1937 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute


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Main Author: Auburn University Board of Trustees
Format: Electronic
Published: Auburn University Libraries
Online Access:http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7416
Summary:Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1937.I~ l J INDEX BOARD MINUTES March 1, 1937 (1) ENROLLME1{T (2) FINANCES (3) RESOLUTION ON DEATH OF SENATOR ROGERS (4) L1"TTER OF RESIGNATION (5) ACCEPTANCE OF DIRECTOR DUnCAN'S RESIGNATION (6) EXT~NSION SEHVICE CHANGES (7) SALARY (8) COLLEGE FEES (9) APPROVAL OF DEGREES CONFEPJt:l;;D (10) BROOKS ESTATE " (11) STUDY OF INSTITUTION BOARD MINUTES Meeting of the Board of Trustees, March 1, 1937, in the off ice of the President, Auburn, .AIE~ barna, with the following present : President L . N. Dunce.n, Governor Bibb Graves, Messrs. George Blue , H. H. Conner, C. S. Culver, R. K. Greene, Paul S. Haley, F. W. Hare, J. A. Keller, Edw. A. O'Neal, T. D. Samford, and P. O. Davis (secretary) • . ABSENT : Doctor Victor H. Hanson and Judge H. D. Merrill. President Duncan reported as follows: (1) ENROLLMENT Our enrollment this session estf.~bli shes a new high record . The total to date is 2591. Our total for last session was 2348 . The r efore, the i ncrease this year over last is 11 per cent. "~ie decli ned more than 300 al)1)l i cati ons from non-resident students . If these had been admitted our increase wouln have been approxirof;tely 25 per cent. Our incre[-'.8e of 11 per cent approximatel~T doubles the national average . More than 93 per cent of our total enrollment this yenr comes f r om Alabama end neighboring states. Mor e than 8~ per cent are r esi dents of AIEbame .• Going back three yea.rs Vie find tlw.t our present enrollment exceeded that year (1933-34) by 57 per cent. We are pleased with the f act that our enrollment is gaining in all schools . For the last two years we have had an increase in each school over the previous year. Agriculture and veterinary medicine, however, have increased more rapidly than other schools . We are no", confront.ed with the very difficult problem of providing additional housing for students . We have used trd~; year practically every ave.ilable r oom in the town . Obviously, more rooms must be provided either by the citizens of the tovm or by the college if' Vie continue to increa se our enrollment . March 1, 1937 (2) FINANCES For the fiscal year which ended September 30, 1936, we paid 67 per cent of our faculty salaries. For the previous year we pa.id 85 per cent, the reduction being due to a reduction in State Funds brought about by legislative changes . As a result of recent legislation enacted by the specia.l session of the legislature, we hope that VIe can make a much better showing for the current year which began October 1, 1936. It is regretted, of course, that no way was provided for payment of back salaries but, under Alabama laws, this appears to be exceedingly difficlu.t. Yet, it is a just debt. While our present al)propriations appear to be adequate , if paid in full , for paying all of sahlr~' obligations we must keep in mind the fect that we have no provision for additional buildings and equipment already great_y needed and which will be needed more and more with our rapidly increasing enrollment in students . This is anot~er big financial problem now confronting us. (3) F~SOLUT ION ON DEATH OF ~rn . FOGERS On motion by ~tt . Samford, seconded by Mr . orNeal, the following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, the Honorable John A. Rogers , for many years a wise and distinguished member of this board of t~lstees , departed this life on September 22, 1936, and 'WHEREAS, in his death this board of trustees and the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, along vdth the entire State, suffered an irreparable loss: THEREFOHE, be it resolved, that we hereby acknowledge our loss and declare our profound appreciation of the valuable service rendered by Senator Rogers as our former co-worker. - BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that, as further evidence of our appreci ation, a page I in the minutes of this meeting of the board of trustees be set aside in memory of Mr. Rogers with this resolution recorded thereon and t hat B. copy of this resolution be sent to his family, March 1, 1937 (Bb) APPOINTMENT OF lVffi. GREENE BE IT RESOLVED, also, that we expr ess t o Governor Graves our appreciation for appointing Honorable