[no date]: William Mahone, William, Letter

This letter is Mahone’s reminiscences about the days leading up to Gen. Robert E. Lee's surrender at Appomattox Court House. Written on hotel stationary in response to an inquiry by former General James Longstreet. Mahone was educated as an engineer and served as a general in the Confederate Ar...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Mahone, William, 1826-1895
Format: Electronic
Published: Auburn University Libraries
Online Access:http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/civil2,26318
Summary:This letter is Mahone’s reminiscences about the days leading up to Gen. Robert E. Lee's surrender at Appomattox Court House. Written on hotel stationary in response to an inquiry by former General James Longstreet. Mahone was educated as an engineer and served as a general in the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia. After the Civil War, he was active in Virginia politics as a U.S. Senator and leader of the Virginia Republican Party.[page 1] 1 HOTEL CHAMBERLIN MCPHERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. In Conference with [gran ?] request I give you an account of ............................ 189... What I saw and heard from Genl Lee's line covering Richmond and Petersburg to the close of his armys career at appomattox. Mahones Division aggregating at that time about four thousand muskets, at that time [escaped ?] that portion of the Confederate line between the James and appomattox Rivers commonly called the Chesterfield front. The night previous to the last day Genl Lee had held to his long line of defense, he telegraphed me to know if I could [torn section] e him a [page 2] 2 brigade of my Division. Immediately I withdrew the [illegible] Brigade, Genl Harris commanding from its position in my line and set it in motion to report directly to Genl Lee at Petersburg about five miles away and I notified Genl of the fact. This Brigade reached Genl Sunday morning early and a part of it under the command of Colo James was placed inside of one of our forts and given charged with its defense, and no body of men as I am advised ever made a more heroick resistance to the repeated assaults of an enemy. The balance [torn section] at brigade [page 3] 3 HOTEL CHAMBERLIN McPHERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. ............................. 189... under Genl. Harris immediate command were otherwise engaged in the general [brake-up ?] at Petersburg and rejoined the Division at Amelia Court House. Sunday night I received orders derect from Genl Lee, and from that time to the end at appomattox all my orders came direct from Genl Lee - to retire at day light the next morning for Amelia Court House, covering the rear of the troops from Richmond when I [moved over ?] the road from Richmond where it came into [page 4] 4 the County road leading from Chesterfield Court House to the Goodes Bridge over the appo- mattox. The Division reached Chesterfield Court in the fore noon of that Monday morning the [blank 3rd?] day of April. I found the Court House grounds and the county road as I approached it crowded with all manner of vehicles men and women with their children - who had fled mainly from Petersburg in advance of the in com- ing foe - a brief halt was made at the Court House and the troops given opportunity to breakfast - while [page 5] 5 HOTEL CHAMBERLIN McPHERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. ................................ 189... I busied myself in bringing off and away such military wagons as had reached that place and the retreating caravan of vehicles and folks which had been encountered. During the Sunday night when I had perfected all the details for the retirement of the Division and my telegraph operator was now about to take up his instrument here came an enquiry from Admiral Tucker - commanding at Drewrys Bluff - to know if I could tell him what was going on - to which enquiry I replied by referring to the [page 6] 6 Confederate Secretary of the Navy. Directly the admiral rejoined that he could not get at the Secretary. I knew he could not - for I knew that the Departments in Richmond had already been abandoned, but my knowledge of the location of naval officers for adequate knowledge the course [illegible] may have persued. I then said to the admiral that he had better send over to "Chaffins" and find out what was going on there. In a little while he responded that every body at "Chaffins" had gone - no one there - and asked [page 7] 7 that I would give him orders- No admiral you are not under my command but would advise that you follow the movement of the troops on your right- and if you will face your command inward and march quite direct it will bring you to Chester- field Court House from which court my Division will quickly move; and I advise admiral that your withdrawal be as quickly effected as possible - and above all precautions that enemy be not advised of your withdrawal by the blowing up of your magazines or other like demon- [page 8] 8 HOTEL CHAMBERLIN McPHERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. ............................. 