Summary: | Color print of Fearnway in Mobile, AL. Street lined with houses. Large grassy area, in front of houses, with different kinds of flowers and trees. Blue sunset sky in background. Divided back postcard.Printed on front: 'Fearnway, Mobile, Ala. - 73 Copr. By Overby's Studio.' Printed on back: 'Fearnway, a residence park in the western part of the city. The home owers there combine their funds and efforts to keep the landscape beautiful. At all seasons of the year it is beautiful with blooming azaleas, crepe-myrtle, palms, cannas and many other shrubs and flowers. A stream, the head waters of Three Mile Creek, winds its way throught the property. Made in U. S. A. By E. C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee, Wis. 28678, E C K Co.'