1858 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the East Alabama Male College

Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1858BOA.:>.:J ;'1i;u'i':::3 1pril 1 . 1658 iIoard or 'steea or t.he ..;.alit Ala~pa l.ale CoUege ;l:.et pursuant to adjoum-mer. t . . ,,"nllt: John B. Clenn . C. Raiford , 10. . Frazer, J . B. Cgletree, John Ja.:-by, :1:1...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Auburn University Board of Trustees
Format: Electronic
Published: Auburn University Libraries
Online Access:http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7318
format Electronic
collection Auburn University Board of Trustees Minutes Collection
building Auburn University Digital Library
publisher Auburn University Libraries
topic AU Board of Trustees Minutes
spellingShingle AU Board of Trustees Minutes
1858 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the East Alabama Male College
Auburn University Board of Trustees
fulltopic AU Board of Trustees Minutes
Auburn University (formerly East Alabama Male College); Board of Trustees
Education -- Higher Education; History -- 1838-1874: Sectionalism, the Civil War, and Reconstruction
description Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1858BOA.:>.:J ;'1i;u'i':::3 1pril 1 . 1658 iIoard or 'steea or t.he ..;.alit Ala~pa l.ale CoUege ;l:.et pursuant to adjoum-mer. t . . ,,"nllt: John B. Clenn . C. Raiford , 10. . Frazer, J . B. Cgletree, John Ja.:-by, :1:1 . 1 . Oavis, J . O. l:c:DoweU . J . ..... ' . ~"!"ake, "' . T. HallidaJ", ~'nI . T. SLat en , l1li . 8 . "eal, .. 1.;.eon lel'l7, C. D. Cli.,,,"!", O. ? . 51\1e, and J . 1. Cur17 . lJ,m:teso!lAlltC\etlng_:-.rea!lam!c:onr1.~ . Callforre;;orts \r;t!le . Nlsic!ent . The iJe<:ret~ r:' ~ a !etta:- fI'OOl Doctor ;t . :. . ...mith dl!c:linin8 tI:e Presidenc:,. of the ...aat Alab= 1 ale ;ol1e;:;o ; al.St one !I'CllI. J . 11. . Fluellen te!ldin���� hi~ r ellienation .a , /'1e.:lb<!lr or the Board o! Trusteea, .. 'hic:h >flU llcce~ted . \~~~~i~:r~ ~~ :!~~~~ ~:~~:~ ~~~~te'-~&~;'n~~ :~:!r:;'J:n~ ! ~~:~ ,~~ r~:ro~ , .. 1Il. ? ,ilt.ton' ,F . . ~Ulard . J . B. C, ).etrel! , 'nd On :~oti cn of ' . D. Ileal, '.e301ved tilat R..., . C. D. Cli-;e:- be and he ia hl!re­b" i a .. ~ointed Ch&irL.a.ll of the Corren.onJ.1ng (;c.Clmittel! :!..'l the "b,ce or the !leverendDoctol'Jenn:!.."Ic s r e:r.ovl!d . ,. On Lotion l.ev . C. R. 81ue ""'s ",lected Vice foresieent and &1ao "me:~ber of the Correspond1n{: Comr.dttee in U •• ?l ~ c e or:;; . '1. . Fluellom. reaiOled . On l.otion ot r roteasor John ilarby, Resolved , th.:l.t this Bo&!'d take such r.eesuresuarenecea18rytohav e the'::':ercisesinthe ::::utAle.bamal':e.le College to c=.ence on the first ':ed.'1es,'ay in Cctober next . On totion or 1 . Fr-a~l! r, Jod I'.,.::nlln cf Barbour County, U,Ilb3n:a , 'Wa! el ~ted " I:;et:'ber ot t.he Boll"<l ot Tr\:.steell in t.'le l i!ce of ~ . R. i'luellen re8iO!ltd . In JII11 next , Jo!';n B. Glam, ?t-e8!.dent C , 1a1fcrd , $ec retal'l" JulylJ. , !.CSC .NI"ent : J . B. Glenn , . F • .;aton, G • .I. 1 . , r!.ce , I .. J . ;:;eott, C. O. 'l!.v~ r, u . Ar::.atr...lI';:, J . C. l.c~""'ll , ;. . :'nzer , G. , C::at!lel1, ... ';lo:t;<m , ; . ' ~~'~ar.i . 't . ~v!." <1 . ~ . t,l.tr<l~l 3 , ,.rr;:', ~ . i,lJ:".bro"~il , 1. '.!.il, and !n:.:us o!' b.,t _~tln, rea.;, 1>lI:': .';>roVN . c." ~t:'C"l , _!!". " U)~,..... ·I.~~'-".,~ t-.t t~ 'e'\"~-en1::: , ,I . ' ... -.!1 a:ent be re:;.;estld wit.hC';t. ';d~;r t'3 lat.lMI:'ore t!1' ~ c_tive ;Ut1itt.,. t!':. /l-_ .... mt cr the origillll on:bl;cri"tlon ..