Summary: | This is the volume VII, issue IV, January, 1930 issue of The Digest, a newsletter published monthly by the Extension Service of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute (now Auburn University). Some early issues are also published with the Experiment Station and the Agricultural College of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute. The newsletter includes articles of interest related to the Extension Service. Topics include general news, agriculture, agricultural extension work, home economics extension work, people, and research. This item has been aggregated as part of the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL)'s "Deeply Rooted: The Agricultural & Rural History of the American South" project.Articles: The year 1929 in agricultural research (Five sub-stations, Experimental fields, Cooperative tests); Agronomy (Rotation); [Editorials]; Soil fertility; Commercial fertilizer; Cotton; Hay; Farm management; Animal industry (Dairy cows, Hogs, Beef steers, Horses and mules, Sheep, Animal nutrition); Horticulture (Vegetables, Pecans, Tung oil nut); Entomology; Agricultural economics; Agricultural Engineering (Winter legumes, Cotton, Weed control, Harvesting Oats); Home economics; Extension personnel changes; Duncan kills deer; Experiment Station staff;