Summary: | This historic marker is located along the pier of the Tennessee River at Joe Wheeler Lodge, Rogersville, Alabama.
The text on the marker reads: "Trusted, honored, and loved by the people of Alabama for his splendid character and distinguished service as a citizen and soldier.
Born September 10, 1836, in Augusta, Georgia, Joseph Wheeler graduated from West Point in 1859, and was commissioned A 2nd Lt., U.S. Army. In 1861, he resigned his commission and offered his services to the Confederate States of America.
His devotion to duty and tireless efforts resulted in rapid promotion from 1st Lt. to Colonel of the 19th Alabama Inf., to command of the Cavalry of the Army of the Mississippi, with the rank of Brigadier Gen., by July 1862. At age 27, Fighting Joe" Wheeler was promoted Major Gen. and given command of the Cavalry Corps of the Army of Tennessee.
He was constantly engaged in battle, wounded 3 times, and had 16 horses shot from under him. He was promoted to Lt. Gen. on February 28, 1865. Following the War Between the States, Wheeler married and settles in Alabama. He was elected to the House of Representatives ten times by the people of the eight districts and served with distinction. Because of his Allegiance to the country, Wheeler's offer of military service in the war with Spain resulted in a commission as Major General Commanding the U.S. Volunteer Cavalry. He fought in Cuba and in the Philippines. He retired as a Brigadier Gen. of the Regular Army on September 10, 1900. Wheeler died on February 25, 1906, and is buried in Arlington National Cemetery. He is regarded by the people of both North and South as a beloved symbol of our reunited country."