Chaffee, Henry H. Diary (1863)

This is the 120-page diary of Henry H. Chaffee who served with the 4th Vermont Infantry during the Civil War. The diary covers the entire year of 1863 and includes accounts of the Battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg.[page 1] Inside front cover: Sergt. Henry H. Chaffee Co.E 4th Vt Volunteers...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Chaffee, Henry H.
Format: Electronic
Published: Auburn University Libraries
Online Access:,26078
format Electronic
collection Civil War Diaries Collection
building Auburn University Digital Library
publisher Auburn University Libraries
topic Diaries
spellingShingle Diaries
Chaffee, Henry H. Diary (1863)
Chaffee, Henry H.
fulltopic Diaries
Chaffee, Henry H.; United States. Army. Vermont Infantry, 4th.; Chancellorsville, Battle of, Chancellorsville, Va., 1863; Gettysburg, Battle of, Gettysburg, Pa., 1863; United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865
History – 1838-1874: Sectionalism, the Civil War and Reconstruction; Peoples -- Military Life; Government and Politics -- Military
description This is the 120-page diary of Henry H. Chaffee who served with the 4th Vermont Infantry during the Civil War. The diary covers the entire year of 1863 and includes accounts of the Battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg.[page 1] Inside front cover: Sergt. Henry H. Chaffee Co.E 4th Vt Volunteers [page 2] Pocket diary 1863 [page 3] Thursday, January 1, 1863 New Years Day the weather find my health good nothing of importance going on Think of home + friends to night washed + dryed my clothes made candy at night Friday 2 pleasant day was excused from drill on acts of lame ness in Groins built fireplace and fixed up quarters they are quite comfortable got letters + papers from home Saturday 3 the regt went on Picket for 3 days I stayed in camp wrote home to all hands [page 4] Sunday, January 4, 1863 pleasant day nothing done in camp Reported victory in the South west at Murphy _____ Monday 5 All quiet received letter from home with stamps Tuesday 6 The Regt came in from Picket at 2 P.M. wrote to E J Mcwain had shower at night [page 5] Wednesday, January 7, 1863 The weather colder had 2 drills also the thanks of the State were read to the Brigade for their Bravery probably we shall fight better there after Dr. Belknap + Brether here from Dr. Standwith had a pleasant visit with us Thursday 8 Cold day repaired tent Drilled + Dr. Belknap started for Vt sent letters home by him had some nice oysters to day also drew Potatoes + flour are living high Friday 9 Pleasant day steady camp life no drill to day dress Parade at night [page 6] Saturday, January 10, 1863 Had Brigade review in fore noon commenced raining at noon rained most the afternoon makes it quite muddy Sunday 11 Had Co. Inspection at 1 P.M. received a letter from Nett Button also wrote Home Monday 12 Received letter from Ed also wrote to her pleasant day drilled as usual [page 7] Tuesday, January 13, 1863 Got letter from Home a good long one also wrote to Nettie no Drills Wednesday 14 Warm day + windy drills as usual had two new recruits Irishmen from Limerick Thursday 15 Very warm + windy like a Jany than in Vermont drew a new pair Pants had review by “Old Lige see the Monkey Hous [page 8] Friday, January 16, 1863 Rumors of move went over to an artist to get picture taken but did not get it on account of wind Saturday 17 Very cold day got letter from P Whorly Fiske baked some Peis Sunday 18 Cold + severe weather had Co Inspection [page 9] Monday, January 19, 1863 Got letter from Edna also wrote to C Fiske Had Brigade Drill in afternoon got Express box from home with every thing right came through in 8 days Tuesday 20 Cold day Started up the River on another campaign had a hard march travailed about 10 miles I am tired camped in a pine woods for the night Got letter from home Ed + Mary Martin Wednesday 21 Rained all night last night we were ordered to pack up + march went down + snaked Benton (?) train out of the mud got to camp at dark the mud is awful + still raining the moove is up for the present [page 10] Thursday, January 22, 1863 I think the move is up Rainy in morning had a wet + bad night last night spent the fore noon drying clothes + making ourselves more comfortable nothing done to day Friday 23 Returned to our old camp the mud is very deep + hard travailing got in about 3 p.m. am very Tired and generally used up Thin they will be satisfied for a while got letter from E. Machain Saturday 24 I have nothing of importance to record to day wrote home [page 11] Sunday, January 25, 1863 Pleasant Day Wrote to Edna Staid at home + read Monday 26 Very pleasant day wrote to Ed Mcwain drew Flour onions and Potatoes rained in the night warmer had drilling Tuesday 27 Rained all day mud is plenty mad and dryed batch of peis [page 12] Wednesday, January 28, 1863 Snowed very hard all day I think there is six or eight inches to night + is still snowing got love letter and ____ one from home Thursday 29 Nothing done but shovel snow there is about one foot on the ground Gen Burnside resigned Hooker in command Franklin + Limnerare Recalled Friday 30 Went on Picket for three days went on to the line + relieved the 49th NY pleasant day [page 13] Saturday, January 31, 1863 Were relived from Post duty + went on the main supports pleasant day Jany has been a very short month seemingly the snow still hangs on Sunday, February 1 Still on Picket Pleasant day got letter from Edna the snow has mostly disappeared Monday 2 Come off Picket My health good with exception of the Groins [page 14] Tuesday, February 3, 1863 Cold Blustery day smoky chimney wrote home Wednesday 4 Very cold + clear am somewhat lame living not very well Thursday 5 Very boisterous + snowy in fore noon turned into rain + is still raining got medicine for my Groins which are very painful got a good letter from home wrote to Edna [page 15] Friday, February 6, 1863 Rainy day got a letter from home also one from Fisk wrote to Mrs. Mary Martin froze up at night Saturday 7 Pleasant day cleaned gun + equipment wrote home also in some to Gill + Al made doughnuts Sunday 8 Had inspection at 3 PM got letter from Nettie B wrote to Dr. Jones drew soft Bread warm day got 2.00 in letters ________ officers took home at Gen Smith [page 16] Monday, February 9, 1863 Pleasant day washed clothes got letter from Edna bought flour was promoted to 3 sergt ____ was reduced to 4th by order Major Pinger Tuesday 10 Very pleasant day Fay started for Vt on furlough got paper from home had Brigade review at 2PM by the Colonel of the 26 N J Col. Whitting resigned. Wednesday 11 rainy Day health good + enjoying life nothing done to day [page 17] Thursday, February 12, 1863 Pleasant Day nothing good on of importance Mr. Leonard of Barnard here Friday 13 Pleasant day no drills wrote letters to Edna fried Pies drew Potatoes + onions + fresh beef Saturday 14 Pleasant but cold had company Drill + battalion Drew pr of Drawers [page 18] Sunday, February 15, 1863 Rainy day had inspection on arms + equipments at 3 P M wrote to Nettie also to _____ Monday 16 (pages are smudged for about a week) John ______ had Co + Battallion drill Got letter from Father + mother _____ also letter from E Mcwain Father expressed his views of the war Tuesday 17 Snowed all day about 6 inches refined in tents + read + played euchre [page 19] Wednesday, February 18, 1863 Rained all day got snow out of ________ lived on hard tacks _______ food leaky Tent Thursday 19 foggy + little rainy had inspection ______ going on Picket Friday Friday 20 wrote to Jones + Mcwain went on Picket at 9 oclock in forenoon with rations for five days very Pleasant day staid on picket got letter J.H. Jones [page 20] Saturday, February 21, 1863 Went on Post at 10 A M Pleasant + warm all day commenced snowing at 9 P M + snowed all night got letter from Mary Martin all quiet Sunday 22 Washingtons Birth cannons fired salute in his honor Snowy + Desmal morning got wet cooks brought us out beans + soft bread also got letter from home + Edna folks all well at home came on support at 10 Monday 23 Were relieved from picket by 49th NY snow one foot deep had a hard picket health good drew fresh Beef [page 21] Tuesday, February 24, 1863 Got snow out of the streets the most ever ____ in Vas pleasant day had inspection of arms at 5 P M Wednesday 25 Pleasant Day Snow leaving had a great time snowballing with the 26th drove them from their position gained a complete victory Thursday 26 Rainy + muddy Health good Fay returned from home brought two watches [page 22] Friday, February 27, 1863 Warm + cloudy Father came here from Vert. brought things for me Boots + provisions was glad to see him Ken Martin came also Saturday 28 Muster day was mustered at 8 a m went round with Father + Martin to see Batterys Sunday, March 1 Rainy day had no inspection visited am having a good time [page 23] Monday, March 2, 1863 Pleasant day went out to Falmouth with Father + Martin had a good visit at the Battle Ground + Fredericksburg got letter from mother + Ed Mac Tuesday 3 had inspection also Panrico went on fatigue building ______ house father unwell from his travail yesterday played euchre with him at night Wednesday 4 Got excused from drill showed Father the Brigade while drilling also got some cards [page 24] Thursday, March 5, 1863 had Brigade drill went with Father to see the Major Pingree had a pleasant visit Friday 6 Father started home Chas Martin went with them + _____ carried their valises cold + windy Day Saturday 7 Cloudy Day wrote Home am little homesick got cough Pd Wills 2.00 for Fathers board Co inspection at 5 P M rainy night [page 25] Sunday, March 8, 1863 Rainy in morning had inspection of arms at 1 P M. Chas Tapper Here with convalescents R. Whitney came to Co Wrote letters to Mary + Dr. Jones Monday 9 Pleasant day cough better drew potatoes got letter from Mr Whitney had Brigade Drill C. Kidder left for home on discharge Tuesday 10 wrote home + to McWain Rainy day are under marching orders think we shall soon move perhaps to the Peninsula health good + living high [page 26] Wednesday, March 11, 1863 Pleasant day Tupper returned to Vermont no Drills not so much signs of a moove Thursday 12 Cold + windy Day had Brigade Drill at 2 P M got letter from home also one from Dr. Jones Friday 13 Cold + windy Day went on Picket at 9 A M went on the Main Reserve got letter from Edna coughed quite bad at night [page 27] Saturday, March 14, 1863 Our Co went to the right support I stayed upon the Main Reserve by Order Capt. Lillie _______ cooks brought meat + bread Sunday 15 Rather cold Day Stayed upon the Reserve Stormy night Snowed some Monday 16 Cold Day