Ash, Henry C. Diary (1862)

This is the 1862 diary of Henry C. Ash who served with the 8th New Hampshire Infantry during the Civil War.[page 1] Henry C. Ash Son of Daniel Ash Lisbon, N.H. Grafton, S.S. Henry C. Ash 8th Reg. Co. H. N.H.V. Settled and found dev. 29.92 [page 2] Page across from title page Enlisted on t...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Ash, Henry C.
Format: Electronic
Published: Auburn University Libraries
Online Access:,25986
Summary:This is the 1862 diary of Henry C. Ash who served with the 8th New Hampshire Infantry during the Civil War.[page 1] Henry C. Ash Son of Daniel Ash Lisbon, N.H. Grafton, S.S. Henry C. Ash 8th Reg. Co. H. N.H.V. Settled and found dev. 29.92 [page 2] Page across from title page Enlisted on the 23 of Nov. 1861 And was discharged 22 of Dec. 1862 Title page Henry C. Ash Lisbon, N.H. [page 3] Henry C. Ash Lisbon, N.H. Grafton Co. [page 4] Calendar 1862 [page 5] Moon's Phases in March, April, May, June 1862 [page 6] Moon's Phases of July, August, September, October 1862 [page 7] January, Wednesday 1, 1862 Was at Camp Currier during the day; the day was pleasant and I was Sergeant of the 2 R else it being just after they had already all had furloe and had some trouble with this. The knight was coaled. Thursday 2 Was in Camp Currier during the day we had not drill much oweing to the snow and the wether being cold I had no duty to do except to get my over coat very thin was quiet in camp. Friday 3 Was at Camp Currier The day was cold but every thing was quiet during the day. We went on a tramp of about 8 miles And in the P.M. we drild. [page 8] January, Saturday 4, 1862 Was at Manchester during the day in the A.M. we went on Co. drill in the P.M. Gen. Ben Butler was on the ground and we past examination as the whole Reg. the day was quiet in camp but we was coald when on drill. Sunday 5 Was on gard during the day at Camp Currier. The day was pleasant but as they had received there [pay] of the state and many had got passes down to the city I had all I can do to take cair of them that were drunk. Monday 6 I had something to do with the gard after 10 A.M. in the A.M. made out the gard reporet but in the P.M. I went down to the city in the eve was in camp. Cold Winter (above date) January, Tuesday 7, 1862 Every thing was quiet in camp in the A.M. we went on to drilling in Platoons in the P.M. we went on Batallion drill. In the eve I went down to the city. But their was many Pickets down their but they did not get me. Wednesday 8 Was at Camp Currier. The day was pleasant and we had a good time we did not drill much except Battallion drill every thing was quiet in camp. Went on picket in the eve and we had a good time got 5 prisoners. Thursday 9 We was at camp in Manchester We went to drilling in Company drill in the A.M. in the A.M. we are having a Battallion drill in the A.M. went down to the city in the eve. [page 9] January, Friday 10, 1862 Still we were in camp at Manchester we had company drill in the A.M. in the P.M. we had Battallion drill and went down to the city in the eve we had Squad and went down to a lecture. Saturday 11 We were in camp at Camp Currier, Manchester Every thing was quiet during the day We received a good drill during the day. In the eve we went down to the city to ____ any boats went up I was past down by Lieut. Y.H. Stakes. I had a good time in evening the city. Sunday 12 Every thing was quiet during the day we had a Squad that went down to church and I went with them. In the P.M. we had service on the field by the Chaplin of the Reg. January, Monday 13, 1862 Every thing was quiet during the day we had a good drill and every thing past pleasantly. The 7th N.H.V. were about for to leave us and we had to mourn think that we were not going too. In the eve everything was quiet and I laed on my bunk. Tuesday 14 We were all still until the 7 began to hall down their tents and then their was a generall tumult until they formed in to recamp and then to the Regiment they left at 11 in the P.M. we went into battalion drill in the eve we went down on picket duty got 3 Wednesday 15 Was at Camp Currier every thing was quiet in camp in the A.M. we had a company drill in the P.M. we had a battalion drill in the eve I was in my quarters and all was still. [page 10] January, Thursday 16, 1862 We are yet detained at Manchester. Their is much talk about our going away but I take all to be a camp story for I can see no prospects of going yet we had our usual drills during the day It was not very bad day not the best day Friday 17 Yet at Camp Currier. In the A.M. we went down to the city on company drill. In the P.N. we went down to the City their was 3 Cos. went down together Our company was the forward Co. commanded by Lieut. Y.H. Stakes. I received my warrant this after noon. Saturday 18 Every thing was quiet in camp. The day was stormy and we did not drill much. I was on gard 2 hours in the P.M. In the eve we had an oyster-super at the Sargeants & Corporels expence. January, Sunday 19, 1862 The day was stormy and we did not drill any. I had no duty to perform in the P.M. and had nothing to do; in the P.M. I went down to church the text was in Romans 10 and the 10 first verses the sermon was very good being a very able speaker. Monday 20 Had not much to do this day as it was stormy There was a great deal of snow. There was not any drill. In the eve I was in camp and their was some _______ A report says we must go to port Independence Boston harber Tuesday 21 The storm was all over and the day was pleasant and I was on gard and I had a great deal to do as it is just before we are going to leave. [page 11] January, Wednesday 22, 1862 Was at camp Currier during the day every thing was quiet camp it being the day after I was on gard I did not drill much. All though we had Company drill. Thursday 23 Was at Camp Currier during the day there was some excitement during the day. We received our guns this day. Went through Company drill and it being a pleasant day it was dun with pleasure. Friday 24 Was on gard during the day It being just before we were going to move there was some excitement about camp. Had all I could do to kepp the gard we had a double gard January, Saturday 25, 1862 Was at Camp Currier during part of the day but left there for Boston 10 A.M. the day was stormy it snowed and rained and the ______ or streets were all full of water we stoped during the knight at Fanuel Hall we received our _________ Sunday 26 Was at Boston during part of the day in Fanuel Hall. The people of Boston gave us a diner. We left their for Fort Independence at 3 Oclock P.M. we went acrost in the Stemer Sexton Their was some excitement on getting our lugages. Monday 27 We were at Fort Independence during the day we were engaged in pitching tents and making thins so that we could stay comfortable Every thing was quiet in camp [page 12] January, Tuesday 28, 1862 We were at the Fort yet we had got everything state and redy for drill so we went down before the Fort on a piece of ________ and had a good drill. All of the Field Officers were there and it was pleasant. The weather was fine although it was a mudy Wednesday 29 And yet we remained at the fort, we had a battalion drill and after that we were drild some on the manual of Armies Their was some that was dissatisfied by being confined on the Fort. Thursday 30 We were yet __________ at the Fort Independence. Every thing was quiet in camp We had our usual drills in Batallion. We had a good place to drill and we made good use of it ____. January, Friday 31, 1862 It has been a pleasant day and so we drild our regular ours (4 in a day) the field officers were all their and it was very pleasant. Their was many camp Stories going in regard to where we were going. Nothing sertain about them. February, Saturday 1, 1862 We had got millargermed and redy for action but we did not drill very much as the company officers were all gone over to the city but the ________ officers and soldiers had to stay in their quarters. Their was two that got a boat and went a way. Sunday 2 The day did not seam much like Sunday as their was not any