Summary: | These students were members of the Future Secretaries Association at Jacksonville State University in 1972-1973. Shown from left are, first row, Deborah Dunn, Vicki Boutwell, Jan Waits, Martha Riddle, Cathy Hamilton, Sandy Kendrick, Marcia Poritz, Joy Morrison, Mary Lynn Farris, Joan Anderson, second row, Belinda Moree, LaDonna Rosson, Linda Sligh, Nancy Hendrix, Kathy Grosscup, June Newbanks, Vivian Newsome, Macie Latham, Diana Keeley, Marybelle Morrison, third row, Ola Sligh, Verri Lynn Odell, Elaine Cornelius, Sandra Winn, Catherine Dobson, Mary Jo Camp, Vicki Whaley, Mary Q. Robbins, Kathy Greer, Montha Calhoun, Rhonda White, Carol Cook, fourth row, Susan Ronner, Bonnie Williams, Ann Horton, Betty Madden, Patsy Giles, Harriett Blum, Penny Marcum, Becky Smith, Beverly Franz.