1857 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the East Alabama Male College

Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1857A"rill , 1t:57 !! o 'clcck I . L. ,- r eslll'1t. : .; . :1. . Fluellen , '1 . ! . , F . .. . i)illard, t... I'~a-;;er, J . N. J ennings, D~ rb"i , II .. U , U"vis , :"1lJ. , '!;lat.ree , l.eJoveU , Sai...

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Main Author: Auburn University Board of Trustees
Format: Electronic
Published: Auburn University Libraries
Online Access:http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7319
Summary:Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1857A"rill , 1t:57 !! o 'clcck I . L. ,- r eslll'1t. : .; . :1. . Fluellen , '1 . ! . , F . .. . i)illard, t... I'~a-;;er, J . N. J ennings, D~ rb"i , II .. U , U"vis , :"1lJ. , '!;lat.ree , l.eJoveU , Saito'""- , en l:otion th .. ,to ~.'8 appertainin6 t? t.he nlr'lber reqo..ired t.o eonst.U:.<te 3 ~UOnr:l to CO hl.l5i.'1ee5 va, re<:OO5!. .<'red-and the m.L"\ber or deven s::bst!t1.:te<! _ It lQ.S r"""c.1ved That u U.s,e5 Uet!!1a a.'1J Free!!i~n !!sd .'1et accepted the apj)eintrent of Tnlet~u U tendered. ll~e their seats "be e .nsi:i.e r ed vacmt . I Ln rotion A. IL Y.i:nb r ougl! &.nc l. F , Slaton were appointed t.e fill the va Canc,. . en !.ction it 1<11.5 resolved. t.lut. t.l:b Ilos.rd of 'l'rust.ees"",-"e:l. t'\Il"'!her sp<,ro­;:; r1::t.io.'1 of ~5OC to the e o::tplet.!on or t.he preparat.o!""j !School and inst.rcet. , the ?re"iuellt. ami .;~retar.· t o to rw 1.:;>on t.he Tl'1;.st.ees of the eue . Reverend .. . J . Hamil r~iX'rt.e~ hifO acts ent ~ roc eedin&s to t.he Eoai'd . ( en l.ot.icn it w~, r .~olved th:lt th" Ch".ir appoint a Ctw. Ut he ot three to r efort a suit.able Board of Auditor e . The convn.1tt e(l recorted , Dros . Darby, P.&1!ord an": _lat.on ." t.hat C<>.'Tnith" . en ~ otien i t ,,'s resolvec that it be 11180." th ... dout:' ot all ",-e'lts er t.hb Bo~rd te t1.:m over al.l netes and l:JOlIies obt.ai.'1od by th8r.i in h'o/l~1t' 0:' t!le Zast Alaw.a ;'ue Col:.;., t.o t.he Secretary ot t.he Board, ,"",05'" dut~· it sh)ll be to leee;: a IlIinute of t.he 5'.;." , t., t":'nl th .. ~Ii." over to t.he '!'reaS\lre~ and t.&lee his l'ec~ i Ft tor t.'"''''''. t.o tile the ~= /!ml :~old t.hrl. $l.i.h~ecl to thc P-oardof A1.:d1t.ors . De it furlhc'" r esolve" tint. t.he seor ... tary take a t.ra..'1~ol'i ,-t of all notes a..'1d noniel) now in t.he !