could improve Picket wrote to Edna health Good lived on beans Potatoes fresh Beef [page 28] Tuesday, March 17, 1863 Cold day there wer no drummed from the Brigade also several more that were court martialed + sent to Rif Reps Wednesday 18 Cold Day had a parade Drill got letter from Father + N Button also got four watches sold one to H. Paige for 20.00 Smith for 18.00 book ratins Thursday 19 Cold + Rain winds had a Division review By Gen Heaner at 11 AM wrote Home sold 1 wach to Austin Took orders for 20, on Cushman [page 29] Friday, March 20, 1863 Snowy Day + cold nothing done Got letter from home containing my accounts Health good got letter from Edna Saturday 21 Stormy Day half snow + Rain dull times living fair Played Euchre also Read cough better Sunday 22 Warm Day had inspection wrote Home health good Dull times [page 30] Monday, March 23, 1863 Pleasant had knapsack inspection Co Drill 10 A M also Battalion Drill in afternoon got letter from Dr. Jones Tuesday 24 had co drill in A M also Brigade drill in afternoon unwell bad cold + cough Wednesday 25 Am sick got excused from duty no drills took medicine [page 31] Thursday, March 26, 1863 wrote letter to Edna Am better today went on duty had battalion Drill in afternoon rumors of an advance but nothing reliable Friday 27 Fine + spring like day had a Brigade Inspection also Brigade Drill got letter from Home cough better Saturday 28 Rainy day had no drills Staid in tent + read wrote to Nettie B also Dan Jones got Paper from home [page 32] Sunday, March 29, 1863 Cold + windy Day had inspection at 10 A.M. got a letter from E McWain Health good Monday 30 Pleasant Day had Brigade Drill at 2 P M Inspection as usual Tuesday 31 Snowing in morning somewhat spasty No Drills played Euchre [page 33] Wednesday, April 1, 1863 Pleasant but some what windy, had Brigade review wrote to Mr. Whitney Thursday 2 Pleasant + warm high winds at night had no Drills got letter from Home also one from G M wrote to Gill + Al. Friday 3 Pleasant Day Had a Division review by Gen Hooker it went off nice got letter from K Richmond living quite well [page 34] Saturday, April 4, 1863 very windy + boisterous snowy at night wrote to Kindrick Richmond no drills Inspection as usual, health good Sunday 5 Cold + windy snow about 6 inches deep in morning got letter from mother also one from Edna folks all well Monday 6 Wrote Home Pleasant day 8 Privates + Corps went on Picket Barns died no Drills Barns was buried at Eventide with Military Honors [page 35] Thursday, April 7, 1863 Had Brigade Drill in morning windy Day wrote to Edna Wednesday 8 Revilee at 6 A M went up near Falmouth + were reviewed by the President of U.S. was tired out when I got Back Thursday 9 Pleasant Day No Drills Had letter from Jones Old Equipments were Dispatched out [page 36] Friday, April 10, 1863 very warm Day Had muster in A M for conscrips also Inspection of Arms and Equips at 1 oclock P M and Brigade Drill at 2 ½ got letter from Dan J Saturday 11 Warm Day moved Camp worked hard moving + fixing up tent have a pleasant camp ground Tired at night + sick headache Sunday 12 Pleasant + warm but signs of rain went on Picket after the usual amt of Red Tape in from of Guard ___________ went on Post got letter from home [page 37] Monday, April 13, 1863 Rather Cooler came in to the main reserve at 10 A M Pay master arrives got a letter from Edna also one from A Jones Tuesday 14 Warm Day went back to support + we are to march in morning with 8 days Rations sent off Dr. Coat came in from Picket at 3 P M + was payed off got 24.00 Wednesday 15 Very Rainy Day collected my debts all night [page 38] Thursday, April 16, 1863 Cool day + muddy the move is up I think got the Paymaster have 80.00 + took a check No 4042 Friday 17 Pleasant Day Fired at target one _____ (scratched out) Dress parade got letter from Edna Saturday 18 Moved tent + had Co. Street Brigade Dress parade at night got letter from home also Boots + Book letter from Mr. Whitney [page 39] Sunday, April 19, 1863 Pleasant Day Had inspection at 12 M got 12 dollars of Fisher co B for Mark Whitney had Eggs for Supper Monday 20 Rainy Day on fatigue drilling Bridge got some act Sent 500 to Wells Bartholomew Tuesday 21 No Drills had inspection wrote one sent allotment order for $20 also to M. Whitney sent him 10.00 of Fisher [page 40] Wednesday, April 22, 1863 Warm Day git out trees in Co Streets health good Thursday, 23 Rained hard all day nothing done in camp lonesome time. Friday, 24 Somewhat Rainy no Drills_____ [page 41] Saturday, April 25, 1863 Had inspection of Equips by the Brigade Inspection got my Ambrotype taken Sunday, 26 Pleasatn Day Inspection as usual at 10 A M Monday, 27 Pleasant Day orders to be ready to march on morning with 8 days Rations Paige furlough came [page 42] Tuesday, April 28, 1863 Paige went on furlough Rainy Day Marched at 10 ½ A M. Camped in Pines about 12 miles from Falmouth am tired 8 days Rations are heavy Wednesday, 29 Brooks crossed near the old place our division layed near the River Rainy + uncomfortable Thursday 30 Warm + Rainy some skirmishing but not much fighting in our front reported success on the right still on the left bank of the River [page 43] Friday, May 1, 1863 Warm + Pleasant Day have not crossed yet some skirmishing across the River also heavy firing up the River + reported success Saturday 2 Pleasant weather crossed the River at 5 P.M. and laid in line upon the flat got letter from Home _______ + fisk Sunday 3 Churyed up the heights and took them without much loss Harry Hall of the 2nd was killed we took considerable Artillery + Prisoners [page 44] Monday, May 4, 1863 Warm Day skirmish in morning + heavy fight at night we repulsed them and took many prisoners recrossed the River above Falmouth in the night Tuesday 5 Very hot in forenoon hard thunder shower at night got soaked wrote home camped in wheat field some firing on our right Wednesday 6 Wet + cloudy Day went on Picket at night got wet had hard Rain [page 45] Thursday, May 7, 1863 Wet Day were relieved from Picket at night Friday 8 Cloudy Day returned to our old camp stopped an hour then went about 2 miles + encamped Tired Saturday 9 Pleasant weather nothing ocurred of importance [page 46] Sunday, May 10, 1863 Pleasant Day wrote Home 12 of the Co went on Picket Monday 11 Warm Day Boys came in from Picket nothing ocurred of importance Tuesday 12 Warm Day came on Picket at 10 A.M. come about 8 miles near Bell Plain Landing went on Post [page 47] Wednesday, May 13, 1863 Were releaved from Post Duty + came on the main reserve thunder shower at night Thursday 14 Pleasant Day came in from Picket got Paper found Paige there he brought me a cap Stripes + a brim Friday 15 Warm Day Policed camp made tent + c [page 48] Saturday, May 16, 1863 Pleasant + hot all quiet along the lines Sunday 17 Quiet Day Sunday moring inspection got letter from Home + paper folks are well Monday 18 Warm Day Had Brigade Inspection by Capt. Brown nothing going on [page 49] Tuesday, May 19, 1863 Pleasant had Brigade review by Gen Grant Wednesday 20 Warm weather were reviewed by Gen Sedgewick at 9 A M Lt. Scott went Home got letter from Edna Thursday 21 Fine weather got long letter from Home no Drills no reviews [page 50] Friday, May 22, 1863 Warm weather + no rain I think a shower would be beneficial Saturday 23 Still continues hot + dry wrote Home also to Varmin Whitney nothing going on Sunday 24 Pleasant Hot Inspection at 9 A M [page 51] Monday, May 25, 1863 Cloudy Day policed Co + Regimental Grounds no Drills Tuesday 26 Commenced to Drill skirmished Lt. Richardson drilled wrote to D Jones Wednesday 27 Warm Day Drilled in skirmishing good news from the So west [page 52] Thursday, May 28, 1863 Warm + dusty Day Drilled Skirmishing Friday 29 Still warm Day here payed to the 18th of May Ben Ward brought 3 watches from home Saturday 30 Dry + dusty Day Drills as usual [page 53] Sunday, May 31, 1863 Still warm weather Sold watch to E McWain for 19.00 also one to St. Richardson for 16 Monday, June 1, 1863 Wrote Home Drilled in Bayonet exercises Tuesday 2 Warm Day Drilled in Bay. Exercises had Brigade Dress Parade [page 54] Wednesday, June 3, 1863 Brigade Dress parade Drilled as usual Officer hall Batt at Division HdQuarters Thursday 4 Pleasant day Rumored of an advance or a retreat dress a Blouse?? Friday 5 Warm Day left camp at 2 P.M. went tot eh River + crossed at 6 m boats the 5th + 26th first went immediately on Picket some skirmishes [page 55] Saturday, June 6, 1863 Warm Day still on Picket Rained at night came off Picket at night + supported 1st Mass Battery Sunday 7 Pleasant Day all quiet this side the River no firing of any amount got letter from Home relieved at dark by the 3rd Brigade Monday 8 Warm Day all quiet across the River except some skirmishing [page 56] Tuesday, June 9, 1863 Still warm + dry not much firing across the River the Federals are fortifying Wednesday 10 Hot weather went over on fatigue digging rifle pits at 10 A.M. came back at night got much firing on Picket Thursday 11 Still warm weather comparitively quiet across the river [page 57] Friday, June 12, 1863 Nothing of importance occurred wrote Home Saturday 13 Marched 10 miles warm Day had a thunder shower at night started at Dark traveled till 3 A M halted near Potomac Creek Sunday 14 Warm Day remained all day where we camped started at Dark travailed all night to above Stafford Court House [page 58] Monday, June 15, 1863 25 miles Resumed our march very warm come to Dumphreys very tired most of the Regt fell out many were from Sun stroke stopped all night at Dumphreys Tuesday 16 18 m Started at 4 A M on the march very good march halted for the night stopped for the night stopped 2 hours at Wolfe run shoals with the 14 Vt saw Perry got good Dinner stopped at Fairfax Station Wednesday 17 Warm Day stayed in Camp Near Station Eugene Eaton from the 16th Vt came down here [page 59] Thursday, June 18, 1863 Warm mooved down near the court House got letter from Home rained at night 6 miles Friday 19 Very warm no moove am getting somewhat rested Saturday 20 Cooler + cloudy started up by Centerville on the Alexandria pike to Bristol Station for bout 18 miles am tired [page 60] Sunday, June 21, 1863 Warm Day nothing of importance occurred getting Some what rested Monday 22 Warm Day all quiet went on Picket at 6 P M about a mile from the station on the Railroad Tuesday 23 Pleasant on the reserve read [page 61] Wednesday, June 24, 1863 Came of Picket had (marked through) relieved by the 3d Division Drill by Gen How Thursday 25 Some rainy left the Station at 7 P M marched to Centerville 10 miles am wet + tired some of the 2d Vt Brigade here Friday 26 Rainy + mudy resumed our march at day