Sai...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Auburn University Board of Trustees
Format: Electronic
Published: Auburn University Libraries
Online Access:http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7319
format Electronic
collection Auburn University Board of Trustees Minutes Collection
building Auburn University Digital Library
publisher Auburn University Libraries
topic AU Board of Trustees Minutes
spellingShingle AU Board of Trustees Minutes
1857 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the East Alabama Male College
Auburn University Board of Trustees
fulltopic AU Board of Trustees Minutes
Auburn University (formerly East Alabama Male College); Board of Trustees
Education -- Higher Education; History -- 1838-1874: Sectionalism, the Civil War, and Reconstruction
description Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1857A"rill , 1t:57 !! o 'clcck I . L. ,- r eslll'1t. : .; . :1. . Fluellen , '1 . ! . , F . .. . i)illard, t... I'~a-;;er, J . N. J ennings, D~ rb"i , II .. U , U"vis , :"1lJ. , '!;lat.ree , l.eJoveU , Saito'""- , en l:otion th .. ,to ~.'8 appertainin6 t? t.he nlr'lber reqo..ired t.o eonst.U:.<te 3 ~UOnr:l to CO hl.l5i.'1ee5 va, re<:OO5!. .<'red-and the m.L"\ber or deven s::bst!t1.:te<! _ It lQ.S r"""c.1ved That u U.s,e5 Uet!!1a a.'1J Free!!i~n !!sd .'1et accepted the apj)eintrent of Tnlet~u U tendered. ll~e their seats "be e .nsi:i.e r ed vacmt . I Ln rotion A. IL Y.i:nb r ougl! &.nc l. F , Slaton were appointed t.e fill the va Canc,. . en !.ction it 1<11.5 resolved. t.lut. t.l:b Ilos.rd of 'l'rust.ees"",-"e:l. t'\Il"'!her sp<,ro­;:; r1::t.io.'1 of ~5OC to the e o::tplet.!on or t.he preparat.o!""j !School and inst.rcet. , the ?re"iuellt. ami .;~retar.· t o to rw 1.:;>on t.he Tl'1;.st.ees of the eue . Reverend .. . J . Hamil r~iX'rt.e~ hifO acts ent ~ roc eedin&s to t.he Eoai'd . ( en l.ot.icn it w~, r .~olved th:lt th" Ch".ir appoint a Ctw. Ut he ot three to r efort a suit.able Board of Auditor e . The convn.1tt e(l recorted , Dros . Darby, P.&1!ord an": _lat.on ." t.hat C<>.'Tnith" . en ~ otien i t ,,'s resolvec that it be 11180." th ... dout:' ot all ",-e'lts er t.hb Bo~rd te t1.:m over al.l netes and l:JOlIies obt.ai.'1od by th8r.i in h'o/l~1t' 0:' t!le Zast Alaw.a ;'ue Col:.;., t.o t.he Secretary ot t.he Board, ,"",05'" dut~· it sh)ll be to leee;: a IlIinute of t.he 5'.;." , t., t":'nl th .. ~Ii." over to t.he '!'reaS\lre~ and t.&lee his l'ec~ i Ft tor t.'"''''''. t.o tile the ~= /!ml :~old t.hrl. $l.i.h~ecl to thc P-oardof A1.:d1t.ors . De it furlhc'" r esolve" tint. t.he seor ... tary take a t.ra..'1~ol'i ,-t of all notes a..'1d noniel) now in t.he !>&fIG s of t.he Tru,'\lrer . Eel!lClv(:d t.hat. t.he Chair a .. ;;oi.nt a oQtn..tt.ee ot t.hree , !iaQil , J;;-rnin(s, and U,v!s, ..nose dl<t y it. shal.l he to addre~$ a letter t.o B1$"o; Fearee request._ 1n&h:l::lt.c-';':eanpadressat. thel.8,:'in£;ott.heCom"relone o! the :;"st. Alabana L:!.l.e Colla.:a . Re!Solved that tha ~.aeonic ~·rat.emity "t. A\lbum he r equfJst.ed to lay said otone . Resolved that t he acent. of t.he 2ast. AlabarJl. !:ale College be inetn:ct.ed t.o receive t.he donationa of SIlch ,s Tt.&Ydae!.ra t.o creat.e .. !"ulld tcr t.he lloel'<! of t.he childr en o! t.;,e t.r~vell.nf: preachers . Cn,:ot.1on1t",,"s,.esolve:.t!latthebilldin[ e<::U.tt.eebe1n3t.n:.ete:ltc locllt., t.!l~ te..-.cL.,.; o ~ the Colla,;' .t t;;eir urliest. CO!Iv"'l!.enco . !tesolved • . n:....t8:-os. D.,.by. HaQ1l.nd.>GottlMl.cc.-nitt .... to .tit.ion th' Y..ont"caerj and '~e8t ;oint !tail !lose! t .. .:;ive 8 e!c.natiOl'l tor th, .... t. Alabama ~ ... loColl,g, . Cnl:ot1cn it \ilLS resolvllll t!\st t't1elklll"d .:!jcuro t OlllO"t em Tunday befora tho 2nd dedne&day 1n July next . BOARD 1:1I'1;T.:':5 J~7 . 1L57 Bo.).rd or Tl-.lstoes r:et. .ccord.~ to &e:!jOWW1e!1t • . :-esent : John B. Clenn, , .... lIiJent.;P .. :Jillard, .... cr .. tery : A. :!"lI.::er: t.:t. Illiss , 1. Hill . A. !. . i.1l;.b!"cu:;.'l; .. . J • • i!u:I,;.l . f' . ,,1:!.ton I J . a . c!;1 .. t r ee ; C. P..rltoro; anJ • T. Davis . Re501,."Cl that. cc ~ J.ttee or three be a!'pointed t o d."":L!t an additional iJ¥-Law da!"1ning the duties or the buCdino; cac . .1t.tee and r eport the II&.