Summary: | Black and white photographic view of the city hall in Birmingham, AL. Shows the main entrance, with awnings. This building sustained heavy damage in a fire in 1925. Postmarked Jan. 16, 1909. Undivided back postcard.Printed on front: 'City Hall, Birmingham, Ala.' ; Printed on back: 'No. 1055G. Pub. by Owens Bros., Hillson Co., Boston, Berlin and Leipzig. Made in Germany.'Written on front: 'Mrs. Sipe, Have you forgotten our little ride? I think of you so often, drop me a card someday when you can. will be glad to hear from you again. Your Friend, Mrs. Davis, 4220 - 3 Ave, Bham, South.' ; Written on back: 'Mrs. D. Jennings Sipe, New Ferry, Halifax Co. Virginia'