>&fIG s of t.he Tru,'\lrer . Eel!lClv(:d t.hat. t.he Chair a .. ;;oi.nt a oQtn..tt.ee ot t.hree , !iaQil , J;;-rnin(s, and U,v!s, ..nose dl<t y it. shal.l he to addre~$ a letter t.o B1$"o; Fearee request._ 1n&h:l::lt.c-';':eanpadressat. thel.8,:'in£;ott.heCom"relone o! the :;"st. Alabana L:!.l.e Colla.:a . Re!Solved that tha ~.aeonic ~·rat.emity "t. A\lbum he r equfJst.ed to lay said otone . Resolved that t he acent. of t.he 2ast. AlabarJl. !:ale College be inetn:ct.ed t.o receive t.he donationa of SIlch ,s Tt.&Ydae!.ra t.o creat.e .. !"ulld tcr t.he lloel'<! of t.he childr en o! t.;,e t.r~vell.nf: preachers . Cn,:ot.1on1t",,"s,.esolve:.t!latthebilldin[ e<::U.tt.eebe1n3t.n:.ete:ltc locllt., t.!l~ te..-.cL.,.; o ~ the Colla,;' .t t;;eir urliest. CO!Iv"'l!.enco . !tesolved • . n:....t8:-os. D.,.by. HaQ1l.nd.>GottlMl.cc.-nitt .... to .tit.ion th' Y..ont"caerj and '~e8t ;oint !tail !lose! t .. .:;ive 8 e!c.natiOl'l tor th, .... t. Alabama ~ ... loColl,g, . Cnl:ot1cn it \ilLS resolvllll t!\st t't1elklll"d .:!jcuro t OlllO"t em Tunday befora tho 2nd dedne&day 1n July next . BOARD 1:1I'1;T.:':5 J~7 . 1L57 Bo.).rd or Tl-.lstoes r:et. .ccord.~ to &e:!jOWW1e!1t • . :-esent : John B. Clenn, , .... lIiJent.;P .. :Jillard, .... cr .. tery : A. :!"lI.::er: t.:t. Illiss , 1. Hill . A. !. . i.1l;.b!"cu:;.'l; .. . J • • i!u:I,;.l . f' . ,,1:!.ton I J . a . c!;1 .. t r ee ; C. P..rltoro; anJ • T. Davis . Re501,."Cl that. cc ~ J.ttee or three be a!'pointed t o d."":L!t an additional iJ¥-Law da!"1ning the duties or the buCdino; cac . .1t.tee and r eport the II&.-"!e to a _"tint: of the Doer. o:l t<;::IDITC\t, 4 o ' clock . Co.;rutte. : .Jarb-;, ..I!lh"Cl, Uav1a , TIll! Soan:! adjc\:rnad to ""at. om tcr.oJ"r<»< at 4 o ' clock f . ... J . B. Glenn , F",si~ent F. ;" , Dillard , 3ecNltanr 19 U:UT"", J~I! . lf,57 L o'clocl!: ~ . ; . TheBcllrdli8t·~cc·ord1ng·to ·adjo\l.~t . rre~..,t ' J . l;I . (;1enn. J . B. C,;l.etree • . . T. Oavh. r . .>!.tor.. 1:); : Carlton. lo. . h.r:!1n , Io.. ... r/l;"/;"r, .JohnDArby . C. ' .. . Chat:1a1d . 1. .• . ; . Dra:,. , C. Rn.U"ord. D. 1'. Hall1day, ~ . J . 1!a::Ul., I Hil1. Th. ccndtt.eo . ppoint<t<l. 'It t.he IirLviO\lIl Jdet.in" t. dra" an .<ld1t10nal claUBe t,t!1el)y_La·1s . 5ubmit.t edth.,rollcw1nlt. viz , l'h~re shul be • bulldin .. cCT_ittee or five whOIiC '"..,t;. 1t 9~.all be to aee tllatth.Coll.n • ..Liificeb .... ete. in .. uch.,...""",."th"SOIIrdof Truateea II&,:/" ~1rect and to II .. ~ to t:." carr:-ing C'ut all ord"",,, of ~!I" 3<.,,1'(,1 of 'i'rIIltan lnth.tuml~ arn!""ttl.n.lth.·Crolllldin"rd"r and .. "oh["t.h"rd,.t!." .. aeth" 3oArj~1q..o 5aUf'C1Ith=1n. ~pa,.!.nttha£l'OW\:.andb'J.1ld1.",.orth.::ut n.baI:.a :.a1. Colh;;o for C~c, an:! U:Ie. '!-dc" ',3 ' ath.: t.ed and .... ~. a j:&rt of aaidl)y_!.p" .. . The ehcticn or oUicer:; wall. ta •.