break marched to Drainsville 15 m in route for Maryland am tired letters from Home [page 62] Saturday, June 27, 1863 15 m Warm + cloudy day marched from Dainsville to Edward Ferry crossed into M Maryland + camped ___ some (marked through) 2d at Bristol Sunday 28 Marched by Poolsville + Sugar bay _____ arms halted for the night near Urbana am tired 15 miles Monday 29 Resumed our march come 26 miles camped for the night at Sams Creek [page 63] Tuesday, June 30, 1863 Marched about 18 m + halted 2 miles from _________ very tired + many fell out + dropped down Wednesday, July 1 did not moove till night got some what rested Thursday 2 20 miles Started towards Penn at 12 last night marched all night + day arrived at gettiesburg at 4 P M hard fighting [page 64] Friday, July 3, 1863 Went on Picket in front the Rebs hard fighting on the right the unionist are successful Saturday 4 advanced about 1 mile skirmishing no one hurt in the Co + only 2 wounded in the Regt rainy day got wet Sunday 5 marched at 7 A M the Rebs have left home about 5 miles + ______________ [page 65] Monday, July 6, 1863 Rainy 3d Brigade out skirmishing no rations the boys are all cross marched at dark to Emitsburg about 10 m very muddy Tuesday 7 got rations + started on March at 8 A M marched all day + lot of night halted on the mountain hard rain got wet + tired 30 miles march Wednesday 8 rainy marched in forenoon to Middletown about 8 we got wet + am footsore wrote Home news of the capture of Vicksburg [page 66] Thursday, July 9, 1863 Meds Camp at Boonsboro marched from Middletown to Boonsboro about 8 miles some firing towards Williamsport pleasant day saw 10th Vt + Dr. Clark Friday 10 Pleasant + warm started from Boonsboro towards funkstown our Brigade in advance the Cavalry became engaged + were driven then our brigade had a skirmish + lost 45 wounded Saturday 11 Were relieved from Picket by third Division no firing on the line washed clothes got letter from home [page 67] Sunday, July 12, 1863 Marched on through Funkstown + took up positions on the Antietam creek the enemy are near front there has been quite a skirmish some prisoners taken Monday 13 Some what rainy no firing on the lines our forces are fortifying the __________ Tuesday 14 In fire at _________ the rebels crossed last night our captured about 2000 near the River who had not crossed [page 68] Wednesday, July 15, 1863 Warm Day marched from Williamsport to Boonsboro saw 1800 prisoners captured by our cavalry marched 12 miles Thursday 16 Not quite so warm marched at daylight via Middletown Burkitsville near Berlin at 3 P.M. + went into camp marched 18 miles wrote Home Friday 17 Rainy Day wrote to Edna we did not moove this is the first time since we came into _____ we have staid 2 nights in a place [page 69] Saturday, July 18, 1863 Camp near Berlin Md staid in camp am getting rested wrote to Dan Jones got allotment ____ for 2 months 20 Sunday 19 Warm Day let Berlin crossed the river marched about 12 miles camped near Lovettsville Monday 20 Little coller marched at 9 A.M. came slow marched about 10 m camped near Filmont [page 70] Tuesday, July 21, 1863 Pleasant day did not moove wrote to Sarah B. went Blackbearying found them thick had some honey Wednesday 22 Wrote home warm day marched at 1 P.M. till dark came about 8 miles sent home an order for $20, allotment pay Thursday 23 Warm Day Marched at daylight came about 10 m + halted 2 hours near White Plains then marched till dark making 20 m am tired camped near Manassns Gap [page 71] Friday, July 24, 1863 Very warm marched about 15 miles camped about 2 miles from Orleans very tired Saturday 25 Still continues warm mooved at 7 A.M. marched 12 miles camped near Warrenton Sunday 26 Very ot day stayed in camp this is the first sunday we have had to ourselves for some time health good [page 72] Monday, July 27, 1863 Still continues warm nothing going on to day went a blackberrying got quite a quantity for supper got letter from Home with $3.00 also one from Dan Jones Tuesday 28 Warm + cloudy day went to meeting at 7 oclock P.M. Chaplain Stone Preached Dr. Clark from 10th Vt came over to see us had good visit Wednesday 29 Cooler + little rainy dull times Lt. Newton from 10 Vt came into our camp had quite a good visit with him [page 73] Thursday, July 30, 1863 Warm Day had thunder shower in afternoon as usual went to meting at the old church at night Chaplain Mack preached. Friday 31 Very warm Day went Blackberrying in the forenoon came on Picket at 7 oclock P.M. came out about 5 miles went on reserve Saturday, August 1 Warm Day the Brigade mooved camp near to Rappahannock river came off picket + into camp in the afternoon [page 74] Sunday, August 2, 1863 Still continues very hot got boards + material for Tent in forenoon some policing done + Lt Paige ______ Monday 3 Very warm fixed up tent with bunks off the ground heard Artillery firing at a distance Tuesday 4 Some what cooler + cloudy Day drew soft bread [page 75] Wednesday, August 5, 1863 Wrote Home + got letter from Edna quite warm Day mooved camp again about 2 miles towards Warrenton have got a very pleasant + shady camp Thursday 6 Some what cooler fixed up tent + beds have got comfortably situated again Drew Beans Friday 7 Very warm Day had Division review by Gen Howe at 4 P. got very wet while returning Tent leaky [page 76] Saturday, August 8, 1863 Very warm Day got letters from Edna + Alice also one from Dan Jones wrote to Alice + Edna Sunday 9 Still warm had Division inspection at 11 A.M. Monday 10 Hot + uncomfortable got some Parsley Greens for supper went to the river bathing had a good swim [page 77] Tuesday, August 11, 1863 hot as Hannah Drilled in morning wrote to Dr. Jones plenty Beans + Bread hard + soft also apple Sauce + Berrys Wednesday 12 Somewhat cooler had Division drill + inspection got letter from E. ________ Thursday 13 weather moderate some rain __________ had inspection of clothing + ____ Dress parade wrote to John Jakes also to Alice [page 78] Friday, August 14, 1863 Pleasant day had reveile at day light + packed up to moove marched to Warrenton Junction took cars to Morris at Alexandria at 12 oclock Saturday 15 Warm Day had roll call once an hour staid in camp the 2d 5th + part of 6th Vt were paid off rumors that were to go to N.Y. Sunday 16 Pleasant Day the rest of the Brigade were ___ off except our Regt [page 79] Monday, August 17, 1863 Warm Day went to Alexandria in A.M. on Brigade Guard in P.M. Fall in at dark + near to the river + staid all night Tuesday 18 Pleasant went on board the Boat at 8 A.M. Set sail immediately were run into by a schooner after dark + cast anchor till morning no damage done Wednesday 19 Toiled at daylight Smoothe sea + all prosperous run all night [page 80] Thursday, August 20, 1863 Smothe sea pleasant and prosperous voyage except the closeness of the boat arrived at N.Y. Harbor at 4 PM cast anchor and laid on board all night Friday 21 Came off the Boat and through Canal St to Washington Square our Co. was immediately detailed for Guard Saturday 22 Rather warm Day all quiet in the city commenced Boarding at the Eating house for _____ [page 81] Sunday, August 23, 1863 Pleasant Day went to church in N.Y. City quite a rarity for a soldier wrote Home Monday 24 Pleasant Day nothing occurred of importance all the usual the co went on board Tuesday 25 Pleasant Day little rain at night got a leter from Home with Stamps. [page 82] Wednesday, August 26, 1863 Pleasant got a letter from Sarah Button…have no drill Thursday 27 Some what cooler received letter from Daniel Jones Friday 28 Went on Guard at Grants Hd quarters at 5 PM with 3 corps + 21 privates at Tompkins Square Pleasant got letter from Dan Jones [page 83] Saturday, August 29, 1863 Got letter from Home with $10.00 was relieved from Guard at 5 p m commenced raining + got very wet before I arrived in camp Sunday 30 No Inspection quite pleasant wrote Home + to Sarah Button had services in the Park Monday 31 quite Pleasant went out on Pass had good time on Greene _______ were mustered for pay at 10 A.M. drew Blouses + Rubber Blanket [page 84] Tuesday, September 1, 1863 Cool day nothing going on of importance Co E right on their ____________ ________ Wednesday 2 Pleasant + Cool the Co. all went on Guard except Gale myself + Jones more _____ alon the lines Thursday 3 Cool weather the 6th Vt are getting paid expect ours soon [page 85] Friday, September 4, 1863 Fine weather got letter from Home the folks are all well Saturday 5 All quiet pleasant day got Box from home most every thing spoiled except boots the Co went on Guard at Guard Hd Qrs Sunday 6 Little unwell to day are ordered to be ready to moove expect to go back to the army [page 86] Monday, September 7, 1863 Pleasant Day went on guard to Gen Rugers Hd. Qrs at night with 12 men + 2 corps at City Hall Park Tuesday 8 Pleasant Day wer payed off 4 months pay got 28.00 relieved from Guard at 6 oclock called at 187 Worcester Dr Wednesday 9 Sold Allotment order for 20.00 to Thomas Smith Two months Worcester St [page 87] Thursday, September 10, 1863 Pleasant Day went out on Pass engaged photographs at the Bowery packed up + took the boat for Virginia at 7 P.M. Friday 11 Pleasant Day Set Sail at 7 A.M. sea smoothe + the Boat is a good Easy riding one Saturday 12 Pleasant Day left the Delaware Breakwater + went up the Del. Bay + river arrived at Phila at Dark [page 88] Sunday, September 13, 1863 Pleasant but cloudy + little rainy at night remained in Harbor all day sailed back to Chester at night anchored 14 miles from Phila. Monday 14 Pleasant Day changed boats from the Alexandria to the Phil + started at Dark through the Chespeake + Delaware Canal. Tuesday 15 Pleasatn Day but little cloudy on board the Phil. Sailed through the Elk river + Chespeake Bay [page 89] Wednesday, September 16, 1863 Pleasant Day sailed up the Potomac + arrived at Alexandria at 4 P.M. debarked + encamped near the city 6 days + nights on the water Thursday 17 got letter from Edna stayed in camp + made preparations to march went to the Theater at night saw the Hunchback played good play Friday 18 Started towards Fairfax at 10 A.M in the rain got very wet marched about 10 miles + camped [page 90] Saturday, September 19, 1863 Cool Day + comfortable time to march marched to Centersville about 13 miles Sunday 20 Cool weather marched to Catteau Station about 18 miles Monday 21 Cool weather marched to the Rappahannock Station 14 miles went on Picket [page 91] Tuesday, Sept 22, 1863 Still continues Cool marched to the Division about 4 miles beyond Culpepper got Photographs from N.Y. Wednesday 23 Still cool weather cleaned Equip wrote Home to Ed also to Dr. Jones Sent them Photographs Thursday 24 Warm Days + Cool nights