-"!e to a _"tint: of the Doer. o:l t<;::IDITC\t, 4 o ' clock . Co.;rutte. : .Jarb-;, ..I!lh"Cl, Uav1a , TIll! Soan:! adjc\:rnad to ""at. om tcr.oJ"r<»< at 4 o ' clock f . ... J . B. Glenn , F",si~ent F. ;" , Dillard , 3ecNltanr 19 U:UT"", J~I! . lf,57 L o'clocl!: ~ . ; . TheBcllrdli8t·~cc·ord1ng·to ·adjo\l.~t . rre~..,t ' J . l;I . (;1enn. J . B. C,;l.etree • . . T. Oavh. r . .>!.tor.. 1:); : Carlton. lo. . h.r:!1n , Io.. ... r/l;"/;"r, .JohnDArby . C. ' .. . Chat:1a1d . 1. .• . ; . Dra:,. , C. Rn.U"ord. D. 1'. Hall1day, ~ . J . 1!a::Ul., I Hil1. Th. ccndtt.eo . ppoint<t<l. 'It t.he IirLviO\lIl Jdet.in" t. dra" an .<ld1t10nal claUBe t,t!1el)y_La·1s . 5ubmit.t edth.,rollcw1nlt. viz , l'h~re shul be • bulldin .. cCT_ittee or five whOIiC '"..,t;. 1t 9~.all be to aee tllatth.Coll.n • ..Liificeb .... ete. in .. uch.,...""",."th"SOIIrdof Truateea II&,:/" ~1rect and to II .. ~ to t:." carr:-ing C'ut all ord"",,, of ~!I" 3<.,,1'(,1 of 'i'rIIltan lnth.tuml~ arn!""ttl.n.lth.·Crolllldin"rd"r and .. "oh["t.h"rd,.t!." .. aeth" 3oArj~1q..o 5aUf'C1Ith=1n. ~pa,.!.nttha£l'OW\:.andb'J.1ld1.",.orth.::ut n.baI:.a :.a1. Colh;;o for C~c, an:! U:Ie. '!-dc" ',3 ' ath.: t.ed and .... ~. a j:&rt of aaidl)y_!.p" .. . The ehcticn or oUicer:; wall. ta •.• n ,,;. •.. t.1:I IO .. Oll th" ,ra"l~ent!:e' :,&.,,, .. t.p­~ int .... J . D. C&l.tree , m. T. :lni .. , AIld iI . fMH.r II cou.dttea to ~:-a~cnt suUa'n1ena;"osrortheslWe . 'l'he cof;1·itt ..... portedthenmeaIl5tc·l""., JohnD . Olenn , l rasident; :; . R. F1ueUen , Vicerrosident , C. fu:l1tord , Jecre_ tllry : A. ::'razer , Tr~aeurer . ' :;:"or ,.xae"t:!.y"C=lttee , J . B. Glenn.! 1.111, J . !I . C1c;letrlle. J . (. c~cw.ll , an\> . r' . ~: ... ton . l"or .:u.1l.:i1r:; ':;otittee : Jchr. Du~W , ! . J . ,001.1. , ;' . I . :!."'!b"C\lZh, :.. . T. La!­lH~. 1111:.. ..>!llaon ,.r:· all or ~OIII .. ' .. ~ el~ct~ . (. fotton • . ,1'"1111On ier",:; anc: ~c-ct.Q r L V . ... ,!th .~ .. ,.., .hcte:! _".-1 c! the ~"r<l of ~,t_. in 1." .. 'L'c~ cr~ , ~""r11."l ~.n . .; . • :.id~ r .1cr.ro , Jchn B. GlclL"l , j ...,s~(\ent C. !taiford • .> .. cnt. ...., r ;-l 1 BC,;,·\l)Jlhur... .. A\!Ztlstll , 1<.57 !!card of' Trust.eea ot _:.&"t Alnb:uoa I ale. Collet:e me: ::;;:;rsUMt to I1djou~ent . ;rSBent: John n. Clsnn , J.. . ~. fluellen , C. ".aiford , A. :raze:-, _ . • '. ,Ulil. 1. Oal"bJ, L . ~ . I.ill, !; . J . ,cott , J . B. l:;..et.rse, " . " • . rice, r; •. '.' . ';hd.ti.J.d , ... Lll'ar~ , .:n . Javis , ..i . . srlj-, r. !.ill, 1. '.; . . .JTa.e, :1. V. ,~th, . : . .,lat.en . C. R. BlU!:l, J . i .. Jenn1n~s. :l . ik>u,z!'ert:r, .;. A. t_cArty, l. C. Le)OO,{e11 , an' . B • • 1. i.irlu1.ea of last. meetill!:",ere read and c<.'l~it'Ced . (In. oticn, th. r"saidwrt appointr.; ~.SSllrs . .!oL'l varb;f, !L I.tcu~herty , " . I . Irles. H. V . .. .it.h , and .. . '1: . nullen II cCC!ll:Oit.tee to draft. a pro:rar:r!le of "ub;:ect.. to be .. ur::rueci L., the .,."t. Alab&a& .. ..ale Colleee andt.ol'8,ortatcurne:v:tT:letln£ . A cor!'_unic'l.t1cn tl"'Cfol ,m . ' • ..;ha.:.:;,ber" w.oe read ruld rete:-re-J to the aboveoo..:n!ttee . {.n l-:01.1cn, .rot e.,or ;!olca:lb be l'e.ue"ted by the Board to otfr such. su;:,,,estirns to t.hs c<:lln11.tee as hea:ay t'":tinlr ""'per t.o be I.r ... ,,-d in r er,ard to the courJe ot study . \ On lotien ituC'lved , .thlit. the aoti n of the =ec" t i ve Eoard in re!;ard t o . t he er ec t.1' n at the CoUe£e .4itiee be.r ... tified b;I the. Je~rd a.t . Tl'\tatllss , and that. the Ian aD a<1o;;te<l be tully carrie out sJ.t;O that t he :.xecdive Boar" be e::lT'D"fered.t.oleavellll!'inillhd"'lU-·ott.heintemal1'fOl", otthe College .;;dific e, rrovided the ....", _& can be done wit hout c<;nfiic tine ><ith theCoertetlcQ;;lent of the College =cl"cl.ses . JohnB. Gl enn , freai<ient C. RaHor<;!, .. ecratary . res~"t. : Jchn B. Glenn. C. P~!ford . .. , "nt"r, J . B. (gl"tr.". C. 3 . m .... . ,I . u , lI"al . w , ,ern', J , . 