1937: Students in Gay Nineties costumes on historic tandem bike

This image is a photograph used in the book Auburn, a Pictorial History of the Loveliest Village by Mickey Logue and Jack Simms, 3rd edition, 2013, depicting the history of the city and the university. From page 176: The spirit of the Gay Nineties lives on in 1937 for these dashing Auburn sophomores...

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Format: Electronic
Published: Auburn University Libraries
Online Access:http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/village,337
Summary:This image is a photograph used in the book Auburn, a Pictorial History of the Loveliest Village by Mickey Logue and Jack Simms, 3rd edition, 2013, depicting the history of the city and the university. From page 176: The spirit of the Gay Nineties lives on in 1937 for these dashing Auburn sophomores. Out for a spin on a locally famous bicycle are Mary Carmack, wearing a perky hat and pedal-hiding skirt, and Edwin Godbold, in moustache, derby, and suit. In 1893, Professor George Petrie and his bride, Mary Lane Petrie, had ridden this same tandem bike on part of their honeymoon in Virginia. Photo source: Glomerata, Auburn University Archives.