189... demonstrations. Curious enough - the head of my Division had just reached [crossed out: There is to be a meeting of the] [illegible] a few miles away and when now the gray of the morning had come, here came the terrific explosion of the magazine at Drewrys Bluff - which lighted the heavens and faerly shook the earth in all that region. At Chesterfield Co. House Admiral Tucker arrived barely after my Division had reached that place. He was among above two hundred marines well clad -armed with cutlass’s and navy revolvers, [page 9] 9 HOTEL CHAMBERLIN McPHERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. ............................. 189... every man over six feet and the picture of perfect physical development and each brigade fully equipped with a completely filled tarpolian. Here one of the inferior officers of their command - who was largely under the influence of whiskey, seized and undertook to appro- priate to his own use the riding horse of Major Downey. The Major Downey whose command, and whose gallant direction had disabled and driven off the Federal [illegible] fleet that made the attack on [page 10] 10 on that fort - When it was on its way to Richmond. The lieutenant at my command surrendered the horse to Maj. Downey. Leaving the Court House the Division camped the night at Captain Murrays and the next night, immedi- ately after clearing the crossing on the appomattox at Goodes bridge - Here I received an order form Gnl Lee now at Amelia Co Ho to communicate with Gnl Dick Anderson - and to proceed next morning to the Co Ho which was done. On reaching Amelia Co Ho early next morning I reported in person to [page 11] 11 HOTEL CHAMBERLIN McPHERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. ............................ 189... whom I found [illegible] seated with genl Longstreet on the fringe of a small oat field near the Co House. Gnl Longstreet gave me his seat and went off to attend to some business. The chat with Gnl Lee was pleasant - I noticed that he was in full uniform save and except the yellow sash was wanting - He wore all his best clothes - [and had on] including his gold spurs and magnifi- cent sword and belt. It impressed me that he anticipated some accident to himself and desired to be found in that dress. [page 12] 12 Our beloved Corps Commander Lieut Gnl A. P. Hill had been killed on the lines in front of Petersburg when the [books?] [oft ?] came. While sitting Genl Lee at the Court House the other two Division Commanders of the Corps came up and after saluting the Genl - desired to know to whom they should report - Without responding to the salutation Genl Lee - exclaimed Gentlemen whose waggons are those - pointing to some waggons near the Co. House - send your staff waggons to the waggon train depend on your haver- [page 13] 13 HOTEL CHAMBERLIN McPHERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. ........................... 189... sacks as I shall do. Report to Genl Longstreet and I give notice of my purpose to diminish the number of Corps and division Com- manders in this Army. In a short while the Army left the Court House - Genl Longstreet taking a by-road diverging and leading south over to the Danville rail road - I passed this diverging road and had proceeded but a short distance when I came upon the waggon train. Here I found Genl Lee - who informed me of my mistake and suggested [page 14] 14 That I turn back and take the road Genl Longstreet had gone. This was done and it was not long before I found that some Federal Cavalry had intervened - They were quickly driven off and out of the way and my Division united with the rear of the column. Genl Longstreet had now run up against the Federal Cavalry at Jeters Station - Genl Lee sent for me to come up to him. I found near Genl Longstreets line of battle in the porch of a farm house. He got out his map and wanted to know what [page 15] 15 HOTEL CHAMBERLIN McPHERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. .............................. 189... I thought of pressing the fight. It was near sun down, quite sun down in fact. I argued that it was too late in the evening to effect results and that his army was not suffi- ciently compose to deliver a telling blow - That he should diverge to the right and as soon as could be done, get his army as compactly as could be and then turn upon the enemy and give him a stunning blow and then hasten on his march. To this he agreed and directed me to take the diverging road to the [page 16] 16 north, leading by Amelia Springs - I came after a short march on the road to a stream over which the bridge had given way, and a pioneer corps were engaged in repairing it. This necessitated a halt of my division, which was ordered to rest, the troops in their places. After the bridge had been repaired, the leading brigades improperly under the orders of Colo Marshall of Genl Lees staff - gave the order forward - This Brigadeer failed to send back along the line and have the troops waked up - but carelessly [page 17] 17 HOTEL CHAMBERLIN McPHERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. .............................. 