Summary: | A series of Friday, November 7, 1890, Saturday, November 8, 1890 Florence Times and Florence Herald articles reporting on African-American voters of Florence-Lauderdale in the November, 1890 election which saw Democrat Joe Wheeler defeat Republican Richard Austin for a seat in the US House of Representatives. The local papers noted that African-Americans in Florence-Lauderdale helped elect Gen. Wheeler.1. Dick Austin arrived in Florence Friday.
The Florence Herald of Saturday, November 1 notes that Republican congressional candidate Richard "Dick" Austin arrived in Florence on Friday, October 31, to make a campaign speech, and was attended by Florence Republicans, including Maj. Albert G. Negley and Nathan Parkins as well as several African-American members of the Republican Party.2. The Local Election.
The Florence Times notes that in Cave Springs and Gravelly Springs (in rural west Lauderdale County) several African-Americans voted the Democratic ticket, with no black Republican votes at Cave Springs and only eight at Gravelly Springs.3. Illegal Voting.
The Herald alleges that several African-Americans in Florence illegally voted twice and nothing was done about it. Others who were ineligible to vote due to a criminal record or being non-residents also voted with no repercussions.4. Scotty German given a new suit of clothes.
The Herald notes that Florence African-American Scotty German was given a new suit of clothes by Mr. Doss Howard because of German's work at the polls Tuesday on behalf of the Democratic Party.5. Some Excitement Created Tuesday Night.
The Herald notes that some excitement was created Tuesday night, after the elections, when two unnamed African-Americans, one a Democrat and the other a Republican, got into a fight.6. Our Recent Victory.
The Florence Herald notes the importance of the local black vote in electing Wheeler and argues that thoughtful African-Americans realize their best interests lie with the Democrats rather than the Republicans and that their interests and those of whites are one and the same.