Summary: | Color print view of Marshall County High School, Guntersville, Al. School buildings consist of two separate buildings, red and white in color. Bleachers and soccer field located across paved drive. Long paved drive leading to school. Surrounded by mature trees and hills. A lake can be seen in the distance behind the school. Divided back postcard.Printed on front: 'Marshall County High School Guntersville, Ala. Photo By Kroelinger.' Printed on back: 'Aerial view of Marshall County High School showing Athletic Field, Gymnasium, beautiful hills in background and Guntersville Lake in the distance. T. W. Throckmorton, Guntersville, Ala., Genuine Curteich-Chicago "C. T. American Art" Post Card (Reg. U. S. Pat. Off.)Written on back: 'Hi we didn't start until 7:15 and we got as far as Ala. by 6:00. I wish you were here. I'll send you our address as soon as we get There. by by for now Love, Joyce, Bob Runyon R.R. 5 Box 12 Indianapolis, Indiana.'