Summary: | This is the diary of Joseph Priest who served as a hospital steward and pharmacist for the Union Army from June to September 1864.[page 1]
Joseph Priest
Princeton, N.J.
Memorandum Book
C.A. Alverson
86 N.Y
William L. Brittian
1 Main
William Wilson
10 Mass
Dr. Santori
U.S. Navy
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June 29
I went to N Y Wednesday and got my orders to leave for Washington on Friday Eve. I Returned and made my arrangements to leave at the stated time.
Friday, July 1 / 64
I am all Ready to leave I Road down to the depot with John McLenn Jr. I found Miss Kati Skillman at the depot + escorted her to Phi’d I saw Piersen Gulick on the Boat + had a chat with him after some little trouble I found the Baltimore Depot and had to wait an hour and half for the train Left Phil’d at Half Past 10 oclock arrived in Washington at ½ past 5 oclock It Rains very hard at Phi’d when I left. But after leaving Baltimore the Rain had ceased. In Washington I found it quite dry. I arrive at Ebbitt Harrison got my Breakfast at 7 ½ oclock dill qurters to Beef Stakes + Fryd Potatoes at 9 oclock I went over to the office + got my orders to b ready to sail at 1 oclock p.m.
I then went out to walk around the City at 1 oclock I with 12 others left for the Boat.
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All Equip with Blankets + Provisions. We left Washington at 2 oclock P.M. I formed the acquaintance of a very nice young man from Columbia College by the name of John M. Hoffman We __________ + Bunk to gether went to bed at 8 oclock
Sunday, July 3
Had a very good nights sleep on the deck of Highland Light arrived at Fortress Monroe at 8 oclock I went ashore and went in the Fort I found quite a little city left at 10 a.m. and arrived at City Point at 7 p.m. Book our names and got Tea and walk out to see General Grant’s Headquarters we found him located in a large yard in a common tent the Band was cernadeing him Returned and went to Bed
Monday, July 4
Got up about 5 oclock washed and took a walk got Breakfast and left for the Hospital
On the . John P. Thompson the first man I saw in camp was Jim Campbell he was very glad to see me. He took me around to see the Hospital + the fortifications we then came
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Back with Mr. V. Slade to dinner I saw young Ashfield + Merrill went to Bed at 10 oclock
Tuesday, July 5
Assigned the duty went to ________ station for the present in the afternoon Campbell and I got permission from our Capt. To go to the front the station at 2 and arrived at 4 ½ oclock found Morris and Al they were quite surprised to see me walk up on the Breast works I saw the Rebels I laid very low Slept with men in an open tent Could not sleep well on account of the fireing all night
Wednesday, July 6
Too Breakfast with the Boys went to see L. Benjamin in the 18th Corps Hospital found him quite sick gave him a Bottle of wine we then walk back to our Quarters and arrived at 11 oclock found things quite dull. Came down on the Boat at six did not feel very well went in bathing went to Bed quite Early and slept very well
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Thursday, July 7, 1864
A very dull day nothing doing walk through the Hospitals. Heavy fireing in the afternoon went to Bed at 8 p.m. oclock
Friday, July 8
A very dull day nothing of any Importance occured I wrote to Jennie
Saturday 9
I walk out to the Tent saw some Rebels met McCarty went abt distribution Reading Matter to the Soldiers in the afternoon walk over to the Cavalry Hospitals walk down to Head quarters went to Bed early
Sunday 10
Went and took a Bath before Breakfast went up to Point-of Rocks came back to the Boat I got dinner after dinner walk out to Camp came back at six found the Boat out in the steamer we lain out all night the 1st Div of the Six Corps left for some Point
Monday, July 11
A dull day did not go to camp untill 12 m wrote a letter to brothers Came down at six after tea walk out out to the
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Signal Station with Campbell went to Bed at 9 it was very warm Campbell was sick I could not sleep for the heat
Tuesday, July 12
Got up early + went to Bathing went to camp + distribute Reading matter to the soldiers Came down at six quite disappointed because I did not get a Letter from Home went to Bed at 9 oclock
Wednesday 13
Had a very good sleep went up to camp as usual found every thing dull We had a convention at the 2 Corps Tent some very good speaches made nothing of Importance occured came down at seven found six letters from Will the first one I have had from Home it was rec’d with grate joy found them all well walk down and saw Grants R.R. Battery came back and went to Bed at 9 oclock
Thursday 14
Assigned to Corps 2th under Captain Joss reported to him at noon took dinner + then went out to see what I had to do he gave me the
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3rd sec of the 3 line contains 91 men I like the new work very well. Came down to the Boat after Tea went to Bed at 9 oclock
Friday 15
Sent Will a Letter went to camp in the Boat did not do mutch Gen’l Grant road through the camp he is a very plain looking man he stop + told us the Rebs were out of Maryland Slept cooly but mutch better than the Boat
Saturday, July 16
A man drumed through camp in a Barrel with large letters Painted on the Barrel Thief he stole 75 Dollars we received a large Recointion a very cool day.