189... proceeded with only a few troops following. I was a little way off at the time at farm house where I had gone to get something to eat - and there Colo Marshall came and said to me "Genl Lee says, 'move on' - Colo Marshall after drawing upon a bottle of pine top whiskey left and without supper for I was too much exhausted to prefer food to sleep, I proceeded to the house where I had left the head of the Division to find it gone. I followed the wake of the small portion of a brigade [page 18] 18 with which Genl Harris had proceeded and quickly came up to him - proceeding with the stragling remnant as though he headed a well closed Division. I halted the command at once and sent back details to wake up the Division and bring it forward, not failing to censure Genl Harris for his un-officer like con- duct and warning him that so long as I commanded the Division, he would never again take orders from any other authority. For the first time during the war and its varied vicissitudes encountered I had a stragling command, brought about [page 19] 19 HOTEL CHAMBERLIN McPHERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. ............................... 189... by the unwarrantable and un-officer like of Colo Marshall and Genl Haris unsoldierly conduct. Mean while Genl Lee sent over to me in the midnight a note saying that he was sorry to hear that my division was stragling to which I replied it was done for the first time, but entirely due to the improper interference of his staff officer Colo Marshall and that if that officer repeated the like he Genl Lee would be short a staff officer. Collecting my Division it proceed it proceed in the usual good order - passing [page 20] 20 the waggon train and closed up on the column at Sailors Creek which had halted, Here I got a meager breakfast, from my saddle bags carried by a courier, dividing with Genl Pickett. It was not long before Genl Lee said for me to pass the ordinance waggons and artillery intervening and come to the front where Genl Longstreet was now at Rices Station engaged with the enemy who had crossed his back. On the way I found Genl Lee at the junction of a wood road and he asked for a brigade to be detached which he sent down the [page 21] 21. HOTEL CHAMBERLIN McPHERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. .............................. 189... It was the Florida Brigade that was sent down the Road and I never saw it any more. Some time after reaching Rices, where Genl Longstreet was engaged with the enemy lightly - Genl Lee told that Genl Longstreet was being the more vigorously pressed ordered me up to his support - and as we moving up in line of battle to reinforce Genl Longstreet - Genl Lee riding along with me- he complained that I should not have gotten mad at Colo Marshall conduct and written him as I had done - to which [page 22] 22 I replied - reasserting my conclusion of Colo Marshall interference with my division and the determined purpose to rid him of a staff officer if the like should again occur. Just then Colo Venable of Genl Lee’s staff rode up and enquired of genl Lee if he had received the message he had awhile ago sent him. The answer was no and Colo Venable then said I sent you a message that the enemy had captured the Confederate waggon train at Sailors Creek - Genl Lee exclaimed where is Ewell and where is Anderson. It is strange I cannot hear from them. Lieut Genl Ewell commands [page 23] 24 23 HOTEL CHAMBERLIN McPHERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. .............. 189... the reserves brought out from Richmond Lieut genl [tempo rank ?] Anderson perhaps commanded two Divisions - These commands were in the rear and had been captured at Sailor’s Creek except some portion of Genl Andersons command which however had been largely dispersed. Genl Lee then turn to me saying Genl Mahone I have no troops and you will have to go to Sailors Creek - and by the left flank the Division changed for the direction of Sailors Creek. [page 24] 25 Genl Lee rode with me and as we passed saw some our fleeing troops hotly pursued by Federal Cavalry on the road I had but shortly passed over. Reaching the high ground over looking the open ground bordering upon Sailors Creek - a sluggish little stream empting into the appomattox. Here the scene beggars description. Genl Lee surveying the field straightened himself apparently, in the saddle looking more of the soldier if possible, than ever, exclaimed as if to himself - My god has this army dissolved. Recovering self control for the moment lost, I replied no Genl [page 25] 26 HOTEL CHAMBERLIN McPHERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. ............................. 