Summary: | Color print of the Williams Motel in Dothan, AL. Long pink building with flat roof. Numerous doors open to outside. One blue automobile in paved parking area. "Williams Motel" sign next to highway. Landscaped with shrubs and flowers in front and trees in the back. Blue sky background. Divided back postcard.Printed on front: 'Williams Motel - Dothan, Alabama - "Peanut Center of the World'' ; Printed on back: 'Williams Motel - Located 1 mile north of Dothan, Ala. on U. S. Hwy 231. Completely air-conditioned. Panel-Ray heat. Conveniently located near restaurant and theater. Phone 4-4040. P.O. Box 273.', 'Pub. by Harley J. Scott Co., Kansas City 8, Missouri.', '16,029F'