Sunday, July 17
A very dull day did nothing but sleep + eat in the evening I walk down to the Point to the office. Rec’d a Letter from Will from Bordentown Mr. + Mrs. Baby are very well. Got back to camp about 8 went to bed at 9 oclock
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Monday, July 18 / 64
Very warm in the morning in the afternoon it clouded up + look’d like Rain. Rain in the evening I had 14 new men came in I had a very bad cold in my Head the first rain we had for over a mo.
Tuesday, July 19 / 64
A very Rainy day very heavy fireing in the afternoon + all night the boys had a hard time to keep there Beds dry I was fortinate enough to get in a dry place + I had no trouble. I was sick in the night + had to get up twice very sick at my stomach
Wednesday, July 20
A very warm sultery morning I felt very week took a _________Powder did not go to my wards in the morning felt better by noon nothing occurred of any Importance
Thursday, July 21
A very pleasant day nothing occurred of any Importance I walk down to the Boat in the Evening
Friday, July 22
A very pleasant cool day every thing very quiet except in the evening about 9 oclock when heavy fireing was herd up the River we had a cernol Joss treated ____________ in Christian commission Tent
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Saturday, July 23
A very pleasant day nothing occurred during the day in the evening walk down to the Boat with Merrill Stiles + Anderson got our supplies on the boat after supper went to the Barber Shop with Anderson + Merrill Anderson got his hair cut and Merrill got shaved and shampooed the Fellow charge him 65 cts Merrill would not pay him. He offered him 15 cts the Barber said he would make him a present of the work. M. said all right and left wrote to Dr Baker and Will sent Dr five dollars that Merrill owed him. Rec’d a letter from brothers.
Sunday, July 24
Rather a cloudy day yet up early + went down + wash off in the River put on everything clean + Black my Boots I look quite smart with the Intention of going up to Point Rock to see Campbell went down to the landing + the Boat did not stop so I could not go. Wrote my Report and a letter to brothers Rec’d a letter from Will + Bob all well commence to rain in the evening
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Monday, July 25
A very hard stormy night some of the boys was up most all moving + Removing their Beds + some times had to hold up the Tent poles to Keep the wind from Blowing the Tents down. It cleared up in the morning + was a very fine day I wrote a letter to Will I was assign to a new Sec A.
Tuesday, July 26
A very pleasant day in the morning very Heavy fireing along the line we thought there was going to be a general engagement-all the men that was abl to leave the Hospital was sent to the front. In the afternoon the 2 Corps started on a Raid with four days Rations all the sick + wounded that was in the Div. Hospital came down to the corps Hospital + fill them all up 150 could not be accommodated + had to lay out.
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Wednesday, July 27 / 64
A very warm day a man went out to the Privy + while there he commenced howling they put him on a stretcher + carried him to a Tent. I thought he had the gravils (?) but the Dr. thought not. I rec’d a letter from Dr. Baker he wants me to come back. I have had a sever pain in my side for 3 or 4 days + as it was warm to day I put a mustard plaster on my side. There is a new Band in camp + every thing is very lively.
Thursday, July 28 / 64
A very pleasant day four of our men went Home sick in the evening a Boat load of wounded soldiers came in from Malvern Hill Some of them was very badly wounded I wrote to Dr. Baker + rec’d a Letter from Will. I went on the boat that had the wounded on with a pail of Tameron water + while going around among the sick + wounded I came to one fellow that had his leg off + I looked at it he said to me my Leg is little sore don’t you think it is I told him I thought it was
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Friday, July 29 / 64
Every thing very quiet nothing occurred of any importance recd a letter from Jennie + wrote to Will. I made out my report.
