Summary: | Color print view of the Mobile Infirmary located in Mobile, AL. Large white two-story building with flat roof. Covered portico at front entrance. Yellow exterior windows over windows. Circular driveway lined with flowers. Postmarked August 29, 1941. Divided back postcard.Printed on front: 'Mobile Infirmary, Mobile, Ala., Photo By Overbey Studio, 7A-H2622.' Printed on back: 'The Mobile Infirmary, located on Springhill Ave., was built in 1910. It is a non-sectarian institution, and is managed by a board composed of members of the various churches of the city. Carter's News Agency, Mobile, Ala. Genuine Curteich-Chicago "C. T. Art-Colortone" Post Card (Reg. U. S. Pat. Off.)'Written on back: 'If we are near a town Sunday will call anytine I have a chance to get to a phone. So if you intend going anywhere leave someone home. Will write letter later. Love Bob - Miss Ruby Cates 625 N. Main St. Henderson, Ky.'