- .d the ,."cru auront. raised. b, ' hil:lu~ to date . tn :otlon, eIIolv.-d. ths.t I: ,ill1., 1" ," _.l. l l'ice , ,mC',; , • ~h~tnUd be ~~!~~ . a", .~po1nt'.d. cac;dtt" to .d~ .. dic te t!,e ~ .. bscr! :ti"il or , T, ~'!:e 'oXllCUtiVI Co .... .dtt. .. iliad. a verba!. No~ol't , r ead a..,d adopted . I cn :-,ot1c-n , the !'!ellolutlon paue<i It a ~ .... vio",' .... t1.-.g e,ulr1nl; the .,;;"".cl. ... or the ColloO' to c<:wence on th~ l~t ot Octobe, ne.. t .,,::\ th:' .ime i s he'eby )"lecJ.r.dod . Cnl.oUonotG. rI . Chs.U'1elcl, R .. olved.thetwt.en thlsBoord 'd.1Ol1rn , it .:!.jcum untll the ,int ~e<!nee~~y 111 ];oveWler next anc:. .1. '.Meh til:le the e1ectionotatac'-Ilt.;.'w1l1 hkllacla1BOl"IIsolvedths.ttheueretarybe ro':U ~sted to furnish 'M~ ,ed>.,. ot th Soard with a co,y o!' tho ",solutions . J . B. Ol"".n, Fre.Went ,"' . ~· , 3latc~ BOJ,.!!.Dj.Th,\!~ July 15, 1858 Board met. . Pro8sent : J . B. Glenn , C. 1t&1ford, I. . Frazer, J . B. Cglet~ , S . Perry, I .. J • .:>colt, I. ',I'illi", I'm . T . ..... vis, C. ~' . ~ . ?r!.ce, J . O. ~:C!)OWell , S. Ar;;:lItronc. *ZlQ C . II . ( live!". ::Ta,.V'IIr by !l:evererld C . D. Olive r . On Lot.lon, I. Willis,' Chain:an or COIlIlIlttee &I'po!nted ye~t llrda,;r :'" or-t.ed verbal1Jr in ravor ot &iving Ca::mi'$$iOllS on the 5ubs<::rlption or , •• T. Robinaon . " O!1 !.ot.ion, !teve~d.C . D. Olh'ar, Chai""-8l1ctthe Co::!t1.tt"eotCorrea;.ondence , ~e an lntonnal report and &s1:ed !'urther tL.-.e which was e~t~ . On ~.otion ot C. D. OlinT, Resolved t hat a CDI:I:l.ittee of three be appointed br the Pr uident to cooperate with the ReveN!nd i: , J . Ha:n11 to exaclne ",jeh papers , books , and aube.eri"tiona all ~ afford this Bo&rd entire 511t.tis­taction u;J01'l the finAncee and the whole a;nQ1.l."lt subscr ibed to d ate an(\. repcrt at. next regular meet.i.'1g 1:1. writing . Coaclttee appoint ed: C. O. Ol1ver, :;; . Perr;y , andC . Ra1!ord . On ~:otlon ot N. J . deott, Resolved that the secretar-y" be r o<{Uested t.o procure or have procured a bool: and have the c1nute. transcr ibed f r<X:t the beginning . t t.he expense of th .. Board . On i.ot.1on the otncers of the last :rear was .. lected. f or the ensuing year, viz : John B. Olann , President O. !L Blue , Vice r r esi dent A. Frazer, Treasurer C. R.t,il'ord , Secretary l-'J . C. EcDowell and ~ . F. ~l.s.ton of t he ;';";ecut1ve Co=ittee tendered their res~tions , received ar.d S. I-eM7 and .I . ~ . :>avis a;>;:ainted • . tdjourned.to f::'rstife<!neal1ay1nl'overr.be r r.ert . J . B. Clenn, President C. Raiford, Secret..o r:,· 1O At a r..eetir.g ot the iloard on the 14th of .: .. 1,;-, It-58, the !'ollmr'~'ll ,.esc­bt.. 1onpassc1 .... ,donitt«d to be resolv!I(\ in tl'. .. roper -1:\ee . P.:J:LVz,that thQresolution he,..,tofor"?8-"""dc;"thi sllo·.-d f1.::ingtha s~ry of~r""'i..J!'lt_&ndr·;).c.ultyb .. re:;C.in<i.edand.th ... tth', toll""'in.& beand i~ herel>y ;1d3pted in, plNl the"""r . 'nIe President '~.all be allowed twenty-five :'1~ndr"" doilars and e:,.ch" """fessor ~lill be allow<>d seventeen hIiJl1r<! <!.. an<1 !it,tl' ,dollars ann"-llly • • 'cbn B. Glcnn" .rnident '.;.F . ... la.~:;."c~t'u. ... {-. r c'!'en 31 s,",\:: !J:t':'';~ l.o'\'$llberJ . L5C Bol!.ro of 'r'ruSt~8 or·.!!t· l~b~r~ L~l .. ';oll";:,, n:t pur:>ulIl't t~ ~·:~:';"ryrr'''Ut . :ro!enl:. , .' . B. "lenn , C. P.1.!.:o'l"'<I, A. ?l"(l.