Robert K. Greene to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Senator 11ogers. We welcome Mr. Greene and bespeak for him a long period of unselfish service . (4) LETTER OF RESIGNATION To the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Polyt~c~~ic Institute Auburn, Alabama Gentlemen: When you elected me President of the Alabama Polytechni c Institute on February 22, 1935, you also asked me t o continue in the capacity of Director of Extension. At the time this seemed vlise because of the serious financial diffi­culties confronting the Institution as well as the Extensi on Service. Due t o the action of the Legisla.ture, just recently adjourned, it is clear that our financial situation will be definitely and decidedly improved . On account of the f act that the Extension Service has been called upon to administer practically all phases of the new farm program, the work of the Director of this division of the Institution has been enormously increased. In view of the above facts, I am requesting the Board to r elieve me of the active direction of the Extension Service, effective February 28, 1937 , in order that I amy give my full time to the duties and responsibilities incumbent upon me as President of the Institution. In offering my res i gnati on as Director of the Extension Service, I should like to express my very cordial and profolmd appreciation to the members of the Board of Trustees for their loyalty and cooperati on during the twenty-seven and one-half years while I have been actively engaged in an endeavor to finance and to build an adequate organization to serve the farm people of Alabama. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) L. N. Duncan, President March 1, 1937 (5) ACCEPTANCE OF DIFECTOR DUNCAN'S RESIGNATION On motion by Mr. Ol~:-eal, seconded by Mr. Samford, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED that we accept Doctor Duncan ' s resignation as director of the Extension Service of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute and, in doing so, express to him our profound a.ppreciation for his outstanding work and leadership as the head of this important division of this institution. \~en he started extension work in Alabruna in 1909 he had almost no money to finance it and no precedents to guide him. By his keen vision he foresaw its great usefulness and he plmmed its development. During all these years he has conceived its legisla.tive needs 8.nd helped to enact them into laws, State WId Federal. He has conceived, projects WId selected and directed its personnel. Under his wise and courageous leadership the - I Extension Service of this institution has long been outstanding as a model and as a guide for other states but its greatest monument is now revealed in the hearts and in the lives of the people of Alabama . (6) EXTl!:NSION SERVICE CHANGES The folloyiing recommendations by Doctor Duncan were approved by unanimous vote: "I recommend that all divisions and districts WId titles and positions therein, together with the incumbents thereof, as they now exist for Extension Service administration be ebolished, effective on this date , March 1, 1937. "I recommend that four supervisors be created for men and three for women as provided in the budget which I shall submit to this Board of Trustees at this meeting. The new director of extension should. be authorized to fill these and other vacancies for the period which will end June 30, 1937, by and with the approval of the President. March 1, 1957 "I recommend that Mr. P. O. Davis be made director of the Extension Serv:ice of the Alabruna Polytechnic Institute, effective March 1, 1937. "I recommend that there be creat ed within the Extension Service the position of Supervisor of Personnel and that Mr. R. G. Arnold be employed t o fill this position at a sala.ry of $4200$00 per annum, effective March 1, 1937 . 11 There being no objection i t is the sense of the Board of Trustees that Mr. J. T. High and Mr. Emmett Sizemore are unavailable for re-employment to the Extension Snrvice staff, unless approved by the board as a whole . (7) SALARY In accepting Doctor Duncan ' s resignation as director of extension to devote his entire time to the presidency of the college we hereby fix his salary at nine thousand dollars per annum, the same as for both positions, to be paid as follows : College funds •••••••••••••••••••• $5,000 State Extension Service and Experiment Station ••••• ~ •• 4, 000 His college salary shall be subject to the same prorations as all other college sala.ries as required by regulations of this board . (8) COLLEGE FEES The Board fixed college fees to be paid by students during the 1957-38 session the same as for the 1936- 37 session. The Board also decided that all these student fees will be payable by fiscal t erms of nine weeks each, except payment of military uniform, mili tary textbooks, and military supplies, which are required of freshmen and sophomores at their initial registration . March 1, 1937 Resolved that, effective with the 1937-38 session, students enrolling for the basic ROTC course be required to pay the full amount (t;36 . 