1858 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the East Alabama Male College

Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1858BOA.:>.:J ;'1i;u'i':::3 1pril 1 . 1658 iIoard or 'steea or t.he ..;.alit Ala~pa l.ale CoUege ;l:.et pursuant to adjoum-mer. t . . ,,"nllt: John B. Clenn . C. Raiford , 10. . Frazer, J . B. Cgletree, John Ja.:-by, :1:1...

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Main Author: Auburn University Board of Trustees
Format: Electronic
Published: Auburn University Libraries
Online Access:http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7318
Summary:Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1858BOA.:>.:J ;'1i;u'i':::3 1pril 1 . 1658 iIoard or 'steea or t.he ..;.alit Ala~pa l.ale CoUege ;l:.et pursuant to adjoum-mer. t . . ,,"nllt: John B. Clenn . C. Raiford , 10. . Frazer, J . B. Cgletree, John Ja.:-by, :1:1 . 1 . Oavis, J . O. l:c:DoweU . J . ..... ' . ~"!"ake, "' . T. HallidaJ", ~'nI . T. SLat en , l1li . 8 . "eal, .. 1.;.eon lel'l7, C. D. Cli.,,,"!", O. ? . 51\1e, and J . 1. Cur17 . lJ,m:teso!lAlltC\etlng_:-.rea!lam!c:onr1.~ . Callforre;;orts \r;t!le . Nlsic!ent . The iJe<:ret~ r:' ~ a !etta:- fI'OOl Doctor ;t . :. . ...mith dl!c:linin8 tI:e Presidenc:,. of the ...aat Alab= 1 ale ;ol1e;:;o ; al.St one !I'CllI. J . 11. . Fluellen te!ldin���� hi~ r ellienation .a , /'1e.:lb<!lr or the Board o! Trusteea, .. 'hic:h >flU llcce~ted . \~~~~i~:r~ ~~ :!~~~~ ~:~~:~ ~~~~te'-~&~;'n~~ :~:!r:;'J:n~ ! ~~:~ ,~~ r~:ro~ , .. 1Il. ? ,ilt.ton' ,F . . ~Ulard . J . B. C, ).etrel! , 'nd On :~oti cn of ' . D. Ileal, '.e301ved tilat R..., . C. D. Cli-;e:- be and he ia hl!re­b" i a .. ~ointed Ch&irL.a.ll of the Corren.onJ.1ng (;c.Clmittel! :!..'l the "b,ce or the !leverendDoctol'Jenn:!.."Ic s r e:r.ovl!d . ,. On Lotion l.ev . C. R. 81ue ""'s ",lected Vice foresieent and &1ao "me:~ber of the Correspond1n{: Comr.dttee in U •• ?l ~ c e or:;; . '1. . Fluellom. reaiOled . On l.otion ot r roteasor John ilarby, Resolved , th.:l.t this Bo&!'d take such r.eesuresuarenecea18rytohav e the'::':ercisesinthe ::::utAle.bamal':e.le College to c=.ence on the first ':ed.'1es,'ay in Cctober next . On totion or 1 . Fr-a~l! r, Jod I'.,.::nlln cf Barbour County, U,Ilb3n:a , 'Wa! el ~ted " I:;et:'ber ot t.he Boll"<l ot Tr\:.steell in t.'le l i!ce of ~ . R. i'luellen re8iO!ltd . In JII11 next , Jo!';n B. Glam, ?t-e8!.dent C , 1a1fcrd , $ec retal'l" JulylJ. , !.CSC .NI"ent : J . B. Glenn , . F • .;aton, G • .I. 1 . , r!.ce , I .. J . ;:;eott, C. O. 'l!.v~ r, u . Ar::.atr...lI';:, J . C. l.c~""'ll , ;. . :'nzer , G. , C::at!lel1, ... ';lo:t;<m , ; . ' ~~'~ar.i . 