1936 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute

Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1936.INDEX BOARD j'.1INUTES february 12 , 1856 (1) Appreciation of Dr . Blue (2) BudGets Approved College Experiment Gtation l~r icul t ural Extens ion 2er vice ( 3) Pcrmonent Fi nancial Poli cy (4) Enrol Lnent (5) Sale of Lnno to l;'jr5 ....

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Main Author: Auburn University Board of Trustees
Format: Electronic
Published: Auburn University Libraries
Online Access:http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7413
format Electronic
collection Auburn University Board of Trustees Minutes Collection
building Auburn University Digital Library
publisher Auburn University Libraries
topic AU Board of Trustees Minutes
spellingShingle AU Board of Trustees Minutes
1936 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute
Auburn University Board of Trustees
fulltopic AU Board of Trustees Minutes
Auburn University (formerly Alabama Polytechnic Institute); Board of Trustees
Education—Higher Education; History—1929-1945: The Great Depression and World War II
description Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1936.INDEX BOARD j'.1INUTES february 12 , 1856 (1) Appreciation of Dr . Blue (2) BudGets Approved College Experiment Gtation l~r icul t ural Extens ion 2er vice ( 3) Pcrmonent Fi nancial Poli cy (4) Enrol Lnent (5) Sale of Lnno to l;'jr5 . Hush - l,ee approved (6) Personnel ChaD,f'"es (7) DeGrees Approved (8) Honor ry Degrees Governor Bibb Graves Senator Hugo L. Bl ack Senator J o~m H. Bankhea.d Doctor James A. Keller (e)-A Purchases , Repai rs , Improvements J esse Dr2.ke Resi dence Extension Camps Broun Hall Improvements HCD.ti ng Improvements Purchase of Land (9) Deaths i n Faculty Doctor Charles Allen Cary Doctor Bolling Hall Crenshaw ;"r . Porter Crov:l Brook Professor Geor ge ~ud~ ig Fi ck (10) Resolut ion on on \'.IAPI (11) Unity D. Dancy r'ill Ueeti ng Board of Trustees in Gover nor ' s Office , l'lontgomer y , T;';ednesday, Febru2:.ry 12, 1936 , 1 a .m. PRESEiJT ; Gover nor L3 ibb Gr aves , Dr . J lue , j,qe u Jrs . CODner , Culver , Haley, Keller, Judge IIJerri ll, I:lr . Samford . Other s 9res ent : Pr e[,'iJ1ent Dunc,:'.n 3..no P. O. Davis . !BSETJT: Dr . Hans on, Dr . Oa t es , Dr . O' Neal , Senc..tor Rogers (1) APPEECIPfIO_, or DR . L3WE Upon mot ion by lir . Sa.,lford , seconded by r.ir . lb . l oy , tho ooaro vot e6 ·J.pnreci ')~ion t o t'1e Gover n.or f or t he ap90intment of Dr . Blue as a 'nomber of "'.:o1-),e r)oard and exprem:;ed e,P9reciati on of his pr esence . (2) BUDGETS APPROVED Budrets (College , St ation, Ext ens ion) for t he CLITrent f i s cal year were approved as pres ented by Pres i dent Duncan . (See Exhibits A .in black binc;er filed with t his book) (3) PER.:iAiEIIT FI NANCl fIL POLICY On moti on by Mr . Samford , s econded by Judge Herrill, t he r esol ution adopted by the board of trustees on June 24 , 19~ 2 , limit i ng f inancial r eopons i bilit i es of t he Al abali1a Polyt echnic Insti t ute t o f unds r eceived ea ch fi s cal year was r e­onacted nel made a perma.nent poli cy of the boar d of trustees . ( 4) ENROLLi.1ENT Pres i d ent Duncan reported on enrollment showing t hct 2332 s t udent s enrolled t o date f or t he 1935- 36 sess ion . A t ot 1 f or the 1934- 35 ses s i on was 1912 . Fr eslli~en t hi s s essi on total 870 agai nst 672 a year 2~ 0; an 65 new f r eshmen ave enroll ed at the opening of t he second s eraester of t he 1935- 36 sess i on . ( 5) SAIJE OF LAND TO r,ms. RUSH Resolution was adopt ed as follows : 1I1VheJ;eas , on t o- wi t , J uly l G, 1924 , Al abar:ta Pol yteclmi c I ns t itute execut ed a deed by which i t was intended t o convey t o Mr s . Ida J . Rush the f oll owi ng pro'Jerty , t o-wi t : IIA lot f r on-;-,ing on 1, c Fester l y ffia r e i n of Gay Str eet , begi nni ng at u. poi nt 554 .5 feet i n a Southerly oirect ion, measured along said l ;esterly mar gin of Gay f t r eet f rom the Southerly ,. ar gi n of Col l ege Street (noVT Thach Avenue) and rUIL."1ing t hence ~' o uth , alone; the V:est mar gi n of Gay C'treet 94 .5 feet ; thence North, 89 degr ees and 35 minut es West , 140 f eet along the North boundar- of lot of .A1nel i a Hodges Estate ; thence North, 13 minut es East , 93.6 feet to a road ; t hence Sout h , 89 degrees end 57 mi nutes East 140 f eet along t he Sout herly nargi n of s i d r oan t o the point of begi nning ; in Aubur n, Lee County , Alabama ; and , 11 Ihereas , NIrs . Ida J . Rush pai d t:"e purchcse money for said pro per ty and took page 2 Board !,:iinutes 2/ 12/ 36 possession thereof on the date of sai d deed, and has remained in Doss ession continuously 2i nce then; an d, II VJhereas , t he sQi d l ot was erroneously des cr ibed i n sai d deed, and i t i s des i r abl e th::it the er ror be corrected and another conveyance f or that purpose be executed and delivered to t he s ai d lITr s . Ida J . Rush; and , "Vrner eas , t he sai d dr "' . I 'a J . Rush has purchased _rom t he Al abama Pol y­t echnic Ins t i t ute [moher l ot front i ng on the Hest l;la r gin of Gay St r eet de8cr i bed a s f ollo"lll1s , t o-wi t : IIBegi nni ng at a point on the nest mar gi n of Gay Street whi ch i s 519.7 f eet , measured al ong sai d m.argin of Gay St r eet Souther l y f r om the South margi n 0: Thach Avenue , and runni rl€' t hence Sout her l y , along said mar gin of Gay St r eet , 35 .8 feet ; thence North , 89 degrees and 57 minut es V;'est , 140 f eet ; t hence North, 13 mi nutes East, 34 .8 feet , more or l ess , to t he Sout hwest corner of the l ot her eto­f ore sol d by AlabEllna Polytechni c I ns t i t ut e t o Mr s . 1'! . D. Caddell; thence South, 89 degrees and 57 minutes Eas t , along t he l i ne of the Eai d l ot s old t o Mr s . Caddell , 140 feet , more or l es s , t o the beg i nni ng oint ; bei ng i n Lee Count y, Al abama , i n the Ci t y of Auburn, IIfor the lJri ce of M96 . 00 , of 'which amount ~~2 00 . 00 has heret ofore been paid, and i t is des i rable that conveyance be aut hor i zed by the Board of Tr us tees of Al ab::.lJJla Polytechni c I ns t i t ute : II Novj , t herefore , IIBE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of Al abama Polyt,echnic I nsti 'Su t e as folloVlS : "l. That t"le Pres i dent of t he Al abama Polytech..11.ic In. t i t ute be , and he i s hereby authorized, e ,poV7er ed and i nstr uct ed t o execute and deliver , f or and in t he nrone of Alabama Pol y­technic I nstitute , and l.U1der i ts Seal , a qui t ,tclaim deed t o Mr s . Ida J . Rush conveyi ng the pr oper ty hereinabove f i r st des cr ibed, f or t he :;ur pose of cor r ect i ng the err or above mentioned . 11 2 . That t he Pres i dent of t he Al abama Polyt echni c I nst i t ute be , and he i s hereby authori zed, empoV7ered and di r ected t o execute and del i ver , f or and in t he name of and under t he Seal of , Al aba.ma Polytechnic Institut e , t o r~rs . Ida J . Rush , u) on payment by her t o him of $496 . 