1933 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute

Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1933.r Januar,r 12, 1955 Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute in the Governor's office, State Capitol, Montgomery, beginni ng at 10 o'clock Thur sday, January 12, 1955, with the following present: Governor M...

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Main Author: Auburn University Board of Trustees
Format: Electronic
Published: Auburn University Libraries
Online Access:http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7410
Summary:Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1933.r Januar,r 12, 1955 Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute in the Governor's office, State Capitol, Montgomery, beginni ng at 10 o'clock Thur sday, January 12, 1955, with the following present: Governor Miller, Messrs. Harman, Henderson, Ashcraft, Oates, Samford, Haley, Merrill, Herzfeld, Culver, Chairman Wilmore, Professor Crenshaw, Director Duncan, and P. O. Davis, Secretary. Trustees absent: Messrs. Hanson, Conner, Rogers. On motion by rar. Samford, seconded by Mr. Haley, P. O. Davis was elected secretary of t he board. Dean Wilmore informed the board that Mr. Victor Hanson had called and advised him of the illness of his wife, explaining that because of this he was unable to attend t he board meeting. Thereupon the board requested the secretary to send a telegram of sympat hy to Mr. Hanson and express the regrets of the board because of his absence. The following telegr&m was sent: "Dr. Victor Hanson, Birmingham News, Birmingham, Alabama. The Auburn board of trustees by resolution at meeting today expresses sincere sympathy because of illness of Mrs. Hanson and wishes for her rapid recovery. The board missed you t oday. P. O. Davis, See'y." Governor Miller t hen re~uested Dean Wilmore as chai rman of the Administrative Commit tee to present his r eport and recolrunendations. Dean Wi lmore then presented t he following: "TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF TRUSTEES of the ALABM4A POLYTECHNIC I NSTITUTE. "Gentlemen: "The members appointed to serve on the Administrative Committee met and organized for work on August 8, 1932. Dean Jno. J. Wilmore was made chairman, Professor B. H. Crenshaw, vice-chairman, and Director L. N. Duncan, secretary. The comrnittee f aced a situation which was discouraging to say the least. Its tenure of office was indefinite. Its experience in administrative affairs limited, its authority vague and uncertain, its r esponsibilities very heavy, and its difficulties and pr eplexities over­whelming. "When we bega..'1 to size up the situation we f ound th~ t the institution had order ed i n good f aith, and had received from approximately five hundred different firms and individuals, goods and supplies to the value of more than $160,000.00 for which payment had not been made. We found that approximA.tely three hundred thousand dollars properly belonging to mainte­nance and reserve funds from which these bills should have been paid, had been put into buildings in anticipation of building war rants which were never received. ~ e found loans on which interest amounting to approxi­mately $10,000. 00 per year must be paid. Ju~ salaries were due to those members of the &aff who were on twelve months basis. The college treasury was empty and we had to borrow money to buy stamps to send out the college mail. "The faculty and other members of the staff had been notified that beginning July 1, no one had a job for the coming year and those who were retained cou~d not have any assurance of a definite salary or the date at which payment would be made. They had received Certificates of Indebtedness for most of their salaries for the ten months preceding, and these certi­ficates were certainly not legal tender and were only transferable in a very limited sense. Naturally the morale was low and both the college people and the townspeople were blue and discouraged. "A special session of the legislature was forecast, and it seemed certain that if such session was called heavy cuts in appropriations would be made. If reorganization and reduction in our staff were made before the legislature adopted a policy we ""ould almost certainly suffer a double cut. The matter was explained to the f aculty and a general understanding arrived at that any money received would be prorated until such time as the legislature established a financial policy f or the state and a definite budget for the college could be prepared. "Very little had been done in the way of interesting high school graduates in entering at Auburn for the fall semester. Catalogs had been sent to those who had asked for them and letters requesting information had been answered but no systematic or organized effort had been made to enlist the interest of prospective students. Rumors were being constantly circulated that Auburn would not open at all, and if it did open it could not possibly oper ~ te longer than Christmas. "Money was not available for printing and sending out advertising liter ature but the committee prepared a letter announcing that the institution w0uld open as scheduled and giving information about registration and the payment of fees. This was sent to those who had requested catalogs or other information and to all students in attend­ance last year. "Considering all these handicaps our most optimistic estimate in advance of registration was an enrollment of 1500. Approximately 1750 persons applied for registru.tion and of this number 1620 signed class cards and attended classes. The others were not able to establish any definite source of income from Fhich to pay f ees and other expenses and vere advised not to try to enter. "The number of applications for cat alogs and information indicate that a considerable nwnber of high school students v-ho graduate at mid-year are considering entering coll l~ge at the beginning of the second semester. We hope to have our share of these students. "A matter which is forcing itself to the attention of college adminis­trators in Alabama is the f~l ct that be closing of the high schools cuts off the supply of high school graduates for college registrtion next year. Some variation from the srict observance of the r egulations of the Educational Organization may have to be agreed upon or a considerable number of students will lose a half year or more of valuable time in securing their college training. 1- ' 1- ' "The matter has already been brought to the attention of our committee in connection with registration for the second semester t his year. The State Department of Education no doubt ha s the matter under advisement and will help us to work out some feasible plan which will avoid this loss of student time, and which may be tentatively used until approved by the Board. "The Administrative Committee would also bring to the attention of the Board t he status of certain loans which have been sponsored by the college to build fraternity houses and would raise the question whether or not it is wise for the college to assume further financial obligations of this sort under the conditions that now prevail. "Two of the frat ernities for which the college has sponsored loans to build houses are in financial difficulties. One finds it almost im­possible to r aise the money for the monthly payments. In the other case the loan was accepted with the understanding that it was to be repaid in a lump sum at the end of twenty years. We find that several hundred dollars of this money that had been paid in by the fra t ernity was invested by the college in the securities of a company which has f ailed. It seems doubtful whether any of this can be recovered, The contract specifies that the college is not r esponsible for such losses, but it s eems to us such a contract is neither good ethics nor good business and the Administrative Committee brings the matter to your attention at this time, and disclaims responsibility for what has occurred. "Another fraternity is now urging us to sponsor a loan for them to build a house at once. IIAt t he time the plan of financing the building of fraternity houses by loans sponsored by the college was started, the rooming facilities of the town were entirely inadequate for comfortably caring for the student body. This plan furnished a way to increase these facilities, presumably ~~thout expense to the college. That condition no longer exists, the present rooming facilities being ample for a considerable increase in the student body. lilt is suggested t hat the members of the Board have this question in mind and t hat they make such investigations as they desire, perhaps finally disposing of it at the next meeting. - "Being without money tQ pay labor it was necessary to cut the labor pay roll to the limit. Where possible students have been employed and allowed to work out their fees. Members of the teaching staff who had resigned or were away on leave were not replaced except in a few cases. The work was distributed among other members of the staff by increasing t he size of sections and increasing the number of sections. "A very urgent need of the college at the present t ime is money for the maintenance of our buildings. The old buildings have been neglected while the new ones have been under construction. Roofs need repair and painting. Both interiors and exteriors need repairs and repainting and much work of general mai ntenance needs to be done. The cost of such work increases at a very rapid rate after a few years of neglect. "The attitude of the student body has been very f i ne. The general behavior has been good. Many instructor s r eport that the students are more t han usually attentive to their ork and f ewer unexcused abs ences were reported. To illustrate this further it may be mentioned that "a de­cided increase in the use of the library by the students has been noted during this semester. Notwithstanding the fact that the pas sing grade was r aised from 60 to 70 beginni ng this year, the number of f ailures is only slightly mor e than last year. "The success of our football team this season has "been most heartening to both students and faculty. "The member s of the s _uad were hi gh class fellows, and with very few exceptions made satisfactory academic records. We commend the coaching staff i n t he highest terms. They are high t ype men and did a wonderful j ob of coaching. In addition they did not fail to insist t hat the men keep up their college work. "We wish to commend in the highest terms the cooper ation and sup)ort of the faculty and all other members of the staff during the trying times through which v.e have b een passing. Aft er defi nite pl ans had been made for carrying on the ~rk of the instl t ution, the members of the staff fell into line most loyally and have worked f aithfully and eff iciently. "As soon as the special s essi on of the legi sl ature adjourned the Admin­istrative Committee began active work on the budget. The Budget Committee of the Board had gone carefully into the matter dur ing t he summer and at t he conclusion of t heir work, made a number of suggestions and recom­mendations whi ch we tried t o embody in our budget. "When it began to as sume something l i ke a final f orm the Budget Committee was invited to meet v,' i th us and go over it in detail. Some few changes were made and it is now presented as the combined work of the Budget Committee of the Board and of the Administrative Committee of t he college. "Mr. Duncan has handled t he detai ls of this work because he has had more experience in such matters t han either of t he other members of the committee and because he i s not subject t o the constant interruptions of students and others that are unavoidable in t he office in Samford Hall. Mr. Duncan will pr esent t he budget. "Respectfully submitted, Jno. J. Wilmore, Chairman B. H. Crenshaw, Vice-Chairman L. N. Duncan, Secretary Administrative Committee." Dean Wi lmore then presented the follo\"/ing recommendations , each of which was approved by unanimous vote of the board except in the case of Item 8 concerning C. E. Molpus which the board declined to review: "TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF TRUSTEES of t he ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, "Gentlemen: .., ... "The Administrative Committee i s wi t hout experience in t he rout ine and pr actice of this Board. Its members have no desire to t ake the time of the Board in considering unimportant details. On t he other hand we do not wish to decide matters which should be decided by the Boar d. However, it seemed necessary to us t hat we bring the following matters t o your attenti on, together with our recommendations, and re­quest you t o t ake such action as you think proper: "Item 1: To appoint an attorney to represent the Alabama Polytechnic Institute in the case of the ontest of the will of the l ate Unity D. Dancy of Decatur, Alabama. "It is recommended thE.,t the firm of Lynne, Patton and Lynne,of Decatur be appointed. The advice of the Board is requested in the matter of compensation. "Item 2: A change of fees for students who t ake six semester hours or less during the r egular session. "The f ollowing scale of f ees i s recommended: "For 1 semester-hour, a f ee of $5.00 per semester For 2 s emester-hours, a fee of $7.00 per semester For 5 semester-hours, a fee of $9.00 per semester For 4 semester-hours, a fee of $11.00 per semester . For 5 semester-hours, a fee of $15.00 per semester For 6 semester-hours, a fee of $15.00 per semest er "The basis of the scale i s the same as that used in the SUIilmer School, viz. Registration Fee of $5.00 plus a clwrge of $2.00 per semester-hour of work taken. "It is desired t hat if approved this recommendation become eff ective at the beginning of the second semester, January 20, 1955, provided t hat it is permissible to charge a fee not listed in the catalog. "Item 5: To authorize the char ging of a special fee to students t aking the course in oxy-acetylene welding. liThe Committee recommends a f ee of $5.00 per semester as sufficient to pay the cost of the materials consumed by the student. It is desired t hat if approved this ,recommendation become effective at the beginning of the second semester, January 20, 1955. "Item 4: To. r elieve certai n vocational student s from regular college f ees. "By an act of the Legislature, War Or phans selected by the State Depart­ment of Education may be appointed to diff er ent institutions for education and vocational training. Under a ruling of t he Attorney General, no per son eligible for the benefits of t his Act may be charged either tuition or fees necessa17 for admissi on to stat e insti tutions . "A letter from Dr. J. B. Hobdy, director of Vocational Education, State Department of Education, gives t he f ollowing interpretati on of the law: 5'1 "'The beneficiary ,;ill not be exempt from such fees as: contingent deposits, purchase cf uniforms, and l ate regis­tra t i on fees. All other f ees, accor ding to the Attorney General's ruling, as we understand it, are to be provided by the college.' "It is the understanding of the Administrative Committee that the State t hrough the Department of Education provides the student with board, room, books, and supplies. "It is recommended tha t the Board authorize the Administrative Committee to accept students under t he provi sions of t his l aw. "Item 5: Extension of leave without pay. ~It is recommended that the leave of absence of Professor Noel