Summary: | This image is a map showing the street plan and the topography of a portion of the City of Atlanta in Fulton County, Georgia. The map shows contour lines, roads, streets, sidewalks, electric railroads, railroads, an overpass, buildings, schools, churches, a synagogue, an auditorium, a hospital, a police station, a skyscraper, a city stockade, fire hydrants, and manholes. The map survey was done in 1929. The map uses polyconic projection. The contour interval is two feet and the datum is mean sea level. Zero of coordinates is U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation station Pershing. There is a map legend along the right side of the map. In the lower left corner, it gives information on the contributors as follows: "S.P. Floore, Topographic Engineer in charge. Topography by B.A. Tibbits, Jr. and Herbert Donaldson. Control by U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey and City of Atlanta Mapping Division". Along the bottom of the map from left to right are the information on the contributors, an image showing the approximate mean declination in 1928, the map scale, the name of the printing company "Williams & Heinz Co.", a map key, and a subtitle “Sheet 37”. The map is an original printed copy and is encapsulated. The map is in good condition.