recd 19 recruits from Lt Fisk L. Taylor + Alexander came into this Co [page 92] Friday, September 25, 1863 Got letter from Edna a good one two recruits Deserted drilled at 4 PM cold night Saturday 26 Pleasant day got letter from Home Father unwell recruits Drill 4 times per Day Sunday 27 Pleasant Day Chaplain Roberts returned + preached to us wrote to Edna [page 93] Monday, September 28, 1863 Pleasant Day wrote to William Chaffee sent Photographs also one to Nettie B. Tuesday 29 Pleasant Day went on Picket for two days relieved the third Vt went on Post six hours Wednesday 30 Very pleasant time for doing picket duty wrote Home on Post six hours [page 94] Thursday, October 1, 1863 Cloudy Day were relieved from picket by the 5th Vt at 10 A M packed up for a moove at night but the order was countermanded Friday, October 2 Rainy Day mooved cmap out where the 3d Div camped they have gone down to the Railroad got very wet fixing Tent Saturday 3 Cleared off quite pleasant fixed up Tent with bunks off the ground no Drills [page 95] Sunday, October 4, 1863 Pleasant Day nothing of importance Transpired got Letter from Mother Monday 5 Pleasant + Cool marched from camp at 6 A.M. out near the Rapidan 3 miles relieved the 2d Corps Tuesday 6 Pleasant Day went on Brigade Guard got a letter from Edna [page 96] Wednesday, October 7, 1863 Pleasant Day was relieved from having to be Guard close 9 miles Thursday 8 No drills nor anything going on in camp Friday 9 Warm Day but cold night went on Picket had charge of 18 men on support went on post during the night [page 97] Saturday, October 10, 1863 Cool weather firing upon our right flank came off picket at 10 PM + marched all night arrived at Culpepper at daylight Sunday 11 Marched to the Rappahannock Station Cavalry fighting near here at night am tired without sleep for two nights Monday 12 Went back across the river + marched to Brandy Station Cavalry fight near there at night recrossed the river at 10 ½ PM [page 98] Tuesday, October 13, 1863 Pleasant Day On the march at daylight marched to within one mile of Bristow am Tired all quiet to day Wednesday, October 14, 1863 Marched at Daylight arrived at Centerville at 2 P.M. hard fighting near Bristow Station our forces victorious Thursday 15 Mooved off to the right about 4 miles fighting on our left [page 99] Friday, October 16, 1863 Somewhat rainy went on guard upon the pike road to Fairfax on Post Saturday 17 Came off guard + encamped upon the Alder Pike got letter from Home also from Nett Button Sunday 18 In camp to day get time rested wrote home [page 100] Monday, October 19, 1863 Marched at daylight came about 15 miles pleasant day camped at Gainsville Cavalry fighting Tuesday 20 Marched at daybreak came about 15 miles encamped near Warrenton Springs pleasant weather Wednesday 21 [marked through] (mooved camp also went on Picked came off at night) Stayed in camp no moove [page 101] Thursday, October 22, 1863 Went on Picket mooved Camp came off Picket at night Friday 23 Pack up Tent rained at night very muddy wrote to Alice Saturday 24 Still rainy not much going on write to Dr. Jones also wrote home [page 102] Sunday, October 25, 1863 Went on Regimental Guard very cold day + windy night not much sleep Monday 26 Came off guard at 9 A M very cold day + windy Tuesday 27 Cold + windy got letter from home wrote to GP also home [page 103] Wednesday, October 28, 1863 Weather more moderated had Division Drill in PM wrote to Edna also to Dr. Jones Thursday 29 Cool weather had Brigade Drill in A M. wrote Home for Box Friday 30 Brigade rains in Afternoon quite pleasant weather rained at night [page 104] Saturday, October 31, 1863 Were mustered for pay at 10 A.M. went on Picket in P.M. very cold + windy the close of the month + its had marches Sunday, November 1 More moderate in P M came off Picket at night not a hard picket on reserve all the time. Monday 2 Got letters from Home Had Division Drill in P.M. ________ left guide of Co Back on guard Charles Beckworth killed by the cars [page 105] Tuesday, November 3, 1863 Pleasant Day Beckworth was buried with Military Honors, went over at night + took list of His effects Wednesday 4 Very warm for this season the 2d Div. was reviews by Gen Sedgwick at 2 P.M. Thursday 5 Pleasant weather Battallion Drill in P M Letter from Home [page 106] Friday, November 6, 1863 Cold + windy day no Drills Orders to be ready to moove at moments notice with six days rations Capt. Dealt out Tobacco Saturday 7 Drew four Dollars Co Funds Left Camp at Daylight + came near Rappahannock Station Hard fight in the afternoon our forces victorious our regt was not engaged Sunday 8 Cold Day crossed the River + went up near Brandy Station the Rebs have retreated not much fighting today [page 107] Monday, November 9, 1863 Mooved back into the woods where the Rebs had there Quarters Cool weather Tuesday 10 Cool Day Put up Tent nothing done in camp Wednesday 11 Still cold nothing going on in camp [page 108] Thursday, November 12, 1863 More pleasant commenced building us a good Tent + fire place Friday 13 Finished building Tent + fire place in fore noon went on Picket at 3 P M Staid on reserve till 3 A.M. Sat Saturday 14 Came in from Picket at night somewhat raining with Thunder [page 109] Sunday, November 15, 1863 Rainy morning cannonading in our front orders to be ready to march at moments Notice wrote Home Monday 16 Pleasant but cold went on Home Guard Got letter from Home folks well sent Bill of Box. Tuesday 17 Came off Guard at 9 A.M. Had a Division Drill in P M 3 soldiers from 2d Div. were Branded with D [page 110] Wednesday, November 18, 1863 Pleasant Day Had Division Drill in PM By Gen Howe Thursday 19 Pleasant Day wrote Home also to Sarah Button no Drill but inspection at 3 P M Friday 20 Hand Corps Review by Gen Meade + the Commander of the British Army Pleasant Day [page 111] Saturday, November 21, 1863 Still Pleasant Had Div. Drill also Guard two Soldiers Branded for Desertion in the palm of the right hand Sunday 22 Pleasant Day Ordered to be ready to moove Monday 23 Got 2 Boxes from home with gloves, boots tobacco + sold the most of it rainy at night [page 112] Tuesday, November 24, 1863 Rainy Day Did not moove Ed McWain started back for home on recruiting service Wednesday 25 Pleasant Day no Drill or moove but orders to moove in the morning wrote Home Thursday 26 Cool day left camp at Daylight marched toward the Rapidon hard march crossed the river at midnight + camped not fight as yet [page 113] Friday, November 27, 1863 Pleasant but cold the 3d Corps had hard fight our corps was not engaged very much the loss was heavy Saturday 28 Rainy + very uncomfortable mooved to the Left some skirmishing with the Rebs got very wet Sunday 29 Cold Day no fighting the Rebs in front in force [page 114] Monday, November 30, 1863 Mooved in the night to the right expect to attack but did not for some reason very cold + no fires allowed Tuesday, December 1 Very Cold Day not fighting today Started from camp to the Rapidan at 9 P.M. marched 12 miles cold + uncomfortable Wednesday 2 Crossed the river at daylight at Germania Ford marched about 4 miles + encamped more mild in afternoon short of Rations very tired and weary [page 115] Thursday, December 3, 1863 Marched to our old camp arrived about 3 P M very Tired + hungry hard tacks taste very good Friday 4 Got large mail 2 from home + one from Dr. Jones went on Picket in PM on reserve till midnight on post from then till morning Saturday 5 Pleasatn day got letter from Nett B wrote Home were relieved from picket at dark Signed the Pay Rools [page 116] Sunday, December 6, 1863 Cold Day nothing going on got letter from Home Paid off recd $7.15 Monday 7 Cool weather collected my Debts the most of them Tuesday 8 Still cold weather fixed up tent + bunks very comfortable quarters [page 117] Wednesday, December 9, 1863 More moderate bought Allotment order of A Paige for $20.00 wrote Home recd 4 bunch envelopes from Home Thursday 10 Pleasant Day wrote Home sent Allotment order bought of A.Paige wrote to Dan Jones also to Henry J + Nett B Friday 11 Cloudy Day went of Foraging Expedition 8 miles beyond the Picket line for lumber got a chicken got into camp at Dark [page 118] Saturday, Dece 12, 1863 Cloudy Day + little stormy my birth Day am 23 years old today got letter from home on Business Sunday 13 Rainy morning but Pleasant in P.M. had Inspection in co. Streets Brigade Dress parade were addressed by Co. Grant on Re enlisting Monday 14 Pleasant weather but some what muddy Inspection By Capt Brown of Equipment [page 119] Tuesday, December 15, 1863 Pleasant Day Drew dress coat Had Corps review at sun down by Gen Meade Sedgwick + the Russian Naval officers Wednesday 16 Cold morning went on Brigade Guard at 9 A.M. rainy night Guard house smoky + uncomfortable Thursday 17 Came off guard rainy day got a letter from home folks well [page 120] Friday, December 18, 1863 Cloudy day saw tow men shot for desertion one from the 2d Vt the other from the 5th the Division was all out an awful sight Saturday 19 Cold Day wrote Home nothing going on in camp Sunday 20 Very Cold Day had Inspection + Dress Parade at night got Box from Home Got Tobacco + call in shape Sold some out Lt. Thomlin came to the Regt [page 121] Sunday, December 21, 1863 Still Cold weather Went on Division Guard with 3 corporals + 21 men Green sold most of Tobacco out Tuesday 22 Still cool weather + signs of snow came on Guard at 9 A.M. Letter from Dan Jones Wednesday 23 Still very cold wrote Home drew for drawers signed for over coat [page 122] Thursday, December 24, 1863 Cold weather got letter from Home Friday 25 Still cold my Christmas nyht had good visit with Towle + others Saturday 26 Not as cold reenlisted for 3 years more expected to go Home [page 123] Sunday, December 27, 1863 Very rainy day no Inspection Lt Paynes on guard camp 5th Vt went Home sold watch to Spooner Monday 28 Still Rainy + muddy very uncomfortable weather wrote Home + to Edna Tuesday 29 More pleasant but very muddy was mustered into the U S Service 3 years from the 15th Dec [page 124] Wednesday, December 30, 1863 Very pleasant Day nothing going on in camp I had onions eggs for supper Thursday, December 31, 1863 Very rainy Day this is the last Day of the year had been an eventful year I have been blessed with health and Prosperity too which I have reason to be thankful in now entering upon another 3 years life in the Army don’t know as ______ Have done right but the country needs the men + in consideration of the large Bounty I have volunteered to go into it again. [page 125] memoranda transcribed by: Joyce Hicks
title Chaffee, Henry H. Diary (1863)
titleStr Chaffee, Henry H. Diary (1863)
author Chaffee, Henry H.