1'11.11 . i:. V. r1t.h. 1. Hill . C .• Ct,"t f:'e!d . ~ . JoUfhcrty • . " . fe"art,'. 1. :J~ rlY.. .. , T. iln1". G. . :' . ric ... 1. . " w;oal', .. . . , J , ->cot.t. , ~ . t . . cJowell. an" F. ' . . -,Ula!':!. 1rrut"~ . ,, a~ and con!,!=e<! . en ; "tic,,,. tho r"~ rt of t.1:8 ';o:,us'«1din- C('"T~ttoo ...... , ,..~~~ anJ ~oat?C'ned !- ":~fir.1t.el;, . '_~l~'; dt.t.u elojXl~"tcc! te c:,.tt tte . ;;r<O"'''''' cr .\lb~e cts te be ,W'su~ i.., t.he ;0!1,,':" r<! --<: rteci t,." follcwi.-.g ,llie.' ..... , .:icrt;oc!; t.his r<!p..rt VII' taken!:-em t..n ~",c~~ta:-;,' an.:! c cna~"I.'-l....,tlJ" cannot 1>00- !' c<"~ec! . 1o : ~C . . r.'lll : . .; . n. :::lenn.': , :~ll"or:'! , A. fr~UI', J . 3 . l:la t~e , 1. I.ill. J . ! . J.m.,tin<:a, L J • .>Cott . C • . ,. "! . Fr1ee, 1. iJarby , C. :; • ..:t:etf1eld, ,., . 11 . !Ieal, • T, I::lVil , :.J . :erry, C. R. 31eu, .. . J . 1!a.'l1.l , J . I .• ';"r1ton. Y. ',I. DUl"n!. , J . C, j".cD<">Iell, ~n~ • A. l cC31·ly . ~.tc!i~~~\~~~~b~:l~~ ~~, el,,:~t!~w_Oi~:-e;~<i:~\~~~~ ~~~~~ r<!llU""t., ... l~o tc rill t.he C:tur of ihll"",-,.l1y , !'Orusor oleWlb ...... 5 .. 1,,,et.ed. t.. t!! .. c~r of l..:lt h~ti,, ~ . r...,r"uc:, C,,5~' W:U dcct.e:::. tclhe en:air or Anehnt l.an IUr", :!'Orener 1. La'-!'l' .. l~dlld ;rcre~ ~c1' 1.., .. I\t\:.)"l :~i stoI')' . ';01. ~. H. Cllwelu9 . el"ct"d ? rofesnor ot .:.n~l1uh llt.e" "tur " !." oe~in when the BOllrd ~bill think ;- 1'0",1'. JOM B. Ohnn , rT"31d~nt C. :laitor:l . .. ecTel" ,"' 9C.e.rwl:l..li·i....:3 A"-&Us t l.!. . l L57 S : CO.e. . ; • . ree~t : .'chnB. 'Jlenn, C . . ~o!"d , A. Fro:!:"" r. . .! . 5c:<'tt , J . ~, . Jonn1.nc;a , .. . T.:lavis , J . Jsrb7, C.a. Slu" , J . c..!.cDow"U , _. J . !!.u:!.l, '!o' • .l. !.eC3.rt,­c . .. ?rr ice, J . B.C.let.ree . • i,"1l,ltea W~N ;"ad: J.r...i c nti:-..ecl : en otl'One!I. . J . eon, ths Chrlr srpcinhd .lI.st..rul d1,,;,S'::<ll"res,cndint ":~..ittee ot !'i ... ,,: vl~: J • • .!enn!ne~ . 1" •• Allar": , '! . t . Davis, ... . ~ . I"h:olle:: . and .. III. A. ! c.;art:r . On l~t::'('n ~: r~teallO r .' . IJarby, Reaolv-d bat :i.ection 7 of t he lly_l.atll l'<!lIpecting tho Qu~in of OJl'Tospcnding CG=itt ss .De :Kr c~nstruod aa to 1II04Il the bringing batON the Board of ~t .. es lffien c&llod tor, ill ths1r col"'ntspondenceincC:lHectien1tiththlln'll!'esotindivi:!uabto fUlthe . (!1f:el'~nt ehdrs. en .~tiOIl or ,-", . A. 'cV~rt) , ~elolve(! that the th3fJ:"'.o! this !loar:!. hs tendsT"ed to P.. . N. a . a..a·dwoll, gener::.l 6upsr intendent, for the ad'ir~blll ~ r!"Ml:oment lra:!8 by hVl, p ' epsrntory til tl:o l&yin.'; the c orner~t~ne . or t he ,::;".st Al..:\b8.lll& l-.alcCollec. on the 12tll laat . Gnlot ion adjolU'lled to llest on tho l8t~.ondns in l!cv=bsr, tlS~ . J ohn B. Clenn , [-resident e . Railol."d , 3ecret ary !.ovccl>"r4 , IS57 rreS&l'\t ' .. . . . John J . :a.,.,.C . !ta1tof"d , Ir. . '·r&K-f'l'. J . a . C;ht,...e, J . O. lc!l<rall., 11 . J . ."coU , ':0.'" ~ .. rby, J. : . Jtnl1 t8, C. !\ . 81"". A. i . I.Jrb!"O\lch, ir.. Ir.. ' cCarlv. ::. . J . ;,o;::I!l , ~ •• CiI&U:illd , 3JlG I . 1'111 • . ray. r bj-: ........... dC. :r: . Bl" • . ~. ' ..... 1Ge'1t call~ tor ""ort. ~f';~ n!.u.es: P.cv . Dr . Jerming~, ":h&l.rT!Ia1l r Cor.,.n,..r::nd1!ls COI:l;dtt ... , read. caDlflic.tlocm tra: the H ... . Or . ,I . A. Sr.1tb ".:"01'1 th.liub~ec:t or acc.;rt.ing tIM l,...,ioenc:rot th •. :::utUab&.... . "hCo11.r., a.lso!'l"OI",rorH"orHolcc:.b, Cu.y, arnlJ&rbj- !n r.f.renc.tothe1r acce"ting the ~ro!enorships to .... :ich tl:q iIacI b.1m electe<l, all of r.u.c.'1 b:"" r.ot1C:'l, ot I •• J • .;cott V"'" 1&1: u~on the t~ble . Docter Jenni."'l>" &l.~o NW1 " l.tter tl'Cl<" ';"1 . ".lll:"'bus aces tint: tIM rot •. scrship te ,,:'11ch he har! beom elected . ra;"""b;rthe Re'I' . 'i . "Chattield. en boUon of .1 , A . • "':l.I'ty the 8ov ..... l C=iC"tiOf1~ laid on th~ t~bh be t~,e!'. :p. ~n .~ti<.n or ~ , J . ;:&.J.l. :tnolv04 til .. t "~ lel)ve th • • 1l .. ~t!.~ or .. cce;;t1r.r U: • . r ·d~ency &11 0.