regular service on the ground we had company inspection the rest of the time we did not do anything but to lay round Boston. [page 13] February, Monday 3, 1862 We are yet in the fort redy for action. We had to klean up our guns + drill some and have some time to lay on our bunks. Had our usual drilling. Their was some company from the city but not not much. Tuesday 4 We were yet at the Fort. Their was much talk about our going away. We had our guns ___ by the Cernal he said our guns are in gard order my bayarnett was taken away from me becas it would not go on. Wednesday 5 The day was pleasant and I was on gard. I had 20 gards. Had an easy time of it. Their was not any disturbance in the Fort. Was on the first Relief Tonkin February, Thursday 6, 1862 I got of from gard at 10 oclock A.M. maid out gard report done nothing more till the P.M. drill. Did not drill much In the P.M. I was put charge of a Squad that was in the same Barracks with me No of men 30 Friday 7 The morning was very pleasant. We had a Batallion drill in the A.M. in the P.M. we also drild until dress-parade-after which had nothing to do in the eve we had songs and amused our selves as best we could. Saturday 8 Was at Fort Independence the day was pleasant. We drild in the A.M. in the P.M. we did not drill any had dress-perade only. Timothy T. Howe died and was carried away by his friends Jonathan Buffern carried away the dead of our company [page 14] February, Sunday 9, 1862 The day was pleasant in the morning we had company inspection and after which we had a battalion inspection in the afternoon we formed in for Regimental Service Their was ______after which we went on dress parade= Tankin Monday 10 The day was very warm the snow even melted on the grounds it was very still and it was a very good time to drill and we made good use of it Had our usual drills the report says we must go soon. Tuesday 11 We had dress formation the A.M. and after we had our usual drill in the P.M. we had Regimental Inspection after which we lode off our knapsacks and had a review. February, Wednesday 12, 1862 The day was very pleasant and we had a gards drill. The company oficers were all their we had dress-parade in the morning in the afternoon we had Batallion drill past through a review had orders to be redy to go any time. Thursday 13 Yet we had orders to be redy to go, and we packed away our guns redy for a start we did not drill any only cept our quarters clean. Expects to go soon Their was great excitement in camp Friday 14 Some say that we were going to ship ___ and others to Fortress Monroe. We had Batallion drill but no company left was on Sergeant of the police carried away most of the Bagage. [page 15] February, Saturday 15, 1862 Was at the Fort in Boston Bay every thing was quiet as their was but four companys we did not have much to do. I was on gard had a very easy time of it. Sunday 16 We were at Ft. Independence it did not seam to me like Sunday we had no religious services during the day. All we had to amuse ourselves was to clean up our births it was the last day or night in the fort. Monday 17 In the morning we were ordered to get redy for a start we left the Ft. at 7 oclock P.M. we went on board of the ship Elvira + Ella she laid at anchor I slept well. February, Tuesday 18, 1862 Was on the ship laying at anchor in the harber as their was some fixing to do we did not start till in the after noon at 4 oclock at which time she weighted anchor and two steamers took us out in to the Sea. Wednesday 19 We had now got out into good sailing but I did not enjoy it as I was sea sick, and not only me but others. The sea was rough all day I was on gard they did not keep gard after 9 oclock P.M. I did not feel able to do any thing. Thursday 20 The storm yet continued the sea was very rough my sea sickness did not get better but worse I kept on deck all I could but I was sick all of the Sergts. was of our Co. and many more. [page 16] February, Friday 21, 1962 We were going nice all knight but in the morning the wind began to blow the waves run high the old ship realed back and forth the waves crashed over the deck some thought we should go to the bottom, but the sailors said we should be safe. Saturday 22 The waves yet _____ and the wind blew it rayned some. The weather was warm as the wind was in the south we did not gain much and drifted to the east. Some thought of home and said they never wanted sail again. Sunday 23 Yet we did not have much wind in our favor the waves were high it rayned some Wind in the south _______ some. The eve was very pleasant on deck. February, Monday, 24, 1862 Yet we were making some progress. The morning was quite pleasant but the wind becan to blow the sea began to look angry and before knight the ship rocked back and forth and it seamed as though she must go down. Tuesday 25 After spending a sleepless knight, morning dawned the wether is yet rough and old sailors said they never saw a wors knight in the after noon the wind began to go down in the knight it was quite still a fair time to sail. Wednesday 26 We were on the ship Elvira + Ella. The day was pleasant. The sun shone warm we were about off Cape Hateras in the knight we maid fair progress all the boys were well and happy. [page 17] February, Thursday 27, 1862 The morning dawned and all looked well but not long the wind began to blow and the waves ran high- did not make any progress, all was in a state of confusion and many wished they never had seen the ship the wind went down at about 12 at knight. Friday 28 The day was quite pleasant as the wind had seased blowing.Yet their was a good breeze we maid good progress, but I do not know how far we went for they would not tell any one we were in the Gulf-Streamer only bin out two days. March, Saturday 1, 1862 The day was one of those lovely days. Had a good wind in the eve I was on deck and a very pleasant eve it was too warm and nice, like a sumer eve in New England. March, Sunday 2, 1862 The day was very but we did not make much Progress as their was not wind—we were all some where about apposite Florida. The day was warm.The sun shone very warm the eve it was so warm that I sweat while siting doing nothing it was as warm as May at home. Monday 3 Was a pleasant day although their was not much wind so we did make much progress. Having a good chance to sell my watch I let Wm. Morgan have it for twenty dollars.Took his note and on order on his next pay.The day was enjoyed by all. Tuesday 4 Their was not much wind but the day was warm so we all was on deck in the morning it rayned some but did not last long. [page 18] March, Wednesday 5, 1862 Was a pleasant day we got along some but not much their was not any wind. Some talk of reaching the hole in the wall before long. All enjoyed themselves well only wanted to get on land and all would be well had not much to do but eat and drink. Thursday 6 We did not Sale very much had a pleasant time of it. Saw a Portuguese Man of War shot at it with a pistell did not hit it had a company inspection.The rest of the time we were on deck had a nice time too. In the eve it was pleasant. ---Homes Friday 7 I was on gard all though we did not have any gard posted. The day we had a head wind and a strong wind.The waves ran high,but their was not consider any danger. March, Saturday 8, 1862 We were still making some progress in the fore noon the wind was not quite rite for fast saling but in the afternoon it was better saling the day was warm so that we could sit round on deck and keep warm with not much sloathing. Sunday 9 Was a pleasant day and we had a good kruise. We sailed fas and we past by the Isle of Spice about 4 oclock in the morning we saw the lite house at ______ many got up to see it, great excitement long to get to the place of destination Monday 10 Was a very pleasant day. We came in to the harbor Nassau.The trees were all green and the Natives were planting corn. The east was the most beautiful that I ever saw.The day was nice warm and we all enjoyed it much. [page 19] March, Tuesday 11, 1862 We were yet in the harbor. The Oficers went ashore in boates. There was frate brought to us by