~.er • . I:1 . '1' . u'!.Vili . J . B. CllletNlIII , 1. Hill , . . .., . ~' . t;l,atOtl , J .!. Na;!.l , . :t"v . C . O. Cliver, ~~V . . • ' . ~,amil , . '1f!v_ J_ I. . Jenn1l"l:;9 , R'"V , . , .to. . !:cC~rty • . j . !.rTY~ A.. ~,. l~bl"('~I;;h~ 1. h . C!::"ltc:: , ",8v . C . . . Cbtf1el:! , .an.lJ . EWter . . I ... "t'--.i 0: l-~..t. ~ et'J"~ rei!. :;' 11m: a!I:<Il:n.1I(/ ,::;. as to ~ !I$ fo1100(3, "'!'he nl.ary of the tre!ll dent. ~hll!.l be twe;tty_five hlilldr"'N dollar8, ~ iI.CN"'sec to thN'1!I thou:land 1!' the tuiU,," fees ~"8tlr~' the 113;n8, also that. the sabry of "lIoh . pf'Cf1l1l80r sh&ll be Dllve~teen hWldred aml fUtJ' Jpllarll . and ,l.ne~lJlld t o t l,"O th01l.5nm! dollars tuit ion ' 0 jUstif;), ." : OIl 'jlti CALl.. fOT rtl ptlrt. of cOllDithn Lhe Rev . C. D" ��. ll,1.ver Ch&~ruU. of: the con::1tt.ee &j>~o!.nt.d Ilt th. l.:!.st CO;l"t11l<; r e,.<' rted, and on Xlti~n of ~~V . C. :! . Oliver s&.1o;; re _o:-t 'I<'Ilslsi:: 0.'1 the hbl,.e . . TIL :::r:"~":",1Y re,:lOrtad tho vacanciec in th" Soard of Tru8te~ tr,r the !"tIsit;nat.bn or i: . 4.:s" an;! 3 . ,tone &nd. tTl t.':edeath of J . B. Tat e . The 'NI:5i,:natioosaceepted . eN :lnui t.o fill vac,,"oieu , pcst.ty ned b)' IIIOtion of Rev . ~ . Ii. HamJ.·. SOXU.l AJJC\;;'J . ...;;J t.o 2 0 ' 0100% r .! . BO~:U """'1' . PN"'flt: .!ohn B. :::a"lVl .... . 'sire n! , ~ . . CI-.atr1elo , ::. . :"'I"Y, nsv . J . I •• Jennings . J . . . Carlte,,n , 1.\· • . J . ~&"l.!.l , I .. J . cott.. J . W. :1111$, ~ev . ? G. ?\;.rc;uson. J . B. (,shtree , Eo" . C. I), Cllve:-. r.~ '} . o . !? . :nile , 10. . h . :.i<.Jb1'O"Ih, 1. :!ill, John :-. l;ill , and Jaces F. ilo':tdell , h::i . P. ~bton , I. . h·a?er, :iev . ~ill1 . A. i.eCa:-t7. sr..! .. . T. !'.a1l1day . - Ira;rcr by t.he 1. .. v . l . !l. Blue . ell TIC. of Rev . C. J . C'~ tf1 ~ld it. WIU re901vee 1.h3.t II I. thh t1e~t1ni of the iioard of T:-ust.eea no mec.ber shall 1I,..eal.. l on::;e1' 1.!l~ t.en I:I!n·Jtes On any .. u~st1wn n,, :- beellOWf!dt.0 lI~k~ 1'e than once but b;r ccnsent of a maJo:"it,. of tn" a;c:b":-lI ;"Nsent . CI: r?IO· of the Rev . ~ . J . laill , !t"eohed tl1At this bod.,," f'1'Ocee-.! forth_ wit.h to the el ... ct.icn ot a ::r~s il.ent l\1l el professol" "r the _.,.st Alaba.-.a J.i!l.leCo::llet:e • T!!"; BCA!W ~tLV::" 1tself into a cotnit.tee or tt. ... uhole. nle I-:on . J!IOIOes !' . Do-;dell in the chair . and "n t he rhine oj" the co.=ittee the chainr.an r epcM.ed for ,resL!..,t the Rev . !Jr .• J . S.:lsnet of LaG!'M~ a . ~eorc1s • .:lmIUle1.ev · (; . ·· . ·Ch.t !1.el dnOl'l!..'la.t.ed!!.ev . J r . . ~1.hf!tSCuthC'>rolina . t..nru;:on a ba!.lot ba!.ng t'~ , t!!e '!:e\' . :"1' • • J . _snort. :~" "lo<:t"" : ..... s1- d8!'lt~n;:!so:lt!ecla~b:·.ce l .. _~t1cn . '!'GSC:,Woo;;\Otion llcijourned to 7 o ' cl<,c'· ti;i" "·/eni."1l:i ' " PRAY. ".'! . by fIever""" BOARD ~:IlilJ,!,w Nov«:IborJ , loSS ? : \.{. . • or rOTIO: or .,evel"f!ftCll,; , O. (11'0'.:-, R.solved Ulat. \:.he Beard nov " .. <.:<:..:1 t.o t.heel..,Ucnore;>ror"lOOro!Anc:1".,tLan(:ueg<o • . 1l.:."l..llFOll Jol'.n L. DwIkUn, 1. L, was , I.cleo:! and on mot ion of the Rev .. rend C. fI Blul , f!:IIBoU'd j.-roeHdt<i to the el.ect1Q1 or. pTohaaorottath-.tica, wh"re_ ".c··l. .. . O::lennlnnil. . J:.or';..,r"":1a ... -.leeLedandonlllOlionor~val"«\rlc . R 81ue , the R"".r.no:! lb. f .·P.:u-raon ..... eleet.ed ad,luJ1(:t-prot""or of J..a.n.,.,..:;u . eN en,:: th, n&l.a l".' lo! t!..verand;" . J . /la!rU.l , asent-forth,Colleg", wu increr. .... five hu..,"!"ed doll.,.". aa.i<i.,,<; t.he IW08 t...-r,t:;r five hund...-ed doll"':1 Ulel'rufIIltjO&r . L)I .( '!'In:, J . ,, : I.Md ..... elected" T",."U" t o fUl. t.he vac':.,cyof J . B. Tat' "800.''''