B. Van Wagenen be extended from July 1, 1952, to June 30, 1935. It is specifical~ understood t hat the leave i s granted without pay and t hat there will be no pl ace open for him here at the expiration of the leave. "Item 6: The Board is r equested to confirm t he act ion of the Administrative Committee in cancelling the registration and remitt ing the fees of the following students: "Harry Jones of Eufaula, Alabama- was threatened with prolonged illness and was advised by Dr. Thomas , the college physician , to r esi gn and go home. Attended classes only a few days. "Charles W. Copeland, Auburn, Alabama- attended college about t wo and a half weeks and f ound t hat on account of increasing deafness he was unable to benefit from class instruction. "J. W. Sparks, Auburn, Alabama- is a graduate of the college, a married man, and had been without a job f or sometime. He registered for a six-semester-hour course and shortly after got a job. He attended clas ses about two weeks. "Item 7: Remitting the fees of Clovis Vickery of Birmingham: Mr. Vickery made a special request that his case be presented t o the Board. He owed $35.00 on his fees for the second semester l ast year. He made a note secured by State warrants for his fees for this semester. At the end of about three weeks he was forced to withdraw because of unexpected financi al difficulties' encountered by his parents so that he could not pay his board. "The face value of the warrants which he has turned in as security f or t he note for his fees is considerably in excess of the amount of the note, and he requests that the Board remit t he unused part of the first semester fees in order that the warrant will have enough balance to carry a note f or the s econd s emest er f ees. "Thi s is somewhat i r regular and the only suggestion the committee can offer is that t he balance due on f ees f or last year be covered and the unused part of the warrants accepted as security for note for second semester f ees. "Item 8: Remitting the fees of C. E. Molpus: Mr . Molpus made a special request that his case be present ed to the Board. He attended t he Auburn­Duke football game in Birmingham on October 8. He was drunk and disorderly at the game and had to be removed by the police. Had given trouble the night before at a hotel. He was tried by the Discipline Committee and on t heir recommendation was dismissed from college. He had attended classes for one month. "The Administrative Committee reports the case wi t hout recommendation . "Item 9: In the case of Mr. B. L. Shi, it is recommended that the Board authorize the Administrative Committee to make such assignments of work as s eem wise and report back to the Board at its meeting on February 22 for adjustment of salary. "Mr. Shi was on sick leave authorized by the Board until September 1, 1932. At that time he was unable to t ake up hi s work. He has now returned to his home in Auburn and seems t o be much improved. His doctor advised him to come back and begin work, starting with a reduced load. The Administrat i ve Committee has arranged to give him some classes in Mathematics, beginning with the . second semester, January 23 , alld can add other work as he is able to carr"J it. "Item 10: Stringent f inanci al conditions are being felt very keenly by Auburn students as revealed by the large number reliuesting deferred pay­ment 'of part or all of registration fees. "In view of this condition it is recommended that students be authorized to pay registration fees for each semester in t wo equal installments, one upon registering and the other on or before mid-semester, provided any stUdent who pays fees this way be required to pay a handling charge of $3 . 00. "lfiith thousands of State and county warrants and certificates either being held or in circulation we at the beginning of this session were besieged with requests from students to accept these papers in payment offees. After considering these requests and studying records of actions of our board of trustees we agreed to 'accept warrants, certificates, or other bona fide evidences ·of indebtedness of Stat e, county , or school district as security on note which Trill bear interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, provided that no warrants, certificates , or other evidences bf in- , debtedness as herein stated ~~ll be accepted unless issued to the student or to a member of he student's immediate f amily - father, mother, brother, sister, husband or wire.' "We ask your appr oval of the above; and also your approval of the following rule governing payment of registration fees f or the second semester of t he 1932-33 session: "'Each student must pay registration fees on or before registering. This is required by our governing board. The administrative authorities are authorized, however, to accept warrants, certif icates, or other bona fide evidences of indebtedness of State, county, or school distri ct as secur ity on note 'hich will bear inter est at t he r ate of 6 per cent per annum, provided t hat no warrants, certificates, or other evidences of indebtedness as herein stated will be accepted unles s i ssued to tl:E stUdent or to a member of the ~ ( student's i mmedi at e family- fat her, mother, brother, sister, husband or wife- as evidence of indebtedness to the per son to whom issed. Payment of fees this way does not include student activity fee of $7.50 and sub­scription s t o the Auburn Engineer and the Alabama Farmer. Cash p~yment of these is required because student activities (athletics, Glomer ata, Plainsman, lectures, dramatics and speech, YMCA, YWCA, social, and band) cannot be conducted properly without cash. " 'A junior or a s enior ,~ho i s in the ROTC unit may pledge his ROTC incom.e up to a maximum of $32.50 in payment of fees provided said student has written request from. either his f at her or mother or guardi1ll1 that this be done, and provided also t hcLt it is approved by the Military Department. A student who pledges his ROTC income will not be permitted to pay the remainder by note with warrants or certificates attached as security. A student i~ ho is working for the college will not be permitted to use warrants or certifi cates in payment of fees.~ "lltem 11: The 1931-32 catalog lists Professor C. 1. Hare as Dean of the School of Chemistry and Pharmacy. Upon inquiry we find that President Knapp instructed Mr. Shi to put that title in the catalog. Professor Hare states that President Knapp told him definitely that he had been appointed to t he position. "The Administrative Corrunitt ee finds no record in t he minutes of the Board that final action was t ~ken. We, therefore , recommend t hat ��the Board confirm the retion of President Knapp in making this ap;Join trnent. " Mr. Samford t hen moved, seconded by Judge Merrill, as follows: "That no action of the board at t his meeting be either accepted or intrepreted a s a precendent." Mr . Duncan then presented the budgets for the f iscal year ending June 30, 1933. Copy attached. After they were presented Mr. C.• S. Culver, chairman of the budget cO.lllilli ttee (Messrs. C. S. Culver, T. D. Samford and P. S. Haley) of the board of trustees made a statement in which he said that "the budget is not entirely satisfactory but that it is the best t hat can be done under the circumstances." He explained that the college year was well advanced before the administrative committee and the budget committees could act definitely. Mr. Samford t hen presented the following resolution which was seconded by Mr. Ashcraft and adopted by unanimous vote: "RESOLVED: That the budgets for t he Alabama Polytechnic Ins t i tute, teaching, research and extension, for the college f iscal year beginning July 1, 1952, and ending June 30, 1953, as presented by the Adminis­trative Committee, be and the same are hereby adopted: "Provided, however, they are accepted and understood to be in harmony and in line with the resolution adopted at the meeting of the Board of Trustees held June 24, 1932, relative t o this subject; "Provided, further, that the several amounts s et down in sai d budgets against or opposi te t he respective name of employees of the Institute, are estimates only and in no sense promises to pay and must not be taken, accepted, or construed as legal liabilities against the Alabama Polytech­nic Institute nor as l egal obligations of said institute; "Pr oV'ided , further , that the Alabama Polytechnic I nstitute cannot and does not obligat e its If to payout nor di sbur se any moneys it does not receive ~ legal appropriations or through its legal and authorized channels, and, therefore, any unpaid salaries at the end of any fiscal year shall immediately l ap se and cease to be in any sense legal l i abilities against or l egal obligations of said insti­tution; "And the Admini s t r ative Committee is hereby instructed to make this proviso clearly understood with each and every employee of the Institute; provided,~lso, t hat the proper disbursing officer s or authorities of said Institute, through or under t he direction of the Administrative Committee, be and they are hereby authorized and instructed, with t he approval of said Administrative Committee, to disburse and payout, ac­cording to t he l aws and ac cording to the regulations and resolutions of this board, pertaini ng to the averal f unds coming into t he treasury of the Institute, whatever moneys may be received by the Ins t i tute on a Pro rata basis as indicated by the various amounts lis t ed as sal aries in said budgets; "Provided, als o, t he Administrative Committee i s further authorized and instructed to pay for cer tain fixed charges, such as l abor, insurance premiums on college property, inter est on out standing loans , and such other similar or necessary items, including t he purchasing of emergency supplies, after which all so-called salaries shal l be pai d on a pro r at a basis as above stipulated as indicated in the said budgets and in accordance with the legal requirements relating to the several funds received." The Board discussed t his resolution at considerabl e length, each member expr essing a desfure to make clear the f act that it requires t he college to live within its income and makes clear the f act t hat t he college wi ll not be responsible in any fi scal year for obligations incurred the previous fisc al year. The mot i on was t hen adopted by unanimous vote. On motion by Mr. Culver, seconded by Mr. Haley and duly adopted, the Administrat i ve Committee was requested to give those peopl e dropped f r om employment advance notice of thirty days before being dropped from the payroll. On motion by Mr. Ashcraft, seconded by Judge Merrill and duly approved, the budget committee of the b oard of trustees composed of Messrs. Culver, Samford, and Haley, was continued. On motion by Mr. Ashcraft, seconded by Dr. Oates, the members of the budget committee of the board of trustees and he members of the administrative committee were pr aised and thanked for t he excellent and f aithful work '." hi eh t hey had done in pr eparing t he budget and also in conducting the affairs of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Governor Miller made a brief stat ement concerning Sta t e f inances. He sai d that on the first of October, 1952, t he state owed the Al abama Polytechnic Institute, $1,498, 264.72. He declared his determination to pay t his and other state obl i gations, t his being one of the mai n r eaons for call i n5 t he l egi sl ature into extraordinary session to convene on January 51, 1955. The Board recessed subject to I AL.AB)'J~A POLY'fECEN1C HlSTI'rUTJ!o .Auburn, Alabama .. La i1 ted Income S~.ry of i:.xpenditures Adm.inistrati on School of .t'''griculture School of E.n.::>in~.eriJlg Texti l e bngineer2"ng EnJinooring Experiment 0tation School of iorehitecture School of .... ciemce .fi.l'Jd Li tsl."l ture uraduate School Chemi..,trl anc.: Pharmac 6chool of iducution Extension teaching fImv 1'.conomics iH itary Ve &ri.na:ry '~eneral <:.ierrv-icc Depart':lcntr. ,f;fi';6 No . 1 2 5 e 11 15 15 14 1:5 18 19 20 21 22 22 22 25 li'!.ureat on l).ldq:1'~£nt In lA".;~ (lx" iertL.iz;(l<1· i~ld !)il~t:- ~' • ,uirre,s-:' ,"""'eft j' ~ HUJ. '.ruiry ~dllt,;;'!, ,ml ~ SUp.i1.I1n~i'ti t b ance JUly"'l lD3:.: SCiJt-,. ~'10, hl~:f Q\d r .. ·~~$1a ("O7{' or 14,250,,00 ll, !U'lJ.OJ .t * l~S .. Q~,1 '.a:.~ R'~/'\; .... ~ .. fJ!; 1~;~!~.~J. l.e',} ; M{! • e.o ~Ji $ 9~5 .. 0..::; tZi ,G~5~OO 8 • .5'~~-, .~}3 l~~ • .i;':: *n~! 00 ~~ , ~ac;Jj):;O 44, "t 7.5 .,"":"\ 54)8'15.00 tl I!68'!",50 2 ' -", 0,.5& 115 ; 000.,00 18, COO., ():l £> , 0'.)0. \J 1 2'/$ ,., • ,,..i.\. . ... Pr; .sitl'Ol t ' ,8 ficgi etr;;:rl .. ,l 'IT,.,.a ": llrsri ':lffiea ~coun:t:.nlt t " anf 3 i,J,tf1~ "l '· ieul.:tural ~eo ~ie>d.l tar " , g' ser ing Agron, :; Ali It:du ... try l*.J.ry l1lSDli!H:J.ry l?'~" t ty nU$'Of1.Wiry ... Qtany E ~i"'~1~i1l tu:rG ·n~a1o ot ..., e .. o 19inu (lQl"ege Imd~e.~$ __ • 1$ 16U. &O 12, ;,10 .. 00 ~ I\';·""O. OO " , 4.w..,iJJ 4,700""00 % ,S10. 3.~ 95"".,QO 2. .. 5t.O':',.S4 1,600.00 8 ~ 45a .. 84 8, 515. ''J 4, 285 ., () 5,,600. 00 S.J 1~$.S 1 fJ, 1540. 01l ''3' '''' ~,;. ..: .. -t~ 12 "84.8 ,,,85 5~~~QO , ~ 15 .. - "O.cr.; H .,. iSO .. !}O ll;t' 15 .. 00 19" «Xl. 00 l .... S :,' *'~~ H"~ u""tio !ilud • -':j.l.tflr;ea . 9,1P . 7$ I J <.55 ,,~lt eiJ-~' . ,J-S 1 , :!SS. ':-l 1.Sr.::.:?4 SSz) ... (}'f:' 125 .. ",0 5se.50 6 .... 0 .. :J0 5,16 ..... 50 1~5 .. 00 00.61 5lg.~;2 21Q .. on 4~S ,.,OO .2::'0 .• 0 264.50 5M. S'l -!,U.. 5~ ~~1.f6.S1 _50",00 218. ' ) 114 ",v.~ 00 ..... 0 1 ti24.00 0, 5m"q.~ i ,O' .. 00 " .. O~:Uti .1YJ 1.-"'~S . 7S o •. ~ 1,$ ... 9-.. 2-5 , ( 5$",1'r ·r11.Q~ 41.50, (;:r .... $ . ,44 4E:5 .. 0l') 2 ;t ~s84..~J ( 08 .. 00 , .. 54-. 50 1, i~ .. 1.1 lt10.(}~ .. ao 1, lM.OO 615.00 1) ~,24 .. Q.O 1\')1'00 tl, .a;}l .. 00 Revis '0 C"'llege ~~&~ t ___ f. 2 .. 5:) "=',,:'41 .. 67 " ,,01.5» ' 5 .. 5;;;5 .. 40 $,t·!o.oo 1~ f,LIJ1 .. , 0 4,tf9£ .. OO 8,01 ... .. 11 ,8'5 .. 50 SA·.1'7 .. 1I::..Q. 641'9 ~~ . 'U" :: ,52 .. 4 , 51~ .... O{'l l S,a t 00 10~S4 00 1 ,.17 ..... 00 ,1.1515,$12 12, 044.0<3 ~ ~ ~ 0riBiM1 CoU e set. 20.000, .00 5.eoo.OO 14.eoo.oo t .'6 li.GOO.OO ,.l44.68 ,000.00 ". ,8,OOO,qQ .l.O6,655 .34 11.232 •. 5S 1.. 2. 1 5.00 1.U7.20 1. . • M* : .t . , . • 00. 15,452.08 . 0.0 .3.567.42 35. • & ,000.00 18, 769 •• 21,000. 00- 5 ,0(10.06 ,0a3.06 3 (lfUl!fti ro'f~L COL!'EG~ :fMCl1"'f . ' _';;lkLT '1. ~ 00.00 2;,"°00. 00 20 .. -1' · S, 5 .... ..00 7, 020.00 lO, 4tO 00 7, 150.00 s., s 00 .. 00 4OO"O~ JJ , .00 6. 4:0 .. 1,, "00 .. 00 17 . ~'''\~2q .10: ,:, , 4 !).ov r~oo"nr.rtlon. Ch1.mt-L l, l,.~ "C-ott \2"'0 00 2 , ~ vO . OO , :) 0",00 12 .. 00 1 # l~!'). (}O 2.3 .00 1, .. 00 i e-O N.... - 50' O .. C{) ""' tl . ~ I:,t;; ~ " . "" ""C .. () .is: - _ I 1 ~ ':'ou l. cut, r~eC.uc- ..JI.u~§ t-i® . , F e~5. 552.O'Yf 10,,,,.52. 00 ". .00 :::50'. 00 2, 510. 00 ~- 5lJi .. OO ~, llS .. OO 11", c;5",OO 4 , $6'0 24, 620.00 4:<:;,. 00 1, ZSS.OO 1*41~. 5Q 9;;011. 50 2 t~.S 5 , 2S4 .~O ~ OO\). OO 2.50 .00 200. 00 i" .. 00 10, i1 , ~ .. Ot} 500. 50e .. 00 " Ii g l "l,oAA:t20 1,1.52", 10,71-0 $e~ .. = 'f , ' 1 . I, thune . '!itle. ADMINI':''TRATION President'" s Offic.!i: (l) Bradford Knapp J. J. Wilmore) B .. H. Crenshaw) 1 . N. Duncan) (2) B. L. Shi (5) P. O. Davis Berta Dunn Myrtle Good Vacant President Adm. Com. Ex. Seel y _ Ex. eety .. Seefy- Steno Stenographer Student Asot . Months 2 7 6 12 12 9 Annual vala.!::l 12, 000 4,800 4,800 1,800 1,080 180 Total Salaries Maintenance Total • . . . . .. . Regist r ar '$ Ogf ice: (l)B. L. Sbi Registrar 12 4, 800 C .. W. Edwards Asso. Reg. 12 5, 400 Mr s. J. E. Wiatt Recorder 12 1, 550 Al!ll8. Newton Stenographer 12 1,030 Jewell Martin. St enographer 12 1,020 Leonora 13r o1\'t1 / Clerk 12 960 (5)J. s. Wiatt / Assistant 5 .,r- 250 (5)�� .. H. LynCh Stu. ASb"t. 5 90 (5)L. C. Cook Stu . as.,t . 