00 , t e unpa i d balance of t he purchase price , a deed cont ai.ning t he usual covenants and warr anti es , conveying to her a l ot herei nabove oes cribed as fr onting 34 .8 feet on t he TIest s i de or margin of n.ay s treet , i n the Ci ty of Auburn, Lee County, Al"'b3ma ." ( 6) PEE,SONj:JEL CHANGES Pres i d ent Duncan r e'8orted t h t because of s t r i ngent f i nancial condi t i ons , r ef i r nat i ons 1ave increased a'ld more meraber 8 of the staff ar e on leave . These cQa:~ e s wil l a~pear i n t he next cat l og and the board appr oved t hem as t hey wi ll appear therein . - I ( 7) DEGHEES APPROVED nage 3 Board =iIi nut es 2/12/ 36 Degrees ':le1'e a:;Jproved as follows : J anuary 24 , 1935 , NI ,y 27, 1935 , Augus t I G, 1935 , and J 8,nU:lry 2 3 , 1936 . (See Exhibits B i n bla ck binder filed with t his book) (8) HOJ:-TO",PRY DEGREES Honorary degr ees Vlcre confer r ed as f oll ows : (lU+' J ~ ~/) GOV~RnOR BBB GRAVES , Doct or of HWllani t i es or Doct or of Hwnan Letter s , honori s causa Upon Bi bb Gr aves , an Al abami an by birth , by ancestry, by i deal s , by training , by service ; graduate of the Uni ver sity of Al abama (BCE) i n 1893; Yal e Univers i ty (LL.B) i n 18 ~ 6 ; successf ul l av.yer; i ntelli gent legi slator ; courageous soldier ; di sting uished sta tesman ; outstanding leader and f aithful s ervant in behalf of hwnanity, t he Al abama Polyt echnic Insti t ute confers the degree of Doctor of Humani t i es or Doctor of Hurnan Letters , honori s caus • SH:lJATOR HUGO LAFAYETTE BLACK , Doctor of Laws , honori s causa . Upon Hur o LaFayett e Bl ck, born in Cl ay County , Al abama ; educated i n t he pub'_ i c schools and at the Univer sity of AlabCIna (LL .B, 1906), successful l av''Yer , able juc1ge , courar; eoUf3 s oldi er , di sti nguished s enator of t he Uni t ed StClt es , the Alabama Polytechnic Institut e confers t he degree of Doct or of Laws , honori :,,:, causa . SKTATOR JOH~,; HOLLIS BANKHEAD , Doctor of Laws , honor i G causa Upon John Holl i s Bankhead , native Al abami an; educated in t he public s chools of hi s nat ive state, at t he Univer s ity of Al absJna (A. B., 1891), and at Georg etown Law School (LL .B., 1893); successful l awy er b;l profess ion ; i ndus t r iali st ; outstanding state lawmaker; and di s tinfui shed senator of the United St ates , t he Al abu:na 701yt ec'fmic Institute confers t he degr ee of lJoc tor of Lc.ws , hon or i~ causa . DOCTOR JP'::,iES ALBERT KELLER, Doctor of Laws , honori s causa UlJon James Albert Kel l er , native of Al abmna , educated in the Dubl i c schools of Cul lman County, at the Fl or ence State Teacher s Col l e~ e , at George "'eabody College , Nashvi lle, TenneFsee ; a successful tea cher i n Alabama public s chools , outs t anding ,as a county superintendent of educa t i on , and now a di stinsui s hed s er vant and the l eader of public educat i on throW,hout Alabama as St ate Superintendent of Educa t ion, the Al abiJJ!\a Pol yt echni c Im'tl t ute confers the degree of Doct or of Laws , honori s caus a . page 4 Boa r d ;.;i nut es 2/1:2/ 36 The bO[,J'd 8.)proved t:18 following : JEP~E DPLKE: RICSIDENCE; Purc':l8.se , wi th Eztenrion Funds , of the J c['se Ir"lce resi dence an~ l ot for $6 , 000 , plus a l tera t ions , inprovements , and additions t ,-, the bui L'l i ng costi ng $4, DOO , .3. t otd of $10, 900 f or r;hich the Re settlement Adu i ni stre',t ion i s paying t o the Extendon Service a r ent::l of $1 25 p er mont h . Th i s propert y i s a c r o ~, s the s treet from Co:ner He, l l in Au·ourn . :r:i'l'ELJSIOr-T CF iPS : :t~ype nditur e of ~3 8 , 000 of }i;xtens ion Pervi ce Funds in conjlmction with ~~9 :2. , OOO of Works ? .rogress Admi ni str ation f uncs in the er e c t ion of ;)0 cot t aees , 3. di n i ng hal l , and an ampi theater at Auburn to be used as a stat,e c .g.m~ and thereby exoand 2.nd i rnurove the f , cili t i cs and ser v i ces of the Ll abaJ118. - - 0lytec1m i c I nfti tute . :gALL I :,; ~'.oV;i,lENTS : Expendi t ure of $1,750 f r o"l tiE; ol d Pmith Hall f und (bal ance saved by C~'rA help) for alterati om1 , reT)Fl.i rs , :mel i :D:orovernents t o broun H~.ll , thereby ,-,aki n§:. i t va i lubJ.e t o l .'lr gcr grou'li- of st u" en ~ , i n re s ponse t ) th8 increaRe in enr o ll~neYlt c,t t he bep: i nnin;- of th(~ 1935- 36 se0; ion . HEfiT I NG VtPf'DVR.mNTS : E:AtJ:)ndtir ure of $3 , 500 of the old ~·m ith Hall -<'und in instal l inp- neVi heating plant f or P.<JlllS8.y rIal l, the L- Bllilning , a nf1 t he Shops ; and rdnor repai rs t o E'i.l.mfor d Ha.ll , the Poultry How:; e , and the Vet erina ry Bu ilc' i ngs , COftinr a t ot , l of $1 , 350 . PUECHA:::"~ OF LAND: Purchase (fr om f une; ;:; nade availabl e by the l eF i s l ature from t.he St a.te Depart ment of Agr i culture) of 163 a cres of l and at Headl and , Al abama , f or Ufe by t he ":Lrev.ra ps Experi ment .<?tation ; and , fr o:n the s ame f unds , of 40 a cr Of of lanc~ at Crofsville , Alabruaa , for use by the 2anrl .. I01mt ain ::!;xper.iment Stc:.t ion . ( 9) DEAT::,s IN Ii ACUL TY Resolutions as f ollo 'rs "'er e aoouted by t e board wi th t he request t hat co:)iI:;!s be s ent to the foni l i es concer ned : DOer"OR CHARLES ALLEn CARY: ';T.HEl:mAS , death on l\pri 1 24 , 1935 , re:noved Loct or Charl es 1,.11on C ry froru t he faculty of the Al e.bmna Polytechnic I n-i-} titute after f orty- three y ear s of service , be ing dean of < the school of vet erinary ,ne C1 icine s i nce 1')07 , and "l1EREAS , r octor C .~ry d L3t inc.::ui s h f~c1 ;·li.nself and t he Alabama Polytechnic I nst itute by tlJ8 ou-:'s r.o.nding work he di d as an i l1s t r-ctor , orofe. s or , dODn , anr::.. 10aoe1' , r e nde r ~ng las t l nc a no. i nval"J.13.')le service I":) the geo:)1.0 of Al abama anCi t he nation, TI-m;-.Ef ORE, BE IT R".2:)LVED , that ':7e reco[ni ze the great l oss t o thi s i n::: i. i. J~u t ion cau s ed by Doc t or Car y ' s oenth anr express t o :11'::; . Cc..ry "me other '21.ember s of h i :' f ~Jlllily our hi gh appreci ation of Loct'Jr C,.ry anCi our sympathy 1""i th t he '.: ber ause of their b e­r '3EVement and 10;' s . .., DOCTOR BOLLING HJ\LL C RENfFJ~\,i : page 5 Board l'Ji nutes 2/1:2/ 36 Y'HEREAS , death on Noveillber 25 , 1935 , removed Doctor Bolli ng Hall Crenshaw f rom the f a culty of the Al abama Polyt echnic I ns t i t u t e , thus ending a per i od of f ort y- four years of di sti nc li f hed ser vice as i nstr uctor, profe ssor , admi n i s trati ve head of the :nat'1em:3.t i cs department , and f or three year s a meruber of the aclni ni s tTati ve commi ttee , and 'N~.-J:EREAS , Doct or Crem haw had distingui shed hi mp el f in every capac i ty and also a s e.n author of textbooks , and 'hliEREAS , Doctor Crenshaw exeTcised a wholes ome end ins ,?ir i ng i nfluence u,?on ,I I l!1ho c ..... me i n c ')nt a c t '.'ri t h hi m, THEREFORE, BE IT RE;~OLVED , that the gTeat 102s t o thi s insti­tll t ion i s hereby recof ni zed , and that we expres s to Dod:.or Crens hpw" p wi dov[ a nd' chi ldren our llieh appreci ation Gf him in every canaci t y , and tha t a copy of t~l es e r e rwlut i ons be come a par t of our permanerit records . MR . PORTER CROVJL BROOK: I n the d eath (on December 30, 1935) of Porter Crowl Brook , assist.ant s t ate supervi s or a agri r ultura1 educat.i on , t he Al abama Polyteclmi c I nstitute l o!"t an ble , f a ithful, con­SCienti ous , and devoted member of the staff . Hi s pass i ng was a :ma j or loss t:J thi s ins tit ution _nd also to i nstruction in voca t iOl al agricultur e i n yihieh he ITas engaged . t;,r . Brook came to Auburn after sever al y ears of t eac1.i ng experience in Alabama schools . He held the B. S., ami M. S . , degrees f rom the University of Georgi a . rih i le he V'oS not a.n alwnnuf of Auburn by act ual gr ad11ation, he 'Nas in 3er vi ce, in faith , 2.nd in a ppreci ation . To his vTi fe anrj other members of the bereaved f 2J'1ily our s i ncere sympathy i s extended . P EO_'2S~; O R GEORGE LUDWIG FI CK: On Febr uary 2 , 1936 , Profe ssor Geor ge Ludwi g Fi ek of the botany depart ment of the Alabama Polytechni c I ns t itut e was called to h i s f i nal reward . Pr ofesc or Fi ck has been connected wi th the Al abama Polytechni c I nst itu t e continuously s ince 1926 , exce:?t for one y eOI' s_ ent as a graduate s tudent in the Un i'l1lrs i ty of ~.