• n ,,;. •.. t.1:I IO .. Oll th" ,ra"l~ent!:e' :,&.,,, .. t.p­~ int .... J . D. C&l.tree , m. T. :lni .. , AIld iI . fMH.r II cou.dttea to ~:-a~cnt suUa'n1ena;"osrortheslWe . 'l'he cof;1·itt ..... portedthenmeaIl5tc·l""., JohnD . Olenn , l rasident; :; . R. F1ueUen , Vicerrosident , C. fu:l1tord , Jecre_ tllry : A. ::'razer , Tr~aeurer . ' :;:"or ,.xae"t:!.y"C=lttee , J . B. Glenn.! 1.111, J . !I . C1c;letrlle. J . (. c~cw.ll , an\> . r' . ~: ... ton . l"or .:u.1l.:i1r:; ':;otittee : Jchr. Du~W , ! . J . ,001.1. , ;' . I . :!."'!b"C\lZh, :.. . T. La!­lH~. 1111:.. ..>!llaon ,.r:· all or ~OIII .. ' .. ~ el~ct~ . (. fotton • . ,1'"1111On ier",:; anc: ~c-ct.Q r L V . ... ,!th .~ .. ,.., .hcte:! _".-1 c! the ~"r<l of ~,t_. in 1." .. 'L'c~ cr~ , ~""r11."l ~.n . .; . • :.id~ r .1cr.ro , Jchn B. GlclL"l , j ...,s~(\ent C. !taiford • .> .. cnt. ...., r ;-l 1 BC,;,·\l)Jlhur... .. A\!Ztlstll , 1<.57 !!card of' Trust.eea ot _:.&"t Alnb:uoa I ale. Collet:e me: ::;;:;rsUMt to I1djou~ent . ;rSBent: John n. Clsnn , J.. . ~. fluellen , C. ".aiford , A. :raze:-, _ . • '. ,Ulil. 1. Oal"bJ, L . ~ . I.ill, !; . J . ,cott , J . B. l:;..et.rse, " . " • . rice, r; •. '.' . ';hd.ti.J.d , ... Lll'ar~ , .:n . Javis , ..i . . srlj-, r. !.ill, 1. '.; . . .JTa.e, :1. V. ,~th, . : . .,lat.en . C. R. BlU!:l, J . i .. Jenn1n~s. :l . ik>u,z!'ert:r, .;. A. t_cArty, l. C. Le)OO,{e11 , an' . B • • 1. i.irlu1.ea of last. meetill!:",ere read and c<.'l~it'Ced . (In. oticn, th. r"saidwrt appointr.; ~.SSllrs . .!oL'l varb;f, !L I.tcu~herty , " . I . Irles. H. V . .. .it.h , and .. . '1: . nullen II cCC!ll:Oit.tee to draft. a pro:rar:r!le of "ub;:ect.. to be .. ur::rueci L., the .,."t. Alab&a& .. ..ale Colleee andt.ol'8,ortatcurne:v:tT:letln£ . A cor!'_unic'l.t1cn tl"'Cfol ,m . ' • ..;ha.:.:;,ber" w.oe read ruld rete:-re-J to the aboveoo..:n!ttee . {.n l-:01.1cn, .rot e.,or ;!olca:lb be l'e.ue"ted by the Board to otfr such. su;:,,,estirns to t.hs c<:lln11.tee as hea:ay t'":tinlr ""'per t.o be I.r ... ,,-d in r er,ard to the courJe ot study . \ On lotien ituC'lved , .thlit. the aoti n of the =ec" t i ve Eoard in re!;ard t o . t he er ec t.1' n at the CoUe£e .4itiee be.r ... tified b;I the. Je~rd a.t . Tl'\tatllss , and that. the Ian aD a<1o;;te<l be tully carrie out sJ.t;O that t he :.xecdive Boar" be e::lT'D"fered.t.oleavellll!'inillhd"'lU-·ott.heintemal1'fOl", otthe College .;;dific e, rrovided the ....", _& can be done wit hout c<;nfiic tine ><ith theCoertetlcQ;;lent of the College =cl"cl.ses . JohnB. Gl enn , freai<ient C. RaHor<;!, .. ecratary . res~"t. : Jchn B. Glenn. C. P~!ford . .. , "nt"r, J . B. (gl"tr.". C. 3 . m .... . ,I . u , lI"al . w , ,ern', J , . 