Summary: | Color print of the registration office or check-in desk at the Tutwiler Hotel in Birmingham, AL. Registration desk is wood and green marble with cubby holes behind to keep mail for guests. There is a display area beside the desk. Eloquently designed lobby is two stories tall with white marble arched openings to second floor. Gold railing along second floor balcony. Large chandelier hanging from center of lobby. White marble floors with accent rugs. Chairs, tables, and greenery placed around lobby area. Divided back postcard.Printed on front: 'Registration Office, Tutwiler Hotel, Birmingham, Ala.' ; Printed on back: 'The Tutwiler, Birmingham's largest and finest, 450 Rooms--450 Baths, One of the Dinkler Hotels, Dispensers of True Southern Hospitality', 'Made in U. S. A., By E. C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee, Wis.', '5709.'