189... here is a division ready to do its duty and he returning to himself said yes Genl there are some true men left. From this elevated posi- tion over looking Sailors Creek, the massive columns of the enemys infantry could be seen deploying in good order on the opposite of the field as if to prepare for an [illegible] attack or to guard against a resolute assault, While below and on the main road which the waggon train had been travelling, where it crosses the [illegible] [illegible] [page 26] 27 Sailors Creek, could be an artillery gun slowly fireing. Genl thought as I did that Genl Gordon was there, resisting the ad- vance of the Federals - but this was not so, for Genl Gordon with whatever force he commanded was some time ago gone - I turned out to be Genl Rooney Lees Cavalry. As Genl Lee sat upon his horse - the finest figure of man I ever saw, and beheld the scene before him - with an approaching band of people not soldiers - for not one of them carried a musket - fleeing from the disaster he said to me Genl Mahone [page 27] 28 HOTEL CHAMBERLIN McPERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. ............................. 189... will you keep those people back. He always spoke of the Federals as those people. My Division was quickly placed in line of battle although it was ap- parent to me, that the enemy [illegible] and would not likely make any further advance that evening. It was too late in the evening. It was nearing twi-light. Mean while this band of fleeing people - men without guns - many without hats all mingled with teamsters riding their mules with [page 28] 29 laughing faces - and a Confederate flag here and there - and surroun- ded Genl Lee and were hollowing huzzah for Genl Lee - I [hurried ?] to [here ?] to find him, himself holding up a Confederate battle flag - as if to encourage and rally this horde to a sense of duty. I rode up and said genl give me that flag - These people here are in my way - there is no fight in them - Let them be gone to the rear. He handed me the flag saying that is true Genl - In a few minutes I saw in the late end of the fleeing bands [page 29] 30 HOTEL CHAMBERLIN McPHERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. ................................. 189... my old Division Commander now Lieut Genl Dick Anderson (temporary rank) and having heard Genl Lee say that it was strange he could not hear from Ewell or Anderson I rode down and met Genl Anderson. I discovered at once that he had lost his heart in the Cause. He was the picture, the sad picture of a man who was whipped - I said Genl Lee wishes to see you Genl Anderson. When we had come up to Genl Lee I said Genl Lee here is [page 30] 31 here is Genl Anderson. Where upon without turning his head to- ward Genl Anderson, he said with severe emphasis Genl Anderson take com- mand of these straglers and go to the rear - signalizing the emphasis by a [illegible] swing of his left hand. Genl Anderson rode on the band following him. Shortly after Genl Lee called me to his side and you Genl Mahone know this country - how are we to get away from here. No I know nothing of this region; but he rejoined did you not build the rail road - meaning the [page 31] 32 HOTEL CHAMBERLIN McPHERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. ................................... 189... South Side Rail road. No never. No such blunder as the location and con- struction of the road attaches to my record. I said however Genl, I know where I am and already take in the geographical features of the country so that I am quite certain as to the course of the appomattox, but a short distance away - the location of the High Bridge and Farmville. I said if Genl Longstreet whom we had left at Rices Station, moved followed the road he was on it should take him to Farmville [page 32] 33 and that I could march through the woods and strike the High bridge. Genl Lee said he would rejoin Genl Longstreet and take him to Farmville. You be [told ?] will leave here during the night and cross the river at High bridge. I desired to know what I should do after crossing the river and he replied exercise your judgement. As the enemy we knew would be in close pur- suit I wanted to know what should be done with the railroad and improvised bridge below for waggons, after I had crossed and he [page 33] 34 HOTEL CHAMBERLIN McPHERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. .................................... 189... replied burn them - No I said not all of the High bridge - one span will as effectively delay the enemy for our purpose as the destruction of that prodigeous structure, and I asked him to call up Colo Tallcot commanding a Regiment of Pioneers and himself charge Colo Tallcot with this important duty of destroying the bridges. This he decided and his instructions were explicit to destroy the bridges one span of the High bridge at day light and then he left for Genl Longstreet. [page 34] 35 I then rode down the road to go where I supposed Genl Gordon was and had been fronting the enemy. I quickly met Genl Rooney Lee with his Cavalry retreating. It was now a little after dark. I halted Genl Lee, who protested that we should get away - that the enemy were upon with an over whelming force. No I said Genl Lee your father says we must keep those people back, and really there is no danger - they will not come any further to night. So he halted and we remained there [page 35] 36 HOTEL CHAMBERLIN McPHERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. ................................... 