Summary: | This is the volume III, issue 1, October 1, 1922 issue of Alabama Farmer, a newsletter published monthly during the school year by students in the Agricultural Club of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute (now Auburn University). The newsletter includes articles of interest related to agriculture and agriculture education. This item has been aggregated as part of the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL)'s "Deeply Rooted: The Agricultural & Rural History of the American South" project.Articles: James L. Sibley, noted educator--Becomes visual instruction specialist in the Extension Service; Ag. club to hold fair; Pike County farmers visit Auburn--'Good day', Funchess says; Democratic Convention writes strong plank--Into their platform favoring the farmer and general agricultural progress; Great waste in dairy industry--Research for use of by-products--Great field for investigators, says H. E. Van Norman, of World's Dairy Congress; Remarkable advances in dairying made in Alabama--Baldwin County buying Jerseys--Milk pools formed in Birmingham and Anniston--Dairy products shipped from Selma District; Animal husbandry news; Spright Dowell, A.M., LL.D.; Office of the Solicitor; [editorials]; Agicultural college broadening in scope (editorial); Seminars being inaugurated in agricultural and entomology departments (editorial); Great Britain sends man to Auburn to study cotton (editorial); Home economics and home demonstation--New departments at Auburn; Grazing at large; Athletics (Football schedule for 1922, Auburn swamps Marion 61-0); Ag. engineering notes; Veterinary department; Lecture in farm motors; Handbook to be completed soon; Personal experiences of a county agent; Dr. Miles, plant pathologist, comes to Auburn; The outlook of the agronomy department--Soils laboratory one of the best in the South; Students cooperative mess makes good start; Registration in the agricultural colleges--How does it compare with that of other departments?; Entomology notes; Gamma Sigma Delta has Alabama chapter at Auburn--Beautiful loving cup to be awarded to best all-round junior in agriculture; About last year's graduates in ag. education--Vocational agriculture work making rapid progress; Prof. J. F. Duggar in California--Getting first-hand information on cooperative marketing; Entomology notes; New credit system for literary societies; Lectures to the farm management class; Ag. club notes; Jokes; Dr. Thomas recommends cal-sulphur for the Mexican bean beetle; How would you like to have a cotton orchard?--Strange methods of cotton growing in South America;