~ Lsour i. Hi s dea t h tool{ f r om t he f a culty of t his insti t u t ion a Y01,LYl8 man who VIas well tra i ned - nO. who was hif.'hly enc o':!ed f or tea ch i ng ; and , a s a t ea cher , he made an excellent recor d . Able , t horough , consc i en t i ous , and ca r eful, hiG y-'O :,:,k in tho clas ioroom and i n the l abora tory r'!as outst anding . page 6 B02.rd :~ inute s 2/12/36 To hh ' Vill e and other member::> of the bereaved fanily we extend our s i n cere sym.9["cthy and express to t hem our hi gh appreci ation of Professor Fick as a teacher and also as a man. While he i s c one , hi s memory \':ill l inper v.'ith us ana be a blessing to us . (10) RE~f)LU'I'IOH OIJ WAPI On motion by Mr . Samford , seconded by I'lr . Conner , t he board ari opted the f ol­Im7ing res 0lution, " i th Illr . Culver voting II No II : Hi; ,IEREAS , radio station 1.'!API , of "hi eh the University of ill ab lJUa, Alabaltla Poly t echnic In:"ti t ute [lnd t he Alabama College are joi nt onners , i s now beinv operated under a l e3.8e con­t r act (or agreel!lent ) w~ich '.'!ill e:<-pire on July 31 , 1937: II Tfl£.'l.EFORE, be i t resolved by The Boare of Trustees of the Alabama Poiytec~ic I nstitute t hat the Pres i dent be and hereby i s authori zed and e!'lDo," ered t:J act for and in behalf of the A18bama Polyte chnic I nctitute as i ts represe':ltl'ltive in con;junction ·;ith the c.1Lly ,.uthori zed repr esentatives of the University of Alabama and the Al ab:liila College ( joint Oi'mer s of the station ,'lith the Al abalila Polyt echnic Institute) , t Ofether vlith the Governor as Chai rman of the three Boards , i n all at t ers relating to the leasinr, of r adio station V!P.PI and i n any other matter ::; comlected wih sai d s t ati on upon conr: iti on, hov'ever , (1) that there shall ()e no con2icerat ion of any offer for the purchase of said st'3.tion nor 'lny impa i rment of the contractual r; e h-:';:; ()f the A 13.bBIaa Polytec':mic Ins t i-t ute in sai.d s t et Lon c S Fet forth L"l that certain vne ... orandmn of ar;reement executed on February 25, 1929 , b: and between the P~ab8Jna Polyteclmic I w::ti t ute , the Universi ty of Alab a:~la , and the Al abalua Collet: e , and (2) t h t 1Nha tever ac l~ion i s ta (en by the .forementioneo representatives sh[~ll "e taken unanimously . " (11) UrHTY D. DANCY VrILL Predr. ent f uncan reported t hat the colleg e had rece i ved a. net of ~?ll , 550 from a will of ;,1iss Unity I . Dancy as a bequest t o 1I':'ho Tru ft ees of t he Alabama Polytecltnic Inst itute at Auhurn, Alabama, ann t heir successor s in office, in -':,rust , ho;;,ever , said nrincipal f'mn to oe i nvested and helri by ~airl Trus tees as a:1 endovnnent f und , from y;hi ch all revenues , incomes , eli vi oends anr. yiel(l.s , annually, are t o be used and devoted by said Trustees to the us e , benefit and malntm ance of the ' Depart,nent of Chemical Eng i.neering and Chemistry and i\ie t" l lurgy ' of the College of' Eng ineeri ng of the Al abama Polyteclmic I nc t i t u t e at Au burn, Alabama . II He s a i d th,a t an addi tiona l $500 may be received . The 1il>arc' authorized Presi dent Duncan to i nvest this money in the Theta Chi fund and to use the income as a library f und for chemi stry and me ti-dlurf:"Y as s t i pulated in the \,Til1. Upon motion by IVlr. Cormer, second~d by Mr. Haley, the Board recessed sub ject to call by t he Chairman. P. O. D&vi s " Secretary (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 09) (lei) (l~) ( ~) INDEX BOARD MINUTES August 27, 1936 ILLNESS OF SENATOR ROGERS AND DR. BLUE MEl10RALIZING DOCTOR OATES MINUTES APPROVED El\TROLLMENT 1935-36 .APPROV AL OF DEGREES RURAL ELECTRIFICATION AGRICULTUR1~ CONSERVATION BUDGETS APPROVED College Experiment Station Extension Service SUMMER SCHOOL BUDGEI' LIBRARY FEE OF TWO DOLLARS ($2.00) FULL-TIME EMPLOYMENT ADDITIONAL OFFICE SPACE August 27, 1956 Meeting of Board of Trustees in off ioeof the President, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Alabama, Thursday, August 27, 1956, 11 A. M. PRESENT: Governor Bibb Graves, Dr. Keller, Dr. O'Neal, Judge Merrill, Judge Hare, Colonel Samford, Messrs. Hal ey and Cul ver, and President Duncan. ABSENT: Dr. Hlue, Dr. Hanson, Messrs. Rogers and Conner. The board welcomed Dr. Edward A. O'Neal and Judge Francis W. Hare as new members, expressing appreciation of their presence and thanking Governor Graves for appointing them. On motion by Mr. Samford, seconded by Judge Hare, the f ollowing resolution was adopted: (1) ILLNESS OF SENATOR ROGERS AND DR. BLUE On motion by JlfU'. Samford, seconded by Mr. Haley, the board "Resolved that this board of trustees notices with deep regret absence caused by prolonged illness of our good friend, Honorable John A. Rogers, long-time distinguished and valuable member of this board. We greatly missed his wise counsel and helpful suggestions and we earnestly hope f or full restoration of his health and his return to active illembership on this bard. "Resolved further, that the secretary of this board is instructed to send a copy of these resolutions to Mr. Rogers with a message of aff ection f rom the board." The board received vdth much pleasure a report of continued improvement of Dr. George Blue and earnestly hoped for complete recovery. (2) MEMORALIZING DR. OATES BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute notices with a spirit of sadness and grief the absence of Dr. W. H. Oates, a. long-time honored member of this Board of Trustees f rom the f irst district. RESOLVED that this board express its appreciation of the valuabl e services rendered by Dr. Oates as a member of the Board of Trustees during the long years of unselfish service that he so generousl y gave t o the promotion of the welfare of t his college. RESOLVED FURTHER that as a token of our appreciation that a page in the minutes of the Board of Trustees be set aside in memory of Dr. Oates who departed this lif e at his home, Mobil e, Alabama, on the 1st day of March, 1936. RESOLVED FURTHER that a copy 01' these resolutions be sent to members of the ffu~ily and be f urnished to the press of Alabama for publication. (5) MINUTES APPROVED Minutes of the meeting of t he board of the meeting held on February 12, 1936, were approved as submitted by the secretary and made a part of the permanent records of the board. (4) ENROLLMENT 1955-36 page 2 Board Minutes 8/27/56 It was officially reported to the board that the student enrollment at the Alabama Polytechnic Institute for the year 1955-56 was 2550 against 1912 for the previous session, an increase of 22 per cent. Freshman enrollment totaled 864 against 672 for the previous year, an increase of 28.5 per cent. Thirty-nine states and f oreign countries were represented in our enrollment but 80 per cent of" the total came from Alabama. An additional 11 per cent came f rom the four