Summary: | This image is a photograph used in the book Auburn, a Pictorial History of the Loveliest Village by Mickey Logue and Jack Simms, 2nd edition, 1996, depicting the history of the city and the University. From page 82: The API team of 1913 won every game it played, and Captain Kirk Newell was one of six All-Southern selectees. Pictured left to right are Dean Cliff Hare, faculty chairman of athletics; Coach Mike Donahue; Ed Bragg, alumni coach; Robbie Robinson, captain-elect, All-Southern end; Legare Hairston, freshman end; Jack Wynne, tackle; F.H. Pendergast, halfback; S.S. Sparkman, halfback; G.M. Steed, freshman center; Boozer Pitts, All-Southern center; J.H. Thigpen, All-Southern guard; M.S. Esslinger, tackle; C.B. Martin, guard; Red Harris, All-Southern fullback; William "Lou" Louiselle, tackle; Chris Christopher, fullback; Newell, All-Southern halfback; Ted Arnold, quarterback; Bedie Bidez, fullback; C.W. Culpepper, tackle; Roland Fricks, guard; Frank Hart, fullback; R.I. Kearley, halfback; G.W. Penton, assistant coach; J.B. Lovelace, student manager; Tom Bragg, graduate manager. Not pictured, F.W. Lockwood, All-Southern guard; C.S. Noble, quarterback; E.C. Adkins, halfback; G.E. Taylor, end. Photo source: Auburn University Archives.