- 'l"neion "",til the n .rst ,;e<!nes:!oQ" in April next. "''' the Cor,..,,-<>TI~in~ ':oor'itte. be inltruCted to ccnrerrlt, th. R.v . lIr • • J.. ~th """ 11lti:"",te to 111:1 that 11.11 Nl.~· CM be rahed and ,..""est r.m. to "",le ... direc:t,::rcPOBition . tnrotionotl •• ': . .>eott, ,f.aolYedthatF-rofeneri.olcoo...bbeallowe:l=t!.lthe first ot JMIIlU,," nan to .cce;:t or not an:!. til&t the Ccrres,:.c:Id1.n; i:1ll7.ittee BO !nstNet d ..; ;> . Cn;,.otionotl, . J . ...eott.'1eaolyedt.hatth.Ccrrnt=0ndin&Con-...itt ... b4i.n.tl'\:ct-:l to n:, . .-or. ..o r 1,; ...:. . whet~er he ec·.pt. Or not ""d .,e,,~est !-.1."'I to r1!,.ly at ·,i. Qrllutccrl\"en1&nee . Fr o!essor I . Darb~· beinG ,. resel".t , 'l.cc~;tr!d t.'1tl pro~e~scrsh ip to wi ,i ei! ~:e had been ele cted . en j·:ot ion of <: . J . !:am11, :ie~olve<! th ~ t· :!. ti!l the de-..:;i,;n of the Board " t o fill up ever.! ce~srt;:lImt ,:itl'! t he apFli."nces t .. ereof en the b",st :-ossible scale our cirC"lstances .,~. ,:emit , and th~t the sel'vict!" of r refes"cr J . Jarh;' ber;in en the fir5t of Cetcber :lext . 'rhe report of R. N. ;t , Burnwell , super intendent , was read II11d referred to t.he t:xecutiv" Cor-;Ut tee . en Lotion of I~ . J . ;>Cot.t, 'I.esclved that tile Executive COhJllit tee be emp<rder ed to ~ evise such ".:lY3 and u..e~ns as in their judwtent lP8y be best for the pay1.n{; of cebts- - due and falling due . en Kot ion of G. ;: . Ch1!tfield , Resolved that II. committ"e of seven be "'y, .int~o by t he'r8sicent to !t!port to the Alabama Conference of the Li: Church at its next' $ e~s ion , th ~ success of 01:1' agent the Reverend ~ . J . Hamil the pre~ent :;'ellr, and Mil his cootinuence the 51:ceedinS ~_nference year . The fresident appoinVd th" followint;: , viz : Rev . O. ;/ . Chatfield, O. U. iUl.!e , W. A. r.cCarty , lJoctor J ennings, I. Hill , .t . I.. E1mbl'ou,r;h , Doctor H. V. 3mth, D. T. Ha...li~·, : . R. jo'luellen , and J . B. Glenn , !--resident , were on motion added . Adjourned toz:oeet on tor::orro"·, E o ' clock A. }i . t:ovember ;, le57 80' cl ockA . E. Fresent: John B. Glenn , C, l~i!crd , A. Frazer , fl . J . ocott , J . )." . Jennings , J . iJ:.r by, A. F . i.imbrour:h, O. R. Blue, 'rI . A. I.cCarty, I . Hill , J. O. 1 cDo,,·e11 , C. Of . Chatfield , : . J . La.r.dl , and J . B. Ogletree . Fr ayer b"j l rofessor John .larb"j . Y.!.nutes of last me tine; ~Iere read and confimed . A letter fron J , ·;UU.<u::s .... a5 relld a."1d repor ted to the ....Aecuti ve Cocclttee . en j.;otion of : . J . Elan, Resolved t !"<.at Doctor J . L • ..'illiams be especially invited to coo"erate with COlT.littee a;:pointed to ner'"..oralize the A:mual :onterence . en rotion of Rev , : . J . Hanil , Resolved that the mecbers of t hi s Beard are highl.::' gratified llt the ability and success of .. 'm . ? ;:.lat.on as pr incipal of t he pr e;>ara­t. o:-,{ scheol and r e£ar d his election <IS placed on the same footini; with the e l e ction of the Colle;:;e facl!lt:> and that the secretary be re'iu e~ t ed to furnis;' :li;n ~·1ith a copy of t his resolution . On ~:oti on of ll . J . 3cott , thai the Cnapel in the Co11ol:;e billding be omt in t.h'" !c=t h storJ . (Ueba ive) On leotion of the Rev . O. R. Blue , Resol ved t.hat in vie-'{ of the Rev . : . J . Ha..~l ' s indefatigable labor and su cces ~ a~ at:"nt :;est. Alabama ::al.e Colle,:;e hi s salary be increased fiv", hundr",:;1 dollar~ . :In):ct1cn ot1to,, , , io. , ;cC. ,-t.:;', R .. sclv~o:!t.h .. _",-"C,;th·e ;c~tt"1b· in!Ol""'"'C! t, c.:lo;'tn .. , .. V , ~ _ J . ':a:.ilu -.='" tor th .. ".xt;;·~,.. . ;.djoo.:m ..... u u. .. !1:-st :1Id.""''':'~:'' in ;'I'r!.~ , l~S:: , JohnB. :;'lenn, ,..""id...,t .; • .'\airo>'d, "'C l'·t~ry
title 1857 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the East Alabama Male College
titleStr 1857 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the East Alabama Male College
author Auburn University Board of Trustees
author_facet Auburn University Board of Trustees
id AUbot7319
