Summary: | The 1967-1968 scrapbook has approximately 148 photographs and fifty of those have captions either identifying the person(s) or the event. There are also one newspaper clipping. The Army ROTC events and groups documented in this scrapbook include fall registration at Foster Auditorium; Homecoming; field training; clipping from The Tuscaloosa News on cadets conducting field training to prepare for summer camp; counterguerrilla cadets viewing high-tech equipment demonstrations at Redstone Arsenal; President’s Day; and commissioning ceremony. Cadre: COL John T. O’Keefe. Significant persons: University of Alabama President Frank Anthony Rose. Sponsors: Hitsy Parnell, Susan Myerscough, Marilyn Liveakos, Jon Hardy, Lynn Epsman, Becki Neugent, Gwenn Arnold, Judy Boswell, and Rosemary Simpson.The digitization of this collection was funded by a gift from EBSCO Industries.