Summary: | Color print of Arlington Park on Mobile Bay in Mobile, AL. Moonlight shining across the bay in the midst of heavy clouds. Boats floating in the bay and docked at the harbor. Postmarked January 15, 1944. Divided back postcard.Printed on front: 'Moonlight on Mobile Bay, Arlington Park, Mobile, Ala., 4A-H55.' Printed on back: Carter's News Agency, Mobile, Ala., Genuine Curteich-Chicago "C. T. Colortone" Post Card (Reg. U. S. Pat. Off.)'Written on back: 'Hi Maxine I will write you a letter when I have more time. I have got to go to bed now. Hope you all O. K. It has been rain here. Pal, Sam. Miss Maxine Turner Russellville, Tenn. Box 134.'