50) necessfJry for ROTC uniform, military textbooks, and military su:yplies with the understanding that freshmen will receive from the Federal government a refund of $9.00 at the end of the freshman year and that sophomores will receive from the Federal government a refund of $9 .00 at the end of the sophomore yenr. (9) APPROVAL OF DEGREES COHF}illRED Conferring of degrees b~' the f ac'Ul ty at the end of the first semester of the 1936-37 session was approved as follows: (Copy attached) (10) BROOKS ESTi,TE On motion by Mr. Samford, seconded by Mr. Culver, the following resolut i on was adopted: VIHEREAS, the late Howard M. Brooks of Birmingham, made a bequest in his Will which provided ultimately for a fund to educate \'!Orthy boys at the Alabama Polyteclmic Institute, and W~IEREAS, his widow wishes to settle this bequest immediately; THEREFOHE, BE IT RESOLVED that President Duncan and two member's of this board, plus Governor Graves, are hereby created a committee with authority to settle with Mrs . Brooks for a minimum of $7,500, said agreement to be final when signed by President Duncan and the committee named. (11) STUDY OF INSTITtrrION Resolved that the president of the Alabama Polytecp.nic Institute is hereby instructed to investigate carefully and thoroughly the duties , the work, the record, the activities , and the conduct of each person nO\li employed March 1, 1937 in all departments and divisions by the Alabama Polytechnic Institute and to report his findings and recommendations to this Board of Trustees for consid.eration and action before acting upon any budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1937. It is the purpose of this resolution to ascerte.in if changes in personnel or reorganization is necessary to have complete harmony and assure efficiency in operation in order to render maximum service to the people of Al~bama. Upon motion by l~lr . C. S . Culver , secondeo by Colonel rr. D. c,Wllfura, the boerd rece::>seo subject t o call by the ChFiimLBn . P. O. Davis, Secretary BOARD MINUTES June 25, 1937 (1) APPROVAL OF MINUTES ( 2 ) APPROVAL OF DEGREES (3) PRESIDENT I S REPORT (4) ALUMNI RESOLUTIONS ( 5) COMl\iITTEES (6) COMMITTEE ON EXTENSION (7) NON-HESI DEN'r FEES (8) BUDGETS (9) BUILDING NEEDS (10) BHOOKS ESTATE (11) DEED TO USDA FOR LIVESTOCK HESEJillCH LABORATORY (1 2) EXPRESSI ONS BY THE GOVERNOR (15) EXPRESSIONS FROM VISITOHS BOA..® MlNUrrES Meetine of the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute , June 25, 1957, 10 a. m. , in the Office of the President , Auburn, Alabama, with the following present: Governor Bibb Graves , Messrs . J . A. Keller, H. H. Conner, Francis Ii . Hare, T. D. Samford, H. D. Merrill, C. S. Culver, Paul S. Haley, rlobert K. Greene, bdward A. O'Neal, President L. N. Duncan, P. O. Davis , (secretary). ABSENT : Dr. Victor H. Hanson and Dr. George Blue . OTHERS PRESENT : Representatives of the press and, dlll'ing most of the meeting, a gr oup of f ar mers , including Hugo L. Hendrix, Tuscaloosa; A. E. Grubbs, Livingston; A. N. Grubbs, Eutaw; Chas . W. Rittenour, MontgolJery; W. E. Deer, Claiborne; Q. L. Stewart, Greensboro; and N. L. Hasty, Theodore . (1) APPROVAL OF MINUTES Upon motion by Mr. Samford , seconded by Mr . Haley, minutes of the Board meeting on ~aarch 1 , 1937, were approved as recorded . Following this action the Board, upon recommendation of President Duncan, apprmred the following by unanimous vote: "Resolved that the action of this Board of Trust ees at a meeting in Auburn on March 1, 1957, reading: ' There being no objection it is the sense of the Board of Trustees that Mr . J . T. High and Mr. l!1nmett Sizemore are unavailable for re- employment to t he Extension Service staff, unless appr oved by the board as a whol e ' , is hereby rescinded in accordance with verbal agreement at a later date between members of the board who were present at that meeting