url http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7319
thumbnail https://cdm17353.contentdm.oclc.org/utils/getthumbnail/collection/bot/id/7319
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spelling 1857 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the East Alabama Male CollegeAuburn University (formerly East Alabama Male College); Board of TrusteesMinutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1857A"rill , 1t:57 !! o 'clcck I . L. ,- r eslll'1t. : .; . :1. . Fluellen , '1 . ! . , F . .. . i)illard, t... I'~a-;;er, J . N. J ennings, D~ rb"i , II .. U , U"vis , :"1lJ. , '!;lat.ree , l.eJoveU , Saito'""- , en l:otion th .. ,to ~.'8 appertainin6 t? t.he nlr'lber reqo..ired t.o eonst.U:.<te 3 ~UOnr:l to CO hl.l5i.'1ee5 va, re<:OO5!. .<'red-and the m.L"\ber or deven s::bst!t1.:te<! _ It lQ.S r"""c.1ved That u U.s,e5 Uet!!1a a.'1J Free!!i~n !!sd .'1et accepted the apj)eintrent of Tnlet~u U tendered. ll~e their seats "be e .nsi:i.e r ed vacmt . I Ln rotion A. IL Y.i:nb r ougl! &.nc l. F , Slaton were appointed t.e fill the va Canc,. . en !.ction it 1<11.5 resolved. t.lut. t.l:b Ilos.rd of 'l'rust.ees"",-"e:l. t'\Il"'!her sp<,ro­;:; r1::t.io.'1 of ~5OC to the e o::tplet.!on or t.he preparat.o!""j !School and inst.rcet. , the ?re"iuellt. ami .;~retar.· t o to rw 1.:;>on t.he Tl'1;.st.ees of the eue . Reverend .. . J . Hamil r~iX'rt.e~ hifO acts ent ~ roc eedin&s to t.he Eoai'd . ( en l.ot.icn it w~, r .~olved th:lt th" Ch".ir appoint a Ctw. Ut he ot three to r efort a suit.able Board of Auditor e . The convn.1tt e(l recorted , Dros . Darby, P.&1!ord an": _lat.on ." t.hat C<>.'Tnith" . en ~ otien i t ,,'s resolvec that it be 11180." th ... dout:' ot all ",-e'lts er t.hb Bo~rd te t1.:m over al.l netes and l:JOlIies obt.ai.'1od by th8r.i in h'o/l~1t' 0:' t!le Zast Alaw.a ;'ue Col:.;., t.o t.he Secretary ot t.he Board, ,"",05'" dut~· it sh)ll be to leee;: a IlIinute of t.he 5'.;." , t., t":'nl th .. ~Ii." over to t.he '!'reaS\lre~ and t.&lee his l'ec~ i Ft tor t.'"''''''. t.o tile the ~= /!ml :~old t.hrl. $l.i.h~ecl to thc P-oardof A1.:d1t.ors . De it furlhc'" r esolve" tint. t.he seor ... tary take a t.ra..'1~ol'i ,-t of all notes a..'1d noniel) now in t.he !>&fIG s of t.he Tru,'\lrer . Eel!lClv(:d t.hat. t.he Chair a .. ;;oi.nt a oQtn..tt.ee ot t.hree , !iaQil , J;;-rnin(s, and U,v!s, ..nose dl<t y it. shal.l he to addre~$ a letter t.o B1$"o; Fearee request._ 1n&h:l::lt.c-';':eanpadressat. thel.8,:'in£;ott.heCom"relone o! the :;"st. Alabana L:!.l.e Colla.:a . Re!Solved that tha ~.aeonic ~·rat.emity "t. A\lbum he r equfJst.ed to lay said otone . Resolved that t he acent. of t.he 2ast. AlabarJl. !:ale College be inetn:ct.ed t.o receive t.he donationa of SIlch ,s Tt.&Ydae!.ra t.o creat.e .. !"ulld tcr t.he lloel'<! of t.he childr en o! t.;,e t.r~vell.nf: preachers . Cn,:ot.1on1t",,"s,.esolve:.t!latthebilldin[ e<::U.tt.eebe1n3t.n:.ete:ltc locllt., t.!l~ te..-.cL.,.; o ~ the Colla,;' .t t;;eir urliest. CO!Iv"'l!.enco . !tesolved • . n:....t8:-os. D.,.by. HaQ1l.nd.>GottlMl.cc.-nitt .... to .tit.ion th' Y..ont"caerj and '~e8t ;oint !tail !lose! t .. .:;ive 8 e!c.natiOl'l tor th, .... t. Alabama ~ ... loColl,g, . Cnl:ot1cn it \ilLS resolvllll t!\st t't1elklll"d .:!jcuro t OlllO"t em Tunday befora tho 2nd dedne&day 1n July next . BOARD 1:1I'1;T.:':5 J~7 . 1L57 Bo.).rd or Tl-.lstoes r:et. .ccord.~ to &e:!jOWW1e!1t • . :-esent : John B. Clenn, , .... lIiJent.;P .. :Jillard, .... cr .. tery : A. :!"lI.::er: t.:t. Illiss , 1. Hill . A. !. . i.1l;.b!"cu:;.'l; .. . J • • i!u:I,;.l . f' . ,,1:!.ton I J . a . c!;1 .. t r ee ; C. P..rltoro; anJ • T. Davis . Re501,."Cl that. cc ~ J.ttee or three be a!'pointed t o d."":L!t an additional iJ¥-Law da!"1ning the duties or the buCdino; cac . .1t.tee and r eport the II&.-"!e to a _"tint: of the Doer. o:l t<;::IDITC\t, 4 o ' clock . Co.;rutte. : .Jarb-;, ..I!lh"Cl, Uav1a , TIll! Soan:! adjc\:rnad to ""at. om tcr.oJ"r<»< at 4 o ' clock f . ... J . B. Glenn , F",si~ent F. ;" , Dillard , 3ecNltanr 19 U:UT"", J~I! . lf,57 L o'clocl!: ~ . ; . TheBcllrdli8t·~cc·ord1ng·to ·adjo\l.