Nigrows and we may with quite a lot of it. We were wating for wood and water, Their was a Steamer went by us with a band—Rebel-prix nic party was on board her. Wednesday 12 The wood and water at last came. It was brought by a ______ Their was some frate brought on board. The officers were ordered back to the ship. Every thing being redy we wade anchor and sat sale for Ship Island we had a good wind and we made good progress. Thursday 13 The day was pleasant and we had a good wind we past by three lite houses one by the name of Iassc the weather was warm or hot The water too was warm. March, Friday 14, 1862 The captain of the ship died his name was Lunt he had bin drunk ever since we started on our vorage. Had the dalearium treamers and they too his liquor away from him put him on an allowance gave him some opium. Saturday 15 I had bin on gard the knight before and had a very easy time of it. I was not very ____ owing to __________ as the water was very __________ runing to _____ it to long Talk of Lunt. Sunday 16 Fortugas We wer opposite the Isle Fortugas a dead calm prevaled we did not sale any. Their was a ship past us in the after noon. They were from Ship Island bound for Key West it was a Man of War [page 20] March, Monday 17, 1862 Their was nothing worthy of note except the wether but that I think worthy of memory. The day was very hot their was no wind and we laid nearly still in the knight the wind blew some and we gained some. We were in the gulf of Mexico. Tuesday 18 We were still on our course to Ship Island but we did not go any in the day time but he knight was fair and a good wind. The day was very hot. The knight was cool and pleasant Their was nothing patcular happened on board the ship. Wednesday 19 Their was a man died by the name of Ganld of Co. K. He was thrown over board. The day was pleasant and we had a pleasant wind we were in the Gulf of Mexico. The weather was cool. March, Thursday 20, 1862 We did not have the wind quite in our favor but that _________ we was haled by a gun boat in the A.M. on coasting in the gulf just where we were I do not know about one hundred miles form Ship Island. Many storyes about it. Friday 21 We were in the gulf of Mexico, we did not sale much as we had a head wind. The weather was cool all of the boys put on their over coats we were not very well satisfied to be hundired so by the wind. All was quiet on board. Saturday 22 Still we were making our way to Ship Island. But did not make much as their was a head wind Their was sines of a storm in the knight they have the ship_________ [page 21] March, Sunday 23, 1862 The day was windy and the waves run high we came in site of land. The day did not seam like Sunday as their was so much swearing on board. The water was only twenty Fathams deep when they sounded Bryant made a prayer. Monday 24 Their was a head wind so we did not gane much their was quite a strong wind we did not make very much.The wether being cool the water go to be very coad had potatoes twice during the day. Had good meat and enough to eat. Tuesday 25 We were still laying round in the Gulf. we did not make great way but some, it was a pleasant day some talk of our geting ashore. The day was pleasant. March, Wednesday 26, 1862 I was on gard. Had twelve on my relief. In the Knight their was but three gards. Their was lice found in every company on board. I found some on me. The day was pleasant but we had a hard wind did not gane any. Thursday 27 Their was a great stir a bout the lice found quite a lot of them. The day was pleasant but had a hard wind although the wind changed in the Knight so that we had a favorable wind we were a bout forty m from Ship Island. Friday 28 Sun fish We had a good wind and we mad good way we came into the harbor of Mobile or Mobile port we anchored at 6 oclock P.M. it was forty miles from Ship Island. Said to be we were squaded to day in A.m. [page 22] March, Saturday 29, 1862 In the morning their was a small boat came to us the Colonel went ashore and got a tug boat and she _____ us to ship Island we arrived their about 6 the Major came on board asked if all was well, answered yes. Sunday 30 We left the ship about 10 A.M. we had to walk about 3 miles we had to get our dinner of other companys. We pitched our tents and had to lay on the san we got our tents pitched and divided into Squads.It was hot. Monday 31 We did not drill any but went up to the uper end of the Island to get wood and _________ it was 6 miles.It was not very hot but we had a hard time. April, Tuesday 1, 1862 We had got well arranged and we had to drill four hours.Part of the time in Squad and Co. and Betillion drills. Their was a good east wind so it was very good drilling.The sand was hard to walk in. Wednesday 2 The day was not very hot but we had to drill quite hot.We practied shuteing blank caterages it was quite exciting time with us the gun boates went to bombard Rocksford for keeping a flag of truce. Thursday 3 Was on Ship Island and we could see the gun boates firing at the rebels boates and see the flash and hear the repoart. we had our regular drills during the day they marched us round quite a lot. [page 23] Friday 4 Still they kept pitched into them. They took one Steamer and some Staarageguns they sheld rocket and fired into Miss. Sixty and drove them back we still had to drill quite a lot the sand was very hard som to walk in. Saturday 5 I was on Brigade gard to the uper end of the camp ground. the day was pleasant and and we had an easy time of it. their was tunelar gards. we had to go about one mile to mount gards. their was no oficer came near us so we dun as we was a ______ too. Washington Sunday 6 As I had bin on gard the day before we were not relieved till twelve oclock owing to Regimental inspection in the after noon we had nothing to do but to rest, and as their was not any gard tent we had the __________ for our shelter. April, Monday 7, 1862 Their was many stories circulating about our leeving many troops were landing here. We did not drill in the forenoon in the after we had to drill had good rations and enough to eat. Tuesday 8 Their was nothing perticular hapened. We had our usual drills which is four hours in a day but they drilled us nearer eight. The weather was not very hot. Had go so that it did not affect me much. Their is a sea breeze that is quite cool. Ship Island Wednesday 9 We were to pass a Brigade review but after wind blew and the sand blew so that we awited it. But nothing to do and we were all quiet in our tents. The sand blew bad Easy time. [page 24] April, Thursday 10, 1862 The day was very pleasant and we had the Brigade review.Their was fifteen regiments their General Butler and Brig. Gen. Philpes and many other oficers that I did not know.It was a beautiful seane to see them marching in one mass or one Regiment after another good pleasant time. Friday 11 We had Squad and Co drills in the forenoon in the afternoon had Batallion drill. In the knight their was a heavy thunder Storm. our tend got hurt some by the ______. Three pearsons got kild with lightnen the lightening hit the tent in which they were in. hirt two more high Tide. Saturday 12 As we had to fix our tents we did not drill any in the A.M. The afternoon of every Saturday is given to us for to do our washing and general business. I did my washing in a pale and with coald water. April, Sunday 13, 1862 I was on gard. their was no other Seargeant I had a very easy day of it. The Corp had to call out their a m reliefs We had to turn out the gard to Field Oficers and the oficer of the day had to sleep with our acruluements on. Monday 14 I had the day to myself after 9 oclock A.M. I did not feal very well so I staid in my tent. had to be out at roll calls. the day was hot but their was a sea breese so it was not very bad. Troops were ordered off. Tuesday 15 I was on Police duty had to go down to the bakery Their was nine in regiments left here for some place probably on the Miss River [page 25] April, Wednesday 16, 1862 The troops that had bin put on to the ships started for some place on the Miss R to the same place so as to land more troops. the day was