Summary: | Letter to Alex W. Beckwith from E.A. O’Neal dated 22 October 1869Florence 22nd Oct 1869
Alex W Beckwith Esq
Helena Ark.
Dr Sir, I see from the papers that
Busteed U. S. District Judge has ordered
the Marshall to have everything in
readiness to hold a court on the
3rd monday in Nov. next.
Cooper was over day before
yesterday looking with me
into [yr?] case, and I was to
notify you about the Court.
So you had better be here
on sunday the 14th Nov. The
court commences on monday
the 15th Come direct to Florence
& I will go with you to Hunts
ville. If Busteed should not
hold the Court and if I can
learn such to be the fact, in
time, I will write or telegraph
you. but I do so write or tele-
graph, be here on the 14th Nov.
no news. Yrs truly E. A. O’Neal