Saturday, July 30 / 64
Very heavy fireing all night + continued on in the morning until a bout 8 oclock Grant blew up the Rebel works + took a lott of Prisoners in the evening I walk down to the Bull ring to see the Johnny. They had about 200 hard looking fellows. I wrote to Jr. Baker for a Plaster + Recd a Paper from Will
Sunday, July 31/64
A very hard day I had two wards (8 in ) to take charge. Quite a number of wounded came in. Nothing of any importance occurred in the Evening I went to Head quarters to meeting. One of the Christian Com Preached the Band join in the singing. Swinnestin went home sick I wrote to Jennie
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Monday, Aug 1 / 64
A very warm day I went around in the morning with the surgeon to dress the amputees wounds. I walk down to City Point in the afternoon to get my money did not get it they had to send to Washington for some money. 1 Div. of Cavalry shipped for Penn. The Rebels are in Chambersburg grate confusion in shiping the Cavalry from the Point I walk over to the Bull Ring to see the Johnny they were just getting their suppers. They are a hard looking set of men they are very tall + slim + their clothes look as if they never had seen water or soap.
Tuesday, Aug 2 /64
A very plesent day. I went to my ward as usel. While in the officers ward the Christian Com agt. (U.S. Christian Commission) Came in the officers gave him a blowing up because he did not give them things which he promised them the old fellow went off + brot them all they wanted at the dinner table Joss said that his agt. Had bin complain of by one of the San Com (Sanitary Commission) for not visiting our wards oftener through the day we had quite a long debate on the subject.
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While at supper there was an Lieut Cole to see Mr. Orvis + after I got through got up to go out + who should the Lieut be but John Jerdman of Course I was very mutch surprise + very glad to see him he took supper with me + then left for City Point with the expectation of going to the front.
Wednesday, Aug. 3 / 64
A very plesent day after I got through my work in my wards, Merrill and I walk down to the woods in the afternoon we took down our store Tent + put up new one. I went to Contraband meeting in the evening. The Northern Darkies are no comparison to the Southern Darkies in getting excited. It was very rich.
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Thursday, Aug. 4 / 64
A very plesent day as the day was ordered by the President to be observed by fasting + Prayer we held a meeting at 8 oclock in the morning in our Tent after meeting we all went to our wards + attended to the wants of our men. At Dinner we were all told by the Capt of our squad that the San Com agt. was going up the River on an excursion + all the ones that would like to go must be down at the Landing at 2 oclock Well as we had all bin hard at work for the last 3 or 4 weeks of ______ we were all in for the ride. As we hurryed through Dinner + brush up a little + walk down to the Landing at the appointed time the Boat arrived + we started up the James River all in fine spirit. Little thinking that on our return we would have some of the merry party from A corps + some mortally wounded well we proceeded up the river for a bout five miles when we were about rounding a curve in the River our Ears were ____ by the Crack of of a Rifle it flashed upon us in an instant that we were
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fired uppon by the Rebels instantly we all drop + scamperd in every direction but not in time to avoid the unnerving aim of the Rifleman for he succeeded in killing the Sec. Engineer + wounded 3 others 2 San Com Boys + one soldier fortinate for us there was a Gun Boat a bout ½ mile up the River which was on perade condition + by throwing a few shells in that direction soon scattered the cowardly Rascals + we proceeded on up to the Gun Boat + sought protection a long side of the Gun Boat after dressing the wounds of the wounded + Relieving their suffering as mutch as possible we proceeded down the River accompanyed by the Gun Boat + arrived at City Point with out any further trouble. The Engeneer was Buried but that excursion was a very sad one + one that will long be remembered by those that was along. I rec’d a Letter from ______ and wrote a Letter to Will.
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Friday, Aug. 5 / 64
Got up Early + Road down to City Point on Horse back to get a letter off in the morning Mail for Will in the afternoon I made Corn starch + froz it which was very good. I Rec’d 3 Letters one from Will one from Dr. Baker + one from Bob as Father is very sick I am compel to go Home went down to the Boat + made arrangements accordially to in the morning
Saturday, Aug 6 / 64
Got up very Early went down + took a Bath in the River for the last time went to my wards till my men goo Bye came back + got Breakfast + got Ready to leave went down to the Boat + settled up + left at 10 a.m. on the Charlotte ________ arrived at Fortress Monroe at 4 oclock Left at 5 oclock on the Steamer Adelaid for Baltimore.