~t . rre~..,t ' J . l;I . (;1enn. J . B. C,;l.etree • . . T. Oavh. r . .>!.tor.. 1:); : Carlton. lo. . h.r:!1n , Io.. ... r/l;"/;"r, .JohnDArby . C. ' .. . Chat:1a1d . 1. .• . ; . Dra:,. , C. Rn.U"ord. D. 1'. Hall1day, ~ . J . 1!a::Ul., I Hil1. Th. ccndtt.eo . ppoint<t<l. 'It t.he IirLviO\lIl Jdet.in" t. dra" an .<ld1t10nal claUBe t,t!1el)y_La·1s . 5ubmit.t edth.,rollcw1nlt. viz , l'h~re shul be • bulldin .. cCT_ittee or five whOIiC '"..,t;. 1t 9~.all be to aee tllatth.Coll.n • ..Liificeb .... ete. in .. uch.,...""",."th"SOIIrdof Truateea II&,:/" ~1rect and to II .. ~ to t:." carr:-ing C'ut all ord"",,, of ~!I" 3<.,,1'(,1 of 'i'rIIltan lnth.tuml~ arn!""ttl.n.lth.·Crolllldin"rd"r and .. "oh["t.h"rd,.t!." .. aeth" 3oArj~1q..o 5aUf'C1Ith=1n. ~pa,.!.nttha£l'OW\:.andb'J.1ld1.",.orth.::ut n.baI:.a :.a1. Colh;;o for C~c, an:! U:Ie. '!-dc" ',3 ' ath.: t.ed and .... ~. a j:&rt of aaidl)y_!.p" .. . The ehcticn or oUicer:; wall. ta •.• n ,,;. •.. t.1:I IO .. Oll th" ,ra"l~ent!:e' :,&.,,, .. t.p­~ int .... J . D. C&l.tree , m. T. :lni .. , AIld iI . fMH.r II cou.dttea to ~:-a~cnt suUa'n1ena;"osrortheslWe . 'l'he cof;1·itt ..... portedthenmeaIl5tc·l""., JohnD . Olenn , l rasident; :; . R. F1ueUen , Vicerrosident , C. fu:l1tord , Jecre_ tllry : A. ::'razer , Tr~aeurer . ' :;:"or ,.xae"t:!.y"C=lttee , J . B. Glenn.! 1.111, J . !I . C1c;letrlle. J . (. c~cw.ll , an\> . r' . ~: ... ton . l"or .:u.1l.:i1r:; ':;otittee : Jchr. Du~W , ! . J . ,001.1. , ;' . I . :!."'!b"C\lZh, :.. . T. La!­lH~. 1111:.. ..>!llaon ,.r:· all or ~OIII .. ' .. ~ el~ct~ . (. fotton • . ,1'"1111On ier",:; anc: ~c-ct.Q r L V . ... ,!th .~ .. ,.., .hcte:! _".-1 c! the ~"r<l of ~,t_. in 1." .. 'L'c~ cr~ , ~""r11."l ~.n . .; . • :.id~ r .1cr.ro , Jchn B. GlclL"l , j ...,s~(\ent C. !taiford • .> .. cnt. ...., r ;-l 1 BC,;,·\l)Jlhur... .. A\!Ztlstll , 1<.57 !!card of' Trust.eea ot _:.&"t Alnb:uoa I ale. Collet:e me: ::;;:;rsUMt to I1djou~ent . ;rSBent: John n. Clsnn , J.. . ~. fluellen , C. ".aiford , A. :raze:-, _ . • '. ,Ulil. 1. Oal"bJ, L . ~ . I.ill, !; . J . ,cott , J . B. l:;..et.rse, " . " • . rice, r; •. '.' . ';hd.ti.J.d , ... Lll'ar~ , .:n . Javis , ..i . . srlj-, r. !.ill, 1. '.; . . .JTa.e, :1. V. ,~th, . : . .,lat.en . C. R. BlU!:l, J . i .. Jenn1n~s. :l . ik>u,z!'ert:r, .;. A. t_cArty, l. C. Le)OO,{e11 , an' . B • • 1. i.irlu1.ea of last. meetill!:",ere read and c<.'l~it'Ced . (In. oticn, th. r"saidwrt appointr.; ~.SSllrs . .!oL'l varb;f, !L I.tcu~herty , " . I . Irles. H. V . .. .it.h , and .. . '1: . nullen II cCC!ll:Oit.tee to draft. a pro:rar:r!le of "ub;:ect.. to be .. ur::rueci L., the .,."t. Alab&a& .. ..ale Colleee andt.ol'8,ortatcurne:v:tT:letln£ . A cor!'_unic'l.t1cn tl"'Cfol ,m . ' • ..;ha.:.:;,ber" w.oe read ruld rete:-re-J to the aboveoo..:n!ttee . {.n l-:01.1cn, .rot e.,or ;!olca:lb be l'e.ue"ted by the Board to otfr such. su;:,,,estirns to t.hs c<:lln11.tee as hea:ay t'":tinlr ""'per t.o be I.r ... ,,-d in r er,ard to the courJe ot study . \ On lotien ituC'lved , .thlit. the aoti n of the =ec" t i ve Eoard in re!;ard t o . t he er ec t.1' n at the CoUe£e .4itiee be.r ... tified b;I the. Je~rd a.t . Tl'\tatllss , and that. the Ian aD a<1o;;te<l be tully carrie out sJ.t;O that t he :.xecdive Boar" be e::lT'D"fered.t.oleavellll!'inillhd"'lU-·ott.heintemal1'fOl", otthe College .;;dific e, rrovided the ....", _& can be done wit hout c<;nfiic tine ><ith theCoertetlcQ;;lent of the College =cl"cl.ses . JohnB. Gl enn , freai<ient C. RaHor<;!, .. ecratary . res~"t. : Jchn B. Glenn. C. P~!ford . .. , "nt"r, J . B. (gl"tr.". C. 3 . m .... . ,I . u , lI"al . w , ,ern', J , . 1'11.11 . i:. V. r1t.h. 1. Hill . C .• Ct,"t f:'e!d . ~ . JoUfhcrty • . " . fe"art,'. 1. :J~ rlY.. .. , T. iln1". G. . :' . ric ... 1. . " w;oal', .. . . , J , ->cot.t. , ~ . t . . cJowell. an" F. ' . . -,Ula!':!. 1rrut"~ . ,, a~ and con!,!=e<! . en ; "tic,,,. tho r"~ rt of t.1:8 ';o:,us'«1din- C('"T~ttoo ...... , ,..~~~ anJ ~oat?C'ned !- ":~fir.1t.el;, . '_~l~'; dt.t.u elojXl~"tcc! te c:,.tt tte . ;;r<O"'''''' cr .