author_facet Chaffee, Henry H.
id AUcivil26078
_version_ 1705448619879956480
spelling Chaffee, Henry H. Diary (1863)Chaffee, Henry H.Chaffee, Henry H.; United States. Army. Vermont Infantry, 4th.; Chancellorsville, Battle of, Chancellorsville, Va., 1863; Gettysburg, Battle of, Gettysburg, Pa., 1863; United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865 History – 1838-1874: Sectionalism, the Civil War and Reconstruction; Peoples -- Military Life; Government and Politics -- MilitaryThis is the 120-page diary of Henry H. Chaffee who served with the 4th Vermont Infantry during the Civil War. The diary covers the entire year of 1863 and includes accounts of the Battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg.Auburn University Libraries1863120 pagesTextPDFRG 0307This image is the property of the Auburn University Libraries and is intended for non-commercial use. Users of the image are asked to acknowledge the Auburn University Libraries. For information about obtaining high-resolution copies of this and other images in this collection, please contact the Auburn University Libraries Special Collections & Archives Department at or (334) 844-1732.www.american-south.org,323engHenry H. Chaffee DiaryAuburn University Libraries. Special Collections and Archives.[page 1] Inside front cover: Sergt. Henry H. Chaffee Co.E 4th Vt Volunteers [page 2] Pocket diary 1863 [page 3] Thursday, January 1, 1863 New Years Day the weather find my health good nothing of importance going on Think of home + friends to night washed + dryed my clothes made candy at night Friday 2 pleasant day was excused from drill on acts of lame ness in Groins built fireplace and fixed up quarters they are quite comfortable got letters + papers from home Saturday 3 the regt went on Picket for 3 days I stayed in camp wrote home to all hands [page 4] Sunday, January 4, 1863 pleasant day nothing done in camp Reported victory in the South west at Murphy _____ Monday 5 All quiet received letter from home with stamps Tuesday 6 The Regt came in from Picket at 2 P.M. wrote to E J Mcwain had shower at night [page 5] Wednesday, January 7, 1863 The weather colder had 2 drills also the thanks of the State were read to the Brigade for their Bravery probably we shall fight better there after Dr. Belknap + Brether here from Dr. Standwith had a pleasant visit with us Thursday 8 Cold day repaired tent Drilled + Dr. Belknap started for Vt sent letters home by him had some nice oysters to day also drew Potatoes + flour are living high Friday 9 Pleasant day steady camp life no drill to day dress Parade at night [page 6] Saturday, January 10, 1863 Had Brigade review in fore noon commenced raining at noon rained most the afternoon makes it quite muddy Sunday 11 Had Co. Inspection at 1 P.M. received a letter from Nett Button also wrote Home Monday 12 Received letter from Ed also wrote to her pleasant day drilled as usual [page 7] Tuesday, January 13, 1863 Got letter from Home a good long one also wrote to Nettie no Drills Wednesday 14 Warm day + windy drills as usual had two new recruits Irishmen from Limerick Thursday 15 Very warm + windy like a Jany than in Vermont drew a new pair Pants had review by “Old Lige see the Monkey Hous [page 8] Friday, January 16, 1863 Rumors of move went over to an artist to get picture taken but did not get it on account of wind Saturday 17 Very cold day got letter from P Whorly Fiske baked some Peis Sunday 18 Cold + severe weather had Co Inspection [page 9] Monday, January 19, 1863 Got letter from Edna also wrote to C Fiske Had Brigade Drill in afternoon got Express box from home with every thing right came through in 8 days Tuesday 20 Cold day Started up the River on another campaign had a hard march travailed about 10 miles I am tired camped in a pine woods for the night Got letter from home Ed + Mary Martin Wednesday 21 Rained all night last night we were ordered to pack up + march went down + snaked Benton (?) train out of the mud got to camp at dark the mud is awful + still raining the moove is up for the present [page 10] Thursday, January 22, 1863 I think the move is up Rainy in morning had a wet + bad night last night spent the fore noon drying clothes + making ourselves more comfortable nothing done to day Friday 23 Returned to our old camp the mud is very deep + hard travailing got in about 3 p.m. am very Tired and generally used up Thin they will be satisfied for a while got letter from E. Machain Saturday 24 I have nothing of importance to record to day wrote home [page 11] Sunday, January 25, 1863 Pleasant Day Wrote to Edna Staid at home + read Monday 26 Very pleasant day wrote to Ed Mcwain drew Flour onions and Potatoes rained in the night warmer had drilling Tuesday 27 Rained all day mud is plenty mad and dryed batch of peis [page 12] Wednesday, January 28, 1863 Snowed very hard all day I think there is six or eight inches to night + is still snowing got love letter and ____ one from home Thursday 29 Nothing done but shovel snow there is about one foot on the ground Gen Burnside resigned Hooker in command Franklin + Limnerare Recalled Friday 30 Went on Picket for three days went on to the line + relieved the 49th NY pleasant day [page 13] Saturday, January 31, 1863 Were relived from Post duty + went on the main supports pleasant day Jany has been a very short month seemingly the snow still hangs on Sunday, February 1 Still on Picket Pleasant day got letter from Edna the snow has mostly disappeared Monday 2 Come off Picket My health good with exception of the Groins [page 14] Tuesday, February 3, 1863 Cold Blustery day smoky chimney wrote home Wednesday 4 Very cold + clear am somewhat lame living not very well Thursday 5 Very boisterous + snowy in fore noon turned into rain + is still raining got medicine for my Groins which are very painful got a good letter from home wrote to Edna [page 15] Friday, February 6, 1863 Rainy day got a letter from home also one from Fisk wrote to Mrs. Mary Martin froze up at night Saturday 7 Pleasant day cleaned gun + equipment wrote home also in some to Gill + Al made doughnuts Sunday 8 Had inspection at 3 PM got letter from Nettie B wrote to Dr. Jones drew soft Bread warm day got 2.00 in letters ________ officers took home at Gen Smith [page 16] Monday, February 9, 1863 Pleasant day washed clothes got letter from Edna bought flour was promoted to 3 sergt ____ was reduced to 4th by order Major Pinger Tuesday 10 Very pleasant day Fay started for Vt on furlough got paper from home had Brigade review at 2PM by the Colonel of the 26 N J Col. Whitting resigned. Wednesday 11 rainy Day health good + enjoying life nothing done to day [page 17] Thursday, February 12, 1863 Pleasant Day nothing good on of importance Mr. Leonard of Barnard here Friday 13 Pleasant day no drills wrote letters to Edna fried Pies drew Potatoes + onions + fresh beef Saturday 14 Pleasant but cold had company Drill + battalion Drew pr of Drawers [page 18] Sunday, February 15, 1863 Rainy day had inspection on arms + equipments at 3 P M wrote to Nettie also to _____ Monday 16 (pages are smudged for about a week) John ______ had Co + Battallion drill Got letter from Father + mother _____ also letter from E Mcwain Father expressed his views of the war Tuesday 17 Snowed all day about 6 inches refined in tents + read + played euchre [page 19] Wednesday, February 18, 1863 Rained all day got snow out of ________ lived on hard tacks _______ food leaky Tent Thursday 19 foggy + little rainy had inspection ______ going on Picket Friday Friday 20 wrote to Jones + Mcwain went on Picket at 9 oclock in forenoon with rations for five days very Pleasant day staid on picket got letter J.H. Jones [page 20] Saturday, February 21, 1863 Went on Post at 10 A M Pleasant + warm all day commenced snowing at 9 P M + snowed all night got letter from Mary Martin all quiet Sunday 22 Washingtons Birth cannons fired salute in his honor Snowy + Desmal morning got wet cooks brought us out beans + soft bread also got letter from home + Edna folks all well at home came on support at 10 Monday 23 Were relieved from picket by 49th NY snow one foot deep had a hard picket health good drew fresh Beef [page 21] Tuesday, February 24, 1863 Got snow out of the streets the most ever ____ in Vas pleasant day had inspection of arms at 5 P M Wednesday 25 Pleasant Day Snow leaving had a great time snowballing with the 26th drove them from their position gained a complete victory Thursday 26 Rainy + muddy Health good Fay returned from home brought two watches [page 22] Friday, February 27, 1863 Warm + cloudy Father came here from Vert. brought things for me Boots + provisions was glad to see him Ken Martin came also Saturday 28 Muster day was mustered at 8 a m went round with Father + Martin to see Batterys Sunday, March 1 Rainy day had no inspection visited am having a good time [page 23] Monday, March 2, 1863 Pleasant day went out to Falmouth with Father + Martin had a good visit at the Battle Ground + Fredericksburg got letter from mother + Ed Mac Tuesday 3 had inspection also Panrico went on fatigue building ______ house father unwell from his travail yesterday played euchre with him at night Wednesday 4 Got excused from drill showed Father the Brigade while drilling also got some cards [page 24] Thursday, March 5, 1863 had Brigade drill went with Father to see the Major Pingree had a pleasant visit Friday 6 Father started home Chas Martin went with them + _____ carried their valises cold + windy Day Saturday 7 Cloudy Day wrote Home am little homesick got cough Pd Wills 2.00 for Fathers board Co inspection at 5 P M rainy night [page 25] Sunday, March 8, 1863 Rainy in morning had inspection of arms at 1 P M. Chas Tapper Here with convalescents R. Whitney came to Co Wrote letters to Mary + Dr. Jones Monday 9 Pleasant day cough better drew potatoes got letter from Mr Whitney had Brigade Drill C. Kidder left for home on discharge Tuesday 10 wrote home + to McWain Rainy day are under marching orders think we shall soon move perhaps to the Peninsula health good + living high [page 26] Wednesday, March 11, 1863 Pleasant day Tupper returned to Vermont no Drills not so much signs of a moove Thursday 12 Cold + windy Day had Brigade Drill at 2 P M got letter from home also one from Dr. Jones Friday 13 Cold + windy Day went on Picket at 9 A M went on the Main Reserve got letter from Edna coughed quite bad at night [page 27] Saturday, March 14, 1863 Our Co went to the right support I stayed upon the Main Reserve by Order Capt. Lillie _______ cooks brought meat + bread Sunday 15 Rather cold Day Stayed upon the Reserve Stormy night Snowed some Monday 16 Cold Day could improve Picket