Summary: | This image depicts Arctiid moths and other species: Colona moth, Haploa colona (Hubner) form fulviscosta (top row, left); Reversed haploa moth, Haploa reversa (Stretch) (top row, second from left); Salt marsh moth, Estigmene acrea (Drury) (top row, third from left); Orange-patched smoky wing, Pyromorpha dimidiata (Herrich-Schaffer) (second row, left); Placentia tiger moth, Grammia placentia (J. E. Smith) (second row, second from left); Oblique heterocampa, Heterocampa oblique (Packard), adult moth resting on plant stem (upper right); Orange holomelina, Homomelina aurantiaca (Hubner) (third row, left); Evergreen bagworm moth, Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis (Haworth) (third row, second from left); Eastern tent caterpillar moth, Malacosoma americanum (Fabricius), adult male (third row, far right); Virgin tiger moth, Grammia virgo (Linnaeus) (fourth row, left).In 1838, English naturalist Philip Henry Gosse created a portfolio of watercolor miniatures for the insects of Alabama he observed while visiting the state. Gosse was one of the 19th Century's foremost naturalists. He called his portfolio Entomologia Alabamensis, which was never formally published and is now held by the British Library. This image from the portfolio was made from a color transparency purchased from the British Library in 1993.