Summary: | Rosanna Gist Ingram (1854-1937) was a daughter of David (ca. 1825-aft. 1917) and Martha (ca. 1824-1913) Gist. Rosanna was the wife of Miles Ingram (ca. 1843-1890).
Miles was a slave of the Joseph Ingram plantation near Rogersville in Lauderdale County and a private in Co H, 111th Inf, United States Colored Troops (USCT), one of approximately 30 men who served in the 110th and 111th USCT from Lauderdale County.
Miles was a farmer with one hundred acres of land at Poplar Springs, just west of Killen, however this land was very poor. After Miles’ death in 1890 Rosanna drew a widow’s pension to help support her and their several (at least 13) children.
By 1920 Rosanna and several of the younger children had moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma, where Rosanna’s home was destroyed in the Tulsa Race riots of 1921.
Rosanna Gist Ingram died in Oklahoma on Sept. 1, 1937. Both Miles and Rosanna are buried at the Bailey Chapel AME Cemetery and Miles has a Union veteran’s marker erected by family at some point.
The little boy in the photo is probably a grandson.