<1. W1<l • • ~lenn .. ~" .. leete-," /I 'l'M1"t~" to till the v~canc:' of B . • • t""" ,resiol.cl.· J . B. Gl.nn, ~",ai\!ent . C . Ra:!.ford . ~U7 J3 BlJ ... 'IDJ:liWT"':; Nove!:lber I. , lC5S 9 : CC A. 1": . BO.IID ~":;T . , resent : J . B. Glenn, C. 'mHord, I. Hill, Rev . ::: . J . Haru.l, .0: . T. Glenn, O . . i . Chatfielc., Roverend F . C. FUrj;Urson. I!. J . ticott , ~ever<md C. R. Blus, F. ii , Dillard, Honorable J . F. Dowdell , A. Fra~e r. Reverend C. D. Oliver , Reverend J . 1 •• Jennir'8 '" nnd A. H. Lir.mrough • . 'RAY.:Jt by the Reverend i: . J . Ha.:nil . O!, ,'CTIl!! of the Honorab! .. J. r' , DQ",ffl8ll, Resolvea that the Sxecutiy" Cou:mit tee be instr-ucted to advbe with ~rofessor J . Darby ane. Doctor A ~ !:eansin r-eterenceto the purch:ls1n& of an aparatus for theCoUege and re;..o rl. to their Board at it ~ a eeting in July next . (N . CTI-' , Y. '.~ . :;l 11ard, the r ",..ort laid on tac 'table yesterday >ro!l tal,,,n 1,;.;:' an;! curine whieh c O;"Lsideraticn t"" Soard wijou.rnlKl to 2 : atJ r .t' . BC.1.:D -,T . " resent : Reverend J . B. Gllmll, C. Raiford, A. Frazer, Reverend l' . 'L Blue, n . .! . ':;cott, F. 'J . Dillard, Reverend F . G. Furgurson , Reverent! E. J . l'! (lIUil, A •. J •. Kinbrollgh , 1everend Docter Jennin{;s , ... . 1'. Glenn, and I . Hill. .-1:.rn by the Reverend r'. G. FurDlrson . p~v •. u; .... C' . R. BUI:", Vice },...,si ctent , in lOhe Chllir . en lotion of 1.everend J . B. Glenn, ."'''olved thalO the r egular business be suspended . c:: .enul of N. J . ';eott, Resolved t h!'tt the Reverend : . J . r.a:.il , Atent , be instructed t o =ke such arrantetlent s and tal:e such step" ,,$ 'ay be best for the collettin,:; the "eve~a1 =cunt s transferred to the .i".a."t Alaba:::a l.ale College by diffe rent ;>e1'300S frcrn L.J.Cranee Colle.:;e Alah&:a . C;. •• ·(Ut1\ , the Reverend(; . !I. . Slue, .:. . J . Ha:nila.'ldC . J . Oliver '1ere appointeda co:rr."J.tteetoFre",.. rcanaddressto thenert.ann~Confer­ence 1.1,,00 the Ct!f]era,1intel'est o! this Co11e[;e . Cli ,tTIeN, ThOL!aS ";"dyl<u elect"d by a ccla;.ation jlll1.itor of the .:ast Alabar..a ;:a!e ColloBe and that the secretary notify h1.M M of the same in >rriting . 0; .CTreN , llesolved that the Sxecutive Ccm:t1t tee be aut hori2'~ to purchase the COr.lel' lot n~){ occupi ed BS the P . O. and the -lUillin lot bot h adjcinin{; t hoColle-e lot . (.;. : C';:I~II , the l'8rular business was taken up , viz , the re;.' rt of Rever_ end"; . Lt . Cliver ~nd it lias r esolved th;;.t 'leverend :: . J . :!a.cl.l , J . B. C~let re" anJ ,m . L, Davis be and they "re hereby appointed a co'!O!ttee to endeavor to pr ocure the subscription of l:essrs . I . " . . r.ite , I . .I . . ~ . lJraJ.:."e , J . Darby, and .:; . ,·erry . ':" _ ...".' CS,.; , _1:.1V.-4), thAt. t.n. .....e nt be inlVucte:l _te _,..,~"ce ill subscript1m: ~ow",,""'ttled tOTl_tu and rwp",:t- to ~c:.."tl.v.":OIJnl.ttee&ll~""'---t!.el ret\l,,1."16 t.c- •• .tt.1oI b:I not" vt ... ar. hereby.requ ... trd. to. I"lrsueJ.T.n"""""ry a le~~1 CIlUI"I' in the c.ol.ect13l as 1"'11 as ...a oth ... ~s due ,this ilc:oe . c C:l , c"..oLVN t. at the 1"C>,,.t o~ ..... hUJU!ra_ OL~la!'" be -1, to t..!".e werend S. A-r.:stron& as hi. cClsbs1cn.cn .tI!. su;"'cri:"tiono! . T. llobinsor . !C'.'l'2..:i:JJ . T. J1ck.rtaon_on..,t.i",<tlr.;tedaTr-~'teet.c!:U1th. ".canel' or , P.u .. ~'!...':rll_ . II., b~1nc .rn .... t., acce,..ted. . J.B. CJ.i.r1n , :r ... d.'ent, C. :.itol"<!., ';&CNr-t-r:.·
title 1858 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the East Alabama Male College
