Summary: | This is the volume III, issue 5, February 1928 issue of Auburn Engineer, a newsletter published monthly during the school year by Engineering Societies students of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute (now Auburn University). The newsletter includes articles of interest related to engineering and engineering education. This item has been aggregated as part of the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL)'s "Deeply Rooted: The Agricultural & Rural History of the American South" project.Articles: Time lags in the Faraday effect--A method involving time measurement of less than one-billionth of a second; Short wave directive radio transmission--Beam transmission insures greater reliability in radio communication; Impressions, by a General Electric test man--Various forms of initial work provices valuable experience; Developing a pleasing personality; Freehand sketches of architectural department; Facts that everyone should know about his auto--In which are enumerated those factors which cause its present efficiency; Profitable new field for contractors--A profit for the builder as well as a saving to the state, county, or city lies in the margin between the cost of trenching or tunneling and of jacking new culverts under existing roadways; [editorials]; How many keys (editorial); Study (editorial); The Engineer cup (editorial); Directional transmission (editorial); Reading (editorial); Modesty and the Engineering cup (editorial); One state university (editorial); The engineering societies; New use for copper; High speed cooking; With our alumni--All over the world; Technical tidbits (The new spirit; Radio beacons; Another Panama Canal forseen; Unlimited steam power; Coldest spot on earth; Engineers World News service); Safety valve (humor);