Summary: | Colorized print view of the Watts Mansion located in Montgomery, AL. Large multiple story home lined with windows. Stone fence around property. Landscape thick with trees and bushes. Divided back postcard. Printed on front: 'Watts Mansion (1850), Montgomery, Alabama' Printed on back: 'Watts Mansion (1850), Montgomery, Ala. "Cradle of The Confederacy" Thomas Hill Watts (January 3, 1819 - September 16, 1892) Colonel and Organizer 17th Alabama Regiment Infantry C. S. A.; Attorney General Confederate States of America, April 9, 1862 - October 1, 1863; War Governor of Alabama, December 1, 1863 - April 12, 1865; Member Alabama Constitutional Convention 1861; Chairman Judiciary Committee of Convention. Marked by Cradle of Confederacy Chapter, U. D. C., Demember 14, 1939.'