states (Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, and Tennessee) which adjoin Alabama, a total of 91 per cent f rom Alabama and adjoining states. Likewise, the 1956 summer session was the biggest and best in Auburn's history. The gross total enrollment was 2410 against a gross total of 1819 the previous year. (5) APPRO V AL OF DEGREES On motion of Mr. Haley, seconded by Mr. Culver, degrees which had been conferred by the faculty on May 25, 1956 and August 21, 1956 were approved as per list attached as part of these minutes. (J:u., 6..y-lwl:J- ti'.J ~ ~ ) (6) RURAL ELECTRIFICATION The f ollowing resolution, on motion by Mr. Haley and seconded by Mr. Culver, was adopted: "WHEREAS, the proper use of electricity on the f arms and in the farm homes of Alabama is a matter of great importance and value to the farm people of the state; and "WHEREAS, the Agricultural Experiment Station of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute is an offi cial State and Federal agency created and operated f or the purpose of f inding new truths pertaining to al l matters of rural improvement; and "WHEREAS, the Agricultural Extension Service of the Alabama Polytechnic Instit ute is an official State and Federal agency created and operated f or the purpose of bringing to the farms and their families throughout the State full inf ormation on all mat ters pertaining to agriculture, farm home lif e and rural development: "NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the President is hereby authorized and empowered t o enter into and execute agreements between the Alabama Polytechnic Institute and any or all companies, inst itutions and/or agencies producing or distributing electricity in Alabama f or t he purpose of carrying on such researches, demonstr ations and f urnishing f ull inf ormation f or the purpose of developing the use of electricity on or about the farm or farm home and assisting farmers, f arm women, rural residents, and rural industries in obtaining every available use of el ectri City. page 3 Board Minutes 8/27/36 "That the Alabama Polytechnic Institute i s authorized and empowered, when such agreements have been properly executed, to receive f unds or donations f rom any agency or institution producing or distributing electri city. Such f unds shall be disbursed by the Treasurer of t he Institution for the em­ployment of trained and experienced people selected and directed by the President of the Alabama Polytechni c Institute and f or other necessary costs in carryir~ into execution any cooperative agreement or agreements entered into by the Institution and such agency or agencies making such contributions or donations. "That it is hereby understood to be the pol icy of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, in all cases in f ormulating and executing any such agreements with any company, instiution or agency producing or distributing electricity in Alabama, to conf ine the efforts strictly t o the r esear ch, informational and educational phases of the rural electrif ication progr am, including such matters as how rural people may organi ze and t ake steps necessary to get el ectriCity. It is f urther understood and agreed t hat representatives of the Alab8~a Polytech~ic Institute shall t ake no part whatsoever in any controversial matters between competing concerns as to t he s ources of the current. The President of the Alaoama Polytechnic Institute is hereby instructed in the f ormulation and execution of any cooperat ive agr eements with reference to rural el ectrification, to carry out t :lis pol icy." (7) AGRICULTURAL CONSERVATION The f ollowing resolution was " td (~4~2?;"""" ~~ aaope: ~~ ~ ~. ) itResolved t hat the pres i dent i s hereby authorized and empowered to execute and carry out the f ollowing IvIemorandwn of Understanding between the Alabama Polytechnic Insti t ute and the United States Department of Agricul ture, regarding the Administration of the 1936 Agricultural Conservation Progr am of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration in the State of Alabruna." (Copy attached) (8) BUDGEr'S APPROVED Budgets for t he fiscal year beginning July 1, 1936, were approved for the college, t~e extension service, and t he experiment s t ation, as per copies attached to t he minute book of the board, with the fol l owing r esolution which was of f ered by Mr. Sa;:nf ord and seconded by [>.1r. Cul ver: "Resolved, t hat t he budgets for Alabmna Polytecrnlic I nstitute , teaching, research, and extension, for the college fis cal year beginning July 1, 1936, and ending June 30, 1937, as presented to Dr . L. N. Duncan, President, be and the sarne are ',ereby adopted. "Provi ded, however, t hat the amount s f ixed in the budgets f arthe year 1936-37 anc. set oppos i te the nar:les of the respective officers , teachers, employes and attaches of the Alabama Polytechnic I nsti t ute shall be 1L~der­stood to be estimates only and not f i xed salaries, and in no sense promises t o pay and only sums f ixed as a basis for relative mnount s to be pai d to such na'11ed officers, teachers, employee, and attaches upon a r atio or per cent of payment of the f unds and/or income of the institut ion f or the annual support and maintenance of said institution. And nothing in said budgets shall be accepted, or construed t o be legal obl i gations or l i abi li ties ag ainst the Alabama Polytechnic Institut e. page 4 Board Minutes 8/27/36 "Be it f urther Resolved, that the r esolutions adopted by the Board June 27, 1932 and January 12, 1933 relative to payment of sal aries and/or wages is hereby reaff irmed and adopted as the fixed and permanent policy of this Board of Trustees and of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute." It was explai ned t hat the budget co~~ittee composed of Messrs. Samford, Culver , Haley, had examined t hese budgets on the day bef ore. It was explained furt~er that the budgets for the extension service and the experL~ent station had been approved by proper off icials in Washi ngton. (10) SUMME..Tt SCHOOL BUDGET The board requested that the budget of the 1936 sa~er session be submitted and made a part of these minutes. (64-~ Jh _ ./?e",e-4.,; ~) (11) LIBRARY FEE OF $2.00 On motion by Mr . Culver, seconded by Mr. Samford , the board resolved that a library fee of $2 .00 per semester be collected for one school year (1936-57) from each student. (12) FULL-TII'ilE EMPLOYMENT On motion by Mr . Culver, seconded by Mr . Haley, it was ruled by the board of trustees t hat all officers and employees of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute whose salaries are budgeted on a 12-months basis are expected to give their full time to the Institute. (15) ADDITIONAL OFFICE SPACE President Duncan informed the board of inadequate off ice space on the agricultural campus due to additional goverrunent work. He requested permission to erect additional office s pace back of the Agricaltural Engineering Building, as a PWA project with the Extension Service providing 55 per cent ($16,500) of the funds and the remaining 45 per cent ($15,400) to be a PWA grant. the board authorized t his "if and when" funds are available. Upon motion by Dr. Keller , seconded by Judge Merr ill the Board r ecessed ~~bject to call by the Chairman. P. o. Davis Secretary
title 1936 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute
titleStr 1936 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute
author Auburn University Board of Trustees
author_facet Auburn University Board of Trustees
id AUbot7413
url http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7413
thumbnail https://cdm17353.contentdm.oclc.org/utils/getthumbnail/collection/bot/id/7413
_version_ 1782466966477340672
spelling 1936 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Alabama Polytechnic InstituteAuburn University (formerly Alabama Polytechnic Institute); Board of TrusteesMinutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1936.INDEX BOARD j'.1INUTES february 12 , 1856 (1) Appreciation of Dr . Blue (2) BudGets Approved College Experiment Gtation l~r icul t ural Extens ion 2er vice ( 3) Pcrmonent Fi nancial Poli cy (4) Enrol Lnent (5) Sale of Lnno to l;'jr5 . Hush - l,ee approved (6) Personnel ChaD,f'"es (7) DeGrees Approved (8) Honor ry Degrees Governor Bibb Graves Senator Hugo L. Bl ack Senator J o~m H. Bankhea.d Doctor James A. Keller (e)-A Purchases , Repai rs , Improvements J esse Dr2.ke Resi dence Extension Camps Broun Hall Improvements HCD.ti ng Improvements Purchase of Land (9) Deaths i n Faculty Doctor Charles Allen Cary Doctor Bolling Hall Crenshaw ;"r . Porter Crov:l Brook Professor Geor ge ~ud~ ig Fi ck (10) Resolut ion on on \'.IAPI (11) Unity D. Dancy r'ill Ueeti ng Board of Trustees in Gover nor ' s Office , l'lontgomer y , T;';ednesday, Febru2:.ry 12, 1936 , 1 a .m. PRESEiJT ; Gover nor L3 ibb Gr aves , Dr . J lue , j,qe u Jrs . CODner , Culver , Haley, Keller, Judge IIJerri ll, I:lr . Samford . Other s 9res ent : Pr e[,'iJ1ent Dunc,:'.n 3..no P. O. Davis . !BSETJT: Dr . Hans on, Dr . Oa t es , Dr . O' Neal , Senc..tor Rogers (1) APPEECIPfIO_, or DR . L3WE Upon mot ion by lir . Sa.,lford , seconded by r.ir . lb . l oy , tho ooaro vot e6 ·J.pnreci ')~ion t o t'1e Gover n.or f or t he ap90intment of Dr . Blue as a 'nomber of "'.:o1-),e r)oard and exprem:;ed e,P9reciati on of his pr esence . (2) BUDGETS APPROVED Budrets (College , St ation, Ext ens ion) for t he CLITrent f i s cal year were approved as pres ented by Pres i dent Duncan . (See Exhibits A .in black binc;er filed with t his book) (3) PER.:iAiEIIT FI NANCl fIL POLICY On moti on by Mr . Samford , s econded by Judge Herrill, t he r esol ution adopted by the board of trustees on June 24 , 19~ 2 , limit i ng f inancial r eopons i bilit i es of t he Al abali1a Polyt echnic Insti t ute t o f unds r eceived ea ch fi s cal year was r e­onacted nel made a perma.nent poli cy of the boar d of trustees . ( 4) ENROLLi.1ENT Pres i d ent Duncan reported on enrollment showing t hct 2332 s t udent s enrolled t o date f or t he 1935- 36 sess ion . A t ot 1 f or the 1934- 35 ses s i on was 1912 . Fr eslli~en t hi s s essi on total 870 agai nst 672 a year 2~ 0; an 65 new f r eshmen ave enroll ed at the opening of t he second s eraester of t he 1935- 36 sess i on . ( 5) SAIJE OF LAND TO r,ms. RUSH Resolution was adopt ed as follows : 1I1VheJ;eas , on t o- wi t , J uly l G, 1924 , Al abar:ta Pol yteclmi c I ns t itute execut ed a deed by which i t was intended t o convey t o Mr s . Ida J . Rush the f oll owi ng pro'Jerty , t o-wi t : IIA lot f r on-;-,ing on 1, c Fester l y ffia r e i n of Gay Str eet , begi nni ng at u. poi nt 554 .5 feet i n a Southerly oirect ion, measured along said l ;esterly mar gin of Gay f t r eet f rom the Southerly ,. ar gi n of Col l ege Street (noVT Thach Avenue) and rUIL."1ing t hence ~' o uth , alone; the V:est mar gi n of Gay C'treet 94 .5 feet ; thence North, 89 degr ees and 35 minut es West , 140 f eet along the North boundar- of lot of .A1nel i a Hodges Estate ; thence North, 13 minut es East , 93.6 feet to a road ; t hence Sout h , 89 degrees end 57 mi nutes East 140 f eet along t he Sout herly nargi n of s i d r oan t o the point of begi nning ; in Aubur n, Lee County , Alabama ; and , 11 Ihereas , NIrs . Ida J . Rush pai d t:"e purchcse money for said pro per ty and took page 2 Board !,:iinutes 2/ 12/ 36 possession thereof on the date of sai d deed, and has remained in Doss ession continuously 2i nce then; an d, II VJhereas , t he sQi d l ot was erroneously des cr ibed i n sai d deed, and i t i s des i r abl e th::it the er ror be corrected and another conveyance f or that purpose be executed and delivered to t he s ai d lITr s . Ida J . Rush; and , "Vrner eas , t he sai d dr "' . I 'a J . Rush has purchased _rom t he Al abama Pol y­t echnic Ins t i t ute [moher l ot front i ng on the Hest l;la r gin of Gay St r eet de8cr i bed a s f ollo"lll1s , t o-wi t : IIBegi nni ng at a point on the nest mar gi n of Gay Street whi ch i s 519.7 f eet , measured al ong sai d m.argin of Gay St r eet Souther l y f r om the South margi n 0: Thach Avenue , and runni rl€' t hence Sout her l y , along said mar gin of Gay St r eet , 35 .8 feet ; thence North , 89 degrees and 57 minut es V;'est , 140 f eet ; t hence North, 13 mi nutes East, 34 .8 feet , more or l ess , to t he Sout hwest corner of the l ot her eto­f ore sol d by AlabEllna Polytechni c I ns t i t ut e t o Mr s . 1'! . D. Caddell; thence South, 89 degrees and 57 minutes Eas t , along t he l i ne of the Eai d l ot s old t o Mr s . Caddell , 140 feet , more or l es s , t o the beg i nni ng oint ; bei ng i n Lee Count y, Al abama , i n the Ci t y of Auburn, IIfor the lJri ce of M96 . 00 , of 'which amount ~~2 00 . 00 has heret ofore been paid, and i t is des i rable that conveyance be aut hor i zed by the Board of Tr us tees of Al ab::.lJJla Polytechni c I ns t i t ute : II Novj , t herefore , IIBE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of Al abama Polyt,echnic I nsti 'Su t e as folloVlS : "l. That t"le Pres i dent of t he Al abama Polytech..11.ic In. t i t ute be , and he i s hereby authorized, e ,poV7er ed and i nstr uct ed t o execute and deliver , f or and in t he nrone of Alabama Pol y­technic I nstitute , and l.U1der i ts Seal , a qui t ,tclaim deed t o Mr s . Ida J . Rush conveyi ng the pr oper ty hereinabove f i r st des cr ibed, f or t he :;ur pose of cor r ect i ng the err or above mentioned . 11 2 . That t he Pres i dent of t he Al abama Polyt echni c I nst i t ute be , and he i s hereby authori zed, empoV7ered and di r ected t o execute and del i ver , f or and in t he name of and under t he Seal of , Al aba.ma Polytechnic Institut e , t o r~rs . Ida J . Rush , u) on payment by her t o him of $496 . 