1942 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute

Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1942.[ BUDGEI' COMMITTEE MEETING BOARD OF TRUSTEES ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Preside t is Office- 10 A6M. June 1, 1942 PRESENT: C. C. Culver, ChaiIThan, Paul S~ Haley, T. D. Samfo d, President Duncan, W T. Ingram, T .. D. Samford, J ., Ralph...

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Main Author: Auburn University Board of Trustees
Format: Electronic
Published: Auburn University Libraries
Online Access:http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7421
Summary:Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1942.[ BUDGEI' COMMITTEE MEETING BOARD OF TRUSTEES ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Preside t is Office- 10 A6M. June 1, 1942 PRESENT: C. C. Culver, ChaiIThan, Paul S~ Haley, T. D. Samfo d, President Duncan, W T. Ingram, T .. D. Samford, J ., Ralph Dra.ughon, and Judge Robert Greene .. 1., The Board examined and d· scussed the budget proposed by President Duncan, and upon motion of T. D. Samford, adopted it unanimously. f(?A ', L _, L--------. R. B .. Draughon ) Secretary Board of Trustees BOARD MINUmS June 1, 1942 Resolution No. 1- Approval of Minutes of Previous Meetings " II II " II " II " No. 2- Approval of Budgets 1942-43 No. 3- Receiving of Catalog No. 4- Degr ees Approved No. 5- Retirement for Extension Service No. b- ~ ng ineering Defense Training for Tuskegee Institute No. 7- Access Road to Airport No. ~- Inequities in Travel Allowance No. 9- In Appreciation of Gover nor Dixon Statement a bout Ar chi tecta I BOARD MINUTES June l~ 1942 The annual meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute convened on the First Monday ·n June, 1942 (June 1, 1942) at the President's Home. The meeting was called to order by Governor D;I.;l!;.o?;, end upon roll call the fo11o'wing members were present: Messrs. A. H. Co11ins~A'~~a ~ Dixon, Re Ko Greene, P~ S. Haley, Fe W. Hare, T. D. Samford, S. L. Toomer Also, Ralph Draughon, President Duncan, T. D. Samford, Jr. The following /'Tere absent: Messrs . H. D. Merrill, George Blue, Edward A. O'Neal, Victor H. Hanson. A quorum being present the meeting was opened for business. Upon motion by T. D. Samford, seconded by Paul S. Haley, and unanimous vote of the members present, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS ETINGS RESOLVED: 1. That the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees of the A1abaaa Polytechnic Institute on October 1, 1941 be approved as recorded. 2. That all acts of the Budget Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute as recorded in the minutes of October 24, 19L~1, be ratified, affirmed, and accepted Upon motion by A. H. Collins, seconded by T. D. Samford the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 2 APPROVAL OF BUDGETS 1942-L~3 RESOLVED, that the budgets for the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, teaching, research, and extens·on, for the college fiscal year beginning July 1, 1942, and ending June 30, 1943, as presented by Doctor L. N. Duncan, President, be and the same are hereby adopted. Provided, however, that the amounts fixed in the budgets for the year 1942-43 a.nd set opposite the names of the respective officers, teachers, employees and attaches of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute shall be understood to be estimates .Q.n:L.Y and not fixed salaries, and in no sense promises to pa.y and only sums fixed a a basis for re1ati. ve amounts to be paid to such named officers, teachers, employees; and att!3.ches upon a r · tio or per cent of payment of the funds and/or income of the institution for the annual support and maintenance of said institution. And nothing in sair budgets shall be accepted, or construed to be legal obligations or liabilities against the Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Be it further resolved, that inasmuch as th . next teaching period ,vi1l begin in June 1942, that the salaries listed in the budget under the terms of this resolution, be­come eff ective as of June 1, 1942, for all teachers in service who have ·d.th the adoption of this budget been chc::.nged from a nine to twelve months status . Salaries . for all err:ployees already on a twelve months basis and continued in this budget will become effective July 1, 1942, as will the items of maintenance. pa.ge 2 Board Ydnutes June 1, 1942 Upon motion by R. K. Greene, seconded by Paul S. Haley, the following resolution was adopted: IlliSOLUTION NO. 3 RECEIVING OF CATALOG BE IT EESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Polytechnic I nstitute that the catalog for the year 19~.1-Li-2, including the announcements for the year 1942-43, together with all changes in personnel, titles, ranks , and courses, a,s printed therein, be and the same is hereby approvede Upon motion by P. S. Haley, seconded by F. W. Hare, the follo1d.ng resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 4 DEGREES APPROVED BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Polytechnic I .stitute that the degrees awarded by the f e.culty and the executive council for the scholastic year 19L~-42 be approved and that a list of the same be attached and become a part of t his r esolutione Upon motion by R. K. Greene, seconded by T. D. Samford, the f ollowing resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 5 RETIP~NT FOR EXTENSION SERVICE R~OLVED: 1. That the Director of the Extension Service, in cooperation with the Presie ent, . s hereby authorized and instructed to \ ork 0 t the best system possible for the retirement of members of the Extension Service staff, using any unexpended balances in Extension Service funds . 