\lb~e cts te be ,W'su~ i.., t.he ;0!1,,':" r<! --<: rteci t,." follcwi.-.g ,llie.' ..... , .:icrt;oc!; t.his r<!p..rt VII' taken!:-em t..n ~",c~~ta:-;,' an.:! c cna~"I.'-l....,tlJ" cannot 1>00- !' c<"~ec! . 1o : ~C . . r.'lll : . .; . n. :::lenn.': , :~ll"or:'! , A. fr~UI', J . 3 . l:la t~e , 1. I.ill. J . ! . J.m.,tin<:a, L J • .>Cott . C • . ,. "! . Fr1ee, 1. iJarby , C. :; • ..:t:etf1eld, ,., . 11 . !Ieal, • T, I::lVil , :.J . :erry, C. R. 31eu, .. . J . 1!a.'l1.l , J . I .• ';"r1ton. Y. ',I. DUl"n!. , J . C, j".cD<">Iell, ~n~ • A. l cC31·ly . ~.tc!i~~~\~~~~b~:l~~ ~~, el,,:~t!~w_Oi~:-e;~<i:~\~~~~ ~~~~~ r<!llU""t., ... l~o tc rill t.he C:tur of ihll"",-,.l1y , !'Orusor oleWlb ...... 5 .. 1,,,et.ed. t.. t!! .. c~r of l..:lt h~ti,, ~ . r...,r"uc:, C,,5~' W:U dcct.e:::. tclhe en:air or Anehnt l.an IUr", :!'Orener 1. La'-!'l' .. l~dlld ;rcre~ ~c1' 1.., .. I\t\:.)"l :~i stoI')' . ';01. ~. H. Cllwelu9 . el"ct"d ? rofesnor ot .:.n~l1uh llt.e" "tur " !." oe~in when the BOllrd ~bill think ;- 1'0",1'. JOM B. Ohnn , rT"31d~nt C. :laitor:l . .. ecTel" ,"' 9C.e.rwl:l..li·i....:3 A"-&Us t l.!. . l L57 S : CO.e. . ; • . ree~t : .'chnB. 'Jlenn, C . . ~o!"d , A. Fro:!:"" r. . .! . 5c:<'tt , J . ~, . Jonn1.nc;a , .. . T.:lavis , J . Jsrb7, C.a. Slu" , J . c..!.cDow"U , _. J . !!.u:!.l, '!o' • .l. !.eC3.rt,­c . .. ?rr ice, J . B.C.let.ree . • i,"1l,ltea W~N ;"ad: J.r...i c nti:-..ecl : en otl'One!I. . J . eon, ths Chrlr srpcinhd .lI.st..rul d1,,;,S'::<ll"res,cndint ":~..ittee ot !'i ... ,,: vl~: J • • .!enn!ne~ . 1" •• Allar": , '! . t . Davis, ... . ~ . I"h:olle:: . and .. III. A. ! c.;art:r . On l~t::'('n ~: r~teallO r .' . IJarby, Reaolv-d bat :i.ection 7 of t he lly_l.atll l'<!lIpecting tho Qu~in of OJl'Tospcnding CG=itt ss .De :Kr c~nstruod aa to 1II04Il the bringing batON the Board of ~t .. es lffien c&llod tor, ill ths1r col"'ntspondenceincC:lHectien1tiththlln'll!'esotindivi:!uabto fUlthe . (!1f:el'~nt ehdrs. en .~tiOIl or ,-", . A. 'cV~rt) , ~elolve(! that the th3fJ:"'.o! this !loar:!. hs tendsT"ed to P.. . N. a . a..a·dwoll, gener::.l 6upsr intendent, for the ad'ir~blll ~ r!"Ml:oment lra:!8 by hVl, p ' epsrntory til tl:o l&yin.'; the c orner~t~ne . or t he ,::;".st Al..:\b8.lll& l-.alcCollec. on the 12tll laat . Gnlot ion adjolU'lled to llest on tho l8t~.ondns in l!cv=bsr, tlS~ . J ohn B. Clenn , [-resident e . Railol."d , 3ecret ary !.ovccl>"r4 , IS57 rreS&l'\t ' .. . . . John J . :a.,.,.C . !ta1tof"d , Ir. . '·r&K-f'l'. J . a . C;ht,...e, J . O. lc!l<rall., 11 . J . ."coU , ':0.'" ~ .. rby, J. : . Jtnl1 t8, C. !\ . 81"". A. i . I.Jrb!"O\lch, ir.. Ir.. ' cCarlv. ::. . J . ;,o;::I!l , ~ •• CiI&U:illd , 3JlG I . 1'111 • . ray. r bj-: ........... dC. :r: . Bl" • . ~. ' ..... 1Ge'1t call~ tor ""ort. ~f';~ n!.u.es: P.cv . Dr . Jerming~, ":h&l.rT!Ia1l r Cor.,.n,..r::nd1!ls COI:l;dtt ... , read. caDlflic.tlocm tra: the H ... . Or . ,I . A. Sr.1tb ".:"01'1 th.liub~ec:t or acc.;rt.ing tIM l,...,ioenc:rot th •. :::utUab&.... . "hCo11.r., a.lso!'l"OI",rorH"orHolcc:.b, Cu.y, arnlJ&rbj- !n r.f.renc.tothe1r acce"ting the ~ro!enorships to .... :ich tl:q iIacI b.1m electe<l, all of r.u.c.'1 b:"" r.ot1C:'l, ot I •• J • .;cott V"'" 1&1: u~on the t~ble . Docter Jenni."'l>" &l.~o NW1 " l.tter tl'Cl<" ';"1 . ".lll:"'bus aces tint: tIM rot •. scrship te ,,:'11ch he har! beom elected . ra;"""b;rthe Re'I' . 'i . "Chattield. en boUon of .1 , A . • "':l.I'ty the 8ov ..... l C=iC"tiOf1~ laid on th~ t~bh be t~,e!'. :p. ~n .~ti<.n or ~ , J . ;:&.J.l. :tnolv04 til .. t "~ lel)ve th • • 1l .. ~t!.~ or .. cce;;t1r.r U: • . r ·d~ency &11 0.- 'l"neion "",til the n .rst ,;e<!nes:!oQ" in April next. "''' the Cor,..,,-<>TI~in~ ':oor'itte. be inltruCted to ccnrerrlt, th. R.v . lIr • • J.. ~th """ 11lti:"",te to 111:1 that 11.11 Nl.~· CM be rahed and ,..""est r.m. to "",le ... direc:t,::rcPOBition . tnrotionotl •• ': . .>eott, ,f.aolYedthatF-rofeneri.olcoo...bbeallowe:l=t!.lthe first ot JMIIlU,," nan to .cce;:t or not an:!. til&t the Ccrres,:.c:Id1.n; i:1ll7.ittee BO !nstNet d ..; ;> . Cn;,.otionotl, . J . ...eott.'1eaolyedt.hatth.Ccrrnt=0ndin&Con-...itt ... b4i.n.tl'\:ct-:l to n:, . .