5 112. 50 Vacant St u. Asst. 47.50 Frank Ordway Res.7/1/52 Adviser 2,400 (1) Rate changed .from Total ~alarie s 4800 to 5600 ef .~/1/55 Maintenance (5) For First Seme,ster only .. TotaL . .. . • .. Orig-l...nal College Budget. 12,000 2,000 1, 800 1,080 160 17,060.00 .700 .18,760.00 2,600 3,400 1,550 1,08Q 1,020 $1,020 250 90 112.50 47.50 BOO 11,570 1 .000 12,570 * Increase. Red etion and Cha.!J.ges 10,000 855 . 55 1,600* 180 9,415. 55 500 9,715.55 555,,55 60 125 40 50 "47.50 ~;}O 1 , 255.85 1,255.85 Salary Total Cut f~f • Reduet-lLlL55 ion. lO,oon 16 .67 850 240. 1,360* 90 90 54 54 180 400.67 '"" -9J8lA~0u. 5OQ... __ 400 .67 10,ll4.00 96.,67 450 170 170 .. 55.75 :35.75 54,.00 5"1.00 25.50 25 . 50 60 125 40 50 . ~ 4 L .. 50 600 379. 92 1,655 .75 579.92 1,655.75 Revised College Budge:t 2, 000 1,150 1,560 1,710 1,026 7,246.DO 1.400 •. 0,646.00 2,170 5, 230. 1, 516 .25 1 , 026. 994. 50 960 125 50 62.50 9,934 . 25 1 .000. 10,954.25 j I ~ I l _igina.l Reduc.'tion Salary Total l,: . - ~d College and Cut t.f. Reduct- College f,1onths Annua:l Budget. Changes 1/1/53 ion Budget. Naro. I , 'title li.t!:u?lo;,,-ed ''Salary I TreE:! surer' ~} Of fice: (l)M. A. Glenn T l'e~ surer 7 3,,000 2, 00 805. S ,16.67 850 1,160 (1) Consolidat ed wit h Accountant t s Office 2/1/35e Accountent ' § .OffiAA: (l)C. c. Brooks Accountant ~.., 4.000 r ~ , OOG 1, 250 ._,i'/J:;' .. 1, 275 1, 725 ( 2) An.ne f'earSo!l Bookkeeper 12 1, 680 1, 680 750 4l; . 50 796.50 885.50 ( 2) Mary E. IIooper Cashier ..1.. ') ~ 1,500 1 , 000 250 37 •. 50 28'7 . 50 '/12.50 ( 5)lJi1dred Hanson Jr . BoolrJeeepE,r 7 1, 500 1 ,000 416.67 8.:55 425. 575. ( 5)Jesse .aycock, CIBlrk '7 1 , 520 960 4{)O 4 .. 00 404 556 Va.csnt(Tra.i1sfer) Clerk S 1 , 20'::) 3&J* 17.50 552. 50* 552.50 (4)Ruth Waldrop Clerk 5 1, 2.00 375* 18.75 556. 25* 356. 25 Louisa Lewis 't enogr 8.pher 7 SOf) 600 250 2.50 252 .. 50 547.50 (5)Louisa Lewis ':)tenogra ,Phsr 5 1 , 200 250* 12.50 25'7 .&~ 257.50 (6); .. A. 01eon Tr€)t~surer 5 5, 000 8~'3 . 55~ 85. 55 750 .. 00* 750 • (l) Rt:signC',.t ion of"' T 0t~tl (" . .. .... 8 , 240 1, 508 . 54 255~91 1, 164 .. 25 6, 475.75 ;J ~..lilT .!..,z?J 1/Sl/5m. M['~ iFl tClln!lCe 11 2.00 1.55* l5~ 1 1 555. ( 2) It'D-US. of funds only ( 5) Res . ef .l/51/~5 To'tLl • • • . .. • ~ :3, 440 1, 555. 54 255 ~91 1 , 609 .. 25 '7,,850.75 (4) Tl"M 1S . f r om bus. or. (5) 900 to 1200 ef~ 71/35 ( 6) Trtm8 . from 'rre:s.::> . Of. Business Off'ice; (1) 30: W.. Garrett Bua. t1gr. '7 4,000 5, 000 1 , 250 0; 25. ')0 1 , 275 • 1 , ?25 . ( 2) :Rut h Waldrop St enographer' '7 1 , 200 900 :575 5 .7:5 3'n'L 75 521 . 25 (3) r~an Thomas Stf."nogl"apher '{ 1 ,.200 50 20§ . M. 2,08 210.42_ 289.58 (1) Res . ef. 2/ 1/5$ ~rot!:L~l ~8.1aries 4,400 1 .. 855 .. 54 50.85 1,864 .. 17 2, 535.85 (2) 'l'r<~ns. t o Acct. Of:'. Maintenance 300 125. 12§. 175. (3) Transferred .. Tot al • . .. . " . s • 4,700 1,958.54 . 50 .. 83 1.989.17 2, 710.85 :N~~~ · • Zob ohoe (1)M.r$. M,.S. 1?..ose (l) tp..Jtt ~ ., tu: Ti ,lC:l L~nn Stenographer T otal ~ ~ ~ l"ie . ~'l . ~ al'l!ln,ce ?L~t ~o_ ~e 2/1/35 "i,ono 840 {) iginal 1 :llct1. ·n T ohinf'1 uti Eli( .&~ Ch!.ngf!.s* 54.§e 545* Sp* 595* 54, ··0 .. 5o.h.l"j' T·otul Cut d~ RedUct-l /J.L53 ion l~f"l ~\# 120 MS* 120 ".5* .;J* . 120 4.75* 40 2,.040 B vi ~ leg o::u·~il 2., 280 GSg 2,945 1QO 2, 160 - - ---,- ~ l ( (\ Ori ginal Reducti ons S ary Tota l Revised Months Annual Col l ege . and Cut Er. Reduc- -Coll.e·e Limns. Ti t l e . Employed Sa.lary Budget_ Changes 1/ 1/ 33 t ion BucV-,;et SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE; Dean ' s O_f i ce: .. J. Funchess Dean 12 6, 000 750. 37 .50 37.50 712. 50 w. H. Wei denbach Ex. See ly . 12 2,800 200. lO~ OO 10. 00 90 . Total - - - - - -- - - 950 47.50 47. 50 902. 50 Agricul tural Ecvnomics: B. • • F. Alvord Assn. Prof . 12 5 , 500 2 , 335 ~ B4 116 .67 116 . 67 2,;nS .67 i utenancEi ~.l2:.- 125 . 125 . 00 125 .00 Total -- - - - - - 2, 583 . 54 12.5 . 116 .67 241.67 2, 541 .. 67 .Agricul tural Fn gine E'r ing: M. L. Nichol s nead Pref. 12 3,800 1 , 900 95. ..915 . ,805 . A •. Carnes Asso .. Prof. 12 3,000 9, 500 125. H:5:.. 2 , 575 . N. l . "lilsen Asst. Prof. 12- 2,400 2,100 105. 1:Q§.. 1, 995 . Total Salaries 6, 500. 3<C: ""'-' . 525 . 6 , 175 . MHint.enance 1 . 100. 460. 60. 640. To,,· 1 - - - - - - - - 7,600 460. 5~~ . 785. 6,815 . ligrol1olltY ; J .. w. Tidmore Profesaor 12 3, 600 800 40. 40. '160. A. L. Sommer Aaso. Prof . 12 5,500 300 15. 15. 285. G. D. Scareeth ) Asst. Soil Chem..2 R. Goder) ) Asst. Soil C' n. 10 2 , 700 800 40. 40. 760 . G H. Sturkie Asst" .". gr ~ . 12 3,000 2, ~OO 125. 125 .. 2;.575. G. II. Jes t or Inst r tl.ctor 12 1,800 '7..5 8.84 36. 9.<1· ~6 .94 70l.90 Total Sala.ries p,138.84 256. 94 256 . 94 4, 881 .. 90 l ain t enance 1 , 501. 556 .50 556. 50 745 .50.: .. Total - - - - - - - - 6, 458.84 556 .50 256 .94 815 . 44 5 , 625.40 ~ ------- ( Ori ! Reduct ions Salary Total Revi sed , Mont s Annual Coil and Cut Er . Redlic- College \ .. -Name Ti tle Elnployed Salary Budget Changes lLl/35 t i on Budget Animal Husbandry: J. C. Grimes HStid Prof. 12 3, 800 1,500 75. 75 . 1, 4.25 . Vi. E .. Sewell , Asst.Prof . 12 5,000 2, 400 120 . 120. 2, 280. J . R. Bro~m .Farm SUpt. 12 1, 200 600 15 ., 15 . !585 . IT' E. Copeland Herdsman 12 900 900 900 J . .. Total Salaries 5 , 400 P~O. 210. 5, 190. . 1aintenance 5 .175 ~ . ~. 2.950. Total - - - - 8,575 225 . 210. 455. 8,140 . Dairy Husbandry- A. D. Burke Head Prof . 12 "' ,800. ~ ,800 190. 190. 5.610. W. H. Eaton 1\.850 . Prof . 1. ""- 5,000 3,000 150. 150. 2,850. J .. k" ... Smi'th Ins tructor 12 2,100 2, 100 105 105 . 1 ,995 . David JC os t er Herdsman 12 1,200 1 , 200 30. 50. 1,170. Nell Mitchell Ste,nog. 12 1,020 560 9 .. 9. 55l. J. R. Bro1".'Il F' rm i:j pt. 12 1,200 600 15. 15 . 585 . Tot al Salari es 11 ,660 499. 499. 10,561- tAaintenance 5,175 1 , 585 . 1,585 . 1.590. Total - - - - - - 14, 255 1, 585 499. E,084. 1 2 , 15L Poultry HusbWld:r:v: G. 1"•' • Trollope Heud Pr oj;' • 12 0.1600 2, 600 130. 150. 2, 470. D. F. King sst. Proi~ . 12 2, 400 1,000 50. 50. 950 . /" T. Bal l e".r Instr ctor 12 ..-.> " v. ---,'- 0 800 40. 40. 760. Tota.l Salari es - - - 4 , 400 220 . 220. 4,180. M"inteuance 1 , 200 488 488. 712. Tota.l - - - - 5,600 488. 220. 08 .. (b ,892. Botany: J. L. Seal He~{d Prci'. 12 5,600 1,000 50. 50 . 950. E. v. Sltlith :sst. 12 2, 200 1 ,600 80 .. SO. 1 , £ 20 . G. L .. Fick lisso. ?rof. 12 5, 200 1,966.61 118. liS . 1 ,848. 67 g Mrs .. A. B . Stearns Steno. 12 1, n20 660. 16 .50 _6 . 50 645 . 50 H. F. Thut 8 S0. Prof . 12 5,000 500. 500. ~ ( Name Bot~ny (co t ' Q) Tit e Months Employed Total Salaries Maintenance . Annual Salary Ori ginal Co l ege Budget 5,726 . 67 1.000 Reductions and Changes 590. Total - - - - - - - 6,726 . 67 590. Horticulture: L. M. Ware C. L. Isbell J. W. Hyde O. C. Medlock R. M. Lane E. W. McElwee Head Prof . Professor Asso .. Prof. Asst. Prof . Foreman Grad. Asst . 12 12 12 12 12 12 Total Salaries Main tenance 5, 600 5, 600 2,800 2,400 1,520 1, 200 500. 1,660. 2,800. 1, 380. 500. 800. 7, 240. 2, 600. 690 . Tot al ~ - - - - - - 9,840 690. Zoology and Entomology.: J. M. Robinson F. E. Guyton H. G. Good F. S. Arant He· d Pr oi' . Asso. Prof. Asst. Prof. As st . J:'rof . Mrs . C. A.L. Samford, Stengg. 12 10 12 12 12 Total Sal aries Maintenance Total - - TOTAL SCHOOL O}' AGRICULTURE 5,600 3,000 2,800 2, 600 1, 520 1,700 3, 000 2,600 1, 500 100 8, 900 1 . 400 650 },O, 500 650 . 72,848.85 5,169.50 Rt.. . .... , ~d Salary Cut. Ef • 1/1/33 Total College Reductions Budget . 264 . 50 264. 50 15. 85. 140. 69 . 7. 50 20. 264. 50 590. 654. 50 15. 83 . 140. 69. 7. 50 20. 554. 50 334.50 ;1690. 554 . 50 1,024 . 50 85 . 180. 140 65. 2. 50 65. 180. 140. 65 . 2. 50 5 ,462 .17 610. 6,072.17 285 . 1 , 577. 2, 660. 1 , 51lo 292. 50 780. 6,905 . 50 1,910. 8, enS. 50 1 , 615 . 2,820. 2,660. 1, 235 . 97.50 472. 50 472 . 50 8, 427. 50 650. 750. 472. 50 1, 122 . 50 9,177.50 2,746 . 61 '7,916, 11 64, 932.74 r \ Ori ,, \ ginal Reduct ioIi&8 St],larJ Total l ss d Months Annu.a College and Cu t Er. Reduc- Coflege .N..a..m--e.. Ti t l e Em,pl°I ed iia1ary ,BudgeL Changes 1/ 1/33 t iona Budget SCHOOr.. Of"' liB G :nl EERIN G: Dean ' s Offic e: J. J. i'iilmore Dean 12 5,SOO 2, 400 120 . 120. 2, 280 . ~ ala Heath Stenographer 1 () _ J:. 1 , 200 1 . 200 50. 30. 1 . 170. Tot a.l Salar i es 3 , 600 150. 150. 5, 450 . Maintenance 85 10 • ~O . 75 • 'l'o-br::tl - - - - - - - - 3 , 685 10 150~ 160. 5, 525 • Cm.vil and Highway: J .. J .. A. ,. .. Cull an Professor 10 3 , 500 3, 500 210. 210. 3, 290. \,J . fu" . li . R:tUghman Professor 10 3 , St)O 5 500 210. 21.0 . 5, 290. F .. C. Hulae Professor 10 3,000 3, 000 100. 180.. 2,820. A. "\, J., Barrow Asst. Prof. 10 ~ ,400 2,,1100 144 .. 144. 2, 25t; . V. B., Wat wood f.sst . Prof . 10 2,000 2 , 000 120. 1:20. 1,600. p..., M .. Beard I.Instructor 10 1 ,800 -~ -M. . 54. 846. ~ Total Salaries 15 , 500 91S. 918. 14, 382 . Maintenance 240 50~ 50 ... 190. 'l'otftl - - - - - - - - l5,540 50 918;. 966. 14, 572 .. Electrical Engin~erin g : 1rJ ~'.lj... • l.r .fl.{ 1l.~. DunStru1 )?,. ):"'ooff~eessssoorr l{'0 45 ,q6,O0O0 ~8, 60000 224106.. 224106. . ~,5z~·. C . n. Ca rlovi t z, Asso. Proi'. 10 5,200 g, 200 192 192 3,008. R .. A. Betts Asso .. Prof' . 10 2,100 2,100 126 126 1,974. w. Darling Grad . Asst" 9 <f ..·.' ,9~:: 450 225 .• 225 . 225 . 'total Salaries 14, 150 225 '7'"14 999 15, 151- a,{ai n tenance GOO 1QL -- 155 465. Total - v- - - - - - 14,750 560 774 1 ,154 15 , 616 . Machine Design: M. f~;'l I. Pulla.n He~6 Prof .• 10 4 , 000 4,000 240 ~ '- 240 5, 760 A.& L. 'Ill,omas Professor 10 3,400 3 , 400 204 204 5 19Q L. M", Salwg Assa . Prof. 10 2,700 2, 700 162 16~: 2, 538 ~ . JL i P. It . .Beard Ins truct or 10 1 ,800 900 54 54 848 ~ ~ ( \ Original !~edu ctions Salary Tot,t:l..l ,d eed Montlfs Jl.nnual Coll ege !Uld Cut Et .. Reduc- College i.run.e Ti t l e Thtebgxed Su18:!:l B'ttdgE:t Changes l Ll[35 t i oD Budget Machine D<>sign (conttd) Vi .. iI. Franci s Stu. iiSst. 9 450 ~~O 450 ToW &lari e'" 11, 450 660 660 10, 790 Maintenance 6.1.:.: 15 15 50 Total .... - - - - - - - 11,515 105 660 675 10,840 ~chanical and k ~ l·ona.utica1.!.. J. J. Wilmore Hend Prof . 12 5 , 600 5, :200 ISO 160 3 , OJ10¢ n R Hixon Professor 10 5, bOO '- ;5,00 210 210 3, 290 \,.0 " .. v. CO' Finch Professor 10 3,500 5, 500 198 198 3,102 J. c. cKinnon ,Asst. ?rof. 10 £, 600 2, 600 156 156 2, 444 Y .. A. Eli zando A.sst .. Pro<-f'-· 10 2 , 400 2, 400 144 1 4.4 2, 256 Solon Dixon Instructor 10 2, 000 2, 000 120 12 1,S80 J. c. Barrett Instroctor 10 1,200 I t 20Q 36 M 1.164 TotH.l Salf"1ll"i.es 16, 200 1 ,,0 24 1,024 17,176 l{.~int~nce 1 ,~OO ,. 200 j200 k .. 1.000 Total 1£f,40() 200 1,024 1, ~~~24 18,176 Industri al and u. ~;.inSering ShOE!: Dan '1'. J ones Head Pro.£' .. 12 3,.600 3, 600 160 l ao <~.I , 20 ..", ~f .. fl .• Coppedge AStrt. Prof .. 10 2,400 2, iklO 144 JA4 2, 256 'rd" . 0., Schubert InStl"lCt,or 10 lZ ,lOO 2,100 126 126 1;974 '" VIo" .... " j." • Cobb !nstl"'.lctor 10 ;:' !J JOO 2, OfKJ l:~O 120 1 , 880 B .. Fi:!lrick Ctenogra her 12 720 £:>60 560 T .. I .. .aoore Stu. Asst. 9 45 45 45 D" F. Ghols,;m Stu~ Asst. S 45 45 45 D;> D.. StI"Cud Stu_ lisst. 9 45 45 45 c. D. Schwlne Stu. AS!lt$ 9 45 45 45 M .. D. Stone Stu . Asst. 9 45 45 45 1'0 tal Salaries 10,685 S'1O 570 10,115 Maintenatl c't: 1 ,300 _J.OO 100 1 , 290 Total - - - - - 11,9$5 100 5'1'0 870 11, 315 r !0 TOTlJ:. SCHOOL OF mnE.ERIi.~G : ,", ~ '" '"'\ 76 ,815 iS5 4, 096 4: , 8 1 12, 044 ( :F!. W.. Camp c. B. Ordway W. E. Tarrant Vacant V~eant Ie. thry"fL i'Jard Vac~..:nt Vacant C A. B.."lsore R. B ~ Gordon o. C. ~oore B. ';T., r.lck Vanant Pro.fessor AS60. Prof. Asst. Prof .. In stru.ctor Loom. Fi."·mr (:! c;nog'l"-fL[...her Drawi.'1.g Hund Stu. Asst. Months '''2101~q 12 10 :J,O 10 10,£ 5 10 9 Tot:' 1 Salaries Main Wn.tlllCe TGtfJ. - - - - IWs .. them .. Ro~"l.. Cllero .. Res . :It's11oe. St,enogrdpner P~l.,t . 12 10 12 12 10 'I'ouu Salal·ies ~in tel1~..nce Total 5 ~OOO 3, 500 ·; ~OOO 2, 400 1 , 200 600 600 ll,200 4,060 ;:;,500 seX} 720 ~~80 Original Coll~ ... e It.ldget 5, 000 1 , 750 5,000 2, 400 1 , 200 900 600 1, 200 10,050 ~ t v:) 1,800 1,3~:G Gea 4,000 l ttiOO ·~.Re,".· ctions and . . C~anges 550 600 ::., 400 19200 400 ~.oo 1,, 2OQ 6.,ZoQ 2 a 000 7;OO~ 360* 280 sao* .!*;§O 910 &tlr.U"'y Tot<'i1 Gu t Ef. ReducT 1Llt3~ tinn 250.. 250 3:.0 58$ 144 744 2, 400 1,200 400 6 ~O 430 7, :580 f: 'OOO 430 9 , ;)00 90 90 r 69 .. 20 ;3<;3 ,, 20 300* 3!.>;jti'lt .200 R~'\rised Col.lege Budget 4,750 1,184 2, 256 500 8,670 . ....&.;000 10, 670 1,710 1,250;$0 900 360 159. £:0 220 .. 80* 4,,220.80 -- l , bbQ_ 15Q.t,.. 1ES .. £O 1,129.20 4, 570B 0 ( o~ c!uc'tl0 SalaJry Total ~ . \ C - and Cut. lilt. Reduc- efo~ . ) tl.e Budpt . Ch!ly!! IN'33 ' lOn aIdaet ClIOOL 0 A.RCH.r.E . TORE Dee's Ottlce, F. C .. Bisaill Dean 13 ~.)~\ 0 . 200 I ,ale) .1,140 Mrs. e.J .. N Librarian 10 '150 '15Q ,eo . 0 . Bre1gbthaup s tenogra.phel' 12 900 900 900 T'otal BalAl"tes 2,SSO 60 60 2,790 Na1nteJUmoe 240 60 60 180 Total. ---- 3 ,090 60 GO l20 2,9'10 ch1 teetlU'D: F. c. B16I1n Head Prot. 12 5,200 4,000 200 200 3,800 :It .. w. Bu.rkhartt PNtusor 10 4,.aDO 4,200 2.52 252 5,t.t8 .U. or.r Asso. t. 10 3 ,000 3,000 18) 180 2,820 K.G.Reeve ABat. Pl'Ot. 10 3, 000 3,000 180 100 2 ,820 1111 Inat1'UCtcr 10 1,200 1,200 36 36 1,164 C. l .Dayl., lr-. Instructor 10 1 ,200 1,200 36 3G 1,1M B.L. Ues Grad • .Asa:t. 9 !25 225 225 V.O.Callahan,lr. Grad .. at. 9 2J5 225 - 225 Total salati .$ 1'1,Oao 8S4 ea4 16,16& intewmce 310 1.35 . . 135 1'l5 Tota1 ... - -- 17,360 135 S&.\ 1 ,Olt 16.M! . pg1ec1 Art: • .Apple Protessor 10 3,200 3,.200 192 192 3,008 i.R. Sw.plea .Asst. Pret • 10 2,000 2,000 leo lOO I ,sao S.W.l.Wan 5411e. Instn.cto.-. 10 1 ,200 1,200 36 36 1,1&4 ttJ' I'd Grad. 1i. 9 225 22$ am; Total SalAri 6,ea5 548 348 0,27'1 tntel!anoe , - 2'15 .- 105 &; 105 1VO ~ ---- 6,900 lOS 348 4i3 6 .44'1 TOTAL ARCa~TUB'R ?11 ,3.50 300 1,2~ 1 ,692- 25,7 ( Ori ginal Reduct ioll Salary Tot al ., ·.u _Revised Months Annual CO..L.lege !¥ld Out . Ef . R6duc- 'iollege !a~ Ti t l e h 'tp_o;v-ed Sal.a,ry l;u ~ gct ~!ill p.;e s l ltl.;"'!. ti on ~ dRet. SCHOOL F SCI ENCE iiND LITERATURE Dean ' s Office : ... oJ . W. Scott Dean 12 5 , 600 2,000 100. 100 • 1,900. Mrs . ,,. '" t . J acob Secretary 12 1, 080 1.080 27. .xL:.. 1. .,.05"3 .. Total S;l.lari es 5,080 127. 127. 2, 955. Maintenance 200 ~ 20 . 180. T::>ta - - - - - 3, 280 20 127. 147. 5, 155. Economics and ~ usiness Adm nis t r atio:lll: (1) J. \Y. cot t Heed Prof . 1.2 5, 600 5, 600 180. l SO. 5, 420. li. H. Goff Profes~ or 10 3, 000 3,O(}(} 180. 180. 2,820. H. C. Hof f aomer Pr ofe ssor 10 5,000 5,000 180. 180 . 2,820 E. L .• Rauber Professor 10 3, 000 3, 000 UF\ • 180 . 2,82 • H. L .. l~con Asso. .Prof. 12 2,800 2, 800 200* 150 . 50* 2, 850. fo. C. Orow Asst . Pr of. 10 2,000 2, 000 120. 120 . 1,880 I ,. B ~ Gritz In ::lt ructor 10 2, 000 2,,,,00 120. 120 . 1,880 C. P. .(}ustin Instruct or 10 1 ,600 1, 600 96. 96 . 1 , 50<1 B! U -f' J~ Samford Lecturer 10 500 500 500 ~ , s " H I.. Macon • Stenograph-:;r 12 420 420 420 s. T' Wi ttell Stu . Asst. 9 100 100 ];00, b . (1) Ohanged f r om Total Sal ar i es 22,020 200-* 1 , 206 . 1,006 . 21,014. 10 mo. W l ~ mo . Maintenance 1 , 460 860. 860. 600 . Toto.]. 25 ~ 480 66 . 1 , 200 . 1,866 • 21,614. :English: J . R. Rutl~md . 48&0 .Proi'. 10 4, 000 4,001) ~. ",1"; .. 240. ')40. 