Summary: | (3:44) The Haggards talk about arrowheads they have found as a result of their diving interest. They also discuss diving conditions in the Tennessee River and equipment they use when diving. This interview was conducted as part of a joint project of the Music Preservation Society and the Florence-Lauderdale Public Library. This project focus was oral history interviews with area residents who had lived or worked on the Tennessee River.Florence- Lauderdale Public Library Digital Archive
Interview with Wayne Haggard and Shannon Haggard
November 19, 2007
Waterloo, Alabama
Conducted by Patti Hannah and Rhonda Haygood
Clip 6 of 11
Wayne Haggard: On the arrowheads of course if you walked out here, I’ve found them in my driveway right yonder and you gonna pick it up. I am. I don’t know about you, but I’m gonna pick it up. It’s legal if it’s just laying there, but we cannot dig.
Shannon Haggard: Can’t dig.
Rhonda Haygood: Oh really?
WH: We cannot dig. And no way, Jose, will you. One instan--, one for instance, over at the Natchez Trace Park just below the bridge there’s one fellow come up one day and he laid his shovel in the boat first. He didn’t know it but the game warden was hanging onto the other side of the boat. That’s not good. But that’s uh, they put you in the electric chair for six months.
SH: A lot of times we’ll find uh, after a flood, it’ll wash where these Indian campsites and places in the springtime when the water is clear, after a flood we can go and find some points. But there’s just so many people doing it now we just don’t hardly find any points any more.
Patti Hannah: Oh, my goodness.
WH: If a shell’s been dead say ten days they’ll buy it. It’s got to be pearly white. But if it’s been dead a month they won’t buy it. It goes, if it stays in the water it goes to deteriorating. I don’t know whether it’s the water or just, but you can lay these shells out here, they’ll lay here twenty years and not deteriorate.
SH: Right the opposite of what we said about the stump you know.
PH: Yeah.
RH: How about that. SH: Leave the shell underwater, it goes bad in six to eight weeks but you bring it out of the water you can store it in a a, yeah, forever.
RH: Well how do you see down that far? How do you see to know what you are picking up?
WH: [ laugh] That’s a real good question.
SH: Yeah. Spring time from May, May through ah November, no June through November, it’s real dingy, you can’t hardly. It’s good days and bad days, some spots are clear and some ain’t. And, ah, but the other months, I guess you could say December through May, it’s it’s pretty clear you know. And it’s, what makes the water dingy is the green, the algae in the water. The cold kills the algae and then it’s crystal clear. In the winter time you can see perfectly.
WH: But this old boy don’t dive in the winter time, I’m too chicken.
RH: I started to say, do you have special suits that you have to wear?
WH: Yes .
SH: Dry suits, we wear dry suits.
RH: Dry suits.
SH: Completely dry.
WH: I just, I like to dive in this right here. [ laughter]
SH: There is a hot water suit system where uh some people use a fish cooker and they coil copper tubing up inside of a tube or a closed- off tube or a pot and they put a hose over the side of the boat with a pump and it pumps water through that copper tubing, it’s it’s being heated and then the hose, there’s another hose that’s taped to your breathing hose that goes down to you and they shove the hose down the back of your suit so it fills up with warm water like bathwater. And the water may be forty degrees but the water going in back here is just like bath water I guess. Called a hot water suit or system.
RH: Humm.
SH: Versus a dry suit. [ laughter]