't . ~v!." <1 . ~ . t,l.tr<l~l 3 , ,.rr;:', ~ . i,lJ:".bro"~il , 1. '.!.il, and !n:.:us o!' b.,t _~tln, rea.;, 1>lI:': .';>roVN . c." ~t:'C"l , _!!". " U)~,..... ·I.~~'-".,~ t-.t t~ 'e'\"~-en1::: , ,I . ' ... -.!1 a:ent be re:;.;estld wit.hC';t. ';d~;r t'3 lat.lMI:'ore t!1' ~ c_tive ;Ut1itt.,. t!':. /l-_ .... mt cr the origillll on:bl;cri"tlon ..- .d the ,."cru auront. raised. b, ' hil:lu~ to date . tn :otlon, eIIolv.-d. ths.t I: ,ill1., 1" ," _.l. l l'ice , ,mC',; , • ~h~tnUd be ~~!~~ . a", .~po1nt'.d. cac;dtt" to .d~ .. dic te t!,e ~ .. bscr! :ti"il or , T, ~'!:e 'oXllCUtiVI Co .... .dtt. .. iliad. a verba!. No~ol't , r ead a..,d adopted . I cn :-,ot1c-n , the !'!ellolutlon paue<i It a ~ .... vio",' .... t1.-.g e,ulr1nl; the .,;;"".cl. ... or the ColloO' to c<:wence on th~ l~t ot Octobe, ne.. t .,,::\ th:' .ime i s he'eby )"lecJ.r.dod . Cnl.oUonotG. rI . Chs.U'1elcl, R .. olved.thetwt.en thlsBoord 'd.1Ol1rn , it .:!.jcum untll the ,int ~e<!nee~~y 111 ];oveWler next anc:. .1. '.Meh til:le the e1ectionotatac'-Ilt.;.'w1l1 hkllacla1BOl"IIsolvedths.ttheueretarybe ro':U ~sted to furnish 'M~ ,ed>.,. ot th Soard with a co,y o!' tho ",solutions . J . B. Ol"".n, Fre.Went ,"' . ~· , 3latc~ BOJ,.!!.Dj.Th,\!~ July 15, 1858 Board met. . Pro8sent : J . B. Glenn , C. 1t&1ford, I. . Frazer, J . B. Cglet~ , S . Perry, I .. J • .:>colt, I. ',I'illi", I'm . T . ..... vis, C. ~' . ~ . ?r!.ce, J . O. ~:C!)OWell , S. Ar;;:lItronc. *ZlQ C . II . ( live!". ::Ta,.V'IIr by !l:evererld C . D. Olive r . On Lot.lon, I. Willis,' Chain:an or COIlIlIlttee &I'po!nted ye~t llrda,;r :'" or-t.ed verbal1Jr in ravor ot &iving Ca::mi'$$iOllS on the 5ubs<::rlption or , •• T. Robinaon . " O!1 !.ot.ion, !teve~d.C . D. Olh'ar, Chai""-8l1ctthe Co::!t1.tt"eotCorrea;.ondence , ~e an lntonnal report and &s1:ed !'urther tL.-.e which was e~t~ . On ~.otion ot C. D. OlinT, Resolved t hat a CDI:I:l.ittee of three be appointed br the Pr uident to cooperate with the ReveN!nd i: , J . Ha:n11 to exaclne ",jeh papers , books , and aube.eri"tiona all ~ afford this Bo&rd entire 511t.tis­taction u;J01'l the finAncee and the whole a;nQ1.l."lt subscr ibed to d ate an(\. repcrt at. next regular meet.i.'1g 1:1. writing . Coaclttee appoint ed: C. O. Ol1ver, :;; . Perr;y , andC . Ra1!ord . On ~:otlon ot N. J . deott, Resolved that the secretar-y" be r o<{Uested t.o procure or have procured a bool: and have the c1nute. transcr ibed f r<X:t the beginning . t t.he expense of th .. Board . On i.ot.1on the otncers of the last :rear was .. lected. f or the ensuing year, viz : John B. Olann , President O. !L Blue , Vice r r esi dent A. Frazer, Treasurer C. R.t,il'ord , Secretary l-'J . C. EcDowell and ~ . F. ~l.s.ton of t he ;';";ecut1ve Co=ittee tendered their res~tions , received ar.d S. I-eM7 and .I . ~ . :>avis a;>;:ainted • . tdjourned.to f::'rstife<!neal1ay1nl'overr.be r r.ert . J . B. Clenn, President C. Raiford, Secret..o r:,· 1O At a r..eetir.g ot the iloard on the 14th of .: .. 