5,760 . L. G. Gosser Asso. Prof. 10 5 ~ 200 5, 200 192. 19;',:. 3, 008 . H,. . w. Adams Asso~ Prof. 10 2;900 2, 900 1740 17 :. 2, 726. ... .. ii. • Ki rkley ~s st. Pro!' . 10 2, 400 2,, 400 144. 144. 2, 256 . J. R .. Moore Asst. Frof . 10 2jt500 2,.200, 500* 150. 150* 2, 550. rvt " :P. ~iea.ver As st. J::'rof. 10 2;;500 :2 , 200 500* 150. 150* 2, 350. J. E. Roop Ins tructor 10 2, 000 2, 000 120. 1"'0 . 1,880 'L.' A. edlock Inst ruct or 10 1 , 800 1 , 600 08 108. 1, 692 . --....::J. , ~ ( " u. L. t . uac)alJltall 1 ...0,"IK~i,j(;~ Ollie ~a . .. PI .. Iii 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 1.8Ol) I, 1 ,GOQ 1. 1,&13 1,8» 300 300 SO) ....... - -.. - .......... .. -....... .... 1.800 I , l.aoo l,eGO 1. I),. . ' . i ry __ • ~ . .... -~ ..... - ...... 13, itt E 1 '*i .,::r , p - L 11 " i o P '-b . 810 1 _l.,Rl . •• ... 1'_-. J j'. 3 g. (1) (1) 1 If HIi",,, "II _til -xu, ...... - .......... - - - ...... -'. ' . . _l/J.LZ . 1. " ! Ii 1m 1,; . 1m 1$ 1, .. ' ~' J ( o ,_ It&lm11~:tf1? • ' .CUts. 1 .. ~ . ' . n 1 •• \l'; _ • 1 .18 t. 10 ,3CD 10 a.1OO 10 a,coo 10 1" -]SO ,9> ,90 to 9 1m 12 ."eoo 2. _ " ,000 1.100 W10 - 90 .. PI '\ AIl4 ttMle . f n -.- p . 1 1 11. 6l.O $ - L _ F ,.10 11'.. 7. 0 1D&1 'fota:1 ( · oJ..teae 0 .ed.- • 'ri:!:\_ SaA!+.t lWpt . , JD/3S , 11 Jl . ehool o-t . itt '!Z~ 12 8,GOO mo* sao ,GOO a 4.0 1 ,280 U4 a 6 10 • .300 2)-6 1; .40 2,48l .• . 10 3 , S.«OQ 21 3,384 l ' 3 t SOO 1 19 :Stooa a.' .. 10 3 , 2GO a , EGO 1 1 ,1.9 .D • .7OlZGIl 10 3,,000 3 .. 00, 100 B,&a:> 10 1.000 1. 1, 1,,504 10 It? 1,'1;50 10 105 1,M5 l: 1,200 lOOO 2UO 56 1& 1,164 12 900 1.200 000 300 ·900 12. .1 ,500 1 . '7' 7 It' 25 200 aoo 200 300 soo • " 1.'1 I.Vex) 9 316 3l.5 9 m 515 51ts &5 9 315 315 9 ,315 ,5 3l1i 315 ..,tu. 9 315 316 stu. 515 311 Stu. I. 9 51 $15 t .. t. 3l.5 , 1 t" 1 iL: • . loa l,S?3p40' 2,288.40 30,081.60 1,573 •• -----... ... -- •I . ••. e ums .40 It$~ .. 31,931..60 .. t .s.s lal'.m }lead 'I. 10 3",000 234 t34 f. .. ". Prot. 10 2,,4Oe 144 1,M Insh'uO'tO%i 10 2.000 18) ( ~ i 180 lEi . '. , CJ' ( Title SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Education and Dean: (1) (1) (1) (1) j Zebulon Judd Dean E. E. Cureton Asso. Prof . R. L. Johns ASBo. Pr of . R. B. Showalter Prof . Months Employed 3 B Annual Sa.laz:y 5, 600 5, 500 4,000 4, 600 Original College Budget 5,000 5, 33ti 3, 335 1,000 12, 666 High School Te(~cher ' " Salari es 1,954 (1) Trans. to Tec.:.cher Training Budget. To ta1- - - - - 14,600 Teacher Training (Pre-Service)= 9 9 {I} Zebulon J udd Dean (1) B. R. Showalter Prof. Paul Irvine Pr of. 19 M. L. Beck ASBo.Prof. 12 J . G. Kuderna (1) R. L. Johns (1) E. E. Cureton Rosa L. Walston Vacant Val:ant Lillian Cox AS "'o.Prof. As so.Pr of. 12 9 ASBo.Prof. 9 Asso.Prof. 12 Asso.Prof . 12 Asso:Pr of. i 2 Asst. 0. K. Welden Grad.Asst. 9 9 Scarbrough (Notasulga ) Te&cher 9 R. B. Jeter Secretary 12 Frances Bl ackm.on Steno. 12 High School Critic Te l: chf3!"!:3 5, 600 4,800 4, 400 4,000 4,000 4,000 5, 500 5, 500 4,000 4,000 425 225 100 1,680 1, 200 (1) Transferred fro~ EdUCation Budget. Total Sc=.l aries Maintenance Total - Teacher Training (In- Service) : A. H. Col1i.>1.8 R. B. Jeter Supervisor 12 Secretar",j 12 Total Salaries Maintenance Total - - 3, 600 1,680 4, 400 4,000 4,000 3, 500 4, 000 4 ,000 425 450 100 1,080 1,200 27,155 8 , 755.76 55, 890.76 3, 600 300 5,900 1,100 5,000 Reductions and Changes 3,750 \ 2,500 !'.500 750 9 , 500 1 ,752.58 11, 232.58 5,750* 750* 2, 500* 2,100* 875 4,000 4,000 225 1,732.58* 240. 25 1,492.33* ~ 195* Salary Cut Ef. 1/1/53 250 50 220 200 200 166 . 6'1 146.66 175 54 :50 1,492.3:3 1,492.53 180 15 195 195 Total Reduct­ion 3,750 ~: , 500 2, 500 S50 9, 500 1 , 732.58 1l,232.58 700* 220 200 200 2 , 353 .33* 1,953.:34* 1,050 4,000 4,000 225 54 50 1 1 752 .58* Revised Col1e."e Budp,et 1 , 250 833 833 250 3,166 201.42 3, 367. 42 5, 500 700 4,180 5, 800 3,800 2, 533.33 1,953.34 £,450 425 22.5 100 1,026 1,170 1,732.58 240 .~25* 27, 395.25 240. 25 8 , 495 .51 35,890.76 180 15 195 195* 3, 420 285 3,705 1 ,295 5,000 hm1lt1i I tl · os .T.i tJ..e .<,.;' .. ,.. u. en atnutt Profe~sor l~ S.,SOf) G.. T 'art nt. b."'BO ~ 'Prot .- l~ 5, 000 J. C .. .. nnon /"31:'.0. prot .. 12 5, 500 P. c. Broo~ .. Prot. 12 5, 500 E. t;,. Curcton .I."'r;o. Pl"G!. 12 3. 500 llargr:!i . Ste osrt.pner 12 1,080 OUt .. i s r ~~d t ote.l I':. ties 1/4 of 0.1:d 10/1/32.-a/"1.0/,5'5 :mtE.lW.ne bud '(i't and 5/4 01' 1" ,ed 1 /1/52-$/SO/'f;;:;. , bul Dirotor 13.. f.egistr-al" f . Cure em !s:!.o" Prot .. ft. L. Johns baa., Prof .. R .. F .. Thamas Phy';;lcilm R. 'B II Jete S~er~ t.!.'%W Otk~r 'l'e-~,cll ~l'~ Salari€> Ur'rgtl:e't Riley =2 . F. ~ . 'h.ol;!&lt~ Otlw1" ~~ilp..IY -eo '0 Dinc*lCt" fro.tr:!i 01" Stmogl;"~pher ~ crt. t .. !:~l (1) Lo:)t t ~n ,Ag .. td,.};;udgat TotJ.j~ - - - .... 12 5, .OOJ 1 .0:' 4, 800 lt~ S,SOO 12 4,000 It 11: 4 , 600 l ? 1, 680 'low S~.. ~~i n le.intt'Jli("'l.ne '.fo~1 - - 12 4,800 10 12 1,000 12- 600 To::...tl i2 ~tl l,:rl.tc Jard.nt~n "i:; 'To' ... 1 - .... - i-trW. 11 ;QC Budget 3.000 ~ ~ 500 .. ,,500 5, 500 400 !iQQ 15.100 6, 0'84.,58 a , l64.58 eoo roo 16'" as? 4.00 300 a 171°00 _4.0 0 ~.l"OOO 3. 81)0 400 ~{}., . l .~ 6t 060 ,.l. 9;.;:$),. e, "oo 105,655.54 P.;etructio ." znd en~nt:~s ~~o 300 ~7~ro ~ 247 .. 2.0 (l) lrl ~OQ 1.llO ~ . §58 .. ~. ·!6a 1,5, 4.52 .. 08 ~L::l.l::r Cu. '!".;f .. ;t./..l/es . 210 ~ "',: .. 50 i. 2Gt . 50 1!6f .. 50 90 1,l.47.50 1, U7.60 1lillllii!l1! ~{) 1 .. 61 S. Z5 ~. ~& to 1.5 190 15 9.. ':!!9 ~~ .~",, V¢"~ ~ ) 1'l 5 ... .c 10kJ.. Reduct- _ .loa 210 2G!?SO 262. 50 ~62 .. 50 500 ao 1,447.50 947 .. 2& f , ~94 _ 70 so 85 .. ~5 53.35 ~O 15 'Elc- !~ed 19 . .... Q,,;,et 5, 530 S,,237. l!:O '6:#2:57 ... 50 ',:- , ~7 .. SO 100 .5l0 1 :3, 65"" .. 50 .. 6 .111.~ 18,769 .. S8 S10 us 158 .. 65 "'1(5. '65 580 ___ .1.... ............. _ 191.70 1.6,.8,1 ... 50 1;91 .1~ 4,J,flA: 70 21,0\.'10 .00 .!.~) 5, 610 &* .5.,.4 c.:.. 15 S65 l .r.-oo M@fII ....... 1,: ",2 4, 755 ! .,t~S~ II , ~,".§g "';. 000 5:J000 l fi_G21.28 e9~020 .. 00 Original Reduction Snl a!jT Total Revised Months Annual C oll ~ ge al'ld Cut Ef. Redudtion College Name 'it.!e Employed Salag Budget Changes 1/1/57. Budget Home Economics : L. P. Glanton Head Prof. 10 5, 600 5,600 216 216 5,584 Dana Ga tche11 Asso. Prof. 10) 2,7,00 2,700 162 162 2, 558 L~ Spencer As. t. Pr of . 10 2, 250 2, 250 155 155 2,115 G ace Gardner Inst actor 10 2,000 1,000 1,000*' 120 880* 1,880 Helen Garrett .Assistant 9 225 "'225* 225* 225 Vi~1m8. Patterson l\ s ~i stant 9 135 135* 135* 155 Verna Patterson Steno ·rapher 10 450 450 450 Tot;;.]. Sal aries 10,000 1, 360*- 653 727* 10;127 Mai.'1tenance 400 175 175 225 Totul - - - - 10,400 1,185* 655 552* 10,952 Military: G. H. Frsnke COllllIlDndan t 10 450 450 450 H. L. Watts Asst.Custocthm 10 450 450 450 Susie He.ckney StmlOgrilpher 12 1,100 1.100 ~ --..Mt 1 1070 Tota.1 Sal aries 2,000 50 50 1,970 Maintenance 800 200 2QQ. 600 Total - - - - 2,800 200 50 250 2, 570 Veterinary : C. A. Cary Dean & Head 12 5,600 3,000 150 150 2,850 I . S . McAdory Prolessor 12 3,400 3,400 170 170 3, 230 M. W. :Emmel Professor 12 3,000 5, :300 500 150 450 2,850 I. M'I Hays As st. Prof. 12 2,'700 2,700 135 135 2, 565 E. S. Winters Asst .. Prof . 12 2, 400 2, 400 120 120 2, 280 VI. J. Isl'ell I nstruct or 10 1,, 500 1, 500 90 90 1,410 Vacant Instructor 10 1 1500 1 2 500 1,500 Tok 1 Salaries 17,800 1,800 815 2, 615 15,185 Maintenance 2, 400 500 500 1 , 900 Total - - 20, 200 2, 500 815 3,115 17,085 .. jr>" ~:'.' ~ -, Origin:.?l Reductions Sa.L:ry Totru .ed ~onth. lInnUb. ... CrOlleb£ and Cut Ef'. ~duc- 001.1...,.;&" Name . }.'i tle & p1Qye<\ Se laI'1 B~clget ,CMnllSS 1I1J5~ t ion B-Ildgct GF1!Ef{]!'!" S!.~C2 If!::.? l".RT~.~It-:N'!'S Plant Service~ J . v. Bl"Oom Head 5 4,800 2, 000*- 200 1 , 800* 1, 800 M. Forbus Shop For~m!iU 12 1,000 1,800 90 SO 1 , 710 Paul King Supt Grounds 12 1,800 1,800 90 90 1, 710 ~f • C.' Liorgan Night 7httch .. 12 900 450 450*. 450* 90.0 Student Jobs Scholarshipc Ca.f teri~ Total Salari es 4,050 2, 450* sao 2,070* 6, 120 Alumni Recorda Maintenance .2B , Z50 6 , 750 6,750 15. 500' Total - - - - - - - t,9, 500 4, 500 580 4 , 600 24,6 20 Health: B .. F. Thomas Physi cian 12 4)600 4.j~OO 210 210 5,990 Mrs . L .. ,-- v . Cot ter- 14u.rse 12 2, 040 2,'040 l O2 102 1,958 Addie Lee P.J.l.en t:1itid 1.2 260 280 260 'l'otul &llt.trles G;tOOO 512 ?>- <) • ,l.;:.. $, 188 M..'l 1.'1. tenance 1, 320 J20 120 1. 200 Toto,l - - - - - - - - 7,620 120 512 432 7, 388 LJ.brnnr: MarJ E. • artin "Ll brari.:m 12 i~ ~lOO 1, 700 85 as 1,615 Sara ';Uleford Asst . Lib .. 12 l,SOO 90'J 45 45 855 'ti'arley Lee J.R.ast .. kib. W 1$400 1 .1400 52 .. ;)0 5::'. 50 1,547 .. 50 Jewell D vis Ca t~.log'J.er I«:) k_ 1,500 1,500 15 75 1, 425 Mary Steele Flag C.ler'", 12 1,,000 1, O00 2.5 25 975 Mrs. fr.. B. Ellis Desk J~sst .. "" 820 82'0 820 Mrs .. J .. 'ft .. Sparks rlight Asst. S 480 480 4.80 r~ ,. J .. Clm..'1.ford Stu. .. Asst .. 8 200 200 200 IiI .. . Spru;cll St;u. • l1.SSt. a 100 100 100 ~v. #B. 'ral'l'ant Stu. J.sst. 8 75 '75 75 Sara Wilson Stu .. As~rt* 8 25 2Ii 25 To t !~l S.:J..'&:,r'i e s 8,200 262, 50 282. 50 7,917 .. 50 ill1l.ntenancs 2. 250 1 .130 1 1150. 1.100. & '" I TotnJ. -10,430 1, 150 ;;::.$2. 50 1, 412. 50 9,017 ~ 5 0 ,,-<,-t.. - - - - Q.-<:. ~ f \ PUblic Iate.1'JIF.lUon; _ • - -- - - . i'i"FiiI (l) F .O.~y1s Director Xiriley Jlrown 1tor (~) :S.G.salter Sports Editor . Ayrea ':;tu • .i..~Bt . (1) '1'renuferreQ. to Pres. ottiee (2) 566 AUllettes Cont1Dg nt nths Arul.\tal !!i!PZ04 S~1!!7 6 4 ,000 12 2,fm 12 2.100 lZ 192 Total :J.al.aries Matntenlan:ce 'fotal -.. ... - - - Ol"1gtnal College . 1\Ugeet ._ 2.400 2,500 l . 200 500 6,600 1.lOO ... 7,700 17000 ru • .,...,. - ' @II ReduGtiottS Sal.eJ.T To~al. Re't'1.se4 an<t Gut Et. Reduc ... c<>llege Cba!p! lal3$, tloa DBYet;, II 1 .. 200 1,200 1 t 200 1.25 l25 2.Z?'5 150 52.50 202",50 9$'1. 00 !P§ - . 20! loa ~- 1.eOO 177. 00 1,835. 50 4 , 764.10 GOO 650 ~ ! 1 , a,50S 1'1?60 2,485.00 5 , 264. f5Q 1,000 10,000 000 ____ . l' ,000 1 .• l5! 10 • '110 82 t 000 June 2, 1933 Meeting of t he Board of Trustees of the Alabama Polytechnic Inst itute in the office of t he Governor at the State Capit ol in Montgomery, Friday , June 2, 1933, beginni ng at 10 A. i,I. Trustees present. Governor B. M. Miller, Messrs. H. D. Merrill, Charles Henderson, C. S. Culver, Victor H. Hanson, A. F. Harman, C. W. Ashcraft, H. H. Conner, T. D. Samford, P. S. Haley, HarrJ Herzfeld. Others present: Dean John J. Wilmore, Professor B. H. Crenshaw, Director L. N. Duncan, and P. O. Davis, secretary. Trustees absent: Dr. W. H. Oates and Mr . J. A. Rogers. Upon motion by Mr. Samford, seconded by Dr. Harman , t he board dispensed v,ith r eading minut es of t he prevLms meeting, copy of vihich having been s ent to each member of the board. Dean Wilmore then presented his rel)Ort and recommendations f or the Administrative Committee. He read Section 1 concerning students and Section 2 concerning the f aculty. At t he request of the board Section 3 on schools and departments of the institution and Section 4 on miscellaneous activities were not read. A copy of t he entire report and recommendations was presented to each board member present. RECO&fi~ENDATIONS APPROVED The board adopted 'recommendations as follows: !tIt i s recommended th:...t the Administr:ltive Committee be authorized to grant appli­cations for l eaves of absence with the understanding with the applicant that hi s stat us on his retur n, not later t han Se ptember 1934, will be t he same as if he had remai ned through t he preceding session." LEAVES OF ABSENCE Leaves of absence were granted as follows: Miss Louise P. Glanton, head of school of home economics, from June 1, 1933, to January 15, 1934. Reason: Bad health. Professor John V•• Hyde, associate professor of landscape gardeni ng, from June 1, 1933 to September 1, 1934. Reason: To pursue graduate work at Harvard University . Miss Lulu Palmer, assistant profes sor of home economics, from June 1, 1935 to September 1, 1934. Reason: To pursue work f or doctorate. PROMOTI ONS IN RANK Promotions in rank v!ithout increase in sal ary were granted as follows: Keith Graham Reeves, B. S., M.A., assistant professor of architectural design s i nce 1929, promoted to the rank of associate prof essor of architectural design. Oliver T. rvey, B.S., M.S., M.A., instructor in history since 1929, promoted to the rank of assistant professor of history. Ralph B. Draughon, B.S., M.S., instructor in history since 1931, promot ed to the rank of assist nt professor of history. 8; CHANGES IN FEES page 2 Board Minut es June 2, 1953 Recommendations concerning changes i n fees were approved as f ollows: (1) That students who take laborato17 courses in chemistry be required to pay laboratory fees, t he amount per student per course to be determined by the Administrative Committee and the Dean of the School of Chemistry and Pharmacy. (2) Students in pharmacy (except fr eshmen in the four-y ear course) have paid ten dollars per semester. We recommend that t b.is be discontinued and that students in pharmacy pay laboratory fees proportionate to the labo­ratory fees paid by students in chemistry. (3) In the past all students in home economics have pai d an extra fee of $7.50 per semester. We recommend t hat t his fee be disconti nued and t hat a fee of $7.50 per. semest er be collected as a laboratory fee from each student t aking foods l aboratory. (4) Thtat t he student activities fee for the first semes t er be increa sed by $2.50 and t hat this amount be used f or making a picture of the student, making a cut thereof, and inserting the same in the Glomerata. (5) That t he college discontinue collecting subscriptions for students in Engineering for the Auburn Engineer and from students in Agriculture f or the Alabama Farmer, which amounts to 75 cents per student per semester, or $1.50 per s ession. (6) That senior class dues be decreased from $3.50 to $1.00, this l atter amount being sufficient for their needs; that dues for juniors be reduced from $1.00 to 75 cents; that dues for sophomores be reduced from 75 cents t o 50 cents; and that dues for freshmen be reduced f rom 50 cents to 25 cents. (7) That t he contingent fee be reduced from $5.00 to $3.00. FINANCIAL PROB LD~S The board took no action upon Section 5 of the Administrative Committee's report, pr esented by Dean ~ i lmore , concerning s )ecial payments made t o members of the faculty because of serious i l lness, death, or other emergencies. Di scussion revealed that the board expects the Admi nist r ative Commit tee t o adhere strictly to t he resolution adopted by the board at t he meet i ng on J anuary 12, 1953. I f any exceJ tions are made , each one i s t o be reported t o t he board f or action at the next meeting following the end of t he State's fiscal year. HONORARY DEGREES A suggestion by the Administrative Committee that this cor.unitt ee make a study of the policies and practices at ot her institutions in conferring honorary degr ees and t hat a policy f or t he same be proposed by t he Administrative Committee to the board of t r us t ees at a later meeting was approved. CONFERRING OF DEGREES ,. Confer r i ng of degr ees at t he commencement of J anuary 19, 1933, and at t he commencement on May 16, 1953, was approved as per l i sts attached t o r eport ; and copies attached to t his r eport. COLLEGE BUDGET page 3 Board Minut es June 2, 1933 The college budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1933, was presented by Mr. Duncan with the explanation that it was, in the main, a. continuation of the budget for the fi scal year ending June 30, 1933, and