-or. ..o r 1,; ...:. . whet~er he ec·.pt. Or not ""d .,e,,~est !-.1."'I to r1!,.ly at ·,i. Qrllutccrl\"en1&nee . Fr o!essor I . Darb~· beinG ,. resel".t , 'l.cc~;tr!d t.'1tl pro~e~scrsh ip to wi ,i ei! ~:e had been ele cted . en j·:ot ion of <: . J . !:am11, :ie~olve<! th ~ t· :!. ti!l the de-..:;i,;n of the Board " t o fill up ever.! ce~srt;:lImt ,:itl'! t he apFli."nces t .. ereof en the b",st :-ossible scale our cirC"lstances .,~. ,:emit , and th~t the sel'vict!" of r refes"cr J . Jarh;' ber;in en the fir5t of Cetcber :lext . 'rhe report of R. N. ;t , Burnwell , super intendent , was read II11d referred to t.he t:xecutiv" Cor-;Ut tee . en Lotion of I~ . J . ;>Cot.t, 'I.esclved that tile Executive COhJllit tee be emp<rder ed to ~ evise such ".:lY3 and u..e~ns as in their judwtent lP8y be best for the pay1.n{; of cebts- - due and falling due . en Kot ion of G. ;: . Ch1!tfield , Resolved that II. committ"e of seven be "'y, .int~o by t he'r8sicent to !t!port to the Alabama Conference of the Li: Church at its next' $ e~s ion , th ~ success of 01:1' agent the Reverend ~ . J . Hamil the pre~ent :;'ellr, and Mil his cootinuence the 51:ceedinS ~_nference year . The fresident appoinVd th" followint;: , viz : Rev . O. ;/ . Chatfield, O. U. iUl.!e , W. A. r.cCarty , lJoctor J ennings, I. Hill , .t . I.. E1mbl'ou,r;h , Doctor H. V. 3mth, D. T. Ha...li~·, : . R. jo'luellen , and J . B. Glenn , !--resident , were on motion added . Adjourned toz:oeet on tor::orro"·, E o ' clock A. }i . t:ovember ;, le57 80' cl ockA . E. Fresent: John B. Glenn , C, l~i!crd , A. Frazer , fl . J . ocott , J . )." . Jennings , J . iJ:.r by, A. F . i.imbrour:h, O. R. Blue, 'rI . A. I.cCarty, I . Hill , J. O. 1 cDo,,·e11 , C. Of . Chatfield , : . J . La.r.dl , and J . B. Ogletree . Fr ayer b"j l rofessor John .larb"j . Y.!.nutes of last me tine; ~Iere read and confimed . A letter fron J , ·;UU.<u::s .... a5 relld a."1d repor ted to the ....Aecuti ve Cocclttee . en j.;otion of : . J . Elan, Resolved t !"<.at Doctor J . L • ..'illiams be especially invited to coo"erate with COlT.littee a;:pointed to ner'"..oralize the A:mual :onterence . en rotion of Rev , : . J . Hanil , Resolved that the mecbers of t hi s Beard are highl.::' gratified llt the ability and success of .. 'm . ? ;:.lat.on as pr incipal of t he pr e;>ara­t. o:-,{ scheol and r e£ar d his election <IS placed on the same footini; with the e l e ction of the Colle;:;e facl!lt:> and that the secretary be re'iu e~ t ed to furnis;' :li;n ~·1ith a copy of t his resolution . On ~:oti on of ll . J . 3cott , thai the Cnapel in the Co11ol:;e billding be omt in t.h'" !c=t h storJ . (Ueba ive) On leotion of the Rev . O. R. Blue , Resol ved t.hat in vie-'{ of the Rev . : . J . Ha..~l ' s indefatigable labor and su cces ~ a~ at:"nt :;est. Alabama ::al.e Colle,:;e hi s salary be increased fiv", hundr",:;1 dollar~ . :In):ct1cn ot1to,, , , io. , ;cC. ,-t.:;', R .. sclv~o:!t.h .. _",-"C,;th·e ;c~tt"1b· in!Ol""'"'C! t, c.:lo;'tn .. , .. V , ~ _ J . ':a:.ilu -.='" tor th .. ".xt;;·~,.. . ;.djoo.:m ..... u u. .. !1:-st :1Id.""''':'~:'' in ;'I'r!.~ , l~S:: , JohnB. :;'lenn, ,..""id...,t .; • .'\airo>'d, "'C l'·t~ryAuburn University Board of Trustees18571850sAuburn University LibrariesEducation -- Higher Education; History -- 1838-1874: Sectionalism, the Civil War, and ReconstructiontextpdfBOT_1857.pdfAuburn University Libraries. Special Collections and Archiveseng1857This image is the property of the Auburn University Libraries and is intended for non-commercial use. Users of the image are asked to acknowledge the Auburn University Libraries. For information about obtaining high-resolution copies of this and other images in this collection, please contact the Auburn University Libraries Special Collections & Archives Department at archives@auburn.edu or (334) 844-1732.http://cdm17353.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/bot/id/7319