189... some hours - mean while being treated to a warm meal by hospitable farm house near at hand. After this supper Genl Lee took the road with his Cavalry to [Harwell ?] and under the guidance of a colored man I marched my Division through the woods to the High Bridge. Reaching the bridge I found [back ?] the rail road and improvised waggon bridge below firmly guarded by two individuals at each - with orders from Gen Anderson to allow [page 36] 37 no one and nothing to cross: And there the lower bridge was surrounded by a miscellaneous cara- van including the horde of straglers - some few ambulances, some pieces of artillery and waggons. My first effort was to find Genl Anderson, and feeling my mind was made up to take possession of the bridges, if to do so it should be necessary to shoot down the sentinals. But my effort to find Genl Anderson was successful. I found him a little way off from the bridge in consultation with Genl Gordon. I was asked [page 37] 38 HOTEL CHAMBERLIN McPHERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. ............................... 189... to dismount and join them - with the statement that they were discussing the situation. I said as before I do that I want Genl Anderson to change his instructions to the sentinels I find at the bridges - so that my Division may move across the river by the rail road bridge, while the caravan below may cross over by the waggon. Genl Anderson replied that Genl Lee had ordered him to collect the straglers - Yes I said but it would be [page 38] 39 to collect them on the opposite side of the river - that we maybe reasonably expect the enemy to be there at the dawn of day - Genl Anderson accordingly changed his instructions to sentinals and my Division crossed - as did the caravan - After my Division had started to cross the bridge I returned to where I found Genls Anderson and Gordon. They expressed the opinion that our Army had gone so folley to pieces, that the time had come for a surrender - and desired to know what I thought, and my answer was that as a Subordinate officer [page 39] 40 HOTEL CHAMBERLIN McPHERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. ................................. 189... I might venture to say that I had seen "Sailors Creek" and while I would follow the flag so long as there was a man to command our army I felt that our Cause was lost and that with their views as Genl Anderson was the next ranking officer to Genl Longstreet, that he proceed at once to see Genl Longstreet, state the situation to him and suggest that he see Genl Lee and ask that Genl Lee delegate the situation and its treatment to his officers. This programme [page 40] 41 and Genl Anderson was to start right away for Genl Longstreet. What he ever said on the subject I do not know. At this conference brought about as I have explained I made known Genl Lees instructions to Colo Tallcot about the burning of the bridges. What command Genl Gordon had or where it was I never knew. I urged and it was agreed that he Genl Gordon should detail a staff officer to see that Colo Tallcot executed Genl Lees order as to the distruction of the bridges for I knew the enemy would be upon our heels early the [page 41] 42 HOTEL CHAMBERLIN McPHERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. ............................... 189... morning and that it was all important to our retreating army to impede his progress. I left and after parking so to speak the division on the opposite of the river spent the balance of the night in exploring the country for roads. Returning to my Division just as the sun could be half seen to find that the bridges had not been yet fired and the Federal skirmish line rushing in upon them. They were [page 42] 43 fired at once and I had to send in a brigade to cover the work. I remember at this moment to have seen Genl Gordon, sitting at the tail end of his waggons shading him. I do not know about their fate out side of his fall and saw him no more to and including the end at appomattox. I took the road heading to Cumberland Church where I found Genl Anderson and the caravan - with much accumulation including [page 43] 44 HOTEL CHAMBERLIN McPHERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. ............................... 189... Colo Carters battalion of Artillery which had actually parked unhitched and was feeding. I warned him and like the gallant soldier he was did not stand upon the order of his going. He took the road leading to Lynchburg - as did the caravan under the command of Genl Anderson - I knew the enemy would be there shortly and got my Division in line of battle [page 44] 45 I suppose my Division then numbered some thirty five hundred muskets and the troops had lost none of their discipline and willingness to do duty. My line was short and did not cover the ground I desired so had to prolong it by placing Poagues battalion of artillery on my right. He was a splendid officer. I had not more than fairly gotten into position when Colo Taylor [bore ?] me a message from Genl Lee at Farmville to do precisely what I had done and when Genl Miles came up and made a direct but [page 45] 46 HOTEL CHAMBERLIN McPHERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. ............................. 