00 , t e unpa i d balance of t he purchase price , a deed cont ai.ning t he usual covenants and warr anti es , conveying to her a l ot herei nabove oes cribed as fr onting 34 .8 feet on t he TIest s i de or margin of n.ay s treet , i n the Ci ty of Auburn, Lee County, Al"'b3ma ." ( 6) PEE,SONj:JEL CHANGES Pres i d ent Duncan r e'8orted t h t because of s t r i ngent f i nancial condi t i ons , r ef i r nat i ons 1ave increased a'ld more meraber 8 of the staff ar e on leave . These cQa:~ e s wil l a~pear i n t he next cat l og and the board appr oved t hem as t hey wi ll appear therein . - I ( 7) DEGHEES APPROVED nage 3 Board =iIi nut es 2/12/ 36 Degrees ':le1'e a:;Jproved as follows : J anuary 24 , 1935 , NI ,y 27, 1935 , Augus t I G, 1935 , and J 8,nU:lry 2 3 , 1936 . (See Exhibits B i n bla ck binder filed with t his book) (8) HOJ:-TO",PRY DEGREES Honorary degr ees Vlcre confer r ed as f oll ows : (lU+' J ~ ~/) GOV~RnOR BBB GRAVES , Doct or of HWllani t i es or Doct or of Hwnan Letter s , honori s causa Upon Bi bb Gr aves , an Al abami an by birth , by ancestry, by i deal s , by training , by service ; graduate of the Uni ver sity of Al abama (BCE) i n 1893; Yal e Univers i ty (LL.B) i n 18 ~ 6 ; successf ul l av.yer; i ntelli gent legi slator ; courageous soldier ; di sting uished sta tesman ; outstanding leader and f aithful s ervant in behalf of hwnanity, t he Al abama Polyt echnic Insti t ute confers the degree of Doctor of Humani t i es or Doctor of Hurnan Letters , honori s caus • SH:lJATOR HUGO LAFAYETTE BLACK , Doctor of Laws , honori s causa . Upon Hur o LaFayett e Bl ck, born in Cl ay County , Al abama ; educated i n t he pub'_ i c schools and at the Univer sity of AlabCIna (LL .B, 1906), successful l av''Yer , able juc1ge , courar; eoUf3 s oldi er , di sti nguished s enator of t he Uni t ed StClt es , the Alabama Polytechnic Institut e confers t he degree of Doct or of Laws , honori :,,:, causa . SKTATOR JOH~,; HOLLIS BANKHEAD , Doctor of Laws , honor i G causa Upon John Holl i s Bankhead , native Al abami an; educated in t he public s chools of hi s nat ive state, at t he Univer s ity of Al absJna (A. B., 1891), and at Georg etown Law School (LL .B., 1893); successful l awy er b;l profess ion ; i ndus t r iali st ; outstanding state lawmaker; and di s tinfui shed senator of the United St ates , t he Al abu:na 701yt ec'fmic Institute confers t he degr ee of lJoc tor of Lc.ws , hon or i~ causa . DOCTOR JP'::,iES ALBERT KELLER, Doctor of Laws , honori s causa UlJon James Albert Kel l er , native of Al abmna , educated in the Dubl i c schools of Cul lman County, at the Fl or ence State Teacher s Col l e~ e , at George "'eabody College , Nashvi lle, TenneFsee ; a successful tea cher i n Alabama public s chools , outs t anding ,as a county superintendent of educa t i on , and now a di stinsui s hed s er vant and the l eader of public educat i on throW,hout Alabama as St ate Superintendent of Educa t ion, the Al abiJJ!\a Pol yt echni c Im'tl t ute confers the degree of Doct or of Laws , honori s caus a . page 4 Boa r d ;.;i nut es 2/1:2/ 36 The bO[,J'd 8.)proved t:18 following : JEP~E DPLKE: RICSIDENCE; Purc':l8.se , wi th Eztenrion Funds , of the J c['se Ir"lce resi dence an~ l ot for $6 , 000 , plus a l tera t ions , inprovements , and additions t ,-, the bui L'l i ng costi ng $4, DOO , .3. t otd of $10, 900 f or r;hich the Re settlement Adu i ni stre',t ion i s paying t o the Extendon Service a r ent::l of $1 25 p er mont h . Th i s propert y i s a c r o ~, s the s treet from Co:ner He, l l in Au·ourn . :r:i'l'ELJSIOr-T CF iPS : :t~ype nditur e of ~3 8 , 000 of }i;xtens ion Pervi ce Funds in conjlmction with ~~9 :2. , OOO of Works ? .rogress Admi ni str ation f uncs in the er e c t ion of ;)0 cot t aees , 3. di n i ng hal l , and an ampi theater at Auburn to be used as a stat,e c .g.m~ and thereby exoand 2.nd i rnurove the f , cili t i cs and ser v i ces of the Ll abaJ118. - - 0lytec1m i c I nfti tute . :gALL I :,; ~'.oV;i,lENTS : Expendi t ure of $1,750 f r o"l tiE; ol d Pmith Hall f und (bal ance saved by C~'rA help) for alterati om1 , reT)Fl.i rs , :mel i :D:orovernents t o broun H~.ll , thereby ,-,aki n§:. i t va i lubJ.e t o l .'lr gcr grou'li- of st u" en ~ , i n re s ponse t ) th8 increaRe in enr o ll~neYlt c,t t he bep: i nnin;- of th(~ 1935- 36 se0; ion . HEfiT I NG VtPf'DVR.mNTS : E:AtJ:)ndtir ure of $3 , 500 of the old ~·m ith Hall -<'und in instal l inp- neVi heating plant f or P.<JlllS8.y rIal l, the L- Bllilning , a nf1 t he Shops ; and rdnor repai rs t o E'i.l.mfor d Ha.ll , the Poultry How:; e , and the Vet erina ry Bu ilc' i ngs , COftinr a t ot , l of $1 , 350 . PUECHA:::"~ OF LAND: Purchase (fr om f une; ;:; nade availabl e by the l eF i s l ature from t.he St a.te Depart ment of Agr i culture) of 163 a cres of l and at Headl and , Al abama , f or Ufe by t he ":Lrev.ra ps Experi ment .<?tation ; and , fr o:n the s ame f unds , of 40 a cr Of of lanc~ at Crofsville , Alabruaa , for use by the 2anrl .. I01mt ain ::!;xper.iment Stc:.t ion . ( 9) DEAT::,s IN Ii ACUL TY Resolutions as f ollo 'rs "'er e aoouted by t e board wi th t he request t hat co:)iI:;!s be s ent to the foni l i es concer ned : DOer"OR CHARLES ALLEn CARY: ';T.HEl:mAS , death on l\pri 1 24 , 1935 , re:noved Loct or Charl es 1,.11on C ry froru t he faculty of the Al e.bmna Polytechnic I n-i-} titute after f orty- three y ear s of service , be ing dean of < the school of vet erinary ,ne C1 icine s i nce 1')07 , and "l1EREAS , r octor C .~ry d L3t inc.::ui s h f~c1 ;·li.nself and t he Alabama Polytechnic I nst itute by tlJ8 ou-:'s r.o.nding work he di d as an i l1s t r-ctor , orofe. s or , dODn , anr::.. 10aoe1' , r e nde r ~ng las t l nc a no. i nval"J.13.')le service I":) the geo:)1.0 of Al abama anCi t he nation, TI-m;-.Ef ORE, BE IT R".2:)LVED , that ':7e reco[ni ze the great l oss t o thi s i n::: i. i. J~u t ion cau s ed by Doc t or Car y ' s oenth anr express t o :11'::; . Cc..ry "me other '21.ember s of h i :' f ~Jlllily our hi gh appreci ation of Loct'Jr C,.ry anCi our sympathy 1""i th t he '.: ber ause of their b e­r '3EVement and 10;' s . .., DOCTOR BOLLING HJ\LL C RENfFJ~\,i : page 5 Board l'Ji nutes 2/1:2/ 36 Y'HEREAS , death on Noveillber 25 , 1935 , removed Doctor Bolli ng Hall Crenshaw f rom the f a culty of the Al abama Polyt echnic I ns t i t u t e , thus ending a per i od of f ort y- four years of di sti nc li f hed ser vice as i nstr uctor, profe ssor , admi n i s trati ve head of the :nat'1em:3.t i cs department , and f or three year s a meruber of the aclni ni s tTati ve commi ttee , and 'N~.-J:EREAS , Doct or Crem haw had distingui shed hi mp el f in every capac i ty and also a s e.n author of textbooks , and 'hliEREAS , Doctor Crenshaw exeTcised a wholes ome end ins ,?ir i ng i nfluence u,?on ,I I l!1ho c ..... me i n c ')nt a c t '.'ri t h hi m, THEREFORE, BE IT RE;~OLVED , that the gTeat 102s t o thi s insti­tll t ion i s hereby recof ni zed , and that we expres s to Dod:.or Crens hpw" p wi dov[ a nd' chi ldren our llieh appreci ation Gf him in every canaci t y , and tha t a copy of t~l es e r e rwlut i ons be come a par t of our permanerit records . MR . PORTER CROVJL BROOK: I n the d eath (on December 30, 1935) of Porter Crowl Brook , assist.ant s t ate supervi s or a agri r ultura1 educat.i on , t he Al abama Polyteclmi c I nstitute l o!"t an ble , f a ithful, con­SCienti ous , and devoted member of the staff . Hi s pass i ng was a :ma j or loss t:J thi s ins tit ution _nd also to i nstruction in voca t iOl al agricultur e i n yihieh he ITas engaged . t;,r . Brook came to Auburn after sever al y ears of t eac1.i ng experience in Alabama schools . He held the B. S., ami M. S . , degrees f rom the University of Georgi a . rih i le he V'oS not a.n alwnnuf of Auburn by act ual gr ad11ation, he 'Nas in 3er vi ce, in faith , 2.nd in a ppreci ation . To his vTi fe anrj other members of the bereaved f 2J'1ily our s i ncere sympathy i s extended . P EO_'2S~; O R GEORGE LUDWIG FI CK: On Febr uary 2 , 1936 , Profe ssor Geor ge Ludwi g Fi ek of the botany depart ment of the Alabama Polytechni c I ns t itut e was called to h i s f i nal reward . Pr ofesc or Fi ck has been connected wi th the Al abama Polytechni c I nst itu t e continuously s ince 1926 , exce:?t for one y eOI' s_ ent as a graduate s tudent in the Un i'l1lrs i ty of ~.