Summary: | Color photographic view of the adjacent Mobile City Hospital and the United States Marine Hospital in Mobile, AL. Shows the beautiful white columns, landscaping and pedestrians. Postmarked May 30, 1913. Divided back postcard.Printed on front: 'City & Marine Hospitals, Mobile, Ala.', '215365' ; Printed on back: 'The Leighton & Valentine Co., N.Y. City. Printed in United States' 'Famous throughout the world, Quality".Written on back: 'This is one of the finest old buildings down here and you should have had in for the [?]. Vernon Court Square. Was sorry to hear from [?] yesterday that the firm lost out on the job. Will get a letter off as soon as I get straightened out. With the best. Allen [?]', 'Howard J. Church Esq., 133 W 121 St., New York City, N.Y.'