wrote to Edna health Good lived on beans Potatoes fresh Beef [page 28] Tuesday, March 17, 1863 Cold day there wer no drummed from the Brigade also several more that were court martialed + sent to Rif Reps Wednesday 18 Cold Day had a parade Drill got letter from Father + N Button also got four watches sold one to H. Paige for 20.00 Smith for 18.00 book ratins Thursday 19 Cold + Rain winds had a Division review By Gen Heaner at 11 AM wrote Home sold 1 wach to Austin Took orders for 20, on Cushman [page 29] Friday, March 20, 1863 Snowy Day + cold nothing done Got letter from home containing my accounts Health good got letter from Edna Saturday 21 Stormy Day half snow + Rain dull times living fair Played Euchre also Read cough better Sunday 22 Warm Day had inspection wrote Home health good Dull times [page 30] Monday, March 23, 1863 Pleasant had knapsack inspection Co Drill 10 A M also Battalion Drill in afternoon got letter from Dr. Jones Tuesday 24 had co drill in A M also Brigade drill in afternoon unwell bad cold + cough Wednesday 25 Am sick got excused from duty no drills took medicine [page 31] Thursday, March 26, 1863 wrote letter to Edna Am better today went on duty had battalion Drill in afternoon rumors of an advance but nothing reliable Friday 27 Fine + spring like day had a Brigade Inspection also Brigade Drill got letter from Home cough better Saturday 28 Rainy day had no drills Staid in tent + read wrote to Nettie B also Dan Jones got Paper from home [page 32] Sunday, March 29, 1863 Cold + windy Day had inspection at 10 A.M. got a letter from E McWain Health good Monday 30 Pleasant Day had Brigade Drill at 2 P M Inspection as usual Tuesday 31 Snowing in morning somewhat spasty No Drills played Euchre [page 33] Wednesday, April 1, 1863 Pleasant but some what windy, had Brigade review wrote to Mr. Whitney Thursday 2 Pleasant + warm high winds at night had no Drills got letter from Home also one from G M wrote to Gill + Al. Friday 3 Pleasant Day Had a Division review by Gen Hooker it went off nice got letter from K Richmond living quite well [page 34] Saturday, April 4, 1863 very windy + boisterous snowy at night wrote to Kindrick Richmond no drills Inspection as usual, health good Sunday 5 Cold + windy snow about 6 inches deep in morning got letter from mother also one from Edna folks all well Monday 6 Wrote Home Pleasant day 8 Privates + Corps went on Picket Barns died no Drills Barns was buried at Eventide with Military Honors [page 35] Thursday, April 7, 1863 Had Brigade Drill in morning windy Day wrote to Edna Wednesday 8 Revilee at 6 A M went up near Falmouth + were reviewed by the President of U.S. was tired out when I got Back Thursday 9 Pleasant Day No Drills Had letter from Jones Old Equipments were Dispatched out [page 36] Friday, April 10, 1863 very warm Day Had muster in A M for conscrips also Inspection of Arms and Equips at 1 oclock P M and Brigade Drill at 2 ½ got letter from Dan J Saturday 11 Warm Day moved Camp worked hard moving + fixing up tent have a pleasant camp ground Tired at night + sick headache Sunday 12 Pleasant + warm but signs of rain went on Picket after the usual amt of Red Tape in from of Guard ___________ went on Post got letter from home [page 37] Monday, April 13, 1863 Rather Cooler came in to the main reserve at 10 A M Pay master arrives got a letter from Edna also one from A Jones Tuesday 14 Warm Day went back to support + we are to march in morning with 8 days Rations sent off Dr. Coat came in from Picket at 3 P M + was payed off got 24.00 Wednesday 15 Very Rainy Day collected my debts all night [page 38] Thursday, April 16, 1863 Cool day + muddy the move is up I think got the Paymaster have 80.00 + took a check No 4042 Friday 17 Pleasant Day Fired at target one _____ (scratched out) Dress parade got letter from Edna Saturday 18 Moved tent + had Co. Street Brigade Dress parade at night got letter from home also Boots + Book letter from Mr. Whitney [page 39] Sunday, April 19, 1863 Pleasant Day Had inspection at 12 M got 12 dollars of Fisher co B for Mark Whitney had Eggs for Supper Monday 20 Rainy Day on fatigue drilling Bridge got some act Sent 500 to Wells Bartholomew Tuesday 21 No Drills had inspection wrote one sent allotment order for $20 also to M. Whitney sent him 10.00 of Fisher [page 40] Wednesday, April 22, 1863 Warm Day git out trees in Co Streets health good Thursday, 23 Rained hard all day nothing done in camp lonesome time. Friday, 24 Somewhat Rainy no Drills_____ [page 41] Saturday, April 25, 1863 Had inspection of Equips by the Brigade Inspection got my Ambrotype taken Sunday, 26 Pleasatn Day Inspection as usual at 10 A M Monday, 27 Pleasant Day orders to be ready to march on morning with 8 days Rations Paige furlough came [page 42] Tuesday, April 28, 1863 Paige went on furlough Rainy Day Marched at 10 ½ A M. Camped in Pines about 12 miles from Falmouth am tired 8 days Rations are heavy Wednesday, 29 Brooks crossed near the old place our division layed near the River Rainy + uncomfortable Thursday 30 Warm + Rainy some skirmishing but not much fighting in our front reported success on the right still on the left bank of the River [page 43] Friday, May 1, 1863 Warm + Pleasant Day have not crossed yet some skirmishing across the River also heavy firing up the River + reported success Saturday 2 Pleasant weather crossed the River at 5 P.M. and laid in line upon the flat got letter from Home _______ + fisk Sunday 3 Churyed up the heights and took them without much loss Harry Hall of the 2nd was killed we took considerable Artillery + Prisoners [page 44] Monday, May 4, 1863 Warm Day skirmish in morning + heavy fight at night we repulsed them and took many prisoners recrossed the River above Falmouth in the night Tuesday 5 Very hot in forenoon hard thunder shower at night got soaked wrote home camped in wheat field some firing on our right Wednesday 6 Wet + cloudy Day went on Picket at night got wet had hard Rain [page 45] Thursday, May 7, 1863 Wet Day were relieved from Picket at night Friday 8 Cloudy Day returned to our old camp stopped an hour then went about 2 miles + encamped Tired Saturday 9 Pleasant weather nothing ocurred of importance [page 46] Sunday, May 10, 1863 Pleasant Day wrote Home 12 of the Co went on Picket Monday 11 Warm Day Boys came in from Picket nothing ocurred of importance Tuesday 12 Warm Day came on Picket at 10 A.M. come about 8 miles near Bell Plain Landing went on Post [page 47] Wednesday, May 13, 1863 Were releaved from Post Duty + came on the main reserve thunder shower at night Thursday 14 Pleasant Day came in from Picket got Paper found Paige there he brought me a cap Stripes + a brim Friday 15 Warm Day Policed camp made tent + c [page 48] Saturday, May 16, 1863 Pleasant + hot all quiet along the lines Sunday 17 Quiet Day Sunday moring inspection got letter from Home + paper folks are well Monday 18 Warm Day Had Brigade Inspection by Capt. Brown nothing going on [page 49] Tuesday, May 19, 1863 Pleasant had Brigade review by Gen Grant Wednesday 20 Warm weather were reviewed by Gen Sedgewick at 9 A M Lt. Scott went Home got letter from Edna Thursday 21 Fine weather got long letter from Home no Drills no reviews [page 50] Friday, May 22, 1863 Warm weather + no rain I think a shower would be beneficial Saturday 23 Still continues hot + dry wrote Home also to Varmin Whitney nothing going on Sunday 24 Pleasant Hot Inspection at 9 A M [page 51] Monday, May 25, 1863 Cloudy Day policed Co + Regimental Grounds no Drills Tuesday 26 Commenced to Drill skirmished Lt. Richardson drilled wrote to D Jones Wednesday 27 Warm Day Drilled in skirmishing good news from the So west [page 52] Thursday, May 28, 1863 Warm + dusty Day Drilled Skirmishing Friday 29 Still warm Day here payed to the 18th of May Ben Ward brought 3 watches from home Saturday 30 Dry + dusty Day Drills as usual [page 53] Sunday, May 31, 1863 Still warm weather Sold watch to E McWain for 19.00 also one to St. Richardson for 16 Monday, June 1, 1863 Wrote Home Drilled in Bayonet exercises Tuesday 2 Warm Day Drilled in Bay. Exercises had Brigade Dress Parade [page 54] Wednesday, June 3, 1863 Brigade Dress parade Drilled as usual Officer hall Batt at Division HdQuarters Thursday 4 Pleasant day Rumored of an advance or a retreat dress a Blouse?? Friday 5 Warm Day left camp at 2 P.M. went tot eh River + crossed at 6 m boats the 5th + 26th first went immediately on Picket some skirmishes [page 55] Saturday, June 6, 1863 Warm Day still on Picket Rained at night came off Picket at night + supported 1st Mass Battery Sunday 7 Pleasant Day all quiet this side the River no firing of any amount got letter from Home relieved at dark by the 3rd Brigade Monday 8 Warm Day all quiet across the River except some skirmishing [page 56] Tuesday, June 9, 1863 Still warm + dry not much firing across the River the Federals are fortifying Wednesday 10 Hot weather went over on fatigue digging rifle pits at 10 A.M. came back at night got much firing on Picket Thursday 11 Still warm weather comparitively quiet across the river [page 57] Friday, June 12, 1863 Nothing of importance occurred wrote Home Saturday 13 Marched 10 miles warm Day had a thunder shower at night started at Dark traveled till 3 A M halted near Potomac Creek Sunday 14 Warm Day remained all day where we camped started at Dark travailed all night to above Stafford Court House [page 58] Monday, June 15, 1863 25 miles Resumed our march very warm come to Dumphreys very tired most of the Regt fell out many were from Sun stroke stopped all night at Dumphreys Tuesday 16 18 m Started at 4 A M on the march very good march halted for the night stopped for the night stopped 2 hours at Wolfe run shoals with the 14 Vt saw Perry got good Dinner stopped at Fairfax Station Wednesday 17 Warm Day stayed in Camp Near Station Eugene Eaton from the 16th Vt came down here [page 59] Thursday, June 18, 1863 Warm mooved down near the court House got letter from Home rained at night 6 miles Friday 19 Very warm no moove am getting somewhat rested Saturday 20 Cooler + cloudy started up by Centerville on the Alexandria pike to Bristol Station for bout 18 miles am tired [page 60] Sunday, June 21, 1863 Warm Day nothing of importance occurred getting Some what rested Monday 22 Warm Day all quiet went on Picket at 6 P M about a mile from the station on the Railroad Tuesday 23 Pleasant on the reserve read [page 61] Wednesday, June 24, 1863 Came of Picket had (marked through) relieved by the 3d Division Drill by Gen How Thursday 25 Some rainy left the Station at 7 P M marched to Centerville 10 miles am wet + tired some of the 2d Vt Brigade here Friday 26 Rainy + mudy resumed