~ Lsour i. Hi s dea t h tool{ f r om t he f a culty of t his insti t u t ion a Y01,LYl8 man who VIas well tra i ned - nO. who was hif.'hly enc o':!ed f or tea ch i ng ; and , a s a t ea cher , he made an excellent recor d . Able , t horough , consc i en t i ous , and ca r eful, hiG y-'O :,:,k in tho clas ioroom and i n the l abora tory r'!as outst anding . page 6 B02.rd :~ inute s 2/12/36 To hh ' Vill e and other member::> of the bereaved fanily we extend our s i n cere sym.9["cthy and express to t hem our hi gh appreci ation of Professor Fick as a teacher and also as a man. While he i s c one , hi s memory \':ill l inper v.'ith us ana be a blessing to us . (10) RE~f)LU'I'IOH OIJ WAPI On motion by Mr . Samford , seconded by I'lr . Conner , t he board ari opted the f ol­Im7ing res 0lution, " i th Illr . Culver voting II No II : Hi; ,IEREAS , radio station 1.'!API , of "hi eh the University of ill ab lJUa, Alabaltla Poly t echnic In:"ti t ute [lnd t he Alabama College are joi nt onners , i s now beinv operated under a l e3.8e con­t r act (or agreel!lent ) w~ich '.'!ill e:<-pire on July 31 , 1937: II Tfl£.'l.EFORE, be i t resolved by The Boare of Trustees of the Alabama Poiytec~ic I nstitute t hat the Pres i dent be and hereby i s authori zed and e!'lDo," ered t:J act for and in behalf of the A18bama Polyte chnic I nctitute as i ts represe':ltl'ltive in con;junction ·;ith the c.1Lly ,.uthori zed repr esentatives of the University of Alabama and the Al ab:liila College ( joint Oi'mer s of the station ,'lith the Al abalila Polyt echnic Institute) , t Ofether vlith the Governor as Chai rman of the three Boards , i n all at t ers relating to the leasinr, of r adio station V!P.PI and i n any other matter ::; comlected wih sai d s t ati on upon conr: iti on, hov'ever , (1) that there shall ()e no con2icerat ion of any offer for the purchase of said st'3.tion nor 'lny impa i rment of the contractual r; e h-:';:; ()f the A 13.bBIaa Polytec':mic Ins t i-t ute in sai.d s t et Lon c S Fet forth L"l that certain vne ... orandmn of ar;reement executed on February 25, 1929 , b: and between the P~ab8Jna Polyteclmic I w::ti t ute , the Universi ty of Alab a:~la , and the Al abalua Collet: e , and (2) t h t 1Nha tever ac l~ion i s ta (en by the .forementioneo representatives sh[~ll "e taken unanimously . " (11) UrHTY D. DANCY VrILL Predr. ent f uncan reported t hat the colleg e had rece i ved a. net of ~?ll , 550 from a will of ;,1iss Unity I . Dancy as a bequest t o 1I':'ho Tru ft ees of t he Alabama Polytecltnic Inst itute at Auhurn, Alabama, ann t heir successor s in office, in -':,rust , ho;;,ever , said nrincipal f'mn to oe i nvested and helri by ~airl Trus tees as a:1 endovnnent f und , from y;hi ch all revenues , incomes , eli vi oends anr. yiel(l.s , annually, are t o be used and devoted by said Trustees to the us e , benefit and malntm ance of the ' Depart,nent of Chemical Eng i.neering and Chemistry and i\ie t" l lurgy ' of the College of' Eng ineeri ng of the Al abama Polyteclmic I nc t i t u t e at Au burn, Alabama . II He s a i d th,a t an addi tiona l $500 may be received . The 1il>arc' authorized Presi dent Duncan to i nvest this money in the Theta Chi fund and to use the income as a library f und for chemi stry and me ti-dlurf:"Y as s t i pulated in the \,Til1. Upon motion by IVlr. Cormer, second~d by Mr. Haley, the Board recessed sub ject to call by t he Chairman. P. O. D&vi s " Secretary (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 09) (lei) (l~) ( ~) INDEX BOARD MINUTES August 27, 1936 ILLNESS OF SENATOR ROGERS AND DR. BLUE MEl10RALIZING DOCTOR OATES MINUTES APPROVED El\TROLLMENT 1935-36 .APPROV AL OF DEGREES RURAL ELECTRIFICATION AGRICULTUR1~ CONSERVATION BUDGETS APPROVED College Experiment Station Extension Service SUMMER SCHOOL BUDGEI' LIBRARY FEE OF TWO DOLLARS ($2.00) FULL-TIME EMPLOYMENT ADDITIONAL OFFICE SPACE August 27, 1956 Meeting of Board of Trustees in off ioeof the President, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Alabama, Thursday, August 27, 1956, 11 A. M. PRESENT: Governor Bibb Graves, Dr. Keller, Dr. O'Neal, Judge Merrill, Judge Hare, Colonel Samford, Messrs. Hal ey and Cul ver, and President Duncan. ABSENT: Dr. Hlue, Dr. Hanson, Messrs. Rogers and Conner. The board welcomed Dr. Edward A. O'Neal and Judge Francis W. Hare as new members, expressing appreciation of their presence and thanking Governor Graves for appointing them. On motion by Mr. Samford, seconded by Judge Hare, the f ollowing resolution was adopted: (1) ILLNESS OF SENATOR ROGERS AND DR. BLUE On motion by JlfU'. Samford, seconded by Mr. Haley, the board "Resolved that this board of trustees notices with deep regret absence caused by prolonged illness of our good friend, Honorable John A. Rogers, long-time distinguished and valuable member of this board. We greatly missed his wise counsel and helpful suggestions and we earnestly hope f or full restoration of his health and his return to active illembership on this bard. "Resolved further, that the secretary of this board is instructed to send a copy of these resolutions to Mr. Rogers with a message of aff ection f rom the board." The board received vdth much pleasure a report of continued improvement of Dr. George Blue and earnestly hoped for complete recovery. (2) MEMORALIZING DR. OATES BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute notices with a spirit of sadness and grief the absence of Dr. W. H. Oates, a. long-time honored member of this Board of Trustees f rom the f irst district. RESOLVED that this board express its appreciation of the valuabl e services rendered by Dr. Oates as a member of the Board of Trustees during the long years of unselfish service that he so generousl y gave t o the promotion of the welfare of t his college. RESOLVED FURTHER that as a token of our appreciation that a page in the minutes of the Board of Trustees be set aside in memory of Dr. Oates who departed this lif e at his home, Mobil e, Alabama, on the 1st day of March, 1936. RESOLVED FURTHER that a copy 01' these resolutions be sent to members of the ffu~ily and be f urnished to the press of Alabama for publication. (5) MINUTES APPROVED Minutes of the meeting of t he board of the meeting held on February 12, 1936, were approved as submitted by the secretary and made a part of the permanent records of the board. (4) ENROLLMENT 1955-36 page 2 Board Minutes 8/27/56 It was officially reported to the board that the student enrollment at the Alabama Polytechnic Institute for the year 1955-56 was 2550 against 1912 for the previous session, an increase of 22 per cent. Freshman enrollment totaled 864 against 672 for the previous year, an increase of 28.5 per cent. Thirty-nine states and f oreign countries were represented in our enrollment but 80 per cent of" the total came from Alabama. An additional 11 per cent came f rom the four states (Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, and Tennessee) which adjoin Alabama, a total of 91 per cent f rom Alabama and adjoining states. Likewise, the 1956 summer session was the biggest and best in Auburn's history. The gross total enrollment was 2410 against a gross total of 1819 the previous year. (5) APPRO V AL OF DEGREES On motion of Mr. Haley, seconded by Mr. Culver, degrees which had been conferred by the faculty on May 25, 1956 and August 21, 1956 were approved as per list attached as part of these minutes. (J:u., 6..y-lwl:J- ti'.J ~ ~ ) (6) RURAL ELECTRIFICATION The f ollowing resolution, on motion