1'11.11 . i:. V. r1t.h. 1. Hill . C .• Ct,"t f:'e!d . ~ . JoUfhcrty • . " . fe"art,'. 1. :J~ rlY.. .. , T. iln1". G. . :' . ric ... 1. . " w;oal', .. . . , J , ->cot.t. , ~ . t . . cJowell. an" F. ' . . -,Ula!':!. 1rrut"~ . ,, a~ and con!,!=e<! . en ; "tic,,,. tho r"~ rt of t.1:8 ';o:,us'«1din- C('"T~ttoo ...... , ,..~~~ anJ ~oat?C'ned !- ":~fir.1t.el;, . '_~l~'; dt.t.u elojXl~"tcc! te c:,.tt tte . ;;r<O"'''''' cr .\lb~e cts te be ,W'su~ i.., t.he ;0!1,,':" r<! --<: rteci t,." follcwi.-.g ,llie.' ..... , .:icrt;oc!; t.his r<!p..rt VII' taken!:-em t..n ~",c~~ta:-;,' an.:! c cna~"I.'-l....,tlJ" cannot 1>00- !' c<"~ec! . 1o : ~C . . r.'lll : . .; . n. :::lenn.': , :~ll"or:'! , A. fr~UI', J . 3 . l:la t~e , 1. I.ill. J . ! . J.m.,tin<:a, L J • .>Cott . C • . ,. "! . Fr1ee, 1. iJarby , C. :; • ..:t:etf1eld, ,., . 11 . !Ieal, • T, I::lVil , :.J . :erry, C. R. 31eu, .. . J . 1!a.'l1.l , J . I .• ';"r1ton. Y. ',I. DUl"n!. , J . C, j".cD<">Iell, ~n~ • A. l cC31·ly . ~.tc!i~~~\~~~~b~:l~~ ~~, el,,:~t!~w_Oi~:-e;~<i:~\~~~~ ~~~~~ r<!llU""t., ... l~o tc rill t.he C:tur of ihll"",-,.l1y , !'Orusor oleWlb ...... 5 .. 1,,,et.ed. t.. t!! .. c~r of l..:lt h~ti,, ~ . r...,r"uc:, C,,5~' W:U dcct.e:::. tclhe en:air or Anehnt l.an IUr", :!'Orener 1. La'-!'l' .. l~dlld ;rcre~ ~c1' 1.., .. I\t\:.)"l :~i stoI')' . ';01. ~. H. Cllwelu9 . el"ct"d ? rofesnor ot .:.n~l1uh llt.e" "tur " !." oe~in when the BOllrd ~bill think ;- 1'0",1'. JOM B. Ohnn , rT"31d~nt C. :laitor:l . .. ecTel" ,"' 9C.e.rwl:l..li·i....:3 A"-&Us t l.!. . l L57 S : CO.e. . ; • . ree~t : .'chnB. 'Jlenn, C . . ~o!"d , A. Fro:!:"" r. . .! . 5c:<'tt , J . ~, . Jonn1.nc;a , .. . T.:lavis , J . Jsrb7, C.a. Slu" , J . c..!.cDow"U , _. J . !!.u:!.l, '!o' • .l. !.eC3.rt,­c . .. ?rr ice, J . B.C.let.ree . • i,"1l,ltea W~N ;"ad: J.r...i c nti:-..ecl : en otl'One!I. . J . eon, ths Chrlr srpcinhd .lI.st..rul d1,,;,S'::<ll"res,cndint ":~..ittee ot !'i ... ,,: vl~: J • • .!enn!ne~ . 1" •• Allar": , '! . t . Davis, ... . ~ . I"h:olle:: . and .. III. A. ! c.;art:r . On l~t::'('n ~: r~teallO r .' . IJarby, Reaolv-d bat :i.ection 7 of t he lly_l.atll l'<!lIpecting tho Qu~in of OJl'Tospcnding CG=itt ss .De :Kr c~nstruod aa to 1II04Il the bringing batON the Board of ~t .. es lffien c&llod tor, ill ths1r col"'ntspondenceincC:lHectien1tiththlln'll!'esotindivi:!uabto fUlthe . (!1f:el'~nt ehdrs. en .~tiOIl or ,-", . A. 