pleasant and we had to drill five hours. Their was a great talk of our folowing them. Thursday 17 Still their was many stories about going some where we were going thousand stories but I do not know what to believe but the Merimac (Black devil) took to Schooners one loaded with cotton and the other molases. had our usual drills on Ship Island. Friday 18 Their was a pleasant wind and we had to drill all the various drills on Co. and Batallion. drill us long and hard as we were not to have saturday P.M. April, Saturday 19, 1862 We drilled in the A.M. had got my gun all cleaned redy for sunday in the P.M. I went down to the other regt. Their was all sort of men their. one man I saw in the 8 Vt. Vols. that cut his throat some or many stories about our fleet but as yet nothing was as yet heard of them. Sunday 20 Sunday we had our regt Inspection at 8 A.M. In the afternoon as I had nothing to do I went down to the 8 Vt Astin Taylor died he had bin sick some time. We had religious services but it did not seem much like church as we had to stand up. Closed in ________ Monday 21 We drilled the Batallion drill in the A.M. in P.M. we went down on brigade review. After we got back we burred Astin Taylor we fired him a salute had a prayer and some aproprate remarks. [page 26] April, Tuesday 22, 1862 The daw was all most cold and we drilled battalion drills in the A.M. and P.M. had to drill prety hard so it was a good day to drill. was glad to see N.H. wether as such was a few days back bin report says that Ft. Jackson was taken. Wednesday 23 We were still on Ship Island and had our usual drills, report say that Ft. Jackeson was taken and our troops were landing their.Many stories are going about the war men hardly can believe of them. Thursday 24 I received a letter from home very glad to get that one. We had blank carterdges and practied in batalion shuteing fun enough to see them perform and see the gun caps fly Friday 25 It was a very pleasant day as the Sun shone warm but not hot Their was nothing very particular that took place during the day. their was transport ________ going out to cary provitions to the army had our usual drills. Easy time. Saturday 26 I met an old school mate that belonged to the vermont 8th was very glad to see him he let me have fifty cts as all the money that I had was a sixpence a keepsake. we did not drill any but got straw for our tents. Easy time. Sunday 27 We had Reg. Inspecton went out with our knapsacks and haversacks after which we did not have nay thing to do only to go to meeting at five oclock. [page 27] April, Monday 28, 1862 We had Co. drill of two hours from 7 to 9 A.M. we had a batalion drill in the P.M. only two hours from 4 til 6 was not very hard. it was my birth day and a good day for reflection. Their was many stories about our going away and many about N.O. Tuesday 29 Still at Ship Island and in the sand prepering for war had Co drill in the morning which consisted of shuteing at a target and it was the first ball but that we had later our guns did _____ we had fourteen rounds. In the P.M. we did not drill. Prepared for inspection. Wednesday 30 As it was the last day of the month we have an inspection.Their was nine or ten reg. out and we have to pass review. in the afternoon we had Co inspection it was not very hard. May, Thursday 1, 1862 I was on Police during the day down to the wharf to help unload a ship. it was mostly wagons. The New London took two rebel schooners loaded with Coton.their was one man and two women taken prisoners.their was talk of our going home. Good news. Friday 2 It was a pleasant day and we had blank cat to practice in shuteing had a good time. In the P.M. we did not drill any. Their was a report that we should have to go soon we cleaned up our guns and had a very easy time of it. their was a steamer came from New Orleans. Saturday 3 Their was three Companes orderd off A.F.K. their was eighty in each Co. they took nine out of our Co. and should have taken the whole Co. Their was great excitement about it. we did not drill any [page 28] May, Sunday 4, 1862 The day was warm and we did not do much. had Inspection by companys we had Regimental services which included all we had to do and much do we miss them as they were the ones that ask to sing to us and tell us prety stories. Monday 5 The days are warm the mornings and evenings are cool. The flies are very thick but the knights are such that they do not _______ us. There are moscitoes but not very thick bite some we had our usual drills in the morning and at knight They drill us very easy. Tuesday 6 I was on guard.Had an easy time of it.Made the grand rounds at knight.Their was a mortor fleet came in here as a place of rendervoue.They came in after the others tell they all came here.happy to know of New Orleanes. May, Wednesday 7, 1862 I got off guard at 9 A.M. after which we went up the Island to shute at Target.I was excused from drill the rest of the day. The Mortor fleet started out do not know where but it was suposed to Mobile.Their was seventeen mortor boates and five steamers all left at once looked nice Mobile Thursday 8 I was on guard did not have a very hard time as their was a Sergt and Corp on each relief.The Mortor fleet that went out returned for what cause I know not, but their was a heavy Sea out.Their was many stories in regard to it some thinking that Mobile had surrendered after that they were going to Galveston, Texas. Friday 9 I had nothing to do after I got of guard an as the day was windy and reigned some I staid in my tent all day, sleeping some of the time.There was talk of sending after them Soldiers that went into other companies. [page 29] May, Saturday 10, 1862 I was on police but did not have any thing to do.The Elvira & Ella returned in a sinking condition run a ground on horn Island. The male that was on hir was taken off and sent by a Steamer.Their was ten thousand letters went.we do not drill saturdays.Their was no particular was news. Sunday 11 The day was warm or hot although we did not have any thing to do only to go on inspection in the morning at eight oclock. they kept us one hour.I with my boys went down town on wharf to see what news we could here.The IdaHo was going to sale for Boston in a short time. Monday 12 was a pleasant day and we had a Batallion drill but it was short.The news came that Penscola was ours and that the fort was torn down and the Navy burned. their was a great loss on both sides. May, Tuesday 13, 1862 Last knite our boys came back form Ft Macomb the Moscitors were thick up their and they were all bit up by them. orders came for us to go to New Orleans as soon as we could or a little above their.we had battalion drill in the for and after noon.did not drill very hard all glad to go away. Wednesday 14 Still we were on Ship Island living at our ease laey as dogs. every man had a little drilling to do but not much. had battalion drills drilled one hour and a half in the morning and the same in the after noon.lived easy and growing fat. Thursday 15 Their was quite a large police detailled to go to the wharf to work on ships on loading them.many stories about living here, drild a very little did not have a battalion drill. [page 30] May, Friday 16, 1862 In the morning the Colonel went down to the Head Quarters to get news.we had a company drill in morning. We were ordered to clean our guns as we should be likely to go any time.did not drill and in the afternoon went out on Co. Inspection.Easy time Lazy time. Saturday 17 off We had orders to go to New Orleans ameaditly but the Steamer that we were going on did not come in So we were still on the Island, but did not drill any eve had a dress parade.Expected to go at any time during the knight.great excitement. Sunday 18 At Ship Island Mississippi Lazy as could be and that was bad anough.Had an inspection in the struk had a Dress Parade at five oclock. Still expecting to go any time wanted to be also. May, Monday 19, 1862 I was on guard dureing the day down to the wharf as their was but one Reg. their on the Island had to go with all our things.We bade a hapy good bye to our camp Our Regt. was ordered