Summary: | This is the volume VI, issue 4, January 1931 issue of Auburn Engineer, a newsletter published monthly during the school year by Engineering Societies students of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute (now Auburn University). The newsletter includes articles of interest related to engineering and engineering education. This item has been aggregated as part of the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL)'s "Deeply Rooted: The Agricultural & Rural History of the American South" project.Articles: The Hudson River Bridge project--The world's longest single span will cost $60,000,000; A description of the studio and transmitting equipment used at station WSFA; Ore dressing by flotation--Many metallurgical industries use this fundamental principal; Hoover Dam--The Boulder Canyon project--A colossal enterprise to cost $165,000,000; [editorials]; Examinations (editorial); Senior interviews (editorial); A proposed change in curriculum (editorial); Research on wood pulp (editorial); Ivanovitch Dmitri Mendeleyev 1834-1907 (editorial); What the railways do in a single hour; Mortar and Pestle (humor);