189... feeble attack on my front which was easily repulsed. Subsequently he seeing that Poague was unsup- ported by Infantry made a skirmish line attack in force upon his guns and for the moment took them - but in the nick of time I caught up a body of North Carolina troops - Gen Gaines Division I believe, which had come up from Farmville and flung them in upon the enemy and recovered [page 46] 47 Poagues guns - all of them. Mean while Genl Longstreet came up and took position on our right. Later in the day Genl Miles turned my left, unprotected, with a large brigade of Federals - I saw the movement and sent to Genl Longstreet for two brigades - Fortunately only one reached me in time. The Federal brigade had gotten fully around my left and in the rear of my left flank and came pouring into the rear of my line, when with the brigade from Genl Longstreet I cut them off and quite annihilated [page 47] 48 HOTEL CHAMBERLIN McPHERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. ................................. 189... it, in its attempt to get back. This closed the fighting at Cumberland Church - Night came on and we left our line about eleven and marched all night over a terrible muddy road. During the night at Cumberland Church a flag of truce by a church fire was received. Capt Geo Patterson the provost marshal of my division was sent out to receive the flag and he brought from Genl Miles two things - one a letter from Genl Grant to Genl Lee - which [page 48] 49 turned out to be Grants first letter to Lee, suggesting that the time had come when the latter should end the unhappy struggle by the surrender of his army - and the other was my wifes miniature with Genl Miles compliments. After handing me the letter Capt Patterson said with the compliments of Genl Miles I have something for you - I replied, hold Captain I have a precenti- ment and I can tell you what it is you have for me - It is my wifes daguerreotype. and straight- way he pulled the miniature out of his [broad ?] coat pocket [page 49] 50 HOTEL CHAMBERLIN McPHERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. .............................. 189... and I said, then Genl Miles command got my waggon: It was not burnt: This miniature was in my trunk, in the top of which I had stowed away two hundred and sixty five thousand brand new - unused Confederate notes-money. I returned my card of thanks to Genl Miles for the courtesy. We marched all next day and went into camp in the evening - not far from appomattox Co Ho - in the most God forsaken neighborhood one can well concede. My head quarters were [page 50] 51 in a miserable long hut occupied by a family of deformed people - that made me shudder to behold, and whose deformity and condition forcibly suggested that we were near the end. My waggon rich with supplies for a campaign had been captured - It contained really a store house of all that one need sustenance and comfort and my [illegible] had been captured and we had no [illegible] - The bed in this miserable cabin on which I remember to have spread my oil cloth and [tongue ?] [illegible] was only about four [page 51] 52 HOTEL CHAMBERLIN McPHERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. ............................... 189... feet long. While here I received the extract of an order from Genl assigning the remnant was the language of Picketts Division to Mahones Division. The only man of this remnant I ever saw was the Major Quartermaster of that Division who reported to me the next day - while Genl Lee had gone to see Genl Grant to negotiate surrender of his Army - and to the Maj - Quarter- master I answered by directing [page 52] 53 a courier to take him down to the line and give him a musket that I had no use for Quarter masters. The next morning we started off a little before day and about sunrise the column was halted and shortly after a courier came from Genl Lee, summoning me to him. I found Genl Lee with Genl Long- street and the former staff on the road side about midway the column surrounding a fence rail fire. The morning was chilly. To find Genl Lee around a fence rail fire excited [page 53] 54 HOTEL CHAMBERLIN McPHERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. ............................ 189... my notice, for he had been scrupulously particular to enforce respect for private property. Genl Lee asked his staff to retire when he said Genl Mahone you know that I always send for you when I am in trouble. What is the matter now I said Genl. Genl Grant has demanded the surrender of the army and I want to know what you think about it - My reply was lets warm for my teeth will chatter, and you may think I am scared. The truth is I had passed that possible stage. [page 54] 55 Genl Lee responded certainly warm. I did so thoroughly and then rose and he added you know there are but two organized bodies of troops in this army your Division and Fields and only about eight thousand muskets - I said I presume your object is a junction with Genl Johnston in Western North Carolina and he said yes. Then I responded saying This army is entitled to the most honorable terms - to be paroled here to go their homes - officers with their side arms and officers and men with their personal property. [page 55] 56 HOTEL CHAMBERLIN McPHERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. ............................... 