2. That the Executive Committee of the Board, with the President .of the institution, is hereby empovrered to act in considering and adopting whatever feasible and practic ble plan of retirement seems vase for the members of the Extension Service staff. Upon fiotion by A. H. Collins, seconded by C. S. Culver, the follovung resolution was cdopted: RESOLUTION NO. 6 ENGINEERING DEFENSE TRAINING FOR TUSKEGEE INSTITUTE RESOLVED, that the Presi dent of the Alabema Polytechnic Institute is hereby autho­rized to cooper .te with the Governor and with the University of Alabama in sponsoring Engineering Sc·ence and Management Defense Training for Negroes through the Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee, Alabama, the Negro A. & M. College at Huntsville, and such other Negro ·nstitutions as may be deemed feasible. page 3 Board unutes June 1, 1942 Upon motion by T. D. S~nford, seconded by C. S. Culver, the following resolution was ad.o ted: RESOLUTION NO .. 7 ACCESS ROAD TO AIRPORT ' ~lliEREAS, the Federal Government has developed and reatly improved the Aubul~­Opelika Airport, MD WHEREAS, this Airport serves as the training of students to become Civilian Pilots and Civilian Pilo Training Program; THFJillFOP..E, BE IT HESOLVED by the Board of Trustees, that L. N. Duncan, President of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, be and he is hereby authorized to petition the Federal Government and the State Highway Department of Alabama to secure the approval by the War Department as an access road. RESOLUTION NO. 8 INEc;:,UITIES IN TRAVEL ALLOlflANCE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute that the Executive Committee of the Board be, and it is hereby empowered to investigate the inequities existing in travel allowances for employees of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, and the legal sources for the relief of said inequities, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Executive Committee is hereby instructed to in­vestigAte and use thei influence in the correction of these inequit.ies. The followin resolution was presented by T. D. Samford ano adopted by rising vote of all the members present: RESOLUTION NO~ 9 IN APPRECIATION OF GOVERNOR DIXON WHEREAS, Gover or Dixon has served as the President of this Boa.rd of Trustees during the past quadrennium. and has rendered to us valuable service by his advice and counsel; and, VVHEREAS, he has manifested a great interest in the growth and welfare of t.his Institution; and, WHERIl:AS, he has endeared himself to all of' us , and to each of us by his wonderful personality, his pleasing and friendly association and by his uniform courtesy and fairness as President. of and as a, member of the Board; and, lflliEF,EAS, this is probably the last meeting of the BOB.rd of Trustees which Governor Dixon vall attend during his term as Governor; be it resolved, that we express to Governor Dixon our sincere appreciation of his valua.ble service as President and member of this Board of Trustees and his great interest in this Institution, his valuable advice and counsel in the deliberations of this Board; t hat we esteem him highly as a friend and a pubJic servant; and that we wish him Godspeed when he retires from office and that he ma.y enjoy a lon life of service and usefulness to the State. pa.ge 4 Board lIf..inutes June 1, 1942 Prev·ous to the motion on the above resolution coromending Governor Dixon for his services to Auburn the Governor presented to the Board for discussion the letter that he had received from Mr. John Ee Davis of Warren, Knight and Davis (copy of which is m de a part of the min'utes of t is meeting) and a copy of the letter that President Duncan had received from Mr Victor Hanson, Publisher of the Birmingham News (copy of which i~ made apart of the minutes of this meeting), concerning the question as to whether Warren, Knight and Davis, Architects, were the officially commissioned architects of the Board of Trustees and vihether the policy adopted a year ago creating a Planning Board composed of college employees under the Department of Buildings and Grounds were not a bad policy. Governor D'xon, as President of the Board, stated his opinion that the long-time plan encompassing the actual construction of new buildings would be more effective if it embodied the services of a recognized firm of architects~ It was Governor Dixon's feeling that the question was not a question of personalities but rather one of effective policy. In support of his conviction on this question he presented with great fairness his opinion to the effect that employees of the college engaged 'n teaching and other scholastic activities could not plan and build as effectively as could a recognized firm of private arch·tects. Governor Dixon specifically raised the quest jon as to whether the budgeting action of the Board of Trustees of June 2, 1941 and July 31, 1941, which provides fOl the establishment of the Planning Board, did not actually preclude the employment of the services of private architects. In the discussion which followed President tuncan very carefully expla·ned the purposes of the organization which he had created to plan for future constrIction on the campus and explained to the Board that each member of the group is a well-trained specialist in the work in vmich he had been employed to do. He fuIther stated that it is his belief and conviction that, in an instit.ution of this kind where men are trained in the technical professions, it is sound polic to use the talents existent in the f aculty in the plans for structural develop­ment and campus improvement .. President Duncan further explained to the Board that the use of the organization mentioned does effect a. real economy in that the costs of the services under the system wh ' ch he has devised will be cons iderably lower "mile the results are expected to be even better than could be expected from the employment of the finn of private architects because the work of the Planning Board hich he had created was continuous, and as such, the needs of the college were llnder constant and continuous study by persons who are on the ground and in c ose contact with the problems that arise. The President further sta ed that the system vihich he had created by no means precludes the employment of an architectural ilrm in the vent of the construction of any major building~ In the discussion thct followed it ~s pointed out that the basic function of the plannine group was exactly similar to that of the State Planning