our march at day break marched to Drainsville 15 m in route for Maryland am tired letters from Home [page 62] Saturday, June 27, 1863 15 m Warm + cloudy day marched from Dainsville to Edward Ferry crossed into M Maryland + camped ___ some (marked through) 2d at Bristol Sunday 28 Marched by Poolsville + Sugar bay _____ arms halted for the night near Urbana am tired 15 miles Monday 29 Resumed our march come 26 miles camped for the night at Sams Creek [page 63] Tuesday, June 30, 1863 Marched about 18 m + halted 2 miles from _________ very tired + many fell out + dropped down Wednesday, July 1 did not moove till night got some what rested Thursday 2 20 miles Started towards Penn at 12 last night marched all night + day arrived at gettiesburg at 4 P M hard fighting [page 64] Friday, July 3, 1863 Went on Picket in front the Rebs hard fighting on the right the unionist are successful Saturday 4 advanced about 1 mile skirmishing no one hurt in the Co + only 2 wounded in the Regt rainy day got wet Sunday 5 marched at 7 A M the Rebs have left home about 5 miles + ______________ [page 65] Monday, July 6, 1863 Rainy 3d Brigade out skirmishing no rations the boys are all cross marched at dark to Emitsburg about 10 m very muddy Tuesday 7 got rations + started on March at 8 A M marched all day + lot of night halted on the mountain hard rain got wet + tired 30 miles march Wednesday 8 rainy marched in forenoon to Middletown about 8 we got wet + am footsore wrote Home news of the capture of Vicksburg [page 66] Thursday, July 9, 1863 Meds Camp at Boonsboro marched from Middletown to Boonsboro about 8 miles some firing towards Williamsport pleasant day saw 10th Vt + Dr. Clark Friday 10 Pleasant + warm started from Boonsboro towards funkstown our Brigade in advance the Cavalry became engaged + were driven then our brigade had a skirmish + lost 45 wounded Saturday 11 Were relieved from Picket by third Division no firing on the line washed clothes got letter from home [page 67] Sunday, July 12, 1863 Marched on through Funkstown + took up positions on the Antietam creek the enemy are near front there has been quite a skirmish some prisoners taken Monday 13 Some what rainy no firing on the lines our forces are fortifying the __________ Tuesday 14 In fire at _________ the rebels crossed last night our captured about 2000 near the River who had not crossed [page 68] Wednesday, July 15, 1863 Warm Day marched from Williamsport to Boonsboro saw 1800 prisoners captured by our cavalry marched 12 miles Thursday 16 Not quite so warm marched at daylight via Middletown Burkitsville near Berlin at 3 P.M. + went into camp marched 18 miles wrote Home Friday 17 Rainy Day wrote to Edna we did not moove this is the first time since we came into _____ we have staid 2 nights in a place [page 69] Saturday, July 18, 1863 Camp near Berlin Md staid in camp am getting rested wrote to Dan Jones got allotment ____ for 2 months 20 Sunday 19 Warm Day let Berlin crossed the river marched about 12 miles camped near Lovettsville Monday 20 Little coller marched at 9 A.M. came slow marched about 10 m camped near Filmont [page 70] Tuesday, July 21, 1863 Pleasant day did not moove wrote to Sarah B. went Blackbearying found them thick had some honey Wednesday 22 Wrote home warm day marched at 1 P.M. till dark came about 8 miles sent home an order for $20, allotment pay Thursday 23 Warm Day Marched at daylight came about 10 m + halted 2 hours near White Plains then marched till dark making 20 m am tired camped near Manassns Gap [page 71] Friday, July 24, 1863 Very warm marched about 15 miles camped about 2 miles from Orleans very tired Saturday 25 Still continues warm mooved at 7 A.M. marched 12 miles camped near Warrenton Sunday 26 Very ot day stayed in camp this is the first sunday we have had to ourselves for some time health good [page 72] Monday, July 27, 1863 Still continues warm nothing going on to day went a blackberrying got quite a quantity for supper got letter from Home with $3.00 also one from Dan Jones Tuesday 28 Warm + cloudy day went to meeting at 7 oclock P.M. Chaplain Stone Preached Dr. Clark from 10th Vt came over to see us had good visit Wednesday 29 Cooler + little rainy dull times Lt. Newton from 10 Vt came into our camp had quite a good visit with him [page 73] Thursday, July 30, 1863 Warm Day had thunder shower in afternoon as usual went to meting at the old church at night Chaplain Mack preached. Friday 31 Very warm Day went Blackberrying in the forenoon came on Picket at 7 oclock P.M. came out about 5 miles went on reserve Saturday, August 1 Warm Day the Brigade mooved camp near to Rappahannock river came off picket + into camp in the afternoon [page 74] Sunday, August 2, 1863 Still continues very hot got boards + material for Tent in forenoon some policing done + Lt Paige ______ Monday 3 Very warm fixed up tent with bunks off the ground heard Artillery firing at a distance Tuesday 4 Some what cooler + cloudy Day drew soft bread [page 75] Wednesday, August 5, 1863 Wrote Home + got letter from Edna quite warm Day mooved camp again about 2 miles towards Warrenton have got a very pleasant + shady camp Thursday 6 Some what cooler fixed up tent + beds have got comfortably situated again Drew Beans Friday 7 Very warm Day had Division review by Gen Howe at 4 P. got very wet while returning Tent leaky [page 76] Saturday, August 8, 1863 Very warm Day got letters from Edna + Alice also one from Dan Jones wrote to Alice + Edna Sunday 9 Still warm had Division inspection at 11 A.M. Monday 10 Hot + uncomfortable got some Parsley Greens for supper went to the river bathing had a good swim [page 77] Tuesday, August 11, 1863 hot as Hannah Drilled in morning wrote to Dr. Jones plenty Beans + Bread hard + soft also apple Sauce + Berrys Wednesday 12 Somewhat cooler had Division drill + inspection got letter from E. ________ Thursday 13 weather moderate some rain __________ had inspection of clothing + ____ Dress parade wrote to John Jakes also to Alice [page 78] Friday, August 14, 1863 Pleasant day had reveile at day light + packed up to moove marched to Warrenton Junction took cars to Morris at Alexandria at 12 oclock Saturday 15 Warm Day had roll call once an hour staid in camp the 2d 5th + part of 6th Vt were paid off rumors that were to go to N.Y. Sunday 16 Pleasant Day the rest of the Brigade were ___ off except our Regt [page 79] Monday, August 17, 1863 Warm Day went to Alexandria in A.M. on Brigade Guard in P.M. Fall in at dark + near to the river + staid all night Tuesday 18 Pleasant went on board the Boat at 8 A.M. Set sail immediately were run into by a schooner after dark + cast anchor till morning no damage done Wednesday 19 Toiled at daylight Smoothe sea + all prosperous run all night [page 80] Thursday, August 20, 1863 Smothe sea pleasant and prosperous voyage except the closeness of the boat arrived at N.Y. Harbor at 4 PM cast anchor and laid on board all night Friday 21 Came off the Boat and through Canal St to Washington Square our Co. was immediately detailed for Guard Saturday 22 Rather warm Day all quiet in the city commenced Boarding at the Eating house for _____ [page 81] Sunday, August 23, 1863 Pleasant Day went to church in N.Y. City quite a rarity for a soldier wrote Home Monday 24 Pleasant Day nothing occurred of importance all the usual the co went on board Tuesday 25 Pleasant Day little rain at night got a leter from Home with Stamps. [page 82] Wednesday, August 26, 1863 Pleasant got a letter from Sarah Button…have no drill Thursday 27 Some what cooler received letter from Daniel Jones Friday 28 Went on Guard at Grants Hd quarters at 5 PM with 3 corps + 21 privates at Tompkins Square Pleasant got letter from Dan Jones [page 83] Saturday, August 29, 1863 Got letter from Home with $10.00 was relieved from Guard at 5 p m commenced raining + got very wet before I arrived in camp Sunday 30 No Inspection quite pleasant wrote Home + to Sarah Button had services in the Park Monday 31 quite Pleasant went out on Pass had good time on Greene _______ were mustered for pay at 10 A.M. drew Blouses + Rubber Blanket [page 84] Tuesday, September 1, 1863 Cool day nothing going on of importance Co E right on their ____________ ________ Wednesday 2 Pleasant + Cool the Co. all went on Guard except Gale myself + Jones more _____ alon the lines Thursday 3 Cool weather the 6th Vt are getting paid expect ours soon [page 85] Friday, September 4, 1863 Fine weather got letter from Home the folks are all well Saturday 5 All quiet pleasant day got Box from home most every thing spoiled except boots the Co went on Guard at Guard Hd Qrs Sunday 6 Little unwell to day are ordered to be ready to moove expect to go back to the army [page 86] Monday, September 7, 1863 Pleasant Day went on guard to Gen Rugers Hd. Qrs at night with 12 men + 2 corps at City Hall Park Tuesday 8 Pleasant Day wer payed off 4 months pay got 28.00 relieved from Guard at 6 oclock called at 187 Worcester Dr Wednesday 9 Sold Allotment order for 20.00 to Thomas Smith Two months Worcester St [page 87] Thursday, September 10, 1863 Pleasant Day went out on Pass engaged photographs at the Bowery packed up + took the boat for Virginia at 7 P.M. Friday 11 Pleasant Day Set Sail at 7 A.M. sea smoothe + the Boat is a good Easy riding one Saturday 12 Pleasant Day left the Delaware Breakwater + went up the Del. Bay + river arrived at Phila at Dark [page 88] Sunday, September 13, 1863 Pleasant but cloudy + little rainy at night remained in Harbor all day sailed back to Chester at night anchored 14 miles from Phila. Monday 14 Pleasant Day changed boats from the Alexandria to the Phil + started at Dark through the Chespeake + Delaware Canal. Tuesday 15 Pleasatn Day but little cloudy on board the Phil. Sailed through the Elk river + Chespeake Bay [page 89] Wednesday, September 16, 1863 Pleasant Day sailed up the Potomac + arrived at Alexandria at 4 P.M. debarked + encamped near the city 6 days + nights on the water Thursday 17 got letter from Edna stayed in camp + made preparations to march went to the Theater at night saw the Hunchback played good play Friday 18 Started towards Fairfax at 10 A.M in the rain got very wet marched about 10 miles + camped [page 90] Saturday, September 19, 1863 Cool Day + comfortable time to march marched to Centersville about 13 miles Sunday 20 Cool weather marched to Catteau Station about 18 miles Monday 21 Cool weather marched to the Rappahannock Station 14 miles went on Picket [page 91] Tuesday, Sept 22, 1863 Still continues Cool marched to the Division about 4 miles beyond Culpepper got Photographs from N.Y. Wednesday 23 Still cool weather cleaned Equip wrote Home to Ed also to Dr. Jones