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Sunday, Aug. 7 /64
Arrived in Baltimore at six oclock had to stay all day in Baltimore Left 10 ½ oclock arrived in Phil at 5 oclock I walk from the Baltimore to the Phil Depot which a bout 2 ½ miles I saw Charley Conover at Bloodgood Hotel he went with me to see Bob + left for Home at 10 oclock Will was down to her Mothers I sent Fannie Leard after her she was
Monday, Aug 8 / 64
Very mutch surprised to see me I found Father very sick Dr. Baker was attending him. Went down to the store in the morning found everything in very good order
Tuesday, Aug. 9 / 64
I went down to the store as usel wrote in the Book most all day nothing occurred of any Importance
Wednesday, Aug 9 /64
Bob came up at 1 oclock Father very low Bob left at at 6 oclock p.m. Father died at 9 ½ oclock
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Thursday Aug. 10 / 64
Did not go to the store. Home all day Telegraph to brothers Uncle Peter + Uncle Henry
Friday, Aug. 11 / 64
Father was Buried at 10 oclock from the House we had a very respectfull Funeral every thing passed off very pretty
Saturday, Aug. 12 / 64
Wrote to Jennie. I and the children + ______ went fishing had a fine shower in the Evening Paid Hubbard one dollar for wood Paid J.B. Wright Bill $4.59
Sunday, Aug. 14 / 64
Went over to Bill Jewells did not find him home
Monday, Aug. 15 / 64
I went to N.Y. Mrs. B. told me about H__________
Tuesday, Aug. 16 / 64
Nothing of any Importance occurred Mother + Will wash Boght the Baby Shoes
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Wednesday, Aug 17 / 64
Sultry day showers in the afternoon Paid for the Baby Shoes new lot of goods
Thursday, Aug. 18 / 64
Circus came to Town. Colley Comnence paid Cook 9 ½ dollars for 1 Ton coal went to Phil in the evening train wrote to brothers
Friday, Aug. 19 /64
A very plesent day I came home at 1 oclock nothing occurred of any importance Mr. Jass came home from the San com sick
Saturday, Aug 20
A long talk in the evening with Dr. consering higher wages we ajourn untile Monday
Sunday, Aug 21 / 64
Home all day brothers came home
Monday, Aug 22
Made new arrangements with Dr. he now give me 8 dollars per week I bought all his cigars & tobacco + I am to keep Potash machine oil + I am to pay him five dollars a year for the use of his car + cannton
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Tuesday, Aug 23 / 64
A very plesent day Jr. Junyer and R. Runyon went fishing came Home at 8 oclock Jr. gave me his share
Wednesday, Aug 24
Attend the lecture nothing occurred of any importance
Thursday, Aug. 25
I Lecture in the morning went to Almyna Prirson wedding in the afternoon at 4 oclock had a very goo time
Friday, Aug. 26
Cook sent Coal 1 ton Rented the Parlor for 2 dollars per week Got a wash stand from Bill Simpson for 1 dollar
Saturday 27
Hattie came back fixed the Parlor for the student mother came home from Rocky Hill
Sunday 28
Went to church in the evening brothers came Home
Monday 29
Mr. Gamboln took possion of the Parlor at 2 dollars per week
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Wednesday 30
Did not go to Lectures went to the Harvest Home in the evening with R. Runyon and William
Thursday 31
Rented the front room up stares to Mr. Ledyard for 1.50 per week
Friday, Sept 2
Went up to wards with Miss Eliz Brittan had a very plesent time Got a basket peaches for 1 dollar arrived Home about 8 oclock did not find Hattie home left on account of her mother being sick
Saturday, Sept 3
Attanta taken Hattie left _________ _____________
Sunday, Sept 4
A dull rainy day went down to the store in the morning did not _______ a _______
Did not go to church
Monday, Sept 5
Rec’d a letter from Bob
Tuesday, Sept. 6
Sent a Letter to Jennie
Friday 9
Went to Trenton I ___________ 1 load of wood from Hudson 3 00