189... If such terms are proffered, then Genl Lee you are called upon to discharge the most painful and yet the highest duty that can devolve upon the commander of an army. I [illegible] to these with you in this supreme trial as well as man can while no man can measure the anguish to you of the moment. It is your duty to surrender upon such terms. It would be criminal murder to sacrifice another life in the hopeless cause. You have here now the best men, that ever followed [page 56] 57 a captain, save those who have fallen a glorious sacrifice to the cause. They will cut through the enemys line of battle now across your path, but what then - but a harassing pursuit will follow the remnant and when you reach Johnston - how are you to rescue your army and to supply it - No sir it is your duty to surrender if the terms indicated are accorded - The Confed- erate government is now fleeing in a waggon Confidence has gone in the cause - hope has given place to despair - you are abandoning [page 57] 58 HOTEL CHAMBERLIN McPHERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. ............................... 189... square miles of country and women children non-combatants and property to the incidental hardships and sacrifices which accompany an invading army. At this juncture he handed me Genl Grants letter of demand for surrender to read. I read it and thought it was not clear whether we were to [handled ?] to go our homes or to prison - and I urged that he go to Genl Grant and settle the matter - that if such terms were not [page 58] 59 accorded we would fight it out on that field - Genl Lee said Genl Longstreet who was all the time by leaning one arm on a sapling and regaling in a dry smoke - What do you say: I agree with Mahone was the lagconic response of the war worn hero: but said Genl Lee what will the country think of me - and my response was the country will approve whatever you do - go to Grant. He expressed the fear that it was too late and that he would be unable to find [page 59] 60 HOTEL CHAMBERLIN McPHERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. ................................. 189... Grant - I said no - There your horse and straight way he mounted and proceeded to find Genl Grant - saying as he started Genl Longstreet you will take command. There was a flag of truce now proceeding in front - Genl Longstreet directed me to place my Division in line battle facing the north - Genl Fields covered the rear - As soon as I had ordered my Division to its position - I saw Genl [page 60] 61 Fields and suggested that he send out a flag - that enemy would soon be upon us and a colision should be avoided - that a flag prevailed in front - He wanted to know what was up and I replied you must infer. As soon as my troops were in line, they began to in trench as was the custom - They were full of [spinich ?] and were eager to have a chance at Sheridan. I ordered that the intrenching be stopped - When the men began to look at each other and as if startled [page 61] 62 HOTEL CHAMBERLIN McPHERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. ........................... 189... by the suspicion - seized each other and in tears and anguish gave vent to their disappointment - Officers would [rush ?] the blades of their swords into the ground and break them off and men their bayonets, till the scene was too much for me and I had to ride off. Subsequently and when our army was now surrounded by a cordon of yellow - lately as we move to call the Federal Cavalry I rode forward to see what was going on at the [page 62] 63 front and there I found Genl Lee on the road side near a little stream not far from the appomattox Court House - Standing to himself and some of his staff fifty or sixty feet away. Exchanging compliments with Genl Lee I passed on to his staff. Not long there came hurreedly a Federal officer with courier following, from the direction of the Court House. Nearing Genl Lee at about one hun- dred feet he halted, dis- mounted and then approached Genl Lee and about thirty feet from Genl Lee he halted and formally saluted the General - and placed his cap under his left arm. [page 63] 64 HOTEL CHAMBERLIN McPHERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. ................................. 