Sent them Photographs Thursday 24 Warm Days + Cool nights recd 19 recruits from Lt Fisk L. Taylor + Alexander came into this Co [page 92] Friday, September 25, 1863 Got letter from Edna a good one two recruits Deserted drilled at 4 PM cold night Saturday 26 Pleasant day got letter from Home Father unwell recruits Drill 4 times per Day Sunday 27 Pleasant Day Chaplain Roberts returned + preached to us wrote to Edna [page 93] Monday, September 28, 1863 Pleasant Day wrote to William Chaffee sent Photographs also one to Nettie B. Tuesday 29 Pleasant Day went on Picket for two days relieved the third Vt went on Post six hours Wednesday 30 Very pleasant time for doing picket duty wrote Home on Post six hours [page 94] Thursday, October 1, 1863 Cloudy Day were relieved from picket by the 5th Vt at 10 A M packed up for a moove at night but the order was countermanded Friday, October 2 Rainy Day mooved cmap out where the 3d Div camped they have gone down to the Railroad got very wet fixing Tent Saturday 3 Cleared off quite pleasant fixed up Tent with bunks off the ground no Drills [page 95] Sunday, October 4, 1863 Pleasant Day nothing of importance Transpired got Letter from Mother Monday 5 Pleasant + Cool marched from camp at 6 A.M. out near the Rapidan 3 miles relieved the 2d Corps Tuesday 6 Pleasant Day went on Brigade Guard got a letter from Edna [page 96] Wednesday, October 7, 1863 Pleasant Day was relieved from having to be Guard close 9 miles Thursday 8 No drills nor anything going on in camp Friday 9 Warm Day but cold night went on Picket had charge of 18 men on support went on post during the night [page 97] Saturday, October 10, 1863 Cool weather firing upon our right flank came off picket at 10 PM + marched all night arrived at Culpepper at daylight Sunday 11 Marched to the Rappahannock Station Cavalry fighting near here at night am tired without sleep for two nights Monday 12 Went back across the river + marched to Brandy Station Cavalry fight near there at night recrossed the river at 10 ½ PM [page 98] Tuesday, October 13, 1863 Pleasant Day On the march at daylight marched to within one mile of Bristow am Tired all quiet to day Wednesday, October 14, 1863 Marched at Daylight arrived at Centerville at 2 P.M. hard fighting near Bristow Station our forces victorious Thursday 15 Mooved off to the right about 4 miles fighting on our left [page 99] Friday, October 16, 1863 Somewhat rainy went on guard upon the pike road to Fairfax on Post Saturday 17 Came off guard + encamped upon the Alder Pike got letter from Home also from Nett Button Sunday 18 In camp to day get time rested wrote home [page 100] Monday, October 19, 1863 Marched at daylight came about 15 miles pleasant day camped at Gainsville Cavalry fighting Tuesday 20 Marched at daybreak came about 15 miles encamped near Warrenton Springs pleasant weather Wednesday 21 [marked through] (mooved camp also went on Picked came off at night) Stayed in camp no moove [page 101] Thursday, October 22, 1863 Went on Picket mooved Camp came off Picket at night Friday 23 Pack up Tent rained at night very muddy wrote to Alice Saturday 24 Still rainy not much going on write to Dr. Jones also wrote home [page 102] Sunday, October 25, 1863 Went on Regimental Guard very cold day + windy night not much sleep Monday 26 Came off guard at 9 A M very cold day + windy Tuesday 27 Cold + windy got letter from home wrote to GP also home [page 103] Wednesday, October 28, 1863 Weather more moderated had Division Drill in PM wrote to Edna also to Dr. Jones Thursday 29 Cool weather had Brigade Drill in A M. wrote Home for Box Friday 30 Brigade rains in Afternoon quite pleasant weather rained at night [page 104] Saturday, October 31, 1863 Were mustered for pay at 10 A.M. went on Picket in P.M. very cold + windy the close of the month + its had marches Sunday, November 1 More moderate in P M came off Picket at night not a hard picket on reserve all the time. Monday 2 Got letters from Home Had Division Drill in P.M. ________ left guide of Co Back on guard Charles Beckworth killed by the cars [page 105] Tuesday, November 3, 1863 Pleasant Day Beckworth was buried with Military Honors, went over at night + took list of His effects Wednesday 4 Very warm for this season the 2d Div. was reviews by Gen Sedgwick at 2 P.M. Thursday 5 Pleasant weather Battallion Drill in P M Letter from Home [page 106] Friday, November 6, 1863 Cold + windy day no Drills Orders to be ready to moove at moments notice with six days rations Capt. Dealt out Tobacco Saturday 7 Drew four Dollars Co Funds Left Camp at Daylight + came near Rappahannock Station Hard fight in the afternoon our forces victorious our regt was not engaged Sunday 8 Cold Day crossed the River + went up near Brandy Station the Rebs have retreated not much fighting today [page 107] Monday, November 9, 1863 Mooved back into the woods where the Rebs had there Quarters Cool weather Tuesday 10 Cool Day Put up Tent nothing done in camp Wednesday 11 Still cold nothing going on in camp [page 108] Thursday, November 12, 1863 More pleasant commenced building us a good Tent + fire place Friday 13 Finished building Tent + fire place in fore noon went on Picket at 3 P M Staid on reserve till 3 A.M. Sat Saturday 14 Came in from Picket at night somewhat raining with Thunder [page 109] Sunday, November 15, 1863 Rainy morning cannonading in our front orders to be ready to march at moments Notice wrote Home Monday 16 Pleasant but cold went on Home Guard Got letter from Home folks well sent Bill of Box. Tuesday 17 Came off Guard at 9 A.M. Had a Division Drill in P M 3 soldiers from 2d Div. were Branded with D [page 110] Wednesday, November 18, 1863 Pleasant Day Had Division Drill in PM By Gen Howe Thursday 19 Pleasant Day wrote Home also to Sarah Button no Drill but inspection at 3 P M Friday 20 Hand Corps Review by Gen Meade + the Commander of the British Army Pleasant Day [page 111] Saturday, November 21, 1863 Still Pleasant Had Div. Drill also Guard two Soldiers Branded for Desertion in the palm of the right hand Sunday 22 Pleasant Day Ordered to be ready to moove Monday 23 Got 2 Boxes from home with gloves, boots tobacco + sold the most of it rainy at night [page 112] Tuesday, November 24, 1863 Rainy Day Did not moove Ed McWain started back for home on recruiting service Wednesday 25 Pleasant Day no Drill or moove but orders to moove in the morning wrote Home Thursday 26 Cool day left camp at Daylight marched toward the Rapidon hard march crossed the river at midnight + camped not fight as yet [page 113] Friday, November 27, 1863 Pleasant but cold the 3d Corps had hard fight our corps was not engaged very much the loss was heavy Saturday 28 Rainy + very uncomfortable mooved to the Left some skirmishing with the Rebs got very wet Sunday 29 Cold Day no fighting the Rebs in front in force [page 114] Monday, November 30, 1863 Mooved in the night to the right expect to attack but did not for some reason very cold + no fires allowed Tuesday, December 1 Very Cold Day not fighting today Started from camp to the Rapidan at 9 P.M. marched 12 miles cold + uncomfortable Wednesday 2 Crossed the river at daylight at Germania Ford marched about 4 miles + encamped more mild in afternoon short of Rations very tired and weary [page 115] Thursday, December 3, 1863 Marched to our old camp arrived about 3 P M very Tired + hungry hard tacks taste very good Friday 4 Got large mail 2 from home + one from Dr. Jones went on Picket in PM on reserve till midnight on post from then till morning Saturday 5 Pleasatn day got letter from Nett B wrote Home were relieved from picket at dark Signed the Pay Rools [page 116] Sunday, December 6, 1863 Cold Day nothing going on got letter from Home Paid off recd $7.15 Monday 7 Cool weather collected my Debts the most of them Tuesday 8 Still cold weather fixed up tent + bunks very comfortable quarters [page 117] Wednesday, December 9, 1863 More moderate bought Allotment order of A Paige for $20.00 wrote Home recd 4 bunch envelopes from Home Thursday 10 Pleasant Day wrote Home sent Allotment order bought of A.Paige wrote to Dan Jones also to Henry J + Nett B Friday 11 Cloudy Day went of Foraging Expedition 8 miles beyond the Picket line for lumber got a chicken got into camp at Dark [page 118] Saturday, Dece 12, 1863 Cloudy Day + little stormy my birth Day am 23 years old today got letter from home on Business Sunday 13 Rainy morning but Pleasant in P.M. had Inspection in co. Streets Brigade Dress parade were addressed by Co. Grant on Re enlisting Monday 14 Pleasant weather but some what muddy Inspection By Capt Brown of Equipment [page 119] Tuesday, December 15, 1863 Pleasant Day Drew dress coat Had Corps review at sun down by Gen Meade Sedgwick + the Russian Naval officers Wednesday 16 Cold morning went on Brigade Guard at 9 A.M. rainy night Guard house smoky + uncomfortable Thursday 17 Came off guard rainy day got a letter from home folks well [page 120] Friday, December 18, 1863 Cloudy day saw tow men shot for desertion one from the 2d Vt the other from the 5th the Division was all out an awful sight Saturday 19 Cold Day wrote Home nothing going on in camp Sunday 20 Very Cold Day had Inspection + Dress Parade at night got Box from Home Got Tobacco + call in shape Sold some out Lt. Thomlin came to the Regt [page 121] Sunday, December 21, 1863 Still Cold weather Went on Division Guard with 3 corporals + 21 men Green sold most of Tobacco out Tuesday 22 Still cool weather + signs of snow came on Guard at 9 A.M. Letter from Dan Jones Wednesday 23 Still very cold wrote Home drew for drawers signed for over coat [page 122] Thursday, December 24, 1863 Cold weather got letter from Home Friday 25 Still cold my Christmas nyht had good visit with Towle + others Saturday 26 Not as cold reenlisted for 3 years more expected to go Home [page 123] Sunday, December 27, 1863 Very rainy day no Inspection Lt Paynes on guard camp 5th Vt went Home sold watch to Spooner Monday 28 Still Rainy + muddy very uncomfortable weather wrote Home + to Edna Tuesday 29 More pleasant but very muddy was mustered into the U S Service 3 years from the 15th Dec [page 124] Wednesday, December 30, 1863 Very pleasant Day nothing going on in camp I had onions eggs for supper Thursday, December 31, 1863 Very rainy Day this is the last Day of the year had been an eventful year I have been blessed with health and Prosperity too which I have reason to be thankful in now entering upon another 3 years life in the Army don’t know as ______ Have done right but the country needs the men + in consideration of the large Bounty I have volunteered to go into it again. [page 125] memoranda transcribed by: Joyce Hicks