Summary: | Color print views of places of interest in Alabama. From the mountains to the beaches. From beautiful gardens at Bellingrath Gardens to the Spacecenter at Huntsville. From the Vulcan to the DeSoto Falls. Middle insert is the words to the state song. Divided back postcard.Printed on front: ' "Alabama" Alabama, Alabama, We will aye be true to thee, From thy southern shore, where growth By the sea thine orange tree, To thy northern vale where floweth, Deep and blue, the Tennessee. Alabama, Alabama, We will aye be true to thee! From thy prairies, broad and fertile, Where thy snow-white cotton shines; To the hills where coal and iron, Hide in thy exhaustless mines; Honest farmers, strong-armed workmen, Merchants, or what'er we be. Alabama, Alabama, We will aye be true to thee! From State Song by Miss Julia S. Tutwiler.' Printed on back: 'Greetings from Alabama, in the Heart of Dixie. The views shown on this card are: Cheaha State Park, Bellingrath Gardens, a Jupiter missile, Guntersville Lake, DeSoto Falls and Vulcan, The Iron Man. 41318, Alabama Post Card Co., Bessemer, Ala. 35020'