off and went down to the wharf I had a good time. we had a good Lieut. and we had a good time. Tuesday, 20 We were ordered to leeve our posts on guard and go aboard of the White Mean at 4 oclock A.M. we had a pleasant ride up the Lake pontchertrain arived at Lake shore at 4 P.M. Stoped at a hotell over knight they used us was a fast place. Wednesday 21 We started for camp being about six miles took the cars four m. then we went on our march. the day was hot we got our tents pitched and every thing was lovely and the place was hansom. grass was green and trees for shade. [page 31] May, Thursday 22, 1862 We used the day to get rest and to fix up our tent and recute our health, the place where we were encamped was lower than the River and it was curious to look up to see ships an Steamers hire than us. did not drill any but little to do any way. Friday, 23 We had a drill in the A.M. after which I got a pass to go over the lines and went over to a plantation. they treeted us with respect and he had a beautiful plantation.we had battalion drill in the P.M.The drill was not very hard but the wether was warm. had a very pleasant time. Saturday 24 We did not drill any. hug round our tents. All were permited to go where we wanted too.I went down and had a good time, we went into a pleasant garden as I ever saw had tip top time. May, Sunday 25, 1862 Their was a black man came into Camp and said he new where their was sugar.I went up their and we got a large quantity of it. their was twenty three ____ of sugar. we had dress parade at sundown. Their was a whole lot of people that got sugar. Great ____ and excitement. Monday 26 We had got well stationed at Camp parapet it is a pleasant place and on some thing besides sand to drill on. we drild about two hours during the day. great excitement about the order to take no more, good time finerly the River had broken over down below here. Tuesday 27 I was on guard during the day had to mount guard at the brigade ground had compearabluly nothing to was the lasyest day that I ever had when I dun any thing. [page 32] May, Wednesday 28, 1862 I cam off guard at 10 A.M. did nothing more during the day. the River had broke over and was running in very wrapid. Their was great excitement about the water. their was no drilling as the men were detailed to go and stop the water. Thursday 29 I was on police during the day and went down to the Jacksons crossing, thence to Carollton, got a trane of cars to draw did not stop the water, we took the cars by forse.Their was a large police party and many got drunk had a great time getting _______. Friday 30 The water had risen so high that we were obliged to move our quarters to a higher position in the ground. We went up by the 7th VT beside of the parapet the ground was not very even. May, Saturday 31, 1862 I was on guard oposit of our camp and the other side of the Parapet, on Brigade.The duty was very easy but the day was hot. we had to pitch our tents in the A.M.The grand round did not come near us.Their was but 7 on a relief. June, Sunday 1, 1862 I was relieved at 10 A.M. being on inspection did not get round very early. I did not have any thing to do after which The river was very high and the water was rising very fast their was great trouble anticipated. Monday 2 I was on police during the day we went to stop the water.we went down to Carollton and we had a badley time.Their was some pretty hot heads their. Yet the place looked as though it had bin a business place. [page 33] June, Tuesday 3, 1862 We had a short drill in the morning which was from 7 to 8 and from 4 ½ to 6 P.M.Their was a great many stories about wheir we should go to Paymaster. We went up here a short distance to get us some Bunks to sleep on.I found some very nice Black Buaries up their. Wednesday 4 Again I was on guard but as the duty was so lite I did not care much about it.The report was that Rebellion was nearly to an end and that we should go home soon. Their was orders given that they that were not on duty should drill. Thursday 5 Their was nothing partickular that took place during the day. Their was however a plenty of women pedling fres milk and the like. We were living well and not drilling but very little. June, Friday 6, 1862 It was my day for Police but their was nothing to do we had our usual drills.The weather in the midle of the day is quite hot but such pleasant mornings and evening I never saw took great pleasure in going out to a walk.Every thing was quiet in Camp Saturday 7 I went to New Orleans.their was a man hung the one that torn down the flag where it was first raised by our folks. their was a flag raising by the people of N.O.The city looke neat and the people good natured. The streets are regularly laid out it was a pleasant time. Sunday 8 We had inspection in the morning and services in the P.M. Every thing was quiet in Camp.I went out and got me some Baries and had a pleasant walk every thing lovely. [page 34] June, Monday 9, 1862 We at Camp Parapet near New Orleans keeping it as ours had a short drill and laid in our tents we were wating for orders to move. their was steamers going up the river.We faired well picking B. Baries. Steeling ________. Tuesday 10 I was on guard stationed on the R R track we got some green corn and cucumbers.the corn was not quite hard enough for the rost, we had an easy time of it. we were one mil from camp. Wednesday 11 Camp Parapet _______ off from Picket Drilling P.M. Hot Day June, Thursday 12, 1862 Their was nothing particular that took place.we were near New Orleans at Camp parapet we had our usual drills which was from 7 to 8 A.M. and from 4 ½ to 6.The wether was not very hot we had nothing in the heat of the day to do. All prospects of fevor. Friday 13 The days were spent easy and enjoyment baariers were brought into camp.They were very good and we bought them with bread.Their was great anxiety about our pay we wanted to have our money. Saturday 14 Their was nothing paticular going on every thing was quiet.had the P.M. to get redy for Inspection.The day was quite warm. [page 35] June, Sunday 15, 1862 Had inspection in the morning.Their was Regimental services in the P.M. At 5 o. I went down to Clarkston to meeting it was a Catholick.they talked the French language.The service was all fornn looked sily. Monday 16 Encamped five miles from New Orleans at Camp Parapet.We do not drill very much.Had brigade drill at five oclock P.M. Most of the time however was spint in the tent Tuesday 17 I was on Brigade guard.The duties were very lite.The guard received great prase for their good conduct. June, Wednesday 18, 1862 Still enjoying good health at camp Parapet, La.and as the wether is very hot we are not required to do much duty.The fair at camp is very good.Black Buaries are being brought in. Thursday 19 I was on police during the day.Did not do much had a Steam boat to unload.I had entire controll of the police. had fun at the expence of a bloat. Friday 20 We received four months and ten days pay I received exactly two dollars fifty cents We did not drill any in the P.M. [page 36] June, Saturday 21, 1862 After pay day is a gay day Sory for us to see so many of our boys than I ever saw before. We had some little trouble with the boys.They were gay I sent home 70.00 seventy dollars paid one dollar eighty cts. Sunday 22 I was on guard we received the greatest prase for knowledge of guard duty.had but little to do.The same old things to do the same living it is the same from day to day Louisana Monday 23 Corn, melons, baries are brought inot camp Still their was some ________ I was at Carollton Brigade drill June, Tuesday 24 Was on police guard.Their was nothing to do any way had usual drills.every thing was quiet.Great efforts to stop every thing was quiet buisey times for peddlers Carollton City Wednesday 25 Still at Camp Parapet.The drills were about the same from day to day.The day was hot although their was a little wind camp had got quite sticky although some wind stays yet.Spending their money freely.Louisana Thursday 26 I was on guard upon Jackson railroad.The post was bout one mile from camp.The post was six men