and the President of the Institution. " (2) APPROVIIL OF DEGREES Degrees awarded by' the f aculty on May 51, 1937, were approved as per copy 8.ttached as a part of these minutes . (Exhibit "A" - black binder) (5) PRESIDENT 'S REPORT A report on the r ecent work and the status of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute was presented by President Duncan. Same was received vlith much praise by members of the Board . The Board authorized printine; enough copies for general distribution . (4) ALm.lliI RESOLUTI ONS Governor Graves called attention to a r esolution adopted by the Alunni Associati on of the Al abama Polytechnic Insti tute at their annual meeting at Auburn on 1~y 31, 1937, as follows : -2- "Whereas , the 65th yea.r of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute has witnessed the largest enrolJment, as well as the largest graduating class in the history of the college, lI'Iherefore, be it resolved, that the Alumni Association of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute go on record in congratulatlllg the President and faculty for the splendid work that for many years has resulted in the steady and healthy growth of the college. IIVihereas, the Alabama Polytechnic Institute has in its long struggling history served humanity with brave, courageous hearts and with foreseeing leadership, "Be it now resolvl?d, that we who ar e rejoiced and grateful f or every determined step of advancement in the past do here and now wish to vote our unUed and affectionate appreciation and endorsement of our President I s untiring efforts to build and go forward with every interest and progress of this institution, to keep it abreast with the best ruld highest in the onward march e~d development of American education . "Our helping hand and support is ever ready to cooperate with him and his co-workers in such efforts as have been made and will be made in the future." (5) COMMITTEES Governor Graves apl)ointed the following standing committees: Executive Committee: The Governor, Mr . Samford, b~. Merrill, Dr . Hanson, Judge Hare. Budget Committee (reappointed) : Mr. Culver, rAr. Samford, Mr . Haley. Agricultural Committee: Mr . O'Nenl, ~$~~ Mr. Greene. ( 6) CGr.llNITTEE ON EXTENSION Upon motion by Mr. O'Neal and seconded by Judge Hare the Boa.rd adopted the following resolution: IIThat the Chairman of the Board of Trustees is instructed to appoint a Committee on Extension Service of three members of the Board to cooper-te with the Director of the Alabama Extension Service and a representative of the Extension Service of the United States Department of Agriculture to make a full study of all problems pertaining to this service with a view of making recommendations for such adjustments as may be necessary t o the end that this very important division of the institution may continue to serve the f arm people of Alabama efficient.ly and effectively." -5- Governor Gr aves appointed t he following to serve on this Co~mittee : ~1r . O' Neal, chairman; Mr . Samford, and Mr. Greene. Discus~ion following the adoption revealed that it was the intention of the Board that this committee serve as a committee on research in agricult ure as well a s extension, thus mpJ~ing it a standing Committee on Agriculture . (7) NON-RESIDENT FEES The Board authorized the Executive Committee, together with the Presi dent, to make a study of fees for non-resident students and gave the Executive Cont'1littee plenary power to act for the Board of Trustees on these fees . (8) BUDGETS Upon motion by Mr . Culver , as chairman of the budget comnittee, the Board approved budgets for teaching, research, and extension, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1937, as presented by President Duncan. In approving the budgets it Vias recommended by Mr . Culver that the President be requested to recognize inequalities in salaries and departmental organizations, and that the Pre sident be requested to correct t hese inequalities , so far as possible before the beginning of another fiscal year. (9) BUILDING NEEDS Upon motion by Mr. Samford seconded by Mr. O'Neal, the Executive Committee, acting with the Presi dent, was requested to make a thorough survey of the buildine needs on the campus of the Alabama Polytechnic Instit ute and said Executive Committee was given plenary power to act for and in the name of the Board of Trustees in getting federal aid for building pr oj ects such as dormit ories, cla s sr ooms , l e.b ratories , libraIJr , stadium, anci. other