Summary: | This image is a map of the general highways in Clay County, Alabama in 1973. It shows roads and roadway features; railroads; streams, canals, and navigation features; bridges; conservation and recreation areas; city and village centers; state, county, and local boundaries; highway numbers; airports; farms, dwellings, churches, and cemeteries; natural features; oil wells, mining, and other industrial features; educational and correctional institutions; post offices, courthouses, power plants, underground telephone lines, and other public service facilities; and miscellaneous features. The map contains a legend in the upper right corner, a graph of TM grid and 1973 magnetic declination on the right, and a locator map of Alabama with the county highlighted in the lower right corner. The map also contains a note right above the map title: "Copies of individual county maps are available to the public at nominal cost from State of Alabama Highway Department Bureau of Planning and Programming Montgomery, Alabama 36104." The map was "prepared by the Alabama State Highway Department Bureau of Planning and Programming Surveying and Mapping Division in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration." Map caption: "Control by National Ocean Survey and Alabama Highway Department. Transverse Mercator Projection. 1927 North American Datum. 10,000 foot grid based on Alabama (East) rectangular coordinate system. Compiled by photogrammetric methods from aerial photographs taken 1967. Field examination 1973." This map is an original print in black and white. It is in good condition and is not encapsulated.