and a corps Every thing turned pleasant.The day was not very hot.It rained a little in the morning. [page 37] June, Friday 27, 1862 I was relieved at ten oclock A.M. Their was nothing patickular going on. We had to drill in the P.M. Still we were living well having a good time. Pedlers have a very good time with the soldiers. we expected to have some letters we were prepearing to build a shade. Saturday 28 I was on police during the day. their was but little. we were still at Camp Parapet.We do not have only morning drill Saturday.Time passes swift easy only longing to see the foolish Rebels return to their aligence. hope they soon will -----------. Sunday 29 Had our spishial inspection on Sunday They form on regular brigade Inspection It was not very hard but we got along prety well. I was at Carollton, nothing going . June, Monday 30, 1862 Had usual drills which are as follows vis: from 7 to 9 A.M. and from 5 to 6 and the dress parade.The days were not very hot and we have some showers.the air seemed pure and cool was deceived in the temperature of the weather. July, Tuesday 1, 1862 Still at Camp Parapet six miles from New Orleans in a very pleasant valey or rather on a plantation which has very much the appearance of a pasture they had sweet potatoes raised here. I was very much pleased to see the habits. Wednesday 2 Having all most every thing to see to, and little of nothing.their was a great satefiction in regard to their men having good clothing and plenty of money. [page 38] July, Thursday 3, 1862 I was on guard for D.B. Barr owing to wanting to fix a shade to keep up cool.I was on guard oposit of the parapet and also oposit our camp. Had a very easy time.Their was two nigers and their families which was two young babyes two children 8 or 10 years.they had one child all four children. Comical Friday 4 The day was rainy and not much going on of any account except a national salute. Their was a regret that the day was not pleasant in that we could form into a Batallion.The day was mudy and such mud as never ought to be troden by a Northern man. Saturday 5 I was on police but did not have any thing to do.Their was mud but the sun and wind dried it pretty well up.We had to get redy for inspection wrote a letter home July, Sunday 6, 1862 We had an inspection.The ground was muddy owing to having raine the day before. The ground when mudy is hardt in the extrame Their was not very much going on any way. had dress parade Every thing was quiet. Monday 7 I went to New Orleans went to Carollton then to New Orleans. I had a very good time. The city lays low and on the _________ it is a low place. Pleanty of coffee houses ever shaps I went on Jacksons Square saw some very nice buildings. Tuesday 8 I went up four miles after cane to build a shade Had Brigade drill. in the evening I went up and helped to draw down some more cane. Carollton [page 39] July, Wednesday 9, 1862 We were still at Camp parapet near New Orleans we had yet our shade completed and now we have our usual drills the weather is quite hot yet the knights are very cool Talk of a movement soon. Thursday 10 The day was rainy and the mud is very bad when it rains one would surely think that he must have his one hundred acures and ______ that with him. Friday 11 The weather is not so bad to day so but one can live and enjoy life yet the air is very moist and the knights very damp. July, Saturday 12, 1862 The day is usual for general cleaning up we have however a morning drill.I went down to Carollton in the after noon all are strongly in favor of the South suceeding they are bold to state that too. Sunday 13 had the usual inspection.I was on guard during the day, had a good many to take under arrest I had however a very easy time of it as they were all willin to mind and do what I asked them to. Monday 14 I had my guard report to make which is quite hard as their was no oficer of the guard.we did not drill in the was muddy. [page 40] July, Tuesday 15, 1862 I was on police during the day which is formed in rear of the guard mounting we did not however have any thing to do owing to the mud. we did not have any drills. Wednesday 16 The days rooll away like the dew before the sun we do not have but very little to do pass the time as best we can we had our usual drills we expect to hear from Richmon soon. the River is now open Thursday 17 Was at Camp Parapet Every thing went on quietly.Their was some heat but we were fixing up our shades. July, Friday 18, 1862 I was still living easy laying in the shade keeping as coall as I could The water was mudy but we had ice so that we did not sufer very much. Saturday 19 Was a regular day for policing and cleaning up our quarters.we spent part of the day in fining a bower got it so we had a good shade Sunday 20 Had an inspection as usual.The day was very hot but we lived through it did not do any thing after but go to church at 2 P.M. oclock. [page 41] July, Monday 21, 1862 Did as the day was quite cool had Batallion drill in the morning in the A.M.we had Brigade drill which was quite hard, the day was pleasantly spent. Tuesday 22 We had brigade drill at Camp Parapet above Carollton six miles from New Orleans living prety easy gay times Wednesday 23 We all on police The day was mudy and wet good health considering the place we were in July, Thursday 24, 1862 I was on guard during the day Their was not any fear of the enemy I slept all knight in the P.M. went on paroll.It was mudy. Friday 25 Had but little to do but it was mud, mud I never saw such mud in my life. we all wanted to get out of the mud we did not want to see rain The rains are very cold. Saturday 26 Policeing Policeing Camp Parapet. Their was many peddlers on the ground [page 42] July, Sunday 27, 1862 I was very sory to have it so mudy as it was rainy and mudy We were afraid of yellow _____ should this wether continue. Still we had usual health my health was good. Monday 28 The wether was bad and we had to wade in the mud did not drill any nor did we do any thing but keep out of the mud some had the glanders. Tuesday 29 Had some policeing to do it rained some.the knight was mudy The rains were cold and the sun came out cold July, Wednesday 30, 1862 Did not have but little to do mostly was to keep quiet nigers coming in camp Wm R. Morgan died with or in a fit. Thursday 31 We had marching drill in the P.M. we tended to the baral of Wm Morgan.Their was a drill in the P.M.some excitement with the rebels August, Friday 1, 1862 We had morning drill and battalion drill but not very long. was at Camp Parapet [page 43] August, Saturday 2, 1862 We had the day for policeing at knight the long roll was _______ we got out prety quick their was great excitement it was an axident Sunday 3 We had an inspection, we did not unsling knapsacks on account of the mud. their was men reported to be up on the R & track Monday 4 We spent the day in building the maj a shade the day was cool did not drill any August, Tuesday 5, 1862 Their was showers of rain during the day we did not drill any during the rain the mud was very bad every thing was quiet in camp Wednesday 6 Their was a larg male came in we some expected an atact.their was some excite in camp we was redy for them.I had two letters of July 21 Thursday 7 I was on guard during the day on the Jackson R.R. on Picket guard every thing went well one man came from the Rebel army we had what _____ [page 44] August, Friday 8, 1862 We got of guard and we had nothing to do we was at Camp Parapet had saft bread half of the time.had some of the time we had fresh meat but mostly salt beef. Saturday 9 I was on Police but their was not any thing to do.Their was but little drilling to do any way. It is the same day after day all was quiet in camp. Sunday 10 Had an inspection on sunday as usual had nothing else to do August, Monday 11, 1862 I took a Squad of Nigers and went Policing they are buley boys.we were geting a place for the officers so that we could have their tent.maid them a nice place they had a Fremont Tent. Tuesday 12 We kept at work on the Tent geting it redy.At knight we had the officers tent ______ down we had a good time and they