projects needed . (10) BROOKS ESTATE The Board of Trustees at their meeting on March 1 , 1937, adopted a resolution authorizing the Governor, President Duncan and two members of the Board (appointed by the Gover nor) to settle wi th the widow of the l ate Howar d ;,.1. Brooks of Birr:rl.nr;harn and t he executors of his est ate, a bequest in his Vdll maldne certain provisions f or education of students at the Alabama Polytechnic Institute. A r eport of this committee stated that a settlement had been made for a "minimwn of ~7 , 500 " a s stat ed in the Harch 1 resolution as adopted .. (Ii) DEED TO USDA FOR LIVESTOCK RESEARCH LABO&\TORY Upon motion by Mr . Samford and seconded by r.1r . Haley the f ollowing resolut ion was unanimously adopted: IIWher eas , the United States of America proposes t o es t e..blish in t he St ate of Alabama a regional labor e..tory for the study of animal diseases, under t he authori ty of the Act of Congress approved June 29, 1935, and the Appropri ation Act of Congress approved June 4 , 1936; "j;jh~re a s , i t was necessary for se..id pur:;>o se to have a building located adj acent to the School of Veterinary Medicine of said i nstitution; and "vl!hereas , it was necessary t o secure the sai d bui l ding they the said Institute donated the property upon whi ch said buil di ng was to be erected; and "Whereas , a r esolution to such an effect has been signed by all the member s of the Board of Trus t ees of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute; and, "Whereas , it i s desi rabl e that sai d r esol ution be a~1prOVf:;cl. , aG.::>ptf;d and ratified at n regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ale..bame.. Po lJ~e chnic Institute; now "Therefore , be it resolved t h8.t the Alabanw. Polytechnic Institute do t ransf er and convey to the United St ates of America. t he property hereinbelow described for and in consi derc.tion of t he sum of *~1. 00 and al so the accept ance of t he l ands by t he United St at es of America as a site for said l abore.tory, as f ollows: "Begi nnine, at a point 337.0 fe et N 00 degrees 3 ' W of the S. E. corner of Sect ion 25, T. 19 N. p.. 25 E., St . Stephens Meri di an; thence N 88 degrees 21 ' W. 1300.8 f eet t o an iron stake ; t hence N 31 degr ees 30 ' W 409 . 6 f eet t o the east erly mar gin of t he Aublll'n- Tuskegee road YJlO1Vll as liThe Wi re Road"; thence N 38 degr ees 30 ' E 1100 . 00 f eet to an 18 inch oak tree mar king the NW corner of the proper ty; thence N 89 degrees 40 ' E 1164 .0 feet t o a concrete angl e corner ( 30.0 feet north and 37.0 feet west from the :NW corner of the Veterinary Anatomy Building) ; thence S 00 degrees 3 ' E. 1145 .0 feet to the point of beginni ng:-bounded on the North by lands of the C. ll . Cary Est ate ; on the East e.nd South by the l ends of the School of Veterinary Medicine, of t he Alabama Pol ytechnic Institut e, and on t he westerly side by lIThe Viire t''-Oad'' - being ~md lying in the SE!, Sect ion 26, T. 19 N. p.. 25 E., St . Stephens Meridian. -5- "And toget her therewith HII and singular t he wat er rights and ot her rights , tenements , hereditements , end appurtenances t hereunto belong­ing or in anywise appertaining . "Subject only to the rights of the Alabana Pol yt echnic Institute ot use a private roadway, f orty f eet ;vide, extending acros s said lands , for access to and from the School of Veterinary Medicine located on l ands south of said forty-acre tract, which roadway· is to be subj ect to relocation, cmd the use ther eof to be subj ect to r egulation by the Secreta~J of Agriculture . "'1."'11e said l ands and the said roadway across the said l ands are shown on the rullle;)~ed plat. "Be it further resolved that L. N. Duncan, as President of the Al abama Polytechnic Institute be and he is hereby authorized and empov.ered to make a deed to the above descri bed pro:gerty for and in the name of the Alabama Polytechni c I nstitute, and "Be i t further resolved that P. O. Davis be Hnd he is hereby authorized and empmvered to a t t est the deed, as Secretary of said Alllbama. Polyteclmic Institute ; and "Be it further r esolved that the Board does hereby r atify and approve all and any acts tl1at may have been her etofore clone by L. N. Duncan, as Presi dent of the Alabama Polytechnic I nstitute, and P. O. Davis , as Secretary of the said Alabama Polytechnic I nstitute, in this ma t t er and the Board does hereby expressly ratify, acce?:.lt and confirm any end a l l deeds and agreements her etofore ma.de