Federal Soldier’s Diary (1862-1863)

This is a diary believed to have been written by a soldier of the 44th Massachusetts from December 11, 1862 (?) to February 8, 1863. It includes descriptions of camp activities, marches and the aftermath of the Battle of Kinston on Dec. 14, 1862 and the Battle of Whitehall.[page 1] 523 Gibbs Co 101...

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Format: Electronic
Published: Auburn University Libraries
Online Access:http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/civil,26063
Summary:This is a diary believed to have been written by a soldier of the 44th Massachusetts from December 11, 1862 (?) to February 8, 1863. It includes descriptions of camp activities, marches and the aftermath of the Battle of Kinston on Dec. 14, 1862 and the Battle of Whitehall.[page 1] 523 Gibbs Co 101 [Pigeon ?] 103 " 96 NY 1st day marched 14 miles 85 N" 2 " 900 3rd NY Cavalry [Yesday ?] afternoon very plesant heard the robbins singing very [windy ?] [page 2] Dec 11 Left camp at sunrise for where the Gen only knows where [fortifying ?] so much so [illegible] could not see twenty feet, passed the fort at 1 P.M. after making several short halts reached camp [illegible] yester day morning at half past three got up at six .... morning left camp about noon road filled with trees for about a mile had a cavalry skirmish abo 9 1/2 AM wounded 3 rebs took sp.... cavalry... 18 prisoners turn in about one at Cum.... started Saturday morning about daylight the REgt about three miles in advance roads muddy hard traveling got to Camp about half past 8 with the evening found hte Regt drawn in line of battle they cavalry mustdo to the brigade dis mounted then crept up behind trees when they found about 10 men cutting down [page 3] ... when our cavalry fired on them then the rebs asound(?) on the cavalry then the infantry(?) opened on the rebs drawn them in to the riflepits our forces captured 130 prisoners and two guns, two that the rebs captured from us at Bull run so I was told, how true it is I cant tell we are about 87 units from Newborn Sunday 14 The Regt left camp between 7 & 8 am the ammunition put in there wagons with orders to patrol(?) the regt .. baggage and stores stay behind and here and are up to 4 PM staid here all night this is near South West Creek, Moinday 15 Started on the Regt the boys pass(?) in Kinston last came(?) up to time kind of Battle saw the killed [page 4] and wounded the killed were mostly hit in the ehad it was a sorry sight the Cap of the 96 NY was killed the .... had 1 Capt 2 Lieuts ad war old 1 Can learn 103. 10 killed and 84 wounded 10 missing. 45 Mass lost 12 killed and about 40 wounded 92 NY lost 9 killed and 30 wounded 9th NJ lost I dont know how many. bunkie(?) about in the woods turned in about half past one. Tuesday noon the toughest day of the whole in the marching line Tuesday 16 left camp about 10 am in advance of the baggage train heard cannonading before we left the camp got up writing a mile of the battle saw quite a num ber of the wounded of the [page 5] 44 wounded in the worst be told one that there were some more wounded here an in Co A they had the right of the Regt went down to where the fight must began in one raid I saw a number of wounded on some were dead(?) and I thought was siging nom of the 44 were them went up on a sand bank and there I saw two of Co a in the 44th lay dead they were both killed by one shot when they were marching over the lute(?) it killed them instantly Co A lost 4 killed and 6 wounded are lost in 23 men killed and wounded the 23rd mass suffered the most and it was down [page 6] by our battery they ranged two low, we got into camp about 8 oclck had to set up and eat meat rations, I got through about half past one, two of the 23 boys were lying on the ground facing each other north a cantun and deppear trying between them when a shot con and cut the dipper off from the canturn nether one of the rays got hurt that is what I am close shouting this news at White We all the rebs have burnt the brdige so that we could not cross to make a charge if we caould have done so we would have gun them into their sharp shark(?) now up with tupe(?) of the trap [page 7] Belgero Battery sighted for one tree first and fown came the rebs of the tree and three rebs with it the Calvary may went out with our sharp shooters took rifles with them to practice target shooting Wednesday morning start a head of the Regt to forage here not seen any thing as yet, its now about 10. [page 8] Feb 1st 1863 got up at 4 am left .... at 5 ..... in ...at 7. after about three quarters of an hour delay we took up the line of march for the trans ports march drawn .... sent up middle strick ... hallice(?) right resting on the wharf starkind(?) arrive for a few minutes then took arms sight force Co A + B went abroad the Seamor Marassit after getting a board the Maris and ... left the wharf about half past eight am for the station North ener which we lying fown the river about a mile beyond for runner(?) says for Plymouth after getting about the Northener the Marassit took berth after the rest of the Regt come down a bout eleven with the .... ..... of the Mus m... back again. All aboard at last half past twelve very good [page 9] the b... on goes the stern(?) the venture(?) be goes to more under wish quarter to our we pass the blackader wrath cool .... some whale laundry laid down to get some sleep for slath soons for 72 men four odle got up there out side on dock plenty of desck to be be seen services inh teh upper Calern at five oclock made Coffee until about 12 at ngiht turned in slept one like ..., anchored last night from about 12 until 6 in the morning Feb 2nd got under weigh between 6 and 7, made Rouack Island, about 9 took my break fast then consisting of Hard Tack salt horse(?) and coffee. The weather until noon was cold and rian of amde the mouth of the Roanoke run about quarter of three arrived at Plymouth at half past three with out mutiny with. [page 10] any accident do not know wither we go ashore or not to night the weather now is rather cool but pleas ant, the suns shine very pleastently staid aboard went ashore to make coffee and boil fresh beef for the Co, turned in a little before taps Mulleke and Howkes butered(?) the beef Tuesday 3rd got up at a quarter past four went ash ore to make coffee for the Co, and such a snow storm it bloew and snoweeed New England till after past got orders to cook two days rations still snowing hard will and the bags and wind at it about near the clouds break a very the... storm is till the night wing work ashore so the beef hens that took Bo ....got through with the beef about four Pale made Coffee [page 11] for supper this afternoon has bene gay about six inches of snow on the ground the darks had to catch it and are mistake to night the boys have a dinner aoard have a good time turned in a luittle ebfoer taps. Feb 4 get up at five to make coeffee after breakfast lous around town visit a home north of a glomyt town, made Cofee for Supper, dance aboard the boat to night Feb 5th made Coffee for breakfast after breakfast went up to Auntie Myres and get a breakfast consiting of hard cake fresh pork and coffee. all for twenty cents rained all day made coffee for supper turned in before taps, write home, Feb 6th made coffee for breakfast went up to Auntie Meyerus to breakfast camped aroudn town made coffee for supper. [page 12] Feb 7th made coffee for breakfast went up to Auntie Myers breakfast boiled fresh beef in the forenoon the Regt went out into the country Co B done picket duty had a duty oiut race on which occasion Seorgetn Keyso and Corporal Gillispee came very near loosing their lives by the up sitting of their boat. Get up con tyle 12 oclock to cook rations. Sunday Feb 8 got up before light to get coffee for the Co they got in a boat half past five about two oclock began puting the horses aboard [page 13] 5 RI R 44 Mass R 45 " " 132 NY 8 Mass 3rd MAss 158 NY 25 Mass 46 Mass 5 Mass 103 Penn 85 NY [page 14] 45th Mass Ret } 1st Brigade 43rd " "} Armory 25 Mass " } 2nd Lu " 5 " " 103 Penn " } 3rd Brigade 1st Division 101 Penn " } Hant 85 NY " 5th RI " } 44th Mass ' } 4th Bridage 96' NY "} Stevenson ____________________________________________ 171st Penn " } 158th " " } Spinder Bridage 168th " " } 175th " " } 132 NY " 8th Mass " 3rd Mass " 158 NY " Battery H 3rd NY and 6 piece " E " " " 4 " RI F 1st 6 24 NY 6 23 " 6 [page 15] 3rd NY Cavalry 6 Company and two pieces of artilery in all about 15,000 [page 16] 10 papers of Tobacco [page 17] 2 long handied spades 2 short " " 3 boxes for Seargents [page 18] 1/2 Bee Beans=Candles " of Sugar= Soap 2 " Beef and Pork, spakdes 1 box rice, 2 axe, 1 " coffee, a lot of fresh beef 6 ioun pails, lot tea 1 knife 2 spiders, 1 hatchet 1 pail Molasses, 1 bake pan, 1 box sack, 1 jerry berg or, 1 loaden pail 1 fork and lanter and skirm a lot matches [page 19] Jan 1st 1863 behind in the new york by a visit tio the sink about five oclock in the morn ing beans stweice for breakfast boiled meat for dinner , butter and tea for supper, went to a dam after performace in Co E arracks how a pinch box four of us cooks, Kim bale think about 9 in the evening the first man that died in the Regt of sickness cause was soldier of the brain and approamy sent home twenty seven dollars by Adams Express Jan 2nd beans for breakfast boiled meat for dinner Rice for supper Kornbred was burned today, weather very .... Saturday 5th Stewed beans for Breakfast Soup for dinner tea and coffee for supper. fresh has for sunday dont cut it see dress peraide the first time [page 20] since having recruited, beautiful day Sunday 14th Salft horse and hard tack for breakfast, inspected by the Cal and Officers of the day, Hashece fish for dinner