wished us great success Wednesday 13 The day was quite hot was at camp Parapet Carollton [page 45] August, Thursday, 14, 1862 I was engaged in building a floor at Camp Parapet for the oficers tent. had morning drill but I did not drill. In the P.M. we atended to the barril of Solomon Barrett. He had bin sick ever since he had left in Boston. Friday 15 I went to the City had a good dinner at Planters Hotell. every thing was good in the City. went by the way of Carrolton then took cars to the City.was glad to see the change in the city. It looked better Saturday 16 I was at Camp Parapet had morning drill the rest of the day works on bunkers in the eve went after Sweet Potatoes August, Sunday 17, 1862 I was Picket guard on the Jackson Railroad had a very easy time only the moskitoes bit but at knight so that I could not sleep. Monday 18 Was a Camp Parapet had only morning drill and Dress Parade at knight we went out 7 of us and a Niger to bye some sheep.had a good time caught two. we heard the report of a gun after we got away. Tuesday 19 We did not have any morning drill but we had a long drill at knight to pay for being out when morn did know we was out [page 46] August, Wednesday 20, 1862 Scott Jameson died and was barred at 5 P.M. had morning drill but was excused from P.M. drill.Their was talk of an atact by the Rebbels but we did not see it.The long roll beat at 12 at knight; turned out in good order. Thursday 21 Camp Parapet Near New Orleans above Carollton La. Had our usual drills, which was an hour company drill and dress parade.we had renforcement of five regiments Friday 22 Their was some fears of an atact yet we found ourselves alive saturday morning only had Company drill in the morning. August, Saturday 23, 1862 I was on guard during the day and Regimental guard.Had ten prisoners but they were very swale.The day was rainy but I did not get wet, I had a plank to sleep on during the knight Sunday 24 Their was an inspection but I got read of it I was relieved at 9 A.M. had nothing to do after wards I had Sweet potatoes maid out the report and was redy to receive the New guard Monday 25 I was on Police but had nothing to do Samuel Neal died at 7 A.M. He was barred at 5 P.M. his deth was not apprehended. [page 47] August, Tuesday 26, 1862 Their was nothing particular new in camp had morning drill and Batallion drill Every thing was good and lovely and mudy. Colonel H. Fearing took command. Col. Lieut did not show his hand. Some happen of geting read of the Capt. Wednesday 27 As the Picket did not prevent I went down to Carollton Their they were drinking and having a happy time of it. We had our usual drills A.M. and P.M. Company drills Thursday 28 Camp Parapet La we were. All was quiet had our usual drills in morning and Knight they were not very hard August, Friday 29, 1862 Their was some talk of the arival of a steamer but we got no mail weather was fine and every thing went so lovely one all most thinks that their was no war in the Country but all was peace and harmony Sory that it is no so Reviewed by Major Jon Butler Saturday 30 I was on guard had only three soldiers under confinement their was twenty three privates and three corps. The guard was commanded by a Seargeant under the directions of an officer of the day. Lieut. B. F. Wells was the officer of the day. Sunday 31 Their was a review by Brig. Gen Phelps after which the day was rainy and bad to get round and means mud here and one little knows of mud in New Hampshire. [page 48] September, Monday 1, 1862 I was on Police and we had to get down rations and it raind and was mudy and had geting them down it was the worst job that I have had since I came into the United States service. We had a good drink of whiskey to warm us. Tuesday 2 Pay Day Still it rains and is very mudy. We were Paid for two months pay and we had come to the conclusion we would save some money. But the summer is quite well gon and fall is coming on Wednesday 3 We had our usual drills. The wether was very fine and cool makeing the wether and all very pleasant September, Thursday 4, 1862 We had a good drill when the wether is dry the ground is very hard and when it is cooll all is very fine. Some talk of an atact but we are redy and anxious to show ourselves. Friday 5 The sun is quite hot in the midle of the day. I went down to the shell road then to New Orleans thence to Carollton. I was very cold after I got back was thretened with the fever Nagne. I was very cold Saturday 6 I was very sick and had a fever. I had a very bad headache and I was very cold and swety [page 49] September, Sunday 7, 1862 Still I was no better had great sympitons of fever. I took quinine and whiskey their was fears of an atact. I think that I should have to stay in camp Monday 8 I was some better but still I took one dose of Quanine and whiskey. I swet very bad and I think it was what helped me. I was better at knight. Tuesday 9 I felt very well but the Sergin said excuse him I fell well and I went to New Orleans every thing was quiet and I had a very good time. I felt some week. September, Wednesday 10, 1862 I returned to duty and we had our usual drill and I was redy for duty. I had a good ______and was tough. Did not drill very hard. Thursday 11 I spent the day in a morning drill and Batallion drill the rest of the time in chess playing which makes the time very pleasant Friday 12 I took great pleasure and hearing the news from the warit was very dark [page 50] September, Saturday 13, 1862 We had the day for cleaning up for inspection we had morning drill we plaid cards and spent the time as best as we can. Sunday 14 The day was pleasant we had an inspection after which I was on guard back of the parapet we had a very easy time The counter sine was Turkey bend. The grand rounds did not come round here Monday 15 We were regularly relieved at 9 A.M. we had to drill at 3 ½ P.M. By the way their was all kind of reports September, Tuesday 16, 1862 We were on police during the but forturnitely we did not have any policeing to do. we Had to drill as though we were not on guard all this at Camp parapet on the day Wednesday 17 Still at Camp Parapet Nothing particular new only we had a wet day and the mud was very bad. Wet weather is very bad for fever nagre many are being taken down with them Thursday 18 I was on guard during the day Regimental with orders which being disobayed should be reprised to the ranks per order of Col. Com Regiments It was rainey and very mudy [page 51] September, Friday 19, 1862 The mud was so bad that we did not drill any. I was regularly relived at 9 A.M. I had the Morning guard to make as their was not comitioned officer on guard. Their was nine persons in confinement Saturday 20 The day was very pleasant I was on police but we did not have much to do. Their was four of our Companyes went up the river the day before so that the police was very light. The P.M. was used in prepearing for inspection. Sunday 21 We had an inspection in the morning at 5 P.M. I was taken sick with the fevor Nagru was very sick all knight did not go on dress Parade September, Monday 22, 1862 I was no better in the morning had a very bad headache all day but at knight I was some better Tuesday 23 My health was better we had our usual drills and every thing was quiet verry pleasant weather only when it was muddy Wednesday 24 The day was muddy and we did not drill any was in the tent all day except when after my food and coffee [page 52] September, Thursday 25, 1862 The weather is still muddy but not very bad, had morning drill by Andy Lengly who is a very good drill master had Company drill in the P.M. Friday 26 The day was a muddy and a wet day mud any ___________, such as ________ ever want to see did not drill any making time very loney such of course as I like, plenty to each such as it is Saturday 27 We were to have a review and Inspection, but it was so rainy that it was post ponded till a better day. September, Sunday 28, 1862 We had Morning inspection in the streets EbenJewell died this after noon with a fit. it was very easy and without a strugle. Died Eben Jewell Monday 29 The day was pleasant Nothing