Summary: | Original manuscript for soprano, alto, tenor, and bass without accompaniment. The musical notes are in black felt pen and the words are typed. The words are from "Ecclesiasticus or Wisdom of Ben Sira or The Wisdom of Sirach". Notation at the bottom of score title page says, "Copyright © 2000 by Carl Vollrath".From Ecclesiasticus IVocal7 pages; 8 1/2 x 11All wisdom is from the Lord; wisdom is with him forever.
Who can count the sand of the sea, the drops of rain, or the days of unending times?
Height of the sky, the breath of the earth, or the depth of the abyss?
Wisdom was first of all created things; intelligent purpose has been there from the beginning.
Who has laid bare the root of wisdom?
Who has understood her subtlety?
One alone is wise, the Lord most terrible seated upon his throne.
It is he who created her, surveyed and measured her, and infused her into all his works.
To all mankind he has given her some measure, but in plenty to those who love him.