189... Colo Walter H. Taylor of the Genls staff was directed to approach the Federal officer and did; with some note or message he referred to Genl Lee - and quickly returned to the Federal officer with a reply. The Federal officer again saluted Genl Lee, put on his cap, returned to his horse he mounted and departed in the direction whence he came. A while after this officer re- turned and went through same graceful approach and respectfull address of Genl Lee. His note was [page 64] 65 received by the same staff officer and the answer returned as in the first visit When the Federal officer repeating his salutation departed as before. Genl Lee then tore apparently the note he had received into many peaces and [illegible] [illegible] stamped into the ground. He now mounted his horse and with a staff officer rode off in the direction the Federal officer had come and gone. A more sublime spectacle I never witnessed that the one which the Federal officer by his gracefull and very officer like conduct made up on this occasion. [page 65] 66 HOTEL CHAMBERLIN McPHERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. .................................. 189... After the completion of the details of surrender which were my part, I went over to Genl Lees Hdquarters to bid him goodbye - I sat with him in the front part of his tent - He was obviously full of greef - offering [illegible] no out sign beyond the watering eye. He said that Genl Meade had just left his Hdquarters - and that the Federal General was greatly interested to know that the effective force of [illegible] - The Confederate army at the time of the evacuation of its lines covering Richmond and Petersburg did not exceed thirty six [page 66] 67 thousand of all arms - that he General Meade had never estimated his force at less than sixty thousand. Genl Lee observed that he had advised the Confederate authorities at the start - that the contest on which we had entered could not be overestimated and our chance to win was to be found by throwing the whole military or fighting power of the Confederacy vigorously into the struggle - which while not saying so, he manifestly thought had not been done. In the winter preceeding the evacuation he said that he advised Mr Davis to make terms - [page 67] 68 HOTEL CHAMBERLIN McPHERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. ............................... 189... that it would be impossible for him when spring came and the campaign opened, for him to get away. Roads bad and transportation poor, while the army confronting him was full handed and fresh - with every means of movement [personally ?] at hand: and Mr. Davis he said replied no, you must fight. I stated to Genl Lee that just there he had made a mistake. That he was in fact the Confederacy - enjoying the affectional - confidence of all that Here was [illegible] - and he should have taken matters in own hands - held a conference [page 68] 69 with his officers - told them the situation and they would have commissioned him in behalf of the army to see Grant and effect a settlement - He replied, but there was the government at Richmond and I said yes, and I would have taken my decision over there and dispersed it. He asked me what we should do now - and my answer prompted by the emotions natural under such circumstances, for no man in my way could have been more ardently desirous of dissolving the nation, was that if the uninhabited place could be found, I would [page 69] 70 HOTEL CHAMBERLIN McPHERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. ............................. 189... wish that all [illegible] of the Confederate cause, could make it, and there eke out an existence as best we might - But as that he said could not done - we should all go home - respect the Gover- nment and obey the laws, and I have no reason to suspect that he ever en- tertained any other thought. He was the most [illegible] and proudest man I ever saw. He had no appreci- ation of a joke. Polite, but stern and matter of fact in all things. His long service in the regular army had [page 70] 71 him with a reverence for authority and such a rigid respect for rules and regulations which were unfortunate and hurtfull for one in command of army of re- volution. He should have gone to the field unfettered and his will should have been the law. I remember on one occasion when a brigade in the Division I commanded had severely run down and could no longer relied on to do duty, that he sent for me and wanted to know what could be done to restore the brigade to its former fighting tone. I said the Brigade needs only the right person to command [page 71] 72 HOTEL CHAMBERLIN McPHERSON SQUARE WASHINGTON, D.C. .................................. 189... it - The brigade commander was on sick leave. Genl replied but what are we to do with him and my reply was let him have an inde- finite leave or promote [h]im to the command of [s]ome territory where there [wa]s to be no war. He wanted [t]o know who was the man for the Brigade and my answer was Captain Grandy - then a volunteer on my staff and one of the brightest officers I ever knew - What he said jump all the Colonels of the brigade and I said yes - not one of them is fit for the command - Well Genl [page 72] 73 Lee said you know I can't appoint a Brigadier - but I will ask the War Department to approve Captain Grandy and I told him in that case I would issue my orde[r] that evening assigning Capt. Grandy to the command of the Brigad[e] and I did that very thing.