of patcular interest.had our usual drills. Their was some talk of changeing. Tuesday 30 I was on guard during the day. I had to past the guard had a party of fine felows we were relieved at about eleven [page 53] October, Wednesday 1, 1862 We had Brig drill at at 2 P.M. Every thing was lovely and the _____hung high all was quiet in Camp. Thursday 2 We were Still at Camp Parapet Six miles from New Orleans Every thing is lovely in Camp Friday 3 Their was a steamer in which brought me a box from home It was a good box and every thing kept well October, Saturday 4, 1862 We had morning drills the rest of the day was used to get redy for inspection. I was taken sick about 5 with the Chills Long may I remember the Shakes and may they once leeve me and never return Sunday 5 I was very sick during the day. I was excused by the surgin. I was very sick was very glad to see knight come Camp Parapet Monday 6 I was not any better but I had to take it good or bad I was excused from duty and had a spell of boting-sick [page 54] October, Tuesday 7, 1862 I was excused from duty had a spell of_________ duty was quite sick. Under command of Col. Pane act Bridg gen Wednesday 8 I took a new remidy prepeared by Mr. Edtons I think it dun me good. I began to feel some better but still I was run down some Camp Parapet New Orleans, La 8th NHV Co. H. Thursday 9 I still did not do duty but that was no account I was run down and it take tim to come up south I took ratons ______________ October, Friday 10, 1862 Was at Camp Parapet I was well enough to drill. We had morning drill and after noon drill. Last day spent at Camp Parapet Saturday 11 ________ a party of two but went on started for post Manshack. we traveled fifteen miles we ganled our feet quite bad. We had a good place to stop and had good quarters. Sunday 12 We still pursued our coarse. we marched about twenty miles. a picket was left to get beef I staid with the picket [page 55] October, Monday 13, 1862 We kild a beef and dug som potatoes we lived well and had a good place to stop I was not very well and had soar feet Tuesday 14 They got back at 2 P.M. they also maid way with their beef. we left their and came down the R R seven miles we stoped their all knight but not very good food. Wednesday 15 we started for Camp and arived their at about 3 P.M. we left Camp Parapet for Camp Kearney October, Thursday 16, 1862 We were all aranging our camp we laid down floors in the tents and dun all such work we did not drill any we were well as usual I had a good shake the worst one I ever have had Friday 17 We were at Camp Kearney had orders to get redy to pass in review at New Orleans. I felt well great talk of leaving amedially we discharged our guns and got all redy. Saturday 18 We left Camp Kearney a 11 A.M. formed our lines at 12 M it is about y miles to the City. we were said to have maid a good appearence and we got a good name [page 56] October, Sunday 19, 1862 We had the day to rest and we prepeared to go on another rant we a few of us went up to Carollton all this at Camp Kearney Monday 20 We had morning drill of ½ hour. We allso had Inspection at 3 P.M. Every thing was quiet in Camp Hope soon to be in marching order It is very pleasant here at Camp Kearney Tuesday 21 Was a Camp Kearney we did not drill any but was getting redy to go on an expidition October, Wednesday 22, 1862 We were ordered to form our lines at y we went on to the boates but we caught two or thre sypes and so we went back to Cam Kearney and their to wait for further orders. Thursday 23 Was at Camp Kearney we had morning drills and Co. P.M. drill. We had many stories tin regard to where we were going. We expected to go soon and have a battle Friday 24 Left Camp Kearney at 10 oclock went on board the steamer Serville. Started up the river at 4 P.M. [page 57] October, Saturday 25, 1862 Landed 4 miles before Donaldsonville at 5 ½ A.M. marched up to Donaldsonville + stoped during the night this Town has been Bombarded + entirely evacuated by the People. Sunday 26 Marched from D through Poncheville 10 miles distant + 5 miles Beyond encamped in the open field over night Monday 27 Went on through Napoleanville + 4 miles beyond 15 miles where we met the Enemy 12 m the battle lasted 1 h. + ¾ the Battery were stationed at the corner of the woods in the road the Infantry were in the woods we charged on them through the open field 11 were kiled 32 were wounded 2 Capt’ons were killed October, Tuesday 28, 1862 Marched 15 miles more to Tipadoux, the railroad bridge was burned + the Town was evacuated we encamped 1 mile beyond the open field [page 58] November, Monday 3, 1862 Encamped Thursday 4 Left Tigerville for New Orleans about three o’clock P.M. and after coming about 25 miles stoped and slept all night in a baggage car Wednesday 5 Came down to Algiers from near Tigerville Stopped at the Customs House in New Orleans [page 59] November, Thursday 6, 1862 Arrived at Camp Kearney in the morning the weather was quite cold but my hand dressed and found it doing well Friday 7 I went to the Hospital at Camp Kearney Hand Moving well Saturday 8 My hand is very comfortable There is about twenty of us here in cmap and the rest of the company are all up at Tigerville November, Sunday 9, 1862 Doe not seam like Sunday. My hand was doing well but the hospital is a lonesome place [page 60] Memoranda Enlistment Enlisted into the state Service November 23, 1861 We mustered into the U.S.A. Service December 20, 1861 Dec. 17th, 1861 Died Jonathan Buffum died Jan. 31, 1862 with the measles Almon P. Goodrich died February 5, 1862 Timothy T. Ratner died February 8, 1862 Solomon Barrett Died Aug. 14, 1862 Scott Janeson Died Aug. 20, 1862 Samuel Neal Died Oct. Lucius Welch Died Oct [page 61] Memoranda I received my Seargeants warrant June 7th, 1862 their was an Oyster Super at the expence of the Non commisioned oficers, we had a good time and none was drunk or boystraus Sold my watch March 3th 1862 to Wm Morgan for twenty dollars, took his note and an order on the pay master On the eighteenth of February we started for Ship Isle Started at 4 oclock P.M. on the 8th of March we stoped at Nassau Received Sept. 2, 1862 Two months pay thirty four Dollars March 13th we past by The lite hous by the name of Isaac May 14, 1862 A Description of Ship Island. It is situated in the gulf of Mexico at the mouth of the Mississippi River it is some eight or ten miles in length an from a quarter to a half mile wide wide Ft. is nothing but a sandy desert and their is nothing grows here except in a low lad or swale on the northwestern end at the south east end of the Island there is some pine trees grows Sept. 2, 1862 Have past through the summer and find myself alive. Now every thing looks lovely and fair for us to see another summer. Yellow feaver has past and the weather is not so warm now the knights are very cool I take great pleasure in knowing that every thing looks lovely [page 62] Memoranda Died Ebenezer Jewell Died Sept28, 1862 [page 63] memoranda Cash Account- January [page 64] cash account- February cash account- March [page 65] cash account- April [page 66] cash account- June [page 67] cash account- September [page 68] cash account- December [page 69] Abram Little Wm Morgan Ezra Morgan Jas Morgan Joseph Mansur Eph. Mansur Albert Miller Edwin Neal D.E. Nichols (Daniel) Eri Oakes Ira Oaks John g. Melia Levi Patten G.W. Resby John Provancher J.F. Gilsbury Cummings Phust Benjamin Paquiett J.W. Rags__ N.H. Squad on board of the Elvira + Ella The people of Nassau have no chimleys in their houses The wether is warm and of an even temperature varing only 8 degrees phanomontor Natives of Nassau are nearly all black one out of ten are white. They are a lazy set of people live on fruits mostly Henry C. Ash H.P. Nelson Francis Lakin Abram Little Wm Morgan Ezra Morgan Jas Morgan Joseph Mansur Eph. Mansur Albert Miller Edwin Neal D.E. Nichols (Daniel) Eri Oakes Ira Oaks 3 Wm Morgan 20.00 [page 70] April- Bills [page 71] July- Bills [page 72] August- Bills September- Bills [page 73] October- Bills November- Bills [page 74] December-Bills [page 75] Inside back Cover [page 76]