titleStr 1858 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the East Alabama Male College
author Auburn University Board of Trustees
author_facet Auburn University Board of Trustees
id AUbot7318
url http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7318
thumbnail https://cdm17353.contentdm.oclc.org/utils/getthumbnail/collection/bot/id/7318
_version_ 1782466960937713664
spelling 1858 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the East Alabama Male CollegeAuburn University (formerly East Alabama Male College); Board of TrusteesMinutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1858BOA.:>.:J ;'1i;u'i':::3 1pril 1 . 1658 iIoard or 'steea or t.he ..;.alit Ala~pa l.ale CoUege ;l:.et pursuant to adjoum-mer. t . . ,,"nllt: John B. Clenn . C. Raiford , 10. . Frazer, J . B. Cgletree, John Ja.:-by, :1:1 . 1 . Oavis, J . O. l:c:DoweU . J . ..... ' . ~"!"ake, "' . T. HallidaJ", ~'nI . T. SLat en , l1li . 8 . "eal, .. 1.;.eon lel'l7, C. D. Cli.,,,"!", O. ? . 51\1e, and J . 1. Cur17 . lJ,m:teso!lAlltC\etlng_:-.rea!lam!c:onr1.~ . Callforre;;orts \r;t!le . Nlsic!ent . The iJe<:ret~ r:' ~ a !etta:- fI'OOl Doctor ;t . :. . ...mith dl!c:linin8 tI:e Presidenc:,. of the ...aat Alab= 1 ale ;ol1e;:;o ; al.St one !I'CllI. J . 11. . Fluellen te!ldin���� hi~ r ellienation .a , /'1e.:lb<!lr or the Board o! Trusteea, .. 'hic:h >flU llcce~ted . \~~~~i~:r~ ~~ :!~~~~ ~:~~:~ ~~~~te'-~&~;'n~~ :~:!r:;'J:n~ ! ~~:~ ,~~ r~:ro~ , .. 1Il. ? ,ilt.ton' ,F . . ~Ulard . J . B. C, ).etrel! , 'nd On :~oti cn of ' . D. Ileal, '.e301ved tilat R..., . C. D. Cli-;e:- be and he ia hl!re­b" i a .. ~ointed Ch&irL.a.ll of the Corren.onJ.1ng (;c.Clmittel! :!..'l the "b,ce or the !leverendDoctol'Jenn:!.."Ic s r e:r.ovl!d . ,. On Lotion l.ev . C. R. 81ue ""'s ",lected Vice foresieent and &1ao "me:~ber of the Correspond1n{: Comr.dttee in U •• ?l ~ c e or:;; . '1. . Fluellom. reaiOled . On l.otion ot r roteasor John ilarby, Resolved , th.:l.t this Bo&!'d take such r.eesuresuarenecea18rytohav e the'::':ercisesinthe ::::utAle.bamal':e.le College to c=.ence on the first ':ed.'1es,'ay in Cctober next . On totion or 1 . Fr-a~l! r, Jod I'.,.::nlln cf Barbour County, U,Ilb3n:a , 'Wa! el ~ted " I:;et:'ber ot t.he Boll"<l ot Tr\:.steell in t.'le l i!ce of ~ . R. i'luellen re8iO!ltd . In JII11 next , Jo!';n B. Glam, ?t-e8!.dent C , 1a1fcrd , $ec retal'l" JulylJ. , !.CSC .NI"ent : J . B. Glenn , . F • .;aton, G • .I. 1 . , r!.ce , I .. J . ;:;eott, C. O. 'l!.v~ r, u . Ar::.atr...lI';:, J . C. l.c~""'ll , ;. . :'nzer , G. , C::at!lel1, ... ';lo:t;<m , ; . ' ~~'~ar.i . 't . ~v!." <1 . ~ . t,l.tr<l~l 3 , ,.rr;:', ~ . i,lJ:".bro"~il , 1. '.!.il, and !n:.:us o!' b.,t _~tln, rea.;, 1>lI:': .';>roVN . c." ~t:'C"l , _!!". " U)~,..... ·I.~~'-".,~ t-.t t~ 'e'\"~-en1::: , ,I . ' ... -.!1 a:ent be re:;.;estld wit.hC';t. ';d~;r t'3 lat.lMI:'ore t!1' ~ c_tive ;Ut1itt.,. t!':. /l-_ .... mt cr the origillll on:bl;cri"tlon ..- .d the ,."cru auront. raised. b, ' hil:lu~ to date . tn :otlon, eIIolv.-d. ths.t I: ,ill1., 1" ," _.l. l l'ice , ,mC',; , • ~h~tnUd be ~~!~~ . a", .~po1nt'.d. cac;dtt" to .d~ .. dic te t!,e ~ .. bscr! :ti"il or , T, ~'!:e 'oXllCUtiVI Co .... .dtt. .. iliad. a verba!. No~ol't , r ead a..,d adopted . I cn :-,ot1c-n , the !'!ellolutlon paue<i It a ~ .... vio",' .... t1.-.g e,ulr1nl; the .,;;"".cl. ... or the ColloO' to c<:wence on th~ l~t ot Octobe, ne.. t .,,::\ th:' .ime i s he'eby )"lecJ.r.dod . Cnl.oUonotG. rI . Chs.U'1elcl, R .. olved.thetwt.en thlsBoord 'd.1Ol1rn , it .:!.jcum untll the ,int ~e<!nee~~y 111 ];oveWler next anc:. .1. '.Meh til:le the e1ectionotatac'-Ilt.;.'w1l1 hkllacla1BOl"IIsolvedths.ttheueretarybe ro':U ~sted to furnish 'M~ ,ed>.,. ot th Soard with a co,y o!' tho ",solutions . J . B. Ol"".n, Fre.Went ,"' . ~· , 3latc~ BOJ,.!!.Dj.Th,\!