1,;-, It-58, the !'ollmr'~'ll ,.esc­bt.. 1onpassc1 .... ,donitt«d to be resolv!I(\ in tl'. .. roper -1:\ee . P.:J:LVz,that thQresolution he,..,tofor"?8-"""dc;"thi sllo·.-d f1.::ingtha s~ry of~r""'i..J!'lt_&ndr·;).c.ultyb .. re:;C.in<i.edand.th ... tth', toll""'in.& beand i~ herel>y ;1d3pted in, plNl the"""r . 'nIe President '~.all be allowed twenty-five :'1~ndr"" doilars and e:,.ch" """fessor ~lill be allow<>d seventeen hIiJl1r<! <!.. an<1 !it,tl' ,dollars ann"-llly • • 'cbn B. Glcnn" .rnident '.;.F . ... la.~:;."c~t'u. ... {-. r c'!'en 31 s,",\:: !J:t':'';~ l.o'\'$llberJ . L5C Bol!.ro of 'r'ruSt~8 or·.!!t· l~b~r~ L~l .. ';oll";:,, n:t pur:>ulIl't t~ ~·:~:';"ryrr'''Ut . :ro!enl:. , .' . B. "lenn , C. P.1.!.:o'l"'<I, A. ?l"(l.~.er • . I:1 . '1' . u'!.Vili . J . B. CllletNlIII , 1. Hill , . . .., . ~' . t;l,atOtl , J .!. Na;!.l , . :t"v . C . O. Cliver, ~~V . . • ' . ~,amil , . '1f!v_ J_ I. . Jenn1l"l:;9 , R'"V , . , .to. . !:cC~rty • . j . !.rTY~ A.. ~,. l~bl"('~I;;h~ 1. h . C!::"ltc:: , ",8v . C . . . Cbtf1el:! , .an.lJ . EWter . . I ... "t'--.i 0: l-~..t. ~ et'J"~ rei!. :;' 11m: a!I:<Il:n.1I(/ ,::;. as to ~ !I$ fo1100(3, "'!'he nl.ary of the tre!ll dent. ~hll!.l be twe;tty_five hlilldr"'N dollar8, ~ iI.CN"'sec to thN'1!I thou:land 1!' the tuiU,," fees ~"8tlr~' the 113;n8, also that. the sabry of "lIoh . pf'Cf1l1l80r sh&ll be Dllve~teen hWldred aml fUtJ' Jpllarll . and ,l.ne~lJlld t o t l,"O th01l.5nm! dollars tuit ion ' 0 jUstif;), ." : OIl 'jlti CALl.. fOT rtl ptlrt. of cOllDithn Lhe Rev . C. D" ��. ll,1.ver Ch&~ruU. of: the con::1tt.ee &j>~o!.nt.d Ilt th. l.:!.st CO;l"t11l<; r e,.<' rted, and on Xlti~n of ~~V . C. :! . Oliver s&.1o;; re _o:-t 'I<'Ilslsi:: 0.'1 the hbl,.e . . TIL :::r:"~":",1Y re,:lOrtad tho vacanciec in th" Soard of Tru8te~ tr,r the !"tIsit;nat.bn or i: . 4.:s" an;! 3 . ,tone &nd. tTl t.':edeath of J . B. Tat e . The 'NI:5i,:natioosaceepted . eN :lnui t.o fill vac,,"oieu , pcst.ty ned b)' IIIOtion of Rev . ~ . Ii. HamJ.·. SOXU.l AJJC\;;'J . ...;;J t.o 2 0 ' 0100% r .! . BO~:U """'1' . PN"'flt: .!ohn B. :::a"lVl .... . 'sire n! , ~ . . CI-.atr1elo , ::. . :"'I"Y, nsv . J . I •• Jennings . J . . . Carlte,,n , 1.\· • . J . ~&"l.!.l , I .. J . cott.. J . W. :1111$, ~ev . ? G. ?\;.rc;uson. J . B. (,shtree , Eo" . C. I), Cllve:-. r.~ '} . o . !? . :nile , 10. . h . :.i<.Jb1'O"Ih, 1. :!ill, John :-. l;ill , and Jaces F. ilo':tdell , h::i . P. ~bton , I. . h·a?er, :iev . ~ill1 . A. i.eCa:-t7. sr..! .. . T. !'