that it was only a paper budget based upon possible income. He had only one conY but explained that the budget committee (composed of Messrs. Culver , Haley, and Samford) had spent a whole day studying it item by item. &~. Culver stated that t he budget was, in his opinion, "as good as could be worked out under present conditions and circum­stances." He reported its approval by the budget committee. Mr. Duncan explained t hat t he budget committee ha.d inserted in the budget $100 per month for each member of the Administrative Committee for services as members of this committee. He presented also budgets for t he Extension Service and Experiment St at i on, ex­plaining t hat, like the college budget, they were esentially continuations of budgets f or t he current fisc al year. Upon motion by Mr. Hanson, seconded by Mr. Conner, these budgets were adopted by unanimous vote. The approval of the budgets included a motion by Mr. Samford t hat "the resolution adopted by the Board of Trus t ees on J anuary 12, 1953, be reaffirmed and readopted as the permanent policy of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute; and t hat all employees and attaches of the institution must be employed or elected with full knowledge of said resolution.1l Upon motion of Mr. Haley, seconded by Committee was voted $1200 for service t he fiscal year ending June 50, 1933. agreed upon by t he budget committee. Mr. Samford, each member of the Administrative rendered as members of the committee during Mr. Haley explained that this amount had been TEXTILE ENGINEERING In adopting t he budget the board reduced the School of Textile Engineer ing to a department in the School of Engineering. HONORARY DEGREES FOR MEfJBERS OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE Mr. Ashcraft proposed t hat t he board of trustees lIin due time and in accordance with t he rules and policies of t he board" confer upon each member of t he Adminis­trative Conmittee an appropriate honorary degree in recognition of t heir s ervices, t heir ability, and t heir merits; and in behalf of t he i nstitution itself. Mr. Hanson endorsed t he pr oposal and the board voted unanimous approval of t he pr opos al. APPRECIATION Upon motion by Mr. Hanson, seconded by Mr. Samford, the board expressed gr at eful appreciation t o the Administrat i ve Committee and to the f aculty for the excellent work and splendid spirit under the extremely adverse conditions. Mr. Samford, as local trustee, told the board t hat he had heard not a wora of discord during the year. He praised highly the f aculty, t he students, and also the business men of Auburn. Questions were raised concerning the continuation of the Administrative Committee, it being understood t hat the Admi nistrative Committ ee will continue until other arranae-ments are made. '" page 4 Board Minutes June 2, 1933 Upon motion by Mr. Conner, seconded by Mr. Herzfeld, the board cast a vote of t hanks to t he budget committee. CONDOLENCE Mr. Samford called attention of t he board to the death of Mrs. Weenona White Hanson, wife of Dr. Victor H. Hanson, since the board met on January 12, 1933. He expressed sympathy t o Mr. Hanson and other members of the bereaved family and requested t hat t he board adopt a resolution of condolence wi th the understanding that he would write it. Mr. Samford's resolution follows : "Whereas, death, on January 17, 1933, claimed Mrs. Weenona Whi te Hanson, wife of Dr. Victor H. Hanson, distinguished member of t he board of Trustees of t he Alabama Polytechnic I nstitute; and "vYbereas, Mrs. Hanson was a loyal, faithful, and active friend of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute; "Therefore, be it r esolved by the board of trustees of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute in r egular session t hat we expr ess our heartfelt sympathy to Dr. Hanson and all other members of the bereaved f amily; and declare t he great loss caused t o this instituti on by the unt imely death of Mrs. Hanson." The board recessed, subject { ,1--- r L ,I ~' FOURTH MID-YEAR COMIV1.ENCEr,,1E:N'T EXERC ISES of THE AL..~BAlV1A POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE at t he PRESBYTERB.NClfLJRCH Auburn, Ala bar.1a January 19, 1933 7:00 P.I'j. ORDER OF EXERCISES (Dean Wilmore presiding) Organ Processional. - Mrs. Mary Drake Askew America the Beaut iful. - by t he Audience led by Dr. Paul Irvine Invocation. - ::)1'. J. R. Edwards, Pastor Auburn Bapti st Church Vocal Solo . - Serge ant George Moxham Baccalaureate Address.- Zebulon Judd, Ph.B., M.A. CONFERRI NG OF DEGREES Dean Jno. J. Wilmore, Chairman Adm ini stI'ntive Committee Auburn AJma Mater.- by the Audience Benediction.- Dr. Bruce McGehee, Pa stor Auburn Methodist Church The Alabarna Polytechnic Institute CANDIDATI;S FOR GRADUATION FOURTH MID...;.r~ COI,'ITviENCEl',lENT 1933 7 : .:)0 P.M., Thursday , January 19 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ~:.GR1CULTUITE John ':iilliam J ones, Collinsville ~7ill iam Elmo Thombs, De catur BACHELOR OF SCIENCE HJ AGRICULTURAL EVUC.ATION Leonard T1.10mas Yiagnon, Tuscumbia B.,,-CHELOR OF SCIENCE IN I\fTECH.:-lliICAL ENGINEERING John Ellsberry Buen, Birmingham Edward Joseph Pate, Birmingham BACI-iELOR OF SCIENCS IN AEROlJi.,.UTICAL ENGINEERING George Clarage 1·~8 1 ter, J r . ,Birmingham B.dCH~!~LOR CFSCI:GI JC=~ r -: CEiET :1C1.,.L EN!) I1TE3Rnm Ii-1il ton Luri:J , Do than B1~CBELOR OF S'C ISHeE IN TE}~ILE ENGHTE::!;RHTG Felix J enkins Crei£hton, j'.!Iontgomery :aicCE3LOR OF 3CICHCE Francis 'Till?:18n England, Eobile Anne Towles Gunby, Auburn Velma Pearson , j\.lexande r City lJ~than iel Y;aller, Selma BACHELCR OF SCIEIJCE n r EDUC,;.::nOlJ Essie Cat herine Hester I Russellville Eva Louise i'The.tley, Auburn BACHEJ."oR CF 3CIEHCE IN HOI.S ECCNO;lICS EDUCATION Halley I,rae Ingram, VJetlli"Tlpka BACHELOR CY SC IENCE IN HOLm 3CONOMICS ~velyn J arvis Sillith, Auburn Tv'IA.STE? OF SCTI;NCE Jnmes Hnrris Christensen, B. S., 1930 Auburn Thesis: A Photoelectric Photomet er for t he rtla gnoto-Optic IIf,ethod of Analysis. Eunice Hester Turnham, B. S. Universi ty of Alabama , 1922 Thesis: Deserted Villages. LaFayette Geor go VanPelt 1iJaldo, B. S., 1932 Montgomery Thesis: A Photoelectric Photonet or for the l\'jagneto- O pti~ Method of Analysis. Vernon Bell 1·!a t wood, B. S., 1 \)27 Auburn The sis: Investigation of a Re i n:'Corct3c. Concre t e ~ r ch :Jesign. 93 r 1 1872 ~ixtg-Jifir13i QIommencement tJix£r.cises of tire J\uburn, J\labama May the Sixteenth, 1933 10:00 A. M. ORDER OF EXERCISES 1933 Marche et Cortege .......................... __ ...... _____________________ ....... _ ...... _ . ____ ... Gounod Auburn Band, P. R. Bidez, Director INVOCATION Watchman. What of the Night? ._._._ .. . . .... _. __.. ..... __ ._ ......... _.. ............. Salter Auburn Glee Club, Charles Floyd, Direct.or BACCALAUREATE ADDRESS Steadman Vincent Sanford, A.B., Litt.D., President University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia CONFERRING OF DEGREES AWARD OF PRIZES LANGDON HALL GRADUATES Class 011933 SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE Bachelor of Science in Agriculture J ames Otto Bentley ............ _ .......... ...................................................... Lanett Jesse Byron Brooks .................................................................................. Killen Travis 0 swell Burgess ................................................... ................. Ethelville J ames Lafayette Eidson ........................................................ Cent'erville, Ark. Howard Lovick Eu banks ........... . ...... ................................................ Slocomb Homer Sanders Fisher ............... .. . .. . _. ...... . ...... _.. . _.. ..... _................ Huntsville Grover Cleveland Moore, Jr. .._ . .......... .. ..... __ .. ..... _. ...... _.. ...... ~ ............ . Gantt Howa rd Woodson Moss ............. .... _.. ..... _.. ............................._ . .............. Mobile John Moreland Owen ......................... .... _.............................................. Ensley William Burns Pa terson ........... . .............._ . .......... _. .. . ... _.. _.. ........ Montgomery Mabry Stone Phillips ......... . ................ _.. ..... .. ....._ . ........ _.. . .. .......... Carrollton Theron Tennyson Reagan .... _.. ................................ ................................ Delta Euland Mead Rushing ................................................... _................ Prattville Willie Roe Tam plin ......._ .. ................. .. ......................... ._.................... Auburn Thomas Pierce Whitten ........... .. ..... .. ................. _.. .... __.. .................... Roanoke SCHOO'L OF ENGINEERING Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Charles Alfred Bowles ............................ _ ...... ...................... _ .............. Shelby Hines Kennon Francis .... _ ..... _.. ................_ . ._ ._. ...... _. ............... Montgomery Sam Gottlieb ................................... .. .. _. ... __.. ......... .. . _.................. Birmingham I saac Lyman 'Ledbetter, Jr. ... .. ..................................... . ................. Bessemer John Cyrus MacGregor ._ ................................................................. _.. .. Auburn Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Robert Hugh Cameron ....................... .. . .. ........................_ .... .......... Auburn Benj amin Dudley Casey, Jr. . ........ _.. ............... . .... _._ ....... .. ...... _...... Marion J ames Marvin Cox .............................................................................. Tuskegee Charles Jesse Cregar ... .. ........... _.. .... _.. ............ _.. ...................... Savannah, Ga. Marcel Emile Crettet, Jr . ....... .. . .......... .. . .. ......... _.. ..... .. .. New Orleans, La. Thomas Eugene Curtis ....... . ...... .. ......... _.. ...................... ... .. .......... Fairhope Cecil Hubert Dobbs ....................... . .. . .......... .. ............. .. .............. Carbon Hill Robert Ryland Ellis, II ... _. .............. . ...... _.. . .. . .. _ ........... _.. .......... Birmingham John Cuthbert Farley, III ...... ._._ ....................................... .. .............. Opelika Harold Sylvester Gassman ................... .. ......................... _.. .... .. Birmingham Oliver Norris Glennon ............... _.. ......................... .. ............................ Mobile Robert Powell Greer ....................... .................. .. . _.. ........ ........ Birmingham James Emmett Harrell, Jr . ..................... ....................................... Fairfield William Jackson ........._ _.. ..................., ....................... . .................. Birmingham George Lee J ohnson ....... .. ..... .. ............................................. _.. ..... _._ .. Langdale LaVerne Alfred Johnston ....... .. . . ...... . ........ _. ... .. . .. . _.. .......... Willard, Ohio Rhea Pearce Lapsley ........................ _.. . ........._ ......................_ .............. Selma Daniel Howard 'Lowery ........ ._ .............................................................. Ensley J ames Donald McIntyre ........................... _.. ..................... . ............... Jackson Edward Preston Murphy, Jr . ............... _, .. _. ...... .. . .. . _.. . .. .. _. .. _.. ............ Gadsden Everett Stewart' Peterson, Jr. ______________________________________________ Savannah, Ga. Robert Sparks Robison _______________________________________________________ Thomasville, Ga. George Washington Royer ______________________________________________________________ ___ Decatur John Wesley Solomon, J r. ______________________________________________________________ Eufaula Albert Stewart, Jr. ___________________________________________________________________________ Marion Charles Wesley Stickle ________________________________________________________________ Birmingham Roy Willis Wages ______________________________________________________________________ Birmingham Paul Beebe W ard _______________________________________________________________________________ Selma Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering William Robert Blakeney __________________________________________________________ Livingston Charles Manly Canon, Jr.· ____________________________________________________________________ Opelika William Edward Cone ________________________________________________________________ Birmingham James Hutson Cooper _________________________________________________________________________ Attalla J ames Reid Crawford __________________________________________________________________________ Dothan Rodolfo Elizondo ____________________________________________________ ____ . _______ Muzquiz, Mexico Dunham Fay Golson ________________ _____________________________________________________ Prattville F rank Lewis Hardy, Jr. _____________________________________________________________________ Troy Charles Edward Howard __________________________________________________________ Americus, Ga. Joseph Williford H urt ______________________________________________________________________ Tuskegee Joseph Thurston Laney _________________________________ < ____________________________ Birmingham George William Lanier _____________________________________________________________ Birmingham William Forest Locke ___________________________________________________________________________ Auburn Charles Morgan Middleton _______________________________ ____________________________ Scottsboro Thomas Irving Moore, Jr. ________________________________________________________________ Marion William Thomas Moore, Jr. ________________________________________________________________ Orrville Thomas Wing Sparrow, Jr. ________ ____________________________ ----__________________________ Auburn Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Engineering Alvin Renzie Bell _______________________________________________________________________________ Fairhope J ames Thornton Boyd ________________________________________________________________________________ Troy Marshal Scoville Caley ________________________________________________________ Marion Junction Grigsby Sibley Christopher ___________________________ __________________________________ Gadsden Theodore W . Clarkson ___________________________________________________ _____________________ Gadsden Herbert Francis Croen, Jr. _______________________________________ Philipse Manor, N. Y. William Peyton J ones _______________________________________________________________ Au ta uga ville Jeffer son Terry Millsap ___________________________________________________________________ Evergreen Frank Coburn Mittell _______________________________________________________________ Savannah, Ga. Robert Giles Pitts __________________________________________________________________________________ Marion George Raymond Slaughter ___________________________________________________________ Camp Hill Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering Fred Euell Copeland _____________________ ,____________________________________________________ Auburn Erby Cornelius Washburn, Jr. ___________________________________________________________ Marion SCHOOL OF TEXTILE ENGINEERING Bachelor of Science in Text ile Engineering John Culpepper Fonville ______________________________________________________________ Montgomery Edward Hamilton Linch ________________________________________________________________________ Dothan Joe Phillips ________________________________ ____________________________________________ Hogansville, Ga. Cassius Miller Stanley ________________________________________________________________ Montgomery Certificate in Textile Engineering Charles Haley Coggin ____________________________________________________ ____________ Birmingham Hampton Hunter Greene ___________________________________________________ West Point, Ga. Dewey Orel Shirah ___________________________________________ ________________________________ Columbus SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND LITERATURE Bachelor of Science Hugh Reynolds Alison ______________________________________________________________________ Minter William Marvin Askew, Jr. _________________________________________________________ Auburn Freeman Wainwright Barnes _______________________________________________________ Jackson Robert Berkeley Bush ____________________________________________________________________________ Mobile Lilbern McCarty Carre ________________________________________________________________ Anniston .. I John Radney Chadwick ____________________________________ : _______________ Nashville, Tenn. Edward McPherson Farrior ____________________________________________________ Union Springs Samuel Wilson Grubbs _______________________________________________________________________ Clayton Ernest'ine Pat,terson Hill __________________________________________________________________ Auburn Lewis McCurdy J ones _____________________________________________________________________ Opelika Marion Kelley ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Auburn Mary George Lamar ______________________________________________________________________ Auburn Frank Mitchell Lowrey, Jr. ____________________________________________________________ Centerville Knox Miller McMillan __________________________________________________________________ Talladega J ohn Dowling Martin, Jr. ____________________________________ ________________________________ Eufaula Thomas Edwin Merritt ____________________________________________________________________ Opelika Barney Monroe M use _______________________________________________________________ Montgomery J ames Patrick O'Rourke ________________________________________________________________________ Selma Arvin Levert Payne, Jr. __________________________________________________________________ Grove Hill W alter Brown P arrent ________________________________________________________________________ Opelika Forney Renfro, J r. _____________________________________________________________________________ Opelika William Henry Riser, Jr. __________________________________________ : ________________ 'Lafayette Otho Leo Robinson _______________ ________________________________________________________________ Atmore John Sewall Rogers ____________________________________________________________________________ Gadsden Nelson Hester Thomas _________________________________________________________________________ J ones Sonora Key Towles ___________________________________________________________ New Orleans, La. ~~~~l: ~~i~a~~r~ _ ~~~~~~~~~~~:~:~~=~~~~~:~~~~~~~::~~:~~~~~~:~:~~:~~~~=~~=:~~:~~~:~~:~~ ___~ e ~~~ts~f~ Sarah Hudson Wilson __________________________________________________________________________ Auburn Samuel Edmon Wittel ________________________________________________________________________ Auburn Edgar Levie Wynn _________________________________________________________________________ Ashland SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE AND ALLIED ARTS Bachelor of Architecture William Joseph Bartoldus _______________________________________________ Long I sland, N. Y. Kenneth Engwall ____________________________________________________ ___________________ ' ___________ Mobile John Robertson Farris _________________________________________________ ,----____________________ Mobile Herbert Harris ___________________________________________________________________________ Garden City Charles Lenning Hendrick ______________________________________________________________ Auburn William Randolph Henry _______________________ _________________________________ Guntersville Grady Lee Hicks ___________________________________________________________________________________ Florala Tom Brown Kirkland ______________________________________________________________ Union Springs J ames Lake Parker _____________________________________________________________________________ Panola Elwyn Blackwell Richey __________________________________________________________ Birmingham Jesse Donald Simmons _________________________________________________________________ Andalusia Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Cullen Emmett McCord _____________________________________________________________________ Piedmont John Philip Roberts ______________________________ , ______________________________________ Sylacauga 1'1 - ; Bachelor of Applied Art William Driver Wilson _____________________________ _________________________________________ Gadsden SCHOOL OF CHEMISTRY AND PHARMACY Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering James McMurtrie Backes ________________________________________________________________________ Mobile Ted Mitchell Bishop __________________________________________________________________ Union Springs Cecil Daimwood Brooks ___________________________________________________________________ ____ Auburn Reynold Benj am in Burt ____________________________________________________________________ Sheffield Calvin Clifton Chunn ____________________________________________________________________________ Jackson Clifford John Chunn ___________________________________________________________________________ Jackson Alphonso Claude Clem _______________________________________________________________________ Ragland Leonard Stevenson Cook _________________________________________________________________ Roanoke Anthony George Deer __________________________________________________________________ Birmingham Grady Archie Fuller ______________________________________________________________ ______________ Opelika Arthur Henry Kirkby __________________________________________________________________ Birmingham Arthur David Mayo, Jr. ______________________________________________________________________ Prichard Frank Glass Noble ______________________________________________________________________________ Tuskegee Daniel Mitchell Rencher, Jr. _____________________________________________________________ Opelika Conrad Lawrence Stayton ____________________________________________________________ Birmingham Marcus Melvin Striplin, Jr. ____________________________________________________________ Florence Edward Henry Tenthoff _______________________________________________________________________ Elberta J ames Douglass Wall ________________________________________________________________ Birmingham William Clifford Wear, Jr. _______________________________________________________________ Opelika Leonidas Preston Whorton _______________________________________________________________ Gadsden George McGough Williams ___________________________________ ___________________ Montgomery John Clinton Williams, Jr. ______________________________________________________________ Sylacauga Robert Eugene Wingard _________________________________________________ ________ Elyria, Ohio Bachelor of Science in Chemistry Ott'o Morningstar ___________________________________________________________________ Brookline, Mass. Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy Stell Blake Yates Lineville Pharmaceutical Chemist John R. Carmack _______________________________________________________________________________ Brewton Lynch Mallory _________________________________________________________________________________ Elmore Lawrence Everett Sellers _________________________________________________________________ Oneonta J ohn Robert Smith _______________________________________________________________ Bay Minette SCHOOL OF EDUCATION 1 \-. Bachelor of Science in Education Robert Chester Arthur ________________________________________________________________ Birmingham Exa Bargdoll Beck _______________________________________________________________________________ Auburn David Benjamin Borden _______________________________________________________________ Greensboro Virgil Breland ____________________________________________________ _____________________________ Langston [h~m~!r!::C~~r~;o:-~------~~--~~--~~~-----------------_~~-_~~-~_-_-_-_~_~-~~~~-_-_~-_-_~-_~-_-_-_-_-_~~~~~~-_-_-___ ~~~t~~~~~~ George Henry Connor ____________________________________________________________________ Auburn Mary Hughes Davidson ________________________________ _____________________________ Tyler, Texas ~~~~~~ ::A~~ef~:io~--~~~~~~-~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~:~~:=~~~~~~~~ __ ~o1~~~~~ Gordon Jackson Fowler ____________________________________________________________________ Pell City Dabney Bondurant Hare ____________________________________________________________________ Auburn James Franklin Hitchcock, Jr. ________________________________________________ Union Springs Libby Jeanne Israel __________________________________________________________________ West Blocton Carolyn Estelle J enkins _____________________________________________________________________ Auburn Suarez Franklin Lewis ____________________________________________________________________ Chapman Laura Frances McGehee ____________________________________________________________________ Auburn William Douglas Par ker ________________________________________________________________________ Ozark Nettie Mason Pattillo ____________ __________________________________________________________ Billingsley Roy Lewis Rhodes _________________________________________________________________________________ Linden "Leula Mae Smith ___________________________________________________________________ Alexander City John Ralph Stowe __________________________________________________________________________________ Opelika Josephine Summers _____________________________________________________________________________ Opelika Lora Thaxton ____________________________________________________________________________________ Pratt City Wesley Moody Varnon ________________________________ ~ _______________________________ Birmingham Edwin Augustus Wagnon __________________________________________________________________ Auburn Char les Raines W elden ________ __________________________________________________________ Wetumpka Julia Coleman W ia tt ___________________________________________________________________________ Auburn Sarah Bradley Wingard ___________________________________________________________________ Eclectic Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education Thomas Brice Chesnutt ________________________________________________ ________________________ Auburn Hershel Macklin Finney __________________________________________________________________ Scottsboro Val Taylor I vey ______________________________________________________________________________________ Marion William Robert J ordan ____________________________________________________________________ Andalusia James Emmett McQueen ________________________________________________________________ Tallassee William Walker Matthews ______________________________________________________________ Scottsboro Eldridge Esau N elson ___________________________________________________________ ______ Millerville Benton Wayne Odom ________________________________________________________________________ McKenzie J ames Clarence Odom ______ ____________________________________________________________________ Parrish John Cooper Slone __________________________________________________________________________ Hartselle Bachelor of Science in Home Economics Education May Opal Collins ______ ________________________________________________________________________________ Covin Jewel Golden __________________________________________________________________________________________ Opelika SCHOOL OF HOME ECONOMICS Bachelor of Science in Home Economics Elizabeth Camp ____________________________________________________________________________________ Auburn Elizabeth Hand ________________________________________________________________________ Graceville, Fla. Pauline J ennings _______________________________________________________________________ ________ Camp Hill Katherine Shaefer ________________________________________________________________________________ Opelika SCHOOL OF VETERINARY MEDICINE Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Percival George Barber ____________________________________________________________ Carolina, R. I. Lee McCluran Becton ____________________________ ____________________________________________________ Silas Hanceford Walter Hayes ________________________________________ __________________________ Calera Eugene Bernhardt Hubster ________________________________________________ Walterboro, S. C. Urton Munn __________________________________________________________________________________________ Auburn Everette Adolphe Price _______________________________________________________________ Castleberry Benjamin Haskel Rawls ________________ ____ ~ ______________________________________________ Searight SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES Master of Science Earl Emery Alldredge _______________________________________________________________________ Liberty B.S., 1931 Thesis: Factors Affecting the Preparation, Processing, and Handling of Cultured Butterrnilk Made From Dry Ski?n Milk . Alonzo Clifford Cohen, Jr. ________________________________________________ Brookhaven, Miss. B.S., 1932 Thesis: A Gmphical Analysis of Radio Frequency Power Amplifiers . . Chalmus Buford Dollins __________________________________________________________________ Athens B.S., 1932 Thesis: Application of the Magneto-Optic Method of Analysis. Bertha Reid Hess __________________________________________________________________________________ Auburn B.S., 1929, Northeast Missouri St'ate Teachers College Thesis: Backwoods Humor of the South. Robert Burton Mardre ____________________________________________________________________ ____ Auburn B.S., 1923 Thesis: A Proposal fo?' the Prediction of State Aid fO?' TnJ.msportation of Pupils in the Schools of South Carolina, H uberf William Nixon ______________________________________________________________________ Auburn B.S., 1923 Thesis: Suggested Methods of Analysis fo?' Some of the Substituted Barbituric Acids and a Study of the Compound Luminal. Charles Boutelle Ordway ____________________________________________________________________ Auburn B.S., 1922 Thesis: The Determination of a Method for the Measurement of the Resistance of Sized and Unsized Cotton Yarns to the Abrading Action of the Weaving Operation: A Method for the E valuation of Sweet Potato Starch. Walter Oscar Schubert ________________________________________________________________________ Auburn B.S., 1931 Thesis: The T eachability of P?'ocess Control in T ech­nical School Machine Shops. Jeannette Shapard _________________________________________________________________________ Wetumpka B.S., University of Alabama, 1932 Thesis: Introducing the Study of Science into the Elementa?'Y Schools of a Rural County. Wyeth Stephens W allace __________________________________________________________ New Brocton B.S., 1932 Thesis: Bacteriology of Seveml Water Supplies Found in Lee County, Alabama. Master of Science in Agricultural Engineering John Russell Carreker ________________________________________________________________ Cook Springs B.S., 1930 Thesis: Heat Transfer Through Soils. Marvin Alton J ones ______________________________________________________________________ Collinsville B.S., 1931 Thesis: Factors Affecting Rolling Resistance. Thomas Nelson Jones ____________________________________________________________ Starkville, Miss. B.S., 1928 Thesis: A Physiological Study of Alfalfa and Johnson Grass During the Pr.ocess .of Curing and Its Relati.on t.o Developing Hay Curing Machinery. Theodore Herman Kummer _______________________________________________________________ Auburn B.S., 1931 Thesis: A Mathematical Analysis and MethIJd .of Measuring Pl.ow-M.oldb.oard Surfaces. H ugh Daniel Sexton ______________________________________ "_________________________________ Hamil ton B.S., 1930 Thesis: The Fact.ors Affecting the Sheet Er.osion .of Cecil Clay S.oil with Meth.ods .of C.ontr.ol. Master of Science in Chemical Engineering Albert Binkley Allen ___________________________________________________________________________ Au burn B.S., 1932 Thesis: Experimental Evidence .on the Existence .of Br.omine Chl.oride and Is.ot.opes .of Br.omine by Means .of the Magnet.o­Optic Meth.od. James Beniah Nix ______________________________________________________________________________ Lockhart B.S., 1932 Thesis: A Study .of Liquid R.osin and its Physical and Chemical Pr.operties. Carl John Rehling ______________________________________________________________________________ Auburn B.S., 1929 Thesis: An Attempt t.o P1'epare 2, 4-Dimercapt.o­Benz. oic Acid. Master of Science in Electrical Engineering Henry Lucien Beck, Jr. ______________________________________________________ Charleston, S. C. B.S., 1932 Thesis: A Survey .of P.ower P.ossibilities and Design .of Transmissi.on Line f.or Secti.on between C.olumbus, Ge.orgia, and Pike R.oad, Alabama. Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Milton Davis Stone ____________________________________________________________________________ Anniston B.S., 1932 Thesis: P.ound-Carb.on Meth.od .of B.oiler Testing. Dupont Douglas Stroud __________________________________________________________________________ Salem B.S., 193.2 Thesis: Meth.ods.of B.oiler Testing. William Barrington Yarbrough ________________________________________________________ Auburn B.S., 1931 Thesis: Testing Steam B.oilers by the A. S. M. E. C.ode. DEGREES FOR PROFESSIONAL WORK Electrical Engineer Arthur Mell Dunstan ____________________________________________ _____________________ Montgomery B.S. in Electrical Engineering, 1928 Thesis: Rates and Rate Making f.or Electric Utilitie s. Mechanical Engineer William Coates Hurt, · Jr. _______________________________________________________________ Sylacauga B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, 1928 Thesis: H.ot M.olded Plastics. J j l ~ FOIX~IO mS'.t'I'1'I1TE. Aub.lrn, AJ.a.bBma. mn~:r!R :Rip;g:~S J.4o:rrillooNelson (Federal) An1rrel Rusbanhy ('10% of' $12,50(). OO) Interest on llad01QlJDetl't (no reduotion.) Fertl11$0' &011 Tax (7'1% of' 1, 000. (0) Old Malntenanoe ,(70% t>t $45 , 000. (0) New .:1ntenano~ ('1~ or .~, 615.B4) ~otal approprtations to Gtm~ral. 'reaohing A.gr10,ultural Eduaat.1on (bEWad on p:re,sent bUdget) ~chcr Tra1ntne Si.mmar So bo01 .!pasl Ineame lIntrieulat1on,. l:'~r te.rm S~r Sehool Extension Teaohing A.ibn1n..istra '!don Sehool of Agriculture Sohool of Eng1neering ~ool ot Arch1tee.'tU.re Sohool of S01onoe &; Literature ~duate Sohool SChool ot OhEmlistpy &. Ph.Irl.rmaoy SCAool ot Edueati01l Extens10n Teaohing Home Eoonomics . ~l1tary Science & Taotlea 8.umner School V"ter 1I¥U'\Y' General Se:n1.oe Do~rtm.ents 31.,'194.45 8 ; '150. 00 20, 200. 00 39, 900,. 00 31, 500. 00 MS. 561. 79 100,. 000. 00 10,,000. 00 5, 000. 00 $ 24,560. 00 58,455.00 '19, 905. 00 24, 250.00 U'l, 270. 00 2:.160. 00 54. 39'1. 00 62, 145. 00 5 . 000. 00 10,060.00 2, 545. 00 13, 500. 00 16, 000.00 82, 465, 00 0:31, '194.45 286, 991.'0 17, 970.00 17,,500. 00 3, 500. 00 ll5,.000. 00 59. 955,76 ----- ------ A,plItnsmnpl{ heaidantts ort"ioe Aoooun1;an'tt" Offlce :tlegistrel:"'.s Oni eft· Dean of WQ11I8l1 ~otals. SCHOOL OF AGRlCHIL'l\JRE Dean fa Ottioe !gr10U1 tU1"al Economics Agri 0t41 tural Eng1nearing AgrO'hatr:! . Animal Busb8l1d.r'y ~1r1 hbanclry P.OUltry liuaband17 &tsny Hortioulture ZoQl.Qgy ~ Entomology Totals &lHOO;L GFltNG~ut!! Dean t Oftiee 01 vtl &. BighiV~ Englneel:'illg E14«ttr1oal ~n"rlng -. hine Des1ga. Mechanioal &. ~Oil! Jklg1n_r1ng Indus.t.1i.ral ~. &: Shop. T~xtlle, lSngineortng En€;1noering Experiment Station 'fotals Deen t s Ot't1o-e Ar<lhi tooture A,p11ad Art Dean's Offioe Ectoncmd<ts,& Business Adln1n .. English Foreign lenguageS Rtsto.ry 16'l:th_U,os Mwd.o Physics l?l1rei cal JlidU4'at1on Totals -------'----- ---- $ 'I, '1156,. 00 5,322 .. 00 6,&3'1. '15 1.000.00 855. 00 2.,100. 00 5,850. 00 4 , 6'25. QO 4.080. 00 9 , O'1a. 00 3,000. 00 4:. 737. 00' 6,571. 00 . a. Q15.og 5, 300. 00 1-3,170. 00 1.2,,555. 00 J.O.,350. 00 16, 440. 00 9'.,675. 00 6, 960. 00 1. 880, 00 75, 900. 00 2,730. 00 15, 510. 00 ~5 . 505.OQ 2,826. 00 19 .. 690. 00 27, 920. 00 ., . 740. 00 U , 95() . OO 23, 200. 00 1,180. 00 10,,940. 00 9. ,800· 09 9:34. 00 1.,..,8. 00 9~ .. 25 100. 00 100.00 600 .. 00 785.00 2, 020. 00· 1,428. 00 640. 00 563 .. 00 1,889. 00 685.92 '15 , 00 l.80. 00 445 .• 00 50. 00 1 , 000.00 925. 00 1,180. 00 120, 00: 1'10, 00 165. 00 l'lO.!Q 174. 00 300. 00 30.00 150. 00 100. 00 520. 00 560. 00 }.50, go jl'O'.t'.MS $ 8, 700. 00 6, 600. 0<> 7,100.00 2·190. 00 865. 00 2, 200, 00 6,450. 00 5,350.00 6, 100. 00 10. 500. 00 4 . '600. 00 5, 300. 00 8,400.00 O,90Q:.00 3,S?5. 00 ).5, 950. 00 13; 000. 00 .1.0.400.00 17~440 .0G 10, 600. 00 8,140.00 3, 000. 00 8,900.00 1.5,6'15. 0<) . 6, G75. !@ . 3,,000. 00 19,660 .. 00 28,210. ,00 7,"0. 00 12,100. 00 23.300. 00 1,'100. 00 ll,t)OO. OO 19.000•00 GRADUATE sqaOOJ;: SCHOOl. OF ~S'fRY &. Pg.KI.RMlI.(f:( ;.. .' OhmatJ:oy Ph&rm8Q7 'fot'ala SCHOOL· .OF ElYf.lCA;GION i g 'I'eaCAal' T.ra:1nill6 Edl'IOe.t1on. AgricUlturd Education ~ SQHOOl1 ~Iotl p;i!.QlUl1G am~ EOQNOM(OS VE'rERlNARr -GENElUI,. S:l$'VlOE DE.PA,DmN'm . Plant Service Health M'brer.y Pu1>lio ' ,In't(fJ."lm. t1~ Oe:taloa & Advertising tlommenoament InsUl"8JlQe & .Bonds ' ater 1$3'8 tam: Loan 'l.'lrua tee.s <lon t1~gent Expense 'l'<;>tals , ( :1, ! .t,',/ '. I / . .' ; 26, 27'1. 00 '1.1470. 00 21. 26'1. 00 13, 175.,00 . .,,;tZo,oo $.53, &12 • ()() 10,000.00 3.968,00 10,.'000. 00 ,1 .. \)45 .00 14. 8.00', 00 '9. '7S0. 00 5, 616. 00 '1,465. 00 3 .,195. 00 126 , 056. 00 $442. 54'1. '15 ,~. oo ·~tQO 4 ,800.00 3,500. 00 000. 00 1.9 , 920. 00 .l, l.84. 00 1, 000. 00 505. 00 2. 000. 00 200. 00 10. 000. 00 5 , 000,. 00 500. 00 M.QOQ·gg :6, 409. 00 $90, 164. a5 26, 527. 00 ' .870.00 31,000. 00 13.r15.oo 17., 970,00 13,500. 00 10, 060.00 2,,545,00 16,.000. 00 29,.100. 00 6. 800. 00 8, 465.00 3. 700. 00 2, 500. 00 200. 00 10, 000. 00 5~OOO. OO 500. 00 15*,000. 00 ~ISTRA1~~ l)ysidan"s9tgioe '3. ". Wilmore B. H. Crensha:rl L. N. DtUlQan p . O. Da.Tia BfJrta Dunn .tle GoQd~ AgC9w;wnt's Ottica M. A. Glelm 'I. T. Ing~ A. p. Pearson ry E. Hooper Frances Tippins Ruth 'Wal.drop ~ubaLew:ts: (J . W. Ed:wards liil:'s. J . E ... Wiat Jewel Martin . s. Phillip Brown Dean otWoman Zoe Dobbs. ALABAMA POI:rJr.tWffiUO U'4STlME Auburn, Ala bema. O~ Vt ..... (fhal1"ttVlll Seore'f;al.7 Exec utive-Seoretary and Registrar Seo ·y-Stonographer Stenopapher 'rreasu.rer Ao countant Bookkee;pe:r O'sshiel' Clerk Olerk Stenogra.pher Numb&r Months 6. 240. 00 12 I,Oro. OO 12 6, 600. 00 12 4, 320. 00 12 1,620.00 12 1., 026.00 12 To tal Bal.a.ri as TGtal },,'faint nancEI Projeot Total 2,'100. 00 12 3 , 240. 00 12 1,512. 00 12 1.,350. 00 12 1,140 . 00 12 1, 140.00 12 1.,140.00 12 Tota~ Salar 60 Total Main tenanoe Project Total Ree;istrar' anA .Executi ve-Seoretary ASSOQ . Registrar Recorder Stanogt"Bpher 4;.320. 00 12 3, 060. 00 18 1,248. 75 12 969. 00 12 Clark 960. 00 12 Total Salal"16S Tota.1 Maintenance Pro jeCt Total. 3 , 600. 00 12 1'otal Salar1es Total 1!a.in tenano e PrOject Total. Amount this mjeet 1,200. 00 1, 200.00 . 00 2, 720. 00 1,620,00 . 1.. 026,,00 . . ~'1 , '16thOO 934. 00 18,'00.00 1, 800. 00 ,72. 00 600. 00 '750 . 00 , 00 000.00 600. 00 $5,322.00 1.,270,00 ¥6, 600.00 .OQ 5 , 060. 00 1.248.'15 969. 00 960,00 2.000,00 . 2, 000.00 100. 00 12,100. 00 --- --- - --- sgROO;r.. 0.F. AGRIOU1Wg Des�� $ Oi"tis, Annual. PalNM' Number Mo.nt.h§ Amount this Proj,est M. J. Funeruesa WII II . Weidenbaoh Dean $5, 400. 00 1.2 Executive-See 'Y. 2,,620.00 12 Total Salari:es ToW Meintenan_e Project Total. 5,.150. 0() .u. Total Salall'iea 1!otnl Maint€lna.we Project '.rota! iPiCU1~. Er~lnw:ms .. . • L.. lifl.Ohola Head Prot. 3, 420. ,00 12 A. Oernes 11.13800'. Prof. 2 , 700. 00 lJl N. .. Wilson Asst. Prot. 2, 160 .• 00 12 !,Q:<:moml ::r. Vl.. Ti (Jmore A. L.. SOIIlt'OOl' (h D ~ Searseth D. G. Stul:'kle G. H. JaatEU' A,1l1!N Husot.>illW;Y J .• O. Grimes W. E. Sewell 1. R. },}rown Dain: S:us bEulm; A. D. Burke W. H. Eaton E. E.. Aldredge llavid Fstar 1. R. Brown llell 1111tcbell Total. Salaries Total Main tenanee Projeet 'rotal ProfessQr 3,240. 00 12 AasQC. Prot . .2, 9'70. 00 12 Asst.Soil Ohemist 2,,700. 00 12 A.sst .. Aponomist 2, 700. 00 12 Il'lBtruo,tor 1 , 600. 00 1.2 Read Prot. Asst .. 'Prot. lta;n1!l Supt. Hand Prof. AssOO. Prot. Inatruc,tor Herdsman Fum SUpt. Stenographer Total Salaries Total MaintenaMe Pro jeet Total 3, 420. 00 12 2 , 700. 00 ~2 1,14.0. 00 l.~ 'l'ota 1 Sa.l.ar1GS Total ~nt$nance ProJ _tTotal. 3,420. 00 .l2 2, 700. 00 12 900. 00 12 1, 140. 00 12 1.,l4O. 00 12 ga9. flO U ~ota1 Salaries Total Maintenanoe Projae.t Total. t 676. 00 lag.oo $ems.oo . 00 2.100, 00 t S., lOO. OO ... log. OO fa,Boo.oo · 720. 00 270. 00 720.00 2 , .800. 00 665 00 ~.625. 00 . ' .. 7,25 , 00 i5,350. oo 1 , 350. 00 2,100. 00 5Z0. 00 k .ooo. oo 1!t. 020. 00 t6. l.00. 00 if G. A. '1'1"01101>& D,. F. King a,. '1'. BaUey Botg 1'. L. Seal E. V. Smith G. t • . Fiat s. A. B~ Stearns RortloulWG t~!Z. ware O. L. Isball Je; • Hyde O. O. Medlock H. "lane E. VI. Mc.Elwea Titl Bead Prot. Asst. " Instructor d Prot. .Isst. . , Assoc. It Stenographer Head Prot. Professor Assoc. Prot. Asst. " Forsmn. Gradua to Asst. Zo<>j0g;r:EA,to . loa j . • Robinson Head Prot. F. E. Guyton Ass-GO. Prot. H. G. Goode As t . Prof'. F. S. Arant Asst. Prot. Mrs . O.A. L.Samtord,J'r. Stenographor Numoor Months 3,240. 00 12 2,160. 00 12 1, 900.00 12 Total Salaries !fotal )4aintanance Project Total, 3., .. ~OO 12 1, 980. 00 12 2.880. 00 a 1, 254. 00 12 'l!oW Salaries Totsl Maintenance Project Total 3, 240. 00 1.2 ,5, 240 .'00 12 2 ; 500. 00 12 2,100. 00 12 1,254.00 12 1 ,140. 00 12 Total Salaries '1'0 tal Maintenance Pro j eot Total 3 , 240. 00 12 2,700. 00 10 2 , 520 . 00 l! 2. 340. 00 12 1 . 254. 00 12 '1'ottal. Salaries Total Maintenanca Pro~t Total Salary t his prg3QCJt 2,:540. 00 900. 00 '1g?OO $3. 960. 00 6,40, 00 ii •. 6oo.00 900. 00 1.440.00 1, 7'70 . 00 627. 00 , 73'1 . 00 563. 00 15,300.00 2'10. 00 1, 494. 00 2, 520. 00 1.242. 00 285. 00 '160. 00 6,571. 00 1, 53>. 00 2,'700 .. 00 2 .. 520. 00 1. 1'10. 00 ~. 829 .p'o .400. 00 95. qQ $8. 015. 00 685. 00 68. '100. 00 / {)D Title Dean Stenographer 01dl & H1phway ~!%!¥:1~ . . I .A.O. Callau oteoaor O.A. Bauglman It F. C. Hulse ~ A,. 0 " Btll"l"O\'lr A' st. Prot. V. B. Watwood Asst. Prot. p . M. Beard Instructor ~leC'1;rical .Engineerins A. at 0" Dunstan W. W. Hill G •. H. 08l"lovitz R. A. Betts Vacant .. chine De;stsn M. T" l1"'ul.1en A., L. Thoma L. Hoi> sahag P. 1 Beard VaQnnt Head Prot. Praf'essor Assoc ,. Prot. Asst. " Grad" Asst. Hea! Prot. Professor AS8OC.. Prof. ~ Ass i s't8nt Mechanical &. Aero. El'W;. j'. J. Wilmore Rend Prot. O. R. Hixon PrOfessor V. O. Finch .. J . G. MoKinnOn Aost ro Ppo!'. Y. A. ElizondO If .. Sol.on Di xon In struo tor J. C I> Barrett tl Annual Salm t $5, 040. 00 1,l4O.00 Number Months 12 12 Total Salari. S Total lntonance Pro jGot Total 3.150. 00 10 3, l.5O . 00 10 2, 700. 00 10 2,160. 00 10 1 , 800. 06 10 1 , so.oo 10 Total Salaries 70' 1 n tenance Pro jaet Total. 4,320.00 12 5, 240.00 10 2,SSQ. OO 10 1,896. 00 10 225. 00. 9 To 1 Salarl Total 1ntenance Projeet Total 5, 600. 00 let 3, 06(hOO ,10 2,430. 00 10 1.620. 00 10 450. 00 9 Total Salaries Total Maintenance Proj ect Total. 5 ,040. 00 12 3, 150. 00 10 2 , 9'70. 00 10 2.540. 00 10 2, 100. 00 10 1 ,.800. 00 10 1,140. 00 10 Total Salaries ?1ota1 intellrul(~e P:ro j ea t Total Salary this proJeqt 12, l.OO . 00 1. 140. 00 Is ,300. 00 3,150. 00 3, 1150. 00 2, '100. 00 8,160.00 1 ,800,00 '15 •. 00 go.OO 113, '170 . 00 1S0, Dq 113, 950. 00 4, 32Q. OO 3,240. 00 2,880.00 1 ,890.00 226. 00 512, 555.00 . itS.ao 413, 000. 00 3, 600. 00 5 , 060. 00 2.430. 00 810. 00 400. 00 t10, 350, OO 50. 00 2,180. 00 3, .150. 00 2., 9'10. 00 2,540. 00 2, 100. 00 1,800. 00 1. 140. 0,0 i 16,440. 00 1 . 000. 00 $1'1 ,440. 00 /CJ / " Bessie Enlriok /' / I / (,~ , , , I Annual ~ N'UXllbel' Month! . .. ,240. 00 ,2,.160. 00 1,890. 00 1..aOQ.oo 12 10 19 10 . 2;35.009 5 student, assis­tants !i~ :k5. 00 Stono~her 120. 00 12 fotal Salaries TOtal Main tOl16DCe he J·eot Total ~, ' , . ,~ r<.:, ., " .' \ 5, 600. 00 la , ,~,1it)O. 00 10 '.~1.60 . 00 10 lJ?otal Salaries fota:I. ~1ntOllS%1b$ 'Proje4t ~t~ ',I , \ / t· , /1 " / 1 .. S8.lary thi s proje91 5, 24.0. 00 2, 160. 00 1,890. 00 1 . 800. 00 225. 00 _ MO. OO ' U9, 6'15. 00 • 922. 00 ~o .ooo . oo 5, 600. 00 1, 200.00 2,160.00 i 6, 900. 00 1.180•00 8 .140 .• 00 - SCHOOL O.F j>.,RQHI'fEO~ ~,~D. t e Ott:iS! h1!l;\1:teotlW,!! 11\ 0.. lUggtn E .. W. Burkhardt 11. M. Orr K. G. ltaev-e Max W1U1ams C. J. Davj.s~ Jr~ '1* U. Sinmons G. L. litoka <- , " .. " D$Q1l L1br~ SeorettU.'1 Reted Prof'. Asst. " InsU'uotozr Glnid. Asst. , I tP 3 An.ut1Jll ,~ Number Salal:'Y tb1a Iantha pro JeII,t 4, ' 0. 00 11 ?oo 10 900. 00 12 fo11tl Salariof; Total .Mru.ntc:r.u,\nee Project ToW 4.6ao~ oo 12 \ ,3,780. 00 10 2,'100.00 10 2~?OO. OO 10 1 ,,1~_OO 10 l,, 140~QO 10 225. 00 9 225.00 " 9 lIQtal Salar:~'. !ote.l Main ~anoe Projoct 'I'o~ 2. $at? .00 10 ;L.~OO .Oo 10 400. 00 l.Q . 5. 00 9 'l'o~ Sa,lar1ea Tb~ Mai11,tenano,e 1'1J1O!3eet Total 1,.080. 00 '50. 00 $OP.Q9 . ~! . '130.00 1'1'0. ,00 §2., 900. 00 3, 600.00 5,760.00 •• '100. 00 2,100. 00 1,140.00 1.140. 00 .5. 00 l~25 •. QQ 15, 510.00 .166.00 515,675.00 a.88Q.QO 1,800'. 00 600.00 '\l-225.00 I~\ : ' D!an' B 0ttwa 1. W. Seott Mi:'s" • .F iI' J'e.OQ'b Title Dtan Stenographer ~gs &, IY41nGSS .AtlmJa. . • .• Soott Head Prof. 1. H. Goff :Pr<>tessor R. 0" H<>t:tsOl:lllil&l" '" E. L. n bar ~ H. L. Ma~:n Aasoo .. 'Pt!(ft. W. C. Orow t. ," 1. Be. Gri:~ XIurt~u;01lbr O. l~ .. Austl.n ft W. J . Samford lM~ Vaoant Stu.~ell1 Asst .. J:t4iSh "'. R. Rutland L. G. Gosser a. Vi . Adams J', A1 Kirkley J. n. ~re c. P, ' eaTer J . E. ,~oop ArthUl" Mealook A. D. Butler 0, R. Wade E. D. liess !. 5 . PMt W, F . 18.0.011 Ollie Han',. Sosd Prot. !ssoc. Prot. . "' 111 Asstill fJ ... ft It It: XmttrU4tor " It i .. Head l'J'Ot. Assot. ft Inst:ruator i5,:04Q. OO 12 51,;800. 00 1. 026. 00 12 1.026,00 Total Sa.l.a:ri.1 e,BN, OO 'rotal ' , nt$lWl.Oe . 1"14.00 PrOjfl'..ct Total ~3.()oo.OO 5 , 040·. 00 12 ~.700.00 10 2, '100. 00 10 2.700. 00 10 ,8,.703. 