~ July 15, 1858 Board met. . Pro8sent : J . B. Glenn , C. 1t&1ford, I. . Frazer, J . B. Cglet~ , S . Perry, I .. J • .:>colt, I. ',I'illi", I'm . T . ..... vis, C. ~' . ~ . ?r!.ce, J . O. ~:C!)OWell , S. Ar;;:lItronc. *ZlQ C . II . ( live!". ::Ta,.V'IIr by !l:evererld C . D. Olive r . On Lot.lon, I. Willis,' Chain:an or COIlIlIlttee &I'po!nted ye~t llrda,;r :'" or-t.ed verbal1Jr in ravor ot &iving Ca::mi'$$iOllS on the 5ubs<::rlption or , •• T. Robinaon . " O!1 !.ot.ion, !teve~d.C . D. Olh'ar, Chai""-8l1ctthe Co::!t1.tt"eotCorrea;.ondence , ~e an lntonnal report and &s1:ed !'urther tL.-.e which was e~t~ . On ~.otion ot C. D. OlinT, Resolved t hat a CDI:I:l.ittee of three be appointed br the Pr uident to cooperate with the ReveN!nd i: , J . Ha:n11 to exaclne ",jeh papers , books , and aube.eri"tiona all ~ afford this Bo&rd entire 511t.tis­taction u;J01'l the finAncee and the whole a;nQ1.l."lt subscr ibed to d ate an(\. repcrt at. next regular meet.i.'1g 1:1. writing . Coaclttee appoint ed: C. O. Ol1ver, :;; . Perr;y , andC . Ra1!ord . On ~:otlon ot N. J . deott, Resolved that the secretar-y" be r o<{Uested t.o procure or have procured a bool: and have the c1nute. transcr ibed f r<X:t the beginning . t t.he expense of th .. Board . On i.ot.1on the otncers of the last :rear was .. lected. f or the ensuing year, viz : John B. Olann , President O. !L Blue , Vice r r esi dent A. Frazer, Treasurer C. R.t,il'ord , Secretary l-'J . C. EcDowell and ~ . F. ~l.s.ton of t he ;';";ecut1ve Co=ittee tendered their res~tions , received ar.d S. I-eM7 and .I . ~ . :>avis a;>;:ainted • . tdjourned.to f::'rstife<!neal1ay1nl'overr.be r r.ert . J . B. Clenn, President C. Raiford, Secret..o r:,· 1O At a r..eetir.g ot the iloard on the 14th of .: .. 1,;-, It-58, the !'ollmr'~'ll ,.esc­bt.. 1onpassc1 .... ,donitt«d to be resolv!I(\ in tl'. .. roper -1:\ee . P.:J:LVz,that thQresolution he,..,tofor"?8-"""dc;"thi sllo·.-d f1.::ingtha s~ry of~r""'i..J!'lt_&ndr·;).c.ultyb .. re:;C.in<i.edand.th ... tth', toll""'in.& beand i~ herel>y ;1d3pted in, plNl the"""r . 'nIe President '~.all be allowed twenty-five :'1~ndr"" doilars and e:,.ch" """fessor ~lill be allow<>d seventeen hIiJl1r<! <!.. an<1 !it,tl' ,dollars ann"-llly • • 'cbn B. Glcnn" .rnident '.;.F . ... la.~:;."c~t'u. ... {-. r c'!'en 31 s,",\:: !J:t':'';~ l.o'\'$llberJ . L5C Bol!.ro of 'r'ruSt~8 or·.!!t· l~b~r~ L~l .. ';oll";:,, n:t pur:>ulIl't t~ ~·:~:';"ryrr'''Ut . :ro!enl:. , .' . B. "lenn , C. P.1.!.:o'l"'<I, A. ?l"(l.~.er • . I:1 . '1' . u'!.Vili . J . B. CllletNlIII , 1. Hill , . . .., . ~' . t;l,atOtl , J .!. Na;!.l , . :t"v . C . O. Cliver, ~~V . . • ' . ~,amil , . '1f!v_ J_ I. . Jenn1l"l:;9 , R'"V , . , .to. . !:cC~rty • . j . !.rTY~ A.. ~,. l~bl"('~I;;h~ 1. h . C!::"ltc:: , ",8v . C . . . Cbtf1el:! , .an.lJ . EWter . . I ... "t'--.i 0: l-~..t. ~ et'J"~ rei!. :;' 11m: a!I:<Il:n.1I(/ ,::;. as to ~ !I$ fo1100(3, "'!'he nl.ary of the tre!ll dent. ~hll!.l be twe;tty_five hlilldr"'N dollar8, ~ iI.CN"'sec to thN'1!I thou:land 1!' the tuiU,," fees ~"8tlr~' the 113;n8, also that. the sabry of "lIoh . pf'Cf1l1l80r sh&ll be Dllve~teen hWldred aml fUtJ' Jpllarll . and ,l.ne~lJlld t o t l,"O th01l.5nm! dollars tuit ion ' 0 jUstif;), ." : OIl 'jlti CALl.. fOT rtl ptlrt. of cOllDithn Lhe Rev . C. D" ��. ll,1.ver Ch&~ruU. of: the con::1tt.ee &j>~o!.nt.d Ilt th. l.:!.st CO;l"t11l<; r e,.