.a1l1day . - Ira;rcr by t.he 1. .. v . l . !l. Blue . ell TIC. of Rev . C. J . C'~ tf1 ~ld it. WIU re901vee 1.h3.t II I. thh t1e~t1ni of the iioard of T:-ust.eea no mec.ber shall 1I,..eal.. l on::;e1' 1.!l~ t.en I:I!n·Jtes On any .. u~st1wn n,, :- beellOWf!dt.0 lI~k~ 1'e than once but b;r ccnsent of a maJo:"it,. of tn" a;c:b":-lI ;"Nsent . CI: r?IO· of the Rev . ~ . J . laill , !t"eohed tl1At this bod.,," f'1'Ocee-.! forth_ wit.h to the el ... ct.icn ot a ::r~s il.ent l\1l el professol" "r the _.,.st Alaba.-.a J.i!l.leCo::llet:e • T!!"; BCA!W ~tLV::" 1tself into a cotnit.tee or tt. ... uhole. nle I-:on . J!IOIOes !' . Do-;dell in the chair . and "n t he rhine oj" the co.=ittee the chainr.an r epcM.ed for ,resL!..,t the Rev . !Jr .• J . S.:lsnet of LaG!'M~ a . ~eorc1s • .:lmIUle1.ev · (; . ·· . ·Ch.t !1.el dnOl'l!..'la.t.ed!!.ev . J r . . ~1.hf!tSCuthC'>rolina . t..nru;:on a ba!.lot ba!.ng t'~ , t!!e '!:e\' . :"1' • • J . _snort. :~" "lo<:t"" : ..... s1- d8!'lt~n;:!so:lt!ecla~b:·.ce l .. _~t1cn . '!'GSC:,Woo;;\Otion llcijourned to 7 o ' cl<,c'· ti;i" "·/eni."1l:i ' " PRAY. ".'! . by fIever""" BOARD ~:IlilJ,!,w Nov«:IborJ , loSS ? : \.{. . • or rOTIO: or .,evel"f!ftCll,; , O. (11'0'.:-, R.solved Ulat. \:.he Beard nov " .. <.:<:..:1 t.o t.heel..,Ucnore;>ror"lOOro!Anc:1".,tLan(:ueg<o • . 1l.:."l..llFOll Jol'.n L. DwIkUn, 1. L, was , I.cleo:! and on mot ion of the Rev .. rend C. fI Blul , f!:IIBoU'd j.-roeHdt<i to the el.ect1Q1 or. pTohaaorottath-.tica, wh"re_ ".c··l. .. . O::lennlnnil. . J:.or';..,r"":1a ... -.leeLedandonlllOlionor~val"«\rlc . R 81ue , the R"".r.no:! lb. f .·P.:u-raon ..... eleet.ed ad,luJ1(:t-prot""or of J..a.n.,.,..:;u . eN en,:: th, n&l.a l".' lo! t!..verand;" . J . /la!rU.l , asent-forth,Colleg", wu increr. .... five hu..,"!"ed doll.,.". aa.i<i.,,<; t.he IW08 t...-r,t:;r five hund...-ed doll"':1 Ulel'rufIIltjO&r . L)I .( '!'In:, J . ,, : I.Md ..... elected" T",."U" t o fUl. t.he vac':.,cyof J . B. Tat' "800.''''<1. W1<l • • ~lenn .. ~" .. leete-," /I 'l'M1"t~" to till the v~canc:' of B . • • t""" ,resiol.cl.· J . B. Gl.nn, ~",ai\!ent . C . Ra:!.ford . ~U7 J3 BlJ ... 'IDJ:liWT"':; Nove!:lber I. , lC5S 9 : CC A. 1": . BO.IID ~":;T . , resent : J . B. Glenn, C. 'mHord, I. Hill, Rev . ::: . J . Haru.l, .0: . T. Glenn, O . . i . Chatfielc., Roverend F . C. FUrj;Urson. I!. J . ticott , ~ever<md C. R. Blus, F. ii , Dillard, Honorable J . F. Dowdell , A. Fra~e r. Reverend C. D. Oliver , Reverend J . 1 •• Jennir'8 '" nnd A. H. Lir.mrough • . 'RAY.:Jt by the Reverend i: . J . Ha.:nil . O!, ,'CTIl!! of the Honorab! .. J. r' , DQ",ffl8ll, Resolvea that the Sxecutiy" Cou:mit tee be instr-ucted to advbe with ~rofessor J . Darby ane. Doctor A ~ !:eansin r-eterenceto the purch:ls1n& of an aparatus for theCoUege and re;..o rl. to their Board at it ~ a eeting in July next . (N . CTI-' , Y. '.