Summary: | This is the volume I, issue VI, March, 1924 issue of The Digest, a newsletter published monthly by the Extension Service of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute (now Auburn University). Some early issues are also published with the Experiment Station and the Agricultural College of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute. The newsletter includes articles of interest related to the Extension Service. Topics include general news, agriculture, agricultural extension work, home economics extension work, people, and research. This item has been aggregated as part of the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL)'s "Deeply Rooted: The Agricultural & Rural History of the American South" project.Articles: Driving down permanent pegs; Ousley on cotton; New record cow; Camp for Covington girls; Revising annual report form; Miss Margaret Wilbur; Buys movie outfit; New nitrogen process; Nutrition contest; With county agents in February; Men we need; Calcium arsenate adequate; Bankers endorse 'safe farming'; Federal grades for Johnson hay; Community organizations (editorial); Social Work Conference (editorial); Club Conferences held (editorial); Federal grades needed (editorial); From home demonstration agents; Ideals; Auburn Landscape Day; Dr. Hinds leaves Auburn; Fun and comment; National Music Week; Another specialist; National egg laying contest; The Chanticleer in danger; Sound advertising; Total values increase; Self-explanatory;