Summary: | Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands reviewed labor contract between landowners and Montgomery County, Alabama freedmen. This record has been transcribed as follows: Freedmen Labor Contract
This certifies that J W Gibson have hired Robert Mitchel as foreman and John Christain and daughter Elizabeth; John Dowdle; Harry [???] Gilmer Barry David and [???] and Sareesa[?] Robt[Robert] Mitchel & wife *& Jim Colman John Colman* to become laborers on my plantation until the 23rd Dec next for which I promise to deliver to the said laborers one half of the corn, fodder and cotton made on said plantation by these finding themselves provision, [?] one half of all other expenses appertaining to the plantation and beyond by the following Rules & Regulations
This 23rd Feby 1868 W J Gibson
Rules & Regulations for this hire and contract[?] of labor and the laborer will be required to rise at daybreak and feed and gear all the stock or perform any other [???] duties required of them by the employer, agent or foreman
2nd they will be required to have their breakfast and be ready for work of an early hour in the morning then to go to work and do good and faithful work until 12 o clock when they will be allowed three quarters of an hour in the winter and one hour in the summer for dinner, then go to work faithfully untile[sic] sundown, then feed stock or do any other business required of them by the employer, agent or foreman
3rd All lost time will be deducted from the wages of the laborer
4th Bad or unfaithful labor shall be paid for according to value the careless breaking or loss of tools, loss of gear. Willful destruction of property or abuse of stock will be charged for and deducted out of the wages of the laborer.
5th the laborers bind themselves to be obedient and respectful to their employer or any member of the family or agent, to obey chasfully[?] and willingly all orders of either employer or agent or any person appointed by them and do good and faithful work at all times
6th there will be no swearing or vulgar conduct or language allowed in the presents[sic] of the employer, agent or family and for such offence they shall be charged one dollar and if repeated[?] they may *be* discharged or fined at the discretion of the employer
7th It shall be the duty of the laborer to attend to all the stock of the employer particularly on Sunday[???]
8th All disputes to *be* settled or adjusted by the employer
9th All disputes or disagreements between laborer and employer to be adjusted by a justice of the peace
10th The employer agrees to furnish such rations as the laborers may need or require, by the laborer paying for the same out of the procedes[sic] of the proportion of the crop
11th In case the laborers should leave before the expiration of his term of service expires he, she, or they will forfeit all claim for unpaid wages at the discretion of the employer
In witness where[?] of we the undersigned have affixed our names or made our mark this 23rd of Feby 1868
Robert Mitchell
John Christian
Harry Gilmer
John Colman
Jim Colman
Narcisa[?] Gilmer
Lizzy w John Daughter
* marks text added later *