Summary: | Color print view of the Quadrangle, on the campus of Spring Hill College, located in Mobile, AL. Courtyard area covered with shrubs, flowers and trees. Multiple buildings surround the partially secluded area. Postmarked May 13, 1951. Divided back postcard.Printed on front: 'The Quadrangle, Spring Hill College, Mobile, Ala. -26.' Printed on back: 'Spring Hill College was founded in 1830. This college is under the supervision of the Jesuits of the Catholic Church. It is located in Spring Hill, 300 feet above the sea level. Its reputation as a center of education and cultures reaches into every quarter of the globe. Published by Carter News Agency, Mobile, Ala. - A "Natural Color Card" by E. C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee, Wis. -BIL 9194N.'Written on back: 'Dear Carl, Nicky & Kids, Just a card I picked up in Mobile, Ala. Decided to go out & enjoy myself for an evening. Pretty dead there. Weather is pretty hot, these days. How's everyone in the old Home Town? Hope to see you in the new near future????? Love Clyde, Mr. & Mrs. Carl Miller 714th Eighth St. Hastings Minn.