<' rted, and on Xlti~n of ~~V . C. :! . Oliver s&.1o;; re _o:-t 'I<'Ilslsi:: 0.'1 the hbl,.e . . TIL :::r:"~":",1Y re,:lOrtad tho vacanciec in th" Soard of Tru8te~ tr,r the !"tIsit;nat.bn or i: . 4.:s" an;! 3 . ,tone &nd. tTl t.':edeath of J . B. Tat e . The 'NI:5i,:natioosaceepted . eN :lnui t.o fill vac,,"oieu , pcst.ty ned b)' IIIOtion of Rev . ~ . Ii. HamJ.·. SOXU.l AJJC\;;'J . ...;;J t.o 2 0 ' 0100% r .! . BO~:U """'1' . PN"'flt: .!ohn B. :::a"lVl .... . 'sire n! , ~ . . CI-.atr1elo , ::. . :"'I"Y, nsv . J . I •• Jennings . J . . . Carlte,,n , 1.\· • . J . ~&"l.!.l , I .. J . cott.. J . W. :1111$, ~ev . ? G. ?\;.rc;uson. J . B. (,shtree , Eo" . C. I), Cllve:-. r.~ '} . o . !? . :nile , 10. . h . :.i<.Jb1'O"Ih, 1. :!ill, John :-. l;ill , and Jaces F. ilo':tdell , h::i . P. ~bton , I. . h·a?er, :iev . ~ill1 . A. i.eCa:-t7. sr..! .. . T. !'.a1l1day . - Ira;rcr by t.he 1. .. v . l . !l. Blue . ell TIC. of Rev . C. J . C'~ tf1 ~ld it. WIU re901vee 1.h3.t II I. thh t1e~t1ni of the iioard of T:-ust.eea no mec.ber shall 1I,..eal.. l on::;e1' 1.!l~ t.en I:I!n·Jtes On any .. u~st1wn n,, :- beellOWf!dt.0 lI~k~ 1'e than once but b;r ccnsent of a maJo:"it,. of tn" a;c:b":-lI ;"Nsent . CI: r?IO· of the Rev . ~ . J . laill , !t"eohed tl1At this bod.,," f'1'Ocee-.! forth_ wit.h to the el ... ct.icn ot a ::r~s il.ent l\1l el professol" "r the _.,.st Alaba.-.a J.i!l.leCo::llet:e • T!!"; BCA!W ~tLV::" 1tself into a cotnit.tee or tt. ... uhole. nle I-:on . J!IOIOes !' . Do-;dell in the chair . and "n t he rhine oj" the co.=ittee the chainr.an r epcM.ed for ,resL!..,t the Rev . !Jr .• J . S.:lsnet of LaG!'M~ a . ~eorc1s • .:lmIUle1.ev · (; . ·· . ·Ch.t !1.el dnOl'l!..'la.t.ed!!.ev . J r . . ~1.hf!tSCuthC'>rolina . t..nru;:on a ba!.lot ba!.ng t'~ , t!!e '!:e\' . :"1' • • J . _snort. :~" "lo<:t"" : ..... s1- d8!'lt~n;:!so:lt!ecla~b:·.ce l .. _~t1cn . '!'GSC:,Woo;;\Otion llcijourned to 7 o ' cl<,c'· ti;i" "·/eni."1l:i ' " PRAY. ".'! . by fIever""" BOARD ~:IlilJ,!,w Nov«:IborJ , loSS ? : \.{. . • or rOTIO: or .,evel"f!ftCll,; , O. (11'0'.:-, R.solved Ulat. \:.he Beard nov " .. <.:<:..:1 t.o t.heel..,Ucnore;>ror"lOOro!Anc:1".,tLan(:ueg<o • . 1l.:."l..llFOll Jol'.n L. DwIkUn, 1. L, was , I.cleo:! and on mot ion of the Rev .. rend C. fI Blul , f!:IIBoU'd j.-roeHdt<i to the el.ect1Q1 or. pTohaaorottath-.tica, wh"re_ ".c··l. .. . O::lennlnnil. . J:.or';..,r"":1a ... -.leeLedandonlllOlionor~val"«\rlc . R 81ue , the R"".r.no:! lb. f .·P.:u-raon ..... eleet.ed ad,luJ1(:t-prot""or of J..a.n.,.,..:;u . eN en,:: th, n&l.a l".' lo! t!..verand;" . J . /la!rU.l , asent-forth,Colleg", wu increr. .... five hu..,"!"ed doll.,.". aa.i<i.,,<; t.he IW08 t...-r,t:;r five hund...-ed doll"':1 Ulel'rufIIltjO&r . L)I .( '!'In:, J . ,, : I.Md ..... elected" T",."U" t o fUl. t.he vac':.,cyof J . B. Tat' "800.''''<1. W1<l • • ~lenn .. ~" .. leete-," /I 'l'M1"t~" to till the v~canc:' of B . • • t""" ,resiol.cl.· J . B. Gl.nn, ~",ai\!ent . C . Ra:!.ford . ~U7 J3 BlJ ... 'IDJ:liWT"':; Nove!:lber I. , lC5S 9 : CC A. 1": . BO.IID ~":;T . , resent : J . B. Glenn, C. 'mHord, I. Hill, Rev . ::: . J . Haru.l, .0: . T. Glenn, O . . i . Chatfielc., Roverend F . C. FUrj;Urson. I!. J . ticott , ~ever<md C. R. Blus, F. ii , Dillard, Honorable J . F. Dowdell , A. Fra~e r. Reverend C. D. Oliver , Reverend J . 1 •• Jennir'8 '" nnd A. H. Lir.mrough • . 