by said parties on behalf of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute with the United States of America in this matter." (12) EXPBESSIONS BY THE GOVERNOH Governor Graves urged that the administrative officers and f aculty of the Ala bame. Poly-technic I nstit ute "press the thine s of pressing necessi ty" or place emphasis upon instruction and services of the br eatest service to the people of l~labama . He also made a strong statement concernulg the duties and opportunities of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, emphasi zulg especi a l ly the importance of extension work which , as he stated it , "serves the forgotten m~Jl1 ". He declared that the gr eat est good ce.n be accomplished by complete harmony and friendship among all vrorkers, together with the f arm people . 1- -6- (Hi) EXPRESSIONS FROM VISI TORS President DunCru1 stated that the f arm group present desired to make a statement to the Board and presented Mr . A. N. Grubbs of Eutaw. Mr . Grubbs started by saying that they were present on a very friendly mission. He introduced Mr . C. W. Rittenour as their spokesman. Mr . Rittenour declared themselves to be of the greatest service and friendship to the Presioent of the Institution and the Director of the Extension Sel~ice , mentioning each by name . Mr . Rittenour then referr ed to a conference wi th a group of farmers some months ago vith President Duncan concerning the status of extension work and other mattel~s concer ni ng the Ala.bam.1'l Polytechnic Instit.ute . He said that he was speaking for a grou:,) of f armer s and that he happened to be president of the l'ilontgomery County Farm Bureau. rJIr. Willie Deer made a brief statement , declari ng friendship and a desire to cooperate i n the most constructive way. A simi lar statement 'ias made by j',lr . Hasty and Mr . Stewart. Govern.or Graves, President Duncan and members of the Board expr essed appreciation for their presence and thanked them for coming, declaring that good would come from it. The - were assured that their suggesti ons and statements would receive very careful consideration and action. Upon motion by Mr. Paul S. Haley and seconded by Mr . C. S. Culver, the Board recessed subject · to call by the Chairman. P. O. Davi s, Secretary . -- EIGHI'H ANNUAL MID-WrnTER COM1lliNCEMENT EXERCISES of THE ALABA1~ POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Thursday, January 28, 1937 at 11:00 A.N~. *********~. ******************************** * *********************************** BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTlJRE Wheeler Harvey Alsabrook, Brantley Whitfield McKenzie Rew, Auburn BACHELOR OF ARCHlTECTlJRE Robert Adolphus Botsford, Opelika BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION James Thomas Karam, Auburn Pearl Rudulph, Selma Myrtle Luke, Birmingham Herbert Edson McKenzie, Bainbridge, Ga. Roberson Coy Sullins, Hamilton George St inson Tompl-ins, Auburn BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN AGRICUL'rURAL EDUCATION Joseph Leonda Power, Blountsville BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Th1 AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING Vernon I,enwood Collins, Anniston BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEEHING William Whitaker Pearce, Mulberry, Fla. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN TEXTILE ENGINEERING Jos eph Tollison Bohannon, Grantville, Ga. James LeRoy Mann, Newnan, Ga. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN HOME ECONOMICS Bessie Lee Hamilton, Auburn Lillie !Viae Tippins, Auburn BAC}mLOR OF SCIENCE Charlotte Bocha, Tallassee George Alexander Braley, Russellville Madeline Breedlove, Auburn Morgan Eldridge Ferguson, Americus,Ga. Hugh Gordon Glasgow, Jr., Fairfield Elmer Alsabrook Jones, Roanoke Ruth Smyth, Opelika DOCTOR OF VETERINARY MEDICINE Charles Calvin Harman, Greenville, Ga. Norman George Houston, Sylvester, Ga. James K. MacNamee , Norwood, Pa . Richard Abraham Ruck, Mahwah, N. J. MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CHEI'vHCAL ENGINEERING Roy Clayton Brewer, B. S .• , 1934 Thesis: A Study of Abietic Acid and Its Methods of a Proposed Plant for the Manufacture of Abietic the Cost of }Toduction. Peyton Tutwiler, III, B. S., 1935 Andalusia of Preparation and A Study Acid and an Estimate of Marion Thesis: The BriQuetting of Alabama Lignite Without a Binder. MASTER OF SCIENCE Harvey Mildred Enloe , B. S., 1933 Thesis: A Critical Study of Mrs. Carolyn Hentz (1800-1856) * * * Langdale - ,-