by Mr. Haley and seconded by Mr. Culver, was adopted: "WHEREAS, the proper use of electricity on the f arms and in the farm homes of Alabama is a matter of great importance and value to the farm people of the state; and "WHEREAS, the Agricultural Experiment Station of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute is an offi cial State and Federal agency created and operated f or the purpose of f inding new truths pertaining to al l matters of rural improvement; and "WHEREAS, the Agricultural Extension Service of the Alabama Polytechnic Instit ute is an official State and Federal agency created and operated f or the purpose of bringing to the farms and their families throughout the State full inf ormation on all mat ters pertaining to agriculture, farm home lif e and rural development: "NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the President is hereby authorized and empowered t o enter into and execute agreements between the Alabama Polytechnic Institute and any or all companies, inst itutions and/or agencies producing or distributing electricity in Alabama f or t he purpose of carrying on such researches, demonstr ations and f urnishing f ull inf ormation f or the purpose of developing the use of electricity on or about the farm or farm home and assisting farmers, f arm women, rural residents, and rural industries in obtaining every available use of el ectri City. page 3 Board Minutes 8/27/36 "That the Alabama Polytechnic Institute i s authorized and empowered, when such agreements have been properly executed, to receive f unds or donations f rom any agency or institution producing or distributing electri city. Such f unds shall be disbursed by the Treasurer of t he Institution for the em­ployment of trained and experienced people selected and directed by the President of the Alabama Polytechni c Institute and f or other necessary costs in carryir~ into execution any cooperative agreement or agreements entered into by the Institution and such agency or agencies making such contributions or donations. "That it is hereby understood to be the pol icy of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, in all cases in f ormulating and executing any such agreements with any company, instiution or agency producing or distributing electricity in Alabama, to conf ine the efforts strictly t o the r esear ch, informational and educational phases of the rural electrif ication progr am, including such matters as how rural people may organi ze and t ake steps necessary to get el ectriCity. It is f urther understood and agreed t hat representatives of the Alab8~a Polytech~ic Institute shall t ake no part whatsoever in any controversial matters between competing concerns as to t he s ources of the current. The President of the Alaoama Polytechnic Institute is hereby instructed in the f ormulation and execution of any cooperat ive agr eements with reference to rural el ectrification, to carry out t :lis pol icy." (7) AGRICULTURAL CONSERVATION The f ollowing resolution was " td (~4~2?;"""" ~~ aaope: ~~ ~ ~. ) itResolved t hat the pres i dent i s hereby authorized and empowered to execute and carry out the f ollowing IvIemorandwn of Understanding between the Alabama Polytechnic Insti t ute and the United States Department of Agricul ture, regarding the Administration of the 1936 Agricultural Conservation Progr am of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration in the State of Alabruna." (Copy attached) (8) BUDGEr'S APPROVED Budgets for t he fiscal year beginning July 1, 1936, were approved for the college, t~e extension service, and t he experiment s t ation, as per copies attached to t he minute book of the board, with the fol l owing r esolution which was of f ered by Mr. Sa;:nf ord and seconded by [>.1r. Cul ver: "Resolved, t hat t he budgets for Alabmna Polytecrnlic I nstitute , teaching, research, and extension, for the college fis cal year beginning July 1, 1936, and ending June 30, 1937, as presented to Dr . L. N. Duncan, President, be and the sarne are ',ereby adopted. "Provi ded, however, t hat the amount s f ixed in the budgets f arthe year 1936-37 anc. set oppos i te the nar:les of the respective officers , teachers, employes and attaches of the Alabama Polytechnic I nsti t ute shall be 1L~der­stood to be estimates only and not f i xed salaries, and in no sense promises t o pay and only sums f ixed as a basis for relative mnount s to be pai d to such na'11ed officers, teachers, employee, and attaches upon a r atio or per cent of payment of the f unds and/or income of the institut ion f or the annual support and maintenance of said institution. And nothing in said budgets shall be accepted, or construed t o be legal obl i gations or l i abi li ties ag ainst the Alabama Polytechnic Institut e. page 4 Board Minutes 8/27/36 "Be it f urther Resolved, that the r esolutions adopted by the Board June 27, 1932 and January 12, 1933 relative to payment of sal aries and/or wages is hereby reaff irmed and adopted as the fixed and permanent policy of this Board of Trustees and of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute." It was explai ned t hat the budget co~~ittee composed of Messrs. Samford, Culver , Haley, had examined t hese budgets on the day bef ore. It was explained furt~er that the budgets for the extension service and the experL~ent station had been approved by proper off icials in Washi ngton. (10) SUMME..Tt SCHOOL BUDGET The board requested that the budget of the 1936 sa~er session be submitted and made a part of these minutes. (64-~ Jh _ ./?e",e-4.,; ~) (11) LIBRARY FEE OF $2.00 On motion by Mr . Culver, seconded by Mr. Samford , the board resolved that a library fee of $2 .00 per semester be collected for one school year (1936-57) from each student. (12) FULL-TII'ilE EMPLOYMENT On motion by Mr . Culver, seconded by Mr . Haley, it was ruled by the board of trustees t hat all officers and employees of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute whose salaries are budgeted on a 12-months basis are expected to give their full time to the Institute. (15) ADDITIONAL OFFICE SPACE President Duncan informed the board of inadequate off ice space on the agricultural campus due to additional goverrunent work. He requested permission to erect additional office s pace back of the Agricaltural Engineering Building, as a PWA project with the Extension Service providing 55 per cent ($16,500) of the funds and the remaining 45 per cent ($15,400) to be a PWA grant. the board authorized t his "if and when" funds are available. Upon motion by Dr. Keller , seconded by Judge Merr ill the Board r ecessed ~~bject to call by the Chairman. P. o. Davis SecretaryAuburn University Board of Trustees19361930sAuburn University LibrariesEducation—Higher Education; History—1929-1945: The Great Depression and World War IItextpdfBOT_1936.pdfAuburn University Libraries. Special Collections and Archiveseng1936This image is the property of the Auburn University Libraries and is intended for non-commercial use. Users of the image are asked to acknowledge the Auburn University Libraries. For information about obtaining high-resolution copies of this and other images in this collection, please contact the Auburn University Libraries Special Collections & Archives Department at archives@auburn.edu or (334) 844-1732.http://cdm17353.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/bot/id/7413