'RAY.:Jt by the Reverend i: . J . Ha.:nil . O!, ,'CTIl!! of the Honorab! .. J. r' , DQ",ffl8ll, Resolvea that the Sxecutiy" Cou:mit tee be instr-ucted to advbe with ~rofessor J . Darby ane. Doctor A ~ !:eansin r-eterenceto the purch:ls1n& of an aparatus for theCoUege and re;..o rl. to their Board at it ~ a eeting in July next . (N . CTI-' , Y. '.~ . :;l 11ard, the r ",..ort laid on tac 'table yesterday >ro!l tal,,,n 1,;.;:' an;! curine whieh c O;"Lsideraticn t"" Soard wijou.rnlKl to 2 : atJ r .t' . BC.1.:D -,T . " resent : Reverend J . B. Gllmll, C. Raiford, A. Frazer, Reverend l' . 'L Blue, n . .! . ':;cott, F. 'J . Dillard, Reverend F . G. Furgurson , Reverent! E. J . l'! (lIUil, A •. J •. Kinbrollgh , 1everend Docter Jennin{;s , ... . 1'. Glenn, and I . Hill. .-1:.rn by the Reverend r'. G. FurDlrson . p~v •. u; .... C' . R. BUI:", Vice },...,si ctent , in lOhe Chllir . en lotion of 1.everend J . B. Glenn, ."'''olved thalO the r egular business be suspended . c:: .enul of N. J . ';eott, Resolved t h!'tt the Reverend : . J . r.a:.il , Atent , be instructed t o =ke such arrantetlent s and tal:e such step" ,,$ 'ay be best for the collettin,:; the "eve~a1 =cunt s transferred to the .i".a."t Alaba:::a l.ale College by diffe rent ;>e1'300S frcrn L.J.Cranee Colle.:;e Alah&:a . C;. •• ·(Ut1\ , the Reverend(; . !I. . Slue, .:. . J . Ha:nila.'ldC . J . Oliver '1ere appointeda co:rr."J.tteetoFre",.. rcanaddressto thenert.ann~Confer­ence 1.1,,00 the Ct!f]era,1intel'est o! this Co11e[;e . Cli ,tTIeN, ThOL!aS ";"dyl<u elect"d by a ccla;.ation jlll1.itor of the .:ast Alabar..a ;:a!e ColloBe and that the secretary notify h1.M M of the same in >rriting . 0; .CTreN , llesolved that the Sxecutive Ccm:t1t tee be aut hori2'~ to purchase the COr.lel' lot n~){ occupi ed BS the P . O. and the -lUillin lot bot h adjcinin{; t hoColle-e lot . (.;. : C';:I~II , the l'8rular business was taken up , viz , the re;.' rt of Rever_ end"; . Lt . Cliver ~nd it lias r esolved th;;.t 'leverend :: . J . :!a.cl.l , J . B. C~let re" anJ ,m . L, Davis be and they "re hereby appointed a co'!O!ttee to endeavor to pr ocure the subscription of l:essrs . I . " . . r.ite , I . .I . . ~ . lJraJ.:."e , J . Darby, and .:; . ,·erry . ':" _ ...".' CS,.; , _1:.1V.-4), thAt. t.n. .....e nt be inlVucte:l _te _,..,~"ce ill subscript1m: ~ow",,""'ttled tOTl_tu and rwp",:t- to ~c:.."tl.v.":OIJnl.ttee&ll~""'---t!.el ret\l,,1."16 t.c- •• .tt.1oI b:I not" vt ... ar. hereby.requ ... trd. to. I"lrsueJ.T.n"""""ry a le~~1 CIlUI"I' in the c.ol.ect13l as 1"'11 as ...a oth ... ~s due ,this ilc:oe . c C:l , c"..oLVN t. at the 1"C>,,.t o~ ..... hUJU!ra_ OL~la!'" be -1, to t..!".e werend S. A-r.:stron& as hi. cClsbs1cn.cn .tI!. su;"'cri:"tiono! . T. llobinsor . !C'.'l'2..:i:JJ . T. J1ck.rtaon_on..,t.i",<tlr.;tedaTr-~'teet.c!:U1th. ".canel' or , P.u .. ~'!...':rll_ . II., b~1nc .rn .... t., acce,..ted. . J.B. CJ.i.r1n , :r ... d.'ent, C. :.itol"<!., ';&CNr-t-r:.·Auburn University Board of Trustees18581850sAuburn University LibrariesEducation -- Higher Education; History -- 1838-1874: Sectionalism, the Civil War, and ReconstructiontextpdfBOT_1858.pdfAuburn University Libraries. Special Collections and Archiveseng1858This image is the property of the Auburn University Libraries and is intended for non-commercial use. Users of the image are asked to acknowledge the Auburn University Libraries. For information about obtaining high-resolution copies of this and other images in this collection, please contact the Auburn University Libraries Special Collections & Archives Department at archives@auburn.edu or (334) 844-1732.http://cdm17353.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/bot/id/7318