Summary: | This is a collection of advertisements for public slave sales that took place in front of the Lauderdale County Courthouse in downtown Florence. (1) Negroes to Hire At Public Auction. This is an advertisement for a public auction to hire out the following slaves: Rose, Bob, Pink, Dick, Josephine, Alexander, and Isbell. The slaves were owned by William Koger, who passed away in 1858, and were being hired out by his son Jesse Westmoreland Koger.(2) Trustee's Sale of Nine Valuable Negroes!! This is an advertisement for the sale of nine slaves: Sylvester, 40; Abram 40; Nancy, 35; Matilda, 33; Lizzy, 10; Little Ann, 9; Ed, 8; Amanda, 6; Cynthia, 4. They were offered for sale in front of the Lauderdale County Courthouse door by Allen W. Howell, who was executing the will of Neander H. Rice. (3) This is an ad for the sale of a slave named Phil, made by the sheriff of Lauderdale County and held in front of the courthouse(4) This is an ad seeking the services of a domestic slave(5) Administrator's sale. This is an ad for a public sale of "personal property" that had belonged to Hugh Simpson, deceased. In front of the Lauderdale County Courthouse door a slave named Anthony, about 30, a boot and shoemaker by trade, was sold to the highest bidder, along with one iron safe and a bay horse.