~ . :;l 11ard, the r ",..ort laid on tac 'table yesterday >ro!l tal,,,n 1,;.;:' an;! curine whieh c O;"Lsideraticn t"" Soard wijou.rnlKl to 2 : atJ r .t' . BC.1.:D -,T . " resent : Reverend J . B. Gllmll, C. Raiford, A. Frazer, Reverend l' . 'L Blue, n . .! . ':;cott, F. 'J . Dillard, Reverend F . G. Furgurson , Reverent! E. J . l'! (lIUil, A •. J •. Kinbrollgh , 1everend Docter Jennin{;s , ... . 1'. Glenn, and I . Hill. .-1:.rn by the Reverend r'. G. FurDlrson . p~v •. u; .... C' . R. BUI:", Vice },...,si ctent , in lOhe Chllir . en lotion of 1.everend J . B. Glenn, ."'''olved thalO the r egular business be suspended . c:: .enul of N. J . ';eott, Resolved t h!'tt the Reverend : . J . r.a:.il , Atent , be instructed t o =ke such arrantetlent s and tal:e such step" ,,$ 'ay be best for the collettin,:; the "eve~a1 =cunt s transferred to the .i".a."t Alaba:::a l.ale College by diffe rent ;>e1'300S frcrn L.J.Cranee Colle.:;e Alah&:a . C;. •• ·(Ut1\ , the Reverend(; . !I. . Slue, .:. . J . Ha:nila.'ldC . J . Oliver '1ere appointeda co:rr."J.tteetoFre",.. rcanaddressto thenert.ann~Confer­ence 1.1,,00 the Ct!f]era,1intel'est o! this Co11e[;e . Cli ,tTIeN, ThOL!aS ";"dyl<u elect"d by a ccla;.ation jlll1.itor of the .:ast Alabar..a ;:a!e ColloBe and that the secretary notify h1.M M of the same in >rriting . 0; .CTreN , llesolved that the Sxecutive Ccm:t1t tee be aut hori2'~ to purchase the COr.lel' lot n~){ occupi ed BS the P . O. and the -lUillin lot bot h adjcinin{; t hoColle-e lot . (.;. : C';:I~II , the l'8rular business was taken up , viz , the re;.' rt of Rever_ end"; . Lt . Cliver ~nd it lias r esolved th;;.t 'leverend :: . J . :!a.cl.l , J . B. C~let re" anJ ,m . L, Davis be and they "re hereby appointed a co'!O!ttee to endeavor to pr ocure the subscription of l:essrs . I . " . . r.ite , I . .I . . ~ . lJraJ.:."e , J . Darby, and .:; . ,·erry . ':" _ ...".' CS,.; , _1:.1V.-4), thAt. t.n. .....e nt be inlVucte:l _te _,..,~"ce ill subscript1m: ~ow",,""'ttled tOTl_tu and rwp",:t- to ~c:.."tl.v.":OIJnl.ttee&ll~""'---t!.el ret\l,,1."16 t.c- •• .tt.1oI b:I not" vt ... ar. hereby.requ ... trd. to. I"lrsueJ.T.n"""""ry a le~~1 CIlUI"I' in the c.ol.ect13l as 1"'11 as ...a oth ... ~s due ,this ilc:oe . c C:l , c"..oLVN t. at the 1"C>,,.t o~ ..... hUJU!ra_ OL~la!'" be -1, to t..!".e werend S. A-r.:stron& as hi. cClsbs1cn.cn .tI!. su;"'cri:"tiono! . T. llobinsor . !C'.'l'2..:i:JJ . T. J1ck.rtaon_on..,t.i",<tlr.;tedaTr-~'teet.c!:U1th. ".canel' or , P.u .. ~'!...':rll_ . II., b~1nc .rn .... t., acce,..ted. . J.B. CJ.i.r1n , :r ... d.'ent, C. :.itol"<!., ';&CNr-t-r:.·