Summary: | This image is a photograph used in the book Auburn, a Pictorial History of the Loveliest Village by Mickey Logue and Jack Simms, 2nd edition, 1996, depicting the history of the city and the University. From page 244: Governor George C. Wallace installed a beaming Harry Melvin Philpott as Auburn's eleventh president in 1966. Wallace was governor and ex officio president of Auburn's Board of Trustees during most of Philpott's time as University president. Wallace attended only one trustee meeting, Philpott recalled during interviews with Archivist Dwayne Cox in the early 1990s. Philpott said Wallace "did not interfere" at Auburn during Philpott's years as president. For instance, Wallace "did not raise a question about the employment of black faculty about the admission of black students." Auburn had admitted its first black student before Philpott became president, and Wallace had not stood in the schoolhouse door then, as he had done at Tuscaloosa in his "segregation forever" mode. Photo source: Auburn University Photographic Services.