'cV~rt) , ~elolve(! that the th3fJ:"'.o! this !loar:!. hs tendsT"ed to P.. . N. a . a..a·dwoll, gener::.l 6upsr intendent, for the ad'ir~blll ~ r!"Ml:oment lra:!8 by hVl, p ' epsrntory til tl:o l&yin.'; the c orner~t~ne . or t he ,::;".st Al..:\b8.lll& l-.alcCollec. on the 12tll laat . Gnlot ion adjolU'lled to llest on tho l8t~.ondns in l!cv=bsr, tlS~ . J ohn B. Clenn , [-resident e . Railol."d , 3ecret ary !.ovccl>"r4 , IS57 rreS&l'\t ' .. . . . John J . :a.,.,.C . !ta1tof"d , Ir. . '·r&K-f'l'. J . a . C;ht,...e, J . O. lc!l<rall., 11 . J . ."coU , ':0.'" ~ .. rby, J. : . Jtnl1 t8, C. !\ . 81"". A. i . I.Jrb!"O\lch, ir.. Ir.. ' cCarlv. ::. . J . ;,o;::I!l , ~ •• CiI&U:illd , 3JlG I . 1'111 • . ray. r bj-: ........... dC. :r: . Bl" • . ~. ' ..... 1Ge'1t call~ tor ""ort. ~f';~ n!.u.es: P.cv . Dr . Jerming~, ":h&l.rT!Ia1l r Cor.,.n,..r::nd1!ls COI:l;dtt ... , read. caDlflic.tlocm tra: the H ... . Or . ,I . A. Sr.1tb ".:"01'1 th.liub~ec:t or acc.;rt.ing tIM l,...,ioenc:rot th •. :::utUab&.... . "hCo11.r., a.lso!'l"OI",rorH"orHolcc:.b, Cu.y, arnlJ&rbj- !n r.f.renc.tothe1r acce"ting the ~ro!enorships to .... :ich tl:q iIacI b.1m electe<l, all of r.u.c.'1 b:"" r.ot1C:'l, ot I •• J • .;cott V"'" 1&1: u~on the t~ble . Docter Jenni."'l>" &l.~o NW1 " l.tter tl'Cl<" ';"1 . ".lll:"'bus aces tint: tIM rot •. scrship te ,,:'11ch he har! beom elected . ra;"""b;rthe Re'I' . 'i . "Chattield. en boUon of .1 , A . • "':l.I'ty the 8ov ..... l C=iC"tiOf1~ laid on th~ t~bh be t~,e!'. :p. ~n .~ti<.n or ~ , J . ;:&.J.l. :tnolv04 til .. t "~ lel)ve th • • 1l .. ~t!.~ or .. cce;;t1r.r U: • . r ·d~ency &11 0.- 'l"neion "",til the n .rst ,;e<!nes:!oQ" in April next. "''' the Cor,..,,-<>TI~in~ ':oor'itte. be inltruCted to ccnrerrlt, th. R.v . lIr • • J.. ~th """ 11lti:"",te to 111:1 that 11.11 Nl.~· CM be rahed and ,..""est r.m. to "",le ... direc:t,::rcPOBition . tnrotionotl •• ': . .>eott, ,f.aolYedthatF-rofeneri.olcoo...bbeallowe:l=t!.lthe first ot JMIIlU,," nan to .cce;:t or not an:!. til&t the Ccrres,:.c:Id1.n; i:1ll7.ittee BO !nstNet d ..; ;> . Cn;,.otionotl, . J . ...eott.'1eaolyedt.hatth.Ccrrnt=0ndin&Con-...itt ... b4i.n.tl'\:ct-:l to n:, . .-or. ..o r 1,; ...:. . whet~er he ec·.pt. Or not ""d .,e,,~est !-.1."'I to r1!,.ly at ·,i. Qrllutccrl\"en1&nee . Fr o!essor I . Darb~· beinG ,. resel".t , 'l.cc~;tr!d t.'1tl pro~e~scrsh ip to wi ,i ei! ~:e had been ele cted . en j·:ot ion of <: . J . !:am11, :ie~olve<! th ~ t· :!. ti!l the de-..:;i,;n of the Board " t o fill up ever.! ce~srt;:lImt ,:itl'! t he apFli."nces t .. ereof en the b",st :-ossible scale our cirC"lstances .,~. ,:emit , and th~t the sel'vict!" of r refes"cr J . Jarh;' ber;in en the fir5t of Cetcber :lext . 