Summary: | This is the volume IV, issue 3, December 1923 issue of Alabama Farmer, a newsletter published monthly during the school year by students in the Agricultural Club of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute (now Auburn University). The newsletter includes articles of interest related to agriculture and agriculture education. This item has been aggregated as part of the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL)'s "Deeply Rooted: The Agricultural & Rural History of the American South" project.Articles: When will insects overrun the earth; Milk testing; Results of World's Dairy Congress; Judging livestock--Animal performance should be emphasized; The blueberry, a promishing new crop; Legumes for maintaining soil fertility; Juniors take inspection trip; Tanning leather; Hard luck; Dean Gray leaves Auburn; [editorial]; Always room at the top (editorial); Axioms of 'facts' Funchess (editorial); Farmers can be organized (editorial); Wise Man Bill's sayings (editorial); What shall we sacrifice? Money or men (editorial); Are you an average student? (editorial); News of the Alumni; Mule Power in United States increasing; No need for alarm; No wonder he's single and bald-headed; Home economics (Clothing department doing unique work; The Auburn Home Economics Association; The Home Economics Club); How to catch a bird (poem); Ag. club news; Otto Brown is named chief of State Bureau of Plant Industry; New individuals added to cattle herd; Professor Lauderdale becomes county agent of Shelby County; Specialist visits Auburn; Agronomists attend national meeting; J. W. Randolph attended meeting of agricultural engineers; Weaning the fall pigs; Lightning bugs, attention; Fresh, not much; Humor in the seed trade; Liming land; Plan for a reference library; Jokes;