Board in its relationship to the State of Alabama. It was the feeling of the Board that inasmuch as no record can be f ound indicating that Warren, Knight and Davis has evpr been designated as the official architectural firm of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute and inasmuch as the organization vlhich President Duncan.has created does not preclude the employment of responsible a chitects no act~on was necessary. ' I page 5 Board Minutes June 1, 1942 The Board of Trustees praised President Duncan on his successful skillful management of the finances of the institution anr1 the direction of its scholastic and public affairs. Upon motion by C. S. Culver, seconded by T. D. Samford, the meeting adjourned. C o p Y WARREN, KNIGHT & DAVIS, ARCHITECTS Protective Life Builcdng Birmingham, Alabama Honorable Frank Dixon, Governor, State of Alabama, Montgomery, Alabama., Dear Governor: May 27, 1942 At a meeting of the Auburn Board of Trustees in July, 1941, it is our understanding that the matter of architectural services were discussed with Dr~ Duncan, in conriection with a building program which was considered~ We understand that Dr .. Duncan had already set up a bureau in his faculty at Auburn to proceed with the plans and specifications on this particular progTam, which had been authorized by the Board earlier that year~ I haye discussed this matter during the last few days with Judge Hare, Robert Knox Green, and Judge Merrill, and will discuss it with Mr. Victor Hanson when he returns to the city tomorrow .. 'I'hese members state that they feel as they did last summer, that the architect!ral work should be handled by a practicing architect. It is our understanding that at the meeting last year, the meP.1bers of the Board attending the meeting, with the exception of Judge Merrill and Mr. Hanson, a.greed to let Dr. Duncan proceed with his bureau through the budget because he had already set same up and had it functioning when the matter was called to their attention. The understanding was that when the budget was presented to the Board on June 1, of this year, the matter auld be discussed again. I sincerely hope that this ~~ll be done so that Dr. Duncan will have an opinion of the Board before he has set up his budget, and will at least know how they feel in the matter. I feel that the work that we have done in the past twenty-five years at Auburn warrants some protection in the form of a contract with the board if t.he quality of the work that we have done at Auburn is not to be broken down .. If this bureau is allowed to be continued, whenever the Board comes to a point of discussing a major building on the program in the future, it will find itself in the position ~nere Dr. Duncan~s bureau has already done con­siderable work on this specific building, and they will be in exactly the same position that they were in last summer, ~~ere it would be rather embarrassing to then instruct Dr. Duncan to employ an outside architect. We are not referring to the work that was started last summer, but we are looking forward to a long range program, and it seems to us that this coule. be discussed at the m.eeting on the first of JlU1e equitably, because at this time, Dr. Duncan will be starting on a new budget, and could not possibly be co~~tted to anyone in the matter. I sincerely hope you will be at the meeting at Auburn. Yours very truly, Warren, Knight & Davis, Architects . By signed- John Eayres Davis L c o p y Dr. L .. N. Duncan, President Alabama Polytechnic Institute Auburn, Alabama Dear Dr. Duncan: Birmingltam, Alabama May 30, 1942 When the Board of Trustees of Alabama Polytechnic Institute met at your home just a year ago a new budget for the year just ending was pre­sented by you with the statement that it had the approval of the special committee that had been appointed to go over it. In the usual manner and without any examination of the new budget, the Board of Trustees voted for its approvaL Later on it developed that the budget contained authority to you to ha.ve all architectural work for the college carried out during the year done by the Architectural Department of the school. None of the trustees except thos e on the special committee to go over the budget knew that any such authority was incorporated into the budget and there was, as you know, very general dissatisfaction over the way the matter was handled. As I pointed out sometime later when the facts became known, the Board of Trustees some ten years ago passed a resolution appointing Warren, Knight and Davis, of Birmingham, as the architects of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute and this firm was authorized to do all of the architectural work required by the college until their contract with them was canceled. Warren, Knight and Davis drew the plans and superintended the construction of a number of the buildings on the grounds at Auburn and, so far as I know, every member of the Board, including yourself, was very much pleased with the job that they did for the school .. Frankly, I think it is a serious mistake to entrust the architectural work and the supervision of the buildings to members of the faculty at Auburn. One single mistake could cost the school more than you would save over a period of several years~ I think we should continue to employ the services of a reputable firm of architects to draw all plans, write all specifications and superintend all building done at the college. If for any reason the Board of Trustees are dissatisfied with the services of Warren, Knight and Davis, then there are other reputable, relia.ble archi­tectural firms that could be employed. I am sending a copy of this letter to Governor Dixon, in your care, and I would be glad if you would hand it to him on his arrival. I want the Board of Trustees to know just how I feel about this matter and I ~ould appreciate your bringing to their attention what I have had to say on the subject. I regret sincerely that circumstances are such th8.t I cannot attend the meeting in person on MondaYe With kindest regards, I am Sincerely yours, sl Victor Hanson cc; Gov ernor Frank M. Dixon