'rhe report of R. N. ;t , Burnwell , super intendent , was read II11d referred to t.he t:xecutiv" Cor-;Ut tee . en Lotion of I~ . J . ;>Cot.t, 'I.esclved that tile Executive COhJllit tee be emp<rder ed to ~ evise such ".:lY3 and u..e~ns as in their judwtent lP8y be best for the pay1.n{; of cebts- - due and falling due . en Kot ion of G. ;: . Ch1!tfield , Resolved that II. committ"e of seven be "'y, .int~o by t he'r8sicent to !t!port to the Alabama Conference of the Li: Church at its next' $ e~s ion , th ~ success of 01:1' agent the Reverend ~ . J . Hamil the pre~ent :;'ellr, and Mil his cootinuence the 51:ceedinS ~_nference year . The fresident appoinVd th" followint;: , viz : Rev . O. ;/ . Chatfield, O. U. iUl.!e , W. A. r.cCarty , lJoctor J ennings, I. Hill , .t . I.. E1mbl'ou,r;h , Doctor H. V. 3mth, D. T. Ha...li~·, : . R. jo'luellen , and J . B. Glenn , !--resident , were on motion added . Adjourned toz:oeet on tor::orro"·, E o ' clock A. }i . t:ovember ;, le57 80' cl ockA . E. Fresent: John B. Glenn , C, l~i!crd , A. Frazer , fl . J . ocott , J . )." . Jennings , J . iJ:.r by, A. F . i.imbrour:h, O. R. Blue, 'rI . A. I.cCarty, I . Hill , J. O. 1 cDo,,·e11 , C. Of . Chatfield , : . J . La.r.dl , and J . B. Ogletree . Fr ayer b"j l rofessor John .larb"j . Y.!.nutes of last me tine; ~Iere read and confimed . A letter fron J , ·;UU.<u::s .... a5 relld a."1d repor ted to the ....Aecuti ve Cocclttee . en j.;otion of : . J . Elan, Resolved t !"<.at Doctor J . L • ..'illiams be especially invited to coo"erate with COlT.littee a;:pointed to ner'"..oralize the A:mual :onterence . en rotion of Rev , : . J . Hanil , Resolved that the mecbers of t hi s Beard are highl.::' gratified llt the ability and success of .. 'm . ? ;:.lat.on as pr incipal of t he pr e;>ara­t. o:-,{ scheol and r e£ar d his election <IS placed on the same footini; with the e l e ction of the Colle;:;e facl!lt:> and that the secretary be re'iu e~ t ed to furnis;' :li;n ~·1ith a copy of t his resolution . On ~:oti on of ll . J . 3cott , thai the Cnapel in the Co11ol:;e billding be omt in t.h'" !c=t h storJ . (Ueba ive) On leotion of the Rev . O. R. Blue , Resol ved t.hat in vie-'{ of the Rev . : . J . Ha..~l ' s indefatigable labor and su cces ~ a~ at:"nt :;est. Alabama ::al.e Colle,:;e hi s salary be increased fiv", hundr",:;1 dollar~ . :In):ct1cn ot1to,, , , io. , ;cC. ,-t.:;', R .. sclv~o:!t.h .. _",-"C,;th·e ;c~tt"1b· in!Ol""'"'C! t, c.:lo;'tn .. , .. V , ~ _ J . ':a:.ilu -.='" tor th .. ".xt;;·~,.. . ;.djoo.:m ..... u u. .. !1:-st :1Id.""''':'~:'' in ;'I'r!.~ , l~S:: , JohnB. :;'lenn, ,..""id...,t .; • .'\airo>'d, "'C l'·t~ry