00 12, 1.800.00 10 I.SOO, oo lQ 1.,440', 00 10 500.00 10 100.00 9 ~tal Sal.ar1es 'J!o'161 }~nte~e Pt<!> je" t 'rotal. 5, 60.0. 00 10 ,2, 880. 00 10 2,&lO.O() lP 2, 160. 00 10 2,1350. 00 10 2. 250. <lO 10 1,800. 00 10 1. 620,00 10 lj 6~O. OO 10 1.,6aO~:0'e1 10 l;G~O.OO 10 1 . G2Q. OO 10 1, 620. 00 10 6.50.00 10 'l'ctal.$tll ar.18a Total ~lntenano. Proj~ Total 3,lOO.00 10 2.700.00 10 1,390.00 .10 Total Sa1.arl.s ~otal MaintenaDC~ mje(Jt ':fotal 3 ;~O.OO 2. '100. 00 2,700. 00 2, 700. 00 2,,700. 00 1.000.00 1,800,00 1,440 .• 00 5OO~OO lOp.go 119, 680. 00 ' ~19 , 00·0. 00 e ,600. 00 2,000. 00 2,610.00 2,160. 00 2,250'. 00 2,250 .• 00 1,800.00 1,620.00 1,,600. 00 4,6130.00 1,Q20.:QO 1.~~G.OO l, 6~ .OO 6§t.!?fi 1,,, 2-7,,920. 00 , 300.00 , 128,UQ. 00 lf1gt,ou: Geores Fotrie A. W$ ~olds S . W., lo1msQU o. T. :rvey R. Ba Draughon Mildred :HansQ'I). thg.tiglS 13,. 11. Orenahaw C.. D.. Killebrew ~ _ D. DaneX' G «> D" llerld.ns J .. E. Pitts A. :f ., Robinson l . D. Hampt 0.. A. Cnu1.steMGn T. p . Brown Vacant EhYs,eg Fred Allison W. I~ . A:rnqu,ist Roy Goslin Roy Goslin, J . H. Ohr:tstGnsan. G. V. Waldo 2. E. Vlingnrd Vacant Vaoant Title Head. Pl!'ot. Protessor A st. Prot. Ins'tl"\.1.Otol" ff llead Prof saar Professor " A$ 00. Prot . AS$t.~t. .. It Instructor " tt Band Mal;1ter Assistant Annual N\1na) ('1]l ~ ·Men!¥! , 040 . 90 12 3 ,450. 00 10 l,aoo.CO 10 1 , 600. 00 10 1.,620. 00 10 000.00 U 'lotel So.1ar1 B Total. M'a1nte:nanoc Project ~al 3, 8'10. 00 10 3,200. 00 10 3, 100. 00 10, 3, 000. 00 10 2, 700. 00 10 2, 300. 00 10 1,700. 00 10 1,700. 00 10 1,,400. 00 1Q 180.00 9 'total Salar1 $S Tot al lda1nttmanc8 Pro joot Total 18 100.00 9 Total S!l..l.aries To tal lt1a1ntenEm.qc Pll'O jeot Total 4,200. 00 l.B 2,430. 00 10 1 ,800.00 10 Head Pl."Ot .. Asst. tt Instruotor Bpeoi 1 SUIl Instructor Grad • .Asst. r Researeh 100. 00 a l ,BOO. OO 12 tt " Stud. t Asst. If t, ' 2'10. 00 i 270.00 9 3,35 . 00 9 135. 00 ~ Total Snlariee Total Maintmlano$ Pro jec t Total Salt.u-y this Pmj·, 2,800. 00 3 .1.00.00 1,800. 00 1 ,620. 00 1, sm. 00 000. 00 . ill,Q50.00 1§9.oo 512,100.00 3 , 8'10.00 3. 000.00 5,100.00 5,000.00 2 ; '100. 00 2, 360.00 1 , '700. 00 1, '100. 00 1,400. 00 _ A§2..oo ija3,200.00 100. go ~83 .500.00 1, 000.00 100.00 t 1,180. 00 520, 00 i 1,'100. 00 4 , .200. 00 2.4..~ . OO 1 , 800. 00 100. 00 1,600. 00 270.00 270. 00 l55. 00 »5. 00 10, 940. 00 560. 00 '11;.500. 00' IDS-- c. A. Wynne W. H. Hutsell s. j. ~. 111ster :r. ft. .:r ordan Fannio Stollenftl"k Mrs. Il. 0 .. HOttaommer Title Head Ooach &. Director Pr<>teesOl" Annual Number Sa.l.m ~ntha '10, 000. 00 12 3,600.00 12 3 t1 ~OO . OO 12 1.. 300. 00 12 1, 000. 00 10 iii Instructor & Ooaeh Instructor !It 450. 00 10 Total. Se.1ar1ee Total Maintenanoe l'rojeet Total , - It:> Title -- ~ -- $5 .. 040. 00 1.2 Total SaJ..nri:ee Total Maintenance ProjeotTota1 Salary this prg3!!t e. ta.a-eo.Pi ' 2, 160. 00 '2,100. 00 C. L .. Rare H. M. Martin O. A. Basore R. 1 .. AUen p. P" Powell H. D810». ". J. Rehlin8 C •. R ~ Sauruiers Henry ReaTes. Jr. Ve.oant ~ . n. Baughman L. ;t. Bwertteger L. 8. Blake G. W. Hergr V08 A .• F. llickel ~ltle Deall Annual S~ . Number Montha A s~.Oean Prot. , 680. 00 3 . 240. 00 3, 672. 00 3 , 240 . 00 2,000. 00 2,700. 00 1 , 5'15. 00 1, 440.00 1,140.00 12 10 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 Prote..u (lll' Qr.ad. .t . If ·ft ft " ~ .. It " .f tt U ,. tt tt L1~ian .. Curator P..ead Prof. Asst. Instruotor 270. 00 2'1.0. 00 870. 00 27Q. 00 27Q. 00 270. 00, 8'10. 00 S"lO.OQ 680'1. 900. 00 1.350. 00 Total. Salaries Total Main tenan Pro j act 1'otal 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 12 12 3, 61D.00 10 2,160.00 10 1, 800. 00 10 Total Sa1.a.ries 'rotal Me.1ntoncnce Project Tot&.1 Salary this if! :Ieq;t 3,600. 00 3, 240. 00 2, 002. 00 3, 240. 00 2,880.00 2. 700. 00 1, 575. 00 1, 440. 00 1,1«).00 a'1o.oo 270. 00 2'10. 00 2'10. 00 2'10. 00 2'10.00 .270. 00 2'10. 00 900. 00 1 •. 350, 00 . i26. 2'1'i . 00 3,510. 00 2,160.00 1.8GO. OO 250. 00 26, 52'1.00 '1 . 470. 00 490•09 7 , 870.00 SOHOOL OF EDUOATION Annual Number SaJ.m. . fontha 21. V. J'udd B.. It" ShowaJ. tar R. L. lohnG Deen 8t Head Prot. l?rotessOl" $ 5.,040 .. 00 12 4 , 3.20,.00 12 5, 600. 00 10 5,l5O. 00 10 !, •. l09,,oO 9 Assoo .• ::t>ro:r-. E. E. Oureton If " Righ $ohool Teachers . Taachar. kain1As Pre-§et"ViLce Paul Xrvin& Professor M. L., a.ok Assoe.. 17Qt. :r" G.,. Ku.a.el."!l6 tt» Boos. 1.... Walston "" Vaoant 11 It Vacant " ft C. R .. Welden Grad. Asst. R. B. Jeter stenographar Frances Blaokmon ... 'total Salaries To~tl Main:tenamca Projeot Total 3 , 960. 00 12 3, 600. 00 12 :5, ,.00 12 3, l5O. 00 12 3,600. 00 12 3~BOO . OO 12 325.00 9 1, 512. 00 12 1, 140. 00 12 Tot al Salari as Eighty throe and oll&-thilZ'd p81"Oe:n.t of Total lAtUntonenoe professor t s salary on this pro jeo t Pro jeo t Total is tor tea.ohing in t he regular session. SiXteen and t wo- thirds percent 1s t ur oarrying on t he same instructional work in t he summer sGss:'t.on. '1'esonet . T1i:§1n111$ In..sq,rv1oe A. Co.ll1ns SupeL"'Visor HOI B. Jeter Stenographer Agt:1c,!l twe1 . Eduga t ton S. L. Chesnutt ~d Prot. G. T. Sargent Assoo • J. G. Cannon ~ ~ P. C. Brook "" Mar~e~ Riley Stenographer Thi8 bu.dget is mde by tho State Department at Education. 5,240.00 12 1,512. 00 12 'l'otel S$larieo Total Ma1ntenano& Pro j&ct 'fotal 3,1!40. 00 loS 0, 150. 00 12 3, 100.00 12 5 ,150. 00 12 l ,OS6.00 12 Total Salnr! es Tottu ~ntenan~e Projeot Total Salary this Ifjegt 5, 900. 00 3;000.00 3,600. 00 3,150.00 3, 600. 00 5,600. 00 135. 00 91/2.00 1. 140,00 . 125,757.00 .2.9@. OO $26, '100. 00 3, 840. 00 27(2, 00 T 3 , 610. 00 3,240. 00 3, 150. 00 3 , l.OO . 00 3,150.00 790.()O 480. 00 ~13,170. 00 4.S00. 00 $17 , 970. 00 ------- /0/ Z .. V. Judd R. L. Johns E .. 1£. Oureton B. F" 'l'h01nQ R. B. Jeter Anm.lal ~!!.~& NUmber Months Director 5. 040 . 00 12 ASDO~~ Prot. 3. 600. 00 12 "tt :~ . 150 . 00 12 Physician 4, 140. 00 18 Stenogr apher 1 , f ·' ":. 00 12 Othtir toaOhi.ngaalaries Total Salaries Total JlIai ntenan40 Projeot Total SaUil'"Y t his ;w:o 11 eot $ 540.00 600. 00 475.00 360. 00 270 .. 00 10, 000. 00 ~ . 500 . 00 $13, 500. 00 I I () ~SlON TEAOlUNG T" . - " B. R. Sho'Vnll tar Margaret niley Direotor Stenogrepr Annual NumbEir ~!9: J6.0nWt ., 320. 00 12 1 . 026. 00 lS '{Ictal Salari as ~tal ~ntenano Project Total Salary this P1l?ject $3 •. 4120. 00 546. 00 63 ,966. 00 .1. 004. 00 5, 000. 00 ~------ ) / I L. l? Glanton Dana OQt~hall Lilly Spencer Mr(h 1/foN..,Arnqu1st Jean 1!"'unehess VelJna FatterSQll..; Vema Patterson' Tilile NumbaI' Salary this n ths . pro jOO't Head Professor $5 ,240. 00 10 Assoc. " 2.450.00 10 Asst. It 2,025.00 10 IDS truc1<Xl" 1,800.00 10 StudfJ1t Asst. 180.00 g ".. .135.00 ,240.00 2, 4:30. 00 2, 015. 00 1.800'.00' Student steno. . aBO.OO \' 10 Total Sllar1es . Total !de.1ntenanoe Pro ,;feet iotal 180. 00' 155.00 200. 29 elO,060.00 , eo Miss LeI) .. Glanton Will be On loave ot abseIlO'e 1d. thou", pay from luly 1" 1953 to .Tanllt:lry 15, 1934. s . laez Sehrader mar beemploy,ed to ~aah 141ss (Uenton' s Glasses and Will be budgeted 100. 00 pel- month for tour and one,..hait' months September through Janua17 15th, 01' 50.0'0'. Veroo :l?a.ttaX'Gon will be on for the tust semester at $25. 0'0' ,.. month instead of . 00 J,)G.l' month as 1aet year. //;2/ G, n.., Fran.ke HII L. Watts *Susie lfackn "I Ommna.nd8l1t Asst. Custodian Stenog.t'a,P 1er' llum.ber ,f!on,tm 10 10 1, 045.00 12 'rot a! Salari 6 .S Totol l~1ntenanCe l'rojeot Total Salary this Pl'Ojget 4'; 450. ()O 400. 00 l .94§tOO '1."6.00 600, 00 ~2 . 545 . 00 * $95. 00 per month x~.:pt July end August. On halt time bas! tor thas& two months. ! / J I ( '--I VE,T ZlIDWlY, TiP.e Annual Number SalAry' this Sa1W Monh R,1'OJect a. A. Oary Dean 5,040. 00 12 2.700 .00 I . s. McAdory Protessor 3 , 060. 00 10 3,oeo.00 w. Emmel " 2 , 700. 00 10 2,700. 00 VaQant Asst. Prot. ~ t430 . 00 10 2; 430. 00 E. S. Wintars Instructor 2, 160. 00 10 2, 160. 00 W. J .. Isbell " 1 , 350. 00 10 1 , 350. 00 Vaoant Studs t Asst. 180. 00 9 180. 00 " "' tt 135 .. 00 9 135. 00 " " " 135.00 S) 135.00 Total SalB.l"1es "'14, 850. 00 Total ~ntenanoe ~ . l50 . 00 Project 'i'9taJ. the, 000. 00 GENERA.L SERVICE D.E!P AR'lMENTS Plant Service J. V. Brown M. Forbus Paul King A. V. Boddie Health i. F. Thomas Mrs. L. C. Ootter L1b:rary MaryE.:Martin Sarah Willeford Farley Lee Jewel DaTis Mrs. tIe B. Ellis Mary Steele Mrs. J .. W. Sparks M. M. Spruiel N.. 3'. C l.'anfard Public Irto~tion C. k. Brown E. G. Salter Title Number Months Annual Salm Hend $4 ,.320.00 12 12 12 Carpenter 1, 620.00 Superlntenden't 1,620.00 Plumber & Electrician 1,620. 00 12 Night Watchmon 600. 00 12 Total Salaries Total I~nt enance Project Total Physician 4 , 140. 00 12 Nurse 1,836. 00 12 Total. Salar1 as Total Maintenanoe Projeo.t Total Librarian 1,890. 00 12 Asst ~ Librarian 1, 620. 00 12 " ~ 1,295.00 10 Oatal oguer 1,350.00 12 Desk Assistant 920. 00 10 File Olerk aoo.oo 10 Night Asst . 560.00 8 Studen t Asst. 100.00 8 ~ - 1008 00 8 Total Sal aries Total Main tenanoe Project 'I'ote.! Edi tor &.- News Writer 2,250. 00 12 Rewe and Sports Editor 1,890. 00 12 Total Salaries Total Maintenanoe Projeot Total. Sala:ry this ~ro jeot 1,620.00 _. 600J:...!0 ;:..;0· :...._ $9, 7808 00 19, 920. 00 $29 , 700. 00 5,780.00 1. 836. 00 i 5 , 616. 00 1 .184.00 $ 6,800. 00 810. 00 l., 295 . 00 1 , 350. 00 920. 00 800. 00 560. 00 100. 00 100 . 00 $7, 465. 00 1. 000. 00 8 ,465.00 946.00 $3,195.00 505. 00 83,700.00 " General S~rvice Departments'" continued Catalogde & Advertising Co.mttle:n4a:tOO nt Insuranee & Bonds ater SystEm LOIUl Trustees Oontingent Expenses w2,500. 00 200. 00 10, 000. 00 5, 600. 00 500. 00 15,000. 00 AUlW'JA POLYTEOBNIO INSTITUTE Auburn, Alabam3.. COLLEGE AOTIVI!t'DES FUNP Mrs.. Bess A tldnson Nan Thomas Dol-mi ton aa & 00 ttages Mrs. F. Berney Nan 'rhoms --~ -- - --'--- Diet i oian Stenographer :Matron Stenographer Annual SalArY ~ 1,.620. 00 1,140.00 1 , 14.(3.00 1 , 140. 00 Number Mol'\ths a 12 12 12 Sal.ary thiS' Pro.jsqt 1,140. 00 600. QQ $1, 740. 00 / I 7 LA.BAMA POLYTECHNIO D'ISTITU'lE Auburn , Alabama. s~ AOTIVITIES FUND A.th1eti9~ 0.. ,, 1ynne W. H. Hutsell S. J jJ l Uster J. R. Jordan Vaoant E. G. Salter lArs. A" F.. lj1ekel Social M.ise Zoe Dobbs .'Mrs. M. l!; ~ Boso Title Head Ooach Track Ooa-ch Ooach !~:res bnan Ooooh Student Trainer Assistant Secretary Director Stenographer .. - ... -~---~~----......... ~--- Annual NUlllb~ Sa1aa Months $10.000. 00 12 S,.600 . 00 12 3 .600 .. 00 12 1,200. 00 12 2"0.00 9 1 . 9~O. OO 12 1,350. 00 12 3, 600.00 12 1,1.40.00 12 Salary this m;:ojS4t • $ 9 , 000. 00 300. 00 500.00 400.00 270.00 945. 00 1.350.00 $12,565.00 1, 600.00 720,00 . $ 2,320.00 December 9, 1933 Meet ing of the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute in the office of Governor Miller at the State Capitol, Montgomery , Alabama, Sat urday , December 9, 1933, beginning at 10 A.M. Governor Miller was absent and the board, upon motion by Mr. Ashcraft seconded by Dr. Harman , elected Hon. T. D. Srunford chairman for this meeting. GOVERNOR MILLER Mr. Samford informed the board of the illness of Governor I iller whi ch prevented his presence and invited hi s legal adviser, Hon . John H. Peach, to attend the meeting, to communicate any message and wishes of the Governor, and to part icipate i n the discussions . The board concurred in Mr . Samfor d ' s stat ement . Mr . Peach accepted the invitation . The board tHen (motion by Dr. Harman and Mr . Ashcraft) delcar ed keen interest in t he Governor and hi s condition , officially recorded regrets because of his absence , and wished f or him r api d and complete recovery. The secretary of t he board was rec;.uested t o communicate t his to the Governor. MELmERS ABSENT Communi cations from Dr. Victor H. Hanson, Mr. Chas. S. Culver, and Lieut. Governor Merrill were presented , making knovm their inabili ty to attend t he meet i ng and expressing regrets. LETTEri AND EDITORIAL ABOUT VvAPI Mr . Peach read also a l ett er from Mr . Hanson in which he opposed extension of the lease of Station WAPI for ten years as proposed . To t his l etter was attached an editorial from The Birmingham Age-Herald of December 8. It, too , was r ead by Mr. Peach at the re4uest of Mr. Samford who requested t hat each of t hese be received and filed . DEGREES CONFIRMED Degrees as awar ded by the faculty on August 18, 1933, were approved, a list of same being attached to this record. Appointment of Prof . Charles R. Hixon to t he ~ o si tion of tempora~J assist ant dean of t he School of Engineering with an increase of $25.00 per month in the budgeted salary was approved, effe ctive October 1, 1933. /-eA-5& Tne following recommendation was approved , and the chairman of the board was authorized and requested t o attach his signature to the lease , if requested by the federal government : "It i s recommended t hf..t the Board authorize the Administrative Committee t o execute a lease to the United Stat es Department of agriculture f or a plot of gr ound approxim tely 325 feet wide by 500 feet long, to be used in the construction and operation of a l abor at ory for t he study of soils and soil tillage . This plot is located on the Experiment Station farm near ,here the radio antennae tower s were f ormerly standing. It is understood that t he United States Government will put appr oximat ely one hundred and t en t housand dollars into the construction of this plant ! ;LU page 2 De cember 9, 19 ~ Board dinutes and will furnish a liber al budget for maintena;lce and operation expenses . It i s fu rther understood t hat the Alabama Polytechnic Institute assumes no other obligation of any sort in connection with t his projec t except furnishing t he lend." CVvA FJ.'lD PVvA WORK The board then au t horized t he Administrative COIIUlli ttee t o remodel and r ebuild Smi t h Hall and to undert ake other construction work, whether it be ne~ buildings (including fraternity hou ses ) , repairs to ol d buildings , or improvements to grounds , i n cooperation wi th the Civil Vlorks Admini stra t ion and t he Publ ic V-orks Administration , provi ded su ch const ruction does not impose on the college any financial obl igations that cannot be met during the State f i scal year ~hich ~ ill end September 30 , 1934. LEASE OF STATION WAPI U on motion by Mr. Conner and Mr. Hender son t he follov,ing was approved : "RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of t he Al abama Polytechnic I ns t i t ute, wi th t he concurrenc e of the boards of trustees of t he Dniversi ty of Alabama and of Alabama Coll ege and of Governor Miller as chai rman of said board s , hereby gr nts t :~ t he s ')ecial joint committee set-up by the t hree institutions ( ~hich j ~ int com­mittee entered into a lease c o ntr~ ct on the 27th day of J une, 1932 , with ~AP I Broadcasting Corporation f or a period of five y ears beginning Augu st 1 , 1932 ) authori ty to extend the said lease contract f or a period not to exceed t en years from the expi ration of the lease c ontl~act men tio:qed above , anCl on such terms and conditions as t he aforesaid joint committee may determine and agree upon." In ap .l'oving this resoluti on the board relJ.uest ed un nimous action by the joint com­mi t tee as necessary to f inal action concer'ling Station V.API . Mr . Samford requested LIr . Ashcraft to a ct as chairmen while he vacated t he chair long enough to offer a r esolut ion of